package Jpred; =head1 NAME -- Jpred module to define all necessary global and environment variables =cut use warnings; use strict; BEGIN { use Exporter; our @ISA = ('Exporter'); our @EXPORT = qw($WEBSERVER $WEBSERVERCGI $SERVERROOT $SRSSERVER $CHKLOG $RESULTS $PDBLNK $CSS $IMAGES $JNET $TIMEOUT $BATCHLIM $DUNDEE $JPREDUSER $JPREDEMAIL $MAILHOST $JPREDROOT $BINDIR $LIBDIR $JOBDIR $PREFIX $RESOURCE $BLASTDB $SWALL $SWALLFILT $PDB $PDB_DAT $JPREDHEAD $JPREDFOOT &xsystem); our @EXPORT_OK = @EXPORT; } # library path for Mail::CheckUser dependency for jpred_form. # for some reason doesn't work if in PERL5LIB use lib '/sw/lib/perl5.10.1/lib/perl5'; # URIs #our $WEBSERVER = ''; our $WEBSERVER = ''; our $WEBSERVERCGI = "$WEBSERVER/cgi-bin"; #$SERVERROOT = "$WEBSERVER/~www-jpred"; our $SERVERROOT = "$WEBSERVER"; our $SRSSERVER = ''; our $CHKLOG = "$WEBSERVERCGI/chklog?"; our $RESULTS = "$SERVERROOT/results"; our $PDBLNK = ""; our $CSS = "$SERVERROOT/jpred.css"; our $IMAGES = "$SERVERROOT/images"; our $JNET = "$SERVERROOT/about.html#jnet"; # This is the time (in seconds) the job is allowed to take our $TIMEOUT = 60 * 60; # now is 60mins our $BATCHLIM = 200; our $DUNDEE = ""; # e-mail details our $JPREDUSER = 'www-jpred'; our $JPREDEMAIL = ''; our $MAILHOST = ''; # CC 19/05/06 - updated to current smtp host from weevil # Server paths #our $JPREDROOT = '/homes/www-jpred/live'; #our $JPREDROOT = '/homes/www-jpred/devel'; our $JPREDROOT = '/home/asherstnev/Projects/Jpred.project/jpred/branches/portable'; # Directory for binaries either on the cluster or on the www server our $BINDIR = "$JPREDROOT/bin"; # path to perl modules our $LIBDIR = "$JPREDROOT/lib"; # Cluster paths our $JOBDIR = "$JPREDROOT/public_html/results"; # directory for output # Cluster names our $PREFIX = "jp_"; # Prefix for job submissions (qstat will only display 10 chars of job name) our $RESOURCE = "www_service2"; # Resource for the submission to use # Variables for external programs # psiblast $ENV{BLASTMAT} = "$JPREDROOT/data/blast"; our $BLASTDB = $JPREDROOT . "/databases"; $ENV{BLASTDB} = $BLASTDB; our $SWALL = "$BLASTDB/uniref90"; our $SWALLFILT = "$SWALL.filt"; our $PDB = '/db/blastdb/pdb'; our $PDB_DAT = '/db/blastdb/DB.dat'; # ncoils matrix location $ENV{COILSDIR} = "$JPREDROOT/data/coils"; # Error checking system call sub xsystem { my ($command) = @_; my $rc = 0xffff & system $command; if ( $rc == 0 ) { return; } elsif ( $rc == 0xff00 ) { print "'$command' failed!\n"; die "Jpred failed\n"; } elsif ( ( $rc & 0xff ) == 0 ) { $rc >>= 8; die "'$command' did something else! (exited $rc)\n"; } else { if ( $rc & 0x80 ) { $rc &= ~0x80; print "'$command' dumped core!\n"; die "Jpred failed\n"; } } } # The header and footer for any HTML produced dynamically our $JPREDHEAD = "
\"University \"Jpred \"The
Home About News FAQ Help Contact
"; our $JPREDFOOT = ' '; 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module defines all the global and envirnmental variables required by the Jpred server scripts and binaries. =head1 AUTHOR I'm not sure who originally wrote this module, but I guess all of the following contributed: James Cuff Jon Barber Chris Cole (current maintainer) =cut