package Profile::Jnet; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use UNIVERSAL qw(isa); use base qw(Profile); use lib '..'; use Utils qw(profile); sub read { my ($self, $fh) = @_; local $/ = "\n"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; $self->add_pos(split); } } =head2 $prof->jpred_profile(@Sequence) Creates a PSIBLAST like profile for Jpred. =cut sub jpred_profile { my ($self, @seqs) = @_; croak "Not passed Sequence objects" if grep { not isa $_, 'Sequence' } @seqs; $self->_check_seq_length(@seqs) or croak "Not passed sequences of equal length\n"; my @profile = profile( map { join "", $_->seqs } @seqs ); for (@profile) { $self->add_pos(@{$_}); } } =for private =head2 _check_seq_length(@Sequence); Checks that we've been passed PSISEQ objects and that they are the same length. Returns undef if their not and warns, otherwise returns the length of the sequence. =cut sub _check_seq_length { undef = shift @_; my %lengths; for (@_) { $lengths{ $_->seq } = 1; } if (keys %lengths != 1) { warn "The sequences are of different lengths"; return undef; } return (keys %lengths)[0]; } 1;