/* iteration ( algorithm C ) */ #include "mltaln.h" #define DEBUG 0 static void Writeoptions( FILE *fp ) { if( scoremtx == 1 ) fprintf( fp, "Dayhoff( ... )\n" ); else if( scoremtx == -1 ) fprintf( fp, "DNA\n" ); else if( scoremtx == 2 ) fprintf( fp, "Miyata-Yasunaga\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "JTT %dPAM\n", pamN ); if( scoremtx == 0 ) fprintf( fp, "Gap Penalty = %+d, %+d\n", penalty, offset ); else fprintf( fp, "Gap Penalty = %+d\n", penalty ); fprintf( fp, "marginal score to search : best - %f\n", cut ); if( scmtd == 3 ) fprintf( fp, "score of rnd or sco\n" ); else if( scmtd == 4 ) fprintf( fp, "score = sigma( score for a pair of homologous amino acids ) / ( number of amino acids pairs )\n" ); else if( scmtd == 5 ) fprintf( fp, "score : SP\n" ); if( mix ) fprintf( fp, "?\n" ); else { if( weight == 2 ) fprintf( fp, "weighted, geta2 = %f\n", geta2 ); else if( weight == 3 ) { if( scmtd == 4 ) fprintf( fp, "reversely weighted in function 'align', unweighted in function 'score_calc'\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "weighted like ClustalW," ); } else fprintf( fp, "unweighted\n" ); } if( weight && utree ) { fprintf( fp, "using tree defined by the file hat2 with simplified UPG method\n" ); } if( weight && !utree ) fprintf( fp, "using temporary tree by simplified UPG method\n" ); fprintf( fp, "Algorithm %c\n", alg ); } char **align0( float *wm, char **aseq, char *seq, double effarr[M], int icyc, int ex ) { char **result; if( alg == 'B' ) { ErrorExit( "Sorry!" ); /* if( outgap == 0 ) { result = alignm1_o( wm, aseq, seq, scmx, effarr, icyc, ex ); } if( outgap == 1 ) { result = alignm1( wm, aseq, seq, scmx, effarr, icyc, ex ); } */ } else if( alg == 'C' ) { result = Calignm1( wm, aseq, seq, effarr, icyc, ex ); } return( result ); } double score_m_1_0( char **aseq, int locnjob, int s, double **eff, double effarr[M] ) { double x; if( alg == 'B' ) { ErrorExit( "Sorry!" ); } if( alg == 'C' ) { x = Cscore_m_1( aseq, locnjob, s, eff ); } fprintf( stderr, "in score_m_1_0 %f\n", x ); return( x ); } int iteration( int locnjob, char name[M][B], int nlen[M], char **aseq, char **bseq, int ***topol, double **len, double **eff ) { double tscore, mscore; int identity; static char *mseq1, **mseq2 = NULL; static char **result; int i, l; static double effarr[M]; int s; int sss[2]; char ou; int alloclen; int resultlen; int nlenmax0 = nlenmax; FILE *prep; char sai[M]; char sai1[M]; char sai2[M]; #if 0 double his[2][M][MAXITERATION/locnjob+1]; #else double ***his; #endif int cyc[2]; char shindou = 0; float wm; int returnvalue; for( i=0; i nlenmax ) nlenmax = strlen( aseq[0] ); /* s = ( int )( rnd() * locnjob ); s++; if( s == locnjob ) s = 0; ou = 0; */ if( ou == 0 ) { ou = 1; s = sss[0]; /* sss[0]++; if( sss[0] == locnjob ) { sss[0] = 0; cyc[0]++; } */ sss[0]--; if( sss[0] == -1 ) { sss[0] = locnjob-1; cyc[0]++; } } else { ou = 0; s = sss[1]; sss[1]++; if( sss[1] == locnjob ) { sss[1] = 0; cyc[1]++; } } fprintf( trap_g, "%d ", weight ); /* for( i=0, count=0; i alloclen ) { if( resultlen > nlenmax0*3 || resultlen > N ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in main1\n"); exit( 1 ); } FreeTmpSeqs( mseq2, mseq1 ); alloclen = strlen( result[0] ) * 2.0; fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate TmpSeqs\n\n" ); AllocateTmpSeqs( &mseq2, &mseq1, alloclen ); } for( i=0; i=s; i-- ) strcpy( mseq2[i+1], mseq2[i] ); strcpy( mseq2[s], mseq1 ); if( checkC ) { tmpscore1= score_m_1_0( mseq2, locnjob, s, eff, effarr ); fprintf( stderr, "pick up %d, before ALIGNM1 score_m_1_0 = %f\n", s+1, tmpscore ); fprintf( stderr, "pick up %d, after ALIGNM1 score_m_1_0 = %f\n", s+1, tmpscore1 ); if( tmpscore1 < tmpscore ) { fprintf( stderr, "\7" ); fprintf( trap_g, ">>>>>>>n\n" ); } if( fabs( wm - tmpscore1 ) / wm > 0.001 ) { fprintf( stderr, "\7sorry\n" ); exit( 1 ); } } identity = !strcmp( mseq2[s], aseq[s] ); if( s == locnjob - 1 ) ss = 0; else ss=s+1; identity *= !strcmp( mseq2[ss], aseq[ss] ); if( !identity ) { tmpscore = score_calc0( mseq2, locnjob, eff, s ); } else tmpscore = tscore; if( disp ) { fprintf( stderr, "% 3d % 3d / the rest \n", l+1, s+1 ); display( mseq2, locnjob ); } fprintf( stderr, "% 3d % 3d / the rest \n", l+1, s+1 ); fprintf( stderr, "score = %f mscore = %f ", tmpscore, mscore ); fprintf( trap_g, "%#4d %#4d / the rest ", l+1, s+1 ); fprintf( trap_g, "score = %f mscore = %f ", tmpscore, mscore ); if( identity ) { fprintf( stderr, "( identical )\n" ); fprintf( trap_g, "( identical )\n" ); sai[s] = 2; } else if( tmpscore > mscore - cut ) { fprintf( stderr, "accepted\n" ); fprintf( trap_g, "accepted\n" ); for( i=0; i mscore ) { for( i=0; i %f\n", mscore ); strcpy( sai, sai1 ); /* kokoka ? */ #if 0 if( !tbitr && !tbweight ) { prep = fopen( "best", "w" ); Write( prep, locnjob, name, nlen, bseq ); fclose( prep ); } #endif } } else { if( tmpscore == tscore ) { fprintf( stderr, "occational coincidence \n" ); fprintf( trap_g, "occational coincidence\n" ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "rejected\n" ); fprintf( trap_g, "rejected\n" ); } for( i=0; i0; i-- ) { if( tmpscore == his[ou][s][i] ) { shindou = 1; break; } } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); if( shindou == 1 ) { returnvalue = -1; fprintf( trap_g, "oscillating\n" ); break; } } if( l == MAXITERATION ) returnvalue = -2; FreeDoubleCub( his ); return( returnvalue ); }