#! /bin/sh er=0; myself=`dirname $0`/`basename $0`; export myself version="version 6.00 (2005/05/01)"; export version LANG=C; export LANG os=`uname` progname=`basename $0` if [ `echo $os | grep -i cygwin` ]; then os="cygwin" elif [ `echo $os | grep -i darwin` ]; then os="darwin" elif [ `echo $os | grep -i sunos` ]; then os="sunos" else os="unix" fi export os if [ $MAFFT_BINARIES ]; then prefix=$MAFFT_BINARIES else prefix=_PREFIX fi export prefix if [ ! -x $prefix/tbfast ]; then echo "" echo "correctly installed?" 2>&1 echo "mafft binaries have to be installed in" $prefix. echo "" exit 1 er=1 fi defaultiterate=0 defaultcycle=2 defaultmodel=" -b 62 " defaultgop="1.53" defaultaof="0.123" defaultfft=1 defaultrough=0 defaultdistance="sixtuples" if [ $progname = "linsi" ]; then defaultfft=0 defaultcycle=1 defaultiterate=1000 defaultdistance="local" elif [ $progname = "ginsi" ]; then defaultfft=1 defaultcycle=1 defaultiterate=1000 defaultdistance="global" elif [ $progname = "einsi" ]; then defaultfft=0 defaultcycle=1 defaultiterate=1000 defaultdistance="genaf" elif [ $progname = "fftns" ]; then defaultfft=1 defaultcycle=2 elif [ $progname = "fftnsi" ]; then defaultfft=1 defaultcycle=2 defaultiterate=2 elif [ $progname = "nwns" ]; then defaultfft=0 defaultcycle=2 elif [ $progname = "nwnsi" ]; then defaultfft=0 defaultcycle=2 defaultiterate=2 fi model=$defaultmodel gop=$defaultgop aof=$defaultaof cycle=$defaultcycle iterate=$defaultiterate fft=$defaultfft rough=$defaultrough distance=$defaultdistance LGOP="-6.00" LEXP="-0.000" lgop="-2.00" lexp="-0.100" laof="0.100" seqtype=" " param_it=" -x " weighti="2.7" quiet=0 sw=0 scorecalcopt=" " coreout=0 corethr="0.5" corewin="100" coreext=" " outputformat="pir" outorder="input" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do if [ $1 = "--clustalout" ]; then outputformat="clustal" elif [ $1 = "--reorder" ]; then outorder="aligned" elif [ $1 = "--rough" ]; then rough=1 elif [ $1 = "--noscore" ]; then scorecalcopt=" -Z " elif [ $1 = "--fastswpair" ]; then distance="fasta" sw=1 elif [ $1 = "--fastapair" ]; then distance="fasta" sw=0 elif [ $1 = "--suboptpair" ]; then distance="subopt" elif [ $1 = "--blastpair" ]; then distance="blast" elif [ $1 = "--globalpair" ]; then distance="global" elif [ $1 = "--localpair" ]; then distance="local" elif [ $1 = "--genafpair" ]; then distance="genaf" elif [ $1 = "--nuc" ]; then seqtype=" -D " elif [ $1 = "--amino" ]; then seqtype=" -P " elif [ $1 = "--fft" ]; then fft=1 elif [ $1 = "--nofft" ]; then fft=0 elif [ $1 = "--quiet" ]; then quiet=1 elif [ $1 = "--nj" ]; then param_it=" -n " elif [ $1 = "--coreext" ]; then coreext=" -c " elif [ $1 = "--core" ]; then coreout=1 elif [ $1 = "--maxiterate" ]; then shift iterate=`expr $1 - 0` elif [ $1 = "--retree" ]; then shift cycle=`expr $1 - 0` || er=1 elif [ $1 = "--jtt" ]; then shift model=" -j "$1 elif [ $1 = "--tm" ]; then shift model=" -m "$1 elif [ $1 = "--bl" ]; then shift model=" -b "$1 elif [ $1 = "--weighti" ]; then shift weighti=$1 elif [ $1 = "--op" ]; then shift gop=$1 elif [ $1 = "--ep" ]; then shift aof=$1 elif [ $1 = "--lop" ]; then shift lgop=$1 elif [ $1 = "--LOP" ]; then shift LGOP=$1 elif [ $1 = "--lep" ]; then shift laof=$1 elif [ $1 = "--lexp" ]; then shift lexp=$1 elif [ $1 = "--LEXP" ]; then shift LEXP=$1 elif [ $1 = "--corethr" ]; then shift corethr=$1 elif [ $1 = "--corewin" ]; then shift corewin=$1 elif [ $1 -gt 0 -a $progname = "fftns" -o $1 -gt 0 -a $progname = "nwns" ]; then cycle=`expr $1 - 0` else echo "Unknown option: " $1 2>&1 er=1; fi shift done; if [ $fft -eq 1 ]; then param_fft=" -F " else param_fft=" " fi if [ $sw -eq 1 ]; then swopt=" -A " else swopt=" " fi if [ $distance = "fasta" ]; then if [ ! $FASTA_4_MAFFT ]; then FASTA_4_MAFFT=`which fasta34` fi if [ ! -x $FASTA_4_MAFFT ]; then echo "" echo "== Install FASTA ========================================================" echo "This option requires the fasta34 program (FASTA version x.xx or higher)" echo "installed in your PATH. If you have the fasta34 program but have renamed" echo "(like /usr/local/bin/myfasta), set the FASTA_4_MAFFT environment variable" echo "to point your fasta34 (like setenv FASTA_4_MAFFT /usr/local/bin/myfasta)." echo "=========================================================================" echo "" exit fi fi if [ $distance = "sixtuples" ]; then localparam=" " else cycle=1 localparam=" -l "$weighti fi if [ $distance = "fasta" -a $sw -eq 0 ]; then strategy="F-I" elif [ $distance = "fasta" -a $sw -eq 1 ]; then strategy="H-I" elif [ $distance = "subopt" ]; then strategy="S-I" elif [ $distance = "blast" ]; then strategy="B-I" elif [ $distance = "global" ]; then strategy="G-I" elif [ $distance = "local" ]; then strategy="L-I" elif [ $distance = "genaf" ]; then strategy="E-I" elif [ $fft -eq 1 ]; then strategy="FFT-" else strategy="NW-" fi strategy=$strategy"NS-" if [ $iterate -gt 0 ]; then strategy=$strategy"i" elif [ $rough -eq 1 ]; then strategy=$strategy"ROUGH" else strategy=$strategy$cycle fi explanation='?' performance='Not tested.' if [ $strategy = "F-INS-i" ]; then explanation='Iterative refinement method incorporating LOCAL pairwise alignment information' performance='Most accurate, but very slow' elif [ $strategy = "L-INS-i" ]; then explanation='Iterative refinement method incorporating LOCAL pairwise alignment information' performance='Probably most accurate, very slow' elif [ $strategy = "E-INS-i" ]; then explanation='Iterative refinement method incorporating LOCAL pairwise alignment with generalized affine gap costs (Altshul 1998)' performance='Suitable for sequences with long unalignable regions, very slow' elif [ $strategy = "G-INS-i" ]; then explanation='Iterative refinement method incorporating GLOBAL pairwise alignment information' performance='Suitable for sequences of similar lengths, very slow' elif [ $strategy = "F-INS-1" ]; then explanation='Progressive method incorporating LOCAL pairwise alignment information' elif [ $strategy = "L-INS-1" ]; then explanation='Progressive method incorporating LOCAL pairwise alignment information' elif [ $strategy = "G-INS-1" ]; then explanation='Progressive method incorporating GLOBAL pairwise alignment information' elif [ $strategy = "FFT-NS-i" -o $strategy = "NW-NS-i" ]; then explanation='Iterative refinement method (max. '$iterate' iterations)' if [ $iterate -gt 2 ]; then performance='Accurate but slow' else performance='Standard' fi elif [ $strategy = "FFT-NS-2" -o $strategy = "NW-NS-2" ]; then explanation='Progressive method (guide trees were built '$cycle' times.)' performance='Fast but rough' elif [ $strategy = "FFT-NS-1" -o $strategy = "NW-NS-1" ]; then explanation='Progressive method (rough guide tree was used.)' performance='Very fast but very rough' fi if [ $outputformat = "clustal" -a $outorder = "aligned" ]; then outputcommand="$prefix/f2cl -c $strategy -r order " elif [ $outputformat = "clustal" -a $outorder = "input" ]; then outputcommand="$prefix/f2cl -c $strategy " elif [ $outputformat = "pir" -a $outorder = "aligned" ]; then outputcommand="$prefix/f2cl -f -r order " else outputcommand=" cat " fi TMPFILE=/tmp/`basename $0`.`whoami`.$$.`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S` TMPFILE=/tmp/$progname.$$ umask 077 mkdir $TMPFILE || er=1 trap "rm -r $TMPFILE " 0 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then if [ -s "$1" -o "$1" = - ]; then cat "$1" | tr "\r" "\n" > $TMPFILE/infile else echo "Cannot open $1." 2>&1 er=1 fi else echo '$#'"=$#" 2>&1 er=1 fi if [ $er -eq 1 ]; then echo "" 2>&1 echo "MAFFT" $version 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " References: " 2>&1 echo " Katoh et al., 2002, NAR 30: 3059-3066" 2>&1 echo " Katoh et al., 2005, NAR 33: 511-518" 2>&1 echo " http://www.biophys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~katoh/programs/align/mafft" 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 # echo "Usage: `basename $0` [options] inputfile > outputfile" 2>&1 echo " Options: " 2>&1 echo " --globalpair : All pairwise global alignment information is included." 2>&1 echo " default: off" 2>&1 echo " --localpair : All pairwise local alignment information is included." 2>&1 echo " default: off" 2>&1 echo " --op # : Gap opening penalty (>0). default: $defaultgop " 2>&1 echo " --ep # : Offset (>0, works like gap extension penalty). " 2>&1 echo " default: $defaultaof " 2>&1 echo " --bl #, --jtt # : Scoring matrix. default: BLOSUM62" 2>&1 echo " Alternatives are BLOSUM (--bl) 30, 45, 62, 80, " 2>&1 echo " or JTT (--jtt) # PAM. " 2>&1 echo " --nuc or --amino : Sequence type. default: auto" 2>&1 echo " --retree # : The number of tree building in progressive method " 2>&1 echo " (see the paper for detail). default: $defaultcycle " 2>&1 echo " --maxiterate # : Maximum number of iterative refinement. default: $defaultiterate " 2>&1 echo " --nj : Tree dependent iterative refinement is performed" 2>&1 echo " on an NJ tree. default: UPG tree" 2>&1 if [ $defaultfft -eq 1 ]; then echo " --fft or --nofft: FFT is enabled or disabled. default: enabled" 2>&1 else echo " --fft or --nofft: FFT is enabled or disabled. default: disabled" 2>&1 fi # if [ $defaultrough -eq 1 ]; then # echo " --rough : Rough alignment, for >1,000 sequences. default: enabled" 2>&1 # else # echo " --rough : Rough alignment, for >1,000 sequences. default: disabled" 2>&1 # i echo " --clustalout: Output: clustal format (not tested). default: fasta" 2>&1 echo " --reorder: Outorder: aligned (not tested). default: input order" 2>&1 echo " --quiet : Do not report progress." 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " Input format: fasta format" 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " Typical usages:" 2>&1 echo " % mafft --maxiterate 1000 --localpair input > output" 2>&1 echo " L-INS-i (most accurate and very slow, iterative refinement" 2>&1 echo " method incorporating LOCAL alignment information)" 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " % mafft --maxiterate 1000 --globalpair input > output" 2>&1 echo " G-INS-i (slightly less accurate than L-INS-i and very slow," 2>&1 echo " iterative refinement method incorporating GLOBAL alignment" 2>&1 echo " information, suitable for sequences of similar lengths) " 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " % mafft --maxiterate 1000 input > output" 2>&1 echo " FFT-NS-i (accurate and slow, iterative refinement method)" 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " % mafft --retree 2 input > output (DEFAULT; same as mafft input > output)" 2>&1 echo " FFT-NS-2 (rough and fast, default, progressive method)" 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 echo " % mafft --retree 1 input > output" 2>&1 echo " FFT-NS-1 (very rough and very fast, progressive method with" 2>&1 echo " a rough guide tree)" 2>&1 echo "" 2>&1 exit 1; fi ( cd $TMPFILE; if [ $rough -gt 0 ]; then $prefix/splitseq infile 500 for spfile in sp-[0-9]*[0-9] do echo $spfile > /dev/tty nseq=`grep -c '^[>|=]' $spfile` echo $nseq > /dev/tty if [ $nseq -eq 1 ]; then cp $spfile $spfile.aln else $prefix/sextet5 $seqtype < $spfile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft -Ax < $spfile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 cat pre > $spfile.aln fi done ngroup=0 for alfile in sp-[0-9]*[0-9].aln do ngroup=`expr $ngroup + 1` echo $alfile > /dev/tty if [ $ngroup -eq 1 ]; then cp $alfile alall else $prefix/galn -A alall $alfile > altmp mv altmp alall fi done cat alall else if [ $quiet -gt 0 ]; then if [ $distance = "subopt" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype -b 62 -g $lexp -f $lgop -h $laof -O $LGOP -E $LEXP -S < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "fasta" ]; then $prefix/dndfast7 $swopt < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "blast" ]; then $prefix/dndblast < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "global" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof -F < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "local" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype -b 62 -g $lexp -f $lgop -h $laof -L < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "genaf" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype -b 62 -g $lexp -f $lgop -h $laof -O $LGOP -E $LEXP -N < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 else $prefix/disttbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft -Ax < infile > pre 2>/dev/null || exit 1 fi while [ $cycle -gt 1 ] do $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft -JAx < pre > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 cycle=`expr $cycle - 1` done if [ $iterate -gt 0 ]; then if [ $distance == "sixtuples" ]; then $prefix/dndpre < pre > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 fi $prefix/dvtditr $scorecalcopt $localparam -F -z 50 $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof -A -c -I $iterate $param_it < pre > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 fi else if [ $distance = "subopt" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype -b 62 -g $lexp -f $lgop -h $laof -O $LGOP -E $LEXP -S < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "fasta" ]; then $prefix/dndfast7 $swopt < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "blast" ]; then $prefix/dndblast < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "global" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof -F < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "local" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype -b 62 -g $lexp -f $lgop -h $laof -L < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 elif [ $distance = "genaf" ]; then $prefix/pairlocalalign $seqtype -b 62 -g $lexp -f $lgop -h $laof -O $LGOP -E $LEXP -N < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft $localparam -Ax < infile > /dev/null || exit 1 else $prefix/disttbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft -Ax < infile > pre || exit 1 fi while [ $cycle -gt 1 ] do $prefix/tbfast $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof $param_fft -JAx < pre > /dev/null || exit 1 cycle=`expr $cycle - 1` done if [ $iterate -gt 0 ]; then if [ $distance = "sixtuples" ]; then $prefix/dndpre < pre > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 fi $prefix/dvtditr $scorecalcopt $localparam -F -z 50 $seqtype $model -f "-"$gop -h "-"$aof -A -c -I $iterate $param_it < pre > /dev/null || exit 1 fi fi # cat < pre || exit 1 if [ $coreout -eq 0 ]; then $outputcommand < pre || exit 1 else $prefix/setcore -w $corewin -i $corethr $coreext < pre > pre2 $outputcommand < pre2 || exit 1 fi fi ) echo '' >/dev/tty if [ $distance = "fasta" ]; then echo "Pairwise alignments were computed by FASTA" >/dev/tty echo "(Pearson & Lipman, 1988, PNAS 85:2444-2448)" >/dev/tty fi if [ $distance = "blast" ]; then echo "Pairwise alignments were computed by BLAST">/dev/tty echo "(Altschul et al., 1997, NAR 25:3389-3402)">/dev/tty fi printf "\n" >/dev/tty echo 'Strategy:' >/dev/tty printf ' '$strategy >/dev/tty echo ' ('$performance')' >/dev/tty echo ' '$explanation >/dev/tty echo '' >/dev/tty echo "Type '$0 --help' for other options." >/dev/tty echo '' >/dev/tty exit 0; fi prog="awk" if [ $os != "darwin" ]; then echo "checking nawk" tmpawk=`which nawk 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}'` if [ -x $tmpawk ]; then prog=$tmpawk fi echo "checking gawk" tmpawk=`which gawk 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}'` if [ -x $tmpawk ]; then prog=$tmpawk fi fi echo "prog="$prog umask 077 export defaultaof export defaultgop export defaultfft export defaultcycle export defaultiterate ( $prog ' BEGIN { prefix = ENVIRON["prefix"]; version = ENVIRON["version"]; myself = ENVIRON["myself"]; defaultgop = ENVIRON["defaultgop"] defaultaof = ENVIRON["defaultaof"] defaultfft = ENVIRON["defaultfft"] defaultcycle = ENVIRON["defaultcycle"] defaultiterate = ENVIRON["defaultiterate"] while( 1 ) { options = "" printf( "\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " MAFFT %s\n", version ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " K. Katoh, K. Misawa, K. Kuma and T. Miyata (2002)\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " Nucleic Acids Research 30: 3059-3066.\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " http://www.biophys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~katoh/programs/align/mafft\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "\n" ); while( 1 ) { printf( "\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "Input file? (fasta format)\n@ " ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ) if( res == 0 || NF == 0 ) continue; infile0 = sprintf( "%s", $1 ); infile = sprintf( "%s", $1 ); res = getline < infile; close( infile ); if( res == -1 ) printf( "%s: No such file.\n\n", infile ); else if( res == 0 ) printf( "%s: Empty.\n", infile ); else { printf( "OK. infile = %s\n\n", infile ); break; } } nseq = 0; while( 1 ) { printf( "\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "Output file?\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "@ " ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 || NF == 0 ) continue; else { outfile = sprintf( "%s", $1 ); printf( "OK. outfile = %s\n\n", outfile ); break; } } while( 1 ) { retree = defaultcycle printf( "\n" ); printf( "Number of tree-rebuilding?\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "@ [%d] ", retree ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 ) continue; else if( NF == 0 ) ; else retree = 0 + $1; if( retree < 1 || 10 < retree ) ; else { printf( "OK. %d\n\n", retree ); break; } } while( 1 ) { niterate = defaultiterate; printf( "\n" ); printf( "Maximum number of iterations?\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "@ [%d] ", niterate ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 ) continue; else if( NF == 0 ) ; else niterate = 0 + $1; if( niterate < 0 || 1000 < niterate ) ; else { printf( "OK. %d\n\n", niterate ); break; } } while( 1 ) { fft = defaultfft; printf( "\n" ); printf( "Use fft?\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "@ [%s] ", fft?"Yes":"No" ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 ) continue; else if( NF == 0 ) { break; } else if( NF == 0 || $0 ~ /^[Yy]/ ) { fft = 1; break; } else if( NF == 0 || $0 ~ /^[Nn]/ ) { fft = 0; break; } } if( fft ) { printf( "OK. FFT is enabled.\n\n" ); fftparam = " --fft "; } else { printf( "OK. FFT is disabled.\n\n" ); fftparam = " --nofft "; } while( 1 ) { scoringmatrix = 3; printf( "\n" ); printf( "Scoring matrix? (ignored when DNA sequence is input.)\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " 1. BLOSUM 30\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " 2. BLOSUM 45\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " 3. BLOSUM 62\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " 4. BLOSUM 80\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " 5. JTT 200\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( " 6. JTT 100\n" ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "@ [%d] ", scoringmatrix ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 ) continue; else if( NF == 0 ) ; else scoringmatrix = 0 + $1; if( scoringmatrix < 1 || 6 < scoringmatrix ) ; else { break; } } if( scoringmatrix == 1 ) scoringparam = " --bl 30 "; else if( scoringmatrix == 2 ) scoringparam = " --bl 45 "; else if( scoringmatrix == 3 ) scoringparam = " --bl 62 "; else if( scoringmatrix == 4 ) scoringparam = " --bl 80 "; else if( scoringmatrix == 5 ) scoringparam = " --jtt 200 "; else if( scoringmatrix == 6 ) scoringparam = " --jtt 100 "; printf( "OK. %s\n\n",scoringparam ); while( 1 ) { penalty = 0.0 + defaultgop; offset = 0.0 + defaultaof; printf( "\n" ); printf( "Parameters (gap opening penalty, offset)?\n", penalty, offset ) > "/dev/tty"; printf( "@ [%5.3f, %5.3f] ", penalty, offset ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 ) continue; else if( NF == 2 ) { penalty = 0.0 + $1; offset = 0.0 + $2; } else if( NF == 0 ) ; else continue; if( penalty <= 0.0 || 10.0 < penalty ) ; else if( offset <= 0.0 || 10.0 < offset ) ; else { printf( "OK. %5.3f %5.3f\n\n", penalty, offset ); break; } } command = sprintf( "%s %s --retree %d --maxiterate %d %s --op %f --ep %f %s > %s", myself, fftparam, retree, niterate, scoringparam, penalty, offset, infile, outfile ); printf( "%s\n\n", command ); while( 1 ) { go = 0; printf( "\n" ); printf( "OK?\n" ); printf( "@ [Y] " ) > "/dev/tty"; res = getline < "/dev/tty"; close( "/dev/tty" ); if( res == 0 ) continue; else if( NF == 0 || $0 ~ /^[Yy]/ ) { go=1; break; } else break; } if( go ) break; printf( "\n" ); printf( "\n" ); } system( command ); } ' ) exit 0;