///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MakeGnuPlot.cc ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include using namespace std; int main (int argc, char **argv){ if (argc == 1 || argc > 3){ cerr << "Usage: makegnuplot annotscores [refscores]" << endl; exit (1); } ifstream data (argv[1]); if (data.fail()){ cerr << "ERROR: Could not open file " << argv[1] << endl; exit (1); } int x, ct = 0; while (data >> x) ct++; data.close(); ofstream out ("temporary_gnuplot_script"); if (out.fail()){ cerr << "ERROR: Could not create temporary file." << endl; exit (1); } out << "set title \"Column Reliability Scores\"" << endl << "set xlabel \"Alignment Position\"" << endl << "set ylabel \"Column Reliability\"" << endl << "set xr [1:" << ct << "]" << endl << "set term postscript enhanced color" << endl << "set output \"reliability.ps\"" << endl; if (argc == 3){ out << "set style fill solid 0.5 noborder" << endl << "plot \"" << argv[2] << "\" title \"actual\" with boxes lt 2, \\" << endl << " \"" << argv[1] << "\" title \"predicted\" with histeps lt 1 lw 3" << endl; } else out << "plot \"" << argv[1] << "\" title \"predicted\" with histeps lt 1 lw 3" << endl; out.close(); if (system ("gnuplot temporary_gnuplot_script") == -1){ cerr << "ERROR: Could not run Gnuplot correctly." << endl; exit (1); } //system ("rm temporary_gnuplot_script"); }