#include "muscle.h" #include "pwpath.h" #include "estring.h" #include "seq.h" #include "msa.h" /*** An "estring" is an edit string that operates on a sequence. An estring is represented as a vector of integers. It is interpreted in order of increasing suffix. A positive value n means copy n letters. A negative value -n means insert n indels. Zero marks the end of the vector. Consecutive entries must have opposite sign, i.e. the shortest possible representation must be used. A "tpair" is a traceback path for a pairwise alignment represented as two estrings, one for each sequence. ***/ #define c2(c,d) (((unsigned char) c) << 8 | (unsigned char) d) unsigned LengthEstring(const short es[]) { unsigned i = 0; while (*es++ != 0) ++i; return i; } short *EstringNewCopy(const short es[]) { unsigned n = LengthEstring(es) + 1; short *esNew = new short[n]; memcpy(esNew, es, n*sizeof(short)); return esNew; } void LogEstring(const short es[]) { Log("<"); for (unsigned i = 0; es[i] != 0; ++i) { if (i > 0) Log(" "); Log("%d", es[i]); } Log(">"); } static bool EstringsEq(const short es1[], const short es2[]) { for (;;) { if (*es1 != *es2) return false; if (0 == *es1) break; ++es1; ++es2; } return true; } static void EstringCounts(const short es[], unsigned *ptruSymbols, unsigned *ptruIndels) { unsigned uSymbols = 0; unsigned uIndels = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; es[i] != 0; ++i) { short n = es[i]; if (n > 0) uSymbols += n; else if (n < 0) uIndels += -n; } *ptruSymbols = uSymbols; *ptruIndels = uIndels; } static char *EstringOp(const short es[], const char s[]) { unsigned uSymbols; unsigned uIndels; EstringCounts(es, &uSymbols, &uIndels); assert((unsigned) strlen(s) == uSymbols); char *sout = new char[uSymbols + uIndels + 1]; char *psout = sout; for (;;) { int n = *es++; if (0 == n) break; if (n > 0) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) *psout++ = *s++; else for (int i = 0; i < -n; ++i) *psout++ = '-'; } assert(0 == *s); *psout = 0; return sout; } void EstringOp(const short es[], const Seq &sIn, Seq &sOut) { #if DEBUG unsigned uSymbols; unsigned uIndels; EstringCounts(es, &uSymbols, &uIndels); assert(sIn.Length() == uSymbols); #endif sOut.Clear(); sOut.SetName(sIn.GetName()); int p = 0; for (;;) { int n = *es++; if (0 == n) break; if (n > 0) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char c = sIn[p++]; sOut.push_back(c); } else for (int i = 0; i < -n; ++i) sOut.push_back('-'); } } unsigned EstringOp(const short es[], const Seq &sIn, MSA &a) { unsigned uSymbols; unsigned uIndels; EstringCounts(es, &uSymbols, &uIndels); assert(sIn.Length() == uSymbols); unsigned uColCount = uSymbols + uIndels; a.Clear(); a.SetSize(1, uColCount); a.SetSeqName(0, sIn.GetName()); a.SetSeqId(0, sIn.GetId()); unsigned p = 0; unsigned uColIndex = 0; for (;;) { int n = *es++; if (0 == n) break; if (n > 0) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char c = sIn[p++]; a.SetChar(0, uColIndex++, c); } else for (int i = 0; i < -n; ++i) a.SetChar(0, uColIndex++, '-'); } assert(uColIndex == uColCount); return uColCount; } void PathToEstrings(const PWPath &Path, short **ptresA, short **ptresB) { // First pass to determine size of estrings esA and esB const unsigned uEdgeCount = Path.GetEdgeCount(); if (0 == uEdgeCount) { short *esA = new short[1]; short *esB = new short[1]; esA[0] = 0; esB[0] = 0; *ptresA = esA; *ptresB = esB; return; } unsigned iLengthA = 1; unsigned iLengthB = 1; const char cFirstEdgeType = Path.GetEdge(0).cType; char cPrevEdgeType = cFirstEdgeType; for (unsigned uEdgeIndex = 1; uEdgeIndex < uEdgeCount; ++uEdgeIndex) { const PWEdge &Edge = Path.GetEdge(uEdgeIndex); char cEdgeType = Edge.cType; switch (c2(cPrevEdgeType, cEdgeType)) { case c2('M', 'M'): case c2('D', 'D'): case c2('I', 'I'): break; case c2('D', 'M'): case c2('M', 'D'): ++iLengthB; break; case c2('I', 'M'): case c2('M', 'I'): ++iLengthA; break; case c2('I', 'D'): case c2('D', 'I'): ++iLengthB; ++iLengthA; break; default: assert(false); } cPrevEdgeType = cEdgeType; } // Pass2 for seq A { short *esA = new short[iLengthA+1]; unsigned iA = 0; switch (Path.GetEdge(0).cType) { case 'M': case 'D': esA[0] = 1; break; case 'I': esA[0] = -1; break; default: assert(false); } char cPrevEdgeType = cFirstEdgeType; for (unsigned uEdgeIndex = 1; uEdgeIndex < uEdgeCount; ++uEdgeIndex) { const PWEdge &Edge = Path.GetEdge(uEdgeIndex); char cEdgeType = Edge.cType; switch (c2(cPrevEdgeType, cEdgeType)) { case c2('M', 'M'): case c2('D', 'D'): case c2('D', 'M'): case c2('M', 'D'): ++(esA[iA]); break; case c2('I', 'D'): case c2('I', 'M'): ++iA; esA[iA] = 1; break; case c2('M', 'I'): case c2('D', 'I'): ++iA; esA[iA] = -1; break; case c2('I', 'I'): --(esA[iA]); break; default: assert(false); } cPrevEdgeType = cEdgeType; } assert(iA == iLengthA - 1); esA[iLengthA] = 0; *ptresA = esA; } { // Pass2 for seq B short *esB = new short[iLengthB+1]; unsigned iB = 0; switch (Path.GetEdge(0).cType) { case 'M': case 'I': esB[0] = 1; break; case 'D': esB[0] = -1; break; default: assert(false); } char cPrevEdgeType = cFirstEdgeType; for (unsigned uEdgeIndex = 1; uEdgeIndex < uEdgeCount; ++uEdgeIndex) { const PWEdge &Edge = Path.GetEdge(uEdgeIndex); char cEdgeType = Edge.cType; switch (c2(cPrevEdgeType, cEdgeType)) { case c2('M', 'M'): case c2('I', 'I'): case c2('I', 'M'): case c2('M', 'I'): ++(esB[iB]); break; case c2('D', 'I'): case c2('D', 'M'): ++iB; esB[iB] = 1; break; case c2('M', 'D'): case c2('I', 'D'): ++iB; esB[iB] = -1; break; case c2('D', 'D'): --(esB[iB]); break; default: assert(false); } cPrevEdgeType = cEdgeType; } assert(iB == iLengthB - 1); esB[iLengthB] = 0; *ptresB = esB; } #if DEBUG { const PWEdge &LastEdge = Path.GetEdge(uEdgeCount - 1); unsigned uSymbols; unsigned uIndels; EstringCounts(*ptresA, &uSymbols, &uIndels); assert(uSymbols == LastEdge.uPrefixLengthA); assert(uSymbols + uIndels == uEdgeCount); EstringCounts(*ptresB, &uSymbols, &uIndels); assert(uSymbols == LastEdge.uPrefixLengthB); assert(uSymbols + uIndels == uEdgeCount); PWPath TmpPath; EstringsToPath(*ptresA, *ptresB, TmpPath); TmpPath.AssertEqual(Path); } #endif } void EstringsToPath(const short esA[], const short esB[], PWPath &Path) { Path.Clear(); unsigned iA = 0; unsigned iB = 0; int nA = esA[iA++]; int nB = esB[iB++]; unsigned uPrefixLengthA = 0; unsigned uPrefixLengthB = 0; for (;;) { char cType; if (nA > 0) { if (nB > 0) { cType = 'M'; --nA; --nB; } else if (nB < 0) { cType = 'D'; --nA; ++nB; } else assert(false); } else if (nA < 0) { if (nB > 0) { cType = 'I'; ++nA; --nB; } else assert(false); } else assert(false); switch (cType) { case 'M': ++uPrefixLengthA; ++uPrefixLengthB; break; case 'D': ++uPrefixLengthA; break; case 'I': ++uPrefixLengthB; break; } PWEdge Edge; Edge.cType = cType; Edge.uPrefixLengthA = uPrefixLengthA; Edge.uPrefixLengthB = uPrefixLengthB; Path.AppendEdge(Edge); if (nA == 0) { if (0 == esA[iA]) { assert(0 == esB[iB]); break; } nA = esA[iA++]; } if (nB == 0) nB = esB[iB++]; } } /*** Multiply two estrings to make a third estring. The product of two estrings e1*e2 is defined to be the estring that produces the same result as applying e1 then e2. Multiplication is not commutative. In fact, the reversed order is undefined unless both estrings consist of a single, identical, positive entry. A primary motivation for using estrings is that multiplication is very fast, reducing the time needed to construct the root alignment. Example <-1,3>(XXX) = -XXX <2,-1,2>(-XXX) = -X-XX Therefore, <-1,3>*<2,-1,2> = <-1,1,-1,2> ***/ static bool CanMultiplyEstrings(const short es1[], const short es2[]) { unsigned uSymbols1; unsigned uSymbols2; unsigned uIndels1; unsigned uIndels2; EstringCounts(es1, &uSymbols1, &uIndels1); EstringCounts(es2, &uSymbols2, &uIndels2); return uSymbols1 + uIndels1 == uSymbols2; } static inline void AppendGaps(short esp[], int &ip, int n) { if (-1 == ip) esp[++ip] = n; else if (esp[ip] < 0) esp[ip] += n; else esp[++ip] = n; } static inline void AppendSymbols(short esp[], int &ip, int n) { if (-1 == ip) esp[++ip] = n; else if (esp[ip] > 0) esp[ip] += n; else esp[++ip] = n; } void MulEstrings(const short es1[], const short es2[], short esp[]) { assert(CanMultiplyEstrings(es1, es2)); unsigned i1 = 0; int ip = -1; int n1 = es1[i1++]; for (unsigned i2 = 0; ; ++i2) { int n2 = es2[i2]; if (0 == n2) break; if (n2 > 0) { for (;;) { if (n1 < 0) { if (n2 > -n1) { AppendGaps(esp, ip, n1); n2 += n1; n1 = es1[i1++]; } else if (n2 == -n1) { AppendGaps(esp, ip, n1); n1 = es1[i1++]; break; } else { assert(n2 < -n1); AppendGaps(esp, ip, -n2); n1 += n2; break; } } else { assert(n1 > 0); if (n2 > n1) { AppendSymbols(esp, ip, n1); n2 -= n1; n1 = es1[i1++]; } else if (n2 == n1) { AppendSymbols(esp, ip, n1); n1 = es1[i1++]; break; } else { assert(n2 < n1); AppendSymbols(esp, ip, n2); n1 -= n2; break; } } } } else { assert(n2 < 0); AppendGaps(esp, ip, n2); } } esp[++ip] = 0; #if DEBUG { int MaxLen = (int) (LengthEstring(es1) + LengthEstring(es2) + 1); assert(ip < MaxLen); if (ip >= 2) for (int i = 0; i < ip - 2; ++i) { if (!(esp[i] > 0 && esp[i+1] < 0 || esp[i] < 0 && esp[i+1] > 0)) { Log("Bad result of MulEstring: "); LogEstring(esp); Quit("Assert failed (alternating signs)"); } } unsigned uSymbols1; unsigned uSymbols2; unsigned uSymbolsp; unsigned uIndels1; unsigned uIndels2; unsigned uIndelsp; EstringCounts(es1, &uSymbols1, &uIndels1); EstringCounts(es2, &uSymbols2, &uIndels2); EstringCounts(esp, &uSymbolsp, &uIndelsp); if (uSymbols1 + uIndels1 != uSymbols2) { Log("Bad result of MulEstring: "); LogEstring(esp); Quit("Assert failed (counts1 %u %u %u)", uSymbols1, uIndels1, uSymbols2); } } #endif } static void test(const short es1[], const short es2[], const short esa[]) { unsigned uSymbols1; unsigned uSymbols2; unsigned uIndels1; unsigned uIndels2; EstringCounts(es1, &uSymbols1, &uIndels1); EstringCounts(es2, &uSymbols2, &uIndels2); char s[4096]; memset(s, 'X', sizeof(s)); s[uSymbols1] = 0; char *s1 = EstringOp(es1, s); char *s12 = EstringOp(es2, s1); memset(s, 'X', sizeof(s)); s[uSymbols2] = 0; char *s2 = EstringOp(es2, s); Log("%s * %s = %s\n", s1, s2, s12); LogEstring(es1); Log(" * "); LogEstring(es2); Log(" = "); LogEstring(esa); Log("\n"); short esp[4096]; MulEstrings(es1, es2, esp); LogEstring(esp); if (!EstringsEq(esp, esa)) Log(" *ERROR* "); Log("\n"); memset(s, 'X', sizeof(s)); s[uSymbols1] = 0; char *sp = EstringOp(esp, s); Log("%s\n", sp); Log("\n==========\n\n"); } void TestEstrings() { SetListFileName("c:\\tmp\\muscle.log", false); //{ //short es1[] = { -1, 1, -1, 0 }; //short es2[] = { 1, -1, 2, 0 }; //short esa[] = { -2, 1, -1, 0 }; //test(es1, es2, esa); //} //{ //short es1[] = { 2, -1, 2, 0 }; //short es2[] = { 1, -1, 3, -1, 1, 0 }; //short esa[] = { 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0 }; //test(es1, es2, esa); //} //{ //short es1[] = { -1, 3, 0 }; //short es2[] = { 2, -1, 2, 0 }; //short esa[] = { -1, 1, -1, 2, 0 }; //test(es1, es2, esa); //} //{ //short es1[] = { -1, 1, -1, 1, 0}; //short es2[] = { 4, 0 }; //short esa[] = { -1, 1, -1, 1, 0}; //test(es1, es2, esa); //} //{ //short es1[] = { 1, -1, 1, -1, 0}; //short es2[] = { 4, 0 }; //short esa[] = { 1, -1, 1, -1, 0}; //test(es1, es2, esa); //} //{ //short es1[] = { 1, -1, 1, -1, 0}; //short es2[] = { -1, 4, -1, 0 }; //short esa[] = { -1, 1, -1, 1, -2, 0}; //test(es1, es2, esa); //} { short es1[] = { 106, -77, 56, -2, 155, -3, 123, -2, 0}; short es2[] = { 50, -36, 34, -3, 12, -6, 1, -6, 18, -17, 60, -5, 349, -56, 0 }; short esa[] = { 0 }; test(es1, es2, esa); } exit(0); }