#if WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "muscle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef MAX_PATH #define MAX_PATH 260 #endif static char g_strListFileName[MAX_PATH]; static bool g_bListFileAppend = false; static SEQWEIGHT g_SeqWeight = SEQWEIGHT_Undefined; void SetSeqWeightMethod(SEQWEIGHT Method) { g_SeqWeight = Method; } SEQWEIGHT GetSeqWeightMethod() { return g_SeqWeight; } void SetListFileName(const char *ptrListFileName, bool bAppend) { assert(strlen(ptrListFileName) < MAX_PATH); strcpy(g_strListFileName, ptrListFileName); g_bListFileAppend = bAppend; } void Log(const char szFormat[], ...) { if (0 == g_strListFileName[0]) return; static FILE *f = NULL; char *mode; if (g_bListFileAppend) mode = "a"; else mode = "w"; if (NULL == f) f = _fsopen(g_strListFileName, mode, _SH_DENYNO); if (NULL == f) { perror(g_strListFileName); exit(EXIT_NotStarted); } char szStr[4096]; va_list ArgList; va_start(ArgList, szFormat); vsprintf(szStr, szFormat, ArgList); fprintf(f, "%s", szStr); fflush(f); } const char *GetTimeAsStr() { static char szStr[32]; time_t t; time(&t); struct tm *ptmCurrentTime = localtime(&t); strcpy(szStr, asctime(ptmCurrentTime)); assert('\n' == szStr[24]); szStr[24] = 0; return szStr; } // Exit immediately with error message, printf-style. void Quit(const char szFormat[], ...) { va_list ArgList; char szStr[4096]; va_start(ArgList, szFormat); vsprintf(szStr, szFormat, ArgList); fprintf(stderr, "\n*** ERROR *** %s\n", szStr); Log("\n*** FATAL ERROR *** "); Log("%s\n", szStr); Log("Stopped %s\n", GetTimeAsStr()); #ifdef WIN32 if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { int iBtn = MessageBox(NULL, szStr, "muscle", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OKCANCEL); if (IDCANCEL == iBtn) Break(); } #endif exit(EXIT_FatalError); } void Warning(const char szFormat[], ...) { va_list ArgList; char szStr[4096]; va_start(ArgList, szFormat); vsprintf(szStr, szFormat, ArgList); fprintf(stderr, "\n*** WARNING *** %s\n", szStr); Log("\n*** WARNING *** %s\n", szStr); } // Remove leading and trailing blanks from string void TrimBlanks(char szStr[]) { TrimLeadingBlanks(szStr); TrimTrailingBlanks(szStr); } void TrimLeadingBlanks(char szStr[]) { size_t n = strlen(szStr); while (szStr[0] == ' ') { memmove(szStr, szStr+1, n); szStr[--n] = 0; } } void TrimTrailingBlanks(char szStr[]) { size_t n = strlen(szStr); while (n > 0 && szStr[n-1] == ' ') szStr[--n] = 0; } bool Verbose() { return true; } SCORE StrToScore(const char *pszStr) { return (SCORE) atof(pszStr); } void StripWhitespace(char szStr[]) { unsigned uOutPos = 0; unsigned uInPos = 0; while (char c = szStr[uInPos++]) if (' ' != c && '\t' != c && '\n' != c && '\r' != c) szStr[uOutPos++] = c; szStr[uOutPos] = 0; } void StripGaps(char szStr[]) { unsigned uOutPos = 0; unsigned uInPos = 0; while (char c = szStr[uInPos++]) if ('-' != c) szStr[uOutPos++] = c; szStr[uOutPos] = 0; } bool IsValidSignedInteger(const char *Str) { if (0 == strlen(Str)) return false; if ('+' == *Str || '-' == *Str) ++Str; while (char c = *Str++) if (!isdigit(c)) return false; return true; } bool IsValidInteger(const char *Str) { if (0 == strlen(Str)) return false; while (char c = *Str++) if (!isdigit(c)) return false; return true; } // Is c valid as first character in an identifier? bool isidentf(char c) { return isalpha(c) || '_' == c; } // Is c valid character in an identifier? bool isident(char c) { return isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || '_' == c; } bool IsValidIdentifier(const char *Str) { if (!isidentf(Str[0])) return false; while (char c = *Str++) if (!isident(c)) return false; return true; } void SetLogFile() { const char *strFileName = ValueOpt("loga"); if (0 != strFileName) g_bListFileAppend = true; else strFileName = ValueOpt("log"); if (0 == strFileName) return; strcpy(g_strListFileName, strFileName); } // Get filename, stripping any extension and directory parts. void NameFromPath(const char szPath[], char szName[], unsigned uBytes) { if (0 == uBytes) return; const char *pstrLastSlash = strrchr(szPath, '/'); const char *pstrLastBackslash = strrchr(szPath, '\\'); const char *pstrLastDot = strrchr(szPath, '.'); const char *pstrLastSep = pstrLastSlash > pstrLastBackslash ? pstrLastSlash : pstrLastBackslash; const char *pstrBegin = pstrLastSep ? pstrLastSep + 1 : szPath; const char *pstrEnd = pstrLastDot ? pstrLastDot - 1 : szPath + strlen(szPath); unsigned uNameLength = (unsigned) (pstrEnd - pstrBegin + 1); if (uNameLength > uBytes - 1) uNameLength = uBytes - 1; memcpy(szName, pstrBegin, uNameLength); szName[uNameLength] = 0; } char *strsave(const char *s) { char *ptrCopy = strdup(s); if (0 == ptrCopy) Quit("Out of memory"); return ptrCopy; } bool IsValidFloatChar(char c) { return isdigit(c) || '.' == c || 'e' == c || 'E' == c || 'd' == c || 'D' == c || '.' == c || '+' == c || '-' == c; } void Call_MY_ASSERT(const char *file, int line, bool b, const char *msg) { if (b) return; Quit("%s(%d): MY_ASSERT(%s)", file, line, msg); } static size_t g_MemTotal; void MemPlus(size_t Bytes, char *Where) { g_MemTotal += Bytes; Log("+%10u %6u %6u %s\n", (unsigned) Bytes, (unsigned) GetMemUseMB(), (unsigned) (g_MemTotal/1000000), Where); } void MemMinus(size_t Bytes, char *Where) { g_MemTotal -= Bytes; Log("-%10u %6u %6u %s\n", (unsigned) Bytes, (unsigned) GetMemUseMB(), (unsigned) (g_MemTotal/1000000), Where); }