#if DEBUG && !_DEBUG #define _DEBUG 1 #endif #if _DEBUG && !DEBUG #define DEBUG 1 #endif #if _MSC_VER #define TIMING 0 #endif #define VER_3_52 0 #ifdef _MSC_VER // Miscrosoft compiler #pragma warning(disable : 4800) // int-bool conversion #pragma warning(disable : 4996) // deprecated names like strdup, isatty. #endif #define MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION "MUSCLE v3.7 by Robert C. Edgar" #define MUSCLE_MAJOR_VERSION "3" #define MUSCLE_MINOR_VERSION "7" #include #include #include #include #include #define DOUBLE_AFFINE 0 #define SINGLE_AFFINE 1 #define PAF 0 #include "types.h" #include "intmath.h" #include "alpha.h" #include "params.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #define stricmp strcasecmp #define strnicmp strncasecmp #define _snprintf snprintf #define _fsopen(name, mode, share) fopen((name), (mode)) #endif #if DEBUG #undef assert #define assert(b) Call_MY_ASSERT(__FILE__, __LINE__, b, #b) void Call_MY_ASSERT(const char *file, int line, bool b, const char *msg); #else #define assert(exp) ((void)0) #endif extern int g_argc; extern char **g_argv; #define Rotate(a, b, c) { SCORE *tmp = a; a = b; b = c; c = tmp; } const double VERY_LARGE_DOUBLE = 1e20; extern unsigned g_uTreeSplitNode1; extern unsigned g_uTreeSplitNode2; // Number of elements in array a[] #define countof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) // Maximum of two of any type #define Max2(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) // Maximum of three of any type #define Max3(a, b, c) Max2(Max2(a, b), c) // Minimum of two of any type #define Min2(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) // Maximum of four of any type #define Max4(a, b, c, d) Max2(Max2(a, b), Max2(c, d)) const double VERY_NEGATIVE_DOUBLE = -9e29; const float VERY_NEGATIVE_FLOAT = (float) -9e29; const double BLOSUM_DIST = 0.62; // todo settable // insane value for uninitialized variables const unsigned uInsane = 8888888; const int iInsane = 8888888; const SCORE scoreInsane = 8888888; const char cInsane = (char) 0xcd; // int 3 instruction, used e.g. for unint. memory const double dInsane = VERY_NEGATIVE_DOUBLE; const float fInsane = VERY_NEGATIVE_FLOAT; const char INVALID_STATE = '*'; const BASETYPE BTInsane = (BASETYPE) dInsane; const WEIGHT wInsane = BTInsane; extern double g_dNAN; extern unsigned long g_tStart; void Quit(const char szFormat[], ...); void Warning(const char szFormat[], ...); void TrimBlanks(char szStr[]); void TrimLeadingBlanks(char szStr[]); void TrimTrailingBlanks(char szStr[]); void Log(const char szFormat[], ...); bool Verbose(); const char *ScoreToStr(SCORE Score); const char *ScoreToStrL(SCORE Score); SCORE StrToScore(const char *pszStr); void Break(); double VecSum(const double v[], unsigned n); bool IsValidInteger(const char *Str); bool IsValidSignedInteger(const char *Str); bool IsValidIdentifier(const char *Str); bool IsValidFloatChar(char c); bool isident(char c); bool isidentf(char c); void TreeFromSeqVect(const SeqVect &c, Tree &tree, CLUSTER Cluster, DISTANCE Distance, ROOT Root, const char *SaveFileName = 0); void TreeFromMSA(const MSA &msa, Tree &tree, CLUSTER Cluster, DISTANCE Distance, ROOT Root, const char *SaveFileName = 0); void StripGaps(char szStr[]); void StripWhitespace(char szStr[]); const char *GetTimeAsStr(); unsigned CalcBLOSUMWeights(MSA &Aln, ClusterTree &BlosumCluster); void CalcGSCWeights(MSA &Aln, const ClusterTree &BlosumCluster); void AssertNormalized(const PROB p[]); void AssertNormalizedOrZero(const PROB p[]); void AssertNormalized(const double p[]); bool VectorIsZero(const double dValues[], unsigned n); void VectorSet(double dValues[], unsigned n, double d); bool VectorIsZero(const float dValues[], unsigned n); void VectorSet(float dValues[], unsigned n, float d); // @@TODO should be "not linux" #if _WIN32 double log2(double x); // Defined in on Linux #endif double pow2(double x); double lnTolog2(double ln); double lp2(double x); SCORE SumLog(SCORE x, SCORE y); SCORE SumLog(SCORE x, SCORE y, SCORE z); SCORE SumLog(SCORE w, SCORE x, SCORE y, SCORE z); double lp2Fast(double x); double SumLogFast(double x, double y); double SumLogFast(double x, double y, double z); double SumLogFast(double w, double x, double y, double z); void chkmem(const char szMsg[] = ""); void Normalize(PROB p[], unsigned n); void Normalize(PROB p[], unsigned n, double dRequiredTotal); void NormalizeUnlessZero(PROB p[], unsigned n); void DebugPrintf(const char szFormat[], ...); void SetListFileName(const char *ptrListFileName, bool bAppend); void ModelFromAlign(const char *strInputFileName, const char *strModelFileName, double dMaxNIC); double GetMemUseMB(); double GetRAMSizeMB(); double GetPeakMemUseMB(); void CheckMemUse(); const char *ElapsedTimeAsString(); char *SecsToHHMMSS(long lSecs, char szStr[]); double GetCPUGHz(); SCORE GetBlosum62(unsigned uLetterA, unsigned uLetterB); SCORE GetBlosum62d(unsigned uLetterA, unsigned uLetterB); SCORE GetBlosum50(unsigned uLetterA, unsigned uLetterB); void AssertNormalizedDist(const PROB p[], unsigned N); void CmdLineError(const char *Format, ...); void Fatal(const char *Format, ...); void InitCmd(); void ExecCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[]); void DoCmd(); void SetLogFile(); void NameFromPath(const char szPath[], char szName[], unsigned uBytes); char *strsave(const char *s); void DistKmer20_3(const SeqVect &v, DistFunc &DF); void DistKbit20_3(const SeqVect &v, DistFunc &DF); void DistKmer6_6(const SeqVect &v, DistFunc &DF); void DistKmer4_6(const SeqVect &v, DistFunc &DF); void DistPWKimura(const SeqVect &v, DistFunc &DF); void FastDistKmer(const SeqVect &v, DistFunc &DF); void DistUnaligned(const SeqVect &v, DISTANCE DistMethod, DistFunc &DF); double PctIdToMAFFTDist(double dPctId); double KimuraDist(double dPctId); void SetFastParams(); void AssertProfsEq(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB); void ValidateMuscleIds(const MSA &msa); void ValidateMuscleIds(const Tree &tree); void TraceBackToPath(int **TraceBack, unsigned uLengthA, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); void BitTraceBack(char **TraceBack, unsigned uLengthA, unsigned uLengthB, char LastEdge, PWPath &Path); SCORE AlignTwoMSAs(const MSA &msa1, const MSA &msa2, MSA &msaOut, PWPath &Path, bool bLockLeft = false, bool bLockRight = false); SCORE AlignTwoProfs( const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, WEIGHT wA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, WEIGHT wB, PWPath &Path, ProfPos **ptrPout, unsigned *ptruLengthOut); void AlignTwoProfsGivenPath(const PWPath &Path, const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, WEIGHT wA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, WEIGHT wB, ProfPos **ptrPOut, unsigned *ptruLengthOut); void AlignTwoMSAsGivenPathSW(const PWPath &Path, const MSA &msaA, const MSA &msaB, MSA &msaCombined); void AlignTwoMSAsGivenPath(const PWPath &Path, const MSA &msaA, const MSA &msaB, MSA &msaCombined); SCORE FastScorePath2(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, const PWPath &Path); SCORE GlobalAlignDiags(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); SCORE GlobalAlignSimple(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); SCORE GlobalAlignSP(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); SCORE GlobalAlignSPN(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); SCORE GlobalAlignLE(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); void CalcThreeWayWeights(const Tree &tree, unsigned uNode1, unsigned uNode2, WEIGHT *Weights); SCORE GlobalAlignSS(const Seq &seqA, const Seq &seqB, PWPath &Path); bool RefineHoriz(MSA &msaIn, const Tree &tree, unsigned uIters, bool bLockLeft, bool bLockRight); bool RefineVert(MSA &msaIn, const Tree &tree, unsigned uIters); SCORE GlobalAlignNoDiags(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); void SetInputFileName(const char *pstrFileName); void SetIter(unsigned uIter); void IncIter(); void SetMaxIters(unsigned uMaxIters); void Progress(unsigned uStep, unsigned uTotalSteps); void Progress(const char *szFormat, ...); void SetStartTime(); void ProgressStepsDone(); void SetProgressDesc(const char szDesc[]); void SetSeqStats(unsigned uSeqCount, unsigned uMaxL, unsigned uAvgL); void SetNewHandler(); void SaveCurrentAlignment(); void SetCurrentAlignment(MSA &msa); void SetOutputFileName(const char *out); #if DEBUG void SetMuscleSeqVect(SeqVect &v); void SetMuscleInputMSA(MSA &msa); void ValidateMuscleIds(const MSA &msa); void ValidateMuscleIds(const Tree &tree); #else #define SetMuscleSeqVect(x) /* empty */ #define SetMuscleInputMSA(x) /* empty */ #define ValidateMuscleIds(x) /* empty */ #endif void ProcessArgVect(int argc, char *argv[]); void ProcessArgStr(const char *Str); void Usage(); void SetParams(); void SortCounts(const FCOUNT fcCounts[], unsigned SortOrder[]); unsigned ResidueGroupFromFCounts(const FCOUNT fcCounts[]); FCOUNT SumCounts(const FCOUNT Counts[]); bool FlagOpt(const char *Name); const char *ValueOpt(const char *Name); void DoMuscle(); void ProfDB(); void DoSP(); void ProgAlignSubFams(); void Run(); void ListParams(); void OnException(); void SetSeqWeightMethod(SEQWEIGHT Method); SEQWEIGHT GetSeqWeightMethod(); WEIGHT GetMuscleSeqWeightById(unsigned uId); void ListDiagSavings(); void CheckMaxTime(); const char *MaxSecsToStr(); unsigned long GetStartTime(); void ProgressiveAlign(const SeqVect &v, const Tree &GuideTree, MSA &a); ProgNode *ProgressiveAlignE(const SeqVect &v, const Tree &GuideTree, MSA &a); void CalcDistRangeKmer6_6(const MSA &msa, unsigned uRow, float Dist[]); void CalcDistRangeKmer20_3(const MSA &msa, unsigned uRow, float Dist[]); void CalcDistRangeKmer20_4(const MSA &msa, unsigned uRow, float Dist[]); void CalcDistRangePctIdKimura(const MSA &msa, unsigned uRow, float Dist[]); void CalcDistRangePctIdLog(const MSA &msa, unsigned uRow, float Dist[]); void MakeRootMSA(const SeqVect &v, const Tree &GuideTree, ProgNode Nodes[], MSA &a); void MakeRootMSABrenner(SeqVect &v, const Tree &GuideTree, ProgNode Nodes[], MSA &a); void Refine(); void Local(); void Profile(); void PPScore(); void UPGMA2(const DistCalc &DC, Tree &tree, LINKAGE Linkage); char *GetFastaSeq(FILE *f, unsigned *ptrSeqLength, char **ptrLabel, bool DeleteGaps = true); SCORE SW(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); void TraceBackSW(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, const SCORE *DPM_, const SCORE *DPD_, const SCORE *DPI_, unsigned uPrefixLengthAMax, unsigned uPrefixLengthBMax, PWPath &Path); void DiffPaths(const PWPath &p1, const PWPath &p2, unsigned Edges1[], unsigned *ptruDiffCount1, unsigned Edges2[], unsigned *ptruDiffCount2); void SetPPScore(bool bRespectFlagOpts = true); void SetPPScore(PPSCORE p); SCORE GlobalAlignDimer(const ProfPos *PA, unsigned uLengthA, const ProfPos *PB, unsigned uLengthB, PWPath &Path); bool MissingCommand(); void Credits(); void ProfileProfile(MSA &msa1, MSA &msa2, MSA &msaOut); void MHackStart(SeqVect &v); void MHackEnd(MSA &msa); void WriteScoreFile(const MSA &msa); char ConsensusChar(const ProfPos &PP); void Stabilize(const MSA &msa, MSA &msaStable); void MuscleOutput(MSA &msa); PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMx(TextFile &File); void MemPlus(size_t Bytes, char *Where); void MemMinus(size_t Bytes, char *Where);