#include "muscle.h" #include "tree.h" #include #define TRACE 0 /*** Node has 0 to 3 neighbors: 0 neighbors: singleton root 1 neighbor: leaf, neighbor is parent 2 neigbors: non-singleton root 3 neighbors: internal node (other than root) Minimal rooted tree is single node. Minimal unrooted tree is single edge. Leaf node always has nulls in neighbors 2 and 3, neighbor 1 is parent. When tree is rooted, neighbor 1=parent, 2=left, 3=right. ***/ void Tree::AssertAreNeighbors(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const { if (uNodeIndex1 >= m_uNodeCount || uNodeIndex2 >= m_uNodeCount) Quit("AssertAreNeighbors(%u,%u), are %u nodes", uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2, m_uNodeCount); if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex1] != uNodeIndex2 && m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex1] != uNodeIndex2 && m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex1] != uNodeIndex2) { LogMe(); Quit("AssertAreNeighbors(%u,%u) failed", uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); } if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex2] != uNodeIndex1 && m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex2] != uNodeIndex1 && m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex2] != uNodeIndex1) { LogMe(); Quit("AssertAreNeighbors(%u,%u) failed", uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); } bool Has12 = HasEdgeLength(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); bool Has21 = HasEdgeLength(uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1); if (Has12 != Has21) { HasEdgeLength(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); HasEdgeLength(uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1); LogMe(); Log("HasEdgeLength(%u, %u)=%c HasEdgeLength(%u, %u)=%c\n", uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2, Has12 ? 'T' : 'F', uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1, Has21 ? 'T' : 'F'); Quit("Tree::AssertAreNeighbors, HasEdgeLength not symmetric"); } if (Has12) { double d12 = GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); double d21 = GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1); if (d12 != d21) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::AssertAreNeighbors, Edge length disagrees %u-%u=%.3g, %u-%u=%.3g", uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2, d12, uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1, d21); } } } void Tree::ValidateNode(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { if (uNodeIndex >= m_uNodeCount) Quit("ValidateNode(%u), %u nodes", uNodeIndex, m_uNodeCount); const unsigned uNeighborCount = GetNeighborCount(uNodeIndex); if (2 == uNeighborCount) { if (!m_bRooted) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode: Node %u has two neighbors, tree is not rooted", uNodeIndex); } if (uNodeIndex != m_uRootNodeIndex) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode: Node %u has two neighbors, but not root node=%u", uNodeIndex, m_uRootNodeIndex); } } const unsigned n1 = m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned n2 = m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned n3 = m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == n2 && NULL_NEIGHBOR != n3) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode, n2=null, n3!=null", uNodeIndex); } if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == n3 && NULL_NEIGHBOR != n2) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode, n3=null, n2!=null", uNodeIndex); } if (n1 != NULL_NEIGHBOR) AssertAreNeighbors(uNodeIndex, n1); if (n2 != NULL_NEIGHBOR) AssertAreNeighbors(uNodeIndex, n2); if (n3 != NULL_NEIGHBOR) AssertAreNeighbors(uNodeIndex, n3); if (n1 != NULL_NEIGHBOR && (n1 == n2 || n1 == n3)) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode, duplicate neighbors in node %u", uNodeIndex); } if (n2 != NULL_NEIGHBOR && (n2 == n1 || n2 == n3)) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode, duplicate neighbors in node %u", uNodeIndex); } if (n3 != NULL_NEIGHBOR && (n3 == n1 || n3 == n2)) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode, duplicate neighbors in node %u", uNodeIndex); } if (IsRooted()) { if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == GetParent(uNodeIndex)) { if (uNodeIndex != m_uRootNodeIndex) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValiateNode(%u), no parent", uNodeIndex); } } else if (GetLeft(GetParent(uNodeIndex)) != uNodeIndex && GetRight(GetParent(uNodeIndex)) != uNodeIndex) { LogMe(); Quit("Tree::ValidateNode(%u), parent / child mismatch", uNodeIndex); } } } void Tree::Validate() const { for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) ValidateNode(uNodeIndex); } bool Tree::IsEdge(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const { assert(uNodeIndex1 < m_uNodeCount && uNodeIndex2 < m_uNodeCount); return m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2 || m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2 || m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2; } double Tree::GetEdgeLength(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const { assert(uNodeIndex1 < m_uNodeCount && uNodeIndex2 < m_uNodeCount); if (!HasEdgeLength(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2)) { LogMe(); Quit("Missing edge length in tree %u-%u", uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); } if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2) return m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex1]; else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2) return m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex1]; assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2); return m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex1]; } void Tree::ExpandCache() { const unsigned uNodeCount = 100; unsigned uNewCacheCount = m_uCacheCount + uNodeCount; unsigned *uNewNeighbor1 = new unsigned[uNewCacheCount]; unsigned *uNewNeighbor2 = new unsigned[uNewCacheCount]; unsigned *uNewNeighbor3 = new unsigned[uNewCacheCount]; unsigned *uNewIds = new unsigned[uNewCacheCount]; memset(uNewIds, 0xff, uNewCacheCount*sizeof(unsigned)); double *dNewEdgeLength1 = new double[uNewCacheCount]; double *dNewEdgeLength2 = new double[uNewCacheCount]; double *dNewEdgeLength3 = new double[uNewCacheCount]; double *dNewHeight = new double[uNewCacheCount]; bool *bNewHasEdgeLength1 = new bool[uNewCacheCount]; bool *bNewHasEdgeLength2 = new bool[uNewCacheCount]; bool *bNewHasEdgeLength3 = new bool[uNewCacheCount]; bool *bNewHasHeight = new bool[uNewCacheCount]; char **ptrNewName = new char *[uNewCacheCount]; memset(ptrNewName, 0, uNewCacheCount*sizeof(char *)); if (m_uCacheCount > 0) { const unsigned uUnsignedBytes = m_uCacheCount*sizeof(unsigned); memcpy(uNewNeighbor1, m_uNeighbor1, uUnsignedBytes); memcpy(uNewNeighbor2, m_uNeighbor2, uUnsignedBytes); memcpy(uNewNeighbor3, m_uNeighbor3, uUnsignedBytes); memcpy(uNewIds, m_Ids, uUnsignedBytes); const unsigned uEdgeBytes = m_uCacheCount*sizeof(double); memcpy(dNewEdgeLength1, m_dEdgeLength1, uEdgeBytes); memcpy(dNewEdgeLength2, m_dEdgeLength2, uEdgeBytes); memcpy(dNewEdgeLength3, m_dEdgeLength3, uEdgeBytes); memcpy(dNewHeight, m_dHeight, uEdgeBytes); const unsigned uBoolBytes = m_uCacheCount*sizeof(bool); memcpy(bNewHasEdgeLength1, m_bHasEdgeLength1, uBoolBytes); memcpy(bNewHasEdgeLength2, m_bHasEdgeLength2, uBoolBytes); memcpy(bNewHasEdgeLength3, m_bHasEdgeLength3, uBoolBytes); memcpy(bNewHasHeight, m_bHasHeight, uBoolBytes); const unsigned uNameBytes = m_uCacheCount*sizeof(char *); memcpy(ptrNewName, m_ptrName, uNameBytes); delete[] m_uNeighbor1; delete[] m_uNeighbor2; delete[] m_uNeighbor3; delete[] m_Ids; delete[] m_dEdgeLength1; delete[] m_dEdgeLength2; delete[] m_dEdgeLength3; delete[] m_bHasEdgeLength1; delete[] m_bHasEdgeLength2; delete[] m_bHasEdgeLength3; delete[] m_bHasHeight; delete[] m_ptrName; } m_uCacheCount = uNewCacheCount; m_uNeighbor1 = uNewNeighbor1; m_uNeighbor2 = uNewNeighbor2; m_uNeighbor3 = uNewNeighbor3; m_Ids = uNewIds; m_dEdgeLength1 = dNewEdgeLength1; m_dEdgeLength2 = dNewEdgeLength2; m_dEdgeLength3 = dNewEdgeLength3; m_dHeight = dNewHeight; m_bHasEdgeLength1 = bNewHasEdgeLength1; m_bHasEdgeLength2 = bNewHasEdgeLength2; m_bHasEdgeLength3 = bNewHasEdgeLength3; m_bHasHeight = bNewHasHeight; m_ptrName = ptrNewName; } // Creates tree with single node, no edges. // Root node always has index 0. void Tree::CreateRooted() { Clear(); ExpandCache(); m_uNodeCount = 1; m_uNeighbor1[0] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor2[0] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor3[0] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_bHasEdgeLength1[0] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength2[0] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength3[0] = false; m_bHasHeight[0] = false; m_uRootNodeIndex = 0; m_bRooted = true; #if DEBUG Validate(); #endif } // Creates unrooted tree with single edge. // Nodes for that edge are always 0 and 1. void Tree::CreateUnrooted(double dEdgeLength) { Clear(); ExpandCache(); m_uNeighbor1[0] = 1; m_uNeighbor2[0] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor3[0] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor1[1] = 0; m_uNeighbor2[1] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor3[1] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_dEdgeLength1[0] = dEdgeLength; m_dEdgeLength1[1] = dEdgeLength; m_bHasEdgeLength1[0] = true; m_bHasEdgeLength1[1] = true; m_bRooted = false; #if DEBUG Validate(); #endif } void Tree::SetLeafName(unsigned uNodeIndex, const char *ptrName) { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)); free(m_ptrName[uNodeIndex]); m_ptrName[uNodeIndex] = strsave(ptrName); } void Tree::SetLeafId(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uId) { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)); m_Ids[uNodeIndex] = uId; } const char *Tree::GetLeafName(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)); return m_ptrName[uNodeIndex]; } unsigned Tree::GetLeafId(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)); return m_Ids[uNodeIndex]; } // Append a new branch. // This adds two new nodes and joins them to an existing leaf node. // Return value is k, new nodes have indexes k and k+1 respectively. unsigned Tree::AppendBranch(unsigned uExistingLeafIndex) { if (0 == m_uNodeCount) Quit("Tree::AppendBranch: tree has not been created"); #if DEBUG assert(uExistingLeafIndex < m_uNodeCount); if (!IsLeaf(uExistingLeafIndex)) { LogMe(); Quit("AppendBranch(%u): not leaf", uExistingLeafIndex); } #endif if (m_uNodeCount >= m_uCacheCount - 2) ExpandCache(); const unsigned uNewLeaf1 = m_uNodeCount; const unsigned uNewLeaf2 = m_uNodeCount + 1; m_uNodeCount += 2; assert(m_uNeighbor2[uExistingLeafIndex] == NULL_NEIGHBOR); assert(m_uNeighbor3[uExistingLeafIndex] == NULL_NEIGHBOR); m_uNeighbor2[uExistingLeafIndex] = uNewLeaf1; m_uNeighbor3[uExistingLeafIndex] = uNewLeaf2; m_uNeighbor1[uNewLeaf1] = uExistingLeafIndex; m_uNeighbor1[uNewLeaf2] = uExistingLeafIndex; m_uNeighbor2[uNewLeaf1] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor2[uNewLeaf2] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor3[uNewLeaf1] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor3[uNewLeaf2] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_dEdgeLength2[uExistingLeafIndex] = 0; m_dEdgeLength3[uExistingLeafIndex] = 0; m_dEdgeLength1[uNewLeaf1] = 0; m_dEdgeLength2[uNewLeaf1] = 0; m_dEdgeLength3[uNewLeaf1] = 0; m_dEdgeLength1[uNewLeaf2] = 0; m_dEdgeLength2[uNewLeaf2] = 0; m_dEdgeLength3[uNewLeaf2] = 0; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uNewLeaf1] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNewLeaf1] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNewLeaf1] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uNewLeaf2] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNewLeaf2] = false; m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNewLeaf2] = false; m_bHasHeight[uNewLeaf1] = false; m_bHasHeight[uNewLeaf2] = false; m_Ids[uNewLeaf1] = uInsane; m_Ids[uNewLeaf2] = uInsane; return uNewLeaf1; } void Tree::LogMe() const { Log("Tree::LogMe %u nodes, ", m_uNodeCount); if (IsRooted()) { Log("rooted.\n"); Log("\n"); Log("Index Parnt LengthP Left LengthL Right LengthR Id Name\n"); Log("----- ----- ------- ---- ------- ----- ------- ----- ----\n"); } else { Log("unrooted.\n"); Log("\n"); Log("Index Nbr_1 Length1 Nbr_2 Length2 Nbr_3 Length3 Id Name\n"); Log("----- ----- ------- ----- ------- ----- ------- ----- ----\n"); } for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) { Log("%5u ", uNodeIndex); const unsigned n1 = m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned n2 = m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned n3 = m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; if (NULL_NEIGHBOR != n1) { Log("%5u ", n1); if (m_bHasEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex]) Log("%7.3g ", m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex]); else Log(" * "); } else Log(" "); if (NULL_NEIGHBOR != n2) { Log("%5u ", n2); if (m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex]) Log("%7.3g ", m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex]); else Log(" * "); } else Log(" "); if (NULL_NEIGHBOR != n3) { Log("%5u ", n3); if (m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex]) Log("%7.3g ", m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex]); else Log(" * "); } else Log(" "); if (m_Ids != 0 && IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) { unsigned uId = m_Ids[uNodeIndex]; if (uId == uInsane) Log(" *"); else Log("%5u", uId); } else Log(" "); if (m_bRooted && uNodeIndex == m_uRootNodeIndex) Log(" [ROOT] "); const char *ptrName = m_ptrName[uNodeIndex]; if (ptrName != 0) Log(" %s", ptrName); Log("\n"); } } void Tree::SetEdgeLength(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2, double dLength) { assert(uNodeIndex1 < m_uNodeCount && uNodeIndex2 < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsEdge(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2)); if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2) { m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex1] = dLength; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex1] = true; } else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2) { m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex1] = dLength; m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex1] = true; } else { assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2); m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex1] = dLength; m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex1] = true; } if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex2] == uNodeIndex1) { m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex2] = dLength; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex2] = true; } else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex2] == uNodeIndex1) { m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex2] = dLength; m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex2] = true; } else { assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex2] == uNodeIndex1); m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex2] = dLength; m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex2] = true; } } unsigned Tree::UnrootFromFile() { #if TRACE Log("Before unroot:\n"); LogMe(); #endif if (!m_bRooted) Quit("Tree::Unroot, not rooted"); // Convention: root node is always node zero assert(IsRoot(0)); assert(NULL_NEIGHBOR == m_uNeighbor1[0]); const unsigned uThirdNode = m_uNodeCount++; m_uNeighbor1[0] = uThirdNode; m_uNeighbor1[uThirdNode] = 0; m_uNeighbor2[uThirdNode] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor3[uThirdNode] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_dEdgeLength1[0] = 0; m_dEdgeLength1[uThirdNode] = 0; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uThirdNode] = true; m_bRooted = false; #if TRACE Log("After unroot:\n"); LogMe(); #endif return uThirdNode; } // In an unrooted tree, equivalent of GetLeft/Right is // GetFirst/SecondNeighbor. // uNeighborIndex must be a known neighbor of uNodeIndex. // This is the way to find the other two neighbor nodes of // an internal node. // The labeling as "First" and "Second" neighbor is arbitrary. // Calling these functions on a leaf returns NULL_NEIGHBOR, as // for GetLeft/Right. unsigned Tree::GetFirstNeighbor(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(uNeighborIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsEdge(uNodeIndex, uNeighborIndex)); for (unsigned n = 0; n < 3; ++n) { unsigned uNeighbor = GetNeighbor(uNodeIndex, n); if (NULL_NEIGHBOR != uNeighbor && uNeighborIndex != uNeighbor) return uNeighbor; } return NULL_NEIGHBOR; } unsigned Tree::GetSecondNeighbor(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(uNeighborIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsEdge(uNodeIndex, uNeighborIndex)); bool bFoundOne = false; for (unsigned n = 0; n < 3; ++n) { unsigned uNeighbor = GetNeighbor(uNodeIndex, n); if (NULL_NEIGHBOR != uNeighbor && uNeighborIndex != uNeighbor) { if (bFoundOne) return uNeighbor; else bFoundOne = true; } } return NULL_NEIGHBOR; } // Compute the number of leaves in the sub-tree defined by an edge // in an unrooted tree. Conceptually, the tree is cut at this edge, // and uNodeIndex2 considered the root of the sub-tree. unsigned Tree::GetLeafCountUnrooted(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2, double *ptrdTotalDistance) const { assert(!IsRooted()); if (IsLeaf(uNodeIndex2)) { *ptrdTotalDistance = GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2); return 1; } // Recurse down the rooted sub-tree defined by cutting the edge // and considering uNodeIndex2 as the root. const unsigned uLeft = GetFirstNeighbor(uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1); const unsigned uRight = GetSecondNeighbor(uNodeIndex2, uNodeIndex1); double dLeftDistance; double dRightDistance; const unsigned uLeftCount = GetLeafCountUnrooted(uNodeIndex2, uLeft, &dLeftDistance); const unsigned uRightCount = GetLeafCountUnrooted(uNodeIndex2, uRight, &dRightDistance); *ptrdTotalDistance = dLeftDistance + dRightDistance; return uLeftCount + uRightCount; } void Tree::RootUnrootedTree(ROOT Method) { assert(!IsRooted()); #if TRACE Log("Tree::RootUnrootedTree, before:"); LogMe(); #endif unsigned uNode1; unsigned uNode2; double dLength1; double dLength2; FindRoot(*this, &uNode1, &uNode2, &dLength1, &dLength2, Method); if (m_uNodeCount == m_uCacheCount) ExpandCache(); m_uRootNodeIndex = m_uNodeCount++; double dEdgeLength = GetEdgeLength(uNode1, uNode2); m_uNeighbor1[m_uRootNodeIndex] = NULL_NEIGHBOR; m_uNeighbor2[m_uRootNodeIndex] = uNode1; m_uNeighbor3[m_uRootNodeIndex] = uNode2; if (m_uNeighbor1[uNode1] == uNode2) m_uNeighbor1[uNode1] = m_uRootNodeIndex; else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNode1] == uNode2) m_uNeighbor2[uNode1] = m_uRootNodeIndex; else { assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNode1] == uNode2); m_uNeighbor3[uNode1] = m_uRootNodeIndex; } if (m_uNeighbor1[uNode2] == uNode1) m_uNeighbor1[uNode2] = m_uRootNodeIndex; else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNode2] == uNode1) m_uNeighbor2[uNode2] = m_uRootNodeIndex; else { assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNode2] == uNode1); m_uNeighbor3[uNode2] = m_uRootNodeIndex; } OrientParent(uNode1, m_uRootNodeIndex); OrientParent(uNode2, m_uRootNodeIndex); SetEdgeLength(m_uRootNodeIndex, uNode1, dLength1); SetEdgeLength(m_uRootNodeIndex, uNode2, dLength2); m_bHasHeight[m_uRootNodeIndex] = false; m_ptrName[m_uRootNodeIndex] = 0; m_bRooted = true; #if TRACE Log("\nPhy::RootUnrootedTree, after:"); LogMe(); #endif Validate(); } bool Tree::HasEdgeLength(unsigned uNodeIndex1, unsigned uNodeIndex2) const { assert(uNodeIndex1 < m_uNodeCount); assert(uNodeIndex2 < m_uNodeCount); assert(IsEdge(uNodeIndex1, uNodeIndex2)); if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2) return m_bHasEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex1]; else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2) return m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex1]; assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex1] == uNodeIndex2); return m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex1]; } void Tree::OrientParent(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uParentNodeIndex) { if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == uNodeIndex) return; if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex] == uParentNodeIndex) ; else if (m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex] == uParentNodeIndex) { double dEdgeLength2 = m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex]; m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex] = m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex] = m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex]; m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex] = uParentNodeIndex; m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex] = dEdgeLength2; } else { assert(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex] == uParentNodeIndex); double dEdgeLength3 = m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex]; m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex] = m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex] = m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex]; m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex] = uParentNodeIndex; m_dEdgeLength1[uNodeIndex] = dEdgeLength3; } OrientParent(m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex], uNodeIndex); OrientParent(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex], uNodeIndex); } unsigned Tree::FirstDepthFirstNode() const { assert(IsRooted()); // Descend via left branches until we hit a leaf unsigned uNodeIndex = m_uRootNodeIndex; while (!IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) uNodeIndex = GetLeft(uNodeIndex); return uNodeIndex; } unsigned Tree::FirstDepthFirstNodeR() const { assert(IsRooted()); // Descend via left branches until we hit a leaf unsigned uNodeIndex = m_uRootNodeIndex; while (!IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) uNodeIndex = GetRight(uNodeIndex); return uNodeIndex; } unsigned Tree::NextDepthFirstNode(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { #if TRACE Log("NextDepthFirstNode(%3u) ", uNodeIndex); #endif assert(IsRooted()); assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); if (IsRoot(uNodeIndex)) { #if TRACE Log(">> Node %u is root, end of traversal\n", uNodeIndex); #endif return NULL_NEIGHBOR; } unsigned uParent = GetParent(uNodeIndex); if (GetRight(uParent) == uNodeIndex) { #if TRACE Log(">> Is right branch, return parent=%u\n", uParent); #endif return uParent; } uNodeIndex = GetRight(uParent); #if TRACE Log(">> Descend left from right sibling=%u ... ", uNodeIndex); #endif while (!IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) uNodeIndex = GetLeft(uNodeIndex); #if TRACE Log("bottom out at leaf=%u\n", uNodeIndex); #endif return uNodeIndex; } unsigned Tree::NextDepthFirstNodeR(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { #if TRACE Log("NextDepthFirstNode(%3u) ", uNodeIndex); #endif assert(IsRooted()); assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); if (IsRoot(uNodeIndex)) { #if TRACE Log(">> Node %u is root, end of traversal\n", uNodeIndex); #endif return NULL_NEIGHBOR; } unsigned uParent = GetParent(uNodeIndex); if (GetLeft(uParent) == uNodeIndex) { #if TRACE Log(">> Is left branch, return parent=%u\n", uParent); #endif return uParent; } uNodeIndex = GetLeft(uParent); #if TRACE Log(">> Descend right from left sibling=%u ... ", uNodeIndex); #endif while (!IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) uNodeIndex = GetRight(uNodeIndex); #if TRACE Log("bottom out at leaf=%u\n", uNodeIndex); #endif return uNodeIndex; } void Tree::UnrootByDeletingRoot() { assert(IsRooted()); assert(m_uNodeCount >= 3); const unsigned uLeft = GetLeft(m_uRootNodeIndex); const unsigned uRight = GetRight(m_uRootNodeIndex); m_uNeighbor1[uLeft] = uRight; m_uNeighbor1[uRight] = uLeft; bool bHasEdgeLength = HasEdgeLength(m_uRootNodeIndex, uLeft) && HasEdgeLength(m_uRootNodeIndex, uRight); if (bHasEdgeLength) { double dEdgeLength = GetEdgeLength(m_uRootNodeIndex, uLeft) + GetEdgeLength(m_uRootNodeIndex, uRight); m_dEdgeLength1[uLeft] = dEdgeLength; m_dEdgeLength1[uRight] = dEdgeLength; } // Remove root node entry from arrays const unsigned uMoveCount = m_uNodeCount - m_uRootNodeIndex; const unsigned uUnsBytes = uMoveCount*sizeof(unsigned); memmove(m_uNeighbor1 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_uNeighbor1 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uUnsBytes); memmove(m_uNeighbor2 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_uNeighbor2 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uUnsBytes); memmove(m_uNeighbor3 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_uNeighbor3 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uUnsBytes); const unsigned uDoubleBytes = uMoveCount*sizeof(double); memmove(m_dEdgeLength1 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_dEdgeLength1 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uDoubleBytes); memmove(m_dEdgeLength2 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_dEdgeLength2 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uDoubleBytes); memmove(m_dEdgeLength3 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_dEdgeLength3 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uDoubleBytes); const unsigned uBoolBytes = uMoveCount*sizeof(bool); memmove(m_bHasEdgeLength1 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_bHasEdgeLength1 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uBoolBytes); memmove(m_bHasEdgeLength2 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_bHasEdgeLength2 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uBoolBytes); memmove(m_bHasEdgeLength3 + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_bHasEdgeLength3 + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uBoolBytes); const unsigned uPtrBytes = uMoveCount*sizeof(char *); memmove(m_ptrName + m_uRootNodeIndex, m_ptrName + m_uRootNodeIndex + 1, uPtrBytes); --m_uNodeCount; m_bRooted = false; // Fix up table entries for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) { #define DEC(x) if (x != NULL_NEIGHBOR && x > m_uRootNodeIndex) --x; DEC(m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]) DEC(m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]) DEC(m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]) #undef DEC } Validate(); } unsigned Tree::GetLeafParent(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { assert(IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)); if (IsRooted()) return GetParent(uNodeIndex); if (m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex] != NULL_NEIGHBOR) return m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; if (m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex] != NULL_NEIGHBOR) return m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; return m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; } // TODO: This is not efficient for large trees, should cache. double Tree::GetNodeHeight(unsigned uNodeIndex) const { if (!IsRooted()) Quit("Tree::GetNodeHeight: undefined unless rooted tree"); if (IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) return 0.0; if (m_bHasHeight[uNodeIndex]) return m_dHeight[uNodeIndex]; const unsigned uLeft = GetLeft(uNodeIndex); const unsigned uRight = GetRight(uNodeIndex); double dLeftLength = GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex, uLeft); double dRightLength = GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex, uRight); if (dLeftLength < 0) dLeftLength = 0; if (dRightLength < 0) dRightLength = 0; const double dLeftHeight = dLeftLength + GetNodeHeight(uLeft); const double dRightHeight = dRightLength + GetNodeHeight(uRight); const double dHeight = (dLeftHeight + dRightHeight)/2; m_bHasHeight[uNodeIndex] = true; m_dHeight[uNodeIndex] = dHeight; return dHeight; } unsigned Tree::GetNeighborSubscript(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborIndex) const { assert(uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount); assert(uNeighborIndex < m_uNodeCount); if (uNeighborIndex == m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]) return 0; if (uNeighborIndex == m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]) return 1; if (uNeighborIndex == m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]) return 2; return NULL_NEIGHBOR; } unsigned Tree::GetNeighbor(unsigned uNodeIndex, unsigned uNeighborSubscript) const { switch (uNeighborSubscript) { case 0: return m_uNeighbor1[uNodeIndex]; case 1: return m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex]; case 2: return m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex]; } Quit("Tree::GetNeighbor, sub=%u", uNeighborSubscript); return NULL_NEIGHBOR; } // TODO: check if this is a performance issue, could cache a lookup table unsigned Tree::LeafIndexToNodeIndex(unsigned uLeafIndex) const { const unsigned uNodeCount = GetNodeCount(); unsigned uLeafCount = 0; for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) { if (IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) { if (uLeafCount == uLeafIndex) return uNodeIndex; else ++uLeafCount; } } Quit("LeafIndexToNodeIndex: out of range"); return 0; } unsigned Tree::GetLeafNodeIndex(const char *ptrName) const { const unsigned uNodeCount = GetNodeCount(); for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) { if (!IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) continue; const char *ptrLeafName = GetLeafName(uNodeIndex); if (0 == strcmp(ptrName, ptrLeafName)) return uNodeIndex; } Quit("Tree::GetLeafNodeIndex, name not found"); return 0; } void Tree::Copy(const Tree &tree) { const unsigned uNodeCount = tree.GetNodeCount(); InitCache(uNodeCount); m_uNodeCount = uNodeCount; const size_t UnsignedBytes = uNodeCount*sizeof(unsigned); const size_t DoubleBytes = uNodeCount*sizeof(double); const size_t BoolBytes = uNodeCount*sizeof(bool); memcpy(m_uNeighbor1, tree.m_uNeighbor1, UnsignedBytes); memcpy(m_uNeighbor2, tree.m_uNeighbor2, UnsignedBytes); memcpy(m_uNeighbor3, tree.m_uNeighbor3, UnsignedBytes); memcpy(m_Ids, tree.m_Ids, UnsignedBytes); memcpy(m_dEdgeLength1, tree.m_dEdgeLength1, DoubleBytes); memcpy(m_dEdgeLength2, tree.m_dEdgeLength2, DoubleBytes); memcpy(m_dEdgeLength3, tree.m_dEdgeLength3, DoubleBytes); memcpy(m_dHeight, tree.m_dHeight, DoubleBytes); memcpy(m_bHasEdgeLength1, tree.m_bHasEdgeLength1, BoolBytes); memcpy(m_bHasEdgeLength2, tree.m_bHasEdgeLength2, BoolBytes); memcpy(m_bHasEdgeLength3, tree.m_bHasEdgeLength3, BoolBytes); memcpy(m_bHasHeight, tree.m_bHasHeight, BoolBytes); m_uRootNodeIndex = tree.m_uRootNodeIndex; m_bRooted = tree.m_bRooted; for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) { if (tree.IsLeaf(uNodeIndex)) { const char *ptrName = tree.GetLeafName(uNodeIndex); m_ptrName[uNodeIndex] = strsave(ptrName); } else m_ptrName[uNodeIndex] = 0; } #if DEBUG Validate(); #endif } // Create rooted tree from a vector description. // Node indexes are 0..N-1 for leaves, N..2N-2 for // internal nodes. // Vector subscripts are i-N and have values for // internal nodes only, but those values are node // indexes 0..2N-2. So e.g. if N=6 and Left[2]=1, // this means that the third internal node (node index 8) // has the second leaf (node index 1) as its left child. // uRoot gives the vector subscript of the root, so add N // to get the node index. void Tree::Create(unsigned uLeafCount, unsigned uRoot, const unsigned Left[], const unsigned Right[], const float LeftLength[], const float RightLength[], const unsigned LeafIds[], char **LeafNames) { Clear(); m_uNodeCount = 2*uLeafCount - 1; InitCache(m_uNodeCount); for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uLeafCount; ++uNodeIndex) { m_Ids[uNodeIndex] = LeafIds[uNodeIndex]; m_ptrName[uNodeIndex] = strsave(LeafNames[uNodeIndex]); } for (unsigned uNodeIndex = uLeafCount; uNodeIndex < m_uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) { unsigned v = uNodeIndex - uLeafCount; unsigned uLeft = Left[v]; unsigned uRight = Right[v]; float fLeft = LeftLength[v]; float fRight = RightLength[v]; m_uNeighbor2[uNodeIndex] = uLeft; m_uNeighbor3[uNodeIndex] = uRight; m_bHasEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex] = true; m_bHasEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex] = true; m_dEdgeLength2[uNodeIndex] = fLeft; m_dEdgeLength3[uNodeIndex] = fRight; m_uNeighbor1[uLeft] = uNodeIndex; m_uNeighbor1[uRight] = uNodeIndex; m_dEdgeLength1[uLeft] = fLeft; m_dEdgeLength1[uRight] = fRight; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uLeft] = true; m_bHasEdgeLength1[uRight] = true; } m_bRooted = true; m_uRootNodeIndex = uRoot + uLeafCount; Validate(); }