#ifndef Seq_h #define Seq_h #include class TextFile; class MSA; typedef std::vector CharVect; class Seq : public CharVect { public: Seq() { m_ptrName = 0; // Start with moderate size to avoid // thrashing the heap. reserve(200); } virtual ~Seq() { delete[] m_ptrName; } private: // Not implemented; prevent use of copy c'tor and assignment. Seq(const Seq &); Seq &operator=(const Seq &); public: void Clear() { clear(); delete[] m_ptrName; m_ptrName = 0; m_uId = uInsane; } const char *GetName() const { return m_ptrName; } unsigned GetId() const { if (uInsane == m_uId) Quit("Seq::GetId, id not set"); return m_uId; } void SetId(unsigned uId) { m_uId = uId; } bool FromFASTAFile(TextFile &File); void ToFASTAFile(TextFile &File) const; void ExtractUngapped(MSA &msa) const; void FromString(const char *pstrSeq, const char *pstrName); void Copy(const Seq &rhs); void CopyReversed(const Seq &rhs); void StripGaps(); void StripGapsAndWhitespace(); void ToUpper(); void SetName(const char *ptrName); unsigned GetLetter(unsigned uIndex) const; unsigned Length() const { return (unsigned) size(); } bool Eq(const Seq &s) const; bool EqIgnoreCase(const Seq &s) const; bool EqIgnoreCaseAndGaps(const Seq &s) const; bool HasGap() const; unsigned GetUngappedLength() const; void LogMe() const; char GetChar(unsigned uIndex) const { return operator[](uIndex); } void SetChar(unsigned uIndex, char c) { operator[](uIndex) = c; } void AppendChar(char c) { push_back(c); } void FixAlpha(); #ifndef _WIN32 reference at(size_type i) { return operator[](i); } const_reference at(size_type i) const { return operator[](i); } #endif private: char *m_ptrName; unsigned m_uId; }; #endif // Seq.h