#include "muscle.h" #include "textfile.h" #include TextFile::TextFile(const char szFileName[], bool bWrite) { FILE *ptrFile = 0; if (bWrite) { if (0 == strcmp(szFileName, "-")) ptrFile = stdout; else ptrFile = fopen(szFileName, "wb"); } else { if (0 == strcmp(szFileName, "-")) ptrFile = stdin; else ptrFile = fopen(szFileName, "rb"); } if (0 == ptrFile) Quit("Cannot open '%s' errno=%d\n", szFileName, errno); Init(ptrFile, szFileName); } void TextFile::Init(FILE *ptrFile, const char *ptrFileName) { m_ptrFile = ptrFile; m_ptrName = strdup(ptrFileName); m_uLineNr = 1; m_uColNr = 0; m_bLastCharWasEOL = true; m_cPushedBack = -1; #if DEBUG setbuf(m_ptrFile, 0); #endif } TextFile::TextFile(FILE *ptrFile, const char *ptrFileName) { Init(ptrFile, "-"); } TextFile::~TextFile() { if (m_ptrFile && m_ptrFile != stdin && m_ptrFile != stdout && m_ptrFile != stderr) fclose(m_ptrFile); free(m_ptrName); } // Get line from file. // Return true if end-of-file, quit if line too long. bool TextFile::GetLine(char szLine[], unsigned uBytes) { if (0 == uBytes) Quit("TextFile::GetLine, buffer zero size"); memset(szLine, 0, uBytes); unsigned uBytesCopied = 0; // Loop until end of line or end of file. for (;;) { char c; bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) return true; if ('\r' == c) continue; if ('\n' == c) return false; if (uBytesCopied < uBytes - 1) szLine[uBytesCopied++] = (char) c; else Quit("TextFile::GetLine: input buffer too small, line %u", m_uLineNr); } } // As GetLine, but trim leading and trailing blanks; skip empty lines bool TextFile::GetTrimLine(char szLine[], unsigned uBytes) { for (;;) { bool bEOF = GetLine(szLine, uBytes); if (bEOF) return true; TrimBlanks(szLine); if (0 != szLine[0]) break; } return false; } void TextFile::Rewind() { fseek(m_ptrFile, 0, SEEK_SET); m_uLineNr = 1; m_bLastCharWasEOL = true; } void TextFile::PutChar(char c) { int i = fputc(c, m_ptrFile); assert(i == c); if ('\n' == c) { ++m_uLineNr; m_uColNr = 1; } else ++m_uColNr; } void TextFile::PutString(const char szLine[]) { int iError = fputs(szLine, m_ptrFile); assert(iError >= 0); } void TextFile::PutFormat(const char szFormat[], ...) { char szStr[4096]; va_list ArgList; va_start(ArgList, szFormat); vsprintf(szStr, szFormat, ArgList); PutString(szStr); } void TextFile::GetLineX(char szLine[], unsigned uBytes) { bool bEof = GetLine(szLine, uBytes); if (bEof) Quit("end-of-file in GetLineX"); } bool TextFile::GetToken(char szToken[], unsigned uBytes, const char szCharTokens[]) { // Skip leading white space char c; for (;;) { bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) return true; if (!isspace(c)) break; } // Check for special case single-character tokens if (0 != strchr(szCharTokens, c)) { assert(uBytes >= 2); szToken[0] = c; szToken[1] = 0; return false; } // Loop until token terminated by white space, EOF or special unsigned uBytesCopied = 0; for (;;) { if (uBytesCopied < uBytes - 1) szToken[uBytesCopied++] = c; else Quit("TextFile::GetToken: input buffer too small, line %u", m_uLineNr); bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) { szToken[uBytesCopied] = 0; return true; } // Check for special case single-character tokens if (0 != strchr(szCharTokens, c)) { PushBack(c); assert(uBytesCopied > 0 && uBytesCopied < uBytes); szToken[uBytesCopied] = 0; return false; } if (isspace(c)) { assert(uBytesCopied > 0 && uBytesCopied < uBytes); szToken[uBytesCopied] = 0; return false; } } } void TextFile::GetTokenX(char szToken[], unsigned uBytes, const char szCharTokens[]) { bool bEof = GetToken(szToken, uBytes, szCharTokens); if (bEof) Quit("End-of-file in GetTokenX"); } void TextFile::Skip() { for (;;) { char c; bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof || '\n' == c) return; assert(isspace(c)); } } #ifdef _WIN32 TEXTFILEPOS TextFile::GetPos() { fpos_t p; int i = fgetpos(m_ptrFile, &p); assert(0 == i); assert(p >= 0); TEXTFILEPOS Pos; Pos.uOffset = (unsigned) p; Pos.uLineNr = m_uLineNr; Pos.uColNr = m_uColNr; return Pos; } void TextFile::SetPos(TEXTFILEPOS Pos) { fpos_t p = (fpos_t) Pos.uOffset; int i = fsetpos(m_ptrFile, &p); assert(0 == i); m_uLineNr = Pos.uLineNr; m_uColNr = Pos.uColNr; } #else TEXTFILEPOS TextFile::GetPos() { TEXTFILEPOS Pos; Pos.uOffset = ftell(m_ptrFile); Pos.uLineNr = m_uLineNr; Pos.uColNr = m_uColNr; return Pos; } void TextFile::SetPos(TEXTFILEPOS Pos) { fseek(m_ptrFile, Pos.uOffset, SEEK_SET); m_uLineNr = Pos.uLineNr; m_uColNr = Pos.uColNr; } #endif bool TextFile::GetChar(char &c) { if (-1 != m_cPushedBack) { c = (char) m_cPushedBack; m_cPushedBack = -1; return false; } int ic = fgetc(m_ptrFile); if (ic < 0) { if (feof(m_ptrFile)) { // Hack to fix up a non-empty text file that is missing // and end-of-line character in the last line. if (!m_bLastCharWasEOL && m_uLineNr > 0) { c = '\n'; m_bLastCharWasEOL = true; return false; } return true; } Quit("TextFile::GetChar, error %s", strerror(errno)); } c = (char) ic; if ('\n' == c) { m_bLastCharWasEOL = true; ++m_uLineNr; m_uColNr = 1; } else { m_bLastCharWasEOL = false; ++m_uColNr; } return false; } void TextFile::GetCharX(char &c) { bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) Quit("End-of-file in GetCharX"); } void TextFile::GetNonblankChar(char &c) { do { bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) Quit("End-of-file in GetCharX"); } while (isspace(c)); } void TextFile::SkipLine() { if (m_bLastCharWasEOL) return; for (;;) { char c; bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) Quit("End-of-file in SkipLine"); if ('\n' == c) break; } } void TextFile::SkipWhite() { bool bEof = SkipWhiteX(); if (bEof) Quit("End-of-file skipping white space"); } bool TextFile::SkipWhiteX() { for (;;) { char c; bool bEof = GetChar(c); if (bEof) return true; if (!isspace(c)) { PushBack(c); break; } } return false; }