#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" int aln_compare ( int argc, char *argv[]) { int a, b, c,f; Alignment *A, *B; Sequence *SA, *SB, *TOT_SEQ=NULL; Sequence *defined_residueA; Sequence *defined_residueB; char **seq_list; int n_seq_file; Sequence *S=NULL; Structure *ST=NULL; Result *R=NULL; char *buf1; char *buf2; /*PARAMETERS*/ char ***grep_list; int n_greps; char compare_mode[STRING]; char sim_aln[STRING]; char *alignment1_file; char *alignment2_file; char *pep1_file; char *pep2_file; char io_format[STRING]; int n_structure; char **struct_file; char **struct_format; int *n_symbol; char ***symbol_list; int pep_compare; int aln_compare; int count; int output_aln; int output_aln_threshold; char output_aln_file[LONG_STRING]; char output_aln_format[LONG_STRING]; char output_aln_modif[LONG_STRING]; /*LIST VARIABLES*/ Constraint_list *CL_A; Constraint_list *CL_B; CLIST_TYPE *clist_entry; int pos_in_clist; Sequence *CLS; /*Column Comparison Variables*/ int **posA; int **posB; int **seq_cache; int is_same; int n; /*RESULTS_VARIABLES*/ int **tot_count; int **pos_count; int ***pw_tot_count; int ***pw_pos_count; int *glob; int **pw_glob; int s1, r1, s2, r2; /*IO VARIABLES*/ int n_categories; char ***category; char *category_list; int *n_sub_categories; char sep_l; char sep_r; char io_file[STRING]; FILE *fp; int **aln_output_count; int **aln_output_tot; /*Sims VARIABLES*/ float **sim; float **sim_param; char sim_matrix[STRING]; int sim_n_categories; char ***sim_category; char *sim_category_list; int *sim_n_sub_categories; if ( argc==1|| strm6 ( argv[1], "h", "-h", "help", "-help", "-man", "?")) { output_informations(); } argv=standard_initialisation (argv, &argc); /*Declarations and Initializations*/ alignment1_file=vcalloc ( LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); alignment2_file=vcalloc ( LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); pep1_file=vcalloc ( LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); pep2_file=vcalloc ( LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); sprintf (compare_mode, "sp"); count=0; pep_compare=0; aln_compare=1; grep_list=vcalloc ( STRING, sizeof (char**)); for ( a=0; a< STRING; a++)grep_list[a]=declare_char (3, STRING); n_greps=0; n_structure=0; struct_file=declare_char ( MAX_N_STRUC, LONG_STRING); struct_format=declare_char (MAX_N_STRUC, STRING); n_symbol=vcalloc ( MAX_N_STRUC, sizeof (int)); symbol_list=vcalloc (MAX_N_STRUC, sizeof (char**)); for ( a=0; a< MAX_N_STRUC; a++)symbol_list[a]=declare_char ( 100, 100); n_categories=1; category=vcalloc ( MAX_N_CATEGORIES, sizeof (char**)); for ( a=0; a< MAX_N_CATEGORIES; a++)category[a]=declare_char(100, STRING); n_sub_categories=vcalloc ( 100, sizeof (int)); category_list=vcalloc ( LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( category_list, "[*][*]=[ALL]"); sim_n_categories=1; sim_category=vcalloc ( MAX_N_CATEGORIES, sizeof (char**)); for ( a=0; a< MAX_N_CATEGORIES; a++)sim_category[a]=declare_char(100, STRING); sim_n_sub_categories=vcalloc ( 100, sizeof (int)); sim_category_list=vcalloc ( LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( sim_category_list, "[*][*]=[ALL]"); sprintf ( sim_aln, "al1"); sim_matrix[0]='\0'; sprintf ( sim_category_list, "[*][*]=[ALL]"); sprintf ( io_format, "ht"); sprintf ( io_file, "stdout"); sep_l='['; sep_r=']'; output_aln=0; output_aln_threshold=100; sprintf ( output_aln_file, "stdout"); sprintf ( output_aln_format, "clustalw"); sprintf ( output_aln_modif, "lower"); /*END OF INITIALIZATION*/ /*PARAMETERS INPUT*/ for ( a=1; a< argc; a++) { if (strcmp ( argv[a], "-f")==0) { sprintf (io_file,"%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-sim_aln")==0) { sprintf (sim_aln,"%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-sim_matrix")==0) { sprintf (sim_matrix,"%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strm ( argv[a], "-compare_mode")) { sprintf ( compare_mode, "%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-sim_cat")==0) { if ( argv[++a][0]!='[') { if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "3d_ali")==0)sprintf ( sim_category_list, "[b][b]+[h][h]=[struc]"); else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%s: Unknown category for distance measure", argv[a]); } } else { sprintf ( sim_category_list, "%s", argv[a]); } } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-grep_value")==0) { sprintf ( grep_list[n_greps][0], "%s", argv[++a]); sprintf ( grep_list[n_greps][1], "%s", argv[++a]); n_greps++; } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-al1")==0) { sprintf ( alignment1_file, "%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-al2")==0) { sprintf ( alignment2_file, "%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-pep1")==0) { pep_compare=1; sprintf ( pep1_file, "%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-pep2")==0) { pep_compare=1; sprintf ( pep2_file, "%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-pep")==0) { pep_compare=1; } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-count")==0) { count=1; } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-output_aln")==0) { output_aln=1; } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-output_aln_threshold")==0) { output_aln_threshold=atoi(argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-output_aln_file")==0) { sprintf (output_aln_file,"%s",argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-output_aln_format")==0) { sprintf (output_aln_format,"%s",argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-output_aln_modif")==0) { sprintf (output_aln_modif,"%s",argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-st")==0) { sprintf ( struct_file [n_structure], "%s", argv[++a]); if (!NEXT_ARG_IS_FLAG && is_a_struc_format (argv[a+1])) sprintf ( struct_format[n_structure], "%s", argv[++a]); else sprintf ( struct_format[n_structure], "%s", "pep"); if ( !NEXT_ARG_IS_FLAG && strcmp ( argv[a+1], "conv")==0) { a++; while(!NEXT_ARG_IS_FLAG) { sprintf ( symbol_list[n_structure][n_symbol[n_structure]], "%s", argv[++a]); n_symbol[n_structure]++; } } else if (!NEXT_ARG_IS_FLAG) { symbol_list[n_structure]=make_symbols ( argv[++a], &n_symbol[n_structure]); } else { symbol_list[n_structure]=make_symbols ( "any", &n_symbol[n_structure]); } n_structure++; } else if ( strcmp (argv[a], "-sep")==0) { if ( !NEXT_ARG_IS_FLAG) get_separating_char ( argv[++a][0], &sep_l, &sep_r); else sep_l=sep_r=' '; } else if ( strncmp ( argv[a], "-io_format",5)==0) { sprintf ( io_format, "%s", argv[++a]); } else if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "-io_cat")==0) { if ( argv[++a][0]!='[') { if ( strcmp ( argv[a], "3d_ali")==0)sprintf ( category_list, "[b][b]+[h][h]=[struc];[*][*]=[tot]"); } else { sprintf ( category_list, "%s", argv[a]); } } else { fprintf ( stdout, "\nOPTION %s UNKNOWN[FATAL]\n", argv[a]); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } /*PARAMETER PROCESSING*/ if ( pep_compare==1 || count==1)aln_compare=0; if ( aln_compare==1)pep_compare=0; /*READ THE TOTAL SEQUENCES*/ seq_list=declare_char ( 100,STRING); n_seq_file=0; if ( alignment1_file[0] && !check_file_exists ( alignment1_file)) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: %s DOES NOT EXIST[FATAL:%s]\n", alignment1_file, PROGRAM); myexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( alignment2_file[0] && !check_file_exists ( alignment2_file)) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: %s DOES NOT EXIST[FATAL:%s]\n", alignment2_file, PROGRAM); myexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( pep1_file[0] && !check_file_exists ( pep1_file)) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: %s DOES NOT EXIST[FATAL:%s]\n", pep1_file, PROGRAM); myexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( pep2_file[0] && !check_file_exists ( pep2_file)) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: %s DOES NOT EXIST[FATAL:%s]\n", pep2_file, PROGRAM); myexit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( alignment1_file[0])sprintf ( seq_list[n_seq_file++], "A%s", alignment1_file); if ( alignment2_file[0])sprintf ( seq_list[n_seq_file++], "A%s", alignment2_file); if ( pep1_file[0])sprintf ( seq_list[n_seq_file++], "S%s", pep1_file); if ( pep2_file[0])sprintf ( seq_list[n_seq_file++], "S%s", pep2_file); TOT_SEQ=read_seq_in_n_list ( seq_list, n_seq_file, NULL, NULL); A=declare_aln (TOT_SEQ); B=declare_aln (TOT_SEQ); /*1 COMPARISON OF THE SEQUENCES*/ if ( pep_compare==1 || count==1) { f=0; if ( pep1_file[0]!='\0')SA=main_read_seq (pep1_file); else if (alignment1_file[0]!='\0') { main_read_aln ( alignment1_file, A); SA=aln2seq ( A); } else { main_read_aln ("stdin", A); sprintf ( alignment1_file, "stdin"); SA=aln2seq ( A); } if ( pep2_file[0]!='\0')SB=main_read_seq (pep2_file); else if (alignment2_file[0]!='\0') { main_read_aln ( alignment2_file, B); SB=aln2seq (B); } else { SB=SA; sprintf ( alignment2_file, "%s", alignment1_file ); } buf1=(pep1_file[0]!='\0')?pep1_file: alignment1_file; buf2=(pep2_file[0]!='\0')?pep2_file: alignment2_file; /*Output of the Results*/ fp=vfopen ( io_file, "w"); if ( count==1) { fprintf (fp, "Number of seq: %d %d\n", SA->nseq,SA->nseq); for ( a=0; a< SA->nseq; a++) fprintf (fp, "%-15s %d %d\n", SA->name[a], (int)strlen (SA->seq[a]), (int)strlen (SA->seq[a])); } if (SA->nseq!=SB->nseq) { fprintf ( fp, "DIFFERENCE TYPE 1: Different number of sequences %3d/%3d",SA->nseq,SB->nseq); f=1; } trim_seq ( SA, SB); for ( a=0; a< SA->nseq; a++) { lower_string (SA->seq[a]); lower_string (SB->seq[a]); ungap ( SA->seq[a]); ungap ( SB->seq[a]); if ( strcmp ( SA->seq[a], SB->seq[a])!=0) { fprintf ( fp, "DIFFERENCE TYPE 2: %s is different in the 2 files\n", SA->name[a]); f=1; } } for ( a=0; a< SA->nseq; a++) { lower_string (SA->seq[a]); lower_string (SB->seq[a]); ungap ( SA->seq[a]); ungap ( SB->seq[a]); if ( strlen ( SA->seq[a])!= strlen (SB->seq[a])) { fprintf ( fp, "DIFFERENCE TYPE 3: %s has != length in the 2 files (%d-%d)\n", SA->name[a],(int)strlen ( SA->seq[a]), (int)strlen (SB->seq[a])); f=1; } } if ( f==1) { fprintf ( fp, "\nDIFFERENCES found between:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n**********\n\n",buf1, buf2); } fclose (fp); } /*2 COMPARISON OF THE ALIGNMENTS*/ else if ( aln_compare==1) { n_categories=parse_category_list ( category_list, category, n_sub_categories); sim_n_categories=parse_category_list ( sim_category_list, sim_category, sim_n_sub_categories); main_read_aln ( alignment1_file, A); main_read_aln ( alignment2_file, B); CLS=trim_aln_seq ( A, B); defined_residueA=get_defined_residues (A); defined_residueB=get_defined_residues (B); A=thread_defined_residues_on_aln(A, defined_residueA); A=thread_defined_residues_on_aln(A, defined_residueB); B=thread_defined_residues_on_aln(B, defined_residueA); B=thread_defined_residues_on_aln(B, defined_residueB); CL_A=declare_constraint_list ( CLS, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_B=declare_constraint_list ( CLS, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_A=aln2constraint_list (A,CL_A, "sim"); CL_B=aln2constraint_list (B,CL_B, "sim"); clist_entry=vcalloc ( CL_A->entry_len, CL_A->el_size); glob=vcalloc ( A->nseq+1, sizeof (int)); pw_glob=declare_int ( A->nseq+1, A->nseq+1); if ( strm( compare_mode, "sp")) { for ( b=0,a=0; ane; a++) { s1=vread_clist(CL_A, a, SEQ1); s2=vread_clist(CL_A, a, SEQ2); clist_entry=extract_entry ( clist_entry, a, CL_A); glob[0]++; glob[s1+1]++; glob[s2+1]++; pw_glob[s1][s2]++; pw_glob[s2][s1]++; clist_entry=extract_entry ( clist_entry, a, CL_A); if ((main_search_in_list_constraint (clist_entry,&pos_in_clist,4,CL_B))!=NULL) { vwrite_clist ( CL_A, a, MISC, 1); b++; } else { vwrite_clist ( CL_A, a, MISC, 0); } } } else if ( strm( compare_mode, "column")) { posA=aln2pos_simple_2(A); posB=aln2pos_simple_2(B); seq_cache=declare_int ( A->nseq, A->len_aln+1); for ( n=0,a=0; a< A->len_aln; a++) for ( b=0; blen_aln; b++) { is_same=compare_pos_column(posA, a, posB, b, A->nseq); n+=is_same; if (is_same) { for (c=0; c< A->nseq;c++)if ( posA[c][a]>0)seq_cache[c][posA[c][a]]=1; } } for ( a=0,b=0; a< CL_A->ne; a++) { s1=vread_clist(CL_A, a, SEQ1); s2=vread_clist(CL_A, a, SEQ2); glob[0]++; glob[s1+1]++; glob[s2+1]++; pw_glob[s1][s2]++; pw_glob[s2][s1]++; r1=vread_clist(CL_A, a, R1); if (seq_cache[s1][r1]){b++;vwrite_clist ( CL_A, a, MISC, 1);} } free_int (posA, -1); free_int (posB, -1); free_int (seq_cache, -1); } for ( a=0; a< n_structure; a++) { ST=read_structure (struct_file[a],struct_format[a], A,B,ST,n_symbol[a], symbol_list[a]); } /*RESULT ARRAY DECLARATION*/ tot_count=declare_int (n_categories+1, A->nseq+1); pos_count=declare_int (n_categories+1, A->nseq+1); pw_tot_count=vcalloc ( A->nseq, sizeof (int**)); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++)pw_tot_count[a]=declare_int ( A->nseq, n_categories); pw_pos_count=vcalloc ( A->nseq, sizeof (int**)); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++)pw_pos_count[a]=declare_int ( A->nseq, n_categories); /*COMPARISON MODULE*/ for ( a=0; a< n_categories; a++) { for (b=0; bne; b++) { s1=vread_clist(CL_A, b, SEQ1); s2=vread_clist(CL_A, b, SEQ2); r1=vread_clist(CL_A, b, R1); r2=vread_clist(CL_A, b, R2); c=vread_clist(CL_A, b, MISC); if ( is_in_struct_category ( s1, s2, r1, r2, ST, category[a], n_sub_categories[a])) { tot_count[a][0]++; tot_count[a][s1+1]++; tot_count[a][s2+1]++; pw_tot_count[s1][s2][a]++; pw_tot_count[s2][s1][a]++; if ( c==1) { pw_pos_count[s1][s2][a]++; pw_pos_count[s2][s1][a]++; pos_count[a][0]++; pos_count[a][s1+1]++; pos_count[a][s2+1]++; } } } } /*Measure of Aligned Sequences Similarity*/ sim=get_aln_compare_sim ((strcmp (sim_aln, "al1")==0)?A:B, ST,sim_category[0], sim_n_sub_categories[0], sim_matrix); sim_param=analyse_sim ((strcmp (sim_aln, "al1")==0)?A:B, sim); /*Fill the Result_structure*/ R=vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Result)); R->grep_list=grep_list; R->n_greps=n_greps; R->A=A; R->B=B; R->S=S; R->ST=ST; R->sim_aln=sim_aln; R->alignment1_file=alignment1_file; R->alignment2_file=alignment2_file; R->io_format=io_format; R->n_structure=n_structure; R->struct_file=struct_file; R->struct_format=struct_format; R->n_symbol=n_symbol; R->symbol_list=symbol_list; R->tot_count=tot_count; R->pos_count=pos_count; R->pw_tot_count=pw_tot_count; R->pw_pos_count=pw_pos_count; R->glob=glob; R->pw_glob=pw_glob; R->n_categories=n_categories; R->category=category; R->category_list=category_list; R->n_sub_categories=n_sub_categories; R->sim=sim; R->sim_param=sim_param; R->sim_matrix=sim_matrix; R->sim_n_categories=sim_n_categories; R->sim_category=sim_category; R->sim_category_list=sim_category_list; R->sim_n_sub_categories=sim_n_sub_categories; R->sep_r=sep_r; R->sep_l=sep_l; /*Output of the Results*/ fp=vfopen ( io_file, "w"); fp=output_format (io_format, fp, R); vfclose ( fp); /*Rewriting of Alignment A*/ if ( output_aln) { A->residue_case=2; aln_output_tot =declare_int ( A->nseq, A->len_aln+1); aln_output_count=declare_int ( A->nseq, A->len_aln+1); for ( a=0; a< CL_A->ne; a++) { clist_entry=extract_entry ( clist_entry, a, CL_A); aln_output_tot[clist_entry[SEQ1]][clist_entry[R1]]++; aln_output_tot[clist_entry[SEQ2]][clist_entry[R2]]++; aln_output_count[clist_entry[SEQ1]][clist_entry[R1]]+=clist_entry[MISC]; aln_output_count[clist_entry[SEQ2]][clist_entry[R2]]+=clist_entry[MISC]; } for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { for (c=0, b=0; b< A->len_aln; b++) { if ( !is_gap(A->seq_al[a][b])) { c++; if ( aln_output_tot[a][c] && ((aln_output_count[a][c]*100)/aln_output_tot[a][c])seq_al[a][b]=tolower(A->seq_al[a][b]); else A->seq_al[a][b]=output_aln_modif[0]; } else A->seq_al[a][b]=toupper(A->seq_al[a][b]); } } } A->score_aln=(int)(R->tot_count[0][0]==0)?0:((R->pos_count[0][0]*100)/(float)R->tot_count[0][0]); output_format_aln (output_aln_format,A,NULL,output_aln_file); free_int ( aln_output_tot, -1); free_int ( aln_output_count, -1 ); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /************************************************************************************/ /* */ /* OUTPUT */ /* */ /* */ /************************************************************************************/ FILE *output_format (char *iof,FILE *fp, Result *R) { int a; int l; /* H: files Header h: basic header; s: sequence results t: total results (global); p: pairwise_results; */ l=strlen ( iof); for ( a=0; a< l; a++) { if ( iof[a]=='H')fp=output_large_header (fp,R); else if ( iof[a]=='h')fp=output_header (fp,R); else if ( iof[a]=='t')fp=output_total_results (fp, R); else if ( iof[a]=='s')fp=output_sequence_results (fp,R); else if ( iof[a]=='p')fp=output_pair_wise_sequence_results(fp,R); } return fp; } FILE *output_pair_wise_sequence_results (FILE *fp, Result *R) { int a,c,d; for ( c=0; c<(R->A)->nseq-1; c++) { for ( d=c+1; d< (R->A)->nseq; d++) { fprintf (fp, "%-10s %-10s%s",(R->A)->name[c],(R->A)->name[d],SSPACE); fprintf (fp, "%5.1f%s", R->sim[c][d], SSPACE); for (a=0; a< R->n_categories; a++) { fprintf ( fp, "%5.1f ",(R->pw_tot_count[c][d][a]==0)?0:((float)(R->pw_pos_count[c][d][a]*100)/(float)R->pw_tot_count[c][d][a])); fprintf ( fp, "%c%5.1f%c%s",(R->sep_l),(R->pw_glob[c][d]==0)?0:((float)(R->pw_tot_count[c][d][a]*100)/(float)R->pw_glob[c][d]),(R->sep_r),SSPACE); } fprintf ( fp, "%c%5d%c\n",(R->sep_l), R->pw_glob[c][d],(R->sep_r)); } } return fp; } FILE *output_sequence_results (FILE *fp, Result *R) { int a,c; for ( c=1; c<=R->A->nseq; c++) { fprintf (fp, "%-10s %-10s%s",(R->A)->name[c-1], "..",SSPACE); fprintf (fp, "%5.1f%s", R->sim_param[c-1][0],SSPACE); for (a=0; a< R->n_categories; a++) { fprintf ( fp, "%5.1f ",(R->tot_count[a][c]==0)?0:((float)(R->pos_count[a][c]*100)/(float)R->tot_count[a][c])); fprintf ( fp, "%c%5.1f%c%s",(R->sep_l),(R->glob[c]==0)?0:((float)(R->tot_count[a][c]*100)/(float)R->glob[c]),(R->sep_r), SSPACE); } fprintf ( fp, "%c%5d%c\n",(R->sep_l), R->glob[c],(R->sep_r)); } return fp; } FILE *output_total_results (FILE *fp, Result *R) { int a; fprintf ( fp, "%-13s %-7d%s",extract_suffixe (R->alignment1_file),(R->A)->nseq, SSPACE); fprintf (fp, "%5.1f%s", R->sim_param[(R->A)->nseq][0], SSPACE); for (a=0; a< R->n_categories; a++) { fprintf ( fp, "%5.1f ",(R->tot_count[a][0]==0)?0:((float)(R->pos_count[a][0]*100)/(float)R->tot_count[a][0])); fprintf ( fp, "%c%5.1f%c%s",(R->sep_l),(R->glob[0]==0)?0:((float)(R->tot_count[a][0]*100)/(float)R->glob[0]),(R->sep_r), SSPACE); } fprintf ( fp, "%c%5d%c\n",(R->sep_l), R->glob[0],(R->sep_r)); return fp; } FILE *output_header (FILE *fp, Result *R) { int a; fprintf ( fp, "%s\n",generate_string ( R->n_categories*(13+strlen(SSPACE))+31+2*strlen(SSPACE),'*')); fprintf ( fp, "%-10s %-10s %s%-3s%s", "seq1", "seq2",SSPACE,"Sim",SSPACE); for ( a=0; a< R->n_categories; a++) fprintf ( fp, "%-12s%s ",R->category[a][0], SSPACE); fprintf (fp, "%-5s", "Tot"); fprintf (fp, "\n"); return fp; } FILE *output_large_header ( FILE *fp, Result *R) { int a, b; fprintf ( fp, "AL1: %s\n", R->alignment1_file); fprintf ( fp, "AL2: %s\n", R->alignment2_file); for ( a=0; a< R->n_structure; a++) { fprintf (fp, "ST %d: %s [%s]/[", a, R->struct_file[a], R->struct_format[a]); for ( b=0; b< R->n_symbol[a]; b++)fprintf (fp, "%s ", R->symbol_list[a][b]); fprintf ( fp, "]\n"); } return (fp); } void get_separating_char ( char s, char *l, char *r) { if ( s=='{' || s=='}') { l[0]='{'; r[0]='}'; return; } else if ( s==']' || s=='[') { l[0]='['; r[0]=']'; return; } else if ( s==')' || s=='(') { l[0]='('; r[0]=')'; return; } else { l[0]=s; r[0]=s; return; } } /************************************************************************************/ /* */ /* SIM MEASURE */ /* */ /* */ /************************************************************************************/ float **get_aln_compare_sim ( Alignment *A, Structure *ST, char **cat, int n_cat, char *matrix) { int a, b, c; float **sim; char cr1, cr2; int r1, r2; int p1, p2; float pos,tot; sim=declare_float ( A->nseq, A->nseq); for ( a=0; anseq-1; a++) { for (b=a+1; b< A->nseq; b++) { for ( r1=0, r2=0,tot=0, pos=0,c=0; c< A->len_aln; c++) { p1=is_gap(A->seq_al[a][c]); p2=is_gap(A->seq_al[b][c]); r1+=1-p1; r2+=1-p2; cr1=A->seq_al[a][c]; cr2=A->seq_al[b][c]; if (!p1 && !p2) { if (is_in_struct_category (a, b, r1, r2, ST, cat, n_cat)) { tot++; pos+=is_in_same_group_aa ( cr1, cr2, 0, NULL, matrix); } } } sim[a][b]=sim[b][a]=(tot==0)?0:((pos*100)/tot); } } return sim; } float **analyse_sim ( Alignment *A, float **sim) { int a,b,c; float **an, d; an=declare_float ( A->nseq+1,2); for (d=0, a=0; a< A->nseq;a++) { for ( b=0; b< A->nseq; b++) { if ( b!=a) { an[a][0]+=sim[a][b]; an[A->nseq][0]+=sim[a][b]; d++; } } an[a][0]=((float)an[a][0]/(float)(A->nseq-1)); } an[A->nseq][0]=an[A->nseq][0]/d; for ( d=0,a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { for ( b=0; b< A->nseq; b++) { if ( b!=a) { c=an[a][0]-sim[a][b]; an[a][1]+=(c>0)?c:-c; an[A->nseq][1]+=(c>0)?c:-c; d++; } } an[a][1]=((float)an[a][1]/(float)(A->nseq-1)); } an[A->nseq][1]=an[A->nseq][1]/d; return an; } /************************************************************************************/ /* */ /* STRUC ANALYSE */ /* */ /* */ /************************************************************************************/ int is_in_struct_category ( int s1, int s2, int r1, int r2, Structure *ST, char **cat, int n_cat) { int a; static char *struc_r1; static char *struc_r2; char first[STRING]; char second[STRING]; static int **r; if ( ST==NULL)return 1; if ( struc_r1!=NULL) { vfree ( struc_r1); vfree ( struc_r2); } if ( r==NULL)r=declare_int (2, 2); else r[0][0]=r[1][1]=r[1][0]=r[0][1]=0; struc_r1=get_structure_residue ( s1, r1, ST); struc_r2=get_structure_residue ( s2, r2, ST); for ( a=1; a< n_cat; a+=2) { sprintf ( first, "%s", cat[a]); sprintf ( second,"%s", cat[a+1]); r[0][0]=struc_matches_pattern ( struc_r1, first); r[0][1]=struc_matches_pattern ( struc_r2, first); r[1][0]=struc_matches_pattern ( struc_r1, second); r[1][1]=struc_matches_pattern ( struc_r2, second); if ( (r[0][0]&&r[1][1])||(r[1][0]&&r[0][1]))return 1; } return 0; } char * get_structure_residue (int seq, int res, Structure *ST) { int a; char *s; s=vcalloc ( ST->n_fields+1, sizeof (char)); for (a=0; a< ST->n_fields; a++) s[a]=ST->struc[seq][res][a]; s[a]='\0'; return s; } int struc_matches_pattern ( char *struc, char *pattern) { char p[STRING]; char *y; int b,l; sprintf ( p, "%s", pattern); if ( strcmp (p, "*")==0)return 1; else { l=strlen ( struc); y=strtok ( p, "."); for ( b=0; bnseq, A->seq_al); else ST=extend_structure ( ST); StrucAln=declare_Alignment(NULL); if (strm ( format, "pep")) { SEQ=main_read_seq ( fname); StrucAln=seq2aln(SEQ,StrucAln,0); } else if ( strcmp ( format, "aln")==0) { StrucAln=main_read_aln (fname, StrucAln); } reorder_aln(StrucAln, A->name, A->nseq); SA=aln2seq(StrucAln); string_array_convert (SA->seq, SA->nseq, n_symbols, symbol_table); seq2struc (SA, ST); free_aln(StrucAln); if (SEQ)free_sequence (SEQ, SEQ->nseq); return ST; } int parse_category_list ( char *category_list_in, char ***category, int*n_sub_categories) { int n,a; char *category_list; char *y,*z; category_list=vcalloc ( strlen(category_list_in)+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf (category_list, "%s", category_list_in); n=0; z=category_list; while ((y=strtok(z, ";"))!=NULL) { sprintf ( category[n++][2], "%s", y); z=NULL; } for ( a=0; a< n; a++) { sprintf (category_list,"%s",strtok(category[a][2], "=")); sprintf (category[a][0],"%s",strtok (NULL, "=")); sprintf ( category[a][++n_sub_categories[a]],"%s", strtok(category_list, "[]+")); while ( ((y=strtok(NULL, "[]+"))!=NULL)) { if ( strcmp (y, "#")==0)y=category[a][n_sub_categories[a]]; sprintf ( category[a][++n_sub_categories[a]],"%s",y); } } return n; } int is_a_struc_format (char *format) { if ( strcmp ( format, "pep")==0)return 1; if ( strcmp ( format, "aln")==0)return 1; return 0; } /************************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Informations */ /* */ /* */ /************************************************************************************/ void output_informations () { fprintf ( stderr, "\nPROGRAM: %s (%s)\n",PROGRAM,VERSION); fprintf ( stderr, "******INPUT***************************"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-al1 al1_file"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-al2 al2_file"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-compare_mode [sp] or column"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-pep (compare only the sequences"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-count"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-pep1 pep1_file"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-pep1 pep2_file"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-st str_file st_format conversion"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **st_format: aln, pep"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **conversion: 3d_ali, conv abcZ #X"); fprintf ( stderr, "\nNOTE: Several structures in a row are possible"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\n****DISTANCE MEASURE*****************"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-sim_cat category_format or category_name"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **category_format: [*][*]=[tot]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **category_name : 3d_ali (<=>[h][h]+[e][e]=[Struc]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-sim_matrix matrix_name"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **matrix_name: idmat,pam250mt.."); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-sim_aln al1 or al2"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\n****COMPARISON***********************"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-io_cat category_format or category_name"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **category_format: [*][*]=[tot]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n **category_name : 3d_ali(<=>[h][h]+[e][e]=[Struc];[*][*]=[Tot]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\nNOTE: if two structures:"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n[he.123][#]=[he123VShe123];[beh.*][he.2345]=[other]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n\n****OUTPUT****************************"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-f stdout"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n stderr"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n file_name"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-io_format hts"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n H ->large Header"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n h ->small Header"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n t->global (average)results"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n s ->average results for each sequence"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n p ->results for each pair of sequences"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-output_aln Outputs al1 with conserved bits in Upper"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-output_aln_threshold [100]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-output_aln_file [stdout]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-output_aln_format [clustalw]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n-output_aln_modif [lower]"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n"); myexit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } /*********************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE**********************************/ /*© Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /*and */ /*Cedric Notredame */ /*Tue Jul 1 10:00:54 WEST 2008. */ /*All rights reserved.*/ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify*/ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by*/ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or*/ /* (at your option) any later version.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*/ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*/ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the*/ /* GNU General Public License for more details.*/ /**/ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*/ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software*/ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/ /*............................................... |*/ /* If you need some more information*/ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com*/ /*............................................... |*/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /*********************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE**********************************/ /*********************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE**********************************/ /*© Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /*and */ /*Cedric Notredame */ /*Tue Oct 27 10:12:26 WEST 2009. */ /*All rights reserved.*/ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify*/ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by*/ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or*/ /* (at your option) any later version.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*/ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*/ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the*/ /* GNU General Public License for more details.*/ /**/ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*/ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software*/ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/ /*............................................... |*/ /* If you need some more information*/ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com*/ /*............................................... |*/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /*********************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE**********************************/