#include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "fastal_lib_header.h" void tree_parse(struct Fastal_arguments *arguments, char* param) { char delims[] = ""; arguments->tree_method = strtok(param,delims); if (arguments->tree_method == "parttree") { arguments->tree_param1 = 6; arguments->tree_param2 = 150; } char *tmp = strtok(NULL,delims); if (tmp != NULL) { arguments->tree_param1 = atoi(tmp); arguments->tree_param2 = atoi(strtok(NULL,delims)); } // printf("A: %s %i %i", arguments->tree_method, arguments->tree_param1, arguments->tree_param2); } void arg_parse (int argc, char **argv, struct Fastal_arguments *arguments) { // default values arguments->diag_method = "blast"; arguments->output_file = "out->aln"; arguments->tree_file = NULL; arguments->gep = -1; arguments->gop = -10; arguments->method = "fast"; arguments->tree_method = "oligotree"; arguments->mat="dna_idmat"; arguments->tree_only = 0; arguments->evaluate = 0; arguments->score = 0; // arguments->retree = 0; arguments->agreement_score = 0; arguments->num_ref_aln = 0; arguments->is_dna = 1; arguments->aln_ref = NULL; arguments->aln2test = NULL; arguments->tree_out = 0; arguments->gap_iterate = 0; int i = 1; char *param; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { param = argv[i]; if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-d" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--is_dna"))) { arguments->is_dna = 1; arguments->mat = "dna_idmat"; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-a" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--is_aa"))) { arguments->is_dna = 0; arguments->mat = "blosum62mt"; } // printf("%s\n", arguments->mat); } if (arguments->is_dna) { arguments->tree_param1 = 2; arguments->tree_param2 = 5; } else { arguments->tree_param1 = 1; arguments->tree_param2 = 10; } i = 1; while (i < argc) { param = argv[i]; if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-i" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--in"))) { arguments->sequence_file = argv[++i]; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-t" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--tree_file"))) { arguments->tree_file = argv[++i]; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--mat")) { arguments->mat = argv[++i]; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--tree_method")) { tree_parse(arguments, argv[++i]); // arguments->tree_file = argv[++i]; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-o" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--outfile"))) { arguments->output_file = argv[++i]; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-m" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--method"))) { ++i; if ( (!strcmp(argv[i], "fast")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "nw")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "gotoh")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "udisc")) ) arguments->method = argv[i]; else { printf("Method %s unknown\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-b" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--diag_method"))) { ++i; if ( (!strcmp(argv[i], "blast")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "blastz")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "blat")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "ktup"))) arguments->diag_method = argv[i]; else { printf("DIAG Method %s unknown\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-d" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--is_dna"))) { arguments->is_dna = 1; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-a" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--is_aa"))) { arguments->is_dna = 0; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-g" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--gop"))) { arguments->gop = atof(argv[++i]); } // else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-r" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--retree"))) // { // arguments->retree = atoi(argv[++i]); // } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-e" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--gep"))) { arguments->gep = atof(argv[++i]); } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-k" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--p1"))) { arguments->tree_param1 = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-c" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--p2"))) { arguments->tree_param2 = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--eval_aln")) { arguments->evaluate = 1; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-s" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--score"))) { arguments->score = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--tree_out")) { arguments->tree_out = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--tree_only")) { arguments->tree_only = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--agreement_score")) { arguments->agreement_score = 1; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--make_ref_aln")) { arguments->num_ref_aln = atoi(argv[++i]); arguments->num_seq_in_ref = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--aln_ref")) { arguments->aln_ref = argv[++i]; } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--gap_iterate")) { arguments->gap_iterate = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( !strcmp(param, "--aln2test")) { arguments->aln2test = argv[++i]; } else if ( ( !strcmp(param, "-h" )) || ( !strcmp(param, "--help")) || ( !strcmp(param, "-?" ))) { printf("Fastal - a fast alignment tool\n"); printf("-i --in The sequence_file\n"); printf("-t --tree_file The treefile\n"); printf(" --tree_method The method to produce the tree:\n"); printf(" oligo - very fast method\n"); printf(" parttree - method like in mafft\n"); printf("-o --outfile The output file\n"); printf("-m --method The method to use:\n"); printf(" fast - fast approximate algorithm [default]\n"); printf(" nw - needleman-wunsch\n"); printf(" gotoh - gotoh\n"); printf("-d --is_dna Sequence are DNA\n"); printf("-a --is_aa Sequences are amino acids\n"); printf("-g --gop Gap opening costs\n"); printf("-e --gep Gap extension costs\n"); printf("-r --retree Number of reconstructions [default=0]\n"); printf(" --tree_only only tree is produced\n"); printf(" --eval_aln calculates only the sum-of-pairs-score of a given alignment\n"); printf("-s --score calculates the sum of paris score after construction of an alignment. Can take a long time. [default: off]\n"); // printf(" --make_ref_aln calculates the sum of paris score after construction of an alignment. Can take a long time. [default: off]\n"); exit(0); } else { printf("Argument %s unknown\n", param); exit(1); } ++i; } } /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /*© Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /*and */ /*Cedric Notredame */ /*Fri Feb 18 08:27:45 CET 2011 - Revision 596. */ /*All rights reserved.*/ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify*/ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by*/ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or*/ /* (at your option) any later version.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*/ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*/ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the*/ /* GNU General Public License for more details.*/ /**/ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*/ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software*/ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/ /*............................................... |*/ /* If you need some more information*/ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com*/ /*............................................... |*/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/