#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #define FATAL "fatal:reformat_struc" char * process_repeat (char *aln, char *seq, char *pdb) { char *tf, *file, *name; Alignment *A, *A2; Sequence *S, *P; int r1, r2, is_r1, is_r2, l1=0, l2=0, a; int *pos; FILE *fp; A=main_read_aln (aln, NULL); for (a=0; anseq; a++)ungap(A->seq_al[a]); S=main_read_seq (seq); P=get_pdb_sequence (pdb); A2=align_two_sequences (S->seq[0], P->seq[0], "pam250mt", -10, -1, "myers_miller_pair_wise"); pos=vcalloc ( A2->len_aln+1, sizeof (int)); for (l1=0, l2=0,a=0; a< A2->len_aln; a++) { r1=A2->seq_al[0][a]; r2=A2->seq_al[1][a]; is_r1=1-is_gap(r1); is_r2=1-is_gap(r2); l1+=is_r1; l2+=is_r2; if (!is_r1); else { pos[l1]=l2; } } tf=vtmpnam(NULL); fp=vfopen (tf, "w"); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { int *coor, b, c; name=A->name[a]; file=vtmpnam (NULL); coor=string2num_list2 (name, "-"); //Check the compatibility between the guide sequence and the coordinates for ( c=0,b=coor[1]-1; bseq_al[a][c])!=tolower(S->seq[0][b])) printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "Incompatibility between the repeat [%s] and the master Sequence [%s]\n%s",A->name[a], seq, A->seq_al[a]); } printf_system ( "extract_from_pdb %s -coor %d %d -seq_field SEQRES> %s", pdb,pos[coor[1]-1],pos[coor[2]-1], file); fprintf (fp, ">%s _P_ %s\n", name, file); vfree (coor); } vfclose (fp); return tf; } char * normalize_pdb_file (char *name_in, char *seq, char *out_file) { char command[1000]; Sequence *S; Alignment *A; int a; int start, end, npdb, r1, r2; char name[100]; if ( !name_in) return NULL; else { sprintf ( name, "%s", name_in); } if ( !is_pdb_file(name)) { fprintf(stdout, "\nERROR[normalize_pdb_file]: %s is not a pdb file[FATAL:%s]\n", name, PROGRAM); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } S=get_pdb_sequence (name); A=align_two_sequences (S->seq[0],seq,"idmat",-3,0, "fasta_pair_wise"); for (start=-1, end=-1,npdb=0,a=0; a< A->len_aln; a++) { r1=1-is_gap(A->seq_al[0][a]); r2=1-is_gap(A->seq_al[1][a]); npdb+=r1; if (r1 && r2 && start==-1)start=npdb; if (r1 && r2)end=npdb; } free_aln(A); free_sequence (S, -1); sprintf ( command, "extract_from_pdb -infile %s -atom ALL -chain FIRST -coor %d %d -nodiagnostic > %s", check_file_exists(name), start, end, out_file); my_system ( command); return out_file; } Ca_trace * trim_ca_trace (Ca_trace *T, char *seq ) { /*This function: -removes from Ca trace all the residues that are not in the sequence -add in the Ca trace residues unmatched in the structure (it gives them a NULL structure) */ Alignment *ALN; Atom *A; int a,l, s, r, is_r, is_s; int *seq_cache, *struc_cache; int tot_l=0; char buf1[10000]; char buf2[10000]; /* lower_string (T->seq); lower_string (seq); */ sprintf (buf1, "%s", T->seq); sprintf (buf2, "%s", seq); lower_string (buf1); lower_string (buf2); if ( strm (buf1,buf2))return T; else { ALN=align_two_sequences (T->seq,seq, "est_idmat",-1, 0,"fasta_pair_wise"); struc_cache=vcalloc (ALN->len_aln+1, sizeof (int)); seq_cache =vcalloc (ALN->len_aln+1, sizeof (int)); for ( r=0, s=0,a=0; a< ALN->len_aln; a++) { is_r=!is_gap(ALN->seq_al[0][a]); is_s=!is_gap(ALN->seq_al[1][a]); r+=is_r; s+=is_s; if ( is_s && is_r) { struc_cache[r-1]=s-1; seq_cache[s-1]=r-1; } else if ( is_s && !is_r) { seq_cache[s-1]=-1; } else if ( !is_s && is_r) { struc_cache[r-1]=-1; } } T->ca=vrealloc ( T->ca, sizeof (Atom*)*(ALN->len_aln+1)); T->peptide_chain=vrealloc ( T->peptide_chain, (sizeof (Amino_acid*))*(ALN->len_aln+1)); T->seq=vrealloc ( T->seq, ALN->len_aln+1); for ( a=T->len; a< ALN->len_aln; a++) { T->peptide_chain[a]=vcalloc (1, sizeof (Amino_acid)); } /*Read every atom*/ for ( a=0; a< T->n_atom; a++) { A=(T->structure[a]); if ( struc_cache[A->res_num-1]==-1)continue; else { /*set the struc residue to its sequence index*/ A->res_num=struc_cache[A->res_num-1]+1; if (strm (A->type, "CA")) {T->ca[A->res_num-1]=A;tot_l++;} if ( strm (A->type, "CA"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1])->CA=A; if ( strm (A->type, "C"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1] )->C=A; if ( strm (A->type, "CB"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1])->CB=A; if ( strm (A->type, "N"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1] )->N=A; } } l=strlen(seq); for ( a=0;a< l; a++) { if ( seq_cache[a]==-1) { tot_l++; T->ca[a]=NULL; if (!T->peptide_chain[a])T->peptide_chain[a]=vcalloc (1, sizeof (Amino_acid)); T->peptide_chain[a]->CA=NULL; T->peptide_chain[a]->C =NULL; T->peptide_chain[a]->CB=NULL; T->peptide_chain[a]->N=NULL; T->seq[a]='x'; } else { T->seq[a]=seq[a]; } } T->len=ALN->len_aln; /* T->len=tot_l; */ free_aln (ALN); vfree(seq_cache); vfree(struc_cache); } return T; } Ca_trace * read_ca_trace (char *name, char *seq_field ) { char *tp_name=NULL; char command[10000]; if ( !is_simple_pdb_file (name)) { tp_name=vtmpnam (NULL); sprintf ( command, "extract_from_pdb -seq_field %s -infile %s -atom ALL -chain FIRST -mode simple> %s",seq_field, check_file_exists(name), tp_name); if ( getenv4debug ("DEBUG_EXTRACT_FROM_PDB"))fprintf ( stderr, "\n[DEBUG_EXTRACT_FROM_PDB:read_ca_trace] %s\n", command); my_system ( command); } else tp_name=name; return simple_read_ca_trace (tp_name); } Ca_trace * simple_read_ca_trace (char *tp_name ) { /*This function reads a pdb file into a Ca_trace structure*/ int a, c, n; FILE *fp; Atom *A; char res; char *buf; Ca_trace *T=NULL; int res_num=0, last_res_num=0; buf=vcalloc ( VERY_LONG_STRING, sizeof (char)); n=count_n_line_in_file (tp_name ); if ( !T) { T=vcalloc ( 1, sizeof ( Ca_trace)); declare_name (T->name); } /*1 Get the complete sequence: replace missing residues with Xs*/ for (a=0; a< VERY_LONG_STRING; a++)buf[a]='x'; res=res_num=0; fp=vfopen (tp_name, "r"); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!='>'); fscanf ( fp, "%*s" ); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!='\n'); fscanf ( fp, "%*s" ); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!='\n'); while ((c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { ungetc(c, fp); fscanf (fp, "%*s %*s %c %*c %d %*f %*f %*f\n",&res,&res_num); if (res) { res=tolower (res); buf[res_num-1]=res; last_res_num=res_num; } res=res_num=0; } buf[last_res_num]='\0'; vfclose (fp); /*Sequence Read*/ T->len=strlen (buf); T->seq=vcalloc ( T->len+1, sizeof (char)); buf=lower_string (buf); sprintf ( T->seq, "%s", buf); n+=T->len; T->structure=vcalloc ( n, sizeof (Atom*)); for ( a=0; a< n; a++)T->structure[a]=vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Atom)); T->ca=vcalloc ( T->len+1, sizeof ( Atom*)); a=0; fp=vfopen (tp_name, "r"); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!='>'); fscanf ( fp, "%*s" ); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!='\n'); fscanf ( fp, "%*s" ); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!='\n'); while ((c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { ungetc(c, fp); A=T->structure[a]; A->num=a; fscanf (fp, "%*s %s %s %*c %d %f %f %f\n",A->type, A->res,&A->res_num, &A->x, &A->y, &A->z); res=A->res[0]; res=tolower (res); T->seq[A->res_num-1]=res; if (( strm ( A->type, "CA")) || ( strm ( A->type, "C3'"))) T->ca[A->res_num-1]=A; a++; } T->n_atom=a; T->peptide_chain=vcalloc (T->len+1, sizeof (Amino_acid*)); for ( a=0; a<=T->len; a++) T->peptide_chain[a]=vcalloc (1, sizeof (Amino_acid)); for ( a=0; a< T->n_atom; a++) { A=T->structure[a]; if ( strm (A->type, "CA"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1])->CA=A; if ( strm (A->type, "C3'"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1])->CA=A; if ( strm (A->type, "C"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1] )->C=A; if ( strm (A->type, "CB"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1])->CB=A; if ( strm (A->type, "N"))(T->peptide_chain[A->res_num-1] )->N=A; } vfclose (fp); vfree (buf); return T; } Ca_trace * hasch_ca_trace ( Ca_trace *T) { T=hasch_ca_trace_nb (T); T=hasch_ca_trace_bubble (T); T=hasch_ca_trace_transversal (T); return T; } Ca_trace * hasch_ca_trace_transversal ( Ca_trace *TRACE) { /*This function gets the Coordinates of a protein and computes the distance of each Ca to its given a Ca, Compute the distance between, CA-x and CA+x with x=[1-N_ca] T->nb[a][0]-->Number of distances. T->nb[a][1... T->nb[a][0]]-->ngb index with respect to the Ca chain T->d_nb[a][1... T->d_nb[a][0]]-->ngb index with respect to the Ca chain */ int a, b, d; float dist; Atom *A, *B; Struct_nb *T; Pdb_param *PP; TRACE->Transversal=vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Struct_nb)); T=TRACE->Transversal; PP=TRACE->pdb_param; if ( !T->nb)T->nb=declare_int (TRACE->len+1, 1); if ( !T->d_nb)T->d_nb=declare_float (TRACE->len+1, 1); for (d=0,a=0; a< TRACE->len; a++) { for ( b=1; b<=PP->N_ca; b++) { if ( (a-b)<0 || (a+b)>=TRACE->len)continue; A=TRACE->ca[a-b]; B=TRACE->ca[a+b]; dist=get_atomic_distance ( A, B); T->nb[a]=vrealloc ( T->nb[a], (++T->nb[a][0]+1)*sizeof (int)); T->nb[a][T->nb[a][0]]=b; T->d_nb[a]=vrealloc ( T->d_nb[a], (T->nb[a][0]+1)*sizeof (float)); T->d_nb[a][T->nb[a][0]]=dist; d++; } T->max_nb=MAX (T->max_nb, T->nb[a][0]); } return TRACE; } Ca_trace * hasch_ca_trace_nb ( Ca_trace *TRACE) { /*This function gets the Coordinates of a protein and computes the distance of each Ca to its T->N_ca Ngb. The first Ngb to the left and to the right are excluded Ngd to the left get negative distances Ngb to the right receive positive distances T->nb[a][0]-->Number of ngb. T->nb[a][1... T->nb[a][0]]-->ngb index with respect to the Ca chain T->d_nb[a][1... T->d_nb[a][0]]-->ngb index with respect to the Ca chain */ int a, b, d; float dist; Atom *A, *B; Struct_nb *T; Pdb_param *PP; TRACE->Chain=vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Struct_nb)); T=TRACE->Chain; PP=TRACE->pdb_param; if ( !T->nb)T->nb=declare_int (TRACE->len+1, 1); if ( !T->d_nb)T->d_nb=declare_float (TRACE->len+1, 1); for (d=0,a=0; a< TRACE->len; a++) { for ( b=MAX(0,a-PP->N_ca); b< MIN( a+PP->N_ca, TRACE->len); b++) { if (FABS(a-b)<2)continue; A=TRACE->ca[a]; B=TRACE->ca[b]; if ( !A || !B)continue; dist=get_atomic_distance ( A, B); if (bnb[a]=vrealloc ( T->nb[a], (++T->nb[a][0]+1)*sizeof (int)); T->nb[a][T->nb[a][0]]=b; T->d_nb[a]=vrealloc ( T->d_nb[a], (T->nb[a][0]+1)*sizeof (float)); T->d_nb[a][T->nb[a][0]]=dist; d++; } T->max_nb=MAX (T->max_nb, T->nb[a][0]); } return TRACE; } Ca_trace * hasch_ca_trace_bubble ( Ca_trace *TRACE) { int a, b; float dist; Atom *A, *B; float **list; Pdb_param *PP; Struct_nb *T; PP=TRACE->pdb_param; TRACE->Bubble=vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Struct_nb)); T=TRACE->Bubble; if ( !T->nb)T->nb=declare_int (TRACE->len+1, 1); if ( !T->d_nb)T->d_nb=declare_float (TRACE->len+1, 1); list=declare_float ( TRACE->n_atom, 3); for (a=0; a< TRACE->len; a++) { for ( b=0; b< TRACE->len; b++) { A=TRACE->ca[a]; B=TRACE->ca[b]; if ( !A || !B)continue; dist=get_atomic_distance ( A, B); if ( distmaximum_distance && FABS((A->res_num-B->res_num))>2) { T->nb[a][0]++; T->nb[a]=vrealloc ( T->nb[a], (T->nb[a][0]+1)*sizeof (int)); T->nb[a][T->nb[a][0]]=(TRACE->ca[b])->num; T->d_nb[a]=vrealloc ( T->d_nb[a], (T->nb[a][0]+1)*sizeof (float)); T->d_nb[a][T->nb[a][0]]= ((amax_nb=MAX (T->max_nb, T->nb[a][0]); } for ( a=0; a< TRACE->len; a++) { for ( b=0; b< T->nb[a][0]; b++) { list[b][0]=T->nb[a][b+1]; list[b][1]=T->d_nb[a][b+1]; list[b][2]=(TRACE->structure[T->nb[a][b+1]])->res_num; } sort_float ( list, 3,2, 0, T->nb[a][0]-1); for ( b=0; b< T->nb[a][0]; b++) { T->nb[a][b+1]=list[b][0]; T->d_nb[a][b+1]=list[b][1]; } } free_float ( list, -1); return TRACE; } float ** measure_ca_distances(Ca_trace *T) { int a, b; Atom *A, *B; float **dist; dist=declare_float ( T->len, T->len); for (a=0; a< T->len-1; a++) { for ( b=a+1; b< T->len; b++) { A=T->ca[a]; B=T->ca[b]; dist[a][b]=dist[b][a]=get_atomic_distance ( A, B); } } return dist; } float get_atomic_distance ( Atom *A, Atom*B) { float dx, dy, dz, d; if ( !A || !B) { return UNDEFINED; } dx=A->x - B->x; dy=A->y - B->y; dz=A->z - B->z; d=(float) sqrt ( (double) ( dx*dx +dy*dy +dz*dz)); return d; } char * map_contacts ( char *file1, char *file2, float T) { Ca_trace *ST1, *ST2; int *contact_list; int a; ST1=read_ca_trace (file1, "ATOM"); ST2=read_ca_trace (file2, "ATOM"); contact_list=identify_contacts (ST1, ST2, T); for ( a=0; alen; a++) { ST1->seq[a]=(contact_list[a]==1)?toupper(ST1->seq[a]):tolower(ST1->seq[a]); } return ST1->seq; } float ** print_contacts ( char *file1, char *file2, float T) { Ca_trace *ST1, *ST2; float **dist, d; int a, b; Atom *A, *B; char *list; int *list1=NULL, *list2=NULL; int *cache1, *cache2; if ((list=strstr (file1, "_R_"))!=NULL) { list[0]='\0'; list+=3; list1=string2num_list2(list, "_"); } if ((list=strstr (file2, "_R_"))!=NULL) { list[0]='\0'; list+=3; list2=string2num_list2(list, "_"); } fprintf ( stdout, "\n#%s (%s) struc2contacts_01", PROGRAM, VERSION); fprintf ( stdout, "\nStructure %s vs %s", file1, file2); ST1=read_ca_trace (file1, "SEQRES"); ST2=read_ca_trace (file2, "SEQRES"); cache1=vcalloc (ST1->len+1, sizeof (int)); cache2=vcalloc (ST2->len+1, sizeof (int)); if (list1)for ( a=1; alen; a++)cache1[a]=1; if (list2)for ( a=1; alen; a++)cache2[a]=1; dist=declare_float (ST1->len+1,ST2->len+1); vfree (list1); vfree(list2); for ( a=0; a< ST1->n_atom; a++) { A=ST1->structure[a]; if ( !cache1[A->res_num])continue; for ( b=0; bn_atom; b++) { B=ST2->structure[b]; if( !cache2[B->res_num])continue; d=get_atomic_distance (A,B); if (dist[A->res_num][B->res_num]==0 || dist[A->res_num][B->res_num]>d)dist[A->res_num][B->res_num]=d; } } for ( a=1; a<=ST1->len; a++) { A=ST1->ca[a-1]; if ( !A || !cache1[A->res_num])continue; for ( b=1; b<= ST2->len; b++) { B=ST2->ca[b-1]; if( !B || !cache2[B->res_num])continue; if(dist[a][b]!=0)fprintf ( stdout, "\nResidue %3d [%s] vs %3d [%s] %9.4f Angstrom",A->res_num,A->res,B->res_num,B->res,dist[a][b]); } } fprintf ( stdout, "\n"); vfree (cache1);vfree(cache2); free_float (dist, -1); return NULL; } int * identify_contacts (Ca_trace *ST1,Ca_trace *ST2, float T) { int a, b; float d; int *result; result=vcalloc ( ST1->len+1, sizeof (int)); for ( a=0; a< ST1->n_atom; a++) for ( b=0; bn_atom; b++) { d=get_atomic_distance (ST1->structure[a], ST2->structure[b]); if (dstructure[a]; B=ST2->structure[b]; fprintf ( stderr, "\n%d %s %s Vs %d %s %s: %f", A->res_num, A->res, A->type, B->res_num, B->res, B->type, d); */ result[(ST1->structure[a])->res_num-1]=1; } } return result; } Sequence *seq2contacts ( Sequence *S, float T) { int a; Sequence *NS; NS=duplicate_sequence (S); for ( a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { NS->seq[a]=string2contacts ( S->seq[a], S->name[a], S->seq_comment[a], T); } return NS; } char *string2contacts (char *seq,char *name, char *comment, float T) { char **nlist; char *r; char *result; int a, b, n; char *struc_name; static char *struc_file; static char *ligand_file; Alignment *A; char r0, r1; int l, ln; char command[1000]; /*>seq__struc Ligand1 Chain1 Ligand 2 cahin2 Chain: index or ANY if unknown Ligand: name of pdb file */ if ( !struc_file) { struc_file=vtmpnam (NULL); ligand_file=vtmpnam (NULL); } result=vcalloc ( strlen (seq)+1, sizeof (char)); for ( a=0; a< strlen (seq); a++)result[a]='0'; nlist=string2list (comment); if ( !nlist)return result; else n=atoi(nlist[0]); struc_name=strstr(name, "_S_"); if (!struc_name && !is_pdb_struc (name)) { return result; } else if ( !struc_name && is_pdb_struc (name)) { struc_name=name; } else { struc_name+=3; if ( check_file_exists (struc_name) && is_simple_pdb_file(struc_name)) { sprintf (command, "cp %s %s", name, struc_file); } else { sprintf ( command, "extract_from_pdb -infile %s -atom ALL -mode simple -force >%s",name, struc_file); } my_system (command); } for ( a=1, ln=1;a%s", nlist[a], ligand_file); a++; } else { sprintf ( command, "extract_from_pdb -infile %s -chain %s -ligand %s -ligand_only -atom ALL -mode simple -force >%s",struc_name, nlist[a+1],nlist[a], ligand_file); a+=2; } my_system (command); if ( T>0) { r=map_contacts (struc_file,ligand_file,T); toggle_case_in_align_two_sequences (KEEP_CASE); A=align_two_sequences (seq,r,"pam250mt", -10, -1, "myers_miller_pair_wise"); toggle_case_in_align_two_sequences (CHANGE_CASE); for ( l=0,b=0; b< A->len_aln; b++) { r0=A->seq_al[0][b];r1=A->seq_al[1][b]; if (!is_gap(r0)) { if (isupper(r1))result[l]=(result[l]!='0')?'9':'0'+ln; l++; } } free_aln (A); fprintf ( stderr, " [DONE]"); } else if ( T==0) { print_contacts( struc_file,ligand_file,T); } } fprintf ( stderr, "\n"); return result; } char **struclist2nb (char *name,char *seq, char *comment, float Threshold, char *atom, char *output) { char *list, **pdb; int a; char **R, *tmpf; tmpf=vtmpnam (NULL); list=strstr ( comment, "_P_")+3; if ( !strstr (comment, "_P_"))return NULL; else { pdb=string2list ( strstr ( comment, "_P_")+3); } for (a=1; a%s R=%d T=%.2f %s\n%s\n", name, a+1, Threshold, comment, R[a]); } else { FILE *fp; char c; fp=vfopen (tmpf, "r"); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF)fprintf (stdout, "%c", c); vfclose (fp); } return NULL; } char **struc2nb (char *name,char *seq, char *comment, float Threshold, char *atom, char *output) { char *struc_file; char *struc_name; Ca_trace *T; Atom *A1, *A2; int a, b; short **hasch; FILE *fp; float d; char command[10000]; static char **R; struc_file=vtmpnam (NULL); declare_name (struc_name); sscanf ( strstr(comment, "_P_"), "_P_ %s", struc_name); //struc_name=strstr(name, "_S_"); if (!R) { int l; l=strlen (seq); R=declare_char (l+1, l+1); for ( a=0; a%s",struc_name,(atom==NULL)?"ALL":atom, struc_file); } my_system (command); } T=read_ca_trace (struc_file, "ATOM"); hasch=declare_short (T->len, T->len); if (!R) { int l; l=strlen (seq); R=declare_char (l+1, l+1); for ( a=0; an_atom; a++) for ( b=0; b< T->n_atom; b++) { A1=T->structure[a];A2=T->structure[b]; d=get_atomic_distance (A1, A2); if ( dres_num-1][A2->res_num-1]=1; } } fp=vfopen (output, "a"); fprintf ( fp, "#Distance_map_format_01\n#Sequence %s with T= %.2f", struc_name, Threshold); for ( a=0; alen; a++) { int c; c=change_residue_coordinate ( T->seq,seq,a); if ( c!=-1 && seq) { char r1, r2; r1=(T->seq)[a]; r2=seq[c]; r1=tolower(r1);r2=tolower(r2); if ( r1!=r2) continue; R[c][c]=toupper (R[c][c]); fprintf (fp, "\n%s Residue %d ",struc_name,c+1); for ( b=0; blen; b++) { int d; char r3, r4; r3=(T->seq)[a];r4=seq[c]; r3=tolower(r3);r4=tolower(r4); if ( r3!=r4) continue; d=change_residue_coordinate (T->seq,seq,b); if ( hasch[a][b] && d!=-1) { fprintf (fp, "%d ",d+1); R[c][d]=toupper (R[c][d]); } } fprintf (fp, ";"); } } free_short (hasch, -1); fprintf (fp, "\n"); return R; } short **seq2nb (char *seq, char *pdb, float Threshold, char *atom) { char *struc_file; Ca_trace *T; Atom *A1, *A2; int a, b; short **hasch; short **result; //Contains the result for every residue of seq float d; char command[10000]; // get a clean pdb file struc_file=vtmpnam (NULL); if ( check_file_exists (struc_file) && is_simple_pdb_file(struc_file)) { sprintf (command, "cp %s %s", pdb, struc_file); } else { sprintf ( command, "extract_from_pdb -infile %s -atom %s -mode simple -force >%s",pdb,(atom==NULL)?"ALL":atom, struc_file); } my_system (command); //Read and hasch the PDB file T=read_ca_trace (struc_file, "ATOM"); hasch=declare_short (T->len, T->len); result=declare_short (strlen (seq)+1, strlen (seq)+1); for ( a=0; a< T->n_atom; a++) for ( b=0; b< T->n_atom; b++) { A1=T->structure[a];A2=T->structure[b]; d=get_atomic_distance (A1, A2); if ( dres_num-1][A2->res_num-1]=1; } } for ( a=0; alen; a++) { int c; c=change_residue_coordinate ( T->seq,seq,a); if ( c!=-1) { for ( b=0; blen; b++) { int d; d=change_residue_coordinate (T->seq,seq,b); if ( hasch[a][b] && d!=-1) { result[c][result[c][0]++]=d; } } } } free_short (hasch, -1); return result; } /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /*© Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /*and */ /*Cedric Notredame */ /*Fri Feb 18 08:27:45 CET 2011 - Revision 596. */ /*All rights reserved.*/ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify*/ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by*/ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or*/ /* (at your option) any later version.*/ /**/ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*/ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*/ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the*/ /* GNU General Public License for more details.*/ /**/ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*/ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software*/ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/ /*............................................... |*/ /* If you need some more information*/ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com*/ /*............................................... |*/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/