You will need the following (hopefully):
Building a webstart version of jalview
Jalview depends on several libraries contained in the libs directory of the distribution. In order to access them, they must all be signed jars - using the same jarsigner key as jalview itself. There is a build target in ant to make the signed jar files in a directory called dist. But first you need to make your own key:Making your own key
The ant 'makejars' target assumes that a keystore exists in a directory 'keys'. To make a key accessible using the default settings in the build.xml file then make the keys directory and add the jarsigner key with the following :
mkdir keys keytool -genkey -keystore keys/.keystore -keypass alignmentisfun -storepass alignmentisfun -alias jalview (you will have to answer some personal questions here) ant makejars (should eventually generate a Jalview.jnlp file in ./dist along with a set of signed jars using the jalview key)
Jalview development team