/* Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Troshin * * JAva Bioinformatics Analysis Web Services (JABAWS) @version: 1.0 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * Apache License version 2 as published by the Apache Software Foundation * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache * License for more details. * * A copy of the license is in apache_license.txt. It is also available here: * @see: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt * * Any republication or derived work distributed in source code form * must include this copyright and license notice. */ package compbio.engine; import java.io.File; import java.security.InvalidParameterException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import compbio.data.sequence.FastaSequence; import compbio.engine.client.ConfExecutable; import compbio.engine.client.ConfiguredExecutable; import compbio.engine.client.Executable; import compbio.engine.client.PathValidator; import compbio.engine.client.EngineUtil; import compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.AsyncClusterRunner; import compbio.engine.cluster.drmaa.ClusterRunner; import compbio.engine.conf.DirectoryManager; import compbio.engine.conf.PropertyHelperManager; import compbio.engine.local.AsyncLocalRunner; import compbio.engine.local.LocalRunner; import compbio.metadata.JobSubmissionException; import compbio.util.PropertyHelper; import compbio.util.SysPrefs; import compbio.util.Util; public class Configurator { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Configurator.class); private static final PropertyHelper ph = PropertyHelperManager.getPropertyHelper(); public static final boolean IS_LOCAL_ENGINE_ENABLED = initBooleanValue("engine.local.enable"); public static final boolean IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED = initBooleanValue("engine.cluster.enable"); public final static String LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY = initLocalDirectory(); public final static String CLUSTER_WORK_DIRECTORY = initClusterWorkDirectory(); private static boolean initBooleanValue(String key) { assert key != null; String status = ph.getProperty(key); log.debug("Loading property: " + key + " with value: " + status); if (Util.isEmpty(status)) { return false; } return new Boolean(status.trim()).booleanValue(); } private static String initClusterWorkDirectory() { String tmpDir = null; if (IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED) { tmpDir = ph.getProperty("cluster.tmp.directory"); if (!Util.isEmpty(tmpDir)) { tmpDir = tmpDir.trim(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cluster work directory must be provided! "); } if (LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY != null && LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY.equals(CLUSTER_WORK_DIRECTORY)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Cluster engine output directory must be different of that for local engine!"); } } return tmpDir; } private static String initLocalDirectory() { String tmp_dir = ph.getProperty("local.tmp.directory"); // Use system temporary directory if local.tmp.directory is not defined if (Util.isEmpty(tmp_dir)) { tmp_dir = SysPrefs.getSystemTmpDir(); log.debug("local.tmp.directory is not defined using system tmp: " + tmp_dir); } if (!PathValidator.isAbsolutePath(tmp_dir)) { log.debug("local.tmp.directory path is relative! " + tmp_dir); tmp_dir = EngineUtil.convertToAbsolute(tmp_dir); log.debug("local.tmp.directory path changed to absolute: " + tmp_dir); } return tmp_dir.trim(); } /** * Depending on the values defined in the properties * (engine.cluster.enable=true and engine.local.enable=true) return either * Cluster job submission engine {@link #JobRunner} or local job submission * engine {@link #LocalRunner} If both engines enabled than ask * {@link LoadBalancer} for an engine. This method will fall back and return * local engine if * * 1) No engines are defined in the properties or they have been defined incorrectly * * 2) Execution environment is Windows as the system cannot really run * cluster submission from windows * * @param executable * @return SyncExecutor backed up by either cluster or local engines * @throws JobSubmissionException */ static Executable.ExecProvider getExecProvider(ConfiguredExecutable executable, List dataSet) throws JobSubmissionException { // Look where executable claims to be executed Executable.ExecProvider provider = executable.getSupportedRuntimes(); if (!IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED && !IS_LOCAL_ENGINE_ENABLED) { // Both engines disabled! throw new RuntimeException("Both engines are disabled! " + "Check conf/Engine.cluster.properties and conf/Engine.local.properties. At least one engine must be enabled!"); } if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Local) { if (IS_LOCAL_ENGINE_ENABLED) { return Executable.ExecProvider.Local; } else { throw new JobSubmissionException("Executable can be executed only on locally, but local engine is disabled!"); } } if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Cluster) { if (IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED) { return Executable.ExecProvider.Cluster; } else { throw new JobSubmissionException("Executable can be executed only on the cluster, but cluster engine is disabled!"); } } // We are here if executable can be executed on both Cluster and Local // engines i.e. provider = Any // If we still here executable supports All exec environments // Check whether we work on windows if (SysPrefs.isWindows) { // no matter what the settings are, we cannot send tasks to the // cluster from windows env return Executable.ExecProvider.Local; } // Now if both engines are configured that load balance them if (IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED && IS_LOCAL_ENGINE_ENABLED) { // If the dataset is NULL than base a decision on local engine load // only if (dataSet == null) { return LoadBalancer.getEngine(executable); } // If the dataset is provided, consider it // This should be the main root for any load balancing // configurations return LoadBalancer.getEngine(executable, dataSet); } else if (IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED) { return Executable.ExecProvider.Cluster; } // If we are here, than local engine is enabled or one of the two will // happen (1) exception is thrown if both engines are disabled // or (2) previous statement will return the cluster engine return Executable.ExecProvider.Local; } public static ConfiguredExecutable configureExecutable(Executable executable) throws JobSubmissionException { ConfExecutable confExec = new ConfExecutable(executable, DirectoryManager.getTaskDirectory(executable.getClass())); Executable.ExecProvider provider = getExecProvider(confExec, null); confExec.setExecProvider(provider); setupWorkDirectory(confExec, provider); return confExec; } public static ConfiguredExecutable configureExecutable(Executable executable, List dataSet) throws JobSubmissionException { ConfExecutable confExec = new ConfExecutable(executable, DirectoryManager.getTaskDirectory(executable.getClass())); Executable.ExecProvider provider = getExecProvider(confExec, dataSet); confExec.setExecProvider(provider); setupWorkDirectory(confExec, provider); return confExec; } static void setupWorkDirectory(ConfExecutable confExec, Executable.ExecProvider provider) { assert provider != null && provider != Executable.ExecProvider.Any; String workDir = ""; if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Local) { workDir = Configurator.LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY + File.separator + confExec.getTaskId(); } else { workDir = Configurator.CLUSTER_WORK_DIRECTORY + File.separator + confExec.getTaskId(); } // Create working directory for the task File wdir = new File(workDir); wdir.mkdir(); log.info("Creating working directory for the task in: " + wdir.getAbsolutePath()); // Tell the executable where to get the results confExec.setWorkDirectory(workDir); } public static ConfiguredExecutable configureExecutable(Executable executable, Executable.ExecProvider provider) throws JobSubmissionException { if (executable == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Executable must be provided!"); } ConfExecutable confExec = new ConfExecutable(executable, DirectoryManager.getTaskDirectory(executable.getClass())); if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Cluster && !IS_CLUSTER_ENGINE_ENABLED) { throw new JobSubmissionException("Cluster engine is disabled or not configured!"); } if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Local && !IS_LOCAL_ENGINE_ENABLED) { throw new JobSubmissionException("Local engine is disabled or not configured!"); } confExec.setExecProvider(provider); setupWorkDirectory(confExec, provider); return confExec; } public static AsyncExecutor getAsyncEngine(ConfiguredExecutable executable, Executable.ExecProvider provider) { assert provider != Executable.ExecProvider.Any && provider != null; if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Cluster) { return new AsyncClusterRunner(); } return new AsyncLocalRunner(); } public static SyncExecutor getSyncEngine(ConfiguredExecutable executable, Executable.ExecProvider provider) throws JobSubmissionException { assert provider != Executable.ExecProvider.Any && provider != null; if (provider == Executable.ExecProvider.Cluster) { return ClusterRunner.getInstance(executable); } return new LocalRunner(executable); } public static AsyncExecutor getAsyncEngine(ConfiguredExecutable executable) { if (isTargetedForLocalExecution(executable)) { return new AsyncLocalRunner(); } return new AsyncClusterRunner(); } public static AsyncExecutor getAsyncEngine(String taskId) { if (isLocal(taskId)) { return new AsyncLocalRunner(); } return new AsyncClusterRunner(); } public static SyncExecutor getSyncEngine(ConfiguredExecutable executable) throws JobSubmissionException { if (isTargetedForLocalExecution(executable)) { return new LocalRunner(executable); } return ClusterRunner.getInstance(executable); } static boolean isTargetedForLocalExecution(ConfiguredExecutable executable) { // In the uncommon case that the cluster and local execution temporary // directories are the same, in this case the method return true anyway /* * Could have done this String taskDir = executable.getWorkDirectory(); * int idx = taskDir.lastIndexOf(File.separator); String workDir = * taskDir.substring(0, idx); assert * !(workDir.equals(CLUSTER_WORK_DIRECTORY) && workDir * .equals(LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY)) : * "Could not determine executable target!"; if * (workDir.equals(LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY)) { return true; } */ String taskDir = executable.getTaskId(); return isLocal(taskDir); } static boolean isLocal(String taskId) { if (Util.isEmpty(taskId)) { throw new NullPointerException("TaskId must be provided!"); } if (!EngineUtil.isValidJobId(taskId)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("TaskId is not valid!"); } return !taskId.startsWith(ConfExecutable.CLUSTER_TASK_ID_PREFIX); } public static String getWorkDirectory(String taskId) { assert !compbio.util.Util.isEmpty(taskId); assert EngineUtil.isValidJobId(taskId); log.info("Getting workdirectory for TaskID: " + taskId); if (taskId.startsWith(ConfExecutable.CLUSTER_TASK_ID_PREFIX)) { return CLUSTER_WORK_DIRECTORY + File.separator + taskId; } return LOCAL_WORK_DIRECTORY + File.separator + taskId; } }