// Requested by Hari Jayaram // script to output residue positions and values for selected region // thanks to this thread for cut'n'paste code // http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.groovy.user/53010 // Jalview issue at http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1542 import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection import static java.awt.Toolkit.* def curviewport = Jalview.getAlignFrames()[Jalview.getAlignFrames().length-1].getViewport() def debug = false // TSV output by default. // change "\t" to "," to output CSV file def sep = "\t" def gapChar = "-" if (curviewport.getSelectionGroup()) { // gets selection for topmost alignment def selreg = curviewport.getSelectionGroup() def groupStartCol = selreg.getStartRes() def groupEndCol = selreg.getEndRes() if (debug) {println "groupStartCol: " + groupStartCol + ", groupEndCol: " + groupEndCol} def csv=new StringBuilder(512) // for each sequence in the current selection selreg.getSequences().eachWithIndex{ seq, seqNo -> csv.append(seq.getDisplayId(false).padRight(20,' ')) // get map of sequence sites to alignment positions def gaps = seq.gapMap() if (debug) {println "gaps: " + gaps} // initialise loop variable to 'not quite shown first column' def lastColShown = groupStartCol-1 for (mapPos=0 ; ; mapPos++) { def nextResiduePos = gaps[mapPos] // skip over sites that precede selected columns if (nextResiduePos < groupStartCol) { continue; } if (debug) {println "mapPos: " + mapPos + ", lastColShown: " + lastColShown + ", nextResiduePos: " + nextResiduePos + ", csv: " + csv} // fill in any gaps while (lastColShown < groupEndCol && lastColShown+1 < nextResiduePos) { csv.append(sep+gapChar) lastColShown++ } if (lastColShown >= groupEndCol) { break } lastColShown = nextResiduePos def residue = seq.getDatasetSequence().getCharAt(mapPos) csv.append(sep+(mapPos+1) + " (" + residue + ")") // user output is base 1 } csv.append("\n") } def result = csv.toString() defaultToolkit.systemClipboard.setContents(new StringSelection(result), null) print result println "Sites for selected region copied to the clipboard" } else { "Select a region in the alignment window." }