/***************************************************************** * HMMER - Biological sequence analysis with profile HMMs * Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Washington University School of Medicine * All Rights Reserved * * This source code is distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. See the files COPYING and LICENSE * for details. *****************************************************************/ /* translate_main.c * * translate - create a file of all possible protein ORFs, given * an input nucleic acid sequence * * * Not currently compliant w/ HMMER API. * * 1.02 Thu Apr 20 16:12:41 1995 * + incorporated into squid * + -a, -s options added * * CVS $Id: translate_main.c,v 2005/03/22 08:34:27 cmzmasek Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "squid.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef NEED_GETOPTH #include #endif #define OPTIONS "ahl:o:qs:" static char usage[] = "\ Usage: translate [-options] \n\ Translate a nucleic acid sequence into protein ORFs.\n\ Available options are:\n\ -a : translate in full, with stops; no individual ORFs\n\ -h : help; show brief usage and version info\n\ -l : report only ORFs greater than minlen (default 20)\n\ -o : save results in output file\n\ -q : quiet; silence banner, for piping or redirection\n\ -s : with -a, set stop character to \n"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *seqfile; /* name of seq file to read */ SQFILE *seqfp; /* ptr to opened seq file */ int format; /* format of sequence file */ char *seq; /* ptr to current sequence */ SQINFO sqinfo; /* sequence information */ char *revseq; /* reverse complement of seq */ int start, end; /* coords of ORF in current seq */ int orfnumber; /* counter for ORFs in current seq */ char *aaseq[6]; /* full translations in all 6 frames */ char *orf; /* ptr to translated ORF sequence */ char *sptr; /* ptr into orf */ int len; /* length of an ORF */ int frame; /* counter for frames (3..5 are reverse)*/ int minimum_len; /* minimum length of ORFs to print out */ char *outfile; /* file to save output in */ FILE *ofp; /* where to direct output */ char stopchar; /* what to use as a stop character */ int keepstops; /* TRUE to do six big ORFs */ int quiet; /* TRUE to silence banner */ int optchar; /* option character */ extern char *optarg; /* for getopt() */ extern int optind; /* for getopt() */ /*********************************************** * Parse the command line ***********************************************/ format = SQFILE_UNKNOWN; /* autodetect by default */ minimum_len = 20; outfile = NULL; stopchar = '*'; keepstops = FALSE; quiet = FALSE; while ((optchar = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (optchar) { case 'a': keepstops = TRUE; break; case 'l': minimum_len = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': outfile = optarg; break; case 'q': quiet = TRUE; break; case 's': stopchar = *optarg; break; case 'h': printf("translate %s, %s\n%s\n", RELEASE, RELEASEDATE, usage); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: Die("%s\n", usage); } if (argc - optind != 1) Die("Incorrect number of command line arguments\n%s\n", usage); seqfile = argv[optind]; /*********************************************** * Open sequence file and output file ***********************************************/ seqfp = SeqfileOpen(seqfile, format, NULL); if (seqfp == NULL) Die("Failed to open sequence file %s\n%s\n", seqfile, usage); if (outfile != NULL) { if ((ofp = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) Die("Failed to open output file %s\n", outfile); } else ofp = stdout; /*********************************************** * Main routine ***********************************************/ if (! quiet) printf("translate %s, %s\n", RELEASE, RELEASEDATE); while (ReadSeq(seqfp, seqfp->format, &seq, &sqinfo)) { s2upper(seq); revseq = (char *) malloc (sqinfo.len + 1); revcomp(revseq, seq); orfnumber = 1; /* Translate seq in all six frames */ aaseq[0] = Translate(seq, stdcode1); aaseq[1] = Translate(seq + 1, stdcode1); aaseq[2] = Translate(seq + 2, stdcode1); aaseq[3] = Translate(revseq, stdcode1); aaseq[4] = Translate(revseq + 1, stdcode1); aaseq[5] = Translate(revseq + 2, stdcode1); if (keepstops) { /* full translation including stops */ for (frame = 0; frame < 6; frame++) { fprintf(ofp, "> %s:%d", sqinfo.name, frame); for (sptr = aaseq[frame]; *sptr; sptr++) { if (*sptr == '*') *sptr = stopchar; if (! ((sptr - aaseq[frame]) % 50)) putc('\n', ofp); putc((int) *sptr, ofp); } putc('\n', ofp); } } else { /* Print all decent ORF's in FASTA format */ for (frame = 0; frame < 6; frame++) { /* initialize strtok on the first ORF; termination codons are '*' symbols */ orf = strtok(aaseq[frame], "*"); while (orf != NULL) { len = strlen(orf); if (len > minimum_len) { /* calculate coords */ start = (orf - aaseq[frame]) * 3 + 1; if (frame < 3) start += frame; /* frame corrections */ else start -= frame-3; if (frame < 3) end = start + len * 3; else { start = -1 * (start - sqinfo.len - 1); end = start - len * 3; } fprintf(ofp, "> %s.%d length %d, nt %d..%d", sqinfo.name, orfnumber, len, start, end); for (sptr = orf; *sptr; sptr++) { if (! ((sptr - orf) % 50)) putc('\n', ofp); putc((int) *sptr, ofp); } putc('\n', ofp); orfnumber++; } /* pick off next orf */ orf = strtok(NULL, "*"); } } } for (frame = 0; frame < 6; frame++) free(aaseq[frame]); FreeSequence(seq, &sqinfo); free(revseq); } SeqfileClose(seqfp); /************************************************** * Successful return to invocation environment **************************************************/ return 0; }