/************************************************************ * HMMER - Biological sequence analysis with profile HMMs * Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Washington University School of Medicine * All Rights Reserved * * This source code is distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. See the files COPYING and LICENSE * for details. ************************************************************/ /* alphabet.c * Configuration of the global symbol alphabet information. * RCS $Id: alphabet.c,v 2005/03/22 08:34:08 cmzmasek Exp $ */ #include #include #include #ifdef HMMER_THREADS #include #endif /* HMMER_THREADS */ #include "config.h" #include "structs.h" #include "funcs.h" #include "squid.h" #ifdef MEMDEBUG #include "dbmalloc.h" #endif static void set_degenerate(char iupac, char *syms); /* Function: DetermineAlphabet() * * Purpose: From a set of sequences (raw or aligned), make a good * guess whether they're Nucleic, Amino, or something * else, and set alphabet accordingly. * * If Alphabet_type is already set, that means our * autodetection was overridden from the command line, * and we just set the other globals accordingly. */ void DetermineAlphabet(char **rseqs, int nseq) { int idx; int other, nucleic, amino; int type; /* Autodetection of alphabet type. */ type = hmmNOTSETYET; other = nucleic = amino = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < nseq; idx++) { switch (Seqtype(rseqs[idx])) { case kRNA: nucleic++; break; case kDNA: nucleic++; break; case kAmino: amino++; break; case kOtherSeq: other++; break; default: Die("No such alphabet type"); } } if (nucleic == nseq) type = hmmNUCLEIC; else if (amino == nseq) type = hmmAMINO; else if (nucleic > amino && nucleic > other) { Warn("Looks like nucleic acid sequence, hope that's right"); type = hmmNUCLEIC; } else if (amino > nucleic && amino > other) { Warn("Looks like amino acid sequence, hope that's right"); type = hmmAMINO; } else Die("Sorry, I can't tell if that's protein or DNA"); /* Now set up the alphabet. */ SetAlphabet(type); } /* Function: SetAlphabet() * * Purpose: Set the alphabet globals, given an alphabet type * of either hmmAMINO or hmmNUCLEIC. */ void SetAlphabet(int type) { int x; #ifdef HMMER_THREADS pthread_mutex_t alphabet_lock; /* alphabet is global; must protect to be threadsafe */ int rtn; /* return code from pthreads */ if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_init(&alphabet_lock, NULL)) != 0) Die("pthread_mutex_init FAILED; %s\n", strerror(rtn)); if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_lock(&alphabet_lock)) != 0) Die("pthread_mutex_lock FAILED: %s\n", strerror(rtn)); #endif /* Because the alphabet information is global, we must * be careful to make this a thread-safe function. The mutex * (above) takes care of that. But, indeed, it's also * just good sense (and more efficient) to simply never * allow resetting the alphabet. If type is Alphabet_type, * silently return; else die with an alphabet mismatch * warning. */ if (Alphabet_type != hmmNOTSETYET) { if (type != Alphabet_type) Die("An alphabet type conflict occurred.\nYou probably mixed a DNA seq file with a protein model, or vice versa."); #ifdef HMMER_THREADS if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&alphabet_lock)) != 0) Die("pthread_mutex_unlock failure: %s\n", strerror(rtn)); #endif return; } switch(type) { /* Alphabet is not a string - careful! */ case hmmAMINO: Alphabet_type = type; strncpy(Alphabet, "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYBZX", 23); Alphabet_size = 20; Alphabet_iupac = 23; for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_iupac; x++) { memset(Degenerate[x], 0, Alphabet_size); } for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) { Degenerate[x][x] = 1; DegenCount[x] = 1; } set_degenerate('B', "ND"); set_degenerate('Z', "QE"); set_degenerate('X', "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY"); break; case hmmNUCLEIC: Alphabet_type = type; strncpy(Alphabet, "ACGTUNRYMKSWHBVDX", 17); Alphabet_size = 4; Alphabet_iupac = 17; for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_iupac; x++) { memset(Degenerate[x], 0, Alphabet_size); } for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) { Degenerate[x][x] = 1; DegenCount[x] = 1; } set_degenerate('U', "T"); set_degenerate('N', "ACGT"); set_degenerate('X', "ACGT"); set_degenerate('R', "AG"); set_degenerate('Y', "CT"); set_degenerate('M', "AC"); set_degenerate('K', "GT"); set_degenerate('S', "CG"); set_degenerate('W', "AT"); set_degenerate('H', "ACT"); set_degenerate('B', "CGT"); set_degenerate('V', "ACG"); set_degenerate('D', "AGT"); break; default: Die("No support for non-nucleic or protein alphabets"); } #ifdef HMMER_THREADS if ((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&alphabet_lock)) != 0) Die("pthread_mutex_unlock failure: %s\n", strerror(rtn)); #endif } /* Function: SymbolIndex() * * Purpose: Convert a symbol to its index in Alphabet[]. * Bogus characters are converted to 'X'. * More robust than the SYMIDX() macro but * presumably slower. */ int SymbolIndex(char sym) { char *s; return ((s = strchr(Alphabet, (char) toupper((int) sym))) == NULL) ? Alphabet_iupac-1 : s - Alphabet; } /* Function: DigitizeSequence() * * Purpose: Internal representation of a sequence in HMMER is * as a char array. 1..L are the indices * of seq symbols in Alphabet[]. 0,L+1 are sentinel * bytes, set to be Alphabet_iupac -- i.e. one more * than the maximum allowed index. * * Assumes that 'X', the fully degenerate character, * is the last character in the allowed alphabet. * * Args: seq - sequence to be digitized (0..L-1) * L - length of sequence * * Return: digitized sequence, dsq. * dsq is allocated here and must be free'd by caller. */ char * DigitizeSequence(char *seq, int L) { char *dsq; int i; dsq = MallocOrDie (sizeof(char) * (L+2)); dsq[0] = dsq[L+1] = (char) Alphabet_iupac; for (i = 1; i <= L; i++) dsq[i] = SymbolIndex(seq[i-1]); return dsq; } /* Function: DedigitizeSequence() * Date: SRE, Tue Dec 16 10:39:19 1997 [StL] * * Purpose: Returns a 0..L-1 character string, converting the * dsq back to the real alphabet. */ char * DedigitizeSequence(char *dsq, int L) { char *seq; int i; seq = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char) * (L+1)); for (i = 0; i < L; i++) seq[i] = Alphabet[(int) dsq[i+1]]; seq[L] = '\0'; return seq; } /* Function: DigitizeAlignment() * * Purpose: Given an alignment, return digitized unaligned * sequence array. (Tracebacks are always relative * to digitized unaligned seqs, even if they are * faked from an existing alignment in modelmakers.c.) * * Args: msa - alignment to digitize * ret_dsqs - RETURN: array of digitized unaligned sequences * * Return: (void) * dsqs is alloced here. Free2DArray(dseqs, nseq). */ void DigitizeAlignment(MSA *msa, char ***ret_dsqs) { char **dsq; int idx; /* counter for sequences */ int dpos; /* position in digitized seq */ int apos; /* position in aligned seq */ dsq = (char **) MallocOrDie (sizeof(char *) * msa->nseq); for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++) { dsq[idx] = (char *) MallocOrDie (sizeof(char) * (msa->alen+2)); dsq[idx][0] = (char) Alphabet_iupac; /* sentinel byte at start */ for (apos = 0, dpos = 1; apos < msa->alen; apos++) { if (! isgap(msa->aseq[idx][apos])) /* skip gaps */ dsq[idx][dpos++] = SymbolIndex(msa->aseq[idx][apos]); } dsq[idx][dpos] = (char) Alphabet_iupac; /* sentinel byte at end */ } *ret_dsqs = dsq; } /* Function: P7CountSymbol() * * Purpose: Given a possibly degenerate symbol code, increment * a symbol counter array (generally an emission * probability vector in counts form) appropriately. * * Args: counters: vector to count into. [0..Alphabet_size-1] * symidx: symbol index to count: [0..Alphabet_iupac-1] * wt: weight to use for the count; often 1.0 * * Return: (void) */ void P7CountSymbol(float *counters, char symidx, float wt) { int x; if (symidx < Alphabet_size) counters[(int) symidx] += wt; else for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) { if (Degenerate[(int) symidx][x]) counters[x] += wt / (float) DegenCount[(int) symidx]; } } /* Function: DefaultGeneticCode() * * Purpose: Configure aacode, mapping triplets to amino acids. * Triplet index: AAA = 0, AAC = 1, ... UUU = 63. * AA index: alphabetical: A=0,C=1... Y=19 * Stop codon: -1. * Uses the stdcode1[] global translation table from SQUID. * * Args: aacode - preallocated 0.63 array for genetic code * * Return: (void) */ void DefaultGeneticCode(int *aacode) { int x; for (x = 0; x < 64; x++) { if (*(stdcode1[x]) == '*') aacode[x] = -1; else aacode[x] = SYMIDX(*(stdcode1[x])); } } /* Function: DefaultCodonBias() * * Purpose: Configure a codonbias table, mapping triplets to * probability of using the triplet for the amino acid * it represents: P(triplet | aa). * The default is to assume codons are used equiprobably. * * Args: codebias: 0..63 array of P(triplet|aa), preallocated. * * Return: (void) */ void DefaultCodonBias(float *codebias) { codebias[0] = 1./2.; /* AAA Lys 2 */ codebias[1] = 1./2.; /* AAC Asn 2 */ codebias[2] = 1./2.; /* AAG Lys 2 */ codebias[3] = 1./2.; /* AAU Asn 2 */ codebias[4] = 1./4.; /* ACA Thr 4 */ codebias[5] = 1./4.; /* ACC Thr 4 */ codebias[6] = 1./4.; /* ACG Thr 4 */ codebias[7] = 1./4.; /* ACU Thr 4 */ codebias[8] = 1./6.; /* AGA Ser 6 */ codebias[9] = 1./6.; /* AGC Arg 6 */ codebias[10] = 1./6.; /* AGG Ser 6 */ codebias[11] = 1./6.; /* AGU Arg 6 */ codebias[12] = 1./3.; /* AUA Ile 3 */ codebias[13] = 1./3.; /* AUC Ile 3 */ codebias[14] = 1.; /* AUG Met 1 */ codebias[15] = 1./3.; /* AUU Ile 3 */ codebias[16] = 1./2.; /* CAA Gln 2 */ codebias[17] = 1./2.; /* CAC His 2 */ codebias[18] = 1./2.; /* CAG Gln 2 */ codebias[19] = 1./2.; /* CAU His 2 */ codebias[20] = 1./4.; /* CCA Pro 4 */ codebias[21] = 1./4.; /* CCC Pro 4 */ codebias[22] = 1./4.; /* CCG Pro 4 */ codebias[23] = 1./4.; /* CCU Pro 4 */ codebias[24] = 1./6.; /* CGA Arg 6 */ codebias[25] = 1./6.; /* CGC Arg 6 */ codebias[26] = 1./6.; /* CGG Arg 6 */ codebias[27] = 1./6.; /* CGU Arg 6 */ codebias[28] = 1./6.; /* CUA Leu 6 */ codebias[29] = 1./6.; /* CUC Leu 6 */ codebias[30] = 1./6.; /* CUG Leu 6 */ codebias[31] = 1./6.; /* CUU Leu 6 */ codebias[32] = 1./2.; /* GAA Glu 2 */ codebias[33] = 1./2.; /* GAC Asp 2 */ codebias[34] = 1./2.; /* GAG Glu 2 */ codebias[35] = 1./2.; /* GAU Asp 2 */ codebias[36] = 1./4.; /* GCA Ala 4 */ codebias[37] = 1./4.; /* GCC Ala 4 */ codebias[38] = 1./4.; /* GCG Ala 4 */ codebias[39] = 1./4.; /* GCU Ala 4 */ codebias[40] = 1./4.; /* GGA Gly 4 */ codebias[41] = 1./4.; /* GGC Gly 4 */ codebias[42] = 1./4.; /* GGG Gly 4 */ codebias[43] = 1./4.; /* GGU Gly 4 */ codebias[44] = 1./4.; /* GUA Val 4 */ codebias[45] = 1./4.; /* GUC Val 4 */ codebias[46] = 1./4.; /* GUG Val 4 */ codebias[47] = 1./4.; /* GUU Val 4 */ codebias[48] = 0.; /* UAA och - */ codebias[49] = 1./2.; /* UAC Tyr 2 */ codebias[50] = 0.; /* UAG amb - */ codebias[51] = 1./2.; /* UAU Tyr 2 */ codebias[52] = 1./6.; /* UCA Ser 6 */ codebias[53] = 1./6.; /* UCC Ser 6 */ codebias[54] = 1./6.; /* UCG Ser 6 */ codebias[55] = 1./6.; /* UCU Ser 6 */ codebias[56] = 0.; /* UGA opa - */ codebias[57] = 1./2.; /* UGC Cys 2 */ codebias[58] = 1.; /* UGG Trp 1 */ codebias[59] = 1./2.; /* UGU Cys 2 */ codebias[60] = 1./6.; /* UUA Leu 6 */ codebias[61] = 1./2.; /* UUC Phe 2 */ codebias[62] = 1./6.; /* UUG Leu 6 */ codebias[63] = 1./2.; /* UUU Phe 2 */ } /* Function: set_degenerate() * * Purpose: convenience function for setting up * Degenerate[][] global for the alphabet. */ static void set_degenerate(char iupac, char *syms) { DegenCount[strchr(Alphabet,iupac)-Alphabet] = strlen(syms); while (*syms) { Degenerate[strchr(Alphabet,iupac)-Alphabet] [strchr(Alphabet,*syms)-Alphabet] = 1; syms++; } }