/************************************************************ * HMMER - Biological sequence analysis with profile HMMs * Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Washington University School of Medicine * All Rights Reserved * * This source code is distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. See the files COPYING and LICENSE * for details. ************************************************************/ /* hmmemit.c * SRE, Sun Mar 8 14:11:24 1998 [St. Louis] * * main() for generating sequences from an HMM * CVS $Id: hmmemit.c,v 2005/03/22 08:34:09 cmzmasek Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "structs.h" /* data structures, macros, #define's */ #include "config.h" /* compile-time configuration constants */ #include "funcs.h" /* function declarations */ #include "globals.h" /* alphabet global variables */ #include "squid.h" /* general sequence analysis library */ #include "msa.h" /* squid's multiple sequence i/o */ static char banner[] = "hmmemit - generate sequences from a profile HMM"; static char usage[] = "\ Usage: hmmemit [-options] \n\ Available options are:\n\ -a : write generated sequences as an alignment, not FASTA\n\ -c : generate a single \"consensus\" sequence\n\ -h : help; print brief help on version and usage\n\ -n : emit sequences (default 10)\n\ -o : save sequences in file \n\ -q : quiet - suppress verbose banner\n\ "; static char experts[] = "\ --seed : set random number seed to \n\ "; static struct opt_s OPTIONS[] = { { "-a", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, { "-c", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, { "-h", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, { "-n", TRUE, sqdARG_INT}, { "-o", TRUE, sqdARG_STRING}, { "-q", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE}, { "--seed", FALSE, sqdARG_INT}, }; #define NOPTIONS (sizeof(OPTIONS) / sizeof(struct opt_s)) int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *hmmfile; /* file to read HMMs from */ HMMFILE *hmmfp; /* opened hmmfile for reading */ struct plan7_s *hmm; /* HMM to generate from */ FILE *fp; /* output file handle */ int L; /* length of a sequence */ int i; /* counter over sequences */ int nhmm; /* counter over HMMs */ char *ofile; /* output sequence file */ int nseq; /* number of seqs to sample */ int seed; /* random number generator seed */ int be_quiet; /* TRUE to silence header/footer */ int do_alignment;/* TRUE to output in aligned format */ int do_consensus;/* TRUE to do a single consensus seq */ char *optname; /* name of option found by Getopt() */ char *optarg; /* argument found by Getopt() */ int optind; /* index in argv[] */ /*********************************************** * Parse command line ***********************************************/ nseq = 10; seed = time ((time_t *) NULL); be_quiet = FALSE; do_alignment = FALSE; do_consensus = FALSE; ofile = NULL; while (Getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS, NOPTIONS, usage, &optind, &optname, &optarg)) { if (strcmp(optname, "-a") == 0) do_alignment = TRUE; else if (strcmp(optname, "-c") == 0) do_consensus = TRUE; else if (strcmp(optname, "-n") == 0) nseq = atoi(optarg); else if (strcmp(optname, "-o") == 0) ofile = optarg; else if (strcmp(optname, "-q") == 0) be_quiet = TRUE; else if (strcmp(optname, "--seed") == 0) seed = atoi(optarg); else if (strcmp(optname, "-h") == 0) { Banner(stdout, banner); puts(usage); puts(experts); exit(0); } } if (argc - optind != 1) Die("Incorrect number of arguments.\n%s\n", usage); hmmfile = argv[optind++]; sre_srandom(seed); if (do_alignment && do_consensus) Die("Sorry, -a and -c are incompatible.\nUsage:\n%s", usage); if (nseq != 10 && do_consensus) Warn("-c (consensus) overrides -n (# of sampled seqs)"); /*********************************************** * Open HMM file (might be in HMMERDB or current directory). * Open output file, if needed. ***********************************************/ if ((hmmfp = HMMFileOpen(hmmfile, "HMMERDB")) == NULL) Die("Failed to open HMM file %s\n%s", hmmfile, usage); if (ofile == NULL) fp = stdout; else { if ((fp = fopen(ofile, "w")) == NULL) Die("Failed to open output file %s for writing", ofile); } /*********************************************** * Show the options banner ***********************************************/ if (! be_quiet) { Banner(stdout, banner); printf("HMM file: %s\n", hmmfile); if (! do_consensus) { printf("Number of seqs: %d\n", nseq); printf("Random seed: %d\n", seed); } else { printf("Generating consensus sequence.\n"); } printf("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\n"); } /*********************************************** * For every HMM in the file, do some emission. ***********************************************/ nhmm = 0; while (HMMFileRead(hmmfp, &hmm)) { if (hmm == NULL) Die("HMM file %s corrupt or in incorrect format? Parse failed", hmmfile); /* Configure the HMM to shut off N,J,C emission: so we * do a simple single pass through the model. */ Plan7NakedConfig(hmm); Plan7Renormalize(hmm); /*********************************************** * Do the work. * If we're generating an alignment, we have to collect * all our traces, then output. If we're generating unaligned * sequences, we can emit one at a time. ***********************************************/ if (do_consensus) { char *seq; SQINFO sqinfo; /* info about sequence (name/desc) */ EmitConsensusSequence(hmm, &seq, NULL, &L, NULL); strcpy(sqinfo.name, hmm->name); strcpy(sqinfo.desc, "profile HMM generated consensus sequence [hmmemit]"); sqinfo.len = L; sqinfo.flags = SQINFO_NAME | SQINFO_DESC | SQINFO_LEN; WriteSeq(fp, SQFILE_FASTA, seq, &sqinfo); free(seq); } else if (do_alignment) { struct p7trace_s **tr; /* traces for aligned sequences */ char **dsq; /* digitized sequences */ SQINFO *sqinfo; /* info about sequences (name/desc) */ MSA *msa; /* alignment */ float *wgt; dsq = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char *) * nseq); tr = MallocOrDie(sizeof(struct p7trace_s *) * nseq); sqinfo = MallocOrDie(sizeof(SQINFO) * nseq); wgt = MallocOrDie(sizeof(float) * nseq); FSet(wgt, nseq, 1.0); for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++) { EmitSequence(hmm, &(dsq[i]), &L, &(tr[i])); sprintf(sqinfo[i].name, "seq%d", i+1); sqinfo[i].len = L; sqinfo[i].flags = SQINFO_NAME | SQINFO_LEN; } msa = P7Traces2Alignment(dsq, sqinfo, wgt, nseq, hmm->M, tr, FALSE); msa->name = sre_strdup(hmm->name, -1); msa->desc = sre_strdup("Synthetic sequence alignment generated by hmmemit", -1); /* Output the alignment */ WriteStockholm(fp, msa); /* Free memory */ for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++) { P7FreeTrace(tr[i]); free(dsq[i]); } MSAFree(msa); free(sqinfo); free(dsq); free(wgt); free(tr); } else /* unaligned sequence output */ { struct p7trace_s *tr; /* generated trace */ char *dsq; /* digitized sequence */ char *seq; /* alphabetic sequence */ SQINFO sqinfo; /* info about sequence (name/len) */ for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++) { EmitSequence(hmm, &dsq, &L, &tr); sprintf(sqinfo.name, "%s-%d", hmm->name, i+1); sqinfo.len = L; sqinfo.flags = SQINFO_NAME | SQINFO_LEN; seq = DedigitizeSequence(dsq, L); WriteSeq(fp, SQFILE_FASTA, seq, &sqinfo); P7FreeTrace(tr); free(dsq); free(seq); } } nhmm++; FreePlan7(hmm); } /* We're done; clean up and exit. */ if (nhmm == 0) Die("Failed to read any HMMs from %s\n", hmmfile); if (ofile != NULL) { fclose(fp); if (!be_quiet) printf("Output saved in file %s\n", ofile); } HMMFileClose(hmmfp); SqdClean(); return 0; }