/* evd_test.c * SRE, Wed Nov 12 11:17:27 1997 [St. Louis] * * Test driver for EVD distribution support in histogram.c * Generates random EVD samples; fits them; checks fitted mu, lambda * against parametric mu, lambda. If they differ badly, calls Die(). * If OK, returns EXIT_SUCCESS. * * RCS $Id: evd_test.c,v 2005/03/22 08:34:45 cmzmasek Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "structs.h" #include "funcs.h" #include "globals.h" #include "squid.h" #ifdef MEMDEBUG #include "dbmalloc.h" #endif static char banner[] = "\ evd_test : testing of EVD code in histogram.c"; static char usage[] = "\ Usage: testdriver [-options]\n\ Available options are:\n\ -h : help; display this usage info\n\ -c : censor data below \n\ -e : sample times from EVD\n\ -g : add Gaussian samples of \"noise\"\n\ -n : set number of trials to \n\ -s : set random seed to \n\ -v : be verbose (default is to simply exit with status 1 or 0)\n\ "; static char experts[] = "\ --xmgr : save graphical data to \n\ --hist : fit to histogram instead of raw samples\n\ --loglog : save log log regression line to \n\ --regress : do old-style linear regression fit, not ML\n\ --mu : set EVD mu to \n\ --lambda : set EVD lambda to \n\ --mean : set Gaussian mean to \n\ --sd : set Gaussian std. dev. to \n\ \n"; static struct opt_s OPTIONS[] = { { "-h", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, { "-c", TRUE, sqdARG_FLOAT }, { "-e", TRUE, sqdARG_INT }, { "-g", TRUE, sqdARG_INT }, { "-n", TRUE, sqdARG_INT }, { "-s", TRUE, sqdARG_INT }, { "-v", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, { "--xmgr", FALSE, sqdARG_STRING}, { "--hist", FALSE, sqdARG_NONE}, { "--loglog", FALSE, sqdARG_STRING}, { "--regress",FALSE, sqdARG_NONE}, { "--mu", FALSE, sqdARG_FLOAT}, { "--lambda", FALSE, sqdARG_FLOAT}, { "--mean", FALSE, sqdARG_FLOAT}, { "--sd", FALSE, sqdARG_FLOAT}, }; #define NOPTIONS (sizeof(OPTIONS) / sizeof(struct opt_s)) int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct histogram_s *h; /* histogram structure */ int ntrials; /* number of different fits */ int be_verbose; /* option: TRUE to show output */ int seed; /* option: random number seed */ int nevd; /* # of samples from EVD */ float mu; /* EVD mu parameter */ float lambda; /* EVD lambda parameter */ int ngauss; /* # of samples from Gaussian */ float mean; /* Gaussian "noise" mean */ float sd; /* Gaussian "noise" std. dev. */ float x; /* a random sample */ int i, idx; float *val; /* array of samples */ float mlmu; /* estimate of mu */ float mllambda; /* estimate of lambda */ char *xmgrfile; /* output file for XMGR graph data */ char *logfile; /* output file for regression line */ FILE *xmgrfp; /* open output file */ FILE *logfp; /* open log log file */ int do_ml; /* TRUE to do a max likelihood fit */ int fit_hist; /* TRUE to fit histogram instead of samples */ int censoring; /* TRUE to left-censor the data */ float censorlevel; /* value to censor at */ char *optname; /* name of option found by Getopt() */ char *optarg; /* argument found by Getopt() */ int optind; /* index in argv[] */ #ifdef MEMDEBUG unsigned long histid1, histid2, orig_size, current_size; orig_size = malloc_inuse(&histid1); fprintf(stderr, "[... memory debugging is ON ...]\n"); #endif /*********************************************** * Parse command line ***********************************************/ be_verbose = FALSE; seed = (int) time ((time_t *) NULL); ntrials = 1; nevd = 1000; mu = -20.0; lambda = 0.4; ngauss = 0; mean = 20.; sd = 20.; xmgrfile = NULL; logfile = NULL; xmgrfp = NULL; logfp = NULL; do_ml = TRUE; censoring = FALSE; censorlevel= 0.; fit_hist = FALSE; while (Getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS, NOPTIONS, usage, &optind, &optname, &optarg)) { if (strcmp(optname, "-e") == 0) { nevd = atoi(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "-c") == 0) { censoring = TRUE; censorlevel= atof(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "-g") == 0) { ngauss = atoi(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "-n") == 0) { ntrials = atoi(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "-s") == 0) { seed = atoi(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "-v") == 0) { be_verbose = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(optname, "--xmgr") == 0) { xmgrfile = optarg; } else if (strcmp(optname, "--hist") == 0) { fit_hist = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(optname, "--loglog") == 0) { logfile = optarg; } else if (strcmp(optname, "--regress")== 0) { do_ml = FALSE; } else if (strcmp(optname, "--mu") == 0) { mu = atof(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "--lambda") == 0) { lambda = atof(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "--mean") == 0) { mean = atof(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "--sd") == 0) { sd = atof(optarg); } else if (strcmp(optname, "-h") == 0) { Banner(stdout, banner); puts(usage); puts(experts); exit(0); } } if (argc - optind != 0) Die("Incorrect number of arguments.\n%s\n", usage); sre_srandom(seed); /**************************************************************** * Print options ****************************************************************/ if (be_verbose) { puts("--------------------------------------------------------"); printf("EVD samples = %d\n", nevd); printf("mu, lambda = %f, %f\n", mu, lambda); if (ngauss > 0) { printf("Gaussian noise = %d\n", ngauss); printf("mean, sd = %f, %f\n", mean, sd); } if (censoring) printf("pre-censoring = ON, at %f\n", censorlevel); printf("total trials = %d\n", ntrials); printf("random seed = %d\n", seed); printf("fit method = %s\n", do_ml ? "ML" : "linear regression"); printf("fit is to = %s\n", fit_hist ? "histogram" : "list"); puts("--------------------------------------------------------"); } if (xmgrfile != NULL) if ((xmgrfp = fopen(xmgrfile, "w")) == NULL) Die("Failed to open output file %s", xmgrfile); if (logfile != NULL) if ((logfp = fopen(logfile, "w")) == NULL) Die("Failed to open output file %s", logfile); /* Generate random EVD "signal" (and Gaussian "noise") * samples and put them in the histogram */ while (ntrials--) { val = MallocOrDie(sizeof(double) * (nevd+ngauss)); h = AllocHistogram(-20, 20, 10); /* EVD signal */ idx = 0; for (i = 0; i < nevd; i++) { x = EVDrandom(mu, lambda); if (! censoring || x > censorlevel) { AddToHistogram(h, x); val[idx] = x; idx++; } } /* Gaussian noise */ for (; i < nevd + ngauss; i++) { x = Gaussrandom(mean, sd); if (! censoring || x > censorlevel) { AddToHistogram(h, x); val[idx] = x; idx++; } } if (do_ml) { if (censoring) { if (be_verbose) printf("I have censored the data at %f: %d observed, %d censored\n", censorlevel, idx, (nevd+ngauss)-idx); EVDCensoredFit(val, NULL, idx, (nevd+ngauss)-idx, censorlevel, &mlmu, &mllambda); ExtremeValueSetHistogram(h, (float) mlmu, (float) mllambda, censorlevel, h->highscore, 1); } else { if (fit_hist) { ExtremeValueFitHistogram(h, TRUE, 20.); } else { EVDMaxLikelyFit(val, NULL, idx, &mlmu, &mllambda); ExtremeValueSetHistogram(h, (float) mlmu, (float) mllambda, h->lowscore, h->highscore, 2); } } } else EVDBasicFit(h); if (be_verbose) { printf("%f\tmu\n", h->param[EVD_MU]); printf("%f\tlambda\n", h->param[EVD_LAMBDA]); printf("%f\t%% error on mu\n", fabs(100. * (h->param[EVD_MU] - mu) / mu)); printf("%f\t%% error on lambda\n", fabs(100. * (h->param[EVD_LAMBDA] - lambda) / lambda)); printf("%f\tchi-squared P value\n", h->chip); } if (xmgrfp != NULL) PrintXMGRHistogram(xmgrfp, h); /* if (xmgrfp != NULL) PrintXMGRDistribution(xmgrfp, h); */ if (logfp != NULL) PrintXMGRRegressionLine(logfp, h); /* Generate the expected lines: sets 5,7 of xmgrfile (manually delete 4,6) * set 3 of loglogfile (manually delete 2) */ ExtremeValueSetHistogram(h, mu, lambda, h->lowscore, h->highscore, 0); if (xmgrfp != NULL) PrintXMGRHistogram(xmgrfp, h); /* if (xmgrfp != NULL) PrintXMGRDistribution(xmgrfp, h); */ if (logfp != NULL) PrintXMGRRegressionLine(logfp, h); /* Do the internal test. * Criterion: on a 1000 sample EVD of u = -40 and lambda = 0.4, * estimate u to within +/- 2 and lambda to within +/- 0.05. */ if (fabs(h->param[EVD_MU] - mu) > 2.) Die("evd_test: tolerance to mu exceeded (%f)", fabs(h->param[EVD_MU] - mu)); if (fabs(h->param[EVD_LAMBDA] - lambda) > 0.05) Die("evd_test: tolerance to lambda exceeded (%f)", fabs(h->param[EVD_LAMBDA] - lambda)); FreeHistogram(h); free(val); } #ifdef MEMDEBUG current_size = malloc_inuse(&histid2); if (current_size != orig_size) Die("evd_test failed memory test"); else fprintf(stderr, "[No memory leaks.]\n"); #endif if (xmgrfp != NULL) fclose(xmgrfp); if (logfp != NULL) fclose(logfp); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }