/* parsingviterbi_test.c * Wed Mar 4 15:07:37 1998 * cp trace_test.c ../src/testdriver.c; cd ../src; make testdriver * * Test driver for P7ParsingViterbi(); alignment in linear memory. * * CVS $Id: parsingviterbi_test.c,v 2005/03/22 08:34:47 cmzmasek Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "structs.h" #include "funcs.h" #include "globals.h" #include "squid.h" static char banner[] = "\ parsingviterbi_test : testing of Plan7 linear memory alignment code"; static char usage[] = "\ Usage: parsingviterbi_test [-options]\n\ Available options are:\n\ -h : help; display this usage info\n\ -v : be verbose\n\ "; static char experts[] = "\ \n"; static struct opt_s OPTIONS[] = { { "-h", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, { "-v", TRUE, sqdARG_NONE }, }; #define NOPTIONS (sizeof(OPTIONS) / sizeof(struct opt_s)) int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *hmmfile; /* file to read HMM(s) from */ HMMFILE *hmmfp; /* opened hmmfile for reading */ char *seqfile; /* file to read target sequence(s) from */ SQFILE *sqfp; /* opened seqfile for reading */ char *seq; /* target sequence */ SQINFO sqinfo; /* optional info for seq */ char *dsq; /* digitized target sequence */ struct plan7_s *hmm; /* HMM to search with */ struct p7trace_s *tr1; /* traceback from P7Viterbi() */ struct p7trace_s *tr2; /* traceback from P7ParsingViterbi() */ int nseq; float sc1, sc2; /* scores from Viterbi, ParsingViterbi() */ struct p7trace_s **tarr; /* array of decomposed Viterbi traces */ int ntr; /* number of traces */ int i1,i2,k1,k2; /* starts, stops in seq, model for Viterbi */ int idx; /* index of a decomposed trace */ int be_verbose; char *optname; /* name of option found by Getopt() */ char *optarg; /* argument found by Getopt() */ int optind; /* index in argv[] */ /*********************************************** * Parse command line ***********************************************/ be_verbose = FALSE; while (Getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS, NOPTIONS, usage, &optind, &optname, &optarg)) { if (strcmp(optname, "-v") == 0) be_verbose = TRUE; else if (strcmp(optname, "-h") == 0) { Banner(stdout, banner); puts(usage); puts(experts); exit(0); } } if (argc - optind != 0) Die("Incorrect number of arguments.\n%s\n", usage); hmmfile = "fn3.hmm"; seqfile = "titin.fa"; /*********************************************** * Open test sequence file ***********************************************/ if ((sqfp = SeqfileOpen(seqfile, SQFILE_UNKNOWN, "BLASTDB")) == NULL) Die("Failed to open sequence database file %s\n%s\n", seqfile, usage); /*********************************************** * Open HMM file * Read a single HMM from it. (Config HMM, if necessary). ***********************************************/ if ((hmmfp = HMMFileOpen(hmmfile, NULL)) == NULL) Die("Failed to open HMM file %s\n%s", hmmfile, usage); if (!HMMFileRead(hmmfp, &hmm)) Die("Failed to read any HMMs from %s\n", hmmfile); if (hmm == NULL) Die("HMM file %s corrupt or in incorrect format? Parse failed", hmmfile); P7Logoddsify(hmm, TRUE); /*********************************************** * Search HMM against each sequence, using both * normal Viterbi and P7ParsingViterbi. ***********************************************/ nseq = 0; while (ReadSeq(sqfp, sqfp->format, &seq, &sqinfo)) { nseq++; dsq = DigitizeSequence(seq, sqinfo.len); sc1 = P7Viterbi(dsq, sqinfo.len, hmm, &tr1); sc2 = P7ParsingViterbi(dsq, sqinfo.len, hmm, &tr2); if (be_verbose) { printf("test sequence %d: %s %s\n", nseq, sqinfo.name, sqinfo.flags & SQINFO_DESC ? sqinfo.desc : ""); for (idx = 0; idx < tr2->tlen; idx++) printf("%1s %d\n", Statetype(tr2->statetype[idx]), tr2->pos[idx]); } if (sc1 != sc2) Die("Scores for the two Viterbi implementations are unequal (%d,%d)", sc1, sc2); TraceDecompose(tr1, &tarr, &ntr); if (ntr == 0) Die("ntr == 0 can't happen"); if (ntr != (tr2->tlen/2) -1) Die("# of domains for the two Viterbi implementations are unequal (%d, %d)", ntr, (tr2->tlen/2) -1); for (idx = 0; idx < ntr; idx++) { TraceSimpleBounds(tarr[idx], &i1, &i2, &k1, &k2); if (i1 != tr2->pos[idx*2 + 1] + 1) Die("Start positions %d and %d disagree for domain %d\n", i1, tr2->pos[idx*2 + 1] + 1, idx); if (i2 != tr2->pos[idx*2 + 2]) Die("End positions %d and %d disagree for domain %d\n", i2, tr2->pos[idx*2 + 2], idx); } for (idx = 0; idx < ntr; idx++) P7FreeTrace(tarr[idx]); free(tarr); FreeSequence(seq, &sqinfo); P7FreeTrace(tr1); P7FreeTrace(tr2); free(dsq); } FreePlan7(hmm); HMMFileClose(hmmfp); SeqfileClose(sqfp); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }