Overview of the Perl scripts in this directory ---------------------------------------------- This directory contains a collection of (mostly horrible) Perl scripts. Some of them are still maintained, such as phylo_pl.pl. Some of the scripts in this directory relay heavily on forester.pm. RIO pipeline: - rio.pl - makeTree.pl - p7extract.pl - multifetch.pl Running a parallelized RIO web server: - nph-riowebserver - rio_slave.pl - rio_slave_driver.pl - queue.pm To prepare data to be used by RIO: - bootstrap_cz.pl - pfam2slx.pl - extractSWISS-PROT.pl - extractTrembl.pl - pfam2pwd.pl To run multiple RIO analyses in an automated fashion: - Xrio.pl To analyze RIO results (of Xrio.pl runs): - bootstrapCounter.pl - bootstrapSelector.pl - diffFinder3.pl Counting of species in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL: - countSpeciesSPTrEMBL.pl