#! /usr/bin/perl -W # nph-riowebserver.pl # ------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2002 Washington University School of Medicine # and Howard Hughes Medical Institute # All rights reserved # # Created: 02/18/02 # Author: Christian M. Zmasek # zmasek@genetics.wustl.edu # http://www.genetics.wustl.edu/eddy/people/zmasek/ # # Last modified: 02/20/02 use strict; use CGI; use queue; my $RIOPL = "/home/rio/forester/perl/rio4P.pl"; my $JAVA = "/home/rio/j2sdk1.4.0/bin/java"; my $TEST_NHX = $JAVA." -cp /home/rio/forester/java forester.tools.testNHX"; my $TEMPDIR = "/home/rio/rws_temp"; my $SPECIESTREE = "/home/rio/forester/data/species/tree_of_life_bin_1-4.nhx"; my $SPECIESLIST = "/home/rio/forester/data/species/tree_of_life_bin_1-4_species_list"; my $hmm_search_url_A = "http://pfam.wustl.edu/cgi-bin/nph-hmmsearch?protseq="; my $hmm_search_url_B = "&search_mode=merge&cutoff_strategy=ga"; my $RIO_ALN_DIRECTORY = "/data/rio/ALNs/"; my $RIO_NBD_DIRECTORY = "/data/rio/NBDs/"; my $ALIGN_FILE_SUFFIX = ".aln"; my $ALIGN_NBD_FILE = ".nbd"; my $DIR_FOR_TREES = "/var/www/html/trees/"; # Directory for NHX files to be read by ATV applet my $URL_FOR_TREES = "http://forester.wustl.edu/trees/"; # URL base for NHX files to be read by ATV applet my $CODE_BASE_FOR_ATV_APPLET = "http://forester.wustl.edu/applets/"; # URL for ATV applet (jar file) my $TARGET_FILES_IN_DIR_FOR_TREES = 100; # If the number of nhx files in $DIR_FOR_TREES is lager then $MAX_FILES_IN_DIR_FOR_TREES my $MAX_FILES_IN_DIR_FOR_TREES = 120; # the oldest files will be deleted until the number is down to $TARGET_FILES_IN_DIR_FOR_TREES. my $O_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 0; my $SN_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 0; my $U_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 50; my $SEED_FOR_RANDOM_DEFAULT = 41; my $SORT_DEFAULT = 12; my $MIN_SIZE = 5; # Minimal size (in chars) for input files my $MAX_SIZE = 10000; # Maximal size (in chars) for input files my $MAX_LINES = 1000; # Maximal lines for input files my $RIO_OPTIONS = "U=60 Y=2 X=2 Z=2 I C E x +"; my $CONTACT = "zmasek\@genetics.wustl.edu"; my $VERSION = "0.3"; my $o_threshold = 0; my $sn_threshold = 0; my $u_threshold = 0; my $seed_for_random = 0; my $sort = 0; my $size_d = 0; my $size_c = 0; my $entry_time = 0; my $njobs = 0; my $njobs_thisuser = 0; my $user_defined_tree = 0; my $query = ""; my $query_seq = ""; my $query_seq_file = ""; my $tree_file = ""; my $pfam_domain = ""; my $species = ""; my $output_tree = ""; my $output_up = ""; my $remote_addr = ""; my $oneline = ""; my $aln = ""; my $speciestree = ""; my $output = ""; my $query_sequence = ""; # To be submitted to hmmsearch website, if necessary. my $link_to_hmmsearch = ""; my @lines = (); my %Species_names_hash = (); $| = 1; $query = new CGI; $query_seq = $query->param( 'query_seq' ); $query_seq_file = $query->upload( 'query_seq_file' ); $pfam_domain = $query->param( 'pfam_domain' ); $species = $query->param( 'species' ); $o_threshold = $query->param( 'o_threshold' ); $sn_threshold = $query->param( 'sn_threshold' ); $u_threshold = $query->param( 'u_threshold' ); $seed_for_random = $query->param( 'seed_for_random' ); $output_up = $query->param( 'output_up' ); $sort = $query->param( 'sort_priority' ); $tree_file = $query->upload( 'tree_file' ); $remote_addr = $ENV{ REMOTE_ADDR }; # NPH header # ---------- print $query->header( -status=>"200 OK", -server=>"$ENV{ SERVER_SOFTWARE }", -nph=>1 ); # Prints the first HTML # --------------------- print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "[ RIO SERVER | phylogenomic analysis of a protein sequence ]\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; &print_ATV_JavaScript(); print "\n"; print "\n"; &print_navbar(); # Reads in, cleans up and checks # ------------------------------ if ( ( !defined( $query_seq_file ) && !defined( $query_seq ) ) || ( $query_seq_file !~ /\w+/ && $query_seq !~ /\w+/ ) ) { &nph_user_error( "need to specify a sequence file or submit a sequence directly" ); } if ( $query_seq_file =~ /\w+/ && $query_seq =~ /\w+/ ) { &nph_user_error( "cannot specify a sequence file and submit a sequence directly" ); } if ( $query_seq_file =~ /\w+/ ) { # Reading in from file &readInFile( $query_seq_file ); } else { # "cut and paste" @lines = split( /^/, $query_seq ); } if ( $lines[ 0 ] =~ /^\s*>/ ) { # FASTA shift( @lines ); } foreach $oneline ( @lines ) { $size_d += length( $oneline ); if ( $size_d > $MAX_SIZE ) { &nph_user_error( "query sequence is too long (>$MAX_SIZE)" ); } $oneline =~ s/[^A-Za-z]//g; $size_c += length( $oneline ); } if ( $size_c < $MIN_SIZE ) { &nph_user_error( "query sequence is too short (<$MIN_SIZE)" ); } # Writes a temp file for the query sequence open( PROT, ">$TEMPDIR/$$.query" ) || &nph_fatal_error( "failed to open temp query file" ); foreach $oneline ( @lines ) { print PROT $oneline; $query_sequence .= $oneline; } close( PROT ); if ( !defined( $species ) || $species !~ /\w+/ || length( $species ) < 2 ) { &nph_user_error( "need to specify the species of the query sequence" ); } $link_to_hmmsearch = " >> click here to perform hmmsearch on query sequence << "; if ( !defined( $pfam_domain ) || $pfam_domain !~ /\w+/ || length( $pfam_domain ) < 1 ) { &nph_user_error( "need to specify a name for a pfam domain of the query sequence
$link_to_hmmsearch" ); } if ( length( $species ) > 5 ) { &nph_user_error( "invalid species name" ); } $species =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g; if ( length( $species ) < 2 ) { &nph_user_error( "invalid species name" ); } if ( length( $pfam_domain ) > 40 ) { &nph_user_error( "invalid pfam domain name
$link_to_hmmsearch" ); } $pfam_domain =~ s/[\s,;\.><\|\\\/\(\)!@\#\$%&\*\^=]//g; if ( length( $pfam_domain ) < 1 ) { &nph_user_error( "invalid pfam domain name
$link_to_hmmsearch" ); } if ( defined( $tree_file ) && $tree_file =~ /\w+/ ) { $user_defined_tree = 1; } $species =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if ( $user_defined_tree != 1 ) { &checkForPresenceOfSpecies( $species ); } $aln = $RIO_ALN_DIRECTORY.$pfam_domain.$ALIGN_FILE_SUFFIX; if ( &checkForTextFilePresence( $aln ) != 1 ) { &nph_user_error( "no pairwise distances precalculated for pfam domain \"$pfam_domain\"
$link_to_hmmsearch" ); } if ( checkForNumberBetween0and100( $o_threshold ) != 1 ) { $o_threshold = $O_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; } if ( checkForNumberBetween0and100( $sn_threshold ) != 1 ) { $sn_threshold = $SN_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; } if ( checkForNumberBetween0and100( $u_threshold ) != 1 ) { $u_threshold = $U_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; } if ( !defined( $seed_for_random ) || $seed_for_random !~ /\d/ || $seed_for_random =~ /\D/ || $seed_for_random > 10000 || $seed_for_random < 0 ) { $seed_for_random = $SEED_FOR_RANDOM_DEFAULT; } if ( !defined( $sort ) || $sort > 16 || $sort < 12 ) { $sort = $SORT_DEFAULT; } if ( defined( $output_up ) && $output_up eq "yes" ) { $RIO_OPTIONS .= " p"; } else { $u_threshold = -1; } # User defined species tree is dealt with here # -------------------------------------------- if ( $user_defined_tree == 1 ) { &readInFile( $tree_file ); $size_d = 0; $size_c = 0; foreach $oneline ( @lines ) { $size_d += length( $oneline ); if ( $size_d > $MAX_SIZE ) { &nph_user_error( "user defined species tree file is too long (>$MAX_SIZE)" ); } $oneline =~ s/;\|,<>\s//g; $oneline =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $size_c += length( $oneline ); } if ( $size_c < $MIN_SIZE ) { &nph_user_error( "user defined species tree file is too short (<$MIN_SIZE)" ); } open( TREE, ">$TEMPDIR/$$.tree" ) || &nph_fatal_error( "failed to open temp species tree file" ); foreach $oneline ( @lines ) { print TREE $oneline; } close( TREE ); $speciestree = "$TEMPDIR/$$.tree"; system( "$TEST_NHX $speciestree" ) && nph_user_error( "user defined species tree is not in proper NHX format (or is unrooted, or contains multifurcations) $!" ); } else { $speciestree = $SPECIESTREE; } # Join the queue, using queue.pm API # ---------------------------------- $entry_time = time; ( $njobs, $njobs_thisuser ) = &queue::CheckQueue( "rioqueue", $remote_addr, $TEMPDIR ); if ( $njobs > 5 ) { &nph_user_error("The server is currently swamped, with $njobs searches in the queue.
Please come back later! Sorry."); } if ( $njobs_thisuser > 0 ) { &nph_user_error( "We already have $njobs_thisuser searches in the queue from your IP address ($remote_addr). Please wait until some or all of them finish.
If you think you got this message in error, wait a minute or so and resubmit your job. You probably hit your browser's stop button after you started a search - but that doesn't stop our compute cluster, it just breaks your connection to us. You won't be able to start a new search until the cluster's done." ); } if ( $njobs > 0 ) { print_waiting_message( $njobs ); } &queue::WaitInQueue( "rioqueue", $remote_addr, $TEMPDIR, $$, 10 ); # wait with ten-second granularity. # Prints "waiting" header # ----------------------- my $number_of_seqs = &getNumberOfSeqsFromNBDfile( $RIO_NBD_DIRECTORY.$pfam_domain.$ALIGN_NBD_FILE ); my $estimated_time = &estimateTime( $number_of_seqs ); print( "

RIO: Starting search. Estimated time: $estimated_time seconds per domain (assuming all rio nodes are running). Please wait...

\n" ); # Runs RIO # -------- &run_rio( $pfam_domain, # domain "$TEMPDIR/$$.query", # query file name "$TEMPDIR/$$.outfile", # output file name "QUERY_$species", # name for query $speciestree, # species tree $RIO_OPTIONS, # more options "$TEMPDIR/$$", # temp file $o_threshold, $sn_threshold, $u_threshold, $seed_for_random, $sort ); # Done # ---- &showATVlinks(); # Cleanup unlink( "$TEMPDIR/$$.query", "$TEMPDIR/$$.tree" ); $output .= "


\n"; # Leaves the queue in an orderly fashion. &queue::RemoveFromQueue( "rioqueue", $remote_addr, $TEMPDIR, $$ ); print( $output ); &print_footer(); &removeFiles( $DIR_FOR_TREES, $TARGET_FILES_IN_DIR_FOR_TREES, $MAX_FILES_IN_DIR_FOR_TREES ); exit( 0 ); # Methods # ------- # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub run_rio { my $pfam_name = $_[ 0 ]; my $query_file = $_[ 1 ]; my $output_file = $_[ 2 ]; my $name_for_query = $_[ 3 ]; my $species_tree_file = $_[ 4 ]; my $more_options = $_[ 5 ]; my $tmp_file_rio = $_[ 6 ]; my $t_o = $_[ 7 ]; my $t_sn = $_[ 8 ]; my $t_u = $_[ 9 ]; my $seed = $_[ 10 ]; my $sort = $_[ 11 ]; my $start_time = time; my $options_for_rio = ""; $options_for_rio .= ( " A=".$pfam_name ); $options_for_rio .= ( " Q=".$query_file ); $options_for_rio .= ( " O=".$output_file ); $options_for_rio .= ( " N=".$name_for_query ); $options_for_rio .= ( " S=".$species_tree_file ); $options_for_rio .= ( " j=".$tmp_file_rio ); $options_for_rio .= ( " L=".$t_o ); $options_for_rio .= ( " B=".$t_sn ); if ( $t_u != -1 ) { $options_for_rio .= ( " v=".$t_u ); } $options_for_rio .= ( " y=".$seed ); $options_for_rio .= ( " P=".$sort ); $options_for_rio .= ( " ".$more_options ); $output = `$RIOPL 1 $options_for_rio`; if ( $? != 0 ) { nph_rio_error(); } my $finish_time = time; my $wait_time = $finish_time - $entry_time; my $cpu_time = $finish_time - $start_time; # Logs the results. my $date = `date`; chop( $date ); open ( LOGFILE, ">>$TEMPDIR/log") || &nph_fatal_error( "could not open log file" ); flock( LOGFILE, 2 ); print LOGFILE "$date queue: $njobs wait: $wait_time true_cpu: $cpu_time pid: $$ addr: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} host: $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} pfam: $pfam_name\n"; flock( LOGFILE, 8 ); close ( LOGFILE ); return; } ## run_rio # Reads a file into "@lines" # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub readInFile { my $file = $_[ 0 ]; my $l = 0; my $s = 0; @lines = (); $file =~ s/;\|,<>&\s//g; while( <$file> ) { $s += length( $_ ); if ( $s > $MAX_SIZE ) { &nph_user_error( "query sequence is too long (>$MAX_SIZE)" ); } $l++; if ( $l > $MAX_LINES ) { &nph_user_error( "file has too many lines (>$MAX_LINES)" ); } push( @lines, $_ ); } } ## readInFile # Reads in (SWISS-PROT) species names from a file. # Names must be separated by newlines. # Lines beginning with "#" are ignored. # A possible "=" and everything after is ignored. # One argument: species-names-file name # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub readSpeciesNamesFile { my $infile = $_[ 0 ]; my $return_line = ""; my $species = ""; open( IN_RSNF, "$infile" ) || &nph_fatal_error( "could not open species list" ); while ( $return_line = ) { if ( $return_line !~ /^\s*#/ && $return_line =~ /(\S+)/ ) { $species = $1; $species =~ s/=.+//; $Species_names_hash{ $species } = ""; } } close( IN_RSNF ); return; } ## readSpeciesNamesFile # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub checkForNumberBetween0and100 { my $x = $_[ 0 ]; if ( !defined( $x ) || $x !~ /\d/ || $x =~ /\D/ || $x > 100 || $x < 0 ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } ## checkForNumberBetween0and100 # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub getNumberOfSeqsFromNBDfile { my $infile = $_[ 0 ]; my $return_line = ""; my $number_of_seqs = 0; open( C, "$infile" ) || &nph_fatal_error( "could not open NBD file" ); while ( $return_line = ) { if ( $return_line =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $number_of_seqs = $1; last; } } close( C ); return $number_of_seqs; } ## getNumberOfSeqsFromNBDfile # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub print_waiting_message { my $njobs = $_[ 0 ]; print( "

\n" ); print( "RIO: There are $njobs searches queued ahead of you on the RIO server. Please wait...\n" ); print( "

\n" ); return; } ## print_waiting_message # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub checkForPresenceOfSpecies { my $species = $_[ 0 ]; &readSpeciesNamesFile( $SPECIESLIST ); unless( exists( $Species_names_hash{ $species } ) ) { &nph_user_error( "species \"$species\" not present in currently used species tree" ); } return; } ## checkForPresenceOfSepecies # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub checkForTextFilePresence { my $file = $_[ 0 ]; if ( ( -s $file ) && ( -f $file ) && ( -T $file ) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } ## checkForTextFilePresence # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub print_footer { &print_navbar(); &print_contact(); print( "\n" ); print( "\n" ); return; } ## print_footer # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub print_navbar { print( "
\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "RIO $VERSION \n" ); print( "phylogenomic analysis of a protein sequence | " ); print( "help | " ); print( "forester/rio home | " ); print( "pfam\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "
\n" ); return; } ## print_navbar # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub print_contact { print( "

comments, questions, flames? email $CONTACT

\n" ); return; } ## print_contact # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub showATVlinks { my $domain_no = 0; if ( -s "$TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio.nhx" ) { $domain_no = 1; system( "mv", "$TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio.nhx", $DIR_FOR_TREES ) && &nph_fatal_error( "could not mv $TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio.nhx" ); } elsif ( -s "$TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio-1.nhx" ) { $domain_no = 1; while ( -s "$TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio-$domain_no.nhx" ) { system( "mv", "$TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio-$domain_no.nhx", $DIR_FOR_TREES ) && &nph_fatal_error( "could not mv $TEMPDIR/$$.outfile.rio-$domain_no.nhx.nhx" ); $domain_no++; } } if ( $domain_no == 1 ) { $output .= "


\n"; $output .= "\n"; $output .= "\n"; $output .= "
\n"; $output .= "download NHX file describing this tree
\n"; } elsif ( $domain_no > 1 ) { $output .= "


\n"; $output .= "\n"; $output .= "\n"; } $output .= "
\n"; $output .= "download NHX file for domain #$x
\n"; } return; } ## showATVlinks # Removes output tree (NHX) files if more than $_[ 2 ] in $_[ 0 ] # Removes until $_[ 1 ] are left # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub removeFiles { my $dir = $_[ 0 ]; my $target = $_[ 1 ]; my $max = $_[ 2 ]; my $files = &countFilesInDir( $dir ); if ( $files > $max ) { my $diff = $files - $target; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++ ) { &removeOldestFile( $dir ); } } return; } ## removeFiles # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub countFilesInDir { my $dir = $_[ 0 ]; my $file = ""; my $c = 0; opendir( DIR, $dir ) || &nph_fatal_error( "could not open dir $dir" ); while( defined ( $file = readdir( DIR ) ) ) { unless ( $file =~ /\d/ ) { next; } $c++; } closedir( DIR ); return( $c ); } ## countFilesInDir # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub removeOldestFile { my $dir = $_[ 0 ]; my $file = ""; my $oldest = ""; my $smallest_time = 0; my $time = 0; my $first = 1; opendir( DIR, $dir ) || &nph_fatal_error( "could not open dir $dir" ); while( defined ( $file = readdir( DIR ) ) ) { unless ( $file =~ /\d/ ) { next; } $file =~ /(\d+)/; $time = $1; if ( $first == 1 ) { $first = 0; $smallest_time = $time; $oldest = $file } elsif ( $time < $smallest_time ) { $smallest_time = $time; $oldest = $file; } } closedir( DIR ); unlink( $dir.$oldest ) || &nph_fatal_error( "could not delete $oldest" ); return; } ## removeOldestFile # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub print_ATV_JavaScript { print < END return; } ## print_ATV_JavaScript # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub estimateTime { my $number_of_seqs = $_[ 0 ]; my $estimated_time = 0; if ( $number_of_seqs <= 50 ) { $estimated_time = 15; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 100 ) { $estimated_time = 20; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 150 ) { $estimated_time = 30; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 200 ) { $estimated_time = 35; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 250 ) { $estimated_time = 40; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 300 ) { $estimated_time = 60; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 400 ) { $estimated_time = 100; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 500 ) { $estimated_time = 160; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 600 ) { $estimated_time = 390; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 700 ) { $estimated_time = 530; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 800 ) { $estimated_time = 750; } elsif ( $number_of_seqs <= 900 ) { $estimated_time = 850; } else { $estimated_time = $number_of_seqs; } return $estimated_time; } ## estimateTime # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub nph_rio_error { my $mesg = $_[ 0 ]; &queue::RemoveFromQueue( "rioqueue", $remote_addr, $TEMPDIR, $$ ); unlink( "$TEMPDIR/$$.query", "$TEMPDIR/$$.tree" ); if ( $user_defined_tree == 1 ) { print( "

RIO error

\n" ); print( "

[the RIO analysis appearently died]

\n" ); print( "

the most likely source of this error is an invalid user defined species tree

\n" ); } else { print( "

RIO server fatal error

\n" ); print( "

[the RIO analysis appearently died for unknown reasons]

\n" ); print( "

This type of error should not happen

\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "We may have logged it automatically, but we would appreciate it if you would also notify us at\n" ); print( "$CONTACT\n" ); print( "

\n" ); } print( "


\n" ); &print_footer(); system( "rm -r $TEMPDIR/$$"."0" ); die; } ## nph_fatal_error # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub nph_fatal_error { my $mesg = $_[ 0 ]; &queue::RemoveFromQueue( "rioqueue", $remote_addr, $TEMPDIR, $$ ); unlink( "$TEMPDIR/$$.query", "$TEMPDIR/$$.tree" ); print( "

RIO server fatal error

\n" ); print( "

[$mesg : $!]

\n" ); print( "

This type of error should not happen

\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "We may have logged it automatically, but we would appreciate it if you would also notify us at\n" ); print( "$CONTACT\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "


\n" ); &print_footer(); die; } ## nph_fatal_error # Last modified: 02/19/02 sub nph_user_error { my $mesg = $_[ 0 ]; &queue::RemoveFromQueue( "rioqueue", $remote_addr, $TEMPDIR, $$ ); unlink( "$TEMPDIR/$$.query", "$TEMPDIR/$$.tree" ); print( "

user error

\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "$mesg\n" ); print( "

\n" ); print( "


\n" ); &print_footer(); die "nph-riowebserver handled: $mesg"; } ## nph_user_error