package org.forester.application; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import org.forester.msa.Msa; import org.forester.msa.MsaInferrer; import org.forester.msa_compactor.MsaCompactor; import org.forester.util.CommandLineArguments; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public class msa_compactor { final static private String HELP_OPTION_1 = "help"; final static private String HELP_OPTION_2 = "h"; final static private String REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION = "r"; final static private String AV_GAPINESS_OPTION = "g"; final static private String STEP_OPTION = "s"; final static private String LENGTH_OPTION = "l"; final static private String REALIGN_OPTION = "a"; final static private String PATH_TO_MAFFT_OPTION = "mafft"; final static private String DO_NOT_NORMALIZE_FOR_EFF_LENGTH_OPTION = "nn"; final static private String PRG_NAME = "msa_compactor"; final static private String PRG_DESC = "multiple sequence aligment compactor"; final static private String PRG_VERSION = "0.01"; final static private String PRG_DATE = "140316"; final static private String E_MAIL = ""; final static private String WWW = ""; public static void main( final String args[] ) { try { final CommandLineArguments cla = new CommandLineArguments( args ); if ( cla.isOptionSet( HELP_OPTION_1 ) || cla.isOptionSet( HELP_OPTION_2 ) || ( cla.getNumberOfNames() != 2 ) ) { printHelp(); System.exit( 0 ); } final File in = cla.getFile( 0 ); final File out = cla.getFile( 1 ); int worst_remove = -1; double av_gap = -1; int length = -1; int step = -1; boolean realign = false; boolean norm = true; String path_to_mafft = null; final List allowed_options = new ArrayList(); allowed_options.add( REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION ); allowed_options.add( AV_GAPINESS_OPTION ); allowed_options.add( LENGTH_OPTION ); allowed_options.add( REALIGN_OPTION ); allowed_options.add( DO_NOT_NORMALIZE_FOR_EFF_LENGTH_OPTION ); allowed_options.add( STEP_OPTION ); allowed_options.add( PATH_TO_MAFFT_OPTION ); final String dissallowed_options = cla.validateAllowedOptionsAsString( allowed_options ); if ( dissallowed_options.length() > 0 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + dissallowed_options ); } Msa msa = null; final FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream( in ); if ( FastaParser.isLikelyFasta( in ) ) { msa = FastaParser.parseMsa( is ); } else { msa = GeneralMsaParser.parse( is ); } if ( cla.isOptionSet( REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION ) ) { worst_remove = cla.getOptionValueAsInt( REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION ); if ( ( worst_remove < 1 ) || ( worst_remove >= msa.getNumberOfSequences() - 1 ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "number of worst offender sequences to remove is out of range: " + worst_remove ); } } if ( cla.isOptionSet( AV_GAPINESS_OPTION ) ) { if ( cla.isOptionSet( REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION ) ) { printHelp(); System.exit( 0 ); } av_gap = cla.getOptionValueAsDouble( AV_GAPINESS_OPTION ); if ( ( av_gap < 0 ) || ( av_gap >= 1 ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "target gap-ratio is out of range: " + av_gap ); } } if ( cla.isOptionSet( LENGTH_OPTION ) ) { if ( cla.isOptionSet( REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION ) || cla.isOptionSet( AV_GAPINESS_OPTION ) ) { printHelp(); System.exit( 0 ); } length = cla.getOptionValueAsInt( LENGTH_OPTION ); if ( ( length < 2 ) || ( length >= msa.getLength() ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "target length is out of range: " + length ); } } if ( cla.isOptionSet( STEP_OPTION ) ) { step = cla.getOptionValueAsInt( STEP_OPTION ); if ( ( step < 1 ) || ( ( step > msa.getNumberOfSequences() ) || ( ( worst_remove > 0 ) && ( step > worst_remove ) ) ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "value for step is out of range: " + step ); } } if ( cla.isOptionSet( REALIGN_OPTION ) ) { realign = true; } if ( cla.isOptionSet( PATH_TO_MAFFT_OPTION ) ) { if ( !realign ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "no need to indicate path to MAFFT without realigning" ); } path_to_mafft = cla.getOptionValueAsCleanString( PATH_TO_MAFFT_OPTION ); } if ( cla.isOptionSet( DO_NOT_NORMALIZE_FOR_EFF_LENGTH_OPTION ) ) { norm = false; } if ( realign ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( path_to_mafft ) ) { path_to_mafft = MsaCompactor.guessPathToMafft(); } checkPathToMafft( path_to_mafft ); } if ( worst_remove > 0 ) { MsaCompactor.removeWorstOffenders( msa, worst_remove, step, realign, norm, path_to_mafft, out ); } else if ( av_gap > 0 ) { MsaCompactor.reduceGapAverage( msa, av_gap, step, realign, norm, path_to_mafft, out ); } else if ( length > 0 ) { // TODO if < shortest seq -> error MsaCompactor.reduceLength( msa, length, step, realign, norm, path_to_mafft, out ); } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } } private static void checkPathToMafft( final String path_to_mafft ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( path_to_mafft ) && MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path_to_mafft ) ) { ForesterUtil.programMessage( PRG_NAME, "using MAFFT at \"" + path_to_mafft + "\"" ); } else { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( path_to_mafft ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "no MAFFT executable found, use -\"" + PATH_TO_MAFFT_OPTION + "=\" option" ); } else { ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "no MAFFT executable at \"" + path_to_mafft + "\"" ); } } } private static void printHelp() { ForesterUtil.printProgramInformation( PRG_NAME, PRG_DESC, PRG_VERSION, PRG_DATE, E_MAIL, WWW, ForesterUtil.getForesterLibraryInformation() ); final String path_to_mafft = MsaCompactor.guessPathToMafft(); String mafft_comment; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( path_to_mafft ) ) { mafft_comment = " (using " + path_to_mafft + ")"; } else { mafft_comment = " (no path to MAFFT found, use -\"" + PATH_TO_MAFFT_OPTION + "=\" option"; } System.out.println( "Usage:" ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( PRG_NAME + " " ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " options: " ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " -" + REMOVE_WORST_OFFENDERS_OPTION + "= number of worst offender sequences to remove" ); System.out.println( " -" + LENGTH_OPTION + "= target MSA length" ); System.out.println( " -" + AV_GAPINESS_OPTION + "= target gap-ratio (0.0-1.0)" ); System.out.println( " -" + STEP_OPTION + "= step (for output and re-aligning)" ); System.out.println( " -" + REALIGN_OPTION + " to realign using MAFFT" + mafft_comment ); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } }