package org.forester.archaeopteryx; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.AptxUtil.GraphicsExportType; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.CLADOGRAM_TYPE; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import; import org.forester.util.ForesterConstants; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; // Use like this: // // // // public class ArchaeopteryxE extends JApplet implements ActionListener { private final static String NAME = "ArchaeopteryxE"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -1220055577935759443L; private Configuration _configuration; private MainPanelApplets _main_panel; private JMenuBar _jmenubar; private JMenu _options_jmenu; private JMenu _font_size_menu; private JMenuItem _super_tiny_fonts_mi; private JMenuItem _tiny_fonts_mi; private JMenuItem _small_fonts_mi; private JMenuItem _medium_fonts_mi; private JMenuItem _large_fonts_mi; private JMenu _tools_menu; private JMenuItem _taxcolor_item; private JMenuItem _confcolor_item; private JMenuItem _midpoint_root_item; private JMenu _view_jmenu; private JMenuItem _view_as_XML_item; private JMenuItem _view_as_NH_item; private JMenuItem _view_as_NHX_item; private JMenuItem _view_as_nexus_item; private JMenuItem _display_basic_information_item; private JMenu _type_menu; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _rectangular_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _triangular_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _curved_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _convex_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _euro_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _rounded_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _unrooted_type_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _circular_type_cbmi; private JMenuItem _help_item; private JMenuItem _about_item; private JMenu _help_jmenu; private JMenuItem _website_item; private JMenuItem _phyloxml_website_item; private JMenuItem _phyloxml_ref_item; private JMenuItem _aptx_ref_item; private JMenuItem _remove_branch_color_item; private JMenuItem _infer_common_sn_names_item; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_domain_labels; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _abbreviate_scientific_names; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _screen_antialias_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _background_gradient_cbmi; private JRadioButtonMenuItem _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi; private JRadioButtonMenuItem _uniform_cladograms_rbmi; private JRadioButtonMenuItem _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi; private Options _options; private JMenuItem _choose_font_mi; private JMenuItem _switch_colors_mi; JCheckBoxMenuItem _label_direction_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_scale_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _search_case_senstive_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _search_whole_words_only_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _inverse_search_result_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_overview_cbmi; private JMenuItem _choose_minimal_confidence_mi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_branch_length_values_cbmi; private JMenuItem _collapse_species_specific_subtrees; private JMenuItem _overview_placment_mi; private ButtonGroup _radio_group_1; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi; private JMenuItem _cycle_node_shape_mi; private JMenuItem _cycle_node_fill_mi; private JMenuItem _choose_node_size_mi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi; private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi; private final LinkedList _textframes = new LinkedList(); private String _ext_node_data_buffer = ""; @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { final Object o = e.getSource(); if ( o == _midpoint_root_item ) { getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().midpointRoot(); } else if ( o == _taxcolor_item ) { getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().taxColor(); } else if ( o == _confcolor_item ) { getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().confColor(); } else if ( o == _collapse_species_specific_subtrees ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().collapseSpeciesSpecificSubtrees(); } } else if ( o == _remove_branch_color_item ) { removeBranchColors(); } else if ( o == _switch_colors_mi ) { switchColors(); } else if ( o == _display_basic_information_item ) { displayBasicInformation(); } else if ( o == _view_as_NH_item ) { viewAsNH(); } else if ( o == _view_as_NHX_item ) { viewAsNHX(); } else if ( o == _view_as_XML_item ) { viewAsXML(); } else if ( o == _view_as_nexus_item ) { viewAsNexus(); } else if ( o == _super_tiny_fonts_mi ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().setSuperTinyFonts(); getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } } else if ( o == _tiny_fonts_mi ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().setTinyFonts(); getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } } else if ( o == _small_fonts_mi ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().setSmallFonts(); getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } } else if ( o == _medium_fonts_mi ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().setMediumFonts(); getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } } else if ( o == _large_fonts_mi ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().setLargeFonts(); getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } } else if ( o == _choose_font_mi ) { chooseFont(); } else if ( o == _choose_minimal_confidence_mi ) { chooseMinimalConfidence(); } else if ( o == _choose_node_size_mi ) { MainFrame.chooseNodeSize( getOptions(), this ); } else if ( o == _overview_placment_mi ) { MainFrame.cycleOverview( getOptions(), getCurrentTreePanel() ); } else if ( o == _cycle_node_fill_mi ) { MainFrame.cycleNodeFill( getOptions(), getCurrentTreePanel() ); } else if ( o == _cycle_node_shape_mi ) { MainFrame.cycleNodeShape( getOptions(), getCurrentTreePanel() ); } else if ( o == _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); _main_panel.getControlPanel().showWhole(); } else if ( o == _uniform_cladograms_rbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); _main_panel.getControlPanel().showWhole(); } else if ( o == _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); _main_panel.getControlPanel().showWhole(); } else if ( o == _search_case_senstive_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search(); } else if ( o == _search_whole_words_only_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search(); } else if ( o == _inverse_search_result_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search(); } else if ( o == _show_scale_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _show_branch_length_values_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _label_direction_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _show_overview_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().updateOvSizes(); } } else if ( ( o == _rectangular_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _triangular_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _curved_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _convex_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _rounded_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _euro_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _unrooted_type_cbmi ) || ( o == _circular_type_cbmi ) ) { typeChanged( o ); } else if ( o == _screen_antialias_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); setupScreenTextAntialias( getMainPanel().getTreePanels(), isScreenAntialias() ); } else if ( o == _background_gradient_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _show_domain_labels ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi ) { updateOptions( getOptions() ); } else if ( o == _about_item ) { MainFrame.about(); } else if ( o == _help_item ) { help( getConfiguration().getWebLinks() ); } else if ( o == _website_item ) { try { AptxUtil.openWebsite( Constants.APTX_WEB_SITE, true, this ); } catch ( final IOException e1 ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( Constants.PRG_NAME, e1.toString() ); } } else if ( o == _phyloxml_website_item ) { try { AptxUtil.openWebsite( Constants.PHYLOXML_WEB_SITE, true, this ); } catch ( final IOException e1 ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( Constants.PRG_NAME, e1.toString() ); } } else if ( o == _aptx_ref_item ) { try { AptxUtil.openWebsite( Constants.APTX_REFERENCE_URL, true, this ); } catch ( final IOException e1 ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( Constants.PRG_NAME, e1.toString() ); } } else if ( o == _phyloxml_ref_item ) { try { AptxUtil.openWebsite( Constants.PHYLOXML_REFERENCE_URL, true, this ); } catch ( final IOException e1 ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( Constants.PRG_NAME, e1.toString() ); } } repaint(); } void help( final Map weblinks ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Display options\n" ); sb.append( "-------------------\n" ); sb.append( "Use the checkboxes to select types of information to display on the tree.\n\n" ); sb.append( "Clickable tree nodes\n" ); sb.append( "--------------------\n" ); sb.append( "Tree nodes can be clicked, the action is determined by the 'click on node to' menu\n" ); sb.append( "or by right clicking:\n" ); sb.append( "o Display Node Data -- display information for a node\n" ); sb.append( "o Collapse/Uncollapse -- collapse and uncollapse subtree from clicked node\n" ); sb.append( "o Root/Reroot -- change tree root to clicked node\n" ); sb.append( "o Sub/Super Tree -- toggle between subtree from clicked node and whole tree\n" ); sb.append( "o Swap Descendants -- switch descendant on either side of clicked node\n" ); sb.append( "o Colorize Subtree -- color a subtree\n" ); sb.append( "o Open Sequence Web -- launch a web browser to display sequence information\n" ); sb.append( "o Open Taxonomy Web -- launch a web browser to display taxonomy information\n" ); sb.append( "- there may be additional choices depending on this particular setup\n\n" ); sb.append( "Right clicking on a node always displays the information of a node.\n\n" ); sb.append( "Zooming\n" ); sb.append( "---------\n" ); sb.append( "The mouse wheel and the plus and minus keys control zooming.\n" ); sb.append( "Mouse wheel+Ctrl changes the text size.\n" ); sb.append( "Mouse wheel+Shift controls zooming in vertical direction only.\n" ); sb.append( "Use the buttons on the control panel to zoom the tree in and out, horizontally or vertically.\n" ); sb.append( "The entire tree can be fitted into the window by clicking the \"F\" button, or by pressing F, Delete, or Home.\n" ); sb.append( "The up, down, left, and right keys can be used to move the visible part (if zoomed in).\n" ); sb.append( "Up, down, left, and right+Shift can be used to control zooming horizontally and vertically.\n" ); sb.append( "Plus and minus keys+Ctrl change the text size; F+Ctrl, Delete+Ctrl, or Home+Ctrl resets it.\n\n" ); sb.append( "Quick tree manipulation:\n" ); sb.append( "------------------------\n" ); sb.append( "Order Subtrees -- order the tree by branch length\n" ); sb.append( "Uncollapse All -- uncollapse any and all collapsed branches\n\n" ); sb.append( "Memory problems (Java heap space error)\n" ); sb.append( "---------------------------------------\n" ); sb.append( "Since the Java default memory allocation is quite small, it might by necessary (for trees\n" ); sb.append( "with more than approximately 5000 external nodes) to increase the memory which Java can use, with\n" ); sb.append( "the '-Xmx' Java command line option. For example:\n" ); sb.append( "java -Xms32m -Xmx256m -cp path\\to\\forester.jar org.forester.archaeopteryx.Archaeopteryx\n\n" ); if ( ( weblinks != null ) && ( weblinks.size() > 0 ) ) { sb.append( "Active web links\n" ); sb.append( "--------------------\n" ); for( final String key : weblinks.keySet() ) { sb.append( " " + weblinks.get( key ).toString() + "\n" ); } } sb.append( "\n" ); sb.append( "phyloXML\n" ); sb.append( "-------------------\n" ); sb.append( "Reference: " + Constants.PHYLOXML_REFERENCE + "\n" ); sb.append( "Website: " + Constants.PHYLOXML_WEB_SITE + "\n" ); sb.append( "Version: " + ForesterConstants.PHYLO_XML_VERSION + "\n" ); sb.append( "\n" ); sb.append( "For more information:\n" ); sb.append( "Email: " + Constants.AUTHOR_EMAIL + "\n\n" ); TextFrame.instantiate( sb.toString(), "Help", _textframes ); } void setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( final String s ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( s ) ) { _ext_node_data_buffer = s.trim(); } else { _ext_node_data_buffer = ""; } } /** * This method returns the current external node data which * has been selected by the user by clicking the "Return ..." * menu item. This method is expected to be called from Javascript or * something like it. * * @return current external node data as String */ public String getCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer() { return _ext_node_data_buffer; } /** * This method returns the current phylogeny as a string in the chosen format * * @param format must be NH, NHX, NEXUS or PHYLOXML * @return the phylogeny string * @author Herve Menager */ public String getCurrentPhylogeny( final String format ) { removeAllTextFrames(); if ( ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() == null ) || getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() || ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getNumberOfExternalNodes() > 10000 ) ) { return new String(); } switch ( ForesterConstants.PhylogeneticTreeFormats.valueOf( format ) ) { case NH: return getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toNewHampshire(); case NHX: return getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toNewHampshireX(); case NEXUS: return getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toNexus(); case PHYLOXML: return getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toPhyloXML( -1 ); default: break; } return new String(); } /** * This method returns a view of the current phylogeny in a chosen * graphics format, base64-encoded in a string so that in can be used * from javascript. * * @param format must be GraphicsExportType (gif, jpg, pdf, png, tif, bmp) * @return the phylogeny string * @author Herve Menager */ public String getCurrentPhylogenyGraphicsAsBase64EncodedString( final String format ) { final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { AptxUtil.writePhylogenyToGraphicsByteArrayOutputStream( baos, _main_panel.getWidth(), _main_panel.getHeight(), getCurrentTreePanel(), getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel(), GraphicsExportType.valueOf( format ), getOptions() ); } catch ( final IOException ioe ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( NAME, ioe.toString() ); ioe.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, NAME + ": Failed to generate graphics: " + "\nException: " + ioe, "Failed to generate graphics", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return null; } final byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); final String dataImg = Base64.encodeBase64String( bytes ); return dataImg; } void buildFontSizeMenu() { _font_size_menu = MainFrame.createMenu( MainFrame.FONT_SIZE_MENU_LABEL, getConfiguration() ); _font_size_menu.add( _super_tiny_fonts_mi = new JMenuItem( "Super tiny fonts" ) ); _font_size_menu.add( _tiny_fonts_mi = new JMenuItem( "Tiny fonts" ) ); _font_size_menu.add( _small_fonts_mi = new JMenuItem( "Small fonts" ) ); _font_size_menu.add( _medium_fonts_mi = new JMenuItem( "Medium fonts" ) ); _font_size_menu.add( _large_fonts_mi = new JMenuItem( "Large fonts" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _super_tiny_fonts_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _tiny_fonts_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _small_fonts_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _medium_fonts_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _large_fonts_mi ); _jmenubar.add( _font_size_menu ); } void buildHelpMenu() { _help_jmenu = MainFrame.createMenu( "Help", getConfiguration() ); _help_jmenu.add( _help_item = new JMenuItem( "Help" ) ); _help_jmenu.add( _website_item = new JMenuItem( "Archaeopteryx Home" ) ); _aptx_ref_item = new JMenuItem( "Archaeopteryx Reference" ); _help_jmenu.add( _phyloxml_website_item = new JMenuItem( "phyloXML Home" ) ); _help_jmenu.add( _phyloxml_ref_item = new JMenuItem( "phyloXML Reference" ) ); _help_jmenu.addSeparator(); _help_jmenu.add( _about_item = new JMenuItem( "About" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _help_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _website_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _phyloxml_website_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _aptx_ref_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _phyloxml_ref_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _about_item ); _phyloxml_ref_item.setToolTipText( MainFrame.PHYLOXML_REF_TOOL_TIP ); _aptx_ref_item.setToolTipText( MainFrame.APTX_REF_TOOL_TIP ); _jmenubar.add( _help_jmenu ); } void buildOptionsMenu() { _options_jmenu = MainFrame.createMenu( MainFrame.OPTIONS_HEADER, getConfiguration() ); _options_jmenu.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged( final ChangeEvent e ) { MainFrame.setOvPlacementColorChooseMenuItem( _overview_placment_mi, getOptions() ); MainFrame.setTextColorChooseMenuItem( _switch_colors_mi, getCurrentTreePanel() ); MainFrame .setTextMinSupportMenuItem( _choose_minimal_confidence_mi, getOptions(), getCurrentTreePanel() ); MainFrame.setTextForFontChooserMenuItem( _choose_font_mi, MainFrame .createCurrentFontDesc( getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet() ) ); MainFrame.updateOptionsMenuDependingOnPhylogenyType( getMainPanel(), _show_scale_cbmi, _show_branch_length_values_cbmi, _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi, _uniform_cladograms_rbmi, _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi, _label_direction_cbmi ); MainFrame.setCycleNodeFillMenuItem( _cycle_node_fill_mi, getOptions() ); MainFrame.setCycleNodeShapeMenuItem( _cycle_node_shape_mi, getOptions() ); MainFrame.setTextNodeSizeMenuItem( _choose_node_size_mi, getOptions() ); } } ); _options_jmenu.add( MainFrame.customizeMenuItemAsLabel( new JMenuItem( MainFrame.DISPLAY_SUBHEADER ), getConfiguration() ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( MainFrame.NONUNIFORM_CLADOGRAMS_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _uniform_cladograms_rbmi = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( MainFrame.UNIFORM_CLADOGRAMS_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( MainFrame.NON_LINED_UP_CLADOGRAMS_LABEL ) ); _radio_group_1 = new ButtonGroup(); _radio_group_1.add( _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi ); _radio_group_1.add( _uniform_cladograms_rbmi ); _radio_group_1.add( _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi ); _options_jmenu.add( _show_overview_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.SHOW_OVERVIEW_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _show_scale_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.DISPLAY_SCALE_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _show_branch_length_values_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.DISPLAY_BRANCH_LENGTH_VALUES_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.SHOW_CONF_STDDEV_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.DISPLAY_NODE_BOXES_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.TAXONOMY_COLORIZE_NODE_SHAPES_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _cycle_node_shape_mi = new JMenuItem( MainFrame.CYCLE_NODE_SHAPE_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _cycle_node_fill_mi = new JMenuItem( MainFrame.CYCLE_NODE_FILL_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _choose_node_size_mi = new JMenuItem( MainFrame.CHOOSE_NODE_SIZE_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _label_direction_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.LABEL_DIRECTION_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.COLOR_LABELS_LABEL ) ); _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch.setToolTipText( MainFrame.COLOR_LABELS_TIP ); _options_jmenu.add( _abbreviate_scientific_names = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.ABBREV_SN_LABEL ) ); _label_direction_cbmi.setToolTipText( MainFrame.LABEL_DIRECTION_TIP ); _options_jmenu.add( _screen_antialias_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.SCREEN_ANTIALIAS_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _background_gradient_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.BG_GRAD_LABEL ) ); if ( getConfiguration().doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_domain_architectures ) ) { _options_jmenu.add( _show_domain_labels = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.SHOW_DOMAIN_LABELS_LABEL ) ); } _options_jmenu.add( _choose_minimal_confidence_mi = new JMenuItem( "" ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _overview_placment_mi = new JMenuItem( "" ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _switch_colors_mi = new JMenuItem( "" ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _choose_font_mi = new JMenuItem( "" ) ); _options_jmenu.addSeparator(); _options_jmenu.add( MainFrame.customizeMenuItemAsLabel( new JMenuItem( MainFrame.SEARCH_SUBHEADER ), getConfiguration() ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _search_case_senstive_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu.add( _search_whole_words_only_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.SEARCH_TERMS_ONLY_LABEL ) ); _options_jmenu .add( _inverse_search_result_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.INVERSE_SEARCH_RESULT_LABEL ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _choose_font_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _choose_minimal_confidence_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _switch_colors_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _overview_placment_mi ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _label_direction_cbmi, getOptions().getNodeLabelDirection() == NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.RADIAL ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _screen_antialias_cbmi, getOptions().isAntialiasScreen() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _background_gradient_cbmi, getOptions().isBackgroundColorGradient() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _show_domain_labels, getOptions().isShowDomainLabels() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _abbreviate_scientific_names, getOptions().isAbbreviateScientificTaxonNames() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi, getOptions().isShowDefaultNodeShapes() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi, getOptions().isTaxonomyColorizeNodeShapes() ); customizeJMenuItem( _cycle_node_shape_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _cycle_node_fill_mi ); customizeJMenuItem( _choose_node_size_mi ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch, getOptions().isColorLabelsSameAsParentBranch() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _search_case_senstive_cbmi, getOptions().isSearchCaseSensitive() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _show_scale_cbmi, getOptions().isShowScale() ); customizeRadioButtonMenuItem( _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi, getOptions().getCladogramType() == CLADOGRAM_TYPE.NON_LINED_UP ); customizeRadioButtonMenuItem( _uniform_cladograms_rbmi, getOptions().getCladogramType() == CLADOGRAM_TYPE.TOTAL_NODE_SUM_DEP ); customizeRadioButtonMenuItem( _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi, getOptions().getCladogramType() == CLADOGRAM_TYPE.EXT_NODE_SUM_DEP ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _show_branch_length_values_cbmi, getOptions().isShowBranchLengthValues() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _show_overview_cbmi, getOptions().isShowOverview() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _search_whole_words_only_cbmi, getOptions().isMatchWholeTermsOnly() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _inverse_search_result_cbmi, getOptions().isInverseSearchResult() ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi, getOptions().isShowConfidenceStddev() ); _jmenubar.add( _options_jmenu ); } void buildToolsMenu() { _tools_menu = MainFrame.createMenu( "Tools", getConfiguration() ); _tools_menu.add( _confcolor_item = new JMenuItem( "Colorize Branches Depending on Confidence" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _confcolor_item ); _tools_menu.add( _taxcolor_item = new JMenuItem( "Taxonomy Colorize Branches" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _taxcolor_item ); _tools_menu.add( _remove_branch_color_item = new JMenuItem( "Delete Branch Colors" ) ); _remove_branch_color_item.setToolTipText( "To delete branch color values from the current phylogeny." ); customizeJMenuItem( _remove_branch_color_item ); _tools_menu.addSeparator(); _tools_menu.add( _midpoint_root_item = new JMenuItem( "Midpoint-Root" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _midpoint_root_item ); _tools_menu.addSeparator(); _tools_menu .add( _infer_common_sn_names_item = new JMenuItem( "Infer Common Parts of Internal Scientific Names" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _infer_common_sn_names_item ); _tools_menu.add( _collapse_species_specific_subtrees = new JMenuItem( "Collapse Species-Specific Subtrees" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _collapse_species_specific_subtrees ); _jmenubar.add( _tools_menu ); } void buildTypeMenu() { _type_menu = MainFrame.createMenu( MainFrame.TYPE_MENU_HEADER, getConfiguration() ); _type_menu.add( _rectangular_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.RECTANGULAR_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _euro_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.EURO_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _rounded_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.ROUNDED_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _curved_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.CURVED_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _triangular_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.TRIANGULAR_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _convex_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.CONVEX_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _unrooted_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.UNROOTED_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); _type_menu.add( _circular_type_cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( MainFrame.CIRCULAR_TYPE_CBMI_LABEL ) ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _rectangular_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _triangular_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _euro_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _rounded_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _curved_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _convex_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _unrooted_type_cbmi, false ); customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( _circular_type_cbmi, false ); _unrooted_type_cbmi.setToolTipText( MainFrame.USE_MOUSEWHEEL_SHIFT_TO_ROTATE ); _circular_type_cbmi.setToolTipText( MainFrame.USE_MOUSEWHEEL_SHIFT_TO_ROTATE ); initializeTypeMenu( getOptions() ); _jmenubar.add( _type_menu ); } void buildViewMenu() { _view_jmenu = MainFrame.createMenu( "View", getConfiguration() ); _view_jmenu.add( _display_basic_information_item = new JMenuItem( "Display Basic Information" ) ); _view_jmenu.addSeparator(); _view_jmenu.add( _view_as_XML_item = new JMenuItem( "View as phyloXML" ) ); _view_jmenu.add( _view_as_NH_item = new JMenuItem( "View as Newick" ) ); _view_jmenu.add( _view_as_NHX_item = new JMenuItem( "View as NHX" ) ); _view_jmenu.add( _view_as_nexus_item = new JMenuItem( "View as Nexus" ) ); customizeJMenuItem( _display_basic_information_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _view_as_NH_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _view_as_NHX_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _view_as_XML_item ); customizeJMenuItem( _view_as_nexus_item ); _jmenubar.add( _view_jmenu ); } private void chooseFont() { final FontChooser fc = new FontChooser(); fc.setFont( getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() ); fc.showDialog( this, "Select the Base Font" ); getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().setBaseFont( fc.getFont() ); } private void chooseMinimalConfidence() { final String s = ( String ) JOptionPane .showInputDialog( this, "Please the minimum for confidence values to be displayed.\n" + "[current value: " + getOptions().getMinConfidenceValue() + "]\n", "Minimal Confidence Value", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, getOptions().getMinConfidenceValue() ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( s ) ) { boolean success = true; double m = 0.0; final String m_str = s.trim(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( m_str ) ) { try { m = Double.parseDouble( m_str ); } catch ( final Exception ex ) { success = false; } } else { success = false; } if ( success && ( m >= 0.0 ) ) { getOptions().setMinConfidenceValue( m ); } } } void customizeCheckBoxMenuItem( final JCheckBoxMenuItem item, final boolean is_selected ) { if ( item != null ) { item.setFont( MainFrame.menu_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { item.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); item.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuTextColor() ); } item.setSelected( is_selected ); item.addActionListener( this ); } } void customizeJMenuItem( final JMenuItem jmi ) { jmi.setFont( MainFrame.menu_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { jmi.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); jmi.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuTextColor() ); } jmi.addActionListener( this ); } private void customizeRadioButtonMenuItem( final JRadioButtonMenuItem item, final boolean is_selected ) { if ( item != null ) { item.setFont( MainFrame.menu_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { item.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); item.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuTextColor() ); } item.setSelected( is_selected ); item.addActionListener( this ); } } @Override public void destroy() { AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "going to be destroyed " ); removeAllTextFrames(); if ( getMainPanel() != null ) { getMainPanel().terminate(); } } Configuration getConfiguration() { return _configuration; } TreePanel getCurrentTreePanel() { return getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); } JCheckBoxMenuItem getlabelDirectionCbmi() { return _label_direction_cbmi; } private MainPanel getMainPanel() { return _main_panel; } public Options getOptions() { return _options; } Options getOtions() { return _options; } @Override public void init() { final String config_filename = getParameter( Constants.APPLET_PARAM_NAME_FOR_CONFIG_FILE_URL ); AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "URL for configuration file is: " + config_filename ); final Configuration configuration = new Configuration( config_filename, true, true, true ); setConfiguration( configuration ); setOptions( Options.createInstance( configuration ) ); setupUI(); URL phys_url = null; Phylogeny[] phys = null; final String phys_url_string = getParameter( Constants.APPLET_PARAM_NAME_FOR_URL_OF_TREE_TO_LOAD ); AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "URL for phylogenies is " + phys_url_string ); // Get URL to tree file if ( phys_url_string != null ) { try { phys_url = new URL( phys_url_string ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( NAME, "error: " + e ); e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, NAME + ": Could not create URL from: \"" + phys_url_string + "\"\nException: " + e, "Failed to create URL", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); } } // Load the tree from URL if ( phys_url != null ) { try { phys = AptxUtil.readPhylogeniesFromUrl( phys_url, getConfiguration().isValidatePhyloXmlAgainstSchema(), getConfiguration().isReplaceUnderscoresInNhParsing(), getConfiguration().isInternalNumberAreConfidenceForNhParsing(), getConfiguration().getTaxonomyExtraction() ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( NAME, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, NAME + ": Failed to read phylogenies: " + "\nException: " + e, "Failed to read phylogenies", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); } } if ( ( phys == null ) || ( phys.length < 1 ) ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( NAME, "phylogenies from [" + phys_url + "] are null or empty" ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, NAME + ": phylogenies from [" + phys_url + "] are null or empty", "Failed to read phylogenies", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } else { AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "loaded " + phys.length + " phylogenies from: " + phys_url ); } setVisible( false ); setMainPanel( new MainPanelApplets( getConfiguration(), this ) ); _jmenubar = new JMenuBar(); if ( !getConfiguration().isHideControlPanelAndMenubar() ) { if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _jmenubar.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); } buildToolsMenu(); buildViewMenu(); buildFontSizeMenu(); buildOptionsMenu(); buildTypeMenu(); buildHelpMenu(); setJMenuBar( _jmenubar ); } final Container contentpane = getContentPane(); contentpane.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); contentpane.add( getMainPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER ); addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized( final ComponentEvent e ) { if ( getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().setParametersForPainting( getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() .getWidth(), getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() .getHeight(), false ); } } } ); if ( getConfiguration().isUseTabbedDisplay() ) { AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "using tabbed display" ); AptxUtil.addPhylogeniesToTabs( phys, new File( phys_url.getFile() ).getName(), phys_url.toString(), getConfiguration(), getMainPanel() ); } else { AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "not using tabbed display" ); AptxUtil.addPhylogenyToPanel( phys, getConfiguration(), getMainPanel() ); } validate(); setName( NAME ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().showWholeAll(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().showWhole(); System.gc(); AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "successfully initialized" ); /* GUILHEM_BEG */ getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().getSequenceRelationTypeBox().removeAllItems(); for( final SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE type : getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() .getRelevantSequenceRelationTypes() ) { getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().getSequenceRelationTypeBox().addItem( type ); } final String default_relation = getParameter( Constants.APPLET_PARAM_NAME_FOR_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE ); if ( default_relation != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().getSequenceRelationTypeBox().setSelectedItem( default_relation ); } final String default_sequence = getParameter( Constants.APPLET_PARAM_NAME_FOR_DEFAULT_QUERY_SEQUENCE ); if ( default_sequence != null ) { getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().getSequenceRelationBox().setSelectedItem( default_sequence ); /* GUILHEM_END */ } setVisible( true ); } void initializeTypeMenu( final Options options ) { setTypeMenuToAllUnselected(); try { switch ( options.getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ) { case CONVEX: _convex_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case CURVED: _curved_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case EURO_STYLE: _euro_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case ROUNDED: _rounded_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case TRIANGULAR: _triangular_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case UNROOTED: _unrooted_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case CIRCULAR: _circular_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; default: _rectangular_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; } } catch ( final NullPointerException np ) { // In all likelihood, this is caused by menu-less display. } } private boolean isScreenAntialias() { return true; } private void removeBranchColors() { if ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) { AptxUtil.removeBranchColors( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() ); } } void setConfiguration( final Configuration configuration ) { _configuration = configuration; } private void setMainPanel( final MainPanelApplets main_panel ) { _main_panel = main_panel; } void setOptions( final Options options ) { _options = options; } void setSelectedTypeInTypeMenu( final PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE type ) { setTypeMenuToAllUnselected(); try { switch ( type ) { case CIRCULAR: _circular_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case CONVEX: _convex_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case CURVED: _curved_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case EURO_STYLE: _euro_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case ROUNDED: _rounded_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case RECTANGULAR: _rectangular_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case TRIANGULAR: _triangular_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; case UNROOTED: _unrooted_type_cbmi.setSelected( true ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown type: " + type ); } } catch ( final NullPointerException np ) { // In all likelihood, this is caused by menu-less display. } } void setTypeMenuToAllUnselected() { if ( _convex_type_cbmi != null ) { _convex_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _curved_type_cbmi != null ) { _curved_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _euro_type_cbmi != null ) { _euro_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _rounded_type_cbmi != null ) { _rounded_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _triangular_type_cbmi != null ) { _triangular_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _rectangular_type_cbmi != null ) { _rectangular_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _unrooted_type_cbmi != null ) { _unrooted_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } if ( _circular_type_cbmi != null ) { _circular_type_cbmi.setSelected( false ); } } private void setupUI() { try { if ( getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel( UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() ); } else { UIManager.setLookAndFeel( UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName() ); } } catch ( final UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e ) { AptxUtil.dieWithSystemError( "UnsupportedLookAndFeelException: " + e.toString() ); } catch ( final ClassNotFoundException e ) { AptxUtil.dieWithSystemError( "ClassNotFoundException: " + e.toString() ); } catch ( final InstantiationException e ) { AptxUtil.dieWithSystemError( "InstantiationException: " + e.toString() ); } catch ( final IllegalAccessException e ) { AptxUtil.dieWithSystemError( "IllegalAccessException: " + e.toString() ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { AptxUtil.dieWithSystemError( e.toString() ); } } @Override public void start() { if ( getMainPanel() != null ) { getMainPanel().validate(); } requestFocus(); requestFocusInWindow(); requestFocus(); AptxUtil.printAppletMessage( NAME, "started" ); } void switchColors() { final TreeColorSet colorset = getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().getTreeColorSet(); final ColorSchemeChooser csc = new ColorSchemeChooser( getMainPanel(), colorset ); csc.setVisible( true ); getMainPanel().setTreeColorSet( colorset ); } void typeChanged( final Object o ) { updateTypeCheckboxes( getOptions(), o ); updateOptions( getOptions() ); if ( getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { final PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE previous_type = getCurrentTreePanel().getPhylogenyGraphicsType(); final PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE new_type = getOptions().getPhylogenyGraphicsType(); if ( ( ( previous_type == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && ( new_type != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) ) || ( ( previous_type == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) && ( new_type != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) || ( ( previous_type != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && ( new_type == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) ) || ( ( previous_type != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) && ( new_type == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) ) { getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().showWhole(); } if ( getCurrentTreePanel().isPhyHasBranchLengths() && ( new_type != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().setDrawPhylogramEnabled( true ); } else { getCurrentTreePanel().getControlPanel().setDrawPhylogramEnabled( false ); } getCurrentTreePanel().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( getOptions().getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ); MainFrame.updateScreenTextAntialias( getMainPanel().getTreePanels() ); } } void updateOptions( final Options options ) { options.setAntialiasScreen( ( _screen_antialias_cbmi != null ) && _screen_antialias_cbmi.isSelected() ); options.setBackgroundColorGradient( ( _background_gradient_cbmi != null ) && _background_gradient_cbmi.isSelected() ); options.setShowDomainLabels( ( _show_domain_labels != null ) && _show_domain_labels.isSelected() ); options.setAbbreviateScientificTaxonNames( ( _abbreviate_scientific_names != null ) && _abbreviate_scientific_names.isSelected() ); options.setColorLabelsSameAsParentBranch( ( _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch != null ) && _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch.isSelected() ); options.setShowDefaultNodeShapes( ( _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi != null ) && _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi.isSelected() ); options.setTaxonomyColorizeNodeShapes( ( _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi != null ) && _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi.isSelected() ); if ( ( _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi != null ) && ( _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi.isSelected() ) ) { options.setCladogramType( CLADOGRAM_TYPE.NON_LINED_UP ); } else if ( ( _uniform_cladograms_rbmi != null ) && ( _uniform_cladograms_rbmi.isSelected() ) ) { options.setCladogramType( CLADOGRAM_TYPE.TOTAL_NODE_SUM_DEP ); } else if ( ( _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi != null ) && ( _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi.isSelected() ) ) { options.setCladogramType( CLADOGRAM_TYPE.EXT_NODE_SUM_DEP ); } options.setSearchCaseSensitive( ( _search_case_senstive_cbmi != null ) && _search_case_senstive_cbmi.isSelected() ); if ( ( _show_scale_cbmi != null ) && _show_scale_cbmi.isEnabled() ) { options.setShowScale( _show_scale_cbmi.isSelected() ); } if ( _label_direction_cbmi != null ) { if ( _label_direction_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setNodeLabelDirection( NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.RADIAL ); } else { options.setNodeLabelDirection( NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.HORIZONTAL ); } } options.setShowOverview( ( _show_overview_cbmi != null ) && _show_overview_cbmi.isSelected() ); options.setShowConfidenceStddev( ( _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi != null ) && _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi.isSelected() ); if ( ( _show_branch_length_values_cbmi != null ) && _show_branch_length_values_cbmi.isEnabled() ) { options.setShowBranchLengthValues( _show_branch_length_values_cbmi.isSelected() ); } options.setMatchWholeTermsOnly( ( _search_whole_words_only_cbmi != null ) && _search_whole_words_only_cbmi.isSelected() ); options.setInverseSearchResult( ( _inverse_search_result_cbmi != null ) && _inverse_search_result_cbmi.isSelected() ); if ( ( _rectangular_type_cbmi != null ) && _rectangular_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR ); } else if ( ( _triangular_type_cbmi != null ) && _triangular_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.TRIANGULAR ); } else if ( ( _curved_type_cbmi != null ) && _curved_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CURVED ); } else if ( ( _convex_type_cbmi != null ) && _convex_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CONVEX ); } else if ( ( _euro_type_cbmi != null ) && _euro_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ); } else if ( ( _rounded_type_cbmi != null ) && _rounded_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ); } else if ( ( _unrooted_type_cbmi != null ) && _unrooted_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ); } else if ( ( _circular_type_cbmi != null ) && _circular_type_cbmi.isSelected() ) { options.setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ); } } void updateTypeCheckboxes( final Options options, final Object o ) { setTypeMenuToAllUnselected(); ( ( JCheckBoxMenuItem ) o ).setSelected( true ); } void displayBasicInformation() { if ( ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) && !getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { String title = "Basic Information"; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() ) ) { title = getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() + " " + title; } showTextFrame( AptxUtil.createBasicInformation( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() ), title ); } } void viewAsNexus() { if ( ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) && !getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { String title = "Nexus"; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() ) ) { title = getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() + " " + title; } showTextFrame( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toNexus( getOptions() .getNhConversionSupportValueStyle() ), title ); } } void viewAsNH() { if ( ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) && !getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { String title = "New Hampshire"; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() ) ) { title = getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() + " " + title; } showTextFrame( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() .toNewHampshire( false, getOptions().getNhConversionSupportValueStyle() ), title ); } } void viewAsNHX() { if ( ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) && !getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { String title = "NHX"; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() ) ) { title = getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() + " " + title; } showTextFrame( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toNewHampshireX(), title ); } } void viewAsXML() { if ( ( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) && !getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { String title = "phyloXML"; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() ) ) { title = getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getName() + " " + title; } showTextFrame( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().toPhyloXML( 0 ), title ); } } public void showTextFrame( final String s, final String title ) { checkTextFrames(); _textframes.addLast( TextFrame.instantiate( s, title, _textframes ) ); } void checkTextFrames() { if ( _textframes.size() > 5 ) { try { if ( _textframes.getFirst() != null ) { _textframes.getFirst().removeMe(); } else { _textframes.removeFirst(); } } catch ( final NoSuchElementException e ) { // Ignore. } } } void removeAllTextFrames() { for( final TextFrame tf : _textframes ) { if ( tf != null ) { tf.close(); } } _textframes.clear(); } static void setupScreenTextAntialias( final List treepanels, final boolean antialias ) { for( final TreePanel tree_panel : treepanels ) { tree_panel.setTextAntialias(); } } }