// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.archaeopteryx; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollBar; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.ListCellRenderer; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.CLADOGRAM_TYPE; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods.DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Sequence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.SequenceRelation; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; final class ControlPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { final static Font jcb_bold_font = new Font( Configuration.getDefaultFontFamilyName(), Font.BOLD, 9 ); final static Font jcb_font = new Font( Configuration.getDefaultFontFamilyName(), Font.PLAIN, 9 ); final static Font js_font = new Font( Configuration.getDefaultFontFamilyName(), Font.PLAIN, 9 ); private static final String RETURN_TO_SUPER_TREE_TEXT = "Back to Super Tree"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -8463483932821545633L; private NodeClickAction _action_when_node_clicked; private int _add_new_node_item; private Map _all_click_to_names; private Map _annotation_colors; private int _blast_item; private JComboBox _click_to_combobox; private JLabel _click_to_label; private List _click_to_names; private int _collapse_cb_item; private JCheckBox _color_acc_species; private JCheckBox _color_according_to_annotation; private boolean _color_branches; private JCheckBox _color_branches_cb; private int _color_subtree_cb_item; // The settings from the conf file private final Configuration _configuration; private int _copy_subtree_item; private int _cut_subtree_item; private JButton _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr; private int _delete_node_or_subtree_item; private JCheckBox _display_as_phylogram_cb; // Tree checkboxes private JCheckBox _display_internal_data; private JLabel _domain_display_label; private JTextField _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf; private List _draw_phylogram; private JCheckBox _dynamically_hide_data; private int _edit_node_data_item; private int _get_ext_desc_data; private JButton _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr; private final MainPanel _mainpanel; private JCheckBox _node_desc_popup_cb; private int _open_pdb_item; private int _open_seq_web_item; private int _open_tax_web_item; private JButton _order; private boolean _order_of_appearance; private int _paste_subtree_item; private int _reroot_cb_item; private JButton _return_to_super_tree; private int _select_nodes_item; private Sequence _selected_query_seq; private JCheckBox _seq_relation_confidence_switch; private JComboBox _sequence_relation_type_box; private JCheckBox _show_annotation; private JCheckBox _show_binary_character_counts; private JCheckBox _show_binary_characters; // Search private JLabel _search_found_label_0; private JButton _search_reset_button_0; private JTextField _search_tf_0; private JLabel _search_found_label_1; private JButton _search_reset_button_1; private JTextField _search_tf_1; // Indices for the click-to options in the combo box private int _show_data_item; private JCheckBox _show_domain_architectures; private JCheckBox _show_events; private JCheckBox _show_gene_names; private JCheckBox _show_node_names; private JCheckBox _show_properties_cb; private JCheckBox _show_seq_names; private JCheckBox _show_seq_symbols; private JCheckBox _show_sequence_acc; private JComboBox _show_sequence_relations; private JCheckBox _show_taxo_code; private JCheckBox _show_taxo_common_names; private JCheckBox _show_taxo_images_cb; private JCheckBox _show_taxo_scientific_names; private JCheckBox _show_vector_data_cb; private JButton _show_whole; private int _sort_descendents_item; private Map _species_colors; private int _subtree_cb_item; private int _swap_cb_item; private JButton _uncollapse_all; private JCheckBox _width_branches; private JCheckBox _write_confidence; private JButton _zoom_in_domain_structure; // zooming and quick tree manipulation buttons: private JButton _zoom_in_x; private JButton _zoom_in_y; private JLabel _zoom_label; private JButton _zoom_out_domain_structure; private JButton _zoom_out_x; private JButton _zoom_out_y; ControlPanel( final MainPanel ap, final Configuration configuration ) { init(); _mainpanel = ap; _configuration = configuration; if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiBackgroundColor() ); setBorder( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder() ); } setLayout( new GridLayout( 0, 1, 2, 2 ) ); _order_of_appearance = true; setupControls(); } /** * Handle an action. */ @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { try { final TreePanel tp = getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); if ( tp == null ) { return; } if ( e.getSource() == _click_to_combobox ) { setClickToAction( _click_to_combobox.getSelectedIndex() ); getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } else if ( e.getSource() == _show_binary_characters ) { if ( ( _show_binary_character_counts != null ) && _show_binary_characters.isSelected() ) { _show_binary_character_counts.setSelected( false ); } displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _show_binary_character_counts ) { if ( ( _show_binary_characters != null ) && _show_binary_character_counts.isSelected() ) { _show_binary_characters.setSelected( false ); } displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _show_domain_architectures ) { search0(); search1(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( ( tp != null ) && ( tp.getPhylogeny() != null ) ) { if ( e.getSource() == getDisplayAsPhylogramCb() ) { setDrawPhylogram( getDisplayAsPhylogramCb().isSelected() ); showWhole(); } // Zoom buttons else if ( e.getSource() == _zoom_in_x ) { zoomInX( Constants.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, Constants.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _zoom_in_y ) { zoomInY( Constants.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _zoom_out_x ) { zoomOutX( Constants.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, Constants.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _zoom_out_y ) { zoomOutY( Constants.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _show_whole ) { showWhole(); } else if ( e.getSource() == _return_to_super_tree ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().superTree(); showWhole(); } else if ( e.getSource() == _order ) { DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.TAXONOMY; if ( ( !isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() && !isShowTaxonomyCode() && !isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() ) ) { if ( ( isShowSequenceAcc() || isShowSeqNames() || isShowSeqSymbols() ) ) { pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.SEQUENCE; } else if ( isShowNodeNames() ) { pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.NODE_NAME; } } PhylogenyMethods.orderAppearance( tp.getPhylogeny().getRoot(), _order_of_appearance, true, pri ); _order_of_appearance = !_order_of_appearance; tp.setNodeInPreorderToNull(); tp.getPhylogeny().externalNodesHaveChanged(); tp.getPhylogeny().clearHashIdToNodeMap(); tp.getPhylogeny().recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); tp.resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); tp.setEdited( true ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _uncollapse_all ) { uncollapseAll( tp ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _zoom_in_domain_structure ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().zoomInDomainStructure(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _zoom_out_domain_structure ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().zoomOutDomainStructure(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().decreaseDomainStructureEvalueThreshold(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().increaseDomainStructureEvalueThreshold(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _search_tf_0 ) { search0(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getSource() == _search_tf_1 ) { search1(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else { displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } } tp.requestFocus(); tp.requestFocusInWindow(); tp.requestFocus(); } catch ( final Exception ex ) { AptxUtil.unexpectedException( ex ); } catch ( final Error err ) { AptxUtil.unexpectedError( err ); } } public JCheckBox getColorAccSpeciesCb() { return _color_acc_species; } public JCheckBox getColorBranchesCb() { return _color_branches_cb; } public JCheckBox getDisplayAsPhylogramCb() { return _display_as_phylogram_cb; } public JCheckBox getDynamicallyHideData() { return _dynamically_hide_data; } public JCheckBox getNodeDescPopupCb() { return _node_desc_popup_cb; } public Sequence getSelectedQuerySequence() { return _selected_query_seq; } public JComboBox getSequenceRelationBox() { if ( _show_sequence_relations == null ) { _show_sequence_relations = new JComboBox(); _show_sequence_relations.setFocusable( false ); _show_sequence_relations.setMaximumRowCount( 20 ); _show_sequence_relations.setFont( ControlPanel.js_font ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { _show_sequence_relations.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonBackgroundColor() ); _show_sequence_relations.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonTextColor() ); } _show_sequence_relations.addItem( "-----" ); _show_sequence_relations.setToolTipText( "To display orthology information for selected query" ); } return _show_sequence_relations; } /* GUILHEM_BEG */ public JComboBox getSequenceRelationTypeBox() { if ( _sequence_relation_type_box == null ) { _sequence_relation_type_box = new JComboBox(); for( final SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE type : SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE.values() ) { _sequence_relation_type_box.addItem( type ); } _sequence_relation_type_box.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { if ( _mainpanel.getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) { setSequenceRelationQueries( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getSequenceRelationQueries() ); } } } ); } return _sequence_relation_type_box; } public JCheckBox getShowEventsCb() { return _show_events; } public JCheckBox getWriteConfidenceCb() { return _write_confidence; } public boolean isShowProperties() { return ( ( _show_properties_cb != null ) && _show_properties_cb.isSelected() ); } public boolean isShowTaxonomyImages() { return ( ( _show_taxo_images_cb != null ) && _show_taxo_images_cb.isSelected() ); } public boolean isShowVectorData() { return ( ( _show_vector_data_cb != null ) && _show_vector_data_cb.isSelected() ); } public void setSequenceRelationQueries( final Collection sequenceRelationQueries ) { final JComboBox box = getSequenceRelationBox(); while ( box.getItemCount() > 1 ) { box.removeItemAt( 1 ); } final HashMap sequencesByName = new HashMap(); final SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE relationType = ( SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE ) _sequence_relation_type_box .getSelectedItem(); if ( relationType == null ) { return; } final ArrayList sequenceNamesToAdd = new ArrayList(); for( final Sequence seq : sequenceRelationQueries ) { if ( seq.hasSequenceRelations() ) { boolean fFoundForCurrentType = false; for( final SequenceRelation sq : seq.getSequenceRelations() ) { if ( sq.getType().equals( relationType ) ) { fFoundForCurrentType = true; break; } } if ( fFoundForCurrentType ) { sequenceNamesToAdd.add( seq.getName() ); sequencesByName.put( seq.getName(), seq ); } } } // sort sequences by name before adding them to the combo final String[] sequenceNameArray = sequenceNamesToAdd.toArray( new String[ sequenceNamesToAdd.size() ] ); Arrays.sort( sequenceNameArray, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER ); for( final String seqName : sequenceNameArray ) { box.addItem( seqName ); } for( final ItemListener oldItemListener : box.getItemListeners() ) { box.removeItemListener( oldItemListener ); } box.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged( final ItemEvent e ) { _selected_query_seq = sequencesByName.get( e.getItem() ); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } } ); } void activateButtonToReturnToSuperTree( int index ) { --index; if ( index > 0 ) { _return_to_super_tree.setText( RETURN_TO_SUPER_TREE_TEXT + " " + index ); } else { _return_to_super_tree.setText( RETURN_TO_SUPER_TREE_TEXT ); } _return_to_super_tree.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxAndButtonActiveColor() ); _return_to_super_tree.setEnabled( true ); } /** * Add zoom and quick edit buttons. (Last modified 8/9/04) */ void addButtons() { final JLabel spacer = new JLabel( "" ); spacer.setOpaque( false ); add( spacer ); final JPanel x_panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) ); final JPanel y_panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 3, 0, 0 ) ); final JPanel z_panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { x_panel.setBackground( getBackground() ); y_panel.setBackground( getBackground() ); z_panel.setBackground( getBackground() ); } add( _zoom_label = new JLabel( "Zoom:" ) ); customizeLabel( _zoom_label, getConfiguration() ); add( x_panel ); add( y_panel ); add( z_panel ); if ( getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _zoom_in_x = new JButton( "+" ); _zoom_out_x = new JButton( "-" ); } else { _zoom_in_x = new JButton( "X+" ); _zoom_out_x = new JButton( "X-" ); } _zoom_in_y = new JButton( "Y+" ); _zoom_out_y = new JButton( "Y-" ); _show_whole = new JButton( "F" ); _show_whole.setToolTipText( "To fit the complete phylogeny to the current display size [F or Home]" ); _zoom_in_x.setToolTipText( "To zoom in horizontally [Shift+cursor-right]" ); _zoom_in_y.setToolTipText( "To zoom in vertically [Shift+cursor-up]" ); _zoom_out_x.setToolTipText( "To zoom out horizontally [Shift+cursor-left]" ); _zoom_out_y.setToolTipText( "To zoom out vertically [Shift+cursor-down]" ); if ( getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() && ForesterUtil.isMac() ) { _zoom_out_x.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 55, 10 ) ); _zoom_in_x.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 55, 10 ) ); } else { _zoom_out_x.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _zoom_in_x.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); } _zoom_out_y.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _zoom_in_y.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _show_whole.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _return_to_super_tree = new JButton( RETURN_TO_SUPER_TREE_TEXT ); _return_to_super_tree.setEnabled( false ); _order = new JButton( "Order Subtrees" ); _uncollapse_all = new JButton( "Uncollapse All" ); addJButton( _zoom_in_y, x_panel ); addJButton( _zoom_out_x, y_panel ); addJButton( _show_whole, y_panel ); addJButton( _zoom_in_x, y_panel ); addJButton( _zoom_out_y, z_panel ); if ( getConfiguration().doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_domain_architectures ) ) { setUpControlsForDomainStrucures(); } final JLabel spacer2 = new JLabel( "" ); add( spacer2 ); addJButton( _return_to_super_tree, this ); addJButton( _order, this ); addJButton( _uncollapse_all, this ); final JLabel spacer3 = new JLabel( "" ); add( spacer3 ); setVisibilityOfDomainStrucureControls(); } void addCheckbox( final int which, final String title ) { final JPanel ch_panel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout( 0, 0 ) ); switch ( which ) { case Configuration.display_as_phylogram: _display_as_phylogram_cb = new JCheckBox( title ); getDisplayAsPhylogramCb().setToolTipText( "To switch between phylogram and cladogram display" ); addJCheckBox( getDisplayAsPhylogramCb(), ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.display_internal_data: _display_internal_data = new JCheckBox( title ); _display_internal_data.setToolTipText( "To allow or disallow display of internal labels" ); addJCheckBox( _display_internal_data, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.color_according_to_species: _color_acc_species = new JCheckBox( title ); _color_acc_species .setToolTipText( "To colorize taxonomy and sequence labels as a function of taxonomy" ); addJCheckBox( _color_acc_species, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.color_according_to_annotation: _color_according_to_annotation = new JCheckBox( title ); _color_according_to_annotation .setToolTipText( "To colorize sequence annotation labels as a function of sequence annotation" ); addJCheckBox( _color_according_to_annotation, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_node_names: _show_node_names = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_node_names, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names: _show_taxo_scientific_names = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_taxo_scientific_names, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names: _show_taxo_common_names = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_taxo_common_names, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_tax_code: _show_taxo_code = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_taxo_code, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_taxonomy_images: _show_taxo_images_cb = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_taxo_images_cb, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_binary_characters: _show_binary_characters = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_binary_characters, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_annotation: _show_annotation = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_annotation, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_binary_character_counts: _show_binary_character_counts = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_binary_character_counts, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.write_confidence_values: _write_confidence = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( getWriteConfidenceCb(), ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.write_events: _show_events = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( getShowEventsCb(), ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.color_branches: _color_branches_cb = new JCheckBox( title ); getColorBranchesCb().setToolTipText( "To use branch color values, if present" ); addJCheckBox( getColorBranchesCb(), ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.width_branches: _width_branches = new JCheckBox( title ); _width_branches.setToolTipText( "To use branch width values, if present" ); addJCheckBox( _width_branches, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_domain_architectures: _show_domain_architectures = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_domain_architectures, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_seq_names: _show_seq_names = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_seq_names, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_gene_names: _show_gene_names = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_gene_names, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_seq_symbols: _show_seq_symbols = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_seq_symbols, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_sequence_acc: _show_sequence_acc = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_sequence_acc, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.dynamically_hide_data: _dynamically_hide_data = new JCheckBox( title ); getDynamicallyHideData().setToolTipText( "To hide labels depending on likely visibility" ); addJCheckBox( getDynamicallyHideData(), ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.node_data_popup: _node_desc_popup_cb = new JCheckBox( title ); getNodeDescPopupCb().setToolTipText( "To enable mouse rollover display of basic node data" ); addJCheckBox( getNodeDescPopupCb(), ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_relation_confidence: _seq_relation_confidence_switch = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _seq_relation_confidence_switch, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_vector_data: _show_vector_data_cb = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_vector_data_cb, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; case Configuration.show_properties: _show_properties_cb = new JCheckBox( title ); addJCheckBox( _show_properties_cb, ch_panel ); add( ch_panel ); break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "unknown checkbox: " + which ); } }// addCheckbox void addJButton( final JButton jb, final JPanel p ) { jb.setFocusPainted( false ); jb.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_font ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { jb.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonBorderColor() ) ); jb.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonBackgroundColor() ); jb.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonTextColor() ); } p.add( jb ); jb.addActionListener( this ); } void addJCheckBox( final JCheckBox jcb, final JPanel p ) { jcb.setFocusPainted( false ); jcb.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_font ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { jcb.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiBackgroundColor() ); jcb.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); } p.add( jcb, "Center" ); jcb.addActionListener( this ); } void addJTextField( final JTextField tf, final JPanel p ) { if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { tf.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiBackgroundColor() ); tf.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_font ); } p.add( tf ); tf.addActionListener( this ); } void deactivateButtonToReturnToSuperTree() { _return_to_super_tree.setText( RETURN_TO_SUPER_TREE_TEXT ); _return_to_super_tree.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonTextColor() ); _return_to_super_tree.setEnabled( false ); } void displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( final boolean recalc_longest_ext_node_info ) { if ( ( _mainpanel != null ) && ( ( _mainpanel.getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) && !_mainpanel.getCurrentPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) ) { if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().updateOvSizes(); } _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().recalculateMaxDistanceToRoot(); setVisibilityOfDomainStrucureControls(); updateDomainStructureEvaluethresholdDisplay(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().calculateScaleDistance(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().calcMaxDepth(); _mainpanel.adjustJScrollPane(); if ( recalc_longest_ext_node_info ) { _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().initNodeData(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); } _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); // _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().setUpUrtFactors(); } } void endClickToOptions() { _click_to_combobox.addActionListener( this ); } /** * Indicates what action should be execute when a node is clicked * * @return the click-on action */ NodeClickAction getActionWhenNodeClicked() { return _action_when_node_clicked; } Map getAllClickToItems() { return _all_click_to_names; } Map getAnnotationColors() { return _annotation_colors; } Configuration getConfiguration() { return _configuration; } TreePanel getCurrentTreePanel() { return getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); } MainPanel getMainPanel() { return _mainpanel; } Options getOptions() { return getMainPanel().getOptions(); } JLabel getSearchFoundCountsLabel0() { return _search_found_label_0; } JLabel getSearchFoundCountsLabel1() { return _search_found_label_1; } JButton getSearchResetButton0() { return _search_reset_button_0; } JButton getSearchResetButton1() { return _search_reset_button_1; } JTextField getSearchTextField0() { return _search_tf_0; } JTextField getSearchTextField1() { return _search_tf_1; } List getSingleClickToNames() { return _click_to_names; } Map getSpeciesColors() { return _species_colors; } boolean isAntialiasScreenText() { return true; } boolean isColorAccordingToAnnotation() { return ( ( _color_according_to_annotation != null ) && _color_according_to_annotation.isSelected() ); } boolean isColorAccordingToTaxonomy() { return ( ( _color_acc_species != null ) && _color_acc_species.isSelected() ); } boolean isColorBranches() { return ( ( ( getColorBranchesCb() != null ) && getColorBranchesCb().isSelected() ) || ( ( getColorBranchesCb() == null ) && _color_branches ) ); } boolean isDrawPhylogram() { return isDrawPhylogram( getMainPanel().getCurrentTabIndex() ); } boolean isDynamicallyHideData() { return ( ( getDynamicallyHideData() != null ) && getDynamicallyHideData().isSelected() ); } boolean isEvents() { return ( ( getShowEventsCb() != null ) && getShowEventsCb().isSelected() ); } boolean isNodeDescPopup() { return ( ( getNodeDescPopupCb() != null ) && getNodeDescPopupCb().isSelected() ); } boolean isShowAnnotation() { return ( ( _show_annotation != null ) && _show_annotation.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowBinaryCharacterCounts() { return ( ( _show_binary_character_counts != null ) && _show_binary_character_counts.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowBinaryCharacters() { return ( ( _show_binary_characters != null ) && _show_binary_characters.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowConfidenceValues() { return ( ( getWriteConfidenceCb() != null ) && getWriteConfidenceCb().isSelected() ); } boolean isShowDomainArchitectures() { return ( ( _show_domain_architectures != null ) && _show_domain_architectures.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowGeneNames() { return ( ( _show_gene_names != null ) && _show_gene_names.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowInternalData() { return ( ( _display_internal_data == null ) || _display_internal_data.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowNodeNames() { return ( ( _show_node_names != null ) && _show_node_names.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowSeqNames() { return ( ( _show_seq_names != null ) && _show_seq_names.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowSeqSymbols() { return ( ( _show_seq_symbols != null ) && _show_seq_symbols.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowSequenceAcc() { return ( ( _show_sequence_acc != null ) && _show_sequence_acc.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowSequenceRelationConfidence() { return ( ( _seq_relation_confidence_switch != null ) && ( _seq_relation_confidence_switch.isSelected() ) ); } boolean isShowSequenceRelations() { return ( ( _show_sequence_relations != null ) && ( _show_sequence_relations.getSelectedIndex() > 0 ) ); } boolean isShowTaxonomyCode() { return ( ( _show_taxo_code != null ) && _show_taxo_code.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() { return ( ( _show_taxo_common_names != null ) && _show_taxo_common_names.isSelected() ); } boolean isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() { return ( ( _show_taxo_scientific_names != null ) && _show_taxo_scientific_names.isSelected() ); } boolean isWidthBranches() { return ( ( _width_branches != null ) && _width_branches.isSelected() ); } void phylogenyAdded( final Configuration configuration ) { getIsDrawPhylogramList().add( configuration.isDrawAsPhylogram() ); } void phylogenyRemoved( final int index ) { getIsDrawPhylogramList().remove( index ); } void search0() { final MainPanel main_panel = getMainPanel(); final Phylogeny tree = main_panel.getCurrentPhylogeny(); if ( ( tree == null ) || tree.isEmpty() ) { return; } String query = getSearchTextField0().getText(); if ( query != null ) { query = query.trim(); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) { search0( main_panel, tree, query ); } else { getSearchFoundCountsLabel0().setVisible( false ); getSearchResetButton0().setEnabled( false ); getSearchResetButton0().setVisible( false ); searchReset0(); } } void search1() { final MainPanel main_panel = getMainPanel(); final Phylogeny tree = main_panel.getCurrentPhylogeny(); if ( ( tree == null ) || tree.isEmpty() ) { return; } String query = getSearchTextField1().getText(); if ( query != null ) { query = query.trim(); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) { search1( main_panel, tree, query ); } else { getSearchFoundCountsLabel1().setVisible( false ); getSearchResetButton1().setEnabled( false ); getSearchResetButton1().setVisible( false ); searchReset1(); } } void searchReset0() { if ( getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().setFoundNodes0( null ); } } void searchReset1() { if ( getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) { getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().setFoundNodes1( null ); } } void setActionWhenNodeClicked( final NodeClickAction action ) { _action_when_node_clicked = action; } void setAnnotationColors( final Map annotation_colors ) { _annotation_colors = annotation_colors; } void setCheckbox( final int which, final boolean state ) { switch ( which ) { case Configuration.display_as_phylogram: if ( getDisplayAsPhylogramCb() != null ) { getDisplayAsPhylogramCb().setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.display_internal_data: if ( _display_internal_data != null ) { _display_internal_data.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.color_according_to_species: if ( _color_acc_species != null ) { _color_acc_species.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.color_according_to_annotation: if ( _color_according_to_annotation != null ) { _color_according_to_annotation.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_node_names: if ( _show_node_names != null ) { _show_node_names.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names: if ( _show_taxo_scientific_names != null ) { _show_taxo_scientific_names.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names: if ( _show_taxo_common_names != null ) { _show_taxo_common_names.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_tax_code: if ( _show_taxo_code != null ) { _show_taxo_code.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_taxonomy_images: if ( _show_taxo_images_cb != null ) { _show_taxo_images_cb.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_annotation: if ( _show_annotation != null ) { _show_annotation.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_binary_characters: if ( _show_binary_characters != null ) { _show_binary_characters.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_binary_character_counts: if ( _show_binary_character_counts != null ) { _show_binary_character_counts.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.write_confidence_values: if ( getWriteConfidenceCb() != null ) { getWriteConfidenceCb().setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.write_events: if ( getShowEventsCb() != null ) { getShowEventsCb().setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.color_branches: if ( getColorBranchesCb() != null ) { getColorBranchesCb().setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.width_branches: if ( _width_branches != null ) { _width_branches.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_domain_architectures: if ( _show_domain_architectures != null ) { _show_domain_architectures.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_seq_names: if ( _show_seq_names != null ) { _show_seq_names.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_gene_names: if ( _show_gene_names != null ) { _show_gene_names.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_seq_symbols: if ( _show_seq_symbols != null ) { _show_seq_symbols.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_vector_data: if ( _show_vector_data_cb != null ) { _show_vector_data_cb.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_properties: if ( _show_properties_cb != null ) { _show_properties_cb.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.show_sequence_acc: if ( _show_sequence_acc != null ) { _show_sequence_acc.setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.dynamically_hide_data: if ( getDynamicallyHideData() != null ) { getDynamicallyHideData().setSelected( state ); } break; case Configuration.node_data_popup: if ( getNodeDescPopupCb() != null ) { getNodeDescPopupCb().setSelected( state ); } break; /* GUILHEM_BEG */ case Configuration.show_relation_confidence: if ( _seq_relation_confidence_switch != null ) { _seq_relation_confidence_switch.setSelected( state ); } break; /* GUILHEM_END */ default: throw new AssertionError( "unknown checkbox: " + which ); } } /** * Set this checkbox state. Not all checkboxes have been instantiated * depending on the config. */ void setCheckbox( final JCheckBox cb, final boolean state ) { if ( cb != null ) { cb.setSelected( state ); } } void setClickToAction( final int action ) { // Set click-to action if ( action == _show_data_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.SHOW_DATA ); } else if ( action == _collapse_cb_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.COLLAPSE ); } else if ( action == _reroot_cb_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.REROOT ); } else if ( action == _subtree_cb_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.SUBTREE ); } else if ( action == _swap_cb_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.SWAP ); } else if ( action == _color_subtree_cb_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.COLOR_SUBTREE ); } else if ( action == _open_seq_web_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.OPEN_SEQ_WEB ); } else if ( action == _sort_descendents_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.SORT_DESCENDENTS ); } else if ( action == _blast_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.BLAST ); } else if ( action == _open_tax_web_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.OPEN_TAX_WEB ); } else if ( action == _cut_subtree_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.CUT_SUBTREE ); } else if ( action == _copy_subtree_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.COPY_SUBTREE ); } else if ( action == _delete_node_or_subtree_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.DELETE_NODE_OR_SUBTREE ); } else if ( action == _paste_subtree_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.PASTE_SUBTREE ); } else if ( action == _add_new_node_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.ADD_NEW_NODE ); } else if ( action == _edit_node_data_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.EDIT_NODE_DATA ); } else if ( action == _select_nodes_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.SELECT_NODES ); } else if ( action == _get_ext_desc_data ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.GET_EXT_DESC_DATA ); } else if ( action == _open_pdb_item ) { setActionWhenNodeClicked( NodeClickAction.OPEN_PDB_WEB ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "unknown action: " + action ); } // make sure drop down is displaying the correct action // in case this was called from outside the class _click_to_combobox.setSelectedIndex( action ); } void setColorBranches( final boolean color_branches ) { _color_branches = color_branches; } void setDrawPhylogram( final boolean b ) { getDisplayAsPhylogramCb().setSelected( b ); setDrawPhylogram( getMainPanel().getCurrentTabIndex(), b ); } void setDrawPhylogramEnabled( final boolean b ) { getDisplayAsPhylogramCb().setEnabled( b ); } void setDynamicHidingIsOn( final boolean is_on ) { // if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { if ( is_on ) { getDynamicallyHideData().setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxAndButtonActiveColor() ); } else { if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { getDynamicallyHideData().setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonTextColor() ); } else { getDynamicallyHideData().setForeground( Color.BLACK ); } } // } } void setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel0( final int counts ) { getSearchFoundCountsLabel0().setText( "Found: " + counts ); } void setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel1( final int counts ) { getSearchFoundCountsLabel1().setText( "Found: " + counts ); } void setShowEvents( final boolean show_events ) { if ( getShowEventsCb() == null ) { _show_events = new JCheckBox( "" ); } getShowEventsCb().setSelected( show_events ); } void setSpeciesColors( final Map species_colors ) { _species_colors = species_colors; } /* GUILHEM_END */ /* * Set up the controls from the config settings. 11/26/05 */ void setupControls() { // The tree display options: setupDisplayCheckboxes(); /* GUILHEM_BEG */ // The sequence relation query selection combo-box if ( _configuration.displaySequenceRelations() ) { addSequenceRelationBlock(); } /* GUILHEM_END */ // Click-to options startClickToOptions(); setupClickToOptions(); endClickToOptions(); // Zoom and quick edit buttons addButtons(); setupSearchTools0(); setupSearchTools1(); } void setUpControlsForDomainStrucures() { _domain_display_label = new JLabel( "Domain Display:" ); add( customizeLabel( _domain_display_label, getConfiguration() ) ); add( _domain_display_label ); _zoom_in_domain_structure = new JButton( "d+" ); _zoom_out_domain_structure = new JButton( "d-" ); _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr = new JButton( "-" ); _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr = new JButton( "+" ); _zoom_in_domain_structure.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _zoom_out_domain_structure.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, 10 ) ); _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setToolTipText( "Increase the E-value threshold by a factor of 10" ); _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setToolTipText( "Decrease the E-value threshold by a factor of 10" ); _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf = new JTextField( 3 ); _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setEditable( false ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setBorder( null ); } final JPanel d1_panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 2, 0, 0 ) ); final JPanel d2_panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 3, 0, 0 ) ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { d1_panel.setBackground( getBackground() ); d2_panel.setBackground( getBackground() ); } add( d1_panel ); add( d2_panel ); addJButton( _zoom_out_domain_structure, d1_panel ); addJButton( _zoom_in_domain_structure, d1_panel ); addJButton( _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr, d2_panel ); addJTextField( _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf, d2_panel ); addJButton( _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr, d2_panel ); } void setupSearchTools0() { final String tip = "Enter text to search for. Use ',' for multiple searches (logical OR) and '+' for logical AND."; final JLabel search_label = new JLabel( "Search (A):" ); search_label.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_bold_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { search_label.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); } add( search_label ); search_label.setToolTipText( tip ); _search_found_label_0 = new JLabel(); getSearchFoundCountsLabel0().setVisible( false ); _search_found_label_0.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_bold_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _search_found_label_0.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); } _search_tf_0 = new JTextField( 3 ); _search_tf_0.setToolTipText( tip ); _search_tf_0.setEditable( true ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _search_tf_0.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); _search_tf_0.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); _search_tf_0.setBorder( null ); } _search_reset_button_0 = new JButton(); getSearchResetButton0().setText( "Reset" ); getSearchResetButton0().setEnabled( false ); getSearchResetButton0().setVisible( false ); final JPanel s_panel_1 = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() ); final JPanel s_panel_2 = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 2, 0, 0 ) ); s_panel_1.setBackground( getBackground() ); add( s_panel_1 ); s_panel_2.setBackground( getBackground() ); add( s_panel_2 ); final KeyAdapter key_adapter = new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyReleased( final KeyEvent key_event ) { search0(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } }; final ActionListener action_listener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { searchReset0(); setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel0( 0 ); getSearchFoundCountsLabel0().setVisible( false ); getSearchTextField0().setText( "" ); getSearchResetButton0().setEnabled( false ); getSearchResetButton0().setVisible( false ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } }; _search_reset_button_0.addActionListener( action_listener ); _search_tf_0.addKeyListener( key_adapter ); addJTextField( _search_tf_0, s_panel_1 ); s_panel_2.add( _search_found_label_0 ); addJButton( _search_reset_button_0, s_panel_2 ); } void setupSearchTools1() { final String tip = "Enter text to search for. Use ',' for multiple searches (logical OR) and '+' for logical AND."; final JLabel search_label = new JLabel( "Search (B):" ); search_label.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_bold_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { search_label.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); } add( search_label ); search_label.setToolTipText( tip ); _search_found_label_1 = new JLabel(); getSearchFoundCountsLabel1().setVisible( false ); _search_found_label_1.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_bold_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _search_found_label_1.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); } _search_tf_1 = new JTextField( 3 ); _search_tf_1.setToolTipText( tip ); _search_tf_1.setEditable( true ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _search_tf_1.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiMenuBackgroundColor() ); _search_tf_1.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); _search_tf_1.setBorder( null ); } _search_reset_button_1 = new JButton(); getSearchResetButton1().setText( "Reset" ); getSearchResetButton1().setEnabled( false ); getSearchResetButton1().setVisible( false ); final JPanel s_panel_1 = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() ); final JPanel s_panel_2 = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 2, 0, 0 ) ); s_panel_1.setBackground( getBackground() ); add( s_panel_1 ); s_panel_2.setBackground( getBackground() ); add( s_panel_2 ); final KeyAdapter key_adapter = new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyReleased( final KeyEvent key_event ) { search1(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } }; final ActionListener action_listener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { searchReset1(); setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel1( 0 ); getSearchFoundCountsLabel1().setVisible( false ); getSearchTextField1().setText( "" ); getSearchResetButton1().setEnabled( false ); getSearchResetButton1().setVisible( false ); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } }; _search_reset_button_1.addActionListener( action_listener ); _search_tf_1.addKeyListener( key_adapter ); addJTextField( _search_tf_1, s_panel_1 ); s_panel_2.add( _search_found_label_1 ); addJButton( _search_reset_button_1, s_panel_2 ); } void showAnnotations() { if ( _show_annotation != null ) { _show_annotation.setSelected( true ); } if ( _color_according_to_annotation != null ) { _color_according_to_annotation.setSelected( true ); } if ( _color_acc_species != null ) { _color_acc_species.setSelected( false ); } _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); } /** * Fit entire tree into window. */ void showWhole() { if ( ( _mainpanel.getCurrentScrollPane() == null ) || _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().getPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { return; } getCurrentTreePanel().updateSetOfCollapsedExternalNodes(); displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().updateOvSettings(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().validate(); _mainpanel.validate(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().calcParametersForPainting( _mainpanel.getSizeOfViewport().width, _mainpanel.getSizeOfViewport().height, true ); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().resetPreferredSize(); _mainpanel.adjustJScrollPane(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().validate(); _mainpanel.validate(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().calcParametersForPainting( _mainpanel.getSizeOfViewport().width, _mainpanel.getSizeOfViewport().height, true ); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().resetPreferredSize(); _mainpanel.adjustJScrollPane(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); _mainpanel.getCurrentTreePanel().updateOvSizes(); } void showWholeAll() { for( final TreePanel tree_panel : _mainpanel.getTreePanels() ) { if ( tree_panel != null ) { tree_panel.validate(); tree_panel.calcParametersForPainting( _mainpanel.getSizeOfViewport().width, _mainpanel.getSizeOfViewport().height, true ); tree_panel.resetPreferredSize(); tree_panel.repaint(); } } } // Create header for click-to combo box. void startClickToOptions() { final JLabel spacer = new JLabel( "" ); spacer.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_font ); add( spacer ); _click_to_label = new JLabel( "Click on Node to:" ); add( customizeLabel( _click_to_label, getConfiguration() ) ); _click_to_combobox = new JComboBox(); _click_to_combobox.setFocusable( false ); _click_to_combobox.setMaximumRowCount( 14 ); _click_to_combobox.setFont( ControlPanel.js_font ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { _click_to_combobox.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiBackgroundColor() ); } // don't add listener until all items are set (or each one will trigger // an event) // click_to_list.addActionListener(this); add( _click_to_combobox ); // Correlates option names to titles _all_click_to_names = new HashMap(); _click_to_names = new ArrayList(); } void tabChanged() { if ( getMainPanel().getTabbedPane().getTabCount() > 0 ) { if ( getCurrentTreePanel().isPhyHasBranchLengths() && ( getCurrentTreePanel().getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { setDrawPhylogramEnabled( true ); setDrawPhylogram( isDrawPhylogram() ); } else { setDrawPhylogramEnabled( false ); setDrawPhylogram( false ); } if ( getMainPanel().getMainFrame() == null ) { // Must be "E" applet version. final ArchaeopteryxE e = ( ArchaeopteryxE ) ( ( MainPanelApplets ) getMainPanel() ).getApplet(); e.setSelectedTypeInTypeMenu( e.getCurrentTreePanel().getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ); } else { getMainPanel().getMainFrame().setSelectedTypeInTypeMenu( getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() .getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ); } getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().updateSubSuperTreeButton(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search0(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search1(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateDomainStructureEvaluethresholdDisplay(); getSequenceRelationTypeBox().removeAllItems(); for( final SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE type : getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny() .getRelevantSequenceRelationTypes() ) { _sequence_relation_type_box.addItem( type ); } getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().repaint(); //setSequenceRelationQueries( getMainPanel().getCurrentPhylogeny().getSequenceRelationQueries() ); // according to GUILHEM the line above can be removed. } } /** * Uncollapse all nodes. */ void uncollapseAll( final TreePanel tp ) { final Phylogeny t = tp.getPhylogeny(); if ( ( t != null ) && !t.isEmpty() ) { for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = t.iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next(); node.setCollapse( false ); } tp.resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); tp.updateSetOfCollapsedExternalNodes(); t.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( false ); tp.setNodeInPreorderToNull(); t.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); showWhole(); } } void updateDomainStructureEvaluethresholdDisplay() { if ( _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf != null ) { _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setText( "10^" + getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().getDomainStructureEvalueThreshold() ); } } void zoomInX( final float factor, final float x_correction_factor ) { final JScrollBar sb = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar(); final TreePanel treepanel = getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); treepanel.multiplyUrtFactor( 1f ); if ( ( treepanel.getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) || ( treepanel.getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) || isDrawPhylogram( getMainPanel().getCurrentTabIndex() ) || ( getOptions().getCladogramType() == CLADOGRAM_TYPE.NON_LINED_UP ) ) { final double x = ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / ( sb.getValue() + ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ); treepanel.setXdistance( ( treepanel.getXdistance() * factor ) ); treepanel.setXcorrectionFactor( ( treepanel.getXcorrectionFactor() * x_correction_factor ) ); getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); sb.setValue( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( ( ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / x ) - ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ) ); } else { final int x = sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() - sb.getVisibleAmount() - sb.getValue(); treepanel.setXdistance( ( treepanel.getXdistance() * factor ) ); treepanel.setXcorrectionFactor( ( treepanel.getXcorrectionFactor() * x_correction_factor ) ); getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); sb.setValue( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() - x - sb.getVisibleAmount() ); } treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); treepanel.updateOvSizes(); } void zoomInY( final float factor ) { final JScrollBar sb = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar(); final TreePanel treepanel = getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); treepanel.multiplyUrtFactor( 1.1f ); final double x = ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / ( sb.getValue() + ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ); treepanel.setYdistance( ( treepanel.getYdistance() * factor ) ); getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); sb.setValue( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( ( ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / x ) - ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ) ); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); treepanel.updateOvSizes(); } void zoomOutX( final float factor, final float x_correction_factor ) { final TreePanel treepanel = getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); treepanel.multiplyUrtFactor( 1f ); if ( ( treepanel.getXdistance() * factor ) > 0.0 ) { final JScrollBar sb = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar(); if ( ( treepanel.getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) || ( treepanel.getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) || isDrawPhylogram( getMainPanel().getCurrentTabIndex() ) || ( getOptions().getCladogramType() == CLADOGRAM_TYPE.NON_LINED_UP ) ) { getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); final double x = ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / ( sb.getValue() + ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ); treepanel.setXdistance( ( treepanel.getXdistance() * factor ) ); treepanel.setXcorrectionFactor( ( treepanel.getXcorrectionFactor() * x_correction_factor ) ); getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); sb.setValue( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( ( ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / x ) - ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ) ); } else { final int x = sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() - sb.getVisibleAmount() - sb.getValue(); treepanel.setXdistance( treepanel.getXdistance() * factor ); treepanel.setXcorrectionFactor( treepanel.getXcorrectionFactor() * x_correction_factor ); if ( x > 0 ) { getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); sb.setValue( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() - x - sb.getVisibleAmount() ); } } treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); treepanel.updateOvSizes(); } } void zoomOutY( final float factor ) { final TreePanel treepanel = getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel(); treepanel.multiplyUrtFactor( 0.9f ); if ( ( treepanel.getYdistance() * factor ) > 0.0 ) { final JScrollBar sb = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar(); final double x = ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / ( sb.getValue() + ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ); treepanel.setYdistance( ( treepanel.getYdistance() * factor ) ); getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().validate(); sb.setValue( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( ( ( sb.getMaximum() - sb.getMinimum() ) / x ) - ( sb.getVisibleAmount() / 2.0 ) ) ); treepanel.resetPreferredSize(); treepanel.updateOvSizes(); } } private void addClickToOption( final int which, final String title ) { _click_to_combobox.addItem( title ); _click_to_names.add( title ); _all_click_to_names.put( new Integer( which ), title ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { _click_to_combobox.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonBackgroundColor() ); _click_to_combobox.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonTextColor() ); } } /* GUILHEM_BEG */ private void addSequenceRelationBlock() { final JLabel spacer = new JLabel( "" ); spacer.setSize( 1, 1 ); add( spacer ); final JLabel mainLabel = new JLabel( "Sequence relations to display" ); final JLabel typeLabel = customizeLabel( new JLabel( "(type) " ), getConfiguration() ); typeLabel.setFont( ControlPanel.js_font.deriveFont( 7 ) ); getSequenceRelationTypeBox().setFocusable( false ); _sequence_relation_type_box.setFont( ControlPanel.js_font ); if ( !_configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { _sequence_relation_type_box.setBackground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonBackgroundColor() ); _sequence_relation_type_box.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiButtonTextColor() ); } _sequence_relation_type_box.setRenderer( new ListCellRenderer() { @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent( final JList list, final Object value, final int index, final boolean isSelected, final boolean cellHasFocus ) { final Component component = new DefaultListCellRenderer().getListCellRendererComponent( list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus ); if ( ( value != null ) && ( value instanceof SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE ) ) { ( ( DefaultListCellRenderer ) component ).setText( SequenceRelation .getPrintableNameByType( ( SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE ) value ) ); } return component; } } ); final GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); _sequence_relation_type_box.setMinimumSize( new Dimension( 115, 17 ) ); _sequence_relation_type_box.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 115, 20 ) ); final JPanel horizGrid = new JPanel( gbl ); horizGrid.setBackground( getBackground() ); horizGrid.add( typeLabel ); horizGrid.add( _sequence_relation_type_box ); add( customizeLabel( mainLabel, getConfiguration() ) ); add( horizGrid ); add( getSequenceRelationBox() ); if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_relation_confidence ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_relation_confidence, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_relation_confidence ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_relation_confidence, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_relation_confidence ) ); } }// addSequenceRelationBlock /* GUILHEM_END */ private List getIsDrawPhylogramList() { return _draw_phylogram; } private void init() { _draw_phylogram = new ArrayList(); setSpeciesColors( new HashMap() ); setAnnotationColors( new HashMap() ); } private boolean isDrawPhylogram( final int index ) { return getIsDrawPhylogramList().get( index ); } private void search0( final MainPanel main_panel, final Phylogeny tree, final String query_str ) { getSearchFoundCountsLabel0().setVisible( true ); getSearchResetButton0().setEnabled( true ); getSearchResetButton0().setVisible( true ); String[] queries = null; List nodes = null; if ( query_str.indexOf( ',' ) >= 0 ) { queries = query_str.split( ",+" ); } else { queries = new String[ 1 ]; queries[ 0 ] = query_str.trim(); } if ( ( queries != null ) && ( queries.length > 0 ) ) { nodes = new ArrayList(); for( String query : queries ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) { continue; } query = query.trim(); if ( query.indexOf( '+' ) >= 0 ) { nodes.addAll( PhylogenyMethods.searchDataLogicalAnd( query.split( "\\++" ), tree, getOptions().isSearchCaseSensitive(), !getOptions().isMatchWholeTermsOnly(), isShowDomainArchitectures() ) ); } else { nodes.addAll( PhylogenyMethods.searchData( query, tree, getOptions().isSearchCaseSensitive(), !getOptions().isMatchWholeTermsOnly(), isShowDomainArchitectures() ) ); } } if ( getOptions().isInverseSearchResult() ) { final List all = PhylogenyMethods.obtainAllNodesAsList( tree ); all.removeAll( nodes ); nodes = all; } } if ( ( nodes != null ) && ( nodes.size() > 0 ) ) { main_panel.getCurrentTreePanel().setFoundNodes0( new HashSet() ); for( final PhylogenyNode node : nodes ) { main_panel.getCurrentTreePanel().getFoundNodes0().add( node.getId() ); } setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel0( nodes.size() ); } else { setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel0( 0 ); searchReset0(); } } private void search1( final MainPanel main_panel, final Phylogeny tree, final String query_str ) { getSearchFoundCountsLabel1().setVisible( true ); getSearchResetButton1().setEnabled( true ); getSearchResetButton1().setVisible( true ); String[] queries = null; List nodes = null; if ( query_str.indexOf( ',' ) >= 0 ) { queries = query_str.split( ",+" ); } else { queries = new String[ 1 ]; queries[ 0 ] = query_str.trim(); } if ( ( queries != null ) && ( queries.length > 0 ) ) { nodes = new ArrayList(); for( String query : queries ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) { continue; } query = query.trim(); if ( query.indexOf( '+' ) >= 0 ) { nodes.addAll( PhylogenyMethods.searchDataLogicalAnd( query.split( "\\++" ), tree, getOptions().isSearchCaseSensitive(), !getOptions().isMatchWholeTermsOnly(), isShowDomainArchitectures() ) ); } else { nodes.addAll( PhylogenyMethods.searchData( query, tree, getOptions().isSearchCaseSensitive(), !getOptions().isMatchWholeTermsOnly(), isShowDomainArchitectures() ) ); } } if ( getOptions().isInverseSearchResult() ) { final List all = PhylogenyMethods.obtainAllNodesAsList( tree ); all.removeAll( nodes ); nodes = all; } } if ( ( nodes != null ) && ( nodes.size() > 0 ) ) { main_panel.getCurrentTreePanel().setFoundNodes1( new HashSet() ); for( final PhylogenyNode node : nodes ) { main_panel.getCurrentTreePanel().getFoundNodes1().add( node.getId() ); } setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel1( nodes.size() ); } else { setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel1( 0 ); searchReset1(); } } private void setDrawPhylogram( final int index, final boolean b ) { getIsDrawPhylogramList().set( index, b ); } private void setupClickToOptions() { final int default_option = _configuration.getDefaultDisplayClicktoOption(); int selected_index = 0; int cb_index = 0; if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.display_node_data ) ) { _show_data_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.display_node_data, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.display_node_data ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.display_node_data ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.collapse_uncollapse ) ) { _collapse_cb_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.collapse_uncollapse, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.collapse_uncollapse ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.collapse_uncollapse ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.reroot ) ) { _reroot_cb_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.reroot, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.reroot ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.reroot ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.subtree ) ) { _subtree_cb_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.subtree, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.subtree ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.subtree ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.swap ) ) { _swap_cb_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.swap, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.swap ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.swap ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.sort_descendents ) ) { _sort_descendents_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.sort_descendents, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.sort_descendents ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.sort_descendents ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.color_subtree ) ) { _color_subtree_cb_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.color_subtree, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.color_subtree ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.color_subtree ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.open_seq_web ) ) { _open_seq_web_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.open_seq_web, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.open_seq_web ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.open_seq_web ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.open_pdb_web ) ) { _open_pdb_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.open_pdb_web, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.open_pdb_web ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.open_pdb_web ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.open_tax_web ) ) { _open_tax_web_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.open_tax_web, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.open_tax_web ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.open_tax_web ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.blast ) ) { _blast_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.blast, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.blast ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.blast ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.select_nodes ) ) { _select_nodes_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.select_nodes, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.select_nodes ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.select_nodes ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.get_ext_desc_data ) ) { _get_ext_desc_data = cb_index; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getConfiguration().getLabelForGetExtDescendentsData() ) ) { addClickToOption( Configuration.get_ext_desc_data, getConfiguration() .getLabelForGetExtDescendentsData() ); } else { String s = ";"; switch ( getConfiguration().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn() ) { case NODE_NAME: s = "Node Names"; break; case SEQUENCE_ACC: s = "Sequence Accessors"; break; case SEQUENCE_MOL_SEQ: s = "Molecular Sequence"; break; case SEQUENCE_MOL_SEQ_FASTA: s = "Molecular Sequence (Fasta)"; break; case SEQUENCE_NAME: s = "Sequence Names"; break; case GENE_NAME: s = "Gene Names"; break; case SEQUENCE_SYMBOL: s = "Sequence Symbols"; break; case TAXONOMY_CODE: s = "Taxonomy Codes"; break; case TAXONOMY_COMM0N_NAME: s = "Taxonomy Common Names"; break; case TAXONOMY_SCIENTIFIC_NAME: s = "Scientific Names"; break; case UNKNOWN: s = "User Selected Data"; break; } final String label = _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.get_ext_desc_data ) + " " + s; addClickToOption( Configuration.get_ext_desc_data, label ); } if ( default_option == Configuration.get_ext_desc_data ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( getOptions().isEditable() ) { if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.cut_subtree ) ) { _cut_subtree_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.cut_subtree, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.cut_subtree ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.cut_subtree ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.copy_subtree ) ) { _copy_subtree_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.copy_subtree, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.copy_subtree ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.copy_subtree ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.paste_subtree ) ) { _paste_subtree_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.paste_subtree, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.paste_subtree ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.paste_subtree ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.delete_subtree_or_node ) ) { _delete_node_or_subtree_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.delete_subtree_or_node, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.delete_subtree_or_node ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.delete_subtree_or_node ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.add_new_node ) ) { _add_new_node_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.add_new_node, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.add_new_node ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.add_new_node ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } if ( _configuration.doDisplayClickToOption( Configuration.edit_node_data ) ) { _edit_node_data_item = cb_index; addClickToOption( Configuration.edit_node_data, _configuration.getClickToTitle( Configuration.edit_node_data ) ); if ( default_option == Configuration.edit_node_data ) { selected_index = cb_index; } cb_index++; } } // Set default selection and its action _click_to_combobox.setSelectedIndex( selected_index ); setClickToAction( selected_index ); } private void setupDisplayCheckboxes() { if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.display_as_phylogram ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.display_as_phylogram, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.display_as_phylogram ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.display_as_phylogram, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.display_as_phylogram ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.dynamically_hide_data ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.dynamically_hide_data, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.dynamically_hide_data ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.dynamically_hide_data, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.dynamically_hide_data ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.node_data_popup ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.node_data_popup, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.node_data_popup ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.node_data_popup, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.node_data_popup ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.display_internal_data ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.display_internal_data, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.display_internal_data ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.display_internal_data, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.display_internal_data ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.color_according_to_species ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.color_according_to_species, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.color_according_to_species ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.color_according_to_species, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.color_according_to_species ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.color_according_to_annotation ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.color_according_to_annotation, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.color_according_to_annotation ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.color_according_to_annotation, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.color_according_to_annotation ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.color_branches ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.color_branches, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.color_branches ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.color_branches, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.color_branches ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.width_branches ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.width_branches, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.width_branches ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.width_branches, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.width_branches ) ); } final JLabel label = new JLabel( "Display Data:" ); label.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_bold_font ); if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { label.setForeground( getConfiguration().getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); } add( label ); if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_node_names ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_node_names, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_node_names ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_node_names, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_node_names ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_tax_code ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_tax_code, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_tax_code ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_tax_code, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_tax_code ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_taxonomy_scientific_names ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_taxonomy_common_names ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_seq_names ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_seq_names, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_seq_names ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_seq_names, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_seq_names ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_gene_names ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_gene_names, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_gene_names ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_gene_names, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_gene_names ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_seq_symbols ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_seq_symbols, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_seq_symbols ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_seq_symbols, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_seq_symbols ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_sequence_acc ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_sequence_acc, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_sequence_acc ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_sequence_acc, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_sequence_acc ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_annotation ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_annotation, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_annotation ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_annotation, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_annotation ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_binary_characters ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_binary_characters, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_binary_characters ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_binary_characters, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_binary_characters ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_binary_character_counts ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_binary_character_counts, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_binary_character_counts ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_binary_character_counts, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_binary_character_counts ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_domain_architectures ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_domain_architectures, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_domain_architectures ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_domain_architectures, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_domain_architectures ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.write_confidence_values ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.write_confidence_values, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.write_confidence_values ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.write_confidence_values, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.write_confidence_values ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.write_events ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.write_events, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.write_events ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.write_events, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.write_events ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_vector_data ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_vector_data, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_vector_data ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_vector_data, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_vector_data ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_properties ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_properties, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_properties ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_properties, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_properties ) ); } if ( _configuration.doDisplayOption( Configuration.show_taxonomy_images ) ) { addCheckbox( Configuration.show_taxonomy_images, _configuration.getDisplayTitle( Configuration.show_taxonomy_images ) ); setCheckbox( Configuration.show_taxonomy_images, _configuration.doCheckOption( Configuration.show_taxonomy_images ) ); } } private void setVisibilityOfDomainStrucureControls() { if ( _zoom_in_domain_structure != null ) { if ( isShowDomainArchitectures() ) { _domain_display_label.setVisible( true ); _zoom_in_domain_structure.setVisible( true ); _zoom_out_domain_structure.setVisible( true ); _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setVisible( true ); _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setVisible( true ); _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setVisible( true ); } else { _domain_display_label.setVisible( false ); _zoom_in_domain_structure.setVisible( false ); _zoom_out_domain_structure.setVisible( false ); _decr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setVisible( false ); _incr_domain_structure_evalue_thr.setVisible( false ); _domain_structure_evalue_thr_tf.setVisible( false ); } } } static JLabel customizeLabel( final JLabel label, final Configuration configuration ) { label.setFont( ControlPanel.jcb_bold_font ); if ( !configuration.isUseNativeUI() ) { label.setForeground( configuration.getGuiCheckboxTextColor() ); label.setBackground( configuration.getGuiBackgroundColor() ); } return label; } enum NodeClickAction { ADD_NEW_NODE, BLAST, COLLAPSE, COLOR_SUBTREE, COPY_SUBTREE, CUT_SUBTREE, DELETE_NODE_OR_SUBTREE, EDIT_NODE_DATA, GET_EXT_DESC_DATA, OPEN_PDB_WEB, OPEN_SEQ_WEB, OPEN_TAX_WEB, PASTE_SUBTREE, REROOT, SELECT_NODES, SHOW_DATA, SORT_DESCENDENTS, SUBTREE, SWAP; } }