// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/ package org.forester.archaeopteryx; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener; import javax.swing.text.Position; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Annotation; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.BinaryCharacters; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.BranchWidth; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Date; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Distribution; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Event; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PhylogenyData; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Point; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PropertiesMap; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Property; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Reference; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Sequence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Uri; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; class NodePanel extends JPanel implements TreeSelectionListener { static final String DIST_ALTITUDE = "Altitude"; static final String DIST_ALT_UNIT = "Altitude unit"; static final String DIST_LONGITUDE = "Longitude"; static final String DIST_LATITUDE = "Latitude"; static final String DIST_GEODETIC_DATUM = "Geodetic datum"; static final String DIST_DESCRIPTION = "Description"; static final String DATE_UNIT = "Unit"; static final String DATE_MAX = "Max"; static final String DATE_MIN = "Min"; static final String DATE_VALUE = "Value"; static final String DATE_DESCRIPTION = "Description"; static final String TAXONOMY_IDENTIFIER = "Identifier"; static final String SEQ_ACCESSION = "Accession"; static final String CONFIDENCE = "Confidence"; static final String PROP = "Properties"; static final String BINARY_CHARACTERS = "Binary characters"; static final String REFERENCE = "Reference"; static final String LIT_REFERENCE = "Reference"; static final String LIT_REFERENCE_DESC = "Description"; static final String LIT_REFERENCE_DOI = "DOI"; static final String DISTRIBUTION = "Distribution"; static final String DATE = "Date"; static final String EVENTS = "Events"; static final String SEQUENCE = "Sequence"; static final String TAXONOMY = "Taxonomy"; static final String BASIC = "Basic"; static final String TAXONOMY_SCIENTIFIC_NAME = "Scientific name"; static final String SEQ_MOL_SEQ = "Mol seq"; static final String SEQ_TYPE = "Type"; static final String SEQ_LOCATION = "Location"; static final String SEQ_SYMBOL = "Symbol"; static final String SEQ_URI = "URI"; static final String NODE_BRANCH_LENGTH = "Branch length"; static final String NODE_BRANCH_WIDTH = "Branch width"; static final String NODE_BRANCH_COLOR = "Branch color"; static final String NODE_NAME = "Name"; static final String TAXONOMY_URI = "URI"; static final String TAXONOMY_RANK = "Rank"; static final String TAXONOMY_SYNONYM = "Synonym"; static final String TAXONOMY_COMMON_NAME = "Common name"; static final String TAXONOMY_AUTHORITY = "Authority"; static final String TAXONOMY_CODE = "Code"; static final String SEQ_NAME = "Name"; static final String EVENTS_GENE_LOSSES = "Gene losses"; static final String EVENTS_SPECIATIONS = "Speciations"; static final String EVENTS_DUPLICATIONS = "Duplications"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 5120159904388100771L; static final String CONFIDENCE_TYPE = "type"; private final JTree _tree; private final JEditorPane _pane; public NodePanel( final PhylogenyNode phylogeny_node ) { String node_name = ""; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( phylogeny_node.getName() ) ) { node_name = phylogeny_node.getName() + " "; } final DefaultMutableTreeNode top = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "Node " + node_name ); createNodes( top, phylogeny_node ); _tree = new JTree( top ); _tree.setEditable( false ); getJTree().setToggleClickCount( 1 ); expandPath( BASIC ); expandPath( TAXONOMY ); expandPath( SEQUENCE ); expandPath( EVENTS ); final JScrollPane tree_view = new JScrollPane( getJTree() ); _pane = new JEditorPane(); _pane.setEditable( false ); final JScrollPane data_view = new JScrollPane( _pane ); final JSplitPane split_pane = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT ); split_pane.setTopComponent( tree_view ); split_pane.setBottomComponent( data_view ); data_view.setMinimumSize( Constants.NODE_PANEL_SPLIT_MINIMUM_SIZE ); tree_view.setMinimumSize( Constants.NODE_PANEL_SPLIT_MINIMUM_SIZE ); split_pane.setDividerLocation( 400 ); split_pane.setPreferredSize( Constants.NODE_PANEL_SIZE ); add( split_pane ); } private void expandPath( final String name ) { final TreePath tp = getJTree().getNextMatch( name, 0, Position.Bias.Forward ); if ( tp != null ) { getJTree().expandPath( tp ); } } private JTree getJTree() { return _tree; } @Override public void valueChanged( final TreeSelectionEvent e ) { // Do nothing. } private static void addAnnotation( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Annotation ann, final String name ) { DefaultMutableTreeNode category; category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, REFERENCE, ann.getRef() ); addSubelement( category, "Description", ann.getDesc() ); addSubelement( category, "Source", ann.getSource() ); addSubelement( category, "Type", ann.getType() ); addSubelement( category, "Evidence", ann.getEvidence() ); if ( ann.getConfidence() != null ) { addSubelement( category, CONFIDENCE, ann.getConfidence().asText().toString() ); } if ( ann.getProperties() != null ) { addProperties( category, ann.getProperties(), PROP ); } } private static void addUri( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Uri uri, final String name ) { DefaultMutableTreeNode category; category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, "Description", uri.getDescription() ); addSubelement( category, "Type", uri.getType() ); addSubelement( category, "URI", uri.getValue().toString() ); } private static void addAnnotations( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final SortedSet annotations, final DefaultMutableTreeNode category ) { if ( ( annotations != null ) && ( annotations.size() > 0 ) ) { category.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "Annotations" ) ); final DefaultMutableTreeNode last = top.getLastLeaf(); int i = 0; for( final PhylogenyData ann : annotations ) { addAnnotation( last, ( Annotation ) ann, "Annotation " + ( i++ ) ); } } } private static void addUris( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final List uris, final DefaultMutableTreeNode category ) { if ( ( uris != null ) && ( uris.size() > 0 ) ) { category.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "URIs" ) ); final DefaultMutableTreeNode last = top.getLastLeaf(); int i = 0; for( final Uri uri : uris ) { if ( uri != null ) { addUri( last, uri, "URI " + ( i++ ) ); } } } } private static void addLineage( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final List lineage, final DefaultMutableTreeNode category ) { if ( ( lineage != null ) && ( lineage.size() > 0 ) ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( final String lin : lineage ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( lin ) ) { sb.append( lin ); sb.append( " > " ); } } String str = null; if (sb.length() > 1 ) { str = sb.substring( 0, sb.length() - 3 ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( str ) ) { addSubelement( category, "Lineage", str ); } } } private static void addBasics( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final PhylogenyNode phylogeny_node, final String name ) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, NODE_NAME, phylogeny_node.getName() ); if ( phylogeny_node.getDistanceToParent() != PhylogenyNode.DISTANCE_DEFAULT ) { addSubelement( category, NODE_BRANCH_LENGTH, ForesterUtil.FORMATTER_6.format( phylogeny_node.getDistanceToParent() ) ); } if ( phylogeny_node.getBranchData().isHasConfidences() ) { for( final PhylogenyData conf : phylogeny_node.getBranchData().getConfidences() ) { addSubelement( category, CONFIDENCE, conf.asText().toString() ); } } if ( !phylogeny_node.isExternal() ) { addSubelement( category, "Children", String.valueOf( phylogeny_node.getNumberOfDescendants() ) ); addSubelement( category, "External children", String.valueOf( phylogeny_node.getAllExternalDescendants().size() ) ); final SortedMap distinct_tax = PhylogenyMethods .obtainDistinctTaxonomyCounts( phylogeny_node ); if ( distinct_tax != null ) { final int no_tax = PhylogenyMethods.calculateNumberOfExternalNodesWithoutTaxonomy( phylogeny_node ); final int tax_count = distinct_tax.size(); addSubelement( category, "Distinct external taxonomies", String.valueOf( tax_count ) ); if ( no_tax > 0 ) { addSubelement( category, "External nodes without taxonomy", String.valueOf( no_tax ) ); } //TODO remove me... maybe make me into a method? //for( final Taxonomy taxonomy : distinct_tax.keySet() ) { // System.out.println( taxonomy + ": " + distinct_tax.get( taxonomy ) ); //} } } if ( !phylogeny_node.isRoot() ) { addSubelement( category, "Depth", String.valueOf( PhylogenyMethods.calculateDepth( phylogeny_node ) ) ); final double d = PhylogenyMethods.calculateDistanceToRoot( phylogeny_node ); if ( d > 0 ) { addSubelement( category, "Distance to root", String.valueOf( ForesterUtil.FORMATTER_6.format( d ) ) ); } } if ( ( phylogeny_node.getBranchData().getBranchWidth() != null ) && ( phylogeny_node.getBranchData().getBranchWidth().getValue() != BranchWidth.BRANCH_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ) { addSubelement( category, NODE_BRANCH_WIDTH, ForesterUtil.FORMATTER_3.format( phylogeny_node.getBranchData().getBranchWidth().getValue() ) ); } if ( ( phylogeny_node.getBranchData().getBranchColor() != null ) ) { final Color c = phylogeny_node.getBranchData().getBranchColor().getValue(); addSubelement( category, NODE_BRANCH_COLOR, c.getRed() + ", " + c.getGreen() + ", " + c.getBlue() ); } } private static void addBinaryCharacters( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final BinaryCharacters bc, final String name ) { DefaultMutableTreeNode category; category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, "Gained", String.valueOf( bc.getGainedCount() ) ); addSubelement( category, "Lost", String.valueOf( bc.getLostCount() ) ); addSubelement( category, "Present", String.valueOf( bc.getPresentCount() ) ); final DefaultMutableTreeNode chars = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "Lists" ); category.add( chars ); addSubelement( chars, "Gained", bc.getGainedCharactersAsStringBuffer().toString() ); addSubelement( chars, "Lost", bc.getLostCharactersAsStringBuffer().toString() ); addSubelement( chars, "Present", bc.getPresentCharactersAsStringBuffer().toString() ); } private static void addDate( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Date date, final String name ) { DefaultMutableTreeNode category; category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, DATE_DESCRIPTION, date.getDesc() ); addSubelement( category, DATE_VALUE, String.valueOf( date.getValue() ) ); addSubelement( category, DATE_MIN, String.valueOf( date.getMin() ) ); addSubelement( category, DATE_MAX, String.valueOf( date.getMax() ) ); addSubelement( category, DATE_UNIT, date.getUnit() ); } private static void addDistribution( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Distribution dist, final String name ) { DefaultMutableTreeNode category; category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, DIST_DESCRIPTION, dist.getDesc() ); if ( ( dist.getPoints() != null ) && ( dist.getPoints().size() > 0 ) ) { final Point p0 = dist.getPoints().get( 0 ); if ( p0 != null ) { addSubelement( category, DIST_GEODETIC_DATUM, p0.getGeodeticDatum() ); addSubelement( category, DIST_LATITUDE, String.valueOf( p0.getLatitude() ) ); addSubelement( category, DIST_LONGITUDE, String.valueOf( p0.getLongitude() ) ); String alt_unit = p0.getAltiudeUnit(); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( alt_unit ) ) { alt_unit = "?"; } addSubelement( category, DIST_ALTITUDE, String.valueOf( p0.getAltitude() ) + alt_unit ); } } } private static void addEvents( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Event events, final String name ) { DefaultMutableTreeNode category; category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); if ( events.getNumberOfDuplications() > 0 ) { addSubelement( category, EVENTS_DUPLICATIONS, String.valueOf( events.getNumberOfDuplications() ) ); } if ( events.getNumberOfSpeciations() > 0 ) { addSubelement( category, EVENTS_SPECIATIONS, String.valueOf( events.getNumberOfSpeciations() ) ); } if ( events.getNumberOfGeneLosses() > 0 ) { addSubelement( category, EVENTS_GENE_LOSSES, String.valueOf( events.getNumberOfGeneLosses() ) ); } addSubelement( category, "Type", events.getEventType().toString() ); if ( events.getConfidence() != null ) { addSubelement( category, CONFIDENCE, events.getConfidence().asText().toString() ); } } private static void addProperties( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final PropertiesMap properties, final String string ) { final SortedMap properties_map = properties.getProperties(); final DefaultMutableTreeNode category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "Properties " ); top.add( category ); for( final String key : properties_map.keySet() ) { final Property prop = properties_map.get( key ); category.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( prop.getRef() + " " + prop.getValue() + " " + prop.getUnit() + " [" + prop.getAppliesTo().toString() + "]" ) ); } } private static void addReference( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Reference ref, final String name ) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, LIT_REFERENCE_DOI, ref.getDoi() ); addSubelement( category, LIT_REFERENCE_DESC, ref.getDescription() ); } private static void addSequence( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Sequence seq, final String name ) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); addSubelement( category, SEQ_NAME, seq.getName() ); addSubelement( category, SEQ_SYMBOL, seq.getSymbol() ); if ( seq.getAccession() != null ) { addSubelement( category, SEQ_ACCESSION, seq.getAccession().asText().toString() ); } addSubelement( category, SEQ_LOCATION, seq.getLocation() ); addSubelement( category, SEQ_TYPE, seq.getType() ); addSubelement( category, SEQ_MOL_SEQ, seq.getMolecularSequence() ); if ( ( seq.getUris() != null ) && !seq.getUris().isEmpty() ) { addUris( top, seq.getUris(), category ); } addAnnotations( top, seq.getAnnotations(), category ); } private static void addSubelement( final DefaultMutableTreeNode node, final String name, final String value ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( value ) ) { node.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name + ": " + value ) ); } } private static void addTaxonomy( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final Taxonomy tax, final String name ) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode category = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); top.add( category ); if ( tax.getIdentifier() != null ) { addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_IDENTIFIER, tax.getIdentifier().asText().toString() ); } addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_CODE, tax.getTaxonomyCode() ); addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_SCIENTIFIC_NAME, tax.getScientificName() ); addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_AUTHORITY, tax.getAuthority() ); addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_COMMON_NAME, tax.getCommonName() ); for( final String syn : tax.getSynonyms() ) { addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_SYNONYM, syn ); } addSubelement( category, TAXONOMY_RANK, tax.getRank() ); if ( ( tax.getUris() != null ) && !tax.getUris().isEmpty() ) { addUris( top, tax.getUris(), category ); } if ( ( tax.getLineage() != null ) && !tax.getLineage().isEmpty() ) { addLineage( top, tax.getLineage(), category ); } } private static void createNodes( final DefaultMutableTreeNode top, final PhylogenyNode phylogeny_node ) { addBasics( top, phylogeny_node, BASIC ); // Taxonomy if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { addTaxonomy( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(), TAXONOMY ); } // Sequence if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { addSequence( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getSequence(), SEQUENCE ); } // Events if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasEvent() ) { addEvents( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getEvent(), EVENTS ); } // Date if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasDate() ) { addDate( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getDate(), DATE ); } // Distribution if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasDistribution() ) { addDistribution( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getDistribution(), DISTRIBUTION ); } // Reference if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasReference() ) { addReference( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getReference(), LIT_REFERENCE ); } // BinaryCharacters if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasBinaryCharacters() ) { addBinaryCharacters( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters(), BINARY_CHARACTERS ); } // Properties if ( phylogeny_node.getNodeData().isHasProperties() ) { addProperties( top, phylogeny_node.getNodeData().getProperties(), PROP ); } } }