// $Id: // $ // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/forester package org.forester.archaeopteryx; import java.io.File; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.PairwiseDistanceCalculator.PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD; import org.forester.msa.Mafft; public final class PhylogeneticInferenceOptions { private static final int BOOTSTRAP_RESAMPLES_DEFAULT = 100; private static final PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD_DEFAULT = PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD.KIMURA_DISTANCE; public static final long RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED_DEFAULT = 42L; private static final boolean PERFORM_BOOTSTRAP_RESAMPLING_DEFAULT = false; private static final double msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_default = 0.5; private static final int msa_processing_min_allowed_length_default = 50; private int _bootstrap_samples; private PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD _pwd_distance_method; private long _random_number_generator_seed; private boolean _perform_bootstrap_resampling; private String _intermediate_files_base; private String _msa_prg_parameters; private boolean _execute_msa_processing; private boolean _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns; private double _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio; private int _msa_processing_min_allowed_length; private boolean _save_pwd_file; private boolean _save_processed_msa; private boolean _save_original_msa; private File _pwd_outfile; private File _processed_msa_outfile; private File _original_msa_outfile; public synchronized String getMsaPrgParameters() { return _msa_prg_parameters; } public synchronized void setMsaPrgParameters( final String msa_prg_parameters ) { _msa_prg_parameters = new String( msa_prg_parameters ); } public synchronized String getIntermediateFilesBase() { return _intermediate_files_base; } public synchronized String getMsaPrg() { return "MAFFT"; } public synchronized void setIntermediateFilesBase( final String intermediate_files_base ) { _intermediate_files_base = new String( intermediate_files_base ); } public PhylogeneticInferenceOptions() { init(); } // Deep copy. public synchronized PhylogeneticInferenceOptions copy() { final PhylogeneticInferenceOptions o = new PhylogeneticInferenceOptions(); o._bootstrap_samples = _bootstrap_samples; o._pwd_distance_method = _pwd_distance_method; o._random_number_generator_seed = _random_number_generator_seed; o._perform_bootstrap_resampling = _perform_bootstrap_resampling; o._intermediate_files_base = new String( _intermediate_files_base ); o._msa_prg_parameters = new String( _msa_prg_parameters ); o._msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio = _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio; o._msa_processing_min_allowed_length = _msa_processing_min_allowed_length; o._execute_msa_processing = _execute_msa_processing; o._msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns = _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns; o._save_pwd_file = _save_pwd_file; o._save_processed_msa = _save_processed_msa; o._save_original_msa = _save_original_msa; if ( _pwd_outfile != null ) { o._pwd_outfile = new File( _pwd_outfile.toString() ); } if ( _processed_msa_outfile != null ) { o._processed_msa_outfile = new File( _processed_msa_outfile.toString() ); } if ( _original_msa_outfile != null ) { o._original_msa_outfile = new File( _original_msa_outfile.toString() ); } return o; } private synchronized void init() { _bootstrap_samples = BOOTSTRAP_RESAMPLES_DEFAULT; _pwd_distance_method = PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD_DEFAULT; _random_number_generator_seed = RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED_DEFAULT; _perform_bootstrap_resampling = PERFORM_BOOTSTRAP_RESAMPLING_DEFAULT; _intermediate_files_base = ""; _msa_prg_parameters = Mafft.getDefaultParameters(); _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio = msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_default; _msa_processing_min_allowed_length = msa_processing_min_allowed_length_default; _execute_msa_processing = false; _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns = false; _save_pwd_file = false; _save_processed_msa = false; _save_original_msa = false; _pwd_outfile = null; _processed_msa_outfile = null; _original_msa_outfile = null; } public synchronized void setBootstrapSamples( final int bootstrap_samples ) { _bootstrap_samples = bootstrap_samples; } public synchronized int getBootstrapSamples() { return _bootstrap_samples; } public synchronized void setPwdDistanceMethod( final PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD pwd_distance_method ) { _pwd_distance_method = pwd_distance_method; } public synchronized PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD getPwdDistanceMethod() { return _pwd_distance_method; } public synchronized void setRandomNumberGeneratorSeed( final long random_number_generator_seed ) { _random_number_generator_seed = random_number_generator_seed; } public synchronized long getRandomNumberGeneratorSeed() { return _random_number_generator_seed; } public synchronized void setPerformBootstrapResampling( final boolean perform_bootstrap_resampling ) { _perform_bootstrap_resampling = perform_bootstrap_resampling; } public synchronized boolean isPerformBootstrapResampling() { return _perform_bootstrap_resampling; } public static PhylogeneticInferenceOptions createInstance( final Configuration configuration ) { final PhylogeneticInferenceOptions o = new PhylogeneticInferenceOptions(); if ( configuration.getDefaultBootstrapSamples() >= 0 ) { o.setBootstrapSamples( configuration.getDefaultBootstrapSamples() ); } return o; } public File getTempDir() { //TODO return new File( "/Users/zma/Desktop/tmp/" ); } public void setMsaProcessingMaxAllowedGapRatio( final double msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio ) { _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio = msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio; } public double getMsaProcessingMaxAllowedGapRatio() { return _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio; } public void setMsaProcessingMinAllowedLength( final int msa_processing_min_allowed_length ) { _msa_processing_min_allowed_length = msa_processing_min_allowed_length; } public int getMsaProcessingMinAllowedLength() { return _msa_processing_min_allowed_length; } boolean isExecuteMsaProcessing() { return _execute_msa_processing; } void setExecuteMsaProcessing( final boolean execute_msa_processing ) { _execute_msa_processing = execute_msa_processing; } boolean isMsaProcessingRemoveAllGapColumns() { return _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns; } void setMsaProcessingRemoveAllGapColumns( final boolean msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns ) { _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns = msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns; } boolean isSavePwdFile() { return _save_pwd_file; } void setSavePwdFile( final boolean save_pwd_file ) { _save_pwd_file = save_pwd_file; } boolean isSaveProcessedMsa() { return _save_processed_msa; } void setSaveProcessedMsa( final boolean save_processed_msa ) { _save_processed_msa = save_processed_msa; } boolean isSaveOriginalMsa() { return _save_original_msa; } void setSaveOriginalMsa( final boolean save_original_msa ) { _save_original_msa = save_original_msa; } File getPwdOutfile() { return _pwd_outfile; } void setPwdOutfile( final File pwd_outfile ) { _pwd_outfile = pwd_outfile; } File getProcesseMsaOutfile() { return _processed_msa_outfile; } void setProcesseMsaOutfile( final File processed_msa_outfile ) { _processed_msa_outfile = processed_msa_outfile; } File getOriginalMsaOutfile() { return _original_msa_outfile; } void setOriginalMsaOutfile( final File original_msa_outfile ) { _original_msa_outfile = original_msa_outfile; } }