// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine // and Howard Hughes Medical Institute // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Ethalinda K.S. Cannon // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.archaeopteryx; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; /* * Maintains the fonts for drawing a tree. */ public final class TreeFontSet { final static float SMALL_FONTS_BASE = 8; private final static String DEFAULT_FONT = "Verdana"; final static float FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP = 1.0f; static final int BOLD_AND_ITALIC = Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC; // the owner (needed to get font metrics) private final MainPanel _owner; // The fonts private Font _small_font; private Font _large_font; private Font _base_font; private Font _small_font_system; private Font _large_font_system; private Font _small_italic_font_system; private Font _large_italic_font_system; private Font _small_font_memory; private Font _large_font_memory; private Font _small_italic_font_memory; private Font _large_italic_font_memory; // Handy holders for font metrics public FontMetrics _fm_small; FontMetrics _fm_large; FontMetrics _fm_small_italic; FontMetrics _fm_small_italic_bold; FontMetrics _fm_large_italic; FontMetrics _fm_large_italic_bold; // hold font measurements int _small_max_descent = 0; int _small_max_ascent = 0; private final int _min; private final int _max; private boolean _decreased_size_by_system = false; TreeFontSet( final MainPanel owner ) { _owner = owner; _min = _owner.getConfiguration().getMinBaseFontSize(); _max = _owner.getConfiguration().getMinBaseFontSize(); setBaseFont( new Font( DEFAULT_FONT, Font.PLAIN, 10 ) ); } public Font getSmallFont() { return _small_font; } void decreaseFontSize( final int min, final boolean decreased_size_by_system ) { if ( decreased_size_by_system && !isDecreasedSizeBySystem() ) { _small_font_memory = _small_font; _large_font_memory = _large_font; _small_italic_font_memory = _small_italic_font; _large_italic_font_memory = _large_italic_font; } setDecreasedSizeBySystem( decreased_size_by_system ); if ( _large_font.getSize() >= min ) { _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( _small_font.getSize() - FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( _large_font.getSize() - FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( _small_italic_font.getSize() - FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( _large_italic_font.getSize() - FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); setupFontMetrics(); } } Font getLargeFontMemory() { return _large_font_memory; } Font getBaseFont() { return _base_font; } Font getLargeFont() { return _large_font; } Font getLargeItalicFont() { return _large_italic_font; } Font getLargeItalicFontSystem() { return _large_italic_font_system; } Font getSmallFontSystem() { return _small_font_system; } Font getSmallItalicFont() { return _small_italic_font; } Font getSmallItalicFontSystem() { return _small_italic_font_system; } void increaseFontSize() { _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( _small_font.getSize() + FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( _large_font.getSize() + FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( _small_italic_font.getSize() + FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( _large_italic_font.getSize() + FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ); setupFontMetrics(); } boolean isDecreasedSizeBySystem() { return _decreased_size_by_system; } void largeFonts() { setDecreasedSizeBySystem( false ); _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( 12f ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( 14f ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( 12f ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( 14f ); setupFontMetrics(); } void mediumFonts() { setDecreasedSizeBySystem( false ); _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( 8f ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( 10f ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( 8f ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( 10f ); setupFontMetrics(); } void reset() { _large_font_system = _large_font; } void setBaseFont( final Font base_font ) { _base_font = base_font; intializeFonts(); } void smallFonts() { setDecreasedSizeBySystem( false ); _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( SMALL_FONTS_BASE - 1 ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( SMALL_FONTS_BASE ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( SMALL_FONTS_BASE - 1 ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( SMALL_FONTS_BASE ); setupFontMetrics(); } void superTinyFonts() { setDecreasedSizeBySystem( false ); _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( 2f ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( 3f ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( 2f ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( 3f ); setupFontMetrics(); } void tinyFonts() { setDecreasedSizeBySystem( false ); _small_font = _small_font.deriveFont( 5f ); _large_font = _large_font.deriveFont( 6f ); _small_italic_font = _small_italic_font.deriveFont( 5f ); _large_italic_font = _large_italic_font.deriveFont( 6f ); setupFontMetrics(); } private Font getLargeFontSystem() { return _large_font_system; } private void intializeFonts() { final int small_size = getBaseFont().getSize() - 1; int italic = Font.ITALIC; if ( getBaseFont().getStyle() == Font.BOLD ) { italic = italic + Font.BOLD; } _small_font = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), getBaseFont().getStyle(), small_size ); _large_font = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), getBaseFont().getStyle(), getBaseFont().getSize() ); _small_italic_font = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), italic, small_size ); _large_italic_font = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), italic, getBaseFont().getSize() ); _small_font_system = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), getBaseFont().getStyle(), small_size ); _large_font_system = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), getBaseFont().getStyle(), getBaseFont().getSize() ); _small_italic_font_system = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), italic, small_size ); _large_italic_font_system = new Font( getBaseFont().getFontName(), italic, getBaseFont().getSize() ); _small_font_memory = _small_font; _large_font_memory = _large_font; _small_italic_font_memory = _small_italic_font; _large_italic_font_memory = _large_italic_font; setupFontMetrics(); } private void setDecreasedSizeBySystem( final boolean decreased_size_by_system ) { _decreased_size_by_system = decreased_size_by_system; } private void setupFontMetrics() { _fm_small = _owner.getFontMetrics( _small_font ); _fm_large = _owner.getFontMetrics( _large_font ); _fm_small_italic = _owner.getFontMetrics( _small_italic_font ); _fm_small_italic_bold = _owner.getFontMetrics( _small_italic_font.deriveFont( Font.BOLD ) ); _fm_large_italic = _owner.getFontMetrics( _large_italic_font ); _fm_large_italic_bold = _owner.getFontMetrics( _large_italic_font.deriveFont( Font.BOLD ) ); _small_max_descent = _fm_small.getMaxDescent(); _small_max_ascent = _fm_small.getMaxAscent() + 1; } }