// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.archaeopteryx; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Arc2D; import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JColorChooser; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.Popup; import javax.swing.PopupFactory; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Configuration.EXT_NODE_DATA_RETURN_ON; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.ControlPanel.NodeClickAction; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.CLADOGRAM_TYPE; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.Options.PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.phylogeny.data.RenderableDomainArchitecture; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.phylogeny.data.RenderableMsaSequence; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.phylogeny.data.RenderableVector; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.tools.Blast; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.tools.ImageLoader; import org.forester.io.parsers.phyloxml.PhyloXmlUtil; import org.forester.io.writers.SequenceWriter; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods.DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Accession; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Annotation; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.BranchColor; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Confidence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.DomainArchitecture; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Event; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.NodeDataField; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.NodeVisualData; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.NodeVisualData.NodeFill; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.NodeVisualData.NodeShape; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PhylogenyDataUtil; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.ProteinDomain; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Sequence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.SequenceRelation; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Uri; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PreorderTreeIterator; import org.forester.util.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.ForesterConstants; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; import org.forester.util.SequenceAccessionTools; import org.forester.util.TaxonomyUtil; public final class TreePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, MouseWheelListener, Printable { final private class NodeColorizationActionListener implements ActionListener { List _additional_nodes = null; JColorChooser _chooser = null; PhylogenyNode _node = null; NodeColorizationActionListener( final JColorChooser chooser, final PhylogenyNode node ) { _chooser = chooser; _node = node; } NodeColorizationActionListener( final JColorChooser chooser, final PhylogenyNode node, final List additional_nodes ) { _chooser = chooser; _node = node; _additional_nodes = additional_nodes; } @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { final Color c = _chooser.getColor(); if ( c != null ) { colorizeNodes( c, _node, _additional_nodes ); } } } final private class SubtreeColorizationActionListener implements ActionListener { List _additional_nodes = null; JColorChooser _chooser = null; PhylogenyNode _node = null; SubtreeColorizationActionListener( final JColorChooser chooser, final PhylogenyNode node ) { _chooser = chooser; _node = node; } SubtreeColorizationActionListener( final JColorChooser chooser, final PhylogenyNode node, final List additional_nodes ) { _chooser = chooser; _node = node; _additional_nodes = additional_nodes; } @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { final Color c = _chooser.getColor(); if ( c != null ) { colorizeSubtree( c, _node, _additional_nodes ); } } } public final static boolean SPECIAL_DOMAIN_COLORING = true; final static Cursor ARROW_CURSOR = Cursor .getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR ); final static Cursor CUT_CURSOR = Cursor .getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR ); final static Cursor HAND_CURSOR = Cursor .getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.HAND_CURSOR ); final static Cursor MOVE_CURSOR = Cursor .getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR ); final static Cursor WAIT_CURSOR = Cursor .getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR ); final private static double _180_OVER_PI = 180.0 / Math.PI; private static final float ANGLE_ROTATION_UNIT = ( float ) ( Math.PI / 32 ); private final static int CONFIDENCE_LEFT_MARGIN = 4; private final static int EURO_D = 10; private final static NumberFormat FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH; private final static NumberFormat FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE; private static final float HALF_PI = ( float ) ( Math.PI / 2.0 ); private final static int LIMIT_FOR_HQ_RENDERING = 2000; private final static int MAX_NODE_FRAMES = 10; private final static int MAX_SUBTREES = 100; private final static int MIN_ROOT_LENGTH = 3; private final static int MOVE = 20; private final static String NODE_POPMENU_NODE_CLIENT_PROPERTY = "node"; private static final float ONEHALF_PI = ( float ) ( 1.5 * Math.PI ); private static final short OV_BORDER = 10; private final static double OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE = 2; private final static double OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF = 1; private static final float PI = ( float ) ( Math.PI ); final private static Font POPUP_FONT = new Font( Configuration .getDefaultFontFamilyName(), Font.PLAIN, 12 ); private static final float ROUNDED_D = 8; private final static long serialVersionUID = -978349745916505029L; private static final BasicStroke STROKE_0025 = new BasicStroke( 0.025f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_005 = new BasicStroke( 0.05f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_01 = new BasicStroke( 0.1f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_025 = new BasicStroke( 0.25f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_05 = new BasicStroke( 0.5f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_075 = new BasicStroke( 0.75f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_1 = new BasicStroke( 1f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_2 = new BasicStroke( 2f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_01_DASHED = new BasicStroke( 0.1f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, new float[] { 2.0f }, 0f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_005_DASHED = new BasicStroke( 0.05f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, new float[] { 2.0f }, 0f ); private static final BasicStroke STROKE_001_DASHED = new BasicStroke( 0.01f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, new float[] { 2.0f }, 0f ); private static final double TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI; private final static int WIGGLE = 3; private static final String SHOW_ONLY_THIS_CONF_TYPE = null; //TODO remove me HashMap _nodeid_dist_to_leaf = new HashMap(); final private Arc2D _arc = new Arc2D.Double(); private AffineTransform _at; private int _clicked_x; private int _circ_max_depth; final private Set _collapsed_external_nodeid_set = new HashSet(); private JColorChooser _color_chooser = null; private Configuration _configuration = null; private ControlPanel _control_panel = null; private final CubicCurve2D _cubic_curve = new CubicCurve2D.Float(); private Set _current_external_nodes = null; private StringBuilder _current_external_nodes_data_buffer = new StringBuilder(); private int _current_external_nodes_data_buffer_change_counter = 0; private int _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp = AptxConstants.DOMAIN_STRUCTURE_E_VALUE_THR_DEFAULT_EXP; private double _domain_structure_width = AptxConstants.DOMAIN_STRUCTURE_DEFAULT_WIDTH; private int _dynamic_hiding_factor = 0; private boolean _edited = false; private final Ellipse2D _ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Float(); private int _external_node_index = 0; private Set _found_nodes_0 = null; private Set _found_nodes_1 = null; private final FontRenderContext _frc = new FontRenderContext( null, false, false ); private float _furthest_node_x; private PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE _graphics_type = PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR; private PhylogenyNode _highlight_node = null; private boolean _in_ov = false; private boolean _in_ov_rect = false; private float _last_drag_point_x = 0; private float _last_drag_point_y = 0; private final Line2D _line = new Line2D.Float(); private int _longest_ext_node_info = 0; private PhylogenyNode _ext_node_with_longest_txt_info = null; private MainPanel _main_panel = null; private double _max_distance_to_root = -1; private Popup _node_desc_popup; private int _node_frame_index = 0; private final NodeFrame[] _node_frames = new NodeFrame[ TreePanel.MAX_NODE_FRAMES ]; private JPopupMenu _node_popup_menu = null; private JMenuItem _node_popup_menu_items[] = null; private PhylogenyNode[] _nodes_in_preorder = null; private Options _options = null; private float _ov_max_height = 0; private float _ov_max_width = 0; private boolean _ov_on = false; private final Rectangle2D _ov_rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Float(); private final Rectangle _ov_virtual_rectangle = new Rectangle(); private float _ov_x_correction_factor = 0.0f; private float _ov_x_distance = 0; private int _ov_x_position = 0; private float _ov_y_distance = 0; private int _ov_y_position = 0; private int _ov_y_start = 0; private boolean _partition_tree = false; private final boolean _phy_has_branch_lengths; private Phylogeny _phylogeny = null; private final Path2D.Float _polygon = new Path2D.Float(); private final StringBuffer _popup_buffer = new StringBuffer(); private final QuadCurve2D _quad_curve = new QuadCurve2D.Float(); private Sequence _query_sequence = null; private final Rectangle2D _rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Float(); private final RenderingHints _rendering_hints = new RenderingHints( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_DEFAULT ); private JTextArea _rollover_popup; private PhylogenyNode _root; private float _root_x; private final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder(); private double _scale_distance = 0.0; private String _scale_label = null; private DescriptiveStatistics _statistics_for_vector_data; private final Phylogeny[] _sub_phylogenies = new Phylogeny[ TreePanel.MAX_SUBTREES ]; private final PhylogenyNode[] _sub_phylogenies_temp_roots = new PhylogenyNode[ TreePanel.MAX_SUBTREES ]; private int _subtree_index = 0; private File _treefile = null; private float _urt_factor = 1; private float _urt_factor_ov = 1; final private HashMap _urt_nodeid_angle_map = new HashMap(); final private HashMap _urt_nodeid_index_map = new HashMap(); private double _urt_starting_angle = ( float ) ( Math.PI / 2 ); private float _x_correction_factor = 0.0f; private float _x_distance = 0.0f; private float _y_distance = 0.0f; private int _length_of_longest_text; private int _longest_domain; private Map _attributed_string_map = null; private int _depth_collapse_level = -1; private int _rank_collapse_level = -1; static { final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(); dfs.setDecimalSeparator( '.' ); FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE = new DecimalFormat( "#.###", dfs ); FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH = new DecimalFormat( "#.###", dfs ); } TreePanel( final Phylogeny t, final Configuration configuration, final MainPanel tjp ) { requestFocusInWindow(); addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed( final KeyEvent key_event ) { keyPressedCalls( key_event ); requestFocusInWindow(); } } ); addFocusListener( new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusGained( final FocusEvent e ) { requestFocusInWindow(); } } ); if ( ( t == null ) || t.isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to draw phylogeny which is null or empty" ); } _graphics_type = tjp.getOptions().getPhylogenyGraphicsType(); _main_panel = tjp; _configuration = configuration; _phylogeny = t; _phy_has_branch_lengths = AptxUtil.isHasAtLeastOneBranchLengthLargerThanZero( _phylogeny ); init(); // if ( !_phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); // } setBackground( getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor() ); final MouseListener mouse_listener = new MouseListener( this ); addMouseListener( mouse_listener ); addMouseMotionListener( mouse_listener ); addMouseWheelListener( this ); calculateScaleDistance(); FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE.setMaximumFractionDigits( configuration.getNumberOfDigitsAfterCommaForConfidenceValues() ); FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH .setMaximumFractionDigits( configuration.getNumberOfDigitsAfterCommaForBranchLengthValues() ); } @Override final public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { boolean done = false; final JMenuItem node_popup_menu_item = ( JMenuItem ) e.getSource(); for( int index = 0; ( index < _node_popup_menu_items.length ) && !done; index++ ) { // NOTE: index corresponds to the indices of click-to options // in the control panel. if ( node_popup_menu_item == _node_popup_menu_items[ index ] ) { // Set this as the new default click-to action _main_panel.getControlPanel().setClickToAction( index ); final PhylogenyNode node = ( PhylogenyNode ) _node_popup_menu .getClientProperty( NODE_POPMENU_NODE_CLIENT_PROPERTY ); handleClickToAction( _control_panel.getActionWhenNodeClicked(), node ); done = true; } } repaint(); requestFocusInWindow(); } public synchronized Hashtable getImageMap() { return getMainPanel().getImageMap(); } final public MainPanel getMainPanel() { return _main_panel; } /** * Get a pointer to the phylogeny * * @return a pointer to the phylogeny */ public final Phylogeny getPhylogeny() { return _phylogeny; } public final TreeColorSet getTreeColorSet() { return getMainPanel().getTreeColorSet(); } @Override final public void mouseWheelMoved( final MouseWheelEvent e ) { final int notches = e.getWheelRotation(); if ( inOvVirtualRectangle( e ) ) { if ( !isInOvRect() ) { setInOvRect( true ); repaint(); } } else { if ( isInOvRect() ) { setInOvRect( false ); repaint(); } } if ( e.isControlDown() && e.isShiftDown() ) { if ( notches < 0 ) { getTreeFontSet().increaseFontSize(); } else { getTreeFontSet().decreaseFontSize( 1, false ); } getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); resetPreferredSize(); updateOvSizes(); repaint(); } else if ( e.isShiftDown() && e.isAltDown() ) { if ( notches < 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < ( -notches ); ++i ) { getControlPanel().zoomInX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else { for( int i = 0; i < notches; ++i ) { getControlPanel().zoomOutX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } } else if ( e.isShiftDown() ) { if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { if ( notches < 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < ( -notches ); ++i ) { setStartingAngle( ( getStartingAngle() % TWO_PI ) + ANGLE_ROTATION_UNIT ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else { for( int i = 0; i < notches; ++i ) { setStartingAngle( ( getStartingAngle() % TWO_PI ) - ANGLE_ROTATION_UNIT ); if ( getStartingAngle() < 0 ) { setStartingAngle( TWO_PI + getStartingAngle() ); } getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } } else { if ( notches < 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < ( -notches ); ++i ) { getControlPanel().zoomInY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else { for( int i = 0; i < notches; ++i ) { getControlPanel().zoomOutY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } } } else { if ( notches < 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < ( -notches ); ++i ) { getControlPanel().zoomInX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().zoomInY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else { for( int i = 0; i < notches; ++i ) { getControlPanel().zoomOutY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().zoomOutX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } } requestFocus(); requestFocusInWindow(); requestFocus(); } @Override final public void paintComponent( final Graphics g ) { final Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; g2d.setRenderingHints( _rendering_hints ); paintPhylogeny( g2d, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } @Override final public int print( final Graphics g, final PageFormat page_format, final int page_index ) throws PrinterException { if ( page_index > 0 ) { return ( NO_SUCH_PAGE ); } else { final Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; g2d.translate( page_format.getImageableX(), page_format.getImageableY() ); // Turn off double buffering !? paintPhylogeny( g2d, true, false, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // Turn double buffering back on !? return ( PAGE_EXISTS ); } } public final void setEdited( final boolean edited ) { _edited = edited; } public synchronized void setImageMap( final Hashtable image_map ) { getMainPanel().setImageMap( image_map ); } /** * Set a phylogeny tree. * * @param t * an instance of a Phylogeny */ public final void setTree( final Phylogeny t ) { setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _phylogeny = t; } public final void setWaitCursor() { setCursor( WAIT_CURSOR ); repaint(); } @Override public void update( final Graphics g ) { paint( g ); } private void abbreviateScientificName( final String sn, final StringBuilder sb ) { final String[] a = sn.split( "\\s+" ); sb.append( a[ 0 ].substring( 0, 1 ) ); sb.append( a[ 1 ].substring( 0, 2 ) ); if ( a.length > 2 ) { for( int i = 2; i < a.length; i++ ) { sb.append( " " ); sb.append( a[ i ] ); } } } final private void addEmptyNode( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { errorMessageNoCutCopyPasteInUnrootedDisplay(); return; } final String label = createASimpleTextRepresentationOfANode( node ); String msg = ""; if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( label ) ) { msg = "How to add the new, empty node?"; } else { msg = "How to add the new, empty node to node" + label + "?"; } final Object[] options = { "As sibling", "As descendant", "Cancel" }; final int r = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( this, msg, "Addition of Empty New Node", JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[ 2 ] ); boolean add_as_sibling = true; if ( r == 1 ) { add_as_sibling = false; } else if ( r != 0 ) { return; } final Phylogeny phy = new Phylogeny(); phy.setRoot( new PhylogenyNode() ); phy.setRooted( true ); if ( add_as_sibling ) { if ( node.isRoot() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot add sibling to root", "Attempt to add sibling to root", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } phy.addAsSibling( node ); } else { phy.addAsChild( node ); } setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); repaint(); } final private void addToCurrentExternalNodes( final long i ) { if ( _current_external_nodes == null ) { _current_external_nodes = new HashSet(); } _current_external_nodes.add( i ); } final private void assignGraphicsForBranchWithColorForParentBranch( final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean is_vertical, final Graphics g, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { final NodeClickAction action = _control_panel.getActionWhenNodeClicked(); if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else if ( ( ( action == NodeClickAction.COPY_SUBTREE ) || ( action == NodeClickAction.CUT_SUBTREE ) || ( action == NodeClickAction.DELETE_NODE_OR_SUBTREE ) || ( action == NodeClickAction.PASTE_SUBTREE ) || ( action == NodeClickAction.ADD_NEW_NODE ) ) && ( getCutOrCopiedTree() != null ) && ( getCopiedAndPastedNodes() != null ) && !to_pdf && !to_graphics_file && getCopiedAndPastedNodes().contains( node.getId() ) ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0() ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) != null ) ) { g.setColor( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) ); } else if ( to_pdf ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBranchColorForPdf() ); } else { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBranchColor() ); } } final private void blast( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( !isCanBlast( node ) ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Insufficient information present", "Cannot Blast", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ); return; } else { final String query = Blast.obtainQueryForBlast( node ); System.out.println( "query for BLAST is: " + query ); char type = '?'; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) { if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getType() ) ) { if ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getType().toLowerCase() .equals( PhyloXmlUtil.SEQ_TYPE_PROTEIN ) ) { type = 'p'; } else { type = 'n'; } } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) { if ( ForesterUtil .seqIsLikelyToBeAa( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) { type = 'p'; } else { type = 'n'; } } } if ( type == '?' ) { if ( SequenceAccessionTools.isProteinDbQuery( query ) ) { type = 'p'; } else { type = 'n'; } } try { Blast.openNcbiBlastWeb( query, type == 'n', this ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private final int calcDynamicHidingFactor() { return ( int ) ( 0.5 + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getHeight() / ( 1.5 * getYdistance() ) ) ); } final private int calcLengthOfLongestText() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ( _ext_node_with_longest_txt_info != null ) { nodeDataAsSB( _ext_node_with_longest_txt_info, sb ); if ( _ext_node_with_longest_txt_info.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { nodeTaxonomyDataAsSB( _ext_node_with_longest_txt_info.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(), sb ); } } return getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( sb.toString() ); } /** * Calculate the length of the distance between the given node and its * parent. * * @param node * @param ext_node_x * @factor * @return the distance value */ final private float calculateBranchLengthToParent( final PhylogenyNode node, final float factor ) { if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { if ( node.getDistanceToParent() < 0.0 ) { return 0.0f; } return ( float ) ( getXcorrectionFactor() * node.getDistanceToParent() ); } else { if ( ( factor == 0 ) || isNonLinedUpCladogram() ) { return getXdistance(); } return getXdistance() * factor; } } final private Color calculateColorForAnnotation( final SortedSet ann ) { Color c = getTreeColorSet().getAnnotationColor(); if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToAnnotation() && ( getControlPanel().getAnnotationColors() != null ) ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( final Annotation a : ann ) { sb.append( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( a.getRefValue() ) ? a.getRefValue() : a.getDesc() ); } final String ann_str = sb.toString(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( ann_str ) ) { c = getControlPanel().getAnnotationColors().get( ann_str ); if ( c == null ) { c = AptxUtil.calculateColorFromString( ann_str, false ); getControlPanel().getAnnotationColors().put( ann_str, c ); } if ( c == null ) { c = getTreeColorSet().getAnnotationColor(); } } } return c; } final private float calculateOvBranchLengthToParent( final PhylogenyNode node, final int factor ) { if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { if ( node.getDistanceToParent() < 0.0 ) { return 0.0f; } return ( float ) ( getOvXcorrectionFactor() * node.getDistanceToParent() ); } else { if ( ( factor == 0 ) || isNonLinedUpCladogram() ) { return getOvXDistance(); } return getOvXDistance() * factor; } } final private void cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( final String type_type ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot launch web browser for " + type_type + " data of this node", "Cannot launch web browser", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); } private void changeNodeFont( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final FontChooser fc = new FontChooser(); Font f = null; if ( ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() != null ) && !node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().isEmpty() ) { f = node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getFont(); } if ( f != null ) { fc.setFont( f ); } else { fc.setFont( getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() ); } List nodes = new ArrayList(); if ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) || ( getFoundNodes1() != null ) ) { nodes = getFoundNodesAsListOfPhylogenyNodes(); } if ( !nodes.contains( node ) ) { nodes.add( node ); } final int count = nodes.size(); String title = "Change the font for "; if ( count == 1 ) { title += "one node"; } else { title += ( count + " nodes" ); } fc.showDialog( this, title ); if ( ( fc.getFont() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( fc.getFont().getFamily().trim() ) ) { for( final PhylogenyNode n : nodes ) { if ( n.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() == null ) { n.getNodeData().setNodeVisualData( new NodeVisualData() ); } final NodeVisualData vd = n.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData(); final Font ff = fc.getFont(); vd.setFontName( ff.getFamily().trim() ); int s = ff.getSize(); if ( s < 0 ) { s = 0; } if ( s > Byte.MAX_VALUE ) { s = Byte.MAX_VALUE; } vd.setFontSize( s ); vd.setFontStyle( ff.getStyle() ); } if ( _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb() != null ) { getControlPanel().getUseVisualStylesCb().setSelected( true ); } } setEdited( true ); repaint(); } final private void colorizeNodes( final Color c, final PhylogenyNode node, final List additional_nodes ) { _control_panel.setColorBranches( true ); if ( _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb() != null ) { _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb().setSelected( true ); } if ( node != null ) { colorizeNodesHelper( c, node ); } if ( additional_nodes != null ) { for( final PhylogenyNode n : additional_nodes ) { colorizeNodesHelper( c, n ); } } repaint(); } final private void colorizeSubtree( final Color c, final PhylogenyNode node, final List additional_nodes ) { _control_panel.setColorBranches( true ); if ( _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb() != null ) { _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb().setSelected( true ); } if ( node != null ) { for( final PreorderTreeIterator it = new PreorderTreeIterator( node ); it.hasNext(); ) { it.next().getBranchData().setBranchColor( new BranchColor( c ) ); } } if ( additional_nodes != null ) { for( final PhylogenyNode an : additional_nodes ) { for( final PreorderTreeIterator it = new PreorderTreeIterator( an ); it.hasNext(); ) { it.next().getBranchData().setBranchColor( new BranchColor( c ) ); } } } repaint(); } private void colorNodeFont( final PhylogenyNode node ) { _color_chooser.setPreviewPanel( new JPanel() ); NodeColorizationActionListener al; int count = 1; if ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) || ( getFoundNodes1() != null ) ) { final List additional_nodes = getFoundNodesAsListOfPhylogenyNodes(); al = new NodeColorizationActionListener( _color_chooser, node, additional_nodes ); count = additional_nodes.size(); if ( !additional_nodes.contains( node ) ) { count++; } } else { al = new NodeColorizationActionListener( _color_chooser, node ); } String title = "Change the (node and font) color for "; if ( count == 1 ) { title += "one node"; } else { title += ( count + " nodes" ); } final JDialog dialog = JColorChooser.createDialog( this, title, true, _color_chooser, al, null ); setEdited( true ); dialog.setVisible( true ); } final private void colorSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot colorize subtree in unrooted display type", "Attempt to colorize subtree in unrooted display", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } _color_chooser.setPreviewPanel( new JPanel() ); final SubtreeColorizationActionListener al; final boolean color_found = getOptions().isColorAllFoundNodesWhenColoringSubtree(); if ( color_found && ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) || ( getFoundNodes1() != null ) ) ) { final List additional_nodes = getFoundNodesAsListOfPhylogenyNodes(); al = new SubtreeColorizationActionListener( _color_chooser, node, additional_nodes ); } else { al = new SubtreeColorizationActionListener( _color_chooser, node ); } final JDialog dialog = JColorChooser.createDialog( this, "Subtree colorization", true, _color_chooser, al, null ); setEdited( true ); dialog.setVisible( true ); } final private void copySubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { errorMessageNoCutCopyPasteInUnrootedDisplay(); return; } setNodeInPreorderToNull(); setCutOrCopiedTree( _phylogeny.copy( node ) ); final List nodes = PhylogenyMethods.getAllDescendants( node ); final Set node_ids = new HashSet( nodes.size() ); for( final PhylogenyNode n : nodes ) { node_ids.add( n.getId() ); } node_ids.add( node.getId() ); setCopiedAndPastedNodes( node_ids ); repaint(); } final private String createASimpleTextRepresentationOfANode( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final String tax = PhylogenyMethods.getSpecies( node ); String label = node.getName(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( label ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax ) ) { label = label + " " + tax; } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax ) ) { label = tax; } else { label = ""; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( label ) ) { label = " [" + label + "]"; } return label; } final private void cutSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { errorMessageNoCutCopyPasteInUnrootedDisplay(); return; } if ( node.isRoot() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot cut entire tree as subtree", "Attempt to cut entire tree", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } final String label = createASimpleTextRepresentationOfANode( node ); final int r = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "Cut subtree" + label + "?", "Confirm Cutting of Subtree", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ); if ( r != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) { return; } setNodeInPreorderToNull(); setCopiedAndPastedNodes( null ); setCutOrCopiedTree( _phylogeny.copy( node ) ); _phylogeny.deleteSubtree( node, true ); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); repaint(); } final private void cycleColors() { getMainPanel().getTreeColorSet().cycleColorScheme(); for( final TreePanel tree_panel : getMainPanel().getTreePanels() ) { tree_panel.setBackground( getMainPanel().getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor() ); } } final private void decreaseOvSize() { if ( ( getOvMaxWidth() > 20 ) && ( getOvMaxHeight() > 20 ) ) { setOvMaxWidth( getOvMaxWidth() - 5 ); setOvMaxHeight( getOvMaxHeight() - 5 ); updateOvSettings(); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } final private void deleteNodeOrSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { errorMessageNoCutCopyPasteInUnrootedDisplay(); return; } if ( node.isRoot() && ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() != 1 ) ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot delete entire tree", "Attempt to delete entire tree", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } final String label = createASimpleTextRepresentationOfANode( node ); final Object[] options = { "Node only", "Entire subtree", "Cancel" }; final int r = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( this, "Delete" + label + "?", "Delete Node/Subtree", JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[ 2 ] ); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); boolean node_only = true; if ( r == 1 ) { node_only = false; } else if ( r != 0 ) { return; } if ( node_only ) { PhylogenyMethods.removeNode( node, _phylogeny ); } else { _phylogeny.deleteSubtree( node, true ); } _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); repaint(); } final private void displayNodePopupMenu( final PhylogenyNode node, final int x, final int y ) { makePopupMenus( node ); _node_popup_menu.putClientProperty( NODE_POPMENU_NODE_CLIENT_PROPERTY, node ); _node_popup_menu.show( this, x, y ); } final private void drawArc( final double x, final double y, final double width, final double heigth, final double start_angle, final double arc_angle, final Graphics2D g ) { _arc.setArc( x, y, width, heigth, _180_OVER_PI * start_angle, _180_OVER_PI * arc_angle, Arc2D.OPEN ); g.draw( _arc ); } final private void drawLine( final double x1, final double y1, final double x2, final double y2, final Graphics2D g ) { if ( ( x1 == x2 ) && ( y1 == y2 ) ) { return; } _line.setLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 ); g.draw( _line ); } final private void drawOval( final double x, final double y, final double width, final double heigth, final Graphics2D g ) { _ellipse.setFrame( x, y, width, heigth ); g.draw( _ellipse ); } final private void drawOvalFilled( final double x, final double y, final double width, final double heigth, final Graphics2D g ) { _ellipse.setFrame( x, y, width, heigth ); g.fill( _ellipse ); } final private void drawOvalGradient( final float x, final float y, final float width, final float heigth, final Graphics2D g, final Color color_1, final Color color_2, final Color color_border ) { _ellipse.setFrame( x, y, width, heigth ); g.setPaint( new GradientPaint( x, y, color_1, ( x + width ), ( y + heigth ), color_2, false ) ); g.fill( _ellipse ); if ( color_border != null ) { g.setPaint( color_border ); g.draw( _ellipse ); } } final private void drawRect( final float x, final float y, final float width, final float heigth, final Graphics2D g ) { _rectangle.setFrame( x, y, width, heigth ); g.draw( _rectangle ); } final private void drawRectFilled( final double x, final double y, final double width, final double heigth, final Graphics2D g ) { _rectangle.setFrame( x, y, width, heigth ); g.fill( _rectangle ); } final private void drawRectGradient( final float x, final float y, final float width, final float heigth, final Graphics2D g, final Color color_1, final Color color_2, final Color color_border ) { _rectangle.setFrame( x, y, width, heigth ); g.setPaint( new GradientPaint( x, y, color_1, ( x + width ), ( y + heigth ), color_2, false ) ); g.fill( _rectangle ); if ( color_border != null ) { g.setPaint( color_border ); g.draw( _rectangle ); } } private double drawTaxonomyImage( final double x, final double y, final PhylogenyNode node, final Graphics2D g ) { final List us = new ArrayList(); for( final Taxonomy t : node.getNodeData().getTaxonomies() ) { for( final Uri uri : t.getUris() ) { us.add( uri ); } } double offset = 0; for( final Uri uri : us ) { if ( uri != null ) { final String uri_str = uri.getValue().toString().toLowerCase(); if ( getImageMap().containsKey( uri_str ) ) { final BufferedImage bi = getImageMap().get( uri_str ); if ( ( bi != null ) && ( bi.getHeight() > 5 ) && ( bi.getWidth() > 5 ) ) { double scaling_factor = 1; if ( getOptions().isAllowMagnificationOfTaxonomyImages() || ( bi.getHeight() > ( 1.8 * getYdistance() ) ) ) { scaling_factor = ( 1.8 * getYdistance() ) / bi.getHeight(); } // y = y - ( 0.9 * getYdistance() ); final double hs = bi.getHeight() * scaling_factor; double ws = ( bi.getWidth() * scaling_factor ) + offset; final double my_y = y - ( 0.5 * hs ); final int x_w = ( int ) ( x + ws + 0.5 ); final int y_h = ( int ) ( my_y + hs + 0.5 ); if ( ( ( x_w - x ) > 7 ) && ( ( y_h - my_y ) > 7 ) ) { g.drawImage( bi, ( int ) ( x + 0.5 + offset ), ( int ) ( my_y + 0.5 ), x_w, y_h, 0, 0, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), null ); ws += 8; } else { ws = 0.0; } offset = ws; } } } } return offset; } final private void errorMessageNoCutCopyPasteInUnrootedDisplay() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot cut, copy, paste, add, or delete subtrees/nodes in unrooted display", "Attempt to cut/copy/paste/add/delete in unrooted display", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); } private final Color getColorForFoundNode( final PhylogenyNode n ) { if ( isInCurrentExternalNodes( n ) ) { return getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0(); } else if ( isInFoundNodes0( n ) && !isInFoundNodes1( n ) ) { return getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0(); } else if ( !isInFoundNodes0( n ) && isInFoundNodes1( n ) ) { return getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor1(); } else { return getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0and1(); } } final private Set getCopiedAndPastedNodes() { return getMainPanel().getCopiedAndPastedNodes(); } final private Set getCurrentExternalNodes() { return _current_external_nodes; } final private Phylogeny getCutOrCopiedTree() { return getMainPanel().getCutOrCopiedTree(); } private FontMetrics getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont() { return getTreeFontSet().getFontMetricsLarge(); } final private float getLastDragPointX() { return _last_drag_point_x; } final private float getLastDragPointY() { return _last_drag_point_y; } final private double getMaxDistanceToRoot() { if ( _max_distance_to_root < 0 ) { recalculateMaxDistanceToRoot(); } return _max_distance_to_root; } final private float getOvMaxHeight() { return _ov_max_height; } final private float getOvMaxWidth() { return _ov_max_width; } final private float getOvXcorrectionFactor() { return _ov_x_correction_factor; } final private float getOvXDistance() { return _ov_x_distance; } final private int getOvXPosition() { return _ov_x_position; } final private float getOvYDistance() { return _ov_y_distance; } final private int getOvYPosition() { return _ov_y_position; } final private int getOvYStart() { return _ov_y_start; } final private List getPdbAccs( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final List pdb_ids = new ArrayList(); if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { final Sequence seq = node.getNodeData().getSequence(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq.getCrossReferences() ) ) { final SortedSet cross_refs = seq.getCrossReferences(); for( final Accession acc : cross_refs ) { if ( acc.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase( "pdb" ) ) { pdb_ids.add( acc ); } } } } return pdb_ids; } final private double getScaleDistance() { return _scale_distance; } final private String getScaleLabel() { return _scale_label; } final private TreeFontSet getTreeFontSet() { return getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet(); } final private float getUrtFactor() { return _urt_factor; } final private float getUrtFactorOv() { return _urt_factor_ov; } final private void handleClickToAction( final NodeClickAction action, final PhylogenyNode node ) { switch ( action ) { case SHOW_DATA: showNodeFrame( node ); break; case COLLAPSE: collapse( node ); break; case REROOT: reRoot( node ); break; case SUBTREE: subTree( node ); break; case SWAP: swap( node ); break; case COLOR_SUBTREE: colorSubtree( node ); break; case COLOR_NODE_FONT: colorNodeFont( node ); break; case CHANGE_NODE_FONT: changeNodeFont( node ); break; case OPEN_SEQ_WEB: openSeqWeb( node ); break; case BLAST: blast( node ); break; case OPEN_TAX_WEB: openTaxWeb( node ); break; case OPEN_PDB_WEB: openPdbWeb( node ); break; case CUT_SUBTREE: cutSubtree( node ); break; case COPY_SUBTREE: copySubtree( node ); break; case PASTE_SUBTREE: pasteSubtree( node ); break; case DELETE_NODE_OR_SUBTREE: deleteNodeOrSubtree( node ); break; case ADD_NEW_NODE: addEmptyNode( node ); break; case EDIT_NODE_DATA: showNodeEditFrame( node ); break; case SELECT_NODES: selectNode( node ); break; case SORT_DESCENDENTS: sortDescendants( node ); break; case GET_EXT_DESC_DATA: showExtDescNodeData( node, '_' ); break; case UNCOLLAPSE_ALL: uncollapseAll( node ); break; case ORDER_SUBTREE: orderSubtree( node ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown action: " + action ); } } final private void increaseCurrentExternalNodesDataBufferChangeCounter() { _current_external_nodes_data_buffer_change_counter++; } final private void increaseOvSize() { if ( ( getOvMaxWidth() < ( getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().getVisibleRect().getWidth() / 2 ) ) && ( getOvMaxHeight() < ( getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().getVisibleRect() .getHeight() / 2 ) ) ) { setOvMaxWidth( getOvMaxWidth() + 5 ); setOvMaxHeight( getOvMaxHeight() + 5 ); updateOvSettings(); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } final private void init() { _color_chooser = new JColorChooser(); _rollover_popup = new JTextArea(); _rollover_popup.setFont( POPUP_FONT ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setTextAntialias(); setTreeFile( null ); setEdited( false ); initializeOvSettings(); resetDepthCollapseDepthValue(); resetRankCollapseRankValue(); setStartingAngle( ( TWO_PI * 3 ) / 4 ); final ImageLoader il = new ImageLoader( this ); new Thread( il ).start(); } final private void initializeOvSettings() { setOvMaxHeight( getConfiguration().getOvMaxHeight() ); setOvMaxWidth( getConfiguration().getOvMaxWidth() ); } final private boolean inOvVirtualRectangle( final int x, final int y ) { return ( ( x >= ( getOvVirtualRectangle().x - 1 ) ) && ( x <= ( getOvVirtualRectangle().x + getOvVirtualRectangle().width + 1 ) ) && ( y >= ( getOvVirtualRectangle().y - 1 ) ) && ( y <= ( getOvVirtualRectangle().y + getOvVirtualRectangle().height + 1 ) ) ); } final private boolean inOvVirtualRectangle( final MouseEvent e ) { return ( inOvVirtualRectangle( e.getX(), e.getY() ) ); } final private boolean isCanBlast( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( !node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) { return false; } return Blast.isContainsQueryForBlast( node ); } final private String isCanOpenSeqWeb( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final Accession a = SequenceAccessionTools.obtainAccessorFromDataFields( node ); if ( a != null ) { return a.getValue(); } return null; } final private boolean isCanOpenTaxWeb( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && ( ( !ForesterUtil .isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) || ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) || ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ) ) || ( ( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getIdentifier() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getIdentifier().getValue() ) ) ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } final private boolean isInCurrentExternalNodes( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return ( ( getCurrentExternalNodes() != null ) && getCurrentExternalNodes().contains( node.getId() ) ); } private boolean isInFoundNodes( final PhylogenyNode n ) { return isInFoundNodes0( n ) || isInFoundNodes1( n ); } final private boolean isInFoundNodes0( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) && getFoundNodes0().contains( node.getId() ) ); } final private boolean isInFoundNodes1( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return ( ( getFoundNodes1() != null ) && getFoundNodes1().contains( node.getId() ) ); } final private boolean isInOv() { return _in_ov; } final private boolean isNodeDataInvisible( final PhylogenyNode node ) { int y_dist = 40; if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyImages() ) { y_dist = 40 + ( int ) getYdistance(); } return ( ( node.getYcoord() < ( getVisibleRect().getMinY() - y_dist ) ) || ( node.getYcoord() > ( getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + y_dist ) ) || ( ( node.getParent() != null ) && ( node.getParent().getXcoord() > getVisibleRect().getMaxX() ) ) ); } final private boolean isNodeDataInvisibleUnrootedCirc( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return ( ( node.getYcoord() < ( getVisibleRect().getMinY() - 20 ) ) || ( node.getYcoord() > ( getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + 20 ) ) || ( node.getXcoord() < ( getVisibleRect().getMinX() - 20 ) ) || ( node.getXcoord() > ( getVisibleRect().getMaxX() + 20 ) ) ); } final private boolean isNonLinedUpCladogram() { return getOptions().getCladogramType() == CLADOGRAM_TYPE.NON_LINED_UP; } final private void keyPressedCalls( final KeyEvent e ) { if ( isOvOn() && ( getMousePosition() != null ) && ( getMousePosition().getLocation() != null ) ) { if ( inOvVirtualRectangle( getMousePosition().x, getMousePosition().y ) ) { if ( !isInOvRect() ) { setInOvRect( true ); } } else if ( isInOvRect() ) { setInOvRect( false ); } } if ( e.isAltDown() ) { if ( ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_C ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE ) ) { getControlPanel().showWhole(); } else if ( e.isShiftDown() && ( ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SUBTRACT ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_MINUS ) ) ) { getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().decreaseFontSize( 1, false ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.isShiftDown() && plusPressed( e.getKeyCode() ) ) { getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().increaseFontSize(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_O ) { getControlPanel().orderPressed( this ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_R ) { getControlPanel().returnedToSuperTreePressed(); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_U ) { getControlPanel().uncollapseAll( this ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP ) { getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomInY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) { getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomOutY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) { getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomOutX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) { getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomInX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SUBTRACT ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_MINUS ) ) { getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomOutY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomOutX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_OUT_X_CORRECTION_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } else if ( plusPressed( e.getKeyCode() ) ) { getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomInX( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().zoomInY( AptxConstants.WHEEL_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else { if ( ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) || ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) ) { final int d = 80; int dx = 0; int dy = -d; if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) { dy = d; } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) { dx = -d; dy = 0; } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) { dx = d; dy = 0; } final Point scroll_position = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().getViewPosition(); scroll_position.x = scroll_position.x + dx; scroll_position.y = scroll_position.y + dy; if ( scroll_position.x <= 0 ) { scroll_position.x = 0; } else { final int max_x = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getMaximum() - getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getVisibleAmount(); if ( scroll_position.x >= max_x ) { scroll_position.x = max_x; } } if ( scroll_position.y <= 0 ) { scroll_position.y = 0; } else { final int max_y = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum() - getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getVisibleAmount(); if ( scroll_position.y >= max_y ) { scroll_position.y = max_y; } } repaint(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().setViewPosition( scroll_position ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_S ) { if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { setStartingAngle( ( getStartingAngle() % TWO_PI ) + ANGLE_ROTATION_UNIT ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_A ) { if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { setStartingAngle( ( getStartingAngle() % TWO_PI ) - ANGLE_ROTATION_UNIT ); if ( getStartingAngle() < 0 ) { setStartingAngle( TWO_PI + getStartingAngle() ); } getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( false ); } } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_D ) { boolean selected = false; if ( getOptions().getNodeLabelDirection() == NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.HORIZONTAL ) { getOptions().setNodeLabelDirection( NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.RADIAL ); selected = true; } else { getOptions().setNodeLabelDirection( NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.HORIZONTAL ); } getMainPanel().getMainFrame().getlabelDirectionCbmi().setSelected( selected ); repaint(); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_X ) { switchDisplaygetPhylogenyGraphicsType(); repaint(); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_C ) { cycleColors(); repaint(); } else if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_O ) ) { MainFrame.cycleOverview( getOptions(), this ); repaint(); } else if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_I ) ) { increaseOvSize(); } else if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_U ) ) { decreaseOvSize(); } } if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE ) { getControlPanel().showWhole(); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP ) { getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().increaseFontSize(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } else if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN ) { getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().decreaseFontSize( 1, false ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); } e.consume(); } final private void makePopupMenus( final PhylogenyNode node ) { _node_popup_menu = new JPopupMenu(); final List clickto_names = _main_panel.getControlPanel().getSingleClickToNames(); _node_popup_menu_items = new JMenuItem[ clickto_names.size() ]; for( int i = 0; i < clickto_names.size(); i++ ) { final String title = clickto_names.get( i ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ] = new JMenuItem( title ); if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.open_seq_web ][ 0 ] ) ) { final String id = isCanOpenSeqWeb( node ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( id ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setText( _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].getText() + " [" + id + "]" ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( true ); } else { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( false ); } } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.open_pdb_web ][ 0 ] ) ) { final List accs = getPdbAccs( node ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ] = new JMenuItem( title ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( accs ) ) { if ( accs.size() == 1 ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setText( _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].getText() + " [" + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 0 ) + "]" ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( true ); } else if ( accs.size() == 2 ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setText( _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].getText() + " [" + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 0 ) + ", " + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 1 ) + "]" ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( true ); } else if ( accs.size() == 3 ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setText( _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].getText() + " [" + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 0 ) + ", " + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 1 ) + ", " + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 2 ) + "]" ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( true ); } else { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setText( _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].getText() + " [" + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 0 ) + ", " + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 1 ) + ", " + TreePanelUtil.pdbAccToString( accs, 2 ) + ", + " + ( accs.size() - 3 ) + " more]" ); _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( true ); } } else { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( false ); } } else if ( title.startsWith( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.get_ext_desc_data ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ] .setText( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.get_ext_desc_data ][ 0 ] + ": " + getOptions().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn().toString() ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.open_tax_web ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanOpenTaxWeb( node ) ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.blast ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanBlast( node ) ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.delete_subtree_or_node ][ 0 ] ) ) { if ( !getOptions().isEditable() ) { continue; } _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanDelete() ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.cut_subtree ][ 0 ] ) ) { if ( !getOptions().isEditable() ) { continue; } _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanCut( node ) ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.copy_subtree ][ 0 ] ) ) { if ( !getOptions().isEditable() ) { continue; } _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanCopy() ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.paste_subtree ][ 0 ] ) ) { if ( !getOptions().isEditable() ) { continue; } _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanPaste() ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.edit_node_data ][ 0 ] ) ) { if ( !getOptions().isEditable() ) { continue; } } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.add_new_node ][ 0 ] ) ) { if ( !getOptions().isEditable() ) { continue; } } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.reroot ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanReroot() ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.collapse_uncollapse ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( ( isCanCollapse() && !node.isExternal() ) ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.color_subtree ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanColorSubtree() ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.subtree ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanSubtree( node ) ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.swap ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 2 ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.sort_descendents ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( node.getNumberOfDescendants() > 1 ); } else if ( title.equals( Configuration.clickto_options[ Configuration.uncollapse_all ][ 0 ] ) ) { _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].setEnabled( isCanUncollapseAll( node ) ); } _node_popup_menu_items[ i ].addActionListener( this ); _node_popup_menu.add( _node_popup_menu_items[ i ] ); } } private final void nodeDataAsSB( final PhylogenyNode node, final StringBuilder sb ) { if ( node != null ) { if ( getControlPanel().isShowNodeNames() && ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) ) { if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( " " ); } sb.append( node.getName() ); } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqSymbols() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol().length() > 0 ) ) { if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( " " ); } sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowGeneNames() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName().length() > 0 ) ) { if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( " " ); } sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName().length() > 0 ) ) { if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( " " ); } sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowSequenceAcc() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null ) ) { if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( " " ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() ) ) { sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() ); sb.append( ":" ); } sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue() ); } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowProperties() && node.getNodeData().isHasProperties() ) { if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( " " ); } sb.append( propertiesToString( node ) ); } } } private final void nodeTaxonomyDataAsSB( final Taxonomy taxonomy, final StringBuilder sb ) { if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyRank() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getRank() ) ) { sb.append( "[" ); sb.append( taxonomy.getRank() ); sb.append( "] " ); } if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyCode() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { sb.append( taxonomy.getTaxonomyCode() ); sb.append( " " ); } if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() && _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getScientificName() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getCommonName() ) ) { if ( getOptions().isAbbreviateScientificTaxonNames() && ( taxonomy.getScientificName().indexOf( ' ' ) > 0 ) ) { abbreviateScientificName( taxonomy.getScientificName(), sb ); } else { sb.append( taxonomy.getScientificName() ); } sb.append( " (" ); sb.append( taxonomy.getCommonName() ); sb.append( ") " ); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getScientificName() ) ) { if ( getOptions().isAbbreviateScientificTaxonNames() && ( taxonomy.getScientificName().indexOf( ' ' ) > 0 ) ) { abbreviateScientificName( taxonomy.getScientificName(), sb ); } else { sb.append( taxonomy.getScientificName() ); } sb.append( " " ); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getCommonName() ) ) { sb.append( taxonomy.getCommonName() ); sb.append( " " ); } } else if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getScientificName() ) ) { if ( getOptions().isAbbreviateScientificTaxonNames() && ( taxonomy.getScientificName().indexOf( ' ' ) > 0 ) ) { abbreviateScientificName( taxonomy.getScientificName(), sb ); } else { sb.append( taxonomy.getScientificName() ); } sb.append( " " ); } } else if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getCommonName() ) ) { sb.append( taxonomy.getCommonName() ); sb.append( " " ); } } } private final String obtainTitleForExtDescNodeData() { return getOptions().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn().toString(); } final private void openPdbWeb( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final List pdb_ids = getPdbAccs( node ); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( pdb_ids ) ) { cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( "PDB" ); return; } final List uri_strs = TreePanelUtil.createUrisForPdbWeb( node, pdb_ids, getConfiguration(), this ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( uri_strs ) ) { for( final String uri_str : uri_strs ) { try { AptxUtil.launchWebBrowser( new URI( uri_str ), "_aptx_seq" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( final URISyntaxException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( "PDB" ); } } final private void openSeqWeb( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( isCanOpenSeqWeb( node ) ) ) { cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( "sequence" ); return; } final String uri_str = TreePanelUtil.createUriForSeqWeb( node, getConfiguration(), this ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( uri_str ) ) { try { AptxUtil.launchWebBrowser( new URI( uri_str ), "_aptx_seq" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( final URISyntaxException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( "sequence" ); } } final private void openTaxWeb( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( !isCanOpenTaxWeb( node ) ) { cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( "taxonomic" ); return; } String uri_str = null; final Taxonomy tax = node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); if ( ( tax.getIdentifier() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getIdentifier().getValue() ) && tax.getIdentifier().getValue().startsWith( "http://" ) ) { try { uri_str = new URI( tax.getIdentifier().getValue() ).toString(); } catch ( final URISyntaxException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); uri_str = null; e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ( ( tax.getIdentifier() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getIdentifier().getValue() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getIdentifier().getProvider() ) && ( tax.getIdentifier().getProvider().equalsIgnoreCase( "ncbi" ) || tax.getIdentifier().getProvider().equalsIgnoreCase( "uniprot" ) ) ) { try { uri_str = "http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/" + URLEncoder.encode( tax.getIdentifier().getValue(), ForesterConstants.UTF_8 ); } catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getScientificName() ) ) { try { uri_str = "http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/?query=" + URLEncoder.encode( tax.getScientificName(), ForesterConstants.UTF_8 ); } catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { try { uri_str = "http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/?query=" + URLEncoder.encode( tax.getTaxonomyCode(), ForesterConstants.UTF_8 ); } catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getCommonName() ) ) { try { uri_str = "http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/?query=" + URLEncoder.encode( tax.getCommonName(), ForesterConstants.UTF_8 ); } catch ( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( uri_str ) ) { try { AptxUtil.launchWebBrowser( new URI( uri_str ), "_aptx_tax" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( final URISyntaxException e ) { AptxUtil.showErrorMessage( this, e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { cannotOpenBrowserWarningMessage( "taxonomic" ); } } final private void paintBranchLength( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getSmallFont() ); if ( to_pdf || ( to_graphics_file && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBranchLengthColor() ); } if ( !node.isRoot() ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) { TreePanel.drawString( FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH.format( node.getDistanceToParent() ), node.getParent().getXcoord() + EURO_D, node.getYcoord() - getTreeFontSet().getSmallMaxDescent(), g ); } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) { TreePanel.drawString( FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH.format( node.getDistanceToParent() ), node.getParent().getXcoord() + ROUNDED_D, node.getYcoord() - getTreeFontSet().getSmallMaxDescent(), g ); } else { TreePanel.drawString( FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH.format( node.getDistanceToParent() ), node.getParent().getXcoord() + 3, node.getYcoord() - getTreeFontSet().getSmallMaxDescent(), g ); } } else { TreePanel.drawString( FORMATTER_BRANCH_LENGTH.format( node.getDistanceToParent() ), 3, node.getYcoord() - getTreeFontSet().getSmallMaxDescent(), g ); } } final private void paintBranchLite( final Graphics2D g, final float x1, final float x2, final float y1, final float y2, final PhylogenyNode node ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getOvColor() ); if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.TRIANGULAR ) { drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, g ); } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CONVEX ) { _quad_curve.setCurve( x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2 ); ( g ).draw( _quad_curve ); } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CURVED ) { final float dx = x2 - x1; final float dy = y2 - y1; _cubic_curve.setCurve( x1, y1, x1 + ( dx * 0.4f ), y1 + ( dy * 0.2f ), x1 + ( dx * 0.6f ), y1 + ( dy * 0.8f ), x2, y2 ); ( g ).draw( _cubic_curve ); } else { final float x2a = x2; final float x1a = x1; // draw the vertical line if ( node.isFirstChildNode() || node.isLastChildNode() ) { drawLine( x1, y1, x1, y2, g ); } // draw the horizontal line drawLine( x1a, y2, x2a, y2, g ); } } /** * Paint a branch which consists of a vertical and a horizontal bar * @param is_ind_found_nodes */ final private void paintBranchRectangular( final Graphics2D g, final float x1, final float x2, final float y1, final float y2, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { assignGraphicsForBranchWithColorForParentBranch( node, false, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.TRIANGULAR ) { drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, g ); } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CONVEX ) { _quad_curve.setCurve( x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2 ); g.draw( _quad_curve ); } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CURVED ) { final float dx = x2 - x1; final float dy = y2 - y1; _cubic_curve.setCurve( x1, y1, x1 + ( dx * 0.4f ), y1 + ( dy * 0.2f ), x1 + ( dx * 0.6f ), y1 + ( dy * 0.8f ), x2, y2 ); g.draw( _cubic_curve ); } else { final float x2a = x2; final float x1a = x1; float y2_r = 0; if ( node.isFirstChildNode() || node.isLastChildNode() || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) ) { if ( !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf && ( ( ( y2 < ( getVisibleRect().getMinY() - 20 ) ) && ( y1 < ( getVisibleRect().getMinY() - 20 ) ) ) || ( ( y2 > ( getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + 20 ) ) && ( y1 > ( getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + 20 ) ) ) ) ) { // Do nothing. } else { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) { float x2c = x1 + EURO_D; if ( x2c > x2a ) { x2c = x2a; } drawLine( x1, y1, x2c, y2, g ); } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) { if ( y2 > y1 ) { y2_r = y2 - ROUNDED_D; if ( y2_r < y1 ) { y2_r = y1; } drawLine( x1, y1, x1, y2_r, g ); } else { y2_r = y2 + ROUNDED_D; if ( y2_r > y1 ) { y2_r = y1; } drawLine( x1, y1, x1, y2_r, g ); } } else { drawLine( x1, y1, x1, y2, g ); } } } // draw the horizontal line if ( !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf && ( ( y2 < ( getVisibleRect().getMinY() - 20 ) ) || ( y2 > ( getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + 20 ) ) ) ) { return; } float x1_r = 0; if ( !getControlPanel().isWidthBranches() || ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchWidthValue( node ) == 1 ) ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) { x1_r = x1a + ROUNDED_D; if ( x1_r < x2a ) { drawLine( x1_r, y2, x2a, y2, g ); } } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) { final float x1c = x1a + EURO_D; if ( x1c < x2a ) { drawLine( x1c, y2, x2a, y2, g ); } } else { drawLine( x1a, y2, x2a, y2, g ); } } else { final double w = PhylogenyMethods.getBranchWidthValue( node ); if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) { x1_r = x1a + ROUNDED_D; if ( x1_r < x2a ) { drawRectFilled( x1_r, y2 - ( w / 2 ), x2a - x1_r, w, g ); } } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) { final float x1c = x1a + EURO_D; if ( x1c < x2a ) { drawRectFilled( x1c, y2 - ( w / 2 ), x2a - x1c, w, g ); } } else { drawRectFilled( x1a, y2 - ( w / 2 ), x2a - x1a, w, g ); } } if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) ) { if ( x1_r > x2a ) { x1_r = x2a; } if ( y2 > y2_r ) { final double diff = y2 - y2_r; _arc.setArc( x1, y2_r - diff, 2 * ( x1_r - x1 ), 2 * diff, 180, 90, Arc2D.OPEN ); } else { _arc.setArc( x1, y2, 2 * ( x1_r - x1 ), 2 * ( y2_r - y2 ), 90, 90, Arc2D.OPEN ); } g.draw( _arc ); } } if ( node.isExternal() ) { paintNodeBox( x2, y2, node, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } } final private double paintCirculars( final PhylogenyNode n, final Phylogeny phy, final float center_x, final float center_y, final double radius, final boolean radial_labels, final Graphics2D g, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { if ( n.isExternal() || n.isCollapse() ) { //~~circ collapse if ( !_urt_nodeid_angle_map.containsKey( n.getId() ) ) { System.out.println( "no " + n + " =====>>>>>>> ERROR!" );//TODO } return _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( n.getId() ); } else { final List descs = n.getDescendants(); double sum = 0; for( final PhylogenyNode desc : descs ) { sum += paintCirculars( desc, phy, center_x, center_y, radius, radial_labels, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } double r = 0; if ( !n.isRoot() ) { r = 1 - ( ( ( double ) _circ_max_depth - n.calculateDepth() ) / _circ_max_depth ); } final double theta = sum / descs.size(); n.setXcoord( ( float ) ( center_x + ( r * radius * Math.cos( theta ) ) ) ); n.setYcoord( ( float ) ( center_y + ( r * radius * Math.sin( theta ) ) ) ); _urt_nodeid_angle_map.put( n.getId(), theta ); for( final PhylogenyNode desc : descs ) { paintBranchCircular( n, desc, g, radial_labels, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } return theta; } } final private void paintCircularsLite( final PhylogenyNode n, final Phylogeny phy, final int center_x, final int center_y, final int radius, final Graphics2D g ) { if ( n.isExternal() ) { return; } else { final List descs = n.getDescendants(); for( final PhylogenyNode desc : descs ) { paintCircularsLite( desc, phy, center_x, center_y, radius, g ); } float r = 0; if ( !n.isRoot() ) { r = 1 - ( ( ( float ) _circ_max_depth - n.calculateDepth() ) / _circ_max_depth ); } final double theta = _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( n.getId() ); n.setXSecondary( ( float ) ( center_x + ( radius * r * Math.cos( theta ) ) ) ); n.setYSecondary( ( float ) ( center_y + ( radius * r * Math.sin( theta ) ) ) ); for( final PhylogenyNode desc : descs ) { paintBranchCircularLite( n, desc, g ); } } } final private void paintCollapsedNode( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_graphics_file, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean is_in_found_nodes ) { //// //// TODO //// Color c = null; int res[] = null; if ( _found_nodes_0 != null || _found_nodes_1 != null ) { res = calcFoundNodesInSubtree( node ); } if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { c = Color.BLACK; } //TODO //FIXME // else if ( is_in_found_nodes ) { // c = getColorForFoundNode( node ); // } // else if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToSequence() ) { // c = getSequenceBasedColor( node ); // } // else if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToTaxonomy() ) { // c = getTaxonomyBasedColor( node ); // } else if ( getOptions().isColorLabelsSameAsParentBranch() && getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) != null ) ) { c = PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ); } else if ( to_pdf ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBranchColorForPdf() ); } else { c = getTreeColorSet().getCollapseFillColor(); } double d = node.getAllExternalDescendants().size(); float xxx; double s = 0; if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { if ( d > 1000 ) { d = 0.75 * _y_distance; } else { d = 0.25 * Math.log10( d ) * _y_distance; } final float half_box_size = 0.5f * getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize(); if ( d < half_box_size ) { d = half_box_size; } _polygon.reset(); final float xx = node.getXcoord() - ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() ); xxx = xx > ( node.getParent().getXcoord() + 1 ) ? xx : node.getParent().getXcoord() + 1; _polygon.moveTo( xxx, node.getYcoord() + 0.5 ); _polygon.lineTo( xxx, node.getYcoord() - 0.5 ); s = _options.isCollapsedWithAverageHeigh() ? PhylogenyMethods.calculateAverageTreeHeight( node ) * _x_correction_factor : 1; _polygon.lineTo( node.getXcoord() + s, node.getYcoord() - d ); _polygon.lineTo( node.getXcoord() + s, node.getYcoord() + d ); _polygon.closePath(); } else { if ( d > 1000 ) { d = _y_distance; } else { d = ( Math.log10( d ) * _y_distance ) / 2.5; } final int box_size = getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() + 1; if ( d < box_size ) { d = box_size; } final float xx = node.getXcoord() - ( 2 * box_size ); xxx = xx > ( node.getParent().getXcoord() + 1 ) ? xx : node.getParent().getXcoord() + 1; _polygon.reset(); _polygon.moveTo( xxx, node.getYcoord() ); _polygon.lineTo( node.getXcoord() + 1, node.getYcoord() - d ); _polygon.lineTo( node.getXcoord() + 1, node.getYcoord() + d ); _polygon.closePath(); } if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeFill() == NodeVisualData.NodeFill.SOLID ) { g.setColor( c ); g.fill( _polygon ); } else if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeFill() == NodeVisualData.NodeFill.NONE ) { g.setColor( getBackground() ); g.fill( _polygon ); g.setColor( c ); g.draw( _polygon ); } else if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeFill() == NodeFill.GRADIENT ) { g.setPaint( new GradientPaint( xxx, node.getYcoord(), getBackground(), node.getXcoord(), ( float ) ( node.getYcoord() - d ), c, false ) ); g.fill( _polygon ); g.setPaint( c ); g.draw( _polygon ); } paintNodeData( g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf, is_in_found_nodes, s ); } final private void paintConfidenceValues( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { final List confidences = node.getBranchData().getConfidences(); boolean not_first = false; Collections.sort( confidences ); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( final Confidence confidence : confidences ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( SHOW_ONLY_THIS_CONF_TYPE ) || ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( confidence.getType() ) && confidence.getType().equalsIgnoreCase( SHOW_ONLY_THIS_CONF_TYPE ) ) ) { final double value = confidence.getValue(); if ( value != Confidence.CONFIDENCE_DEFAULT_VALUE ) { if ( value < getOptions().getMinConfidenceValue() ) { return; } if ( not_first ) { sb.append( "/" ); } else { not_first = true; } sb.append( FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE.format( ForesterUtil .round( value, getOptions().getNumberOfDigitsAfterCommaForConfidenceValues() ) ) ); if ( getOptions().isShowConfidenceStddev() ) { if ( confidence.getStandardDeviation() != Confidence.CONFIDENCE_DEFAULT_VALUE ) { sb.append( "(" ); sb.append( FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE .format( ForesterUtil.round( confidence.getStandardDeviation(), getOptions() .getNumberOfDigitsAfterCommaForConfidenceValues() ) ) ); sb.append( ")" ); } } } } } if ( sb.length() > 0 ) { final float parent_x = node.getParent().getXcoord(); float x = node.getXcoord(); g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getSmallFont() ); if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) { x += EURO_D; } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) { x += ROUNDED_D; } if ( to_pdf || ( to_graphics_file && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getConfidenceColor() ); } final String conf_str = sb.toString(); TreePanel.drawString( conf_str, parent_x + ( ( x - parent_x - getTreeFontSet().getFontMetricsSmall().stringWidth( conf_str ) ) / 2 ), ( node.getYcoord() + getTreeFontSet().getSmallMaxAscent() ) - 1, g ); } } final private void paintGainedAndLostCharacters( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final String gained, final String lost ) { if ( node.getParent() != null ) { final float parent_x = node.getParent().getXcoord(); final float x = node.getXcoord(); g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getGainedCharactersColor() ); if ( AptxConstants.SPECIAL_CUSTOM ) { g.setColor( Color.BLUE ); } TreePanel.drawString( gained, parent_x + ( ( x - parent_x - getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( gained ) ) / 2 ), ( node.getYcoord() - getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getMaxDescent() ), g ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getLostCharactersColor() ); TreePanel .drawString( lost, parent_x + ( ( x - parent_x - getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( lost ) ) / 2 ), ( node.getYcoord() + getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getMaxAscent() ), g ); } } private void paintMolecularSequences( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_pdf ) { final RenderableMsaSequence rs = RenderableMsaSequence .createInstance( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence(), node.getNodeData().getSequence().getType(), getConfiguration() ); if ( rs != null ) { final int default_height = 8; final float y = getYdistance(); final int h = ( y / 2 ) < default_height ? ForesterUtil.roundToInt( y * 2 ) : default_height; rs.setRenderingHeight( h > 1 ? h : 1 ); if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { rs.render( ( float ) ( ( getMaxDistanceToRoot() * getXcorrectionFactor() ) + _length_of_longest_text ), node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } else { rs.render( getPhylogeny().getFirstExternalNode().getXcoord() + _length_of_longest_text, node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } } } /** * Draw a box at the indicated node. * * @param x * @param y * @param node * @param g */ final private void paintNodeBox( final float x, final float y, final PhylogenyNode node, final Graphics2D g, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { if ( node.isCollapse() ) { return; } // if this node should be highlighted, do so if ( ( _highlight_node == node ) && !to_pdf && !to_graphics_file ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0() ); drawOval( x - 8, y - 8, 16, 16, g ); drawOval( x - 9, y - 8, 17, 17, g ); drawOval( x - 9, y - 9, 18, 18, g ); } if ( ( isInFoundNodes( node ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( node ) ) || ( getOptions().isShowDefaultNodeShapesExternal() && node.isExternal() ) || ( getOptions().isShowDefaultNodeShapesInternal() && node.isInternal() ) || ( getOptions().isShowDefaultNodeShapesForMarkedNodes() && ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() != null ) && ( !node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().isEmpty() ) ) || ( getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() != null ) && ( ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getNodeColor() != null ) || ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getSize() != NodeVisualData.DEFAULT_SIZE ) || ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getFillType() != NodeFill.DEFAULT ) || ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getShape() != NodeShape.DEFAULT ) ) ) ) || ( getControlPanel().isEvents() && node.isHasAssignedEvent() && ( node.getNodeData().getEvent().isDuplication() || node.getNodeData().getEvent().isSpeciation() || node.getNodeData().getEvent().isSpeciationOrDuplication() ) ) ) { NodeVisualData vis = null; if ( getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() != null ) && ( !node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().isEmpty() ) ) { vis = node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData(); } float box_size = getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize(); if ( ( vis != null ) && ( vis.getSize() != NodeVisualData.DEFAULT_SIZE ) ) { box_size = vis.getSize(); } final float half_box_size = box_size / 2.0f; Color outline_color = null; if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { outline_color = Color.BLACK; } else if ( isInFoundNodes( node ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( node ) ) { outline_color = getColorForFoundNode( node ); } else if ( vis != null ) { if ( vis.getNodeColor() != null ) { outline_color = vis.getNodeColor(); } else if ( vis.getFontColor() != null ) { outline_color = vis.getFontColor(); } } else if ( getControlPanel().isEvents() && TreePanelUtil.isHasAssignedEvent( node ) ) { final Event event = node.getNodeData().getEvent(); if ( event.isDuplication() ) { outline_color = getTreeColorSet().getDuplicationBoxColor(); } else if ( event.isSpeciation() ) { outline_color = getTreeColorSet().getSpecBoxColor(); } else if ( event.isSpeciationOrDuplication() ) { outline_color = getTreeColorSet().getDuplicationOrSpeciationColor(); } } if ( outline_color == null ) { outline_color = getGraphicsForNodeBoxWithColorForParentBranch( node ); if ( to_pdf && ( outline_color == getTreeColorSet().getBranchColor() ) ) { outline_color = getTreeColorSet().getBranchColorForPdf(); } } NodeShape shape = null; if ( vis != null ) { if ( vis.getShape() == NodeShape.CIRCLE ) { shape = NodeShape.CIRCLE; } else if ( vis.getShape() == NodeShape.RECTANGLE ) { shape = NodeShape.RECTANGLE; } } if ( shape == null ) { if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShape() == NodeShape.CIRCLE ) { shape = NodeShape.CIRCLE; } else if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShape() == NodeShape.RECTANGLE ) { shape = NodeShape.RECTANGLE; } } NodeFill fill = null; if ( vis != null ) { if ( vis.getFillType() == NodeFill.SOLID ) { fill = NodeFill.SOLID; } else if ( vis.getFillType() == NodeFill.NONE ) { fill = NodeFill.NONE; } else if ( vis.getFillType() == NodeFill.GRADIENT ) { fill = NodeFill.GRADIENT; } } if ( fill == null ) { if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeFill() == NodeFill.SOLID ) { fill = NodeFill.SOLID; } else if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeFill() == NodeFill.NONE ) { fill = NodeFill.NONE; } else if ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeFill() == NodeFill.GRADIENT ) { fill = NodeFill.GRADIENT; } } Color vis_fill_color = null; if ( ( vis != null ) && ( vis.getNodeColor() != null ) ) { vis_fill_color = vis.getNodeColor(); } if ( shape == NodeShape.CIRCLE ) { if ( fill == NodeFill.GRADIENT ) { drawOvalGradient( x - half_box_size, y - half_box_size, box_size, box_size, g, to_pdf ? Color.WHITE : outline_color, to_pdf ? outline_color : getBackground(), outline_color ); } else if ( fill == NodeFill.NONE ) { Color background = getBackground(); if ( to_pdf ) { background = Color.WHITE; } drawOvalGradient( x - half_box_size, y - half_box_size, box_size, box_size, g, background, background, outline_color ); } else if ( fill == NodeVisualData.NodeFill.SOLID ) { if ( vis_fill_color != null ) { g.setColor( vis_fill_color ); } else { g.setColor( outline_color ); } drawOvalFilled( x - half_box_size, y - half_box_size, box_size, box_size, g ); } } else if ( shape == NodeVisualData.NodeShape.RECTANGLE ) { if ( fill == NodeVisualData.NodeFill.GRADIENT ) { drawRectGradient( x - half_box_size, y - half_box_size, box_size, box_size, g, to_pdf ? Color.WHITE : outline_color, to_pdf ? outline_color : getBackground(), outline_color ); } else if ( fill == NodeVisualData.NodeFill.NONE ) { Color background = getBackground(); if ( to_pdf ) { background = Color.WHITE; } drawRectGradient( x - half_box_size, y - half_box_size, box_size, box_size, g, background, background, outline_color ); } else if ( fill == NodeVisualData.NodeFill.SOLID ) { if ( vis_fill_color != null ) { g.setColor( vis_fill_color ); } else { g.setColor( outline_color ); } drawRectFilled( x - half_box_size, y - half_box_size, box_size, box_size, g ); } } } } final private int paintNodeData( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_graphics_file, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean is_in_found_nodes, final double add ) { if ( isNodeDataInvisible( node ) && !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf ) { return 0; } if ( getControlPanel().isWriteBranchLengthValues() && ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) ) && ( !node.isRoot() ) && ( node.getDistanceToParent() != PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) ) { paintBranchLength( g, node, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } if ( !getControlPanel().isShowInternalData() && !node.isExternal() && !node.isCollapse() ) { return 0; } if ( !getControlPanel().isShowExternalData() && ( node.isExternal() || node.isCollapse() ) ) { return 0; } _sb.setLength( 0 ); int x = 0; if ( add > 0 ) { x += add; } final int half_box_size = getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() / 2; if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyImages() && ( getImageMap() != null ) && !getImageMap().isEmpty() && node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && ( ( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getUris() != null ) && !node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getUris().isEmpty() ) ) { x += drawTaxonomyImage( node.getXcoord() + 2 + half_box_size, node.getYcoord(), node, g ); } if ( ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyRank() ) && node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { x += paintTaxonomy( g, node, is_in_found_nodes, to_pdf, to_graphics_file, x ); } setColor( g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf, is_in_found_nodes, getTreeColorSet().getSequenceColor() ); final boolean saw_species = _sb.length() > 0; _sb.setLength( 0 ); nodeDataAsSB( node, _sb ); if ( node.isCollapse() && ( ( !node.isRoot() && !node.getParent().isCollapse() ) || node.isRoot() ) ) { if ( ( _sb.length() == 0 ) && !saw_species ) { if ( getOptions().isShowAbbreviatedLabelsForCollapsedNodes() && ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() || getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() || getControlPanel().isShowNodeNames() ) ) { final PhylogenyNode first = PhylogenyMethods.getFirstExternalNode( node ); final PhylogenyNode last = PhylogenyMethods.getLastExternalNode( node ); if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() && first.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && last.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( first.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( last.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { addLabelForCollapsed( first.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode(), last.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode(), node.getAllExternalDescendants().size(), node ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() && first.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && last.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( first.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( last.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { addLabelForCollapsed( first.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName(), last.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName(), node.getAllExternalDescendants().size(), node ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() && first.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && last.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( first.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( last.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) { addLabelForCollapsed( first.getNodeData().getSequence().getName(), last.getNodeData().getSequence().getName(), node.getAllExternalDescendants().size(), node ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isShowNodeNames() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( first.getName() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( last.getName() ) ) { addLabelForCollapsed( first.getName(), last.getName(), node.getAllExternalDescendants().size(), node ); } } } else if ( ( _sb.length() > 0 ) || saw_species ) { // _sb.setLength( 0 ); _sb.append( " [" ); _sb.append( node.getAllExternalDescendants().size() ); _sb.append( "]" ); if ( _found_nodes_0 != null || _found_nodes_1 != null ) { int[] res = calcFoundNodesInSubtree( node ); if ( res[ 0 ] > 0 ) { _sb.append( " [" ); _sb.append( res[ 0 ] ); _sb.append( "/" ); _sb.append( res[ 1 ] ); _sb.append( "]" ); } } } } else { // _sb.setLength( 0 ); } // nodeDataAsSB( node, _sb ); final boolean using_visual_font = setFont( g, node, is_in_found_nodes ); float down_shift_factor = 3.0f; if ( !node.isExternal() && ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 1 ) ) { down_shift_factor = 1; } float pos_x; if ( getControlPanel().getTreeDisplayType() == Options.PHYLOGENY_DISPLAY_TYPE.ALIGNED_PHYLOGRAM && ( node.isExternal() || node.isCollapse() ) ) { pos_x = ( float ) ( ( getMaxDistanceToRoot() * getXcorrectionFactor() ) + ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() / 2 ) + x + ( 2 * TreePanel.MOVE ) + getXdistance() + 3 ); } else { pos_x = node.getXcoord() + x + 2 + half_box_size; } float pos_y; if ( !using_visual_font ) { pos_y = ( node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getAscent() / down_shift_factor ) ); } else { pos_y = ( node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).getAscent() / down_shift_factor ) ); } if ( getControlPanel().getTreeDisplayType() == Options.PHYLOGENY_DISPLAY_TYPE.ALIGNED_PHYLOGRAM && ( node.isExternal() || node.isCollapse() ) ) { drawConnection( node.getXcoord(), pos_x - x, node.getYcoord(), 5, 20, g, to_pdf ); if ( node.isCollapse() ) { pos_x -= add; } } final String sb_str = _sb.toString(); // GUILHEM_BEG ______________ if ( _control_panel.isShowSequenceRelations() && node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( _query_sequence != null ) ) { x = paintSequenceRelation( g, node, x, half_box_size, pos_x, pos_y, sb_str ); } // GUILHEM_END _____________ if ( sb_str.length() > 0 ) { if ( !isAllowAttributedStrings() ) { TreePanel.drawString( sb_str, pos_x, pos_y, g ); } else { drawStringX( sb_str, pos_x, pos_y, g ); } } if ( _sb.length() > 0 ) { if ( !using_visual_font && !is_in_found_nodes ) { x += getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( _sb.toString() ) + 5; } else { x += getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).stringWidth( _sb.toString() ) + 5; } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowAnnotation() && node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations() != null ) && ( !node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations().isEmpty() ) ) { final SortedSet ann = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations(); if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToAnnotation() ) { g.setColor( calculateColorForAnnotation( ann ) ); } final String ann_str = TreePanelUtil.createAnnotationString( ann, getOptions().isShowAnnotationRefSource() ); TreePanel.drawString( ann_str, node.getXcoord() + x + 3 + half_box_size, node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getAscent() / down_shift_factor ), g ); _sb.setLength( 0 ); _sb.append( ann_str ); if ( _sb.length() > 0 ) { if ( !using_visual_font && !is_in_found_nodes ) { x += getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( _sb.toString() ) + 5; } else { x += getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).stringWidth( _sb.toString() ) + 5; } } } if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) ) { if ( ( getControlPanel().isShowBinaryCharacters() || getControlPanel().isShowBinaryCharacterCounts() ) && node.getNodeData().isHasBinaryCharacters() ) { if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBinaryDomainCombinationsColor() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowBinaryCharacters() ) { TreePanel.drawString( node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters().getPresentCharactersAsStringBuffer() .toString(), node.getXcoord() + x + 1 + half_box_size, node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getAscent() / down_shift_factor ), g ); paintGainedAndLostCharacters( g, node, node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters() .getGainedCharactersAsStringBuffer().toString(), node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters() .getLostCharactersAsStringBuffer().toString() ); } else { TreePanel.drawString( " " + node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters().getPresentCount(), node.getXcoord() + x + 4 + half_box_size, node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getAscent() / down_shift_factor ), g ); paintGainedAndLostCharacters( g, node, "+" + node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters().getGainedCount(), "-" + node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters().getLostCount() ); } } } return x; } private final int paintSequenceRelation( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, int x, final int half_box_size, final float pos_x, final float pos_y, final String sb_str ) { int nodeTextBoundsWidth = 0; if ( sb_str.length() > 0 ) { final Rectangle2D node_text_bounds = new TextLayout( sb_str, g.getFont(), _frc ).getBounds(); //would like to remove this 'new', but how... nodeTextBoundsWidth = ( int ) node_text_bounds.getWidth(); } if ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().equals( _query_sequence ) ) { if ( nodeTextBoundsWidth > 0 ) { // invert font color and background color to show that this is the query sequence g.fillRect( ( int ) pos_x - 1, ( int ) pos_y - 8, nodeTextBoundsWidth + 5, 11 ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor() ); } } else { final List seqRelations = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getSequenceRelations(); for( final SequenceRelation seqRelation : seqRelations ) { final boolean fGotRelationWithQuery = ( seqRelation.getRef0().isEqual( _query_sequence ) || seqRelation.getRef1().isEqual( _query_sequence ) ) && seqRelation.getType() .equals( getControlPanel().getSequenceRelationTypeBox().getSelectedItem() ); if ( fGotRelationWithQuery ) { // we will underline the text to show that this sequence is ortholog to the query final double linePosX = node.getXcoord() + 2 + half_box_size; final String sConfidence = ( !getControlPanel().isShowSequenceRelationConfidence() || ( seqRelation.getConfidence() == null ) ) ? null : " (" + seqRelation.getConfidence().getValue() + ")"; if ( sConfidence != null ) { float confidenceX = pos_x; if ( sb_str.length() > 0 ) { confidenceX += new TextLayout( sb_str, g.getFont(), _frc ).getBounds().getWidth() + CONFIDENCE_LEFT_MARGIN; } if ( confidenceX > linePosX ) { // let's only display confidence value if we are already displaying at least one of Prot/Gene Name and Taxonomy Code final int confidenceWidth = ( int ) new TextLayout( sConfidence, g.getFont(), _frc ) .getBounds().getWidth(); TreePanel.drawString( sConfidence, confidenceX, pos_y, g ); x += CONFIDENCE_LEFT_MARGIN + confidenceWidth; } } if ( ( x + nodeTextBoundsWidth ) > 0 ) /* we only underline if there is something displayed */ { if ( nodeTextBoundsWidth == 0 ) { nodeTextBoundsWidth -= 3; /* the gap between taxonomy code and node name should not be underlined if nothing comes after it */ } else { nodeTextBoundsWidth += 2; } g.drawLine( ( int ) linePosX + 1, 3 + ( int ) pos_y, ( int ) linePosX + x + nodeTextBoundsWidth, 3 + ( int ) pos_y ); break; } } } } return x; } private final void drawConnection( final float x1, final float x2, final float y, final int dist_left, final int dist_right, final Graphics2D g, final boolean pdf ) { if ( ( ( x1 + dist_left ) < ( x2 - dist_right ) ) ) { final Stroke strok = g.getStroke(); Color col = null; if ( strok == STROKE_005 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_001_DASHED ); } else if ( strok == STROKE_01 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_005_DASHED ); } else { g.setStroke( STROKE_01_DASHED ); } if ( pdf ) { col = g.getColor(); g.setColor( lighter( col ) ); } drawLine( x1 + dist_left, y, x2 - dist_right, y, g ); g.setStroke( strok ); if ( pdf ) { g.setColor( col ); } } } public static Color lighter( final Color color ) { if ( ( color.getRed() == 0 ) && ( color.getGreen() == 0 ) && ( color.getBlue() == 0 ) ) { return new Color( 200, 200, 200 ); } else { return color; } } private final void addLabelForCollapsed( final String first, final String last, final int size, final PhylogenyNode node ) { _sb.append( first.length() < AptxConstants.MAX_LENGTH_FOR_COLLAPSED_NAME ? first : first.substring( 0, AptxConstants.MAX_LENGTH_FOR_COLLAPSED_NAME - 1 ) ); _sb.append( " ... " ); _sb.append( last.length() < AptxConstants.MAX_LENGTH_FOR_COLLAPSED_NAME ? last : last.substring( 0, AptxConstants.MAX_LENGTH_FOR_COLLAPSED_NAME - 1 ) ); _sb.append( " (" + size + ")" ); if ( _found_nodes_0 != null || _found_nodes_1 != null ) { ///// ///// int[] res = calcFoundNodesInSubtree( node ); if ( res[ 0 ] > 0 ) { _sb.append( " [" ); _sb.append( res[ 0 ] ); _sb.append( "/" ); _sb.append( res[ 1 ] ); _sb.append( "]" ); } } } private final int[] calcFoundNodesInSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final List all_descs = PhylogenyMethods.getAllDescendants( node ); int res[] = new int[ 2 ]; int found = 0; int total = 0; for( final PhylogenyNode desc : all_descs ) { if ( desc.isHasNodeData() ) { if ( ( _found_nodes_0 != null && _found_nodes_0.contains( desc.getId() ) ) || ( _found_nodes_1 != null && _found_nodes_1.contains( desc.getId() ) ) ) { ++found; } ++total; } } res[ 0 ] = found; res[ 1 ] = total; return res; } private final boolean isAllowAttributedStrings() { return false; } final private void paintNodeDataUnrootedCirc( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file, final boolean radial_labels, final double ur_angle, final boolean is_in_found_nodes ) { if ( isNodeDataInvisibleUnrootedCirc( node ) && !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf ) { return; } _sb.setLength( 0 ); _sb.append( " " ); if ( node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() ) ) { final Taxonomy taxonomy = node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyCode() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { _sb.append( taxonomy.getTaxonomyCode() ); _sb.append( " " ); } if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() && _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getScientificName() ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getCommonName() ) ) { _sb.append( taxonomy.getScientificName() ); _sb.append( " (" ); _sb.append( taxonomy.getCommonName() ); _sb.append( ") " ); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getScientificName() ) ) { _sb.append( taxonomy.getScientificName() ); _sb.append( " " ); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getCommonName() ) ) { _sb.append( taxonomy.getCommonName() ); _sb.append( " " ); } } else if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getScientificName() ) ) { _sb.append( taxonomy.getScientificName() ); _sb.append( " " ); } } else if ( _control_panel.isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( taxonomy.getCommonName() ) ) { _sb.append( taxonomy.getCommonName() ); _sb.append( " " ); } } } if ( node.isCollapse() && ( ( !node.isRoot() && !node.getParent().isCollapse() ) || node.isRoot() ) ) { _sb.append( " [" ); _sb.append( node.getAllExternalDescendants().size() ); _sb.append( "]" ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowNodeNames() && ( node.getName().length() > 0 ) ) { if ( _sb.length() > 0 ) { _sb.append( " " ); } _sb.append( node.getName() ); } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( getControlPanel().isShowSequenceAcc() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null ) ) { if ( _sb.length() > 0 ) { _sb.append( " " ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() ) ) { _sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() ); _sb.append( ":" ); } _sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName().length() > 0 ) ) { if ( _sb.length() > 0 ) { _sb.append( " " ); } _sb.append( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ); } } //g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() ); //if ( is_in_found_nodes ) { // g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont().deriveFont( Font.BOLD ) ); // } if ( _sb.length() > 1 ) { setColor( g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf, is_in_found_nodes, getTreeColorSet().getSequenceColor() ); final boolean using_visual_font = setFont( g, node, is_in_found_nodes ); final String sb_str = _sb.toString(); double m = 0; if ( _graphics_type == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) { m = _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( node.getId() ) % TWO_PI; } else { m = ( float ) ( ur_angle % TWO_PI ); } _at = g.getTransform(); boolean need_to_reset = false; final float x_coord = node.getXcoord(); float y_coord; if ( !using_visual_font ) { y_coord = node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getAscent() / 3.0f ); } else { y_coord = node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).getAscent() / 3.0f ); } if ( radial_labels ) { need_to_reset = true; boolean left = false; if ( ( m > HALF_PI ) && ( m < ONEHALF_PI ) ) { m -= PI; left = true; } g.rotate( m, x_coord, node.getYcoord() ); if ( left ) { if ( !using_visual_font ) { g.translate( -( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getStringBounds( sb_str, g ).getWidth() ), 0 ); } else { g.translate( -( getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).getStringBounds( sb_str, g ).getWidth() ), 0 ); } } } else { if ( ( m > HALF_PI ) && ( m < ONEHALF_PI ) ) { need_to_reset = true; if ( !using_visual_font ) { g.translate( -getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getStringBounds( sb_str, g ).getWidth(), 0 ); } else { g.translate( -getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).getStringBounds( sb_str, g ).getWidth(), 0 ); } } } TreePanel.drawString( sb_str, x_coord, y_coord, g ); if ( need_to_reset ) { g.setTransform( _at ); } } } final private void paintNodeLite( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.isCollapse() ) { return; } if ( isInFoundNodes( node ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( node ) ) { g.setColor( getColorForFoundNode( node ) ); drawRectFilled( node.getXSecondary() - OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF, node.getYSecondary() - OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF, OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE, OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE, g ); } float new_x = 0; if ( !node.isExternal() && !node.isCollapse() ) { boolean first_child = true; float y2 = 0.0f; //final int parent_max_branch_to_leaf = getMaxBranchesToLeaf( node ); for( int i = 0; i < node.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { final PhylogenyNode child_node = node.getChildNode( i ); final int factor_x = node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() - child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); if ( first_child ) { first_child = false; y2 = node.getYSecondary() - ( getOvYDistance() * ( node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() - child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) ); } else { y2 += getOvYDistance() * child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); } final float x2 = calculateOvBranchLengthToParent( child_node, factor_x ); new_x = x2 + node.getXSecondary(); final float diff_y = node.getYSecondary() - y2; final float diff_x = node.getXSecondary() - new_x; if ( ( diff_y > 2 ) || ( diff_y < -2 ) || ( diff_x > 2 ) || ( diff_x < -2 ) ) { paintBranchLite( g, node.getXSecondary(), new_x, node.getYSecondary(), y2, child_node ); } child_node.setXSecondary( new_x ); child_node.setYSecondary( y2 ); y2 += getOvYDistance() * child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); } } } final private void paintNodeRectangular( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean dynamically_hide, final int dynamic_hiding_factor, final boolean to_graphics_file, final boolean disallow_shortcutting ) { final boolean is_in_found_nodes = isInFoundNodes( node ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( node ); if ( node.isCollapse() ) { if ( ( !node.isRoot() && !node.getParent().isCollapse() ) ) { paintCollapsedNode( g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf, is_in_found_nodes ); } return; } if ( node.isExternal() ) { ++_external_node_index; } // Confidence values if ( getControlPanel().isShowConfidenceValues() && !node.isExternal() && !node.isRoot() && ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR ) || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ) ) && node.getBranchData().isHasConfidences() ) { paintConfidenceValues( g, node, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } // Draw a line to root: if ( node.isRoot() && _phylogeny.isRooted() ) { paintRootBranch( g, node.getXcoord(), node.getYcoord(), node, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } float new_x = 0; float new_x_min = Float.MAX_VALUE; float min_dist = 1.5f; if ( !disallow_shortcutting ) { if ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 4000 ) { min_dist = 4; } else if ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 1000 ) { min_dist = 3; } else if ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 100 ) { min_dist = 2; } } if ( !node.isExternal() && !node.isCollapse() ) { boolean first_child = true; float y2 = 0.0f; for( int i = 0; i < node.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { final PhylogenyNode child_node = node.getChildNode( i ); final int factor_x = node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() - child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); if ( first_child ) { first_child = false; y2 = node.getYcoord() - ( _y_distance * ( node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() - child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) ); } else { y2 += _y_distance * child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); } final float x2 = calculateBranchLengthToParent( child_node, factor_x ); new_x = x2 + node.getXcoord(); if ( dynamically_hide && ( x2 < new_x_min ) ) { new_x_min = x2; } final float diff_y = node.getYcoord() - y2; final float diff_x = node.getXcoord() - new_x; if ( disallow_shortcutting || ( diff_y > min_dist ) || ( diff_y < -min_dist ) || ( diff_x > min_dist ) || ( diff_x < -min_dist ) ) { paintBranchRectangular( g, node.getXcoord(), new_x, node.getYcoord(), y2, child_node, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } child_node.setXcoord( new_x ); child_node.setYcoord( y2 ); y2 += _y_distance * child_node.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); } paintNodeBox( node.getXcoord(), node.getYcoord(), node, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowMolSequences() && ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().isMolecularSequenceAligned() ) && ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) ) { paintMolecularSequences( g, node, to_pdf ); } if ( dynamically_hide && ( ( node.isExternal() && ( ( _external_node_index % dynamic_hiding_factor ) != 1 ) ) || ( !node.isExternal() && ( ( new_x_min < 20 ) || ( ( _y_distance * node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) < getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont() .getHeight() ) ) ) ) ) { return; } final int x = paintNodeData( g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf, is_in_found_nodes, 0 ); paintNodeWithRenderableData( x, g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf ); } final private void paintNodeWithRenderableData( final int x, final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_graphics_file, final boolean to_pdf ) { if ( isNodeDataInvisible( node ) && !( to_graphics_file || to_pdf ) ) { return; } if ( ( !getControlPanel().isShowInternalData() && !node.isExternal() ) ) { return; } if ( ( !getControlPanel().isShowExternalData() && node.isExternal() ) ) { return; } if ( getControlPanel().isShowDomainArchitectures() && node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() != null ) && ( node.getNodeData() .getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() instanceof RenderableDomainArchitecture ) ) { RenderableDomainArchitecture rds = null; try { rds = ( RenderableDomainArchitecture ) node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture(); } catch ( final ClassCastException cce ) { cce.printStackTrace(); } if ( rds != null ) { final int default_height = 7; float y = getYdistance(); if ( getControlPanel().isDynamicallyHideData() ) { y = getTreeFontSet().getFontMetricsLarge().getHeight(); } final int h = y < default_height ? ForesterUtil.roundToInt( y ) : default_height; rds.setRenderingHeight( h > 1 ? h : 2 ); if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { if ( getOptions().isLineUpRendarableNodeData() ) { if ( getOptions().isRightLineUpDomains() ) { rds.render( ( float ) ( ( getMaxDistanceToRoot() * getXcorrectionFactor() ) + _length_of_longest_text + 50 //TODO why plus 50? + ( ( _longest_domain - rds.getTotalLength() ) * rds.getRenderingFactorWidth() ) ), node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } else { rds.render( ( float ) ( ( getMaxDistanceToRoot() * getXcorrectionFactor() ) + _length_of_longest_text + 50 ), node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } } else { rds.render( node.getXcoord() + x, node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } } else { if ( getOptions().isRightLineUpDomains() ) { rds.render( ( ( getPhylogeny().getFirstExternalNode().getXcoord() + _length_of_longest_text ) - 20 ) + ( ( _longest_domain - rds.getTotalLength() ) * rds.getRenderingFactorWidth() ), node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } else { rds.render( getPhylogeny().getFirstExternalNode().getXcoord() + _length_of_longest_text, node.getYcoord() - ( h / 2.0f ), g, this, to_pdf ); } } } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowVectorData() && ( node.getNodeData().getVector() != null ) && ( node.getNodeData().getVector().size() > 0 ) && ( getStatisticsForExpressionValues() != null ) ) { final RenderableVector rv = RenderableVector.createInstance( node.getNodeData().getVector(), getStatisticsForExpressionValues(), getConfiguration() ); if ( rv != null ) { double domain_add = 0; if ( getControlPanel().isShowDomainArchitectures() && node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() != null ) ) { domain_add = _domain_structure_width + 10; } if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { rv.render( ( float ) ( node.getXcoord() + x + domain_add ), node.getYcoord() - 3, g, this, to_pdf ); } else { rv.render( ( float ) ( getPhylogeny().getFirstExternalNode().getXcoord() + _length_of_longest_text + domain_add ), node.getYcoord() - 3, g, this, to_pdf ); } } } //if ( getControlPanel().isShowMolSequences() && ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) // && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().isMolecularSequenceAligned() ) // && ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) ) { // paintMolecularSequences( g, node, to_pdf ); //} } final private void paintOvRectangle( final Graphics2D g ) { final float w_ratio = ( ( float ) getWidth() ) / getVisibleRect().width; final float h_ratio = ( ( float ) getHeight() ) / getVisibleRect().height; final float x_ratio = ( ( float ) getWidth() ) / getVisibleRect().x; final float y_ratio = ( ( float ) getHeight() ) / getVisibleRect().y; final float width = getOvMaxWidth() / w_ratio; final float height = getOvMaxHeight() / h_ratio; final float x = getVisibleRect().x + getOvXPosition() + ( getOvMaxWidth() / x_ratio ); final float y = getVisibleRect().y + getOvYPosition() + ( getOvMaxHeight() / y_ratio ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0() ); getOvRectangle().setRect( x, y, width, height ); final Stroke s = g.getStroke(); g.setStroke( STROKE_1 ); if ( ( width < 6 ) && ( height < 6 ) ) { drawRectFilled( x, y, 6, 6, g ); getOvVirtualRectangle().setRect( x, y, 6, 6 ); } else if ( width < 6 ) { drawRectFilled( x, y, 6, height, g ); getOvVirtualRectangle().setRect( x, y, 6, height ); } else if ( height < 6 ) { drawRectFilled( x, y, width, 6, g ); getOvVirtualRectangle().setRect( x, y, width, 6 ); } else { drawRect( x, y, width, height, g ); if ( isInOvRect() ) { drawRect( x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, g ); } getOvVirtualRectangle().setRect( x, y, width, height ); } g.setStroke( s ); } final private void paintPhylogenyLite( final Graphics2D g ) { _phylogeny.getRoot().setXSecondary( ( float ) ( getVisibleRect().x + getOvXPosition() + ( MOVE / ( getVisibleRect().width / getOvRectangle().getWidth() ) ) ) ); _phylogeny.getRoot().setYSecondary( ( getVisibleRect().y + getOvYStart() ) ); final Stroke s = g.getStroke(); g.setStroke( STROKE_05 ); for( final PhylogenyNode element : _nodes_in_preorder ) { paintNodeLite( g, element ); } g.setStroke( s ); paintOvRectangle( g ); } /** * Paint the root branch. (Differs from others because it will always be a * single horizontal line). * @param to_graphics_file * * @return new x1 value */ final private void paintRootBranch( final Graphics2D g, final float x1, final float y1, final PhylogenyNode root, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { assignGraphicsForBranchWithColorForParentBranch( root, false, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); float d = getXdistance(); if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() && ( root.getDistanceToParent() > 0.0 ) ) { d = ( float ) ( getXcorrectionFactor() * root.getDistanceToParent() ); } if ( d < MIN_ROOT_LENGTH ) { d = MIN_ROOT_LENGTH; } if ( !getControlPanel().isWidthBranches() || ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchWidthValue( root ) == 1 ) ) { drawLine( x1 - d, root.getYcoord(), x1, root.getYcoord(), g ); } else { final double w = PhylogenyMethods.getBranchWidthValue( root ); drawRectFilled( x1 - d, root.getYcoord() - ( w / 2 ), d, w, g ); } paintNodeBox( x1, root.getYcoord(), root, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } final private void paintScale( final Graphics2D g, int x1, int y1, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { x1 += MOVE; final double x2 = x1 + ( getScaleDistance() * getXcorrectionFactor() ); y1 -= 12; final int y2 = y1 - 8; final int y3 = y1 - 4; g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getSmallFont() ); if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBranchLengthColor() ); } final Stroke s = g.getStroke(); g.setStroke( STROKE_1 ); drawLine( x1, y1, x1, y2, g ); drawLine( x2, y1, x2, y2, g ); drawLine( x1, y3, x2, y3, g ); if ( getScaleLabel() != null ) { g.drawString( getScaleLabel(), ( x1 + 2 ), y3 - 2 ); } g.setStroke( s ); } final private int paintTaxonomy( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean is_in_found_nodes, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file, final float x_shift ) { final Taxonomy taxonomy = node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); final boolean using_visual_font = setFont( g, node, is_in_found_nodes ); setColor( g, node, to_graphics_file, to_pdf, is_in_found_nodes, getTreeColorSet().getTaxonomyColor() ); float start_x = node.getXcoord() + 3 + ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() / 2 ) + x_shift; if ( getControlPanel().getTreeDisplayType() == Options.PHYLOGENY_DISPLAY_TYPE.ALIGNED_PHYLOGRAM && node.isExternal() ) { start_x = ( float ) ( ( getMaxDistanceToRoot() * getXcorrectionFactor() ) + ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() / 2 ) + x_shift + ( 2 * TreePanel.MOVE ) + getXdistance() + 3 ); } float start_y; if ( !using_visual_font ) { start_y = node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getAscent() / ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 1 ? 1 : 3.0f ) ); } else { start_y = node.getYcoord() + ( getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).getAscent() / ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 1 ? 1 : 3.0f ) ); } _sb.setLength( 0 ); nodeTaxonomyDataAsSB( taxonomy, _sb ); final String label = _sb.toString(); /* GUILHEM_BEG */ if ( _control_panel.isShowSequenceRelations() && ( label.length() > 0 ) && ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) && node.getNodeData().getSequence().equals( _query_sequence ) ) { // invert font color and background color to show that this is the query sequence final Rectangle2D nodeTextBounds = new TextLayout( label, g.getFont(), new FontRenderContext( null, false, false ) ) .getBounds(); g.fillRect( ( int ) start_x - 1, ( int ) start_y - 8, ( int ) nodeTextBounds.getWidth() + 4, 11 ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor() ); } /* GUILHEM_END */ TreePanel.drawString( label, start_x, start_y, g ); if ( !using_visual_font && !is_in_found_nodes ) { return getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( label ); } return getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).stringWidth( label ); } final private void paintUnrooted( final PhylogenyNode n, final double low_angle, final double high_angle, final boolean radial_labels, final Graphics2D g, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { if ( n.isRoot() ) { n.setXcoord( getWidth() / 2 ); n.setYcoord( getHeight() / 2 ); } if ( n.isExternal() ) { paintNodeDataUnrootedCirc( g, n, to_pdf, to_graphics_file, radial_labels, ( high_angle + low_angle ) / 2, isInFoundNodes( n ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( n ) ); return; } final float num_enclosed = n.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); final float x = n.getXcoord(); final float y = n.getYcoord(); double current_angle = low_angle; // final boolean n_below = n.getYcoord() < getVisibleRect().getMinY() - 20; // final boolean n_above = n.getYcoord() > getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + 20; // final boolean n_left = n.getXcoord() < getVisibleRect().getMinX() - 20; // final boolean n_right = n.getXcoord() > getVisibleRect().getMaxX() + 20; for( int i = 0; i < n.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { final PhylogenyNode desc = n.getChildNode( i ); /// if ( ( ( n_below ) & ( desc.getYcoord() < getVisibleRect().getMinY() - 20 ) ) // || ( ( n_above ) & ( desc.getYcoord() > getVisibleRect().getMaxY() + 20 ) ) // || ( ( n_left ) & ( desc.getXcoord() < getVisibleRect().getMinX() - 20 ) ) // || ( ( n_right ) & ( desc.getXcoord() > getVisibleRect().getMaxX() + 20 ) ) ) { // continue; // } //if ( ( desc.getYcoord() > n.getYcoord() ) && ( n.getYcoord() > getVisibleRect().getMaxY() - 20 ) ) { // continue; //} //if ( ( desc.getYcoord() < n.getYcoord() ) && ( n.getYcoord() < getVisibleRect().getMinY() + 20 ) ) { // continue; // } final int desc_num_enclosed = desc.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); final double arc_size = ( desc_num_enclosed / num_enclosed ) * ( high_angle - low_angle ); float length; if ( isPhyHasBranchLengths() && getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { if ( desc.getDistanceToParent() < 0 ) { length = 0; } else { length = ( float ) ( desc.getDistanceToParent() * getUrtFactor() ); } } else { length = getUrtFactor(); } final double mid_angle = current_angle + ( arc_size / 2 ); final float new_x = ( float ) ( x + ( Math.cos( mid_angle ) * length ) ); final float new_y = ( float ) ( y + ( Math.sin( mid_angle ) * length ) ); desc.setXcoord( new_x ); desc.setYcoord( new_y ); paintUnrooted( desc, current_angle, current_angle + arc_size, radial_labels, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); current_angle += arc_size; assignGraphicsForBranchWithColorForParentBranch( desc, false, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); drawLine( x, y, new_x, new_y, g ); paintNodeBox( new_x, new_y, desc, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } if ( n.isRoot() ) { paintNodeBox( n.getXcoord(), n.getYcoord(), n, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } } final private void paintUnrootedLite( final PhylogenyNode n, final double low_angle, final double high_angle, final Graphics2D g, final float urt_ov_factor ) { if ( n.isRoot() ) { final int x_pos = ( int ) ( getVisibleRect().x + getOvXPosition() + ( getOvMaxWidth() / 2 ) ); final int y_pos = ( int ) ( getVisibleRect().y + getOvYPosition() + ( getOvMaxHeight() / 2 ) ); n.setXSecondary( x_pos ); n.setYSecondary( y_pos ); } if ( n.isExternal() ) { return; } final float num_enclosed = n.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); final float x = n.getXSecondary(); final float y = n.getYSecondary(); double current_angle = low_angle; for( int i = 0; i < n.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { final PhylogenyNode desc = n.getChildNode( i ); final int desc_num_enclosed = desc.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); final double arc_size = ( desc_num_enclosed / num_enclosed ) * ( high_angle - low_angle ); float length; if ( isPhyHasBranchLengths() && getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { if ( desc.getDistanceToParent() < 0 ) { length = 0; } else { length = ( float ) ( desc.getDistanceToParent() * urt_ov_factor ); } } else { length = urt_ov_factor; } final double mid_angle = current_angle + ( arc_size / 2 ); final float new_x = ( float ) ( x + ( Math.cos( mid_angle ) * length ) ); final float new_y = ( float ) ( y + ( Math.sin( mid_angle ) * length ) ); desc.setXSecondary( new_x ); desc.setYSecondary( new_y ); if ( isInFoundNodes( desc ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( desc ) ) { g.setColor( getColorForFoundNode( desc ) ); drawRectFilled( desc.getXSecondary() - OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF, desc.getYSecondary() - OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF, OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE, OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE, g ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getOvColor() ); } paintUnrootedLite( desc, current_angle, current_angle + arc_size, g, urt_ov_factor ); current_angle += arc_size; drawLine( x, y, new_x, new_y, g ); } } final private void pasteSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { errorMessageNoCutCopyPasteInUnrootedDisplay(); return; } if ( ( getCutOrCopiedTree() == null ) || getCutOrCopiedTree().isEmpty() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "No tree in buffer (need to copy or cut a subtree first)", "Attempt to paste with empty buffer", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } final String label = createASimpleTextRepresentationOfANode( getCutOrCopiedTree().getRoot() ); final Object[] options = { "As sibling", "As descendant", "Cancel" }; final int r = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( this, "How to paste subtree" + label + "?", "Paste Subtree", JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[ 2 ] ); boolean paste_as_sibling = true; if ( r == 1 ) { paste_as_sibling = false; } else if ( r != 0 ) { return; } final Phylogeny buffer_phy = getCutOrCopiedTree().copy(); buffer_phy.setAllNodesToNotCollapse(); PhylogenyMethods.preOrderReId( buffer_phy ); buffer_phy.setRooted( true ); boolean need_to_show_whole = false; if ( paste_as_sibling ) { if ( node.isRoot() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot paste sibling to root", "Attempt to paste sibling to root", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } buffer_phy.addAsSibling( node ); } else { if ( ( node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() == 1 ) && node.isRoot() ) { need_to_show_whole = true; _phylogeny = buffer_phy; } else { buffer_phy.addAsChild( node ); } } if ( getCopiedAndPastedNodes() == null ) { setCopiedAndPastedNodes( new HashSet() ); } final List nodes = PhylogenyMethods.obtainAllNodesAsList( buffer_phy ); final Set node_ids = new HashSet( nodes.size() ); for( final PhylogenyNode n : nodes ) { node_ids.add( n.getId() ); } node_ids.add( node.getId() ); getCopiedAndPastedNodes().addAll( node_ids ); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); if ( need_to_show_whole ) { getControlPanel().showWhole(); } repaint(); } private final StringBuffer propertiesToString( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return node.getNodeData().getProperties().asText(); } private void setColor( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean to_graphics_file, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean is_in_found_nodes, final Color default_color ) { if ( ( to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) && getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else if ( is_in_found_nodes ) { g.setColor( getColorForFoundNode( node ) ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() != null ) && ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getFontColor() != null ) ) { g.setColor( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getFontColor() ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToSequence() ) { g.setColor( getSequenceBasedColor( node ) ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToTaxonomy() ) { g.setColor( getTaxonomyBasedColor( node ) ); } else if ( getControlPanel().isColorAccordingToAnnotation() && ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations() != null ) && ( !node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations().isEmpty() ) ) ) { g.setColor( calculateColorForAnnotation( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations() ) ); } else if ( getOptions().isColorLabelsSameAsParentBranch() && getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) != null ) ) { g.setColor( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) ); } else if ( to_pdf ) { g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); } else { g.setColor( default_color ); } } final private void setCopiedAndPastedNodes( final Set nodeIds ) { getMainPanel().setCopiedAndPastedNodes( nodeIds ); } final private void setCutOrCopiedTree( final Phylogeny cut_or_copied_tree ) { getMainPanel().setCutOrCopiedTree( cut_or_copied_tree ); } private boolean setFont( final Graphics2D g, final PhylogenyNode node, final boolean is_in_found_nodes ) { Font visual_font = null; if ( getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() != null ) ) { visual_font = node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().getFont(); g.setFont( visual_font != null ? visual_font : getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() ); } else { g.setFont( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() ); } if ( is_in_found_nodes ) { g.setFont( g.getFont().deriveFont( Font.BOLD ) ); } return visual_font != null; } final private void setInOv( final boolean in_ov ) { _in_ov = in_ov; } final private void setOvMaxHeight( final float ov_max_height ) { _ov_max_height = ov_max_height; } final private void setOvMaxWidth( final float ov_max_width ) { _ov_max_width = ov_max_width; } final private void setOvXcorrectionFactor( final float f ) { _ov_x_correction_factor = f; } final private void setOvXDistance( final float ov_x_distance ) { _ov_x_distance = ov_x_distance; } final private void setOvXPosition( final int ov_x_position ) { _ov_x_position = ov_x_position; } final private void setOvYDistance( final float ov_y_distance ) { _ov_y_distance = ov_y_distance; } final private void setOvYPosition( final int ov_y_position ) { _ov_y_position = ov_y_position; } final private void setOvYStart( final int ov_y_start ) { _ov_y_start = ov_y_start; } final private void setScaleDistance( final double scale_distance ) { _scale_distance = scale_distance; } final private void setScaleLabel( final String scale_label ) { _scale_label = scale_label; } private final void setupStroke( final Graphics2D g ) { if ( getYdistance() < 0.0001 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_0025 ); } if ( getYdistance() < 0.001 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_005 ); } else if ( getYdistance() < 0.01 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_01 ); } else if ( getYdistance() < 0.5 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_025 ); } else if ( getYdistance() < 1 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_05 ); } else if ( getYdistance() < 2 ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_075 ); } else if ( ( getYdistance() < 20 ) || !getConfiguration().isAllowThickStrokes() ) { g.setStroke( STROKE_1 ); } else { g.setStroke( STROKE_2 ); } } final private void setUpUrtFactor() { final int d = getVisibleRect().width < getVisibleRect().height ? getVisibleRect().width : getVisibleRect().height; if ( isPhyHasBranchLengths() && getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { setUrtFactor( ( float ) ( d / ( 2 * getMaxDistanceToRoot() ) ) ); } else { final int max_depth = _circ_max_depth; if ( max_depth > 0 ) { setUrtFactor( d / ( 2 * max_depth ) ); } else { setUrtFactor( d / 2 ); } } setUrtFactorOv( getUrtFactor() ); } final private void setUrtFactor( final float urt_factor ) { _urt_factor = urt_factor; } final private void setUrtFactorOv( final float urt_factor_ov ) { _urt_factor_ov = urt_factor_ov; } private void showExtDescNodeData( final PhylogenyNode node, final char separator ) { final List data = new ArrayList(); final List nodes = node.getAllExternalDescendants(); if ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) || ( getFoundNodes1() != null ) ) { for( final PhylogenyNode n : getFoundNodesAsListOfPhylogenyNodes() ) { if ( !nodes.contains( n ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } } for( final PhylogenyNode n : nodes ) { switch ( getOptions().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn() ) { case NODE_NAME: if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getName() ) ) { data.add( n.getName() ); } break; case SEQUENCE_NAME: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ); } break; case GENE_NAME: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ) ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ); } break; case SEQUENCE_SYMBOL: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ) ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ); } break; case SEQUENCE_MOL_SEQ_FASTA: final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) { final StringBuilder ann = new StringBuilder(); if ( getControlPanel().isShowNodeNames() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getName() ) ) { ann.append( n.getName() ); ann.append( separator ); } if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ); ann.append( separator ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ); ann.append( separator ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCommonNames() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ) ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ); ann.append( separator ); } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqSymbols() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ) ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ); ann.append( separator ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ); ann.append( separator ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowGeneNames() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ) ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ); ann.append( separator ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowSequenceAcc() && n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null ) { ann.append( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().asText() ); ann.append( separator ); } final String ann_str; if ( ann.length() > 0 && ann.charAt( ann.length() - 1 ) == separator ) { ann_str = ann.substring( 0, ann.length() - 1 ); } else { ann_str = ann.toString(); } sb.append( SequenceWriter.toFasta( ann_str, n.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence(), 60 ) ); data.add( sb.toString() ); } break; case SEQUENCE_ACC: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().toString() ) ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().toString() ); } break; case TAXONOMY_SCIENTIFIC_NAME: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ); } break; case TAXONOMY_CODE: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ); } break; case DOMAINS_ALL: case DOMAINS_COLLAPSED_PER_PROTEIN: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() != null ) ) { final DomainArchitecture da = n.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture(); final Set s = new HashSet(); for( int i = 0; i < da.getDomains().size(); ++i ) { final ProteinDomain d = da.getDomain( i ); if ( d.getConfidence() <= Math.pow( 10, getDomainStructureEvalueThresholdExp() ) ) { final String name = d.getName(); if ( !( s.contains( name ) ) ) { data.add( name ); if ( getOptions() .getExtDescNodeDataToReturn() == NodeDataField.DOMAINS_COLLAPSED_PER_PROTEIN ) { s.add( name ); } } } } } break; case SEQ_ANNOTATIONS: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations() != null ) ) { final SortedSet a = n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations(); for( int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i ) { data.add( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotation( i ).toString() ); } } } break; case GO_TERM_IDS: if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations() != null ) ) { final SortedSet a = n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotations(); for( int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i ) { final Annotation ann = n.getNodeData().getSequence().getAnnotation( i ); final String ref = ann.getRef(); if ( ref.toUpperCase().startsWith( "GO:" ) ) { data.add( ref ); } } } } break; case UNKNOWN: TreePanelUtil.showExtDescNodeDataUserSelectedHelper( getControlPanel(), n, data ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown data element: " + getOptions().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn() ); } } // for loop final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int size = TreePanelUtil.nodeDataIntoStringBuffer( data, getOptions(), sb ); if ( ( getConfiguration().getExtNodeDataReturnOn() == EXT_NODE_DATA_RETURN_ON.CONSOLE ) || ( getConfiguration().getExtNodeDataReturnOn() == EXT_NODE_DATA_RETURN_ON.BUFFER_ONLY ) ) { if ( getConfiguration().getExtNodeDataReturnOn() == EXT_NODE_DATA_RETURN_ON.CONSOLE ) { System.out.println( sb ); } if ( sb.length() < 1 ) { clearCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer(); } else { setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( sb ); } } else if ( getConfiguration().getExtNodeDataReturnOn() == EXT_NODE_DATA_RETURN_ON.WINODW ) { if ( sb.length() < 1 ) { TreePanelUtil.showInformationMessage( this, "No Appropriate Data (" + obtainTitleForExtDescNodeData() + ")", "Descendants of selected node do not contain selected data" ); clearCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer(); } else { setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( sb ); String title; if ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) && !getFoundNodes0().isEmpty() ) { title = ( getOptions().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn() == NodeDataField.UNKNOWN ? "Data" : obtainTitleForExtDescNodeData() ) + " for " + data.size() + " nodes, unique entries: " + size; } else { title = ( getOptions().getExtDescNodeDataToReturn() == NodeDataField.UNKNOWN ? "Data" : obtainTitleForExtDescNodeData() ) + " for " + data.size() + "/" + node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() + " external descendats of node " + node + ", unique entries: " + size; } final String s = sb.toString().trim(); getMainPanel().getMainFrame().showTextFrame( s, title ); } } } final private void showNodeDataPopup( final MouseEvent e, final PhylogenyNode node ) { try { if ( ( node.getName().length() > 0 ) || ( node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !TreePanelUtil.isTaxonomyEmpty( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() ) ) || ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !TreePanelUtil.isSequenceEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence() ) ) || ( node.getNodeData().isHasDate() ) || ( node.getNodeData().isHasDistribution() ) || node.getBranchData().isHasConfidences() ) { _popup_buffer.setLength( 0 ); short lines = 0; if ( node.getName().length() > 0 ) { lines++; _popup_buffer.append( node.getName() ); } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !TreePanelUtil.isTaxonomyEmpty( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() ) ) { lines++; boolean enc_data = false; final Taxonomy tax = node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { _popup_buffer.append( "\n" ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); _popup_buffer.append( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ); _popup_buffer.append( "]" ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getScientificName() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " " ); } _popup_buffer.append( tax.getScientificName() ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getCommonName() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " (" ); } else { _popup_buffer.append( "(" ); } _popup_buffer.append( tax.getCommonName() ); _popup_buffer.append( ")" ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getAuthority() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " (" ); } else { _popup_buffer.append( "(" ); } _popup_buffer.append( tax.getAuthority() ); _popup_buffer.append( ")" ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getRank() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " [" ); } else { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); } _popup_buffer.append( tax.getRank() ); _popup_buffer.append( "]" ); enc_data = true; } if ( tax.getSynonyms().size() > 0 ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " " ); } _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); int counter = 1; for( final String syn : tax.getSynonyms() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( syn ) ) { enc_data = true; _popup_buffer.append( syn ); if ( counter < tax.getSynonyms().size() ) { _popup_buffer.append( ", " ); } } counter++; } _popup_buffer.append( "]" ); } if ( !enc_data ) { if ( ( tax.getIdentifier() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getIdentifier().getValue() ) ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getIdentifier().getProvider() ) ) { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); _popup_buffer.append( tax.getIdentifier().getProvider() ); _popup_buffer.append( "] " ); } _popup_buffer.append( tax.getIdentifier().getValue() ); } } } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !TreePanelUtil.isSequenceEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence() ) ) { lines++; boolean enc_data = false; if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { _popup_buffer.append( "\n" ); } final Sequence seq = node.getNodeData().getSequence(); if ( seq.getAccession() != null ) { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq.getAccession().getSource() ) ) { _popup_buffer.append( seq.getAccession().getSource() ); _popup_buffer.append( ":" ); } _popup_buffer.append( seq.getAccession().getValue() ); _popup_buffer.append( "]" ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq.getSymbol() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " [" ); } else { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); } _popup_buffer.append( seq.getSymbol() ); _popup_buffer.append( "]" ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq.getGeneName() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " [" ); } else { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); } _popup_buffer.append( seq.getGeneName() ); _popup_buffer.append( "]" ); enc_data = true; } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq.getName() ) ) { if ( enc_data ) { _popup_buffer.append( " " ); } _popup_buffer.append( seq.getName() ); } } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasDate() ) { lines++; if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { _popup_buffer.append( "\n" ); } _popup_buffer.append( node.getNodeData().getDate().asSimpleText() ); } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasDistribution() ) { lines++; if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { _popup_buffer.append( "\n" ); } _popup_buffer.append( node.getNodeData().getDistribution().asSimpleText() ); } if ( node.getBranchData().isHasConfidences() ) { final List confs = node.getBranchData().getConfidences(); for( final Confidence confidence : confs ) { lines++; if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { _popup_buffer.append( "\n" ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( confidence.getType() ) ) { _popup_buffer.append( "[" ); _popup_buffer.append( confidence.getType() ); _popup_buffer.append( "] " ); } _popup_buffer.append( FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE.format( ForesterUtil.round( confidence.getValue(), getOptions() .getNumberOfDigitsAfterCommaForConfidenceValues() ) ) ); if ( confidence.getStandardDeviation() != Confidence.CONFIDENCE_DEFAULT_VALUE ) { _popup_buffer.append( " (sd=" ); _popup_buffer.append( FORMATTER_CONFIDENCE .format( ForesterUtil.round( confidence.getStandardDeviation(), getOptions() .getNumberOfDigitsAfterCommaForConfidenceValues() ) ) ); _popup_buffer.append( ")" ); } } } if ( node.getNodeData().isHasProperties() ) { if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { _popup_buffer.append( "\n" ); } _popup_buffer.append( node.getNodeData().getProperties().asText() ); } if ( _popup_buffer.length() > 0 ) { if ( !getConfiguration().isUseNativeUI() ) { _rollover_popup .setBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder( getTreeColorSet().getBranchColor() ) ); _rollover_popup.setBackground( getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor() ); if ( isInFoundNodes0( node ) && !isInFoundNodes1( node ) ) { _rollover_popup.setForeground( getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0() ); } else if ( !isInFoundNodes0( node ) && isInFoundNodes1( node ) ) { _rollover_popup.setForeground( getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor1() ); } else if ( isInFoundNodes0( node ) && isInFoundNodes1( node ) ) { _rollover_popup.setForeground( getTreeColorSet().getFoundColor0and1() ); } else { _rollover_popup.setForeground( getTreeColorSet().getSequenceColor() ); } } else { _rollover_popup.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder( Color.BLACK ) ); } _rollover_popup.setText( _popup_buffer.toString() ); _node_desc_popup = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance() .getPopup( null, _rollover_popup, e.getLocationOnScreen().x + 10, e.getLocationOnScreen().y - ( lines * 20 ) ); _node_desc_popup.show(); } } } catch ( final Exception ex ) { // Do nothing. } } final private void showNodeEditFrame( final PhylogenyNode n ) { if ( _node_frame_index < TreePanel.MAX_NODE_FRAMES ) { // pop up edit box for single node _node_frames[ _node_frame_index ] = new NodeFrame( n, _phylogeny, this, _node_frame_index, "" ); _node_frame_index++; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "too many node windows are open" ); } } final private void showNodeFrame( final PhylogenyNode n ) { if ( _node_frame_index < TreePanel.MAX_NODE_FRAMES ) { // pop up edit box for single node _node_frames[ _node_frame_index ] = new NodeFrame( n, _phylogeny, this, _node_frame_index ); _node_frame_index++; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "too many node windows are open" ); } } final private void switchDisplaygetPhylogenyGraphicsType() { switch ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ) { case RECTANGULAR: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.EURO_STYLE ); break; case EURO_STYLE: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.ROUNDED ); break; case ROUNDED: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CURVED ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CURVED ); break; case CURVED: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.TRIANGULAR ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.TRIANGULAR ); break; case TRIANGULAR: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CONVEX ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CONVEX ); break; case CONVEX: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ); break; case UNROOTED: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ); break; case CIRCULAR: setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR ); getOptions().setPhylogenyGraphicsType( PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.RECTANGULAR ); break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "unkwnown display type: " + getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ); } if ( getControlPanel().getDynamicallyHideData() != null ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { getControlPanel().getDynamicallyHideData().setEnabled( false ); } else { getControlPanel().getDynamicallyHideData().setEnabled( true ); } } if ( isPhyHasBranchLengths() && ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { getControlPanel().setDrawPhylogramEnabled( true ); } else { getControlPanel().setDrawPhylogramEnabled( false ); } getMainPanel().getMainFrame().setSelectedTypeInTypeMenu( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() ); } final void calcMaxDepth() { if ( _phylogeny != null ) { _circ_max_depth = PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepth( _phylogeny ); } } /** * Set parameters for printing the displayed tree * */ final void calcParametersForPainting( final int x, final int y ) { // updateStyle(); not needed? if ( ( _phylogeny != null ) && !_phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { initNodeData(); calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); if ( ( getLongestExtNodeInfo() > ( x * 0.6 ) ) && ( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont().getSize() > ( 2 + TreeFontSet.FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ) ) ) { while ( ( getLongestExtNodeInfo() > ( x * 0.7 ) ) && ( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont().getSize() > 2 ) ) { getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().decreaseFontSize( getConfiguration().getMinBaseFontSize(), true ); calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); } } else { while ( ( getLongestExtNodeInfo() < ( x * 0.6 ) ) && ( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFont() .getSize() <= ( getTreeFontSet().getLargeFontMemory().getSize() - TreeFontSet.FONT_SIZE_CHANGE_STEP ) ) ) { getMainPanel().getTreeFontSet().increaseFontSize(); calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); } } //_length_of_longest_text = calcLengthOfLongestText(); int ext_nodes = _phylogeny.getRoot().getNumberOfExternalNodes(); final int max_depth = PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepthConsiderCollapsed( _phylogeny ) + 1; if ( ext_nodes == 1 ) { ext_nodes = max_depth; if ( ext_nodes < 1 ) { ext_nodes = 1; } } updateOvSizes(); float xdist = 0; float ov_xdist = 0; if ( !isNonLinedUpCladogram() ) { xdist = ( float ) ( ( x - getLongestExtNodeInfo() - TreePanel.MOVE ) / ( ext_nodes + 3.0 ) ); ov_xdist = ( float ) ( getOvMaxWidth() / ( ext_nodes + 3.0 ) ); } else { xdist = ( ( x - getLongestExtNodeInfo() - TreePanel.MOVE ) / ( max_depth + 1 ) ); ov_xdist = ( getOvMaxWidth() / ( max_depth + 1 ) ); } float ydist = ( float ) ( ( y - TreePanel.MOVE ) / ( ext_nodes * 2.0 ) ); if ( xdist < 0.0 ) { xdist = 0.0f; } if ( ov_xdist < 0.0 ) { ov_xdist = 0.0f; } if ( ydist < 0.0 ) { ydist = 0.0f; } setXdistance( xdist ); setYdistance( ydist ); setOvXDistance( ov_xdist ); final double height = _phylogeny.calculateHeight( !_options.isCollapsedWithAverageHeigh() ); //final double height = PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepth( _phylogeny ); if ( height > 0 ) { final float corr = ( float ) ( ( x - ( 2.0 * TreePanel.MOVE ) - getLongestExtNodeInfo() - getXdistance() ) / height ); setXcorrectionFactor( corr > 0 ? corr : 0 ); final float ov_corr = ( float ) ( ( getOvMaxWidth() - getOvXDistance() ) / height ); setOvXcorrectionFactor( ov_corr > 0 ? ov_corr : 0 ); } else { setXcorrectionFactor( 0 ); setOvXcorrectionFactor( 0 ); } _circ_max_depth = max_depth; setUpUrtFactor(); // if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { // int dynamic_hiding_factor = calcDynamicHidingFactor(); // if ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 ) { // while ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 // && getTreeFontSet()._fm_large.getHeight() > TreeFontSet.SMALL_FONTS_BASE ) { // getTreeFontSet().decreaseFontSize( 1, true ); // dynamic_hiding_factor = calcDynamicHidingFactor(); // } // } // else if ( getTreeFontSet().isDecreasedSizeBySystem() ) { // while ( dynamic_hiding_factor < 1 && getTreeFontSet()._fm_large.getHeight() < 12 ) { // getTreeFontSet().increaseFontSize(); // dynamic_hiding_factor = calcDynamicHidingFactor(); // } // } } // } } final void calculateLongestExtNodeInfo() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || _phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { return; } int max_possible_length = ForesterUtil .roundToInt( ( getSize().getWidth() - ( 2 * MOVE ) ) * AptxConstants.EXT_NODE_INFO_LENGTH_MAX_RATIO ); if ( max_possible_length < 20 ) { max_possible_length = 20; } int longest = 30; int longest_txt = 0; _longest_domain = 0; PhylogenyNode longest_txt_node = _phylogeny.getFirstExternalNode(); for( final PhylogenyNode node : _phylogeny.getExternalNodes() ) { int sum = 0; if ( node.isCollapse() ) { continue; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); nodeDataAsSB( node, sb ); if ( node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { nodeTaxonomyDataAsSB( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(), sb ); } final int txt = sb.length(); if ( txt > longest_txt ) { longest_txt = txt; longest_txt_node = node; } boolean use_vis = false; final Graphics2D g = ( Graphics2D ) getGraphics(); if ( g != null && getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() ) { use_vis = setFont( g, node, false ); } if ( !use_vis ) { sum = getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( sb.toString() ); } else { sum = getFontMetrics( g.getFont() ).stringWidth( sb.toString() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowBinaryCharacters() && node.getNodeData().isHasBinaryCharacters() ) { sum += getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().stringWidth( node.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters() .getGainedCharactersAsStringBuffer().toString() ); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowVectorData() && ( node.getNodeData().getVector() != null ) && ( node.getNodeData().getVector().size() > 0 ) ) { if ( getConfiguration() != null ) { sum += getConfiguration().getVectorDataWidth() + 10; } else { sum += RenderableVector.VECTOR_DEFAULT_WIDTH + 10; } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowDomainArchitectures() && node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() != null ) ) { // FIXME // TODO this might need some clean up final DomainArchitecture d = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture(); sum += ( ( _domain_structure_width / ( ( RenderableDomainArchitecture ) d ).getOriginalSize().getWidth() ) * d.getTotalLength() ) + 10; if ( d.getTotalLength() > _longest_domain ) { _longest_domain = d.getTotalLength(); } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowMolSequences() && ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().isMolecularSequenceAligned() ) && ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) ) { // FIXME sum += RenderableMsaSequence.DEFAULT_WIDTH + 30; } if ( sum >= max_possible_length ) { _longest_ext_node_info = max_possible_length; // return; //FIXME why? } if ( sum > longest ) { longest = sum; } } _ext_node_with_longest_txt_info = longest_txt_node; if ( longest >= max_possible_length ) { _longest_ext_node_info = max_possible_length; } else { _longest_ext_node_info = longest; } _length_of_longest_text = calcLengthOfLongestText(); } final void calculateScaleDistance() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || _phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { return; } final double height = getMaxDistanceToRoot(); if ( height > 0 ) { if ( ( height <= 0.5 ) ) { setScaleDistance( 0.01 ); } else if ( height <= 5.0 ) { setScaleDistance( 0.1 ); } else if ( height <= 50.0 ) { setScaleDistance( 1 ); } else if ( height <= 500.0 ) { setScaleDistance( 10 ); } else { setScaleDistance( 100 ); } } else { setScaleDistance( 0.0 ); } String scale_label = String.valueOf( getScaleDistance() ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( _phylogeny.getDistanceUnit() ) ) { scale_label += " [" + _phylogeny.getDistanceUnit() + "]"; } setScaleLabel( scale_label ); } final Color calculateSequenceBasedColor( final Sequence seq ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq.getName() ) ) { return getTreeColorSet().getSequenceColor(); } Color c = null; final String seq_name = seq.getName(); c = getControlPanel().getSequenceColors().get( seq_name ); if ( c == null ) { c = AptxUtil.calculateColorFromString( seq_name, false ); getControlPanel().getSequenceColors().put( seq_name, c ); } return c; } final Color calculateTaxonomyBasedColor( final Taxonomy tax ) { if ( getOptions().isColorByTaxonomicGroup() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { boolean ex = false; String group = null; try { group = TaxonomyUtil.getTaxGroupByTaxCode( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { ex = true; } if ( !ex && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( group ) ) { final Color c = ForesterUtil.obtainColorDependingOnTaxonomyGroup( group ); if ( c != null ) { return c; } } } return getTreeColorSet().getTaxonomyColor(); } else { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) && ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getScientificName() ) ) { return getTreeColorSet().getTaxonomyColor(); } Color c = null; if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { c = getControlPanel().getSpeciesColors().get( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ); } if ( ( c == null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getScientificName() ) ) { c = getControlPanel().getSpeciesColors().get( tax.getScientificName() ); } if ( c == null ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { c = AptxUtil.calculateColorFromString( tax.getTaxonomyCode(), true ); getControlPanel().getSpeciesColors().put( tax.getTaxonomyCode(), c ); } else { c = AptxUtil.calculateColorFromString( tax.getScientificName(), true ); getControlPanel().getSpeciesColors().put( tax.getScientificName(), c ); } } return c; } } void clearCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer() { setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( new StringBuilder() ); } /** * Collapse the tree from the given node * * @param node * a PhylogenyNode */ final void collapse( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot collapse in unrooted display type", "Attempt to collapse in unrooted display", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( !node.isExternal() && !node.isRoot() ) { final boolean collapse = !node.isCollapse(); TreePanelUtil.collapseSubtree( node, collapse ); updateSetOfCollapsedExternalNodes(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _control_panel.displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); resetPreferredSize(); updateOvSizes(); _main_panel.adjustJScrollPane(); repaint(); } } final void uncollapseAll( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot uncollapse in unrooted display type", "Attempt to uncollapse in unrooted display", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( !node.isExternal() ) { TreePanelUtil.uncollapseSubtree( node ); updateSetOfCollapsedExternalNodes(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _control_panel.displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); resetPreferredSize(); updateOvSizes(); _main_panel.adjustJScrollPane(); repaint(); } } final void collapseSpeciesSpecificSubtrees() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { return; } setWaitCursor(); TreePanelUtil.collapseSpeciesSpecificSubtrees( _phylogeny ); updateSetOfCollapsedExternalNodes(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); calculateLongestExtNodeInfo(); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); resetPreferredSize(); resetDepthCollapseDepthValue(); resetRankCollapseRankValue(); _main_panel.adjustJScrollPane(); getControlPanel().showWhole(); setArrowCursor(); } final void colorRank( final String rank ) { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { return; } setWaitCursor(); AptxUtil.removeBranchColors( _phylogeny ); final int colorizations = TreePanelUtil.colorPhylogenyAccordingToRanks( _phylogeny, rank, this ); if ( colorizations > 0 ) { _control_panel.setColorBranches( true ); if ( _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb() != null ) { _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb().setSelected( true ); } if ( _control_panel.getColorAccSpeciesCb() != null ) { _control_panel.getColorAccSpeciesCb().setSelected( false ); } _options.setColorLabelsSameAsParentBranch( true ); if ( getMainPanel().getMainFrame()._color_labels_same_as_parent_branch != null ) { getMainPanel().getMainFrame()._color_labels_same_as_parent_branch.setSelected( true ); } _control_panel.repaint(); } setArrowCursor(); repaint(); if ( colorizations > 0 ) { String msg = "Taxonomy colorization via " + rank + " completed:\n"; if ( colorizations > 1 ) { msg += "colorized " + colorizations + " subtrees"; } else { msg += "colorized one subtree"; } setEdited( true ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, msg, "Taxonomy Rank-Colorization Completed (" + rank + ")", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ); } else { String msg = "Could not taxonomy rank-colorize any subtree via " + rank + ".\n"; msg += "Possible solutions (given that suitable taxonomic information is present):\n"; msg += "select a different rank (e.g. phylum, genus, ...)\n"; msg += " and/or\n"; msg += "execute:\n"; msg += "1. \"" + MainFrame.OBTAIN_DETAILED_TAXONOMIC_INFORMATION + "\" (Tools)\n"; msg += "2. \"" + MainFrame.INFER_ANCESTOR_TAXONOMIES + "\" (Analysis)"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, msg, "Taxonomy Rank-Colorization Failed", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); } } final void confColor() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { return; } setWaitCursor(); AptxUtil.removeBranchColors( _phylogeny ); TreePanelUtil.colorPhylogenyAccordingToConfidenceValues( _phylogeny, this ); _control_panel.setColorBranches( true ); if ( _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb() != null ) { _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb().setSelected( true ); } setArrowCursor(); repaint(); } final void decreaseDomainStructureEvalueThresholdExp() { if ( _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp > -20 ) { _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp -= 1; } } /** * Find the node, if any, at the given location * * @param x * @param y * @return pointer to the node at x,y, null if not found */ public final PhylogenyNode findNode( final int x, final int y ) { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || _phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { return null; } final int half_box_size_plus_wiggle = ( getOptions().getDefaultNodeShapeSize() / 2 ) + WIGGLE; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = _phylogeny.iteratorPostorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next(); if ( ( _phylogeny.isRooted() || !node.isRoot() || ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() > 2 ) ) && ( ( node.getXcoord() - half_box_size_plus_wiggle ) <= x ) && ( ( node.getXcoord() + half_box_size_plus_wiggle ) >= x ) && ( ( node.getYcoord() - half_box_size_plus_wiggle ) <= y ) && ( ( node.getYcoord() + half_box_size_plus_wiggle ) >= y ) ) { return node; } } return null; } final Configuration getConfiguration() { return _configuration; } final ControlPanel getControlPanel() { return _control_panel; } String getCurrentExternalNodesDataBufferAsString() { return _current_external_nodes_data_buffer.toString(); } int getCurrentExternalNodesDataBufferChangeCounter() { return _current_external_nodes_data_buffer_change_counter; } final int getDomainStructureEvalueThresholdExp() { return _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp; } public final Set getFoundNodes0() { return _found_nodes_0; } public final Set getFoundNodes1() { return _found_nodes_1; } public List getFoundNodesAsListOfPhylogenyNodes() { final List additional_nodes = new ArrayList(); if ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) { for( final Long id : getFoundNodes0() ) { final PhylogenyNode n = _phylogeny.getNode( id ); if ( n != null ) { additional_nodes.add( n ); } } } if ( getFoundNodes1() != null ) { for( final Long id : getFoundNodes1() ) { if ( ( getFoundNodes0() == null ) || !getFoundNodes0().contains( id ) ) { final PhylogenyNode n = _phylogeny.getNode( id ); if ( n != null ) { additional_nodes.add( n ); } } } } return additional_nodes; } final Color getGraphicsForNodeBoxWithColorForParentBranch( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() && ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) != null ) ) { return ( PhylogenyMethods.getBranchColorValue( node ) ); } else { return ( getTreeColorSet().getBranchColor() ); } } final int getLongestExtNodeInfo() { return _longest_ext_node_info; } final Options getOptions() { if ( _options == null ) { _options = getControlPanel().getOptions(); } return _options; } final Rectangle2D getOvRectangle() { return _ov_rectangle; } final Rectangle getOvVirtualRectangle() { return _ov_virtual_rectangle; } final PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE getPhylogenyGraphicsType() { return _graphics_type; } final Color getSequenceBasedColor( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { return calculateSequenceBasedColor( node.getNodeData().getSequence() ); } // return non-colorized color return getTreeColorSet().getSequenceColor(); } final double getStartingAngle() { return _urt_starting_angle; } DescriptiveStatistics getStatisticsForExpressionValues() { return _statistics_for_vector_data; } final Color getTaxonomyBasedColor( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.isExternal() && node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { return calculateTaxonomyBasedColor( node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() ); } // return non-colorized color return getTreeColorSet().getTaxonomyColor(); } public final File getTreeFile() { return _treefile; } final float getXcorrectionFactor() { return _x_correction_factor; } final float getXdistance() { return _x_distance; } final float getYdistance() { return _y_distance; } final void increaseDomainStructureEvalueThresholdExp() { if ( _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp < 3 ) { _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp += 1; } } final void initNodeData() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || _phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { return; } double _max_original_domain_structure_width = 0.0; for( final PhylogenyNode node : _phylogeny.getExternalNodes() ) { if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() != null ) ) { RenderableDomainArchitecture rds = null; if ( !( node.getNodeData().getSequence() .getDomainArchitecture() instanceof RenderableDomainArchitecture ) ) { if ( SPECIAL_DOMAIN_COLORING ) { rds = new RenderableDomainArchitecture( node.getNodeData().getSequence() .getDomainArchitecture(), node.getName() ); } else { rds = new RenderableDomainArchitecture( node.getNodeData().getSequence() .getDomainArchitecture() ); } node.getNodeData().getSequence().setDomainArchitecture( rds ); } else { rds = ( RenderableDomainArchitecture ) node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture(); } if ( getControlPanel().isShowDomainArchitectures() ) { final double dsw = rds.getOriginalSize().getWidth(); if ( dsw > _max_original_domain_structure_width ) { _max_original_domain_structure_width = dsw; } } } } if ( getControlPanel().isShowDomainArchitectures() ) { final float ds_factor_width = ( float ) ( _domain_structure_width / _max_original_domain_structure_width ); for( final PhylogenyNode node : _phylogeny.getExternalNodes() ) { if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getDomainArchitecture() != null ) ) { final RenderableDomainArchitecture rds = ( RenderableDomainArchitecture ) node.getNodeData() .getSequence().getDomainArchitecture(); rds.setRenderingFactorWidth( ds_factor_width ); rds.setParameter( _domain_structure_e_value_thr_exp ); } } } } final boolean inOv( final MouseEvent e ) { return ( ( e.getX() > ( getVisibleRect().x + getOvXPosition() + 1 ) ) && ( e.getX() < ( ( getVisibleRect().x + getOvXPosition() + getOvMaxWidth() ) - 1 ) ) && ( e.getY() > ( getVisibleRect().y + getOvYPosition() + 1 ) ) && ( e.getY() < ( ( getVisibleRect().y + getOvYPosition() + getOvMaxHeight() ) - 1 ) ) ); } final boolean inOvRectangle( final MouseEvent e ) { return ( ( e.getX() >= ( getOvRectangle().getX() - 1 ) ) && ( e.getX() <= ( getOvRectangle().getX() + getOvRectangle().getWidth() + 1 ) ) && ( e.getY() >= ( getOvRectangle().getY() - 1 ) ) && ( e.getY() <= ( getOvRectangle().getY() + getOvRectangle().getHeight() + 1 ) ) ); } final boolean isCanCollapse() { return ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ); } final boolean isCanUncollapseAll( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.isExternal() || ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) ) { return false; } if ( node.isCollapse() ) { return true; } final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = new PreorderTreeIterator( node ); while ( it.hasNext() ) { if ( it.next().isCollapse() ) { return true; } } return false; } final boolean isCanColorSubtree() { return ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ); } final boolean isCanCopy() { return ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && getOptions().isEditable() ); } final boolean isCanCut( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && getOptions().isEditable() && !node.isRoot() ); } final boolean isCanDelete() { return ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && getOptions().isEditable() ); } final boolean isCanPaste() { return ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && getOptions().isEditable() && ( getCutOrCopiedTree() != null ) && !getCutOrCopiedTree().isEmpty() ); } final boolean isCanReroot() { return ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && ( _subtree_index < 1 ) ); } final boolean isCanSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { return ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && !node.isExternal() && ( !node.isRoot() || ( _subtree_index > 0 ) ) ); } final boolean isCurrentTreeIsSubtree() { return ( _subtree_index > 0 ); } final boolean isEdited() { return _edited; } final boolean isInOvRect() { return _in_ov_rect; } final boolean isOvOn() { return _ov_on; } final boolean isPhyHasBranchLengths() { return _phy_has_branch_lengths; } final void midpointRoot() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { return; } if ( !_phylogeny.isRerootable() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "This is not rerootable", "Not rerootable", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } setNodeInPreorderToNull(); setWaitCursor(); PhylogenyMethods.midpointRoot( _phylogeny ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setArrowCursor(); setEdited( true ); repaint(); } final void mouseClicked( final MouseEvent e ) { if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && isInOv() ) { final double w_ratio = getVisibleRect().width / getOvRectangle().getWidth(); final double h_ratio = getVisibleRect().height / getOvRectangle().getHeight(); double x = ( e.getX() - getVisibleRect().x - getOvXPosition() - ( getOvRectangle().getWidth() / 2.0 ) ) * w_ratio; double y = ( e.getY() - getVisibleRect().y - getOvYPosition() - ( getOvRectangle().getHeight() / 2.0 ) ) * h_ratio; if ( x < 0 ) { x = 0; } if ( y < 0 ) { y = 0; } final double max_x = getWidth() - getVisibleRect().width; final double max_y = getHeight() - getVisibleRect().height; if ( x > max_x ) { x = max_x; } if ( y > max_y ) { y = max_y; } getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport() .setViewPosition( new Point( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( x ), ForesterUtil.roundToInt( y ) ) ); setInOvRect( true ); repaint(); } else { final PhylogenyNode node = findNode( e.getX(), e.getY() ); if ( node != null ) { if ( !node.isRoot() && node.getParent().isCollapse() ) { return; } _highlight_node = node; // Check if shift key is down if ( ( e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK ) != 0 ) { // Yes, so add to _found_nodes if ( getFoundNodes0() == null ) { setFoundNodes0( new HashSet() ); } getFoundNodes0().add( node.getId() ); // Check if control key is down } else if ( ( e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK ) != 0 ) { // Yes, so pop-up menu displayNodePopupMenu( node, e.getX(), e.getY() ); // Handle unadorned click } else { // Check for right mouse button if ( e.getModifiers() == 4 ) { displayNodePopupMenu( node, e.getX(), e.getY() ); } else { // if not in _found_nodes, clear _found_nodes handleClickToAction( _control_panel.getActionWhenNodeClicked(), node ); } } } else { // no node was clicked so partition tree instead _highlight_node = null; _clicked_x = e.getX(); if (!getPhylogeny().isEmpty()) { // should be calculated on each partition as the tree can theoretically // change in the meantime PhylogenyNode furthestNode = PhylogenyMethods.calculateNodeWithMaxDistanceToRoot( _phylogeny ); _furthest_node_x = furthestNode.getXcoord(); _root_x = _phylogeny.getRoot().getXcoord(); // don't bother if 0 distance tree or clicked x lies outside of tree if (_furthest_node_x != _root_x && !(_clicked_x < _root_x || _clicked_x > _furthest_node_x)) { _partition_tree = true; } } } } repaint(); } final void mouseDragInBrowserPanel( final MouseEvent e ) { setCursor( MOVE_CURSOR ); final Point scroll_position = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().getViewPosition(); scroll_position.x -= ( e.getX() - getLastDragPointX() ); scroll_position.y -= ( e.getY() - getLastDragPointY() ); if ( scroll_position.x < 0 ) { scroll_position.x = 0; } else { final int max_x = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getMaximum() - getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getVisibleAmount(); if ( scroll_position.x > max_x ) { scroll_position.x = max_x; } } if ( scroll_position.y < 0 ) { scroll_position.y = 0; } else { final int max_y = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum() - getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getVisibleAmount(); if ( scroll_position.y > max_y ) { scroll_position.y = max_y; } } if ( isOvOn() || getOptions().isShowScale() ) { repaint(); } getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().setViewPosition( scroll_position ); } final void mouseDragInOvRectangle( final MouseEvent e ) { setCursor( HAND_CURSOR ); final double w_ratio = getVisibleRect().width / getOvRectangle().getWidth(); final double h_ratio = getVisibleRect().height / getOvRectangle().getHeight(); final Point scroll_position = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().getViewPosition(); double dx = ( ( w_ratio * e.getX() ) - ( w_ratio * getLastDragPointX() ) ); double dy = ( ( h_ratio * e.getY() ) - ( h_ratio * getLastDragPointY() ) ); scroll_position.x = ForesterUtil.roundToInt( scroll_position.x + dx ); scroll_position.y = ForesterUtil.roundToInt( scroll_position.y + dy ); if ( scroll_position.x <= 0 ) { scroll_position.x = 0; dx = 0; } else { final int max_x = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getMaximum() - getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getHorizontalScrollBar().getVisibleAmount(); if ( scroll_position.x >= max_x ) { dx = 0; scroll_position.x = max_x; } } if ( scroll_position.y <= 0 ) { dy = 0; scroll_position.y = 0; } else { final int max_y = getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum() - getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar().getVisibleAmount(); if ( scroll_position.y >= max_y ) { dy = 0; scroll_position.y = max_y; } } repaint(); getMainPanel().getCurrentScrollPane().getViewport().setViewPosition( scroll_position ); setLastMouseDragPointX( ( float ) ( e.getX() + dx ) ); setLastMouseDragPointY( ( float ) ( e.getY() + dy ) ); } final void mouseMoved( final MouseEvent e ) { requestFocusInWindow(); if ( _current_external_nodes != null ) { _current_external_nodes = null; repaint(); } if ( getControlPanel().isNodeDescPopup() ) { if ( _node_desc_popup != null ) { _node_desc_popup.hide(); _node_desc_popup = null; } } if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() ) { if ( inOvVirtualRectangle( e ) ) { if ( !isInOvRect() ) { setInOvRect( true ); repaint(); } } else { if ( isInOvRect() ) { setInOvRect( false ); repaint(); } } } if ( inOv( e ) && getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() ) { if ( !isInOv() ) { setInOv( true ); } } else { if ( isInOv() ) { setInOv( false ); } final PhylogenyNode node = findNode( e.getX(), e.getY() ); if ( ( node != null ) && ( node.isRoot() || !node.getParent().isCollapse() ) ) { if ( ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.GET_EXT_DESC_DATA ) ) { for( final PhylogenyNode n : node.getAllExternalDescendants() ) { addToCurrentExternalNodes( n.getId() ); } setCursor( HAND_CURSOR ); repaint(); } else if ( ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.CUT_SUBTREE ) || ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.COPY_SUBTREE ) || ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.PASTE_SUBTREE ) || ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.DELETE_NODE_OR_SUBTREE ) || ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.REROOT ) || ( getControlPanel().getActionWhenNodeClicked() == NodeClickAction.ADD_NEW_NODE ) ) { setCursor( CUT_CURSOR ); } else { setCursor( HAND_CURSOR ); if ( getControlPanel().isNodeDescPopup() ) { showNodeDataPopup( e, node ); } } } else { setCursor( ARROW_CURSOR ); } } } final void mouseReleasedInBrowserPanel( final MouseEvent e ) { setCursor( ARROW_CURSOR ); } final void multiplyUrtFactor( final float f ) { _urt_factor *= f; } final void paintBranchCircular( final PhylogenyNode p, final PhylogenyNode c, final Graphics2D g, final boolean radial_labels, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { final double angle = _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( c.getId() ); final double root_x = _root.getXcoord(); final double root_y = _root.getYcoord(); final double dx = root_x - p.getXcoord(); final double dy = root_y - p.getYcoord(); final double parent_radius = Math.sqrt( ( dx * dx ) + ( dy * dy ) ); final double arc = ( _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( p.getId() ) ) - angle; assignGraphicsForBranchWithColorForParentBranch( c, false, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); if ( ( c.isFirstChildNode() || c.isLastChildNode() ) && ( ( Math.abs( parent_radius * arc ) > 1.5 ) || to_pdf || to_graphics_file ) ) { final double r2 = 2.0 * parent_radius; drawArc( root_x - parent_radius, root_y - parent_radius, r2, r2, ( -angle - arc ), arc, g ); } drawLine( c.getXcoord(), c.getYcoord(), root_x + ( Math.cos( angle ) * parent_radius ), root_y + ( Math.sin( angle ) * parent_radius ), g ); paintNodeBox( c.getXcoord(), c.getYcoord(), c, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); if ( c.isExternal() ) { final boolean is_in_found_nodes = isInFoundNodes0( c ) || isInFoundNodes1( c ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( c ); if ( ( _dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 ) && !is_in_found_nodes && ( ( _urt_nodeid_index_map.get( c.getId() ) % _dynamic_hiding_factor ) != 1 ) ) { return; } paintNodeDataUnrootedCirc( g, c, to_pdf, to_graphics_file, radial_labels, 0, is_in_found_nodes ); } } final void paintBranchCircularLite( final PhylogenyNode p, final PhylogenyNode c, final Graphics2D g ) { final double angle = _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( c.getId() ); final double root_x = _root.getXSecondary(); final double root_y = _root.getYSecondary(); final double dx = root_x - p.getXSecondary(); final double dy = root_y - p.getYSecondary(); final double arc = ( _urt_nodeid_angle_map.get( p.getId() ) ) - angle; final double parent_radius = Math.sqrt( ( dx * dx ) + ( dy * dy ) ); g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getOvColor() ); if ( ( c.isFirstChildNode() || c.isLastChildNode() ) && ( Math.abs( arc ) > 0.02 ) ) { final double r2 = 2.0 * parent_radius; drawArc( root_x - parent_radius, root_y - parent_radius, r2, r2, ( -angle - arc ), arc, g ); } drawLine( c.getXSecondary(), c.getYSecondary(), root_x + ( Math.cos( angle ) * parent_radius ), root_y + ( Math.sin( angle ) * parent_radius ), g ); if ( isInFoundNodes( c ) || isInCurrentExternalNodes( c ) ) { g.setColor( getColorForFoundNode( c ) ); drawRectFilled( c.getXSecondary() - OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF, c.getYSecondary() - OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE_HALF, OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE, OVERVIEW_FOUND_NODE_BOX_SIZE, g ); } } final void paintCircular( final Phylogeny phy, final double starting_angle, final int center_x, final int center_y, final int radius, final Graphics2D g, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file ) { final int circ_num_ext_nodes = phy.getNumberOfExternalNodes() - _collapsed_external_nodeid_set.size(); System.out.println( "# collapsed external = " + _collapsed_external_nodeid_set.size() ); _root = phy.getRoot(); _root.setXcoord( center_x ); _root.setYcoord( center_y ); final boolean radial_labels = getOptions().getNodeLabelDirection() == NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.RADIAL; double current_angle = starting_angle; int i = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = phy.iteratorExternalForward(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); if ( !n.isCollapse() ) { n.setXcoord( ( float ) ( center_x + ( radius * Math.cos( current_angle ) ) ) ); n.setYcoord( ( float ) ( center_y + ( radius * Math.sin( current_angle ) ) ) ); _urt_nodeid_angle_map.put( n.getId(), current_angle ); _urt_nodeid_index_map.put( n.getId(), i++ ); current_angle += ( TWO_PI / circ_num_ext_nodes ); } else { //TODO remove me System.out.println( "is collapse" + n.getName() ); } } paintCirculars( phy.getRoot(), phy, center_x, center_y, radius, radial_labels, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); paintNodeBox( _root.getXcoord(), _root.getYcoord(), _root, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } final void paintCircularLite( final Phylogeny phy, final double starting_angle, final int center_x, final int center_y, final int radius, final Graphics2D g ) { final int circ_num_ext_nodes = phy.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); _root = phy.getRoot(); _root.setXSecondary( center_x ); _root.setYSecondary( center_y ); double current_angle = starting_angle; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = phy.iteratorExternalForward(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); n.setXSecondary( ( float ) ( center_x + ( radius * Math.cos( current_angle ) ) ) ); n.setYSecondary( ( float ) ( center_y + ( radius * Math.sin( current_angle ) ) ) ); _urt_nodeid_angle_map.put( n.getId(), current_angle ); current_angle += ( TWO_PI / circ_num_ext_nodes ); } paintCircularsLite( phy.getRoot(), phy, center_x, center_y, radius, g ); } final void paintPhylogeny( final Graphics2D g, final boolean to_pdf, final boolean to_graphics_file, final int graphics_file_width, final int graphics_file_height, final int graphics_file_x, final int graphics_file_y ) { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || _phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { return; } if ( _control_panel.isShowSequenceRelations() ) { _query_sequence = _control_panel.getSelectedQuerySequence(); } // Color the background if ( !to_pdf ) { final Rectangle r = getVisibleRect(); if ( !getOptions().isBackgroundColorGradient() || getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor() ); if ( !to_graphics_file ) { g.fill( r ); } else { if ( getOptions().isPrintBlackAndWhite() ) { g.setColor( Color.WHITE ); } g.fillRect( graphics_file_x, graphics_file_y, graphics_file_width, graphics_file_height ); } } else { if ( !to_graphics_file ) { g.setPaint( new GradientPaint( r.x, r.y, getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor(), r.x, r.y + r.height, getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColorGradientBottom() ) ); g.fill( r ); } else { g.setPaint( new GradientPaint( graphics_file_x, graphics_file_y, getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColor(), graphics_file_x, graphics_file_y + graphics_file_height, getTreeColorSet().getBackgroundColorGradientBottom() ) ); g.fillRect( graphics_file_x, graphics_file_y, graphics_file_width, graphics_file_height ); } } setupStroke( g ); } else { g.setStroke( new BasicStroke( getOptions().getPrintLineWidth() ) ); } if ( ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) && ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() != PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) ) { _external_node_index = 0; // Position starting X of tree if ( !_phylogeny.isRooted() /*|| ( _subtree_index > 0 )*/ ) { _phylogeny.getRoot().setXcoord( TreePanel.MOVE ); } else if ( ( _phylogeny.getRoot().getDistanceToParent() > 0.0 ) && getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { _phylogeny.getRoot().setXcoord( ( float ) ( TreePanel.MOVE + ( _phylogeny.getRoot().getDistanceToParent() * getXcorrectionFactor() ) ) ); } else { _phylogeny.getRoot().setXcoord( TreePanel.MOVE + getXdistance() ); } // Position starting Y of tree _phylogeny.getRoot().setYcoord( ( getYdistance() * _phylogeny.getRoot().getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) + ( TreePanel.MOVE / 2.0f ) ); final int dynamic_hiding_factor = calcDynamicHidingFactor(); if ( getControlPanel().isDynamicallyHideData() ) { if ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 ) { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( true ); } else { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( false ); } } if ( _nodes_in_preorder == null ) { _nodes_in_preorder = new PhylogenyNode[ _phylogeny.getNodeCount() ]; int i = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = _phylogeny.iteratorPreorder(); it.hasNext(); ) { _nodes_in_preorder[ i++ ] = it.next(); } } final boolean disallow_shortcutting = ( dynamic_hiding_factor < 40 ) /* || getControlPanel().isUseVisualStyles() || getOptions().isShowDefaultNodeShapesForMarkedNodes()*/ //TODO check if this is really not needed. || to_graphics_file || to_pdf; for( final PhylogenyNode element : _nodes_in_preorder ) { paintNodeRectangular( g, element, to_pdf, getControlPanel().isDynamicallyHideData() && ( dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 ), dynamic_hiding_factor, to_graphics_file, disallow_shortcutting ); } if ( getOptions().isShowScale() && getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() && ( getScaleDistance() > 0.0 ) ) { if ( !( to_graphics_file || to_pdf ) ) { paintScale( g, getVisibleRect().x, getVisibleRect().y + getVisibleRect().height, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } else { paintScale( g, graphics_file_x, graphics_file_y + graphics_file_height, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } } if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf ) { paintPhylogenyLite( g ); } } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { if ( getControlPanel().getDynamicallyHideData() != null ) { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( false ); } final double angle = getStartingAngle(); final boolean radial_labels = getOptions().getNodeLabelDirection() == NODE_LABEL_DIRECTION.RADIAL; _dynamic_hiding_factor = 0; if ( getControlPanel().isDynamicallyHideData() ) { _dynamic_hiding_factor = ( int ) ( ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getHeight() * 1.5 * getPhylogeny().getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) / ( TWO_PI * 10 ) ); } if ( getControlPanel().getDynamicallyHideData() != null ) { if ( _dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 ) { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( true ); } else { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( false ); } } paintUnrooted( _phylogeny.getRoot(), angle, ( float ) ( angle + ( 2 * Math.PI ) ), radial_labels, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); if ( getOptions().isShowScale() ) { if ( !( to_graphics_file || to_pdf ) ) { paintScale( g, getVisibleRect().x, getVisibleRect().y + getVisibleRect().height, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } else { paintScale( g, graphics_file_x, graphics_file_y + graphics_file_height, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); } } if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf ) { g.setColor( getTreeColorSet().getOvColor() ); paintUnrootedLite( _phylogeny.getRoot(), angle, angle + ( 2 * Math.PI ), g, ( getUrtFactorOv() / ( getVisibleRect().width / getOvMaxWidth() ) ) ); paintOvRectangle( g ); } } else if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) { final int radius = ( int ) ( ( Math.min( getPreferredSize().getWidth(), getPreferredSize().getHeight() ) / 2 ) - ( MOVE + getLongestExtNodeInfo() ) ); final int d = radius + MOVE + getLongestExtNodeInfo(); _dynamic_hiding_factor = 0; if ( getControlPanel().isDynamicallyHideData() && ( radius > 0 ) ) { _dynamic_hiding_factor = ( int ) ( ( getFontMetricsForLargeDefaultFont().getHeight() * 1.5 * getPhylogeny().getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) / ( TWO_PI * radius ) ); } if ( getControlPanel().getDynamicallyHideData() != null ) { if ( _dynamic_hiding_factor > 1 ) { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( true ); } else { getControlPanel().setDynamicHidingIsOn( false ); } } paintCircular( _phylogeny, getStartingAngle(), d, d, radius > 0 ? radius : 0, g, to_pdf, to_graphics_file ); if ( getOptions().isShowOverview() && isOvOn() && !to_graphics_file && !to_pdf ) { final int radius_ov = ( int ) ( getOvMaxHeight() < getOvMaxWidth() ? getOvMaxHeight() / 2 : getOvMaxWidth() / 2 ); double x_scale = 1.0; double y_scale = 1.0; int x_pos = getVisibleRect().x + getOvXPosition(); int y_pos = getVisibleRect().y + getOvYPosition(); if ( getWidth() > getHeight() ) { x_scale = ( double ) getHeight() / getWidth(); x_pos = ForesterUtil.roundToInt( x_pos / x_scale ); } else { y_scale = ( double ) getWidth() / getHeight(); y_pos = ForesterUtil.roundToInt( y_pos / y_scale ); } _at = g.getTransform(); g.scale( x_scale, y_scale ); paintCircularLite( _phylogeny, getStartingAngle(), x_pos + radius_ov, y_pos + radius_ov, ( int ) ( radius_ov - ( getLongestExtNodeInfo() / ( getVisibleRect().width / getOvRectangle().getWidth() ) ) ), g ); g.setTransform( _at ); paintOvRectangle( g ); } } // if (_partition_tree) { // g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); // float threshold = (_clicked_x - _root_x) / (_furthest_node_x - _root_x); // drawLine( _clicked_x, 0, _clicked_x, getHeight(),g); // // _partition_tree = false; // } } final void recalculateMaxDistanceToRoot() { _max_distance_to_root = PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDistanceToRoot( getPhylogeny() ); if ( getPhylogeny().getRoot().getDistanceToParent() > 0 ) { _max_distance_to_root += getPhylogeny().getRoot().getDistanceToParent(); } } /** * Remove all edit-node frames */ final void removeAllEditNodeJFrames() { for( int i = 0; i <= ( TreePanel.MAX_NODE_FRAMES - 1 ); i++ ) { if ( _node_frames[ i ] != null ) { _node_frames[ i ].dispose(); _node_frames[ i ] = null; } } _node_frame_index = 0; } /** * Remove a node-edit frame. */ final void removeEditNodeFrame( final int i ) { _node_frame_index--; _node_frames[ i ] = null; if ( i < _node_frame_index ) { for( int j = 0; j < ( _node_frame_index - 1 ); j++ ) { _node_frames[ j ] = _node_frames[ j + 1 ]; } _node_frames[ _node_frame_index ] = null; } } final void reRoot( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( !getPhylogeny().isRerootable() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "This is not rerootable", "Not rerootable", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot reroot in unrooted display type", "Attempt to reroot tree in unrooted display", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } getPhylogeny().reRoot( node ); getPhylogeny().recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); resetPreferredSize(); getMainPanel().adjustJScrollPane(); setEdited( true ); repaint(); if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.CIRCULAR ) { getControlPanel().showWhole(); } } final void resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap() { _nodeid_dist_to_leaf = new HashMap(); } final void resetPreferredSize() { if ( ( getPhylogeny() == null ) || getPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) { return; } int x = 0; int y = 0; y = TreePanel.MOVE + ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getYdistance() * getPhylogeny().getRoot().getNumberOfExternalNodes() * 2 ); if ( getControlPanel().isDrawPhylogram() ) { x = TreePanel.MOVE + getLongestExtNodeInfo() + ForesterUtil.roundToInt( ( getXcorrectionFactor() * getPhylogeny().calculateHeight( !_options.isCollapsedWithAverageHeigh() ) ) + getXdistance() ); } else { if ( !isNonLinedUpCladogram() ) { x = TreePanel.MOVE + getLongestExtNodeInfo() + ForesterUtil .roundToInt( getXdistance() * ( getPhylogeny().getRoot().getNumberOfExternalNodes() + 2 ) ); } else { x = TreePanel.MOVE + getLongestExtNodeInfo() + ForesterUtil .roundToInt( getXdistance() * ( PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepth( getPhylogeny() ) + 1 ) ); } } setPreferredSize( new Dimension( x, y ) ); } final void selectNode( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( ( getFoundNodes0() != null ) && getFoundNodes0().contains( node.getId() ) ) { getFoundNodes0().remove( node.getId() ); getControlPanel().setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel0( getFoundNodes0().size() ); if ( getFoundNodes0().size() < 1 ) { getControlPanel().searchReset0(); } } else { getControlPanel().getSearchFoundCountsLabel0().setVisible( true ); getControlPanel().getSearchResetButton0().setEnabled( true ); getControlPanel().getSearchResetButton0().setVisible( true ); if ( getFoundNodes0() == null ) { setFoundNodes0( new HashSet() ); } getFoundNodes0().add( node.getId() ); getControlPanel().setSearchFoundCountsOnLabel0( getFoundNodes0().size() ); } } final void setArrowCursor() { setCursor( ARROW_CURSOR ); repaint(); } final void setControlPanel( final ControlPanel atv_control ) { _control_panel = atv_control; } void setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( final StringBuilder sb ) { increaseCurrentExternalNodesDataBufferChangeCounter(); _current_external_nodes_data_buffer = sb; } public final void setFoundNodes0( final Set found_nodes ) { _found_nodes_0 = found_nodes; } public final void setFoundNodes1( final Set found_nodes ) { _found_nodes_1 = found_nodes; } final void setInOvRect( final boolean in_ov_rect ) { _in_ov_rect = in_ov_rect; } final void setLargeFonts() { getTreeFontSet().largeFonts(); } final void setLastMouseDragPointX( final float x ) { _last_drag_point_x = x; } final void setLastMouseDragPointY( final float y ) { _last_drag_point_y = y; } final void setMediumFonts() { getTreeFontSet().mediumFonts(); } final void setNodeInPreorderToNull() { _nodes_in_preorder = null; } final void setOvOn( final boolean ov_on ) { _ov_on = ov_on; } final void setPhylogenyGraphicsType( final PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE graphics_type ) { _graphics_type = graphics_type; setTextAntialias(); } final void setSmallFonts() { getTreeFontSet().smallFonts(); } final void setStartingAngle( final double starting_angle ) { _urt_starting_angle = starting_angle; } void setStatisticsForExpressionValues( final DescriptiveStatistics statistics_for_expression_values ) { _statistics_for_vector_data = statistics_for_expression_values; } final void setSuperTinyFonts() { getTreeFontSet().superTinyFonts(); } final void setTextAntialias() { if ( ( _phylogeny != null ) && !_phylogeny.isEmpty() ) { if ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() <= LIMIT_FOR_HQ_RENDERING ) { _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY ); } else { _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED ); } } if ( getMainPanel().getOptions().isAntialiasScreen() ) { _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); // try { _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB ); // } // catch ( final Throwable e ) { // _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON ); //} } else { _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF ); _rendering_hints.put( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF ); } } final void setTinyFonts() { getTreeFontSet().tinyFonts(); } public final void setTreeFile( final File treefile ) { _treefile = treefile; } final void setXcorrectionFactor( final float f ) { _x_correction_factor = f; } final void setXdistance( final float x ) { _x_distance = x; } final void setYdistance( final float y ) { _y_distance = y; } final void sortDescendants( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( !node.isExternal() ) { DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.NODE_NAME; if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() ) { pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.TAXONOMY; } else if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() || getControlPanel().isShowSeqSymbols() || getControlPanel().isShowGeneNames() ) { pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.SEQUENCE; } PhylogenyMethods.sortNodeDescendents( node, pri ); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); } repaint(); } final void subTree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getPhylogenyGraphicsType() == PHYLOGENY_GRAPHICS_TYPE.UNROOTED ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot get a sub/super tree in unrooted display", "Attempt to get sub/super tree in unrooted display", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( node.isExternal() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot get a subtree of a external node", "Attempt to get subtree of external node", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( node.isRoot() && !isCurrentTreeIsSubtree() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot get a subtree of the root node", "Attempt to get subtree of root node", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } setNodeInPreorderToNull(); if ( !node.isExternal() && !node.isRoot() && ( _subtree_index <= ( TreePanel.MAX_SUBTREES - 1 ) ) ) { _sub_phylogenies[ _subtree_index ] = _phylogeny; _sub_phylogenies_temp_roots[ _subtree_index ] = node; ++_subtree_index; _phylogeny = TreePanelUtil.subTree( node, _phylogeny ); if ( _phylogeny.getRoot().isCollapse() ) { _phylogeny.getRoot().setCollapse( false ); } _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); updateSubSuperTreeButton(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search0(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search1(); resetRankCollapseRankValue(); resetDepthCollapseDepthValue(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateDomainStructureEvaluethresholdDisplay(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateDepthCollapseDepthDisplay(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateRankCollapseRankDisplay(); } else if ( node.isRoot() && isCurrentTreeIsSubtree() ) { superTree(); } _main_panel.getControlPanel().showWhole(); repaint(); } final void superTree() { setNodeInPreorderToNull(); final PhylogenyNode temp_root = _sub_phylogenies_temp_roots[ _subtree_index - 1 ]; for( final PhylogenyNode n : temp_root.getDescendants() ) { n.setParent( temp_root ); } _sub_phylogenies[ _subtree_index ] = null; _sub_phylogenies_temp_roots[ _subtree_index ] = null; _phylogeny = _sub_phylogenies[ --_subtree_index ]; _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search0(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().search1(); resetRankCollapseRankValue(); resetDepthCollapseDepthValue(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateDomainStructureEvaluethresholdDisplay(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateDepthCollapseDepthDisplay(); getMainPanel().getControlPanel().updateRankCollapseRankDisplay(); updateSubSuperTreeButton(); } final void orderSubtree( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.isExternal() ) { return; } DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.NODE_NAME; if ( getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyScientificNames() || getControlPanel().isShowTaxonomyCode() ) { pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.TAXONOMY; } else if ( getControlPanel().isShowSeqNames() || getControlPanel().isShowSeqSymbols() || getControlPanel().isShowGeneNames() ) { pri = DESCENDANT_SORT_PRIORITY.SEQUENCE; } PhylogenyMethods.orderAppearanceX( node, true, pri ); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); getPhylogeny().externalNodesHaveChanged(); getPhylogeny().clearHashIdToNodeMap(); getPhylogeny().recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); getControlPanel().displayedPhylogenyMightHaveChanged( true ); repaint(); } final void swap( final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.isExternal() || ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() < 2 ) ) { return; } if ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() > 2 ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot swap descendants of nodes with more than 2 descendants", "Cannot swap descendants", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( !node.isExternal() ) { node.swapChildren(); setNodeInPreorderToNull(); _phylogeny.externalNodesHaveChanged(); _phylogeny.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _phylogeny.recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( true ); resetNodeIdToDistToLeafMap(); setEdited( true ); } repaint(); } final void taxColor() { if ( ( _phylogeny == null ) || ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { return; } setWaitCursor(); TreePanelUtil.colorPhylogenyAccordingToExternalTaxonomy( _phylogeny, this ); _control_panel.setColorBranches( true ); if ( _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb() != null ) { _control_panel.getUseVisualStylesCb().setSelected( true ); } setEdited( true ); setArrowCursor(); repaint(); } final void updateOvSettings() { switch ( getOptions().getOvPlacement() ) { case LOWER_LEFT: setOvXPosition( OV_BORDER ); setOvYPosition( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getVisibleRect().height - OV_BORDER - getOvMaxHeight() ) ); setOvYStart( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getOvYPosition() + ( getOvMaxHeight() / 2 ) ) ); break; case LOWER_RIGHT: setOvXPosition( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getVisibleRect().width - OV_BORDER - getOvMaxWidth() ) ); setOvYPosition( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getVisibleRect().height - OV_BORDER - getOvMaxHeight() ) ); setOvYStart( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getOvYPosition() + ( getOvMaxHeight() / 2 ) ) ); break; case UPPER_RIGHT: setOvXPosition( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( getVisibleRect().width - OV_BORDER - getOvMaxWidth() ) ); setOvYPosition( OV_BORDER ); setOvYStart( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( OV_BORDER + ( getOvMaxHeight() / 2 ) ) ); break; default: setOvXPosition( OV_BORDER ); setOvYPosition( OV_BORDER ); setOvYStart( ForesterUtil.roundToInt( OV_BORDER + ( getOvMaxHeight() / 2 ) ) ); break; } } final void updateOvSizes() { if ( ( getWidth() > ( 1.05 * getVisibleRect().width ) ) || ( getHeight() > ( 1.05 * getVisibleRect().height ) ) ) { setOvOn( true ); float l = getLongestExtNodeInfo(); final float w_ratio = getOvMaxWidth() / getWidth(); l *= w_ratio; final int ext_nodes = _phylogeny.getRoot().getNumberOfExternalNodes(); setOvYDistance( getOvMaxHeight() / ( 2 * ext_nodes ) ); float ov_xdist = 0; if ( !isNonLinedUpCladogram() ) { ov_xdist = ( ( getOvMaxWidth() - l ) / ( ext_nodes ) ); } else { ov_xdist = ( ( getOvMaxWidth() - l ) / ( PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepth( _phylogeny ) ) ); } float ydist = ( float ) ( ( getOvMaxWidth() / ( ext_nodes * 2.0 ) ) ); if ( ov_xdist < 0.0 ) { ov_xdist = 0.0f; } if ( ydist < 0.0 ) { ydist = 0.0f; } setOvXDistance( ov_xdist ); final double height = _phylogeny.calculateHeight( !_options.isCollapsedWithAverageHeigh() ); if ( height > 0 ) { final float ov_corr = ( float ) ( ( ( getOvMaxWidth() - l ) - getOvXDistance() ) / height ); setOvXcorrectionFactor( ov_corr > 0 ? ov_corr : 0 ); } else { setOvXcorrectionFactor( 0 ); } } else { setOvOn( false ); } } void updateSetOfCollapsedExternalNodes() { final Phylogeny phy = getPhylogeny(); _collapsed_external_nodeid_set.clear(); if ( phy != null ) { E: for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = phy.iteratorExternalForward(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode ext_node = it.next(); PhylogenyNode n = ext_node; while ( !n.isRoot() ) { if ( n.isCollapse() ) { _collapsed_external_nodeid_set.add( ext_node.getId() ); ext_node.setCollapse( true ); continue E; } n = n.getParent(); } } } } final void updateSubSuperTreeButton() { if ( _subtree_index < 1 ) { getControlPanel().deactivateButtonToReturnToSuperTree(); } else { getControlPanel().activateButtonToReturnToSuperTree( _subtree_index ); } } final void updateButtonToUncollapseAll() { if ( PhylogenyMethods.isHasCollapsedNodes( _phylogeny ) ) { getControlPanel().activateButtonToUncollapseAll(); } else { getControlPanel().deactivateButtonToUncollapseAll(); } } final void zoomInDomainStructure() { if ( _domain_structure_width < 2000 ) { _domain_structure_width *= 1.2; } } final void zoomOutDomainStructure() { if ( _domain_structure_width > 20 ) { _domain_structure_width *= 0.8; } } private final static void colorizeNodesHelper( final Color c, final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData() == null ) { node.getNodeData().setNodeVisualData( new NodeVisualData() ); } node.getNodeData().getNodeVisualData().setFontColor( new Color( c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue() ) ); } final private static void drawString( final String str, final float x, final float y, final Graphics2D g ) { g.drawString( str, x, y ); } final private void drawStringX( final String str, final float x, final float y, final Graphics2D g ) { //TODO //FIXME if ( getAttributedStringMap() == null /*&& getAttributedStringMap().containsKey(str) */ ) { final AttributedString as = new AttributedString( str ); //Font plainFont = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 24); as.addAttribute( TextAttribute.FONT, g.getFont() ); as.addAttribute( TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, 1, 3 ); as.addAttribute( TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER, 3, 4 ); as.addAttribute( TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.BLUE, 1, 2 ); as.addAttribute( TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.PINK, 3, 5 ); as.addAttribute( TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH, TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH_ON, 2, 4 ); g.drawString( as.getIterator(), x, y ); } else { g.drawString( str, x, y ); } } private final Map getAttributedStringMap() { return _attributed_string_map; } private final void setAttributedStringMap( final Map attributed_string_map ) { _attributed_string_map = attributed_string_map; } final private static boolean plusPressed( final int key_code ) { return ( ( key_code == KeyEvent.VK_ADD ) || ( key_code == KeyEvent.VK_PLUS ) || ( key_code == KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS ) || ( key_code == KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON ) || ( key_code == KeyEvent.VK_1 ) ); } public void decreaseDepthCollapseLevel() { if ( ( _phylogeny != null ) && ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() > 2 ) ) { if ( _depth_collapse_level <= 1 ) { _depth_collapse_level = PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepth( _phylogeny ); uncollapseAll(); } else { --_depth_collapse_level; PhylogenyMethods.collapseToDepth( _phylogeny, _depth_collapse_level ); } } } public void increaseDepthCollapseLevel() { if ( ( _phylogeny != null ) && ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() > 2 ) ) { final int max = PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDepth( _phylogeny ); if ( _depth_collapse_level >= max ) { _depth_collapse_level = 1; } else { ++_depth_collapse_level; } PhylogenyMethods.collapseToDepth( _phylogeny, _depth_collapse_level ); } } public void decreaseRankCollapseLevel() { if ( ( _phylogeny != null ) && ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() > 2 ) ) { final String ranks[] = PhylogenyMethods.obtainPresentRanksSorted( _phylogeny ); if ( ranks.length > 1 ) { if ( _rank_collapse_level <= 0 ) { _rank_collapse_level = ranks.length - 1; uncollapseAll(); } else { --_rank_collapse_level; PhylogenyMethods.collapseToRank( _phylogeny, mapToAbsoluteRankLevel( ranks, _rank_collapse_level ) ); } } } } public void increaseRankCollapseLevel() { if ( ( _phylogeny != null ) && ( _phylogeny.getNumberOfExternalNodes() > 2 ) ) { final String ranks[] = PhylogenyMethods.obtainPresentRanksSorted( _phylogeny ); if ( ranks.length > 1 ) { if ( _rank_collapse_level >= ( ranks.length - 1 ) ) { _rank_collapse_level = 0; PhylogenyMethods.collapseToRank( _phylogeny, mapToAbsoluteRankLevel( ranks, _rank_collapse_level ) ); } else if ( _rank_collapse_level == ( ranks.length - 2 ) ) { ++_rank_collapse_level; uncollapseAll(); } else { ++_rank_collapse_level; PhylogenyMethods.collapseToRank( _phylogeny, mapToAbsoluteRankLevel( ranks, _rank_collapse_level ) ); } } } } private final static int mapToAbsoluteRankLevel( final String present_ranks_sorted[], final int rank_collapse_level ) { final String rank_str = present_ranks_sorted[ rank_collapse_level ]; if ( !TaxonomyUtil.RANK_TO_INT.containsKey( rank_str ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "unexpected exception: cannot find rank " + rank_str ); } return TaxonomyUtil.RANK_TO_INT.get( rank_str ); } private final void uncollapseAll() { final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = new PreorderTreeIterator( _phylogeny ); while ( it.hasNext() ) { it.next().setCollapse( false ); } } final int resetDepthCollapseDepthValue() { return _depth_collapse_level = -1; } final int getDepthCollapseDepthValue() { return _depth_collapse_level; } final void setDepthCollapseDepthValue( final int depth_collapse_level ) { _depth_collapse_level = depth_collapse_level; } final int resetRankCollapseRankValue() { return _rank_collapse_level = -1; } final int getRankCollapseRankValue() { return _rank_collapse_level; } final void setRankCollapseRankValue( final int rank_collapse_level ) { _rank_collapse_level = rank_collapse_level; } }