// $Id: // forester -- software libraries and applications // for genomics and evolutionary biology research. // // Copyright (C) 2010 Christian M Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2010 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.archaeopteryx.tools; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.AptxUtil; import org.forester.archaeopteryx.MainFrameApplication; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.PairwiseDistanceCalculator.PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD; import org.forester.sequence.Sequence; import org.forester.util.BasicDescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.DescriptiveStatistics; public class PhyloInferenceDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8337543508238133614L; private final JPanel _pnl; private final JButton _launch_btn; private final JButton _cancel_btn; private final JFormattedTextField _bootstrap_tf; private final JCheckBox _bootstrap_cb; private final PhylogeneticInferenceOptions _opts; private JTextField _input_msa_file_tf; private JButton _select_input_msa_btn; private final MainFrameApplication _parent_frame; private JTextField _msa_length_tf; private JTextField _msa_size_tf; private JTextField _msa_type_tf; private final JRadioButton _distance_calc_kimura_rb; private final JRadioButton _distance_calc_poisson_rb; private final JRadioButton _distance_calc_fract_dissimilarity_rb; private int _value = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; private JTextField _input_seqs_tf; private JButton _select_input_seqs_btn; private JTextField _input_seqs_number_tf; private JTextField _input_seqs_median_length_tf; private JTextField _input_seqs_min_length_tf; private JTextField _input_seqs_max_length_tf; private JTextField _input_seqs_type_tf; private JTextField _mafft_paramenters_tf; private JTextField _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_tf; private JTextField _msa_processing_min_allowed_length_tf; private JTextField _random_seed_tf; private JCheckBox _execute_msa_processing_cb; private JCheckBox _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns_cb; private JCheckBox _mafft_cb; private JCheckBox _save_pwd_file_cb; private JCheckBox _save_processed_msa_cb; private JCheckBox _save_original_msa_cb; private JTextField _pwd_outfile_tf; private JTextField _processed_msa_outfile_tf; private JTextField _original_msa_outfile_tf; public PhyloInferenceDialog( final MainFrameApplication frame, final PhylogeneticInferenceOptions options, final boolean from_unaligned_seqs ) { super( frame, true ); setVisible( false ); _parent_frame = frame; _opts = options; _pnl = new JPanel(); getContentPane().add( _pnl ); final BoxLayout box_layout = new BoxLayout( _pnl, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS ); _pnl.setLayout( box_layout ); if ( from_unaligned_seqs ) { setTitle( "Phylogenetic Inference (including multiple sequence alignment)" ); final JPanel inputfile_pnl_1 = new JPanel(); final JPanel inputfile_pnl_2 = new JPanel(); final JPanel inputfile_pnl_3 = new JPanel(); final JPanel inputfile_pnl_4 = new JPanel(); inputfile_pnl_1.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_2.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_3.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_4.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_1.add( new JLabel( "Input Sequence File:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_1.add( _input_seqs_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_1.add( _select_input_seqs_btn = new JButton( "Select Input File" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Sequences: " ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Number of Sequences:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _input_seqs_number_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Length: median:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _input_seqs_median_length_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "min:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _input_seqs_min_length_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "max:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _input_seqs_max_length_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Type:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _input_seqs_type_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_3.add( _mafft_cb = new JCheckBox( "MAFFT" ) ); inputfile_pnl_3.add( new JLabel( "Parameters: " ) ); inputfile_pnl_3.add( _mafft_paramenters_tf = new JTextField() ); _input_seqs_median_length_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _input_seqs_min_length_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _input_seqs_max_length_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _input_seqs_number_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _input_seqs_type_tf.setColumns( 2 ); _input_seqs_tf.setColumns( 20 ); _input_seqs_tf.setEditable( false ); _input_seqs_median_length_tf.setEditable( false ); _input_seqs_min_length_tf.setEditable( false ); _input_seqs_max_length_tf.setEditable( false ); _input_seqs_number_tf.setEditable( false ); _input_seqs_type_tf.setEditable( false ); _mafft_paramenters_tf.setColumns( 26 ); _mafft_paramenters_tf.setText( "--maxiterate 1000 --localpair" ); _select_input_seqs_btn.addActionListener( this ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_1 ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_2 ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_3 ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_4 ); } else { setTitle( "Phylogenetic Inference (from already aligned sequences) " ); // Inputfile (MSA): final JPanel inputfile_pnl_1 = new JPanel(); final JPanel inputfile_pnl_2 = new JPanel(); inputfile_pnl_1.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_2.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_1.add( new JLabel( "Input MSA File:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_1.add( _input_msa_file_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_1.add( _select_input_msa_btn = new JButton( "Select Input File" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "MSA: " ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Number of Sequences:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _msa_size_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Length:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _msa_length_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( new JLabel( "Type:" ) ); inputfile_pnl_2.add( _msa_type_tf = new JTextField() ); _msa_length_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _msa_size_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _msa_type_tf.setColumns( 2 ); _input_msa_file_tf.setColumns( 20 ); _input_msa_file_tf.setEditable( false ); _msa_length_tf.setEditable( false ); _msa_size_tf.setEditable( false ); _msa_type_tf.setEditable( false ); _select_input_msa_btn.addActionListener( this ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_1 ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_2 ); } // final JPanel inputfile_pnl_4 = new JPanel(); inputfile_pnl_4.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( new JLabel( "MSA Processing: " ) ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( _execute_msa_processing_cb = new JCheckBox( "Process MSA" ) ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns_cb = new JCheckBox( "Remove all gap columns" ) ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( new JLabel( "Max allowed gap ratio: " ) ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_tf = new JTextField() ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( new JLabel( "Min allowed non-gap sequence length: " ) ); inputfile_pnl_4.add( _msa_processing_min_allowed_length_tf = new JTextField() ); _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _msa_processing_min_allowed_length_tf.setColumns( 4 ); final Border b = new LineBorder( Color.DARK_GRAY ); inputfile_pnl_4.setBorder( b ); _pnl.add( inputfile_pnl_4 ); // // Distance calculation: // TODO if type==AA... final JPanel distance_calc_pnl_1 = new JPanel(); distance_calc_pnl_1.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); distance_calc_pnl_1.add( new JLabel( "Distance calculation:" ) ); distance_calc_pnl_1.add( _distance_calc_kimura_rb = new JRadioButton( "Kimura correction" ) ); distance_calc_pnl_1.add( _distance_calc_poisson_rb = new JRadioButton( "Poisson" ) ); distance_calc_pnl_1 .add( _distance_calc_fract_dissimilarity_rb = new JRadioButton( "Fractional dissimilarity" ) ); final ButtonGroup distance_calc_group_1 = new ButtonGroup(); distance_calc_group_1.add( _distance_calc_kimura_rb ); distance_calc_group_1.add( _distance_calc_poisson_rb ); distance_calc_group_1.add( _distance_calc_fract_dissimilarity_rb ); _pnl.add( distance_calc_pnl_1 ); // Bootstrap resampling: final JPanel bootstrap_pnl = new JPanel(); bootstrap_pnl.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); bootstrap_pnl.add( _bootstrap_cb = new JCheckBox( "Perform Bootstrap Resampling" ) ); bootstrap_pnl.add( new JLabel( "Number of Bootstrap Samples:" ) ); bootstrap_pnl.add( _bootstrap_tf = new JFormattedTextField( AptxUtil.createMaskFormatter( "###" ) ) ); _bootstrap_tf.setColumns( 4 ); // TODO see // http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/components/formattedtextfield.html // _bootstrap_tf.setColumns( 4 ); bootstrap_pnl.add( new JLabel( "Random Seed:" ) ); bootstrap_pnl.add( _random_seed_tf = new JTextField() ); _random_seed_tf.setColumns( 4 ); _pnl.add( bootstrap_pnl ); final JPanel launch_pnl = new JPanel(); launch_pnl.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); _launch_btn = new JButton( "Go!" ); _launch_btn.addActionListener( this ); launch_pnl.add( _launch_btn ); _cancel_btn = new JButton( "Cancel" ); _cancel_btn.addActionListener( this ); launch_pnl.add( _cancel_btn ); _pnl.add( launch_pnl ); initializeValues( from_unaligned_seqs ); pack(); setLocationRelativeTo( getParentFrame() ); setResizable( false ); } @Override public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) { if ( e.getSource() == _select_input_msa_btn ) { readInputFile(); } else if ( e.getSource() == _select_input_seqs_btn ) { readInputSeqsFile(); } else if ( e.getSource() == _launch_btn ) { launch(); } else if ( e.getSource() == _cancel_btn ) { cancel(); } } public void activate() { setVisible( true ); } private MainFrameApplication getParentFrame() { return _parent_frame; } public PhylogeneticInferenceOptions getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions() { return _opts; } public int getValue() { return _value; } private void initializeValues( final boolean from_unaligned_seqs ) { _value = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; if ( from_unaligned_seqs ) { updateSeqsItems(); } else { updateMsaItems(); } updateMsaProcessingItem(); updateDistanceCalcMethod(); _bootstrap_tf.setText( getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().getBootstrapSamples() + "" ); _random_seed_tf.setText( getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().getRandomNumberGeneratorSeed() + "" ); } private void launch() { processPerformBootstrapResampling(); if ( _bootstrap_cb.isSelected() ) { processBootstrapSamplesNumber(); processRandomNumberGeneratorSeed(); } if ( true ) { //TODO processMsaProcessing(); } processDistanceCalcMethod(); processMsaPrgParameters(); setVisible( false ); _value = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION; } private void cancel() { setVisible( false ); _value = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; } private void processBootstrapSamplesNumber() { int bootstrap_samples = 0; try { bootstrap_samples = Integer.parseInt( _bootstrap_tf.getText().trim() ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Could not parse number of bootstrap resamplings from: " + _bootstrap_tf.getText().trim(), "User Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); return; } if ( bootstrap_samples >= 0 ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setBootstrapSamples( bootstrap_samples ); } } private void processRandomNumberGeneratorSeed() { long seed = PhylogeneticInferenceOptions.RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED_DEFAULT; try { seed = Long.parseLong( _random_seed_tf.getText().trim() ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { return; } getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setRandomNumberGeneratorSeed( seed ); } private void processMsaProcessing() { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setExecuteMsaProcessing( _execute_msa_processing_cb.isSelected() ); getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions() .setMsaProcessingRemoveAllGapColumns( _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns_cb.isSelected() ); int min_length = -1; try { min_length = Integer.parseInt( _msa_processing_min_allowed_length_tf.getText().trim() ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { min_length = -1; } if ( min_length > 0 ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setMsaProcessingMinAllowedLength( min_length ); } double msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio = -1.0; try { msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio = Double.parseDouble( _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_tf .getText().trim() ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio = -1.0; } if ( ( msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio >= 0.0 ) && ( msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio <= 1.0 ) ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setMsaProcessingMaxAllowedGapRatio( msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio ); } } private void processDistanceCalcMethod() { if ( ( _distance_calc_kimura_rb != null ) && _distance_calc_kimura_rb.isSelected() ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setPwdDistanceMethod( PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD.KIMURA_DISTANCE ); } else if ( ( _distance_calc_poisson_rb != null ) && _distance_calc_poisson_rb.isSelected() ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setPwdDistanceMethod( PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD.POISSON_DISTANCE ); } else if ( ( _distance_calc_fract_dissimilarity_rb != null ) && _distance_calc_fract_dissimilarity_rb.isSelected() ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setPwdDistanceMethod( PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD.FRACTIONAL_DISSIMILARITY ); } } private void processPerformBootstrapResampling() { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setPerformBootstrapResampling( _bootstrap_cb.isSelected() ); } private void processMsaPrgParameters() { if ( _mafft_paramenters_tf != null ) { getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().setMsaPrgParameters( _mafft_paramenters_tf.getText() ); } } private void readInputFile() { getParentFrame().readMsaFromFile(); updateMsaItems(); } private void readInputSeqsFile() { getParentFrame().readSeqsFromFile(); updateSeqsItems(); } private void updateDistanceCalcMethod() { switch ( getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().getPwdDistanceMethod() ) { case KIMURA_DISTANCE: _distance_calc_kimura_rb.setSelected( true ); break; case POISSON_DISTANCE: _distance_calc_poisson_rb.setSelected( true ); break; case FRACTIONAL_DISSIMILARITY: _distance_calc_fract_dissimilarity_rb.setSelected( true ); break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "invalid distance calc method" ); } } private void updateMsaProcessingItem() { _execute_msa_processing_cb.setSelected( getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions().isExecuteMsaProcessing() ); _msa_processing_remove_all_gap_columns_cb.setSelected( getPhylogeneticInferenceOptions() .isMsaProcessingRemoveAllGapColumns() ); if ( _opts.getMsaProcessingMaxAllowedGapRatio() > 0 ) { _msa_processing_max_allowed_gap_ratio_tf.setText( _opts.getMsaProcessingMaxAllowedGapRatio() + "" ); } if ( _opts.getMsaProcessingMinAllowedLength() > 0 ) { _msa_processing_min_allowed_length_tf.setText( _opts.getMsaProcessingMinAllowedLength() + "" ); } } private void updateMsaItems() { if ( getParentFrame().getMsa() != null ) { _input_msa_file_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getMsaFile().toString() ); _msa_length_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getMsa().getLength() + "" ); _msa_size_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getMsa().getNumberOfSequences() + "" ); _msa_type_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getMsa().getType() + "" ); _input_msa_file_tf.setEnabled( true ); _msa_length_tf.setEnabled( true ); _msa_size_tf.setEnabled( true ); _msa_type_tf.setEnabled( true ); _launch_btn.setEnabled( true ); } else { _input_msa_file_tf.setText( "" ); _msa_length_tf.setText( "" ); _msa_size_tf.setText( "" ); _msa_type_tf.setText( "" ); _input_msa_file_tf.setEnabled( false ); _msa_length_tf.setEnabled( false ); _msa_size_tf.setEnabled( false ); _msa_type_tf.setEnabled( false ); _launch_btn.setEnabled( false ); } } private void updateSeqsItems() { if ( getParentFrame().getSeqs() != null ) { final DescriptiveStatistics stats = calcSequenceStats( getParentFrame().getSeqs() ); _input_seqs_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getSeqsFile().toString() ); _input_seqs_median_length_tf.setText( ( int ) stats.median() + "" ); _input_seqs_min_length_tf.setText( ( int ) stats.getMin() + "" ); _input_seqs_max_length_tf.setText( ( int ) stats.getMax() + "" ); _input_seqs_number_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getSeqs().size() + "" ); _input_seqs_type_tf.setText( getParentFrame().getSeqs().get( 0 ).getType() + "" ); _input_seqs_tf.setEnabled( true ); _input_seqs_median_length_tf.setEnabled( true ); _input_seqs_min_length_tf.setEnabled( true ); _input_seqs_max_length_tf.setEnabled( true ); _input_seqs_number_tf.setEnabled( true ); _input_seqs_type_tf.setEnabled( true ); _launch_btn.setEnabled( true ); } else { _input_seqs_tf.setText( "" ); _input_seqs_median_length_tf.setText( "" ); _input_seqs_min_length_tf.setText( "" ); _input_seqs_max_length_tf.setText( "" ); _input_seqs_number_tf.setText( "" ); _input_seqs_type_tf.setText( "" ); _input_seqs_tf.setEnabled( false ); _input_seqs_median_length_tf.setEnabled( false ); _input_seqs_min_length_tf.setEnabled( false ); _input_seqs_max_length_tf.setEnabled( false ); _input_seqs_number_tf.setEnabled( false ); _input_seqs_type_tf.setEnabled( false ); _launch_btn.setEnabled( false ); } } DescriptiveStatistics calcSequenceStats( final List seqs ) { final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); for( final Sequence s : seqs ) { stats.addValue( s.getLength() ); } return stats; } }