// $Id: // forester -- software libraries and applications // for genomics and evolutionary biology research. // // Copyright (C) 2010 Christian M Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2010 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/forester package org.forester.development; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; public class ResidueRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { static final Color EMPTY_COLOR = new Color( 250, 0, 250 ); static final Color POSITIVE_COLOR = new Color( 250, 0, 250 ); static final Color NEGATIVE_COLOR = new Color( 250, 0, 250 ); static final Color NULL_COLOR = new Color( 50, 50, 50 ); static final int DISTANCE_OVAL_BORDER = 1; static final int SIZE_LIMIT = 7; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2331160296913478874L; private final char _value; private Color _wellColor; private boolean _isMarked; private boolean _isSelected; private final MsaRenderer _parentPlateRenderer; public ResidueRenderer( final char value, final MsaRenderer parentPlateRenderer ) { _value = value; _parentPlateRenderer = parentPlateRenderer; setIsSelected( false ); setIsMarked( false ); setStatus( ( byte ) 0 ); } private double calcFactor( final double min, final double max ) { return ( max - min ) / 255D; } private Color calcWellColor( double value, final double min, final double max, final Color minColor, final Color maxColor ) { if ( value < min ) { value = min; } if ( value > max ) { value = max; } final double x = ( 255D * ( value - min ) ) / ( max - min ); final int red = ( int ) ( minColor.getRed() + ( x * calcFactor( minColor.getRed(), maxColor.getRed() ) ) ); final int green = ( int ) ( minColor.getGreen() + ( x * calcFactor( minColor.getGreen(), maxColor.getGreen() ) ) ); final int blue = ( int ) ( minColor.getBlue() + ( x * calcFactor( minColor.getBlue(), maxColor.getBlue() ) ) ); return new Color( red, green, blue ); } private Color calcWellColor( double value, final double min, final double max, final double mean, final Color minColor, final Color maxColor, final Color meanColor ) { // if ( isEmpty() ) { // return ResidueRenderer.NULL_COLOR; // } if ( meanColor == null ) { return calcWellColor( value, min, max, minColor, maxColor ); } if ( value < min ) { value = min; } if ( value > max ) { value = max; } if ( value < mean ) { final double x = ( 255D * ( value - min ) ) / ( mean - min ); final int red = ( int ) ( minColor.getRed() + ( x * calcFactor( minColor.getRed(), meanColor.getRed() ) ) ); final int green = ( int ) ( minColor.getGreen() + ( x * calcFactor( minColor.getGreen(), meanColor.getGreen() ) ) ); final int blue = ( int ) ( minColor.getBlue() + ( x * calcFactor( minColor.getBlue(), meanColor.getBlue() ) ) ); return new Color( red, green, blue ); } if ( value > mean ) { final double x = ( 255D * ( value - mean ) ) / ( max - mean ); final int red = ( int ) ( meanColor.getRed() + ( x * calcFactor( meanColor.getRed(), maxColor.getRed() ) ) ); final int green = ( int ) ( meanColor.getGreen() + ( x * calcFactor( meanColor.getGreen(), maxColor.getGreen() ) ) ); final int blue = ( int ) ( meanColor.getBlue() + ( x * calcFactor( meanColor.getBlue(), maxColor.getBlue() ) ) ); return new Color( red, green, blue ); } else { return meanColor; } } public double getDataValue() { return _value; } @Override public MsaRenderer getParentPlateRenderer() { return _parentPlateRenderer; } public Color getWellColor() { return _wellColor; } public boolean isMarked() { return _isMarked; } @Override public boolean isSelected() { return _isSelected; } @Override public void paint( final Graphics g ) { final int width = getWellSize() - 1; final int width_ = width - 1; final int width__ = ( width_ - 1 ) + 1; final int width__s = width__ - 2; final int x_ = getX() + 1; final int y_ = getY() + 1; // final PlateDisplayPanel hmp = getParentPlateRenderer() // .getPlateDisplayPanel(); // boolean draw_circle = hmp.isDrawCircle() // || ( !hmp.isDrawCircle() && !hmp.isDrawSquare() && ( width > 7 ) ); // final boolean show_user_flags = _parentPlateRenderer // .getPlateDisplayPanel().showUserFlagsCheckBox.isSelected(); // final boolean show_outlier_flags = _parentPlateRenderer // .getPlateDisplayPanel().showOutliersCheckBox.isSelected(); // final boolean show_hit_picks = _parentPlateRenderer // .getPlateDisplayPanel().showHitPicksCheckBox.isSelected(); // final boolean show_confirmed_hits = _parentPlateRenderer // .getPlateDisplayPanel().showConfirmedHitsCheckBox.isSelected(); final Graphics2D g2 = ( Graphics2D ) g; g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED ); if ( isMarked() ) { g2.setColor( AbstractRenderer.MARKED_COLOR ); } // else if ( !draw_circle && isSelected() ) { // g2.setColor( AbstractRenderer.SELECTED_COLOR ); // } else { g2.setColor( AbstractRenderer.DEFAULT_COLOR ); } g2.drawRect( getX(), getY(), width, width ); // if ( draw_circle ) { // if ( isSelected() && isMarked() ) { // g2.setColor( AbstractRenderer.MARKED_COLOR ); // } // else if ( isSelected() ) { // g2.setColor( AbstractRenderer.SELECTED_COLOR ); // } // else { // g2.setColor( AbstractRenderer.DEFAULT_COLOR ); // } // g2.fillRect( x_, y_, width_, width_ ); // } g2.setColor( getWellColor() ); // if ( draw_circle ) { // g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, // RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); // if ( isSelected() && ( width > 6 ) ) { // g2.fillOval( getX() + 2, getY() + 2, width__s, width__s ); // } // else if ( width < 5 ) { // g2.fillOval( ( getX() + 1 ) - 1, ( getY() + 1 ) - 1, // width__ + 2, width__ + 2 ); // } // else { // g2.fillOval( getX() + 1, getY() + 1, width__, width__ ); // } // } if ( isMarked() || isSelected() ) { g2.fillRect( getX() + 1, getY() + 1, width_, width_ ); } else { g2.fillRect( ( getX() + 1 ) - 1, ( getY() + 1 ) - 1, width_ + 2, width_ + 2 ); } } public void resetWellColor( final double min, final double max, final Color minColor, final Color maxColor ) { setWellColor( calcWellColor( getDataValue(), min, max, minColor, maxColor ) ); } public void resetWellColor( final double min, final double max, final double mean, final Color minColor, final Color maxColor, final Color meanColor ) { setWellColor( calcWellColor( getDataValue(), min, max, mean, minColor, maxColor, meanColor ) ); } public void setIsMarked( final boolean isMarked ) { _isMarked = isMarked; } @Override public void setIsSelected( final boolean isSelected ) { _isSelected = isSelected; } private void setWellColor( final Color wellColor ) { _wellColor = wellColor; } }