// $Id: // $ // // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.evoinference; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.NeighborJoining; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.NeighborJoiningF; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.NeighborJoiningR; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.PairwiseDistanceCalculator; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.S; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.BasicCharacterStateMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix.BinaryStates; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.distance.BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.distance.DistanceMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.parsimony.DolloParsimony; import org.forester.evoinference.parsimony.FitchParsimony; import org.forester.io.parsers.GeneralMsaParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXParser; import org.forester.msa.Msa; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.PhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public class TestPhylogenyReconstruction { private final static double ZERO_DIFF = 1.0E-9; public static boolean isEqual( final double a, final double b ) { return ( ( Math.abs( a - b ) ) < ZERO_DIFF ); } public static boolean isUnequal( final double a, final double b ) { return !isEqual( a, b ); } public static void main( final String[] args ) { System.out.println( "NJ" ); if ( testNeighborJoining() ) { System.out.println( " OK." ); } else { System.out.println( " failed." ); } System.out.println( "S" ); if ( testS() ) { System.out.println( " OK." ); } else { System.out.println( " failed." ); } System.out.println( "NJR" ); if ( testNeighborJoiningR() ) { System.out.println( " OK." ); } else { System.out.println( " failed." ); } timeNeighborJoining(); } public static boolean test( final File test_dir ) { System.out.print( " Basic symmetrical distance matrix: " ); if ( !testBasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Basic character state matrix: " ); if ( !testBasicCharacterStateMatrix() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Symmetrical distance matrix parser: " ); if ( !testSymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Distance Calculation: " ); if ( !testDistanceCalculationMethods( test_dir ) ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Datastructure S: " ); if ( !testS() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Neighbor Joining: " ); if ( !testNeighborJoining() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Dollo Parsimony: " ); if ( !testDolloParsimony() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Dollo Parsimony on non binary trees: " ); if ( !testDolloParsimonyOnNonBinaryTree() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); System.out.print( " Fitch Parsimony: " ); if ( !testFitchParsimony() ) { System.out.println( "failed." ); return false; } System.out.println( "OK." ); return true; } private static boolean testBasicCharacterStateMatrix() { try { final CharacterStateMatrix matrix_0 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 4, 8 ); final CharacterStateMatrix matrix_00 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 4, 8 ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 1, "1" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 2, "2" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 3, "3" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 4, "4" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 5, "5" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 6, "6" ); matrix_0.setCharacter( 7, "7" ); matrix_00.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); matrix_00.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); matrix_00.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); matrix_00.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); matrix_00.setCharacter( 3, "3" ); matrix_00.setCharacter( 4, "4" ); if ( !matrix_0.getCharacter( 1 ).equals( "1" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getIdentifier( 0 ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 0, 0, "00" ); matrix_00.setState( 0, 0, "00" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 0, 0 ).equals( "00" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 0, 1, "01" ); matrix_00.setState( 0, 1, "01" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 0, 1 ).equals( "01" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 1, 1, "11" ); matrix_00.setState( 1, 1, "11" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 1, 1 ).equals( "11" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 1, 0, "10" ); matrix_00.setState( 1, 0, "10" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 1, 0 ).equals( "10" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 1, 2, "12" ); matrix_00.setState( 1, 2, "12" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 1, 2 ).equals( "12" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 3, 7, "37" ); matrix_00.setState( 3, 7, "37" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 3, 7 ).equals( "37" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( 2, 6, "26" ); matrix_00.setState( 2, 6, "26" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 2, 6 ).equals( "26" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( "D", "3", "33" ); matrix_00.setState( "D", "3", "33" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 3, 3 ).equals( "33" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getState( "D", "3" ).equals( "33" ) ) { return false; } matrix_0.setState( "C", "4", "24" ); matrix_00.setState( "C", "4", "24" ); if ( !matrix_0.getState( 2, 4 ).equals( "24" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getState( "C", "4" ).equals( "24" ) ) { return false; } if ( matrix_0.isEmpty() ) { return false; } if ( matrix_0.getNumberOfIdentifiers() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( matrix_0.getNumberOfCharacters() != 8 ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.equals( matrix_0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.equals( matrix_00 ) ) { return false; } matrix_00.setState( "C", "4", "123" ); if ( matrix_0.equals( matrix_00 ) ) { return false; } final Integer[][] ints = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, { 9, 10, 11, 12 } }; final CharacterStateMatrix matrix_000 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( ints ); matrix_000.toString(); if ( matrix_000.getNumberOfCharacters() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( matrix_000.getNumberOfIdentifiers() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( matrix_000.getState( 0, 1 ) != 2 ) { return false; } if ( matrix_000.getState( 2, 3 ) != 12 ) { return false; } final Integer[][] ints0 = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, { 9, 10, 11, 12 } }; final CharacterStateMatrix matrix_0000 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( ints0 ); if ( !matrix_000.equals( matrix_0000 ) ) { return false; } final Integer[][] ints00 = { { 1, 2, 3, -4 }, { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, { 9, 10, 11, 12 } }; final CharacterStateMatrix matrix_00000 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( ints00 ); if ( matrix_000.equals( matrix_00000 ) ) { return false; } final CharacterStateMatrix clone0 = matrix_0.copy(); final CharacterStateMatrix clone00 = matrix_00.copy(); if ( !clone0.equals( matrix_0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !clone00.equals( matrix_00 ) ) { return false; } if ( clone00.equals( clone0 ) ) { return false; } final CharacterStateMatrix pivot0 = matrix_0.pivot(); final CharacterStateMatrix pivot00 = matrix_00.pivot(); if ( !pivot0.getState( 1, 0 ).equals( "01" ) ) { return false; } if ( !pivot0.getState( 6, 2 ).equals( "26" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getState( 2, 6 ).equals( "26" ) ) { return false; } final CharacterStateMatrix pivotpivot00 = pivot00.pivot(); if ( !pivotpivot00.equals( matrix_00 ) ) { return false; } final CharacterStateMatrix nex = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 4, 3 ); nex.setIdentifier( 0, "amphioxus" ); nex.setIdentifier( 1, "sponge" ); nex.setIdentifier( 2, "sea_anemone" ); nex.setIdentifier( 3, "cobra" ); nex.setCharacter( 0, "notch" ); nex.setCharacter( 1, "homeobox" ); nex.setCharacter( 2, "wnt" ); nex.setState( 0, 0, BinaryStates.ABSENT ); nex.setState( 0, 1, BinaryStates.ABSENT ); nex.setState( 0, 2, BinaryStates.ABSENT ); nex.setState( 1, 0, BinaryStates.PRESENT ); nex.setState( 1, 1, BinaryStates.PRESENT ); nex.setState( 1, 2, BinaryStates.ABSENT ); nex.setState( 2, 0, BinaryStates.PRESENT ); nex.setState( 2, 1, BinaryStates.PRESENT ); nex.setState( 2, 2, BinaryStates.PRESENT ); nex.setState( 3, 0, BinaryStates.PRESENT ); nex.setState( 3, 1, BinaryStates.ABSENT ); nex.setState( 3, 2, BinaryStates.ABSENT ); StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); nex.toWriter( w, CharacterStateMatrix.Format.NEXUS_BINARY ); //System.out.println( w.getBuffer().toString() ); w = new StringWriter(); nex.pivot().toWriter( w, CharacterStateMatrix.Format.NEXUS_BINARY ); //System.out.println( w.getBuffer().toString() ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testBasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix() { try { final DistanceMatrix matrix_0 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 4 ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); matrix_0.setIdentifier( 3, "0123456789012" ); matrix_0.setValue( 1, 0, 0.00001 ); matrix_0.setValue( 0, 2, 0.0000009 ); matrix_0.setValue( 3, 0, 3.0 ); matrix_0.setValue( 1, 2, 4.0 ); matrix_0.setValue( 3, 1, 5.0 ); matrix_0.setValue( 2, 3, 6.0 ); if ( !matrix_0.getIdentifier( 0 ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getIdentifier( 1 ).equals( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getIdentifier( 2 ).equals( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !matrix_0.getIdentifier( 3 ).equals( "0123456789012" ) ) { return false; } if ( matrix_0.getSize() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 0, 0 ), 0.0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 3, 3 ), 0.0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 0, 1 ), 0.00001 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 0, 2 ), 0.0000009 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 0, 3 ), 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 1, 0 ), 0.00001 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 1, 2 ), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 1, 3 ), 5 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 2, 0 ), 0.0000009 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 2, 1 ), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 2, 3 ), 6 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 3, 0 ), 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 3, 1 ), 5 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( matrix_0.getValue( 3, 2 ), 6 ) ) { return false; } final StringBuffer matrix_0_phylip = new StringBuffer(); matrix_0_phylip.append( " 4" ); matrix_0_phylip.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); matrix_0_phylip.append( "A 0.000000 0.000010 0.000001 3.000000" ); matrix_0_phylip.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); matrix_0_phylip.append( "B 0.000010 0.000000 4.000000 5.000000" ); matrix_0_phylip.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); matrix_0_phylip.append( "C 0.000001 4.000000 0.000000 6.000000" ); matrix_0_phylip.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); matrix_0_phylip.append( "0123456789 3.000000 5.000000 6.000000 0.000000" ); if ( !matrix_0_phylip.toString() .equals( matrix_0.toStringBuffer( DistanceMatrix.Format.PHYLIP ).toString() ) ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testDistanceCalculationMethods( final File test_dir ) { try { final Msa msa0 = GeneralMsaParser.parse( new FileInputStream( test_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + "bcl.aln" ) ); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix pwd0 = PairwiseDistanceCalculator.calcKimuraDistances( msa0 ); if ( pwd0.getSize() != 120 ) { return false; } for( int i = 0; i < pwd0.getSize(); ++i ) { if ( !isEqual( pwd0.getValue( i, i ), 0.0 ) ) { return false; } } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testDolloParsimony() { try { final BinaryStates PRESENT = BinaryStates.PRESENT; final BinaryStates ABSENT = BinaryStates.ABSENT; final GainLossStates UNCHANGED_PRESENT = GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_PRESENT; final DolloParsimony dollo1 = DolloParsimony.createInstance(); final PhylogenyFactory factory1 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p1_str = "((((((a,b)ab,c)ac,d)ad,(e,f)ef)af,(g,h)gh)ah,i)r"; final Phylogeny p1 = factory1.create( p1_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; CharacterStateMatrix m1 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 9, 1 ); m1.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m1.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m1.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m1.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m1.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m1.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m1.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m1.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m1.setIdentifier( 8, "i" ); m1.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m1.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m1.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m1.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "g", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "h", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "i", "0", ABSENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 15 ) { return false; } m1.setState( "b", "0", PRESENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 16 ) { return false; } m1.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "e", "0", PRESENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 13 ) { return false; } m1.setState( "a", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "c", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "g", "0", PRESENT ); dollo1.setReturnInternalStates( true ); dollo1.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 13 ) { return false; } final DolloParsimony dollo2 = DolloParsimony.createInstance(); final PhylogenyFactory factory2 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p2_str = "((((((a,b)ab,c)ac,d)ad,(e,f)ef)af,(g,h,i)gi)ai,((j,k,l)jl,(m,n,o)mo,(p,q,r)pr)jr)root"; final Phylogeny p2 = factory2.create( p2_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m2 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 18, 4 ); m2.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m2.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m2.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m2.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m2.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m2.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m2.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m2.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m2.setIdentifier( 8, "i" ); m2.setIdentifier( 9, "j" ); m2.setIdentifier( 10, "k" ); m2.setIdentifier( 11, "l" ); m2.setIdentifier( 12, "m" ); m2.setIdentifier( 13, "n" ); m2.setIdentifier( 14, "o" ); m2.setIdentifier( 15, "p" ); m2.setIdentifier( 16, "q" ); m2.setIdentifier( 17, "r" ); m2.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m2.setCharacter( 1, "1" ); m2.setCharacter( 2, "2" ); m2.setCharacter( 3, "3" ); m2.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "g", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "h", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "i", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "j", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "k", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "l", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "m", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "n", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "o", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "p", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "q", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "r", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "a", "1", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "b", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "c", "1", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "d", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "e", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "f", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "g", "1", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "h", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "i", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "j", "1", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "k", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "l", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "m", "1", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "n", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "o", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "p", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "q", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "r", "1", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "a", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "b", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "c", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "d", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "e", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "f", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "g", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "h", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "i", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "j", "2", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "k", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "l", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "m", "2", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "n", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "o", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "p", "2", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "q", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "r", "2", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "a", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "b", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "c", "3", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "d", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "e", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "f", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "g", "3", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "h", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "i", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "j", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "k", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "l", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "m", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "n", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "o", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "p", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "q", "3", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "r", "3", ABSENT ); dollo2.setReturnInternalStates( true ); dollo2.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); final CharacterStateMatrix i_m = dollo2.getInternalStatesMatrix(); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m = dollo2.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 22 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 95 ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ab", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ac", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ad", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "af", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ef", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ai", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "gi", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jl", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "mo", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "pr", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jr", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "root", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ab", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ac", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ad", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "af", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ef", "1" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ai", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "gi", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jl", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "mo", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "pr", "1" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jr", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "root", "1" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ab", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ac", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ad", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "af", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ef", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ai", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "gi", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jl", "2" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "mo", "2" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "pr", "2" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jr", "2" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "root", "2" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ab", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ac", "3" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ad", "3" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "af", "3" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ef", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "ai", "3" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "gi", "3" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jl", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "mo", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "pr", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "jr", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m.getState( "root", "3" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m.getState( "a", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } final DolloParsimony dollo9 = DolloParsimony.createInstance(); final PhylogenyFactory factory9 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p9_str = "((((((a,b)ab,c)ac,d)ad,(e,f)ef)af,(g,h)gh)ah,i)r"; final Phylogeny p9 = factory9.create( p9_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; m1 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 9, 3 ); m1.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m1.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m1.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m1.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m1.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m1.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m1.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m1.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m1.setIdentifier( 8, "i" ); m1.setState( 0, 0, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 1, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 2, 0, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 3, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 4, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 5, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 6, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 7, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 8, 0, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 0, 1, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 1, 1, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 2, 1, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 3, 1, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 4, 1, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 5, 1, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 6, 1, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 7, 1, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 8, 1, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 0, 2, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 1, 2, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 2, 2, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 3, 2, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 4, 2, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 5, 2, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 6, 2, ABSENT ); m1.setState( 7, 2, PRESENT ); m1.setState( 8, 2, ABSENT ); dollo9.execute( p9, m1 ); if ( dollo9.getTotalGains() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( dollo9.getTotalLosses() != 6 ) { return false; } final DolloParsimony dollo10 = DolloParsimony.createInstance(); final PhylogenyFactory factory10 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p10_str = "((((((a,b)ab,c)ac,d)ad,(e,f)ef)af,(g,h)gh)ah,i)r"; final Phylogeny p10 = factory10.create( p10_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m10 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 9, 1 ); m10.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m10.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m10.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m10.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m10.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m10.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m10.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m10.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m10.setIdentifier( 8, "i" ); m10.setState( 0, 0, PRESENT ); m10.setState( 1, 0, ABSENT ); m10.setState( 2, 0, PRESENT ); m10.setState( 3, 0, ABSENT ); m10.setState( 4, 0, ABSENT ); m10.setState( 5, 0, ABSENT ); m10.setState( 6, 0, ABSENT ); m10.setState( 7, 0, ABSENT ); m10.setState( 8, 0, ABSENT ); dollo10.execute( p10, m10 ); if ( dollo10.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo10.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testDolloParsimonyOnNonBinaryTree() { try { final BinaryStates PRESENT = BinaryStates.PRESENT; final BinaryStates ABSENT = BinaryStates.ABSENT; final DolloParsimony dollo1 = DolloParsimony.createInstance(); final PhylogenyFactory factory1 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p1_str = "((((((a,b,y)aby,c)ac,d)ad,(e,f)ef)af,(g,h)gh)ah,i)r"; final Phylogeny p1 = factory1.create( p1_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m1 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 10, 1 ); m1.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m1.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m1.setIdentifier( 2, "y" ); m1.setIdentifier( 3, "c" ); m1.setIdentifier( 4, "d" ); m1.setIdentifier( 5, "e" ); m1.setIdentifier( 6, "f" ); m1.setIdentifier( 7, "g" ); m1.setIdentifier( 8, "h" ); m1.setIdentifier( 9, "i" ); m1.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m1.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m1.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "y", "0", PRESENT ); m1.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m1.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "g", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "h", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "i", "0", ABSENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 16 ) { return false; } m1.setState( "b", "0", PRESENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 17 ) { return false; } m1.setState( "a", "0", ABSENT ); m1.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 15 ) { return false; } m1.setState( "y", "0", ABSENT ); dollo1.execute( p1, m1 ); if ( dollo1.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( dollo1.getTotalUnchanged() != 17 ) { return false; } final DolloParsimony dollo2 = DolloParsimony.createInstance(); final PhylogenyFactory factory2 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p2_str = "((((((a,b,y)aby,c,d)cad,e,f)af,(g,h)gh)ah,i))r"; final Phylogeny p2 = factory2.create( p2_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m2 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 10, 1 ); m2.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m2.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m2.setIdentifier( 2, "y" ); m2.setIdentifier( 3, "c" ); m2.setIdentifier( 4, "d" ); m2.setIdentifier( 5, "e" ); m2.setIdentifier( 6, "f" ); m2.setIdentifier( 7, "g" ); m2.setIdentifier( 8, "h" ); m2.setIdentifier( 9, "i" ); m2.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m2.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "y", "0", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "g", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "h", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "i", "0", ABSENT ); dollo2.setReturnInternalStates( true ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); CharacterStateMatrix i_m2 = dollo2.getInternalStatesMatrix(); if ( i_m2.getState( "aby", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "cad", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "af", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "gh", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "ah", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "r", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 14 ) { return false; } m2.setState( "b", "0", PRESENT ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 15 ) { return false; } m2.setState( "a", "0", ABSENT ); m2.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 13 ) { return false; } m2.setState( "y", "0", ABSENT ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 16 ) { return false; } m2.setState( "c", "0", ABSENT ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 17 ) { return false; } m2.setState( "y", "0", PRESENT ); m2.setState( "e", "0", PRESENT ); dollo2.execute( p2, m2 ); if ( dollo2.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalLosses() != 5 ) { return false; } if ( dollo2.getTotalUnchanged() != 11 ) { return false; } i_m2 = dollo2.getInternalStatesMatrix(); if ( i_m2.getState( "aby", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "cad", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "af", "0" ) != PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "gh", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "ah", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( i_m2.getState( "r", "0" ) != ABSENT ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testFitchParsimony() { try { final BinaryStates PRESENT = BinaryStates.PRESENT; final BinaryStates ABSENT = BinaryStates.ABSENT; final GainLossStates GAIN = GainLossStates.GAIN; final GainLossStates LOSS = GainLossStates.LOSS; final GainLossStates UNCHANGED_PRESENT = GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_PRESENT; final GainLossStates UNCHANGED_ABSENT = GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_ABSENT; final FitchParsimony fitch1 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory1 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p1_str = "((((((a,b)ab,c)ac,d)ad,(e,f)ef)af,(g,h,i)gi)ai,((j,k,l)jl,(m,n,o)mo,(p,q,r)pr)jr)root"; final Phylogeny p1 = factory1.create( p1_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m1 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 18, 1 ); m1.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m1.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m1.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m1.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m1.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m1.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m1.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m1.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m1.setIdentifier( 8, "i" ); m1.setIdentifier( 9, "j" ); m1.setIdentifier( 10, "k" ); m1.setIdentifier( 11, "l" ); m1.setIdentifier( 12, "m" ); m1.setIdentifier( 13, "n" ); m1.setIdentifier( 14, "o" ); m1.setIdentifier( 15, "p" ); m1.setIdentifier( 16, "q" ); m1.setIdentifier( 17, "r" ); m1.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m1.setState( "a", "0", "A" ); m1.setState( "b", "0", "A" ); m1.setState( "c", "0", "B" ); m1.setState( "d", "0", "C" ); m1.setState( "e", "0", "D" ); m1.setState( "f", "0", "A" ); m1.setState( "g", "0", "A" ); m1.setState( "h", "0", "B" ); m1.setState( "i", "0", "C" ); m1.setState( "j", "0", "A" ); m1.setState( "k", "0", "B" ); m1.setState( "l", "0", "C" ); m1.setState( "m", "0", "B" ); m1.setState( "n", "0", "B" ); m1.setState( "o", "0", "B" ); m1.setState( "p", "0", "A" ); m1.setState( "q", "0", "C" ); m1.setState( "r", "0", "D" ); fitch1.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch1.setReturnGainLossMatrix( false ); fitch1.setRandomize( false ); fitch1.execute( p1, m1 ); final CharacterStateMatrix i_m = fitch1.getInternalStatesMatrix(); final CharacterStateMatrix> i_m_all = fitch1.getInternalStatesMatrixPriorToTraceback(); if ( fitch1.getCost() != 10 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "ab", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "ac", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "ad", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "ef", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "ai", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "gi", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "jl", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "mo", "0" ).equals( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m.getState( "pr", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "ab", "0" ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ab", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "ac", "0" ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ac", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ac", "0" ).contains( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "ad", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ad", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ad", "0" ).contains( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ad", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "af", "0" ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "af", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "ef", "0" ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ef", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ef", "0" ).contains( "D" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "gi", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "gi", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "gi", "0" ).contains( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "gi", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "ai", "0" ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "ai", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "jl", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jl", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jl", "0" ).contains( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jl", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "mo", "0" ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "mo", "0" ).contains( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "pr", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "pr", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "pr", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "pr", "0" ).contains( "D" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all.getState( "jr", "0" ).size() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jr", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jr", "0" ).contains( "B" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jr", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all.getState( "jr", "0" ).contains( "D" ) ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch2 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory2 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p2_str = "((a,b)ab,(c,(d,e)de)cde)r"; final Phylogeny p2 = factory2.create( p2_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m2 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 5, 1 ); m2.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m2.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m2.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m2.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m2.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m2.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m2.setState( "a", "0", "C" ); m2.setState( "b", "0", "A" ); m2.setState( "c", "0", "C" ); m2.setState( "d", "0", "A" ); m2.setState( "e", "0", "G" ); fitch2.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch2.setReturnGainLossMatrix( false ); fitch2.execute( p2, m2 ); final CharacterStateMatrix i_m2 = fitch2.getInternalStatesMatrix(); final CharacterStateMatrix> i_m_all2 = fitch2.getInternalStatesMatrixPriorToTraceback(); if ( fitch2.getCost() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m2.getState( "ab", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m2.getState( "de", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m2.getState( "cde", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m2.getState( "r", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all2.getState( "cde", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all2.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all2.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all2.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "G" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all2.getState( "ab", "0" ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all2.getState( "ab", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all2.getState( "ab", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } fitch2.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch2.setReturnGainLossMatrix( false ); fitch2.setUseLast( true ); fitch2.execute( p2, m2 ); final CharacterStateMatrix i_m21 = fitch2.getInternalStatesMatrix(); final CharacterStateMatrix> i_m_all21 = fitch2.getInternalStatesMatrixPriorToTraceback(); if ( fitch2.getCost() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m21.getState( "ab", "0" ).equals( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m21.getState( "de", "0" ).equals( "G" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m21.getState( "cde", "0" ).equals( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m21.getState( "r", "0" ).equals( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all21.getState( "cde", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all21.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all21.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all21.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "G" ) ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch3 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory3 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p3_str = "(((a,b)ab,((c,d)cd,e)cde)abcde,f)r"; final Phylogeny p3 = factory3.create( p3_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m3 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 6, 1 ); m3.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m3.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m3.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m3.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m3.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m3.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m3.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m3.setState( "a", "0", "C" ); m3.setState( "b", "0", "U" ); m3.setState( "c", "0", "G" ); m3.setState( "d", "0", "U" ); m3.setState( "e", "0", "A" ); m3.setState( "f", "0", "A" ); fitch3.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch3.setReturnGainLossMatrix( false ); fitch3.execute( p3, m3 ); final CharacterStateMatrix i_m3 = fitch3.getInternalStatesMatrix(); final CharacterStateMatrix> i_m_all3 = fitch3.getInternalStatesMatrixPriorToTraceback(); if ( fitch3.getCost() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m3.getState( "ab", "0" ).equals( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m3.getState( "cd", "0" ).equals( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m3.getState( "cde", "0" ).equals( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m3.getState( "abcde", "0" ).equals( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m3.getState( "r", "0" ).equals( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all3.getState( "cde", "0" ).size() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "G" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "cde", "0" ).contains( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all3.getState( "ab", "0" ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "ab", "0" ).contains( "C" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "ab", "0" ).contains( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all3.getState( "cd", "0" ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "cd", "0" ).contains( "G" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "cd", "0" ).contains( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all3.getState( "abcde", "0" ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "abcde", "0" ).contains( "U" ) ) { return false; } if ( i_m_all3.getState( "r", "0" ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "r", "0" ).contains( "A" ) ) { return false; } if ( !i_m_all3.getState( "r", "0" ).contains( "U" ) ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch4 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory4 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p4_str = "(((a,b)ab,((c,d)cd,e)cde)abcde,f)r"; final Phylogeny p4 = factory4.create( p4_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m4 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 6, 1 ); m4.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m4.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m4.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m4.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m4.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m4.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m4.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m4.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m4.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m4.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m4.setState( "d", "0", PRESENT ); m4.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m4.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); fitch4.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch4.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch4.execute( p4, m4 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_4 = fitch4.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch4.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch4.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch4.getTotalGains() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch4.getTotalUnchanged() != 9 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_4.getState( "a", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_4.getState( "b", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_4.getState( "ab", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_4.getState( "cd", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_4.getState( "r", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch5 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory5 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p5_str = "(((a,b)ab,((c,d)cd,e)cde)abcde,f)r"; final Phylogeny p5 = factory5.create( p5_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m5 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 6, 1 ); m5.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m5.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m5.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m5.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m5.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m5.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m5.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m5.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m5.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m5.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m5.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m5.setState( "e", "0", PRESENT ); m5.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); fitch5.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch5.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch5.execute( p5, m5 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_5 = fitch5.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch5.getCost() != 3 ) { return false; } if ( fitch5.getTotalLosses() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch5.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch5.getTotalUnchanged() != 8 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_5.getState( "abcde", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_5.getState( "a", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_5.getState( "b", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_5.getState( "d", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_5.getState( "r", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch6 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory6 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p6_str = "(((a,b)ab,((c,d)cd,e)cde)abcde,f)r"; final Phylogeny p6 = factory6.create( p6_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m6 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 6, 1 ); m6.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m6.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m6.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m6.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m6.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m6.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m6.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m6.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m6.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m6.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m6.setState( "d", "0", PRESENT ); m6.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m6.setState( "f", "0", PRESENT ); fitch6.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch6.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch6.execute( p6, m6 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_6 = fitch6.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch6.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch6.getTotalLosses() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch6.getTotalGains() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch6.getTotalUnchanged() != 9 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_6.getState( "abcde", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_6.getState( "r", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_6.getState( "b", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_6.getState( "e", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch7 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory7 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p7_str = "(((a,b)ab,(c,d)cd)abcd,((e,f)ef,(g,h)gh)efgh)r"; final Phylogeny p7 = factory7.create( p7_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m7 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 8, 1 ); m7.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m7.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m7.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m7.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m7.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m7.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m7.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m7.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m7.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m7.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m7.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m7.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m7.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m7.setState( "e", "0", PRESENT ); m7.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); m7.setState( "g", "0", PRESENT ); m7.setState( "h", "0", ABSENT ); fitch7.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch7.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch7.execute( p7, m7 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_7 = fitch7.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch7.getCost() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( fitch7.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch7.getTotalGains() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( fitch7.getTotalUnchanged() != 11 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_7.getState( "a", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_7.getState( "c", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_7.getState( "e", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_7.getState( "g", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_7.getState( "r", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } fitch7.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch7.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch7.setUseLast( true ); fitch7.execute( p7, m7 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_71 = fitch7.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch7.getCost() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( fitch7.getTotalLosses() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( fitch7.getTotalGains() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch7.getTotalUnchanged() != 11 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_71.getState( "b", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_71.getState( "d", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_71.getState( "f", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_71.getState( "h", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_71.getState( "r", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch8 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory8 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p8_str = "(((a,b)ab,(c,d)cd)abcd,((e,f)ef,(g,h)gh)efgh)r"; final Phylogeny p8 = factory8.create( p8_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m8 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 8, 1 ); m8.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m8.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m8.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m8.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m8.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m8.setIdentifier( 5, "f" ); m8.setIdentifier( 6, "g" ); m8.setIdentifier( 7, "h" ); m8.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m8.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m8.setState( "b", "0", PRESENT ); m8.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m8.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); m8.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); m8.setState( "f", "0", ABSENT ); m8.setState( "g", "0", ABSENT ); m8.setState( "h", "0", ABSENT ); fitch8.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch8.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch8.execute( p8, m8 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_8 = fitch8.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch8.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch8.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch8.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch8.getTotalUnchanged() != 13 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_8.getState( "d", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_8.getState( "abcd", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch9 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory9 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p9_str = "(((a,b)ab,c)abc,d)abcd"; final Phylogeny p9 = factory9.create( p9_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m9 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 4, 1 ); m9.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m9.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m9.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m9.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m9.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m9.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m9.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m9.setState( "c", "0", PRESENT ); m9.setState( "d", "0", ABSENT ); fitch9.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch9.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch9.setUseLast( false ); fitch9.execute( p9, m9 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_9a = fitch9.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch9.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalUnchanged() != 5 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "a", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "b", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "c", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "d", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "ab", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "abc", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9a.getState( "abcd", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } fitch9.setUseLast( true ); fitch9.execute( p9, m9 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_9b = fitch9.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch9.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalLosses() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalGains() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalUnchanged() != 5 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "a", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "b", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "c", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "d", "0" ) != LOSS ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "ab", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "abc", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_9b.getState( "abcd", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) { return false; } fitch9.setUseLast( false ); fitch9.setRandomize( true ); fitch9.setRandomNumberSeed( 8722445 ); fitch9.execute( p9, m9 ); fitch9.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch9.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalLosses() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalGains() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( fitch9.getTotalUnchanged() != 5 ) { return false; } final FitchParsimony fitch10 = new FitchParsimony(); final PhylogenyFactory factory10 = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final String p10_str = "((((a,b)ab,c)abc,d)abcd,e)abcde"; final Phylogeny p10 = factory10.create( p10_str, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; final CharacterStateMatrix m10 = new BasicCharacterStateMatrix( 5, 1 ); m10.setIdentifier( 0, "a" ); m10.setIdentifier( 1, "b" ); m10.setIdentifier( 2, "c" ); m10.setIdentifier( 3, "d" ); m10.setIdentifier( 4, "e" ); m10.setCharacter( 0, "0" ); m10.setState( "a", "0", PRESENT ); m10.setState( "b", "0", ABSENT ); m10.setState( "c", "0", ABSENT ); m10.setState( "d", "0", PRESENT ); m10.setState( "e", "0", ABSENT ); fitch10.setReturnInternalStates( true ); fitch10.setReturnGainLossMatrix( true ); fitch10.setUseLast( false ); fitch10.execute( p10, m10 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_10a = fitch10.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch10.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch10.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch10.getTotalGains() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch10.getTotalUnchanged() != 7 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "a", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "b", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "c", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "d", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "e", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "ab", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "abc", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "abcd", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10a.getState( "abcde", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } fitch10.setUseLast( true ); fitch10.execute( p10, m10 ); final CharacterStateMatrix gl_m_10b = fitch10.getGainLossMatrix(); if ( fitch10.getCost() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch10.getTotalLosses() != 0 ) { return false; } if ( fitch10.getTotalGains() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( fitch10.getTotalUnchanged() != 7 ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "a", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "b", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "c", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "d", "0" ) != GAIN ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "e", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "ab", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "abc", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "abcd", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } if ( gl_m_10b.getState( "abcde", "0" ) != UNCHANGED_ABSENT ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testNeighborJoining() { try { NeighborJoining nj = NeighborJoining.createInstance(); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m0 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 4 ); m0.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m0.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m0.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m0.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m0.setRow( "5 ", 1 ); m0.setRow( "3 6 ", 2 ); m0.setRow( "7.5 10.5 5.5", 3 ); final Phylogeny p0 = nj.execute( m0 ); p0.reRoot( p0.getNode( "D" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } nj = NeighborJoining.createInstance(); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m00 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 4 ); m00.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m00.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m00.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m00.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m00.setRow( "2.01 ", 1 ); m00.setRow( "3 3.01 ", 2 ); m00.setRow( "3.01 3.02 1.01", 3 ); final Phylogeny p00 = nj.execute( m00 ); p00.reRoot( p00.getNode( "D" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p00.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p00.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1.01 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p00.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p00.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.255 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p00.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p00.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.255 ) ) { return false; } BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 6 ); m.setRow( "5", 1 ); m.setRow( "4 7", 2 ); m.setRow( "7 10 7", 3 ); m.setRow( "6 9 6 5", 4 ); m.setRow( "8 11 8 9 8", 5 ); m.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m.setIdentifier( 4, "E" ); m.setIdentifier( 5, "F" ); nj = NeighborJoining.createInstance(); final Phylogeny p1 = nj.execute( m ); p1.reRoot( p1.getNode( "F" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "E" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "F" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "B" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "D" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "E" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } m = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 7 ); m.setIdentifier( 0, "Bovine" ); m.setIdentifier( 1, "Mouse" ); m.setIdentifier( 2, "Gibbon" ); m.setIdentifier( 3, "Orang" ); m.setIdentifier( 4, "Gorilla" ); m.setIdentifier( 5, "Chimp" ); m.setIdentifier( 6, "Human" ); m.setRow( "0.00000 1.68660 1.71980 1.66060 1.52430 1.60430 1.59050", 0 ); m.setRow( "1.68660 0.00000 1.52320 1.48410 1.44650 1.43890 1.46290", 1 ); m.setRow( "1.71980 1.52320 0.00000 0.71150 0.59580 0.61790 0.55830", 2 ); m.setRow( "1.66060 1.48410 0.71150 0.00000 0.46310 0.50610 0.47100", 3 ); m.setRow( "1.52430 1.44650 0.59580 0.46310 0.00000 0.34840 0.30830", 4 ); m.setRow( "1.60430 1.43890 0.61790 0.50610 0.34840 0.00000 0.26920", 5 ); m.setRow( "1.59050 1.46290 0.55830 0.47100 0.30830 0.26920 0.00000", 6 ); //NeighborJoiningR njr = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance( true, 6 ); nj = NeighborJoining.createInstance( true, 6 ); final Phylogeny p2 = nj.execute( m ); // Archaeopteryx.createApplication( p2 ); p2.reRoot( p2.getNode( "Bovine" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.151675 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Human" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.117525 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Gorilla" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.153932 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Orang" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.284694 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Gibbon" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.357931 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Mouse" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.76891 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Bovine" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.458845 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.039819 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Human" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.039819 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.026956 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.046481 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.420269 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent() .getDistanceToParent(), 0.458845 ) ) { return false; } m = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 4 ); m.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m.setRow( "0.00 0.95 0.17 0.98", 0 ); m.setRow( "0.95 0.00 1.02 1.83", 1 ); m.setRow( "0.17 1.02 0.00 1.01", 2 ); m.setRow( "0.98 1.83 1.01 0.00", 3 ); final Phylogeny p3 = nj.execute( m ); p3.reRoot( p3.getNode( "C" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p3.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.05 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p3.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.90 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( p3.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.05 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( p3.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.91 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p3.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.02 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p3.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.05 ) ) { return false; } // NeighborJoiningF njf = NeighborJoiningF.createInstance(); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m0f = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 4 ); m0f.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m0f.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m0f.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m0f.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m0f.setRow( "5 ", 1 ); m0f.setRow( "3 6 ", 2 ); m0f.setRow( "7.5 10.5 5.5", 3 ); final Phylogeny p0f = njf.execute( m0f ); p0f.reRoot( p0f.getNode( "D" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p0f.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0f.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0f.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0f.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0f.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0f.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } // m = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 7 ); m.setIdentifier( 0, "Bovine" ); m.setIdentifier( 1, "Mouse" ); m.setIdentifier( 2, "Gibbon" ); m.setIdentifier( 3, "Orang" ); m.setIdentifier( 4, "Gorilla" ); m.setIdentifier( 5, "Chimp" ); m.setIdentifier( 6, "Human" ); m.setRow( "0.00000 1.68660 1.71980 1.66060 1.52430 1.60430 1.59050", 0 ); m.setRow( "1.68660 0.00000 1.52320 1.48410 1.44650 1.43890 1.46290", 1 ); m.setRow( "1.71980 1.52320 0.00000 0.71150 0.59580 0.61790 0.55830", 2 ); m.setRow( "1.66060 1.48410 0.71150 0.00000 0.46310 0.50610 0.47100", 3 ); m.setRow( "1.52430 1.44650 0.59580 0.46310 0.00000 0.34840 0.30830", 4 ); m.setRow( "1.60430 1.43890 0.61790 0.50610 0.34840 0.00000 0.26920", 5 ); m.setRow( "1.59050 1.46290 0.55830 0.47100 0.30830 0.26920 0.00000", 6 ); njf = NeighborJoiningF.createInstance( true, 5 ); final Phylogeny p2f = njf.execute( m ); p2f.reRoot( p2f.getNode( "Bovine" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Chimp" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.15168 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Human" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.11752 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Gorilla" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.15393 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Orang" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.28469 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Gibbon" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.35793 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Mouse" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.76891 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Bovine" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.458845 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.03982 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Human" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.03982 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.02696 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.04648 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent() .getDistanceToParent(), 0.42027 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2f.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent() .getDistanceToParent(), 0.458845 ) ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testS() { try { final S s0 = new S(); s0.initialize( 1 ); s0.addPairing( 0, 1, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 7, 8, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 4, 55, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 2, 3, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 4, 5, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 5, 6666, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 5, 666, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 5, 66, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 5, 6, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 6, 7, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 3, 4, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 1, 2, 0 ); if ( s0.size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getS( 0 ).size() != 8 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 0, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 1, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 2, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 3, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 4, 0 ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).size() != 4 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 6, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 7, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 0, 0 ).contains( 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 6 ) ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 66 ) ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 666 ) ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 6666 ) ) { return false; } s0.removePairing( 5, 6666, 0 ); if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 6666 ) ) { return false; } s0.removePairing( 5, 666, 0 ); if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 666 ) ) { return false; } s0.removePairing( 5, 66, 0 ); if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 66 ) ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getS( 0 ).size() != 8 ) { return false; } s0.removePairing( 5, 6, 0 ); if ( s0.getS( 0 ).size() != 7 ) { return false; } s0.addPairing( 5, 6, 0 ); if ( s0.getS( 0 ).size() != 8 ) { return false; } if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 6 ) ) { return false; } s0.addPairing( 5, 403, 0 ); if ( s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !s0.getValues( 5, 0 ).contains( 403 ) ) { return false; } s0.addPairing( 693, 100, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 693, 101, 0 ); if ( s0.getValues( 693, 0 ).size() != 2 ) { return false; } s0.addPairing( 2, 33, 0 ); s0.addPairing( 2, 333, 0 ); final SortedSet[] a = s0.toArray( 0 ); if ( !a[ 0 ].contains( 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( a[ 0 ].size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !a[ 1 ].contains( 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( a[ 1 ].size() != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !a[ 2 ].contains( 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( !a[ 2 ].contains( 33 ) ) { return false; } if ( !a[ 2 ].contains( 333 ) ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testNeighborJoiningR() { try { final NeighborJoiningR nj0 = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance(); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m0 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 4 ); m0.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m0.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m0.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m0.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m0.setRow( "5 ", 1 ); m0.setRow( "3 6 ", 2 ); m0.setRow( "7.5 10.5 5.5", 3 ); final Phylogeny p0 = nj0.execute( m0 ); p0.reRoot( p0.getNode( "D" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p0.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m1 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 6 ); m1.setRow( "5", 1 ); m1.setRow( "4 7", 2 ); m1.setRow( "7 10 7", 3 ); m1.setRow( "6 9 6 5", 4 ); m1.setRow( "8 11 8 9 8", 5 ); m1.setIdentifier( 0, "A" ); m1.setIdentifier( 1, "B" ); m1.setIdentifier( 2, "C" ); m1.setIdentifier( 3, "D" ); m1.setIdentifier( 4, "E" ); m1.setIdentifier( 5, "F" ); final NeighborJoiningR nj1 = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance(); final Phylogeny p1 = nj1.execute( m1 ); p1.reRoot( p1.getNode( "F" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "B" ).getDistanceToParent(), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "C" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "D" ).getDistanceToParent(), 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "E" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "F" ).getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "A" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 2.5 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "B" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "D" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p1.getNode( "E" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 1 ) ) { return false; } final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m2 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 7 ); m2.setIdentifier( 0, "Bovine" ); m2.setIdentifier( 1, "Mouse" ); m2.setIdentifier( 2, "Gibbon" ); m2.setIdentifier( 3, "Orang" ); m2.setIdentifier( 4, "Gorilla" ); m2.setIdentifier( 5, "Chimp" ); m2.setIdentifier( 6, "Human" ); m2.setRow( "0.00000 1.68660 1.71980 1.66060 1.52430 1.60430 1.59050", 0 ); m2.setRow( "1.68660 0.00000 1.52320 1.48410 1.44650 1.43890 1.46290", 1 ); m2.setRow( "1.71980 1.52320 0.00000 0.71150 0.59580 0.61790 0.55830", 2 ); m2.setRow( "1.66060 1.48410 0.71150 0.00000 0.46310 0.50610 0.47100", 3 ); m2.setRow( "1.52430 1.44650 0.59580 0.46310 0.00000 0.34840 0.30830", 4 ); m2.setRow( "1.60430 1.43890 0.61790 0.50610 0.34840 0.00000 0.26920", 5 ); m2.setRow( "1.59050 1.46290 0.55830 0.47100 0.30830 0.26920 0.00000", 6 ); final NeighborJoiningR nj2 = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance( true, 6 ); final Phylogeny p2 = nj2.execute( m2 ); p2.reRoot( p2.getNode( "Bovine" ) ); if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.151675 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Human" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.117525 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Gorilla" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.153931 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Orang" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.284694 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Gibbon" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.357931 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Mouse" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.76891 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Bovine" ).getDistanceToParent(), 0.458845 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.039819 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Human" ).getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.039819 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.026956 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.046481 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getDistanceToParent(), 0.420269 ) ) { return false; } if ( isUnequal( p2.getNode( "Chimp" ).getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent() .getDistanceToParent(), 0.458845 ) ) { return false; } // final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m3 = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( 20 ); m3.setIdentifier( 0, "F_MOUSE" ); m3.setIdentifier( 1, "11_RAT" ); m3.setIdentifier( 2, "A_CAVPO" ); m3.setIdentifier( 3, "D_HUMAN" ); m3.setIdentifier( 4, "E_HUMAN" ); m3.setIdentifier( 5, "F_HUMAN" ); m3.setIdentifier( 6, "C_HUMAN" ); m3.setIdentifier( 7, "6_FELCA" ); m3.setIdentifier( 8, "D_MOUSE" ); m3.setIdentifier( 9, "E_MOUSE" ); m3.setIdentifier( 10, "E_RAT " ); m3.setIdentifier( 11, "C_MOUSE" ); m3.setIdentifier( 12, "10_RAT" ); m3.setIdentifier( 13, "3_TAEGU" ); m3.setIdentifier( 14, "2_SACKO" ); m3.setIdentifier( 15, "2_PANTR" ); m3.setIdentifier( 16, "3_CANFA" ); m3.setIdentifier( 17, "9_HUMAN" ); m3.setIdentifier( 18, "A_HUMAN" ); m3.setIdentifier( 19, "B_HUMAN" ); m3.setRow( "0.000000 0.000010 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 ", 0 ); m3.setRow( "0.000010 0.000000 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376", 1 ); m3.setRow( "0.020875 0.020875 0.000000 0.031503 0.031503 0.031503 0.031503 0.031477 0.020875 0.020875 0.020875 0.020875 0.020875 0.096983 0.768150 0.031503 0.031503 0.031503 0.031503 0.031503", 2 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010", 3 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010", 4 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010", 5 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010", 6 ); m3.setRow( "0.010368 0.010368 0.031477 0.010375 0.010375 0.010375 0.010375 0.000000 0.010368 0.010368 0.010368 0.010368 0.010368 0.098591 0.745047 0.010375 0.010375 0.010375 0.010375 0.010375", 7 ); m3.setRow( "0.000010 0.000010 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376", 8 ); m3.setRow( "0.000010 0.000010 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376", 9 ); m3.setRow( "0.000010 0.000010 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376", 10 ); m3.setRow( "0.000010 0.000010 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376", 11 ); m3.setRow( "0.000010 0.000010 0.020875 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010368 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.087165 0.743570 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376", 12 ); m3.setRow( "0.087165 0.087165 0.096983 0.098678 0.098678 0.098678 0.098678 0.098591 0.087165 0.087165 0.087165 0.087165 0.087165 0.000000 0.720387 0.098678 0.098678 0.098678 0.098678 0.098678", 13 ); m3.setRow( "0.743570 0.743570 0.768150 0.741282 0.741282 0.741282 0.741282 0.745047 0.743570 0.743570 0.743570 0.743570 0.743570 0.720387 0.000000 0.741282 0.741282 0.741282 0.741282 0.741282", 14 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010", 15 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010", 16 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010 0.000010", 17 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000 0.000010", 18 ); m3.setRow( "0.010376 0.010376 0.031503 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.010375 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.010376 0.098678 0.741282 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000010 0.000000", 19 ); final NeighborJoiningR nj3 = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance( false, 6 ); final Phylogeny p3 = nj3.execute( m3 ); //Archaeopteryx.createApplication( p3 ); //// final int size = 100; for( int n = 0; n <= 100; ++n ) { final NeighborJoiningR njn = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance( false, 6 ); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix mt = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( size ); mt.randomize( new Date().getTime() ); final long start_time = new Date().getTime(); njn.execute( mt ); System.out.println( "Size: " + size + " -> " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" ); } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static boolean testSymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser() { try { final String l = ForesterUtil.getLineSeparator(); StringBuffer source = new StringBuffer(); source.append( " 4" + l ); source.append( "A 0 0 0 0" + l ); source.append( "B 1 0 0 0" + l ); source.append( "C 2 4 0 0" + l ); source.append( "D 3 5 6 0" + l ); source.append( l ); source.append( " 4" + l ); source.append( "A 0 11 12 13" + l ); source.append( "B 11 0 14 15" + l ); source.append( "C 12 14 0 16" + l ); source.append( "D 13 15 16 0" + l ); source.append( l ); source.append( l ); source.append( " " + l ); source.append( " 4" + l ); source.append( " A 0 " + l ); source.append( " B 21 0" + l ); source.append( " C 22 24 0 " + l ); source.append( " # 2 222 2 2 " + l ); source.append( " D 23 25 26 0" + l ); source.append( l ); source.append( l ); source.append( " " + l ); final SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser p0 = SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser.createInstance(); final DistanceMatrix[] ma0 = p0.parse( source.toString() ); if ( ma0.length != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 5 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 12 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 13 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 14 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 1 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 15 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 21 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 22 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 23 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 21 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 24 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma0[ 2 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 25 ) ) { return false; } source = new StringBuffer(); source.append( "A 0 0 0 0" + l ); source.append( "B 1 0 0 0" + l ); source.append( "C 2 4 0 0" + l ); source.append( "D 3 5 6 0" + l ); source.append( " " + l ); source.append( "A 0 11 12 13" + l ); source.append( "B 11 0 14 15" + l ); source.append( "C 12 14 0 16" + l ); source.append( "D 13 15 16 0" + l ); source.append( l ); source.append( " A 0 " + l ); source.append( " B 21 0" + l ); source.append( " C 22 24 0 " + l ); source.append( " # 2 222 2 2 " + l ); source.append( " D 23 25 26 0" + l ); final DistanceMatrix[] ma1 = p0.parse( source.toString() ); if ( ma1.length != 3 ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 2 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 3 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 4 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 5 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 12 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 13 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 14 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 1 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 15 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 21 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 22 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 23 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 21 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 24 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma1[ 2 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 25 ) ) { return false; } source = new StringBuffer(); source.append( "A 0" + l ); source.append( "B 10 0" + l ); final DistanceMatrix[] ma2 = p0.parse( source.toString() ); if ( ma2.length != 1 ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma2[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 10 ) ) { return false; } source = new StringBuffer(); source.append( " " + l ); source.append( "#" + l ); final DistanceMatrix[] ma3 = p0.parse( source.toString() ); if ( ma3.length != 0 ) { return false; } source = new StringBuffer(); source.append( " " + l ); source.append( "A 0 11 12 13" + l ); source.append( "B 0 14 15" + l ); source.append( "C 0 16" + l ); source.append( "D 0" + l ); source.append( l ); source.append( "A 0 21 22 23" + l ); source.append( "B 0 24 25" + l ); source.append( "C 0 26" + l ); source.append( "D 0" + l ); p0.setInputMatrixType( SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser.InputMatrixType.UPPER_TRIANGLE ); final DistanceMatrix[] ma4 = p0.parse( source ); if ( ma4.length != 2 ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 12 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 13 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 14 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 15 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 2 ), 12 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 2 ), 14 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 2 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 2 ), 16 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 3 ), 13 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 3 ), 15 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 3 ), 16 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma4[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 3 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } source = new StringBuffer(); source.append( " 4 " + l ); source.append( "A 0 11 12 13" + l ); source.append( "B 0 14 15" + l ); source.append( "C 0 16" + l ); source.append( "D 0" + l ); source.append( " 4" + l ); source.append( "A 0 21 22 23" + l ); source.append( "B 0 24 25" + l ); source.append( "C 0 26" + l ); source.append( "D 0" + l ); source.append( " " + l ); source.append( " 4" + l ); source.append( "A 0 21 22 23" + l ); source.append( "B 0 24 25" + l ); source.append( "C 0 26" + l ); source.append( "D 0" + l ); source.append( l ); source.append( "A 0 21 22 23" + l ); source.append( "B 0 24 25" + l ); source.append( "C 0 26" + l ); source.append( "D 0" + l ); p0.setInputMatrixType( SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser.InputMatrixType.UPPER_TRIANGLE ); final DistanceMatrix[] ma5 = p0.parse( source ); if ( ma5.length != 4 ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 0 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 0 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 0 ), 12 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 0 ), 13 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 1 ), 11 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 1 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 1 ), 14 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 1 ), 15 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 2 ), 12 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 2 ), 14 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 2 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 2 ), 16 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 0, 3 ), 13 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 1, 3 ), 15 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 2, 3 ), 16 ) ) { return false; } if ( !isEqual( ma5[ 0 ].getValue( 3, 3 ), 0 ) ) { return false; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.out ); return false; } return true; } private static void timeNeighborJoining() { final NeighborJoiningR njr = NeighborJoiningR.createInstance(); for( int n = 3; n <= 9; ++n ) { final int x = ( int ) Math.pow( 2, n ); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix mt = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( x ); mt.randomize( new Date().getTime() ); final long start_time = new Date().getTime(); njr.execute( mt ); System.out.println( "Size: " + x + " -> " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" ); } final NeighborJoiningF njf = NeighborJoiningF.createInstance(); for( int n = 3; n <= 9; ++n ) { final int x = ( int ) Math.pow( 2, n ); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix mt = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( x ); mt.randomize( new Date().getTime() ); final long start_time = new Date().getTime(); njf.execute( mt ); System.out.println( "Size: " + x + " -> " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" ); } final NeighborJoining nj = NeighborJoining.createInstance(); for( int n = 3; n <= 9; ++n ) { final int x = ( int ) Math.pow( 2, n ); final BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix mt = new BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix( x ); mt.randomize( new Date().getTime() ); final long start_time = new Date().getTime(); nj.execute( mt ); System.out.println( "Size: " + x + " -> " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" ); } } }