// $Id: // // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.io.parsers; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.forester.protein.BasicDomain; import org.forester.protein.BasicProtein; import org.forester.protein.Domain; import org.forester.protein.Protein; import org.forester.surfacing.SurfacingUtil; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public final class HmmPfamOutputParser { private static final String RETRO = "RETRO"; private static final String PHAGE = "PHAGE"; private static final String VIR = "VIR"; private static final String TRANSPOS = "TRANSPOS"; private static final String RV = "RV"; private static final String GAG = "GAG_"; private static final String HCV = "HCV_"; // New. Added on Jun 11, after 1st submission. private static final String HERPES = "Herpes_"; // New. Added on Jun 11, after 1st submission. private static final int E_VALUE_MAXIMUM_DEFAULT = -1; private static final ReturnType RETURN_TYPE_DEFAULT = ReturnType.UNORDERED_PROTEIN_DOMAIN_COLLECTION_PER_PROTEIN; private static final boolean IGNORE_DUFS_DEFAULT = false; private static final int MAX_ALLOWED_OVERLAP_DEFAULT = -1; private final Set _filter; private final FilterType _filter_type; private final File _input_file; private final String _species; private final String _model_type; private double _e_value_maximum; private Map _individual_domain_score_cutoffs; private boolean _ignore_dufs; private boolean _ignore_virus_like_ids; private boolean _allow_non_unique_query; private boolean _verbose; private int _max_allowed_overlap; private boolean _ignore_engulfed_domains; private ReturnType _return_type; private int _proteins_encountered; private int _proteins_ignored_due_to_filter; private int _proteins_stored; private int _domains_encountered; private int _domains_ignored_due_to_duf; private int _domains_ignored_due_to_overlap; private int _domains_ignored_due_to_e_value; private int _domains_ignored_due_to_individual_score_cutoff; private int _domains_stored; private SortedSet _domains_stored_set; private long _time; private int _domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter; private Map _domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter_counts_map; private int _domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id; private Map _domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id_counts_map; public HmmPfamOutputParser( final File input_file, final String species, final String model_type ) { _input_file = input_file; _species = species; _model_type = model_type; _filter = null; _filter_type = FilterType.NONE; init(); } public HmmPfamOutputParser( final File input_file, final String species, final String model_type, final Set filter, final FilterType filter_type ) { _input_file = input_file; _species = species; _model_type = model_type; _filter = filter; _filter_type = filter_type; init(); } private void actuallyAddProtein( final List proteins, final Protein current_protein ) { final List l = current_protein.getProteinDomains(); for( final Domain d : l ) { getDomainsStoredSet().add( d.getDomainId() ); } proteins.add( current_protein ); ++_proteins_stored; } private void addProtein( final List proteins, final Protein current_protein ) { if ( ( getFilterType() == FilterType.POSITIVE_PROTEIN ) || ( getFilterType() == FilterType.NEGATIVE_PROTEIN ) ) { final Set domain_ids_in_protein = new HashSet(); for( final Domain d : current_protein.getProteinDomains() ) { domain_ids_in_protein.add( d.getDomainId() ); } domain_ids_in_protein.retainAll( getFilter() ); if ( getFilterType() == FilterType.POSITIVE_PROTEIN ) { if ( domain_ids_in_protein.size() > 0 ) { actuallyAddProtein( proteins, current_protein ); } else { ++_proteins_ignored_due_to_filter; } } else { if ( domain_ids_in_protein.size() < 1 ) { actuallyAddProtein( proteins, current_protein ); } else { ++_proteins_ignored_due_to_filter; } } } else { actuallyAddProtein( proteins, current_protein ); } } public int getDomainsEncountered() { return _domains_encountered; } public int getDomainsIgnoredDueToDuf() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_duf; } public int getDomainsIgnoredDueToEval() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_e_value; } public int getDomainsIgnoredDueToIndividualScoreCutoff() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_individual_score_cutoff; } public int getDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeDomainFilter() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter; } public Map getDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeDomainFilterCountsMap() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter_counts_map; } public int getDomainsIgnoredDueToOverlap() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_overlap; } public Map getDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeIdCountsMap() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id_counts_map; } public int getDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeIds() { return _domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id; } public int getDomainsStored() { return _domains_stored; } public SortedSet getDomainsStoredSet() { return _domains_stored_set; } private double getEValueMaximum() { return _e_value_maximum; } private Set getFilter() { return _filter; } private FilterType getFilterType() { return _filter_type; } private Map getIndividualDomainScoreCutoffs() { return _individual_domain_score_cutoffs; } private File getInputFile() { return _input_file; } private int getMaxAllowedOverlap() { return _max_allowed_overlap; } private String getModelType() { return _model_type; } public int getProteinsEncountered() { return _proteins_encountered; } public int getProteinsIgnoredDueToFilter() { return _proteins_ignored_due_to_filter; } public int getProteinsStored() { return _proteins_stored; } private ReturnType getReturnType() { return _return_type; } private String getSpecies() { return _species; } public long getTime() { return _time; } private void init() { _e_value_maximum = HmmPfamOutputParser.E_VALUE_MAXIMUM_DEFAULT; setIgnoreDufs( HmmPfamOutputParser.IGNORE_DUFS_DEFAULT ); setReturnType( HmmPfamOutputParser.RETURN_TYPE_DEFAULT ); _max_allowed_overlap = HmmPfamOutputParser.MAX_ALLOWED_OVERLAP_DEFAULT; setIndividualDomainScoreCutoffs( null ); setIgnoreEngulfedDomains( false ); setIgnoreVirusLikeIds( false ); setAllowNonUniqueQuery( false ); setVerbose( false ); intitCounts(); } private void intitCounts() { setDomainsStoredSet( new TreeSet() ); setDomainsEncountered( 0 ); setProteinsEncountered( 0 ); setProteinsIgnoredDueToFilter( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeFilter( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToDuf( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToEval( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToIndividualScoreCutoff( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeId( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToOverlap( 0 ); setDomainsStored( 0 ); setProteinsStored( 0 ); setTime( 0 ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeIdCountsMap( new TreeMap() ); setDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeDomainFilterCountsMap( new TreeMap() ); } private boolean isAllowNonUniqueQuery() { return _allow_non_unique_query; } private boolean isIgnoreDufs() { return _ignore_dufs; } private boolean isIgnoreEngulfedDomains() { return _ignore_engulfed_domains; } private boolean isIgnoreVirusLikeIds() { return _ignore_virus_like_ids; } private boolean isVerbose() { return _verbose; } public List parse() throws IOException { intitCounts(); final Set queries = new HashSet(); final String error = ForesterUtil.isReadableFile( getInputFile() ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { throw new IOException( error ); } final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( getInputFile() ) ); String line; final List proteins = new ArrayList(); Protein current_protein = null; int line_number = 0; boolean saw_double_slash = true; boolean can_parse_domains = false; boolean saw_parsed_for_domains = false; boolean saw_query_sequence = false; boolean was_not_unique = false; final long start_time = new Date().getTime(); while ( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) { line_number++; if ( line.length() < 1 ) { continue; } else if ( line.startsWith( "Query sequence:" ) ) { ++_proteins_encountered; if ( !saw_double_slash ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } saw_double_slash = false; saw_query_sequence = true; was_not_unique = false; final String query = line.substring( 16 ).trim(); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) { throw new IOException( "query sequence cannot be empty [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } if ( queries.contains( query ) ) { if ( !isAllowNonUniqueQuery() ) { throw new IOException( "query \"" + query + "\" is not unique [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } else if ( isVerbose() ) { ForesterUtil.printWarningMessage( getClass().getName(), "query \"" + query + "\" is not unique [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } } else { queries.add( query ); } if ( current_protein != null ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } if ( getReturnType() == ReturnType.UNORDERED_PROTEIN_DOMAIN_COLLECTION_PER_PROTEIN ) { current_protein = new BasicProtein( query, getSpecies(), 0 ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown return type" ); } } else if ( line.startsWith( "Accession:" ) ) { if ( !saw_query_sequence || ( current_protein == null ) ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } ( ( BasicProtein ) current_protein ).setAccession( line.substring( 11 ).trim() ); } else if ( line.startsWith( "Description:" ) ) { if ( !saw_query_sequence || ( current_protein == null ) ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } if ( was_not_unique ) { if ( getReturnType() == ReturnType.UNORDERED_PROTEIN_DOMAIN_COLLECTION_PER_PROTEIN ) { current_protein = new BasicProtein( current_protein.getProteinId() + " " + line.substring( 13 ).trim(), getSpecies(), 0 ); } } else { ( ( BasicProtein ) current_protein ).setDescription( line.substring( 13 ).trim() ); } } else if ( line.startsWith( "Parsed for domains:" ) ) { if ( !saw_query_sequence ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } saw_query_sequence = false; saw_parsed_for_domains = true; } else if ( saw_parsed_for_domains && line.startsWith( "--------" ) ) { can_parse_domains = true; saw_parsed_for_domains = false; } else if ( line.startsWith( "Alignments of top-scoring domains:" ) ) { if ( !can_parse_domains ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } can_parse_domains = false; } else if ( line.startsWith( "//" ) ) { can_parse_domains = false; saw_double_slash = true; if ( current_protein.getProteinDomains().size() > 0 ) { if ( ( getMaxAllowedOverlap() != HmmPfamOutputParser.MAX_ALLOWED_OVERLAP_DEFAULT ) || isIgnoreEngulfedDomains() ) { final int domains_count = current_protein.getNumberOfProteinDomains(); current_protein = SurfacingUtil.removeOverlappingDomains( getMaxAllowedOverlap(), isIgnoreEngulfedDomains(), current_protein ); final int domains_removed = domains_count - current_protein.getNumberOfProteinDomains(); _domains_stored -= domains_removed; _domains_ignored_due_to_overlap += domains_removed; } addProtein( proteins, current_protein ); } current_protein = null; } else if ( can_parse_domains && ( line.indexOf( "[no hits above thresholds]" ) == -1 ) ) { final String[] s = line.split( "\\s+" ); if ( s.length != 10 ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format in hmmpfam output: \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } final String id = s[ 0 ]; final String domain_count_str = s[ 1 ]; final String from_str = s[ 2 ]; final String to_str = s[ 3 ]; final String query_match_str = s[ 4 ]; final String hmm_match_str = s[ 7 ]; final String score_str = s[ 8 ]; final String e_value_str = s[ 9 ]; int from = -1; int to = -1; double e_value = -1; double score = -1; boolean is_complete_hmm_match = false; boolean is_complete_query_match = false; try { from = Integer.valueOf( from_str ).intValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "could not parse seq-f from \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } try { to = Integer.valueOf( to_str ).intValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "could not parse seq-t from \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } try { score = Double.valueOf( score_str ).doubleValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "could not parse score from \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } try { e_value = Double.valueOf( e_value_str ).doubleValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "could not parse E-value from \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } if ( hmm_match_str.equals( "[]" ) ) { is_complete_hmm_match = true; } else if ( !( hmm_match_str.equals( ".]" ) || hmm_match_str.equals( "[." ) || hmm_match_str .equals( ".." ) ) ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format in hmmpfam output: \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } if ( query_match_str.equals( ".." ) ) { is_complete_query_match = true; } else if ( !( query_match_str.equals( ".]" ) || query_match_str.equals( "[." ) || query_match_str .equals( "[]" ) ) ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format in hmmpfam output: \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } final String[] ct = domain_count_str.split( "/" ); if ( ct.length != 2 ) { throw new IOException( "unexpected format in hmmpfam output: \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } final String number_str = ct[ 0 ]; final String total_str = ct[ 1 ]; int number = -1; int total = -1; try { number = Integer.valueOf( ( number_str ) ).intValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "could not parse domain number from \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } try { total = Integer.valueOf( ( total_str ) ).intValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "could not parse domain count from \"" + line + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } ++_domains_encountered; boolean failed_cutoff = false; if ( getIndividualDomainScoreCutoffs() != null ) { if ( getIndividualDomainScoreCutoffs().containsKey( id ) ) { final double cutoff = Double.parseDouble( getIndividualDomainScoreCutoffs().get( id ) ); if ( score < cutoff ) { failed_cutoff = true; } } else { throw new IOException( "could not find a score cutoff value for domain id \"" + id + "\" [line " + line_number + "] in [" + getInputFile().getCanonicalPath() + "]" ); } } final String uc_id = id.toUpperCase(); if ( failed_cutoff ) { ++_domains_ignored_due_to_individual_score_cutoff; } else if ( ( getEValueMaximum() != HmmPfamOutputParser.E_VALUE_MAXIMUM_DEFAULT ) && ( e_value > getEValueMaximum() ) ) { ++_domains_ignored_due_to_e_value; } else if ( isIgnoreDufs() && uc_id.startsWith( "DUF" ) ) { ++_domains_ignored_due_to_duf; } else if ( isIgnoreVirusLikeIds() && ( uc_id.contains( VIR ) || uc_id.contains( PHAGE ) || uc_id.contains( RETRO ) || uc_id.contains( TRANSPOS ) || uc_id.startsWith( RV ) || uc_id.startsWith( GAG ) || uc_id.startsWith( HCV ) || uc_id.startsWith( HERPES ) ) ) { ForesterUtil.increaseCountingMap( getDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeIdCountsMap(), id ); ++_domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id; } else if ( ( getFilterType() == FilterType.NEGATIVE_DOMAIN ) && getFilter().contains( id ) ) { ++_domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter; ForesterUtil.increaseCountingMap( getDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeDomainFilterCountsMap(), id ); } else { final BasicDomain pd = new BasicDomain( id, from, to, ( short ) number, ( short ) total, e_value, score ); current_protein.addProteinDomain( pd ); ++_domains_stored; } } } // while ( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) setTime( new Date().getTime() - start_time ); if ( !saw_double_slash ) { throw new IOException( "file ends unexpectedly [line " + line_number + "]" ); } return proteins; } public void setAllowNonUniqueQuery( final boolean allow_non_unique_query ) { _allow_non_unique_query = allow_non_unique_query; } private void setDomainsEncountered( final int domains_encountered ) { _domains_encountered = domains_encountered; } private void setDomainsIgnoredDueToDuf( final int domains_ignored_due_to_duf ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_duf = domains_ignored_due_to_duf; } public void setDomainsIgnoredDueToEval( final int domains_ignored_due_to_e_value ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_e_value = domains_ignored_due_to_e_value; } public void setDomainsIgnoredDueToIndividualScoreCutoff( final int domains_ignored_due_to_individual_score_cutoff ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_individual_score_cutoff = domains_ignored_due_to_individual_score_cutoff; } private void setDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeDomainFilterCountsMap( final Map domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter_counts_map ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter_counts_map = domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter_counts_map; } private void setDomainsIgnoredDueToNegativeFilter( final int domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter = domains_ignored_due_to_negative_domain_filter; } private void setDomainsIgnoredDueToOverlap( final int domains_ignored_due_to_overlap ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_overlap = domains_ignored_due_to_overlap; } private void setDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeId( final int i ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id = i; } private void setDomainsIgnoredDueToVirusLikeIdCountsMap( final Map domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id_counts_map ) { _domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id_counts_map = domains_ignored_due_to_virus_like_id_counts_map; } private void setDomainsStored( final int domains_stored ) { _domains_stored = domains_stored; } private void setDomainsStoredSet( final SortedSet _storeddomains_stored ) { _domains_stored_set = _storeddomains_stored; } public void setEValueMaximum( final double e_value_maximum ) { if ( e_value_maximum < 0.0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to set the maximum E-value to a negative value" ); } _e_value_maximum = e_value_maximum; } public void setIgnoreDufs( final boolean ignore_dufs ) { _ignore_dufs = ignore_dufs; } /** * To ignore domains which are completely engulfed by domains (individual * ones or stretches of overlapping ones) with better support values. * * * @param ignored_engulfed_domains */ public void setIgnoreEngulfedDomains( final boolean ignore_engulfed_domains ) { _ignore_engulfed_domains = ignore_engulfed_domains; } public void setIgnoreVirusLikeIds( final boolean ignore_virus_like_ids ) { _ignore_virus_like_ids = ignore_virus_like_ids; } /** * Sets the individual domain score cutoff values (for example, gathering * thresholds from Pfam). Domain ids are the keys, cutoffs the values. * * @param individual_domain_score_cutoffs */ public void setIndividualDomainScoreCutoffs( final Map individual_domain_score_cutoffs ) { _individual_domain_score_cutoffs = individual_domain_score_cutoffs; } public void setMaxAllowedOverlap( final int max_allowed_overlap ) { if ( max_allowed_overlap < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to set max allowed overlap to less than zero." ); } _max_allowed_overlap = max_allowed_overlap; } private void setProteinsEncountered( final int proteins_encountered ) { _proteins_encountered = proteins_encountered; } private void setProteinsIgnoredDueToFilter( final int proteins_ignored_due_to_filter ) { _proteins_ignored_due_to_filter = proteins_ignored_due_to_filter; } private void setProteinsStored( final int proteins_stored ) { _proteins_stored = proteins_stored; } public void setReturnType( final ReturnType return_type ) { _return_type = return_type; } private void setTime( final long time ) { _time = time; } public void setVerbose( final boolean verbose ) { _verbose = verbose; } public static enum FilterType { NONE, POSITIVE_PROTEIN, NEGATIVE_PROTEIN, NEGATIVE_DOMAIN } public static enum ReturnType { UNORDERED_PROTEIN_DOMAIN_COLLECTION_PER_PROTEIN } }