// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/forester package org.forester.io.parsers.nhx; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.forester.io.parsers.PhylogenyParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.util.ParserUtils; import org.forester.io.parsers.util.PhylogenyParserException; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Accession; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Annotation; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Confidence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.DomainArchitecture; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Event; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Identifier; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PhylogenyDataUtil; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PropertiesMap; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Property; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Sequence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public final class NHXParser implements PhylogenyParser { public static final boolean LIMIT_SPECIES_NAMES_TO_FIVE_CHARS = true; public static final PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION_DEFAULT = PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO; final static private boolean GUESS_ROOTEDNESS_DEFAULT = true; final static private boolean GUESS_IF_SUPPORT_VALUES = true; final static private boolean IGNORE_QUOTES_DEFAULT = false; final static public boolean REPLACE_UNDERSCORES_DEFAULT = false; private boolean _saw_closing_paren; final static private byte STRING = 0; final static private byte STRING_BUFFER = 1; final static private byte CHAR_ARRAY = 2; final static private byte BUFFERED_READER = 3; private boolean _guess_rootedness; private boolean _has_next; private boolean _ignore_quotes; private byte _input_type; private int _source_length; private PhylogenyNode _current_node; private StringBuilder _current_anotation; private Object _nhx_source; private int _clade_level; private List _phylogenies; private Phylogeny _current_phylogeny; private PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION _taxonomy_extraction; private boolean _replace_underscores; public final static Pattern UC_LETTERS_NUMBERS_PATTERN = Pattern .compile( "^[A-Z0-9]+$" ); public final static Pattern NUMBERS_ONLY_PATTERN = Pattern .compile( "^[0-9\\.]+$" ); public final static Pattern MB_PROB_PATTERN = Pattern .compile( "prob=([^,]+)" ); public final static Pattern MB_PROB_SD_PATTERN = Pattern .compile( "prob_stddev=([^,]+)" ); public final static Pattern MB_BL_PATTERN = Pattern .compile( "length_median=([^,]+)" ); public NHXParser() { init(); } /** * Decreases the clade level by one. * * @throws PhylogenyParserException * if level goes below zero. */ private void decreaseCladeLevel() throws PhylogenyParserException { if ( getCladeLevel() < 0 ) { throw new PhylogenyParserException( "error in NH (Newick)/NHX formatted data: most likely cause: number of close parens is larger than number of open parens" ); } --_clade_level; } /** * Finishes the current Phylogeny and adds it to the list of Phylogenies * created. * * @throws PhylogenyParserException * @throws NHXFormatException */ private void finishPhylogeny() throws PhylogenyParserException, NHXFormatException { setCladeLevel( 0 ); if ( getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) { parseNHX( getCurrentAnotation().toString(), getCurrentPhylogeny().getRoot(), getTaxonomyExtraction(), isReplaceUnderscores() ); if ( NHXParser.GUESS_IF_SUPPORT_VALUES ) { if ( NHXParser.isBranchLengthsLikeBootstrapValues( getCurrentPhylogeny() ) ) { NHXParser.moveBranchLengthsToBootstrapValues( getCurrentPhylogeny() ); } } if ( isGuessRootedness() ) { final PhylogenyNode root = getCurrentPhylogeny().getRoot(); if ( ( root.getDistanceToParent() >= 0.0 ) || !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( root.getName() ) || !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( PhylogenyMethods.getSpecies( root ) ) || root.isHasAssignedEvent() ) { getCurrentPhylogeny().setRooted( true ); } } getPhylogenies().add( getCurrentPhylogeny() ); } } private void finishSingleNodePhylogeny() throws PhylogenyParserException, NHXFormatException { setCladeLevel( 0 ); final PhylogenyNode new_node = new PhylogenyNode(); parseNHX( getCurrentAnotation().toString(), new_node, getTaxonomyExtraction(), isReplaceUnderscores() ); setCurrentPhylogeny( new Phylogeny() ); getCurrentPhylogeny().setRoot( new_node ); getPhylogenies().add( getCurrentPhylogeny() ); } private int getCladeLevel() { return _clade_level; } private StringBuilder getCurrentAnotation() { return _current_anotation; } private PhylogenyNode getCurrentNode() { return _current_node; } private Phylogeny getCurrentPhylogeny() { return _current_phylogeny; } private byte getInputType() { return _input_type; } private Object getNhxSource() { return _nhx_source; } private List getPhylogenies() { return _phylogenies; } /** * Returns the Phylogenies created as Array. * * @return the Phylogenies created as Array */ private Phylogeny[] getPhylogeniesAsArray() { final Phylogeny[] p = new Phylogeny[ getPhylogenies().size() ]; for( int i = 0; i < getPhylogenies().size(); ++i ) { p[ i ] = getPhylogenies().get( i ); } return p; } private int getSourceLength() { return _source_length; } public PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION getTaxonomyExtraction() { return _taxonomy_extraction; } public boolean hasNext() { return _has_next; } /** * Increases the clade level by one. */ private void increaseCladeLevel() { ++_clade_level; } private void init() { setTaxonomyExtraction( TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION_DEFAULT ); setReplaceUnderscores( REPLACE_UNDERSCORES_DEFAULT ); setGuessRootedness( GUESS_ROOTEDNESS_DEFAULT ); setIgnoreQuotes( IGNORE_QUOTES_DEFAULT ); setHasNext( false ); } private boolean isGuessRootedness() { return _guess_rootedness; } private boolean isIgnoreQuotes() { return _ignore_quotes; } private boolean isReplaceUnderscores() { return _replace_underscores; } private boolean isSawClosingParen() { return _saw_closing_paren; } /** * Replaces the current annotation with a new StringBuffer. */ private void newCurrentAnotation() { setCurrentAnotation( new StringBuilder() ); } /** * Parses the source set with setSource( final Object nhx_source ). Returns * the Phylogenies found in the source as Phylogeny[]. * Everything between [ and ] is considered comment and ignored, * unless: * "[&&NHX... ]" * or * ":digits and/or.[bootstrap]" * * @see #setSource( final Object nhx_source ) * @see org.forester.io.parsers.PhylogenyParser#parse() * @return Phylogeny[] * @throws IOException * @throws NHXFormatException * @throws PhylogenyParserException */ @Override public Phylogeny[] parse() throws IOException, NHXFormatException { setHasNext( false ); boolean in_comment = false; boolean saw_colon = false; boolean saw_open_bracket = false; boolean in_open_bracket = false; boolean in_double_quote = false; boolean in_single_quote = false; setPhylogenies( new ArrayList() ); setCladeLevel( 0 ); newCurrentAnotation(); int i = 0; while ( true ) { char c = '\b'; if ( getInputType() == NHXParser.BUFFERED_READER ) { final int ci = ( ( BufferedReader ) getNhxSource() ).read(); if ( ci >= 0 ) { c = ( char ) ci; } else { break; } } else { if ( i >= getSourceLength() ) { break; } else { switch ( getInputType() ) { case STRING: c = ( ( String ) getNhxSource() ).charAt( i ); break; case STRING_BUFFER: c = ( ( StringBuffer ) getNhxSource() ).charAt( i ); break; case CHAR_ARRAY: c = ( ( char[] ) getNhxSource() )[ i ]; break; } } } if ( !in_single_quote && !in_double_quote ) { if ( c == ':' ) { saw_colon = true; } else if ( !( ( c < 33 ) || ( c > 126 ) ) && saw_colon && ( ( c != '[' ) && ( c != '.' ) && ( ( c < 48 ) || ( c > 57 ) ) ) ) { saw_colon = false; } if ( in_open_bracket && ( c == ']' ) ) { in_open_bracket = false; } } // \n\t is always ignored, // as is " (34) and ' (39) (space is 32): if ( ( isIgnoreQuotes() && ( ( c < 33 ) || ( c > 126 ) || ( c == 34 ) || ( c == 39 ) || ( ( getCladeLevel() == 0 ) && ( c == ';' ) ) ) ) || ( !isIgnoreQuotes() && ( ( c < 32 ) || ( c > 126 ) || ( ( getCladeLevel() == 0 ) && ( c == ';' ) ) ) ) ) { // Do nothing. } else if ( ( c == 32 ) && ( !in_single_quote && !in_double_quote ) ) { // Do nothing. } else if ( in_comment ) { if ( c == ']' ) { in_comment = false; } } else if ( in_double_quote ) { if ( c == '"' ) { in_double_quote = false; } else { getCurrentAnotation().append( c ); } } else if ( c == '"' ) { in_double_quote = true; } else if ( in_single_quote ) { if ( c == 39 ) { in_single_quote = false; } else { getCurrentAnotation().append( c ); } } else if ( c == 39 ) { in_single_quote = true; } else if ( c == '[' ) { saw_open_bracket = true; in_open_bracket = true; } else if ( saw_open_bracket ) { if ( c != ']' ) { // everything not starting with "[&" is considered a comment // unless ":digits and/or . [bootstrap]": if ( c == '&' ) { getCurrentAnotation().append( "[&" ); } else if ( saw_colon ) { getCurrentAnotation().append( "[" + c ); } else { in_comment = true; } } // comment consisting just of "[]": saw_open_bracket = false; } else if ( ( c == '(' ) && !in_open_bracket ) { processOpenParen(); } else if ( ( c == ')' ) && !in_open_bracket ) { processCloseParen(); } else if ( ( c == ',' ) && !in_open_bracket ) { processComma(); } else { getCurrentAnotation().append( c ); } ++i; } if ( getCladeLevel() != 0 ) { setPhylogenies( null ); throw new PhylogenyParserException( "error in NH (Newick)/NHX formatted data: most likely cause: number of open parens does not equal number of close parens" ); } if ( getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) { finishPhylogeny(); } else if ( getCurrentAnotation().length() > 0 ) { finishSingleNodePhylogeny(); } else if ( getPhylogenies().size() < 1 ) { getPhylogenies().add( new Phylogeny() ); } return getPhylogeniesAsArray(); } // parse() public Phylogeny parseNext() throws IOException, NHXFormatException { return null; } /** * Called if a closing paren is encountered. * * @throws PhylogenyParserException * @throws NHXFormatException */ private void processCloseParen() throws PhylogenyParserException, NHXFormatException { decreaseCladeLevel(); if ( !isSawClosingParen() ) { final PhylogenyNode new_node = new PhylogenyNode(); parseNHX( getCurrentAnotation().toString(), new_node, getTaxonomyExtraction(), isReplaceUnderscores() ); newCurrentAnotation(); getCurrentNode().addAsChild( new_node ); } else { parseNHX( getCurrentAnotation().toString(), getCurrentNode().getLastChildNode(), getTaxonomyExtraction(), isReplaceUnderscores() ); newCurrentAnotation(); } if ( !getCurrentNode().isRoot() ) { setCurrentNode( getCurrentNode().getParent() ); } setSawClosingParen( true ); } // processCloseParen() /** * Called if a comma is encountered. * * @throws PhylogenyParserException * @throws NHXFormatException */ private void processComma() throws PhylogenyParserException, NHXFormatException { if ( !isSawClosingParen() ) { final PhylogenyNode new_node = new PhylogenyNode(); parseNHX( getCurrentAnotation().toString(), new_node, getTaxonomyExtraction(), isReplaceUnderscores() ); if ( getCurrentNode() == null ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "format might not be NH or NHX" ); } getCurrentNode().addAsChild( new_node ); } else { parseNHX( getCurrentAnotation().toString(), getCurrentNode().getLastChildNode(), getTaxonomyExtraction(), isReplaceUnderscores() ); } newCurrentAnotation(); setSawClosingParen( false ); } // processComma() /** * Called if a opening paren is encountered. * * @throws PhylogenyParserException * @throws NHXFormatException */ private void processOpenParen() throws PhylogenyParserException, NHXFormatException { final PhylogenyNode new_node = new PhylogenyNode(); if ( getCladeLevel() == 0 ) { if ( getCurrentPhylogeny() != null ) { finishPhylogeny(); } setCladeLevel( 1 ); newCurrentAnotation(); setCurrentPhylogeny( new Phylogeny() ); getCurrentPhylogeny().setRoot( new_node ); } else { increaseCladeLevel(); getCurrentNode().addAsChild( new_node ); } setCurrentNode( new_node ); setSawClosingParen( false ); } private void setCladeLevel( final int clade_level ) { if ( clade_level < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to set clade level to a number smaller than zero." ); } _clade_level = clade_level; } private void setCurrentAnotation( final StringBuilder current_anotation ) { _current_anotation = current_anotation; } private void setCurrentNode( final PhylogenyNode current_node ) { _current_node = current_node; } private void setCurrentPhylogeny( final Phylogeny current_phylogeny ) { _current_phylogeny = current_phylogeny; } public void setGuessRootedness( final boolean guess_rootedness ) { _guess_rootedness = guess_rootedness; } private void setHasNext( final boolean has_next ) { _has_next = has_next; } public void setIgnoreQuotes( final boolean ignore_quotes ) { _ignore_quotes = ignore_quotes; } private void setInputType( final byte input_type ) { _input_type = input_type; } private void setNhxSource( final Object nhx_source ) { _nhx_source = nhx_source; } private void setPhylogenies( final ArrayList phylogenies ) { _phylogenies = phylogenies; } public void setReplaceUnderscores( final boolean replace_underscores ) { _replace_underscores = replace_underscores; } private void setSawClosingParen( final boolean saw_closing_paren ) { _saw_closing_paren = saw_closing_paren; } /** * This sets the source to be parsed. The source can be: String, * StringBuffer, char[], File, or InputStream. The source can contain more * than one phylogenies in either New Hamphshire (NH) or New Hamphshire * Extended (NHX) format. There is no need to separate phylogenies with any * special character. White space is always ignored, as are semicolons * inbetween phylogenies. Example of a source describing two phylogenies * (source is a String, in this example): "(A,(B,(C,(D,E)de)cde)bcde)abcde * ((((A,B)ab,C)abc,D)abcd,E)abcde". Everything between a '[' followed by any * character other than '&' and ']' is considered a comment and ignored * (example: "[this is a comment]"). NHX tags are surrounded by '[&&NHX' and * ']' (example: "[&&NHX:S=Varanus_storri]"). A sequence like "[& some * info]" is ignored, too (at the PhylogenyNode level, though). * Exception: numbers only between [ and ] (e.g. [90]) are interpreted as support values. * * @see #parse() * @see org.forester.io.parsers.PhylogenyParser#setSource(java.lang.Object) * @param nhx_source * the source to be parsed (String, StringBuffer, char[], File, * or InputStream) * @throws IOException * @throws PhylogenyParserException */ @Override public void setSource( final Object nhx_source ) throws PhylogenyParserException, IOException { if ( nhx_source == null ) { throw new PhylogenyParserException( getClass() + ": attempt to parse null object." ); } else if ( nhx_source instanceof String ) { setInputType( NHXParser.STRING ); setSourceLength( ( ( String ) nhx_source ).length() ); setNhxSource( nhx_source ); } else if ( nhx_source instanceof StringBuffer ) { setInputType( NHXParser.STRING_BUFFER ); setSourceLength( ( ( StringBuffer ) nhx_source ).length() ); setNhxSource( nhx_source ); } else if ( nhx_source instanceof char[] ) { setInputType( NHXParser.CHAR_ARRAY ); setSourceLength( ( ( char[] ) nhx_source ).length ); setNhxSource( nhx_source ); } else if ( nhx_source instanceof File ) { setInputType( NHXParser.BUFFERED_READER ); setSourceLength( 0 ); final File f = ( File ) nhx_source; final String error = ForesterUtil.isReadableFile( f ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { throw new PhylogenyParserException( error ); } setNhxSource( new BufferedReader( new FileReader( f ) ) ); } else if ( nhx_source instanceof InputStream ) { setInputType( NHXParser.BUFFERED_READER ); setSourceLength( 0 ); final InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( ( InputStream ) nhx_source ); setNhxSource( new BufferedReader( isr ) ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( getClass() + " can only parse objects of type String," + " StringBuffer, char[], File," + " or InputStream " + " [attempt to parse object of " + nhx_source.getClass() + "]." ); } setHasNext( true ); } private void setSourceLength( final int source_length ) { _source_length = source_length; } public void setTaxonomyExtraction( final PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction ) { _taxonomy_extraction = taxonomy_extraction; } private static double doubleValue( final String str ) throws NHXFormatException { try { return Double.valueOf( str ).doubleValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException ex ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "error in NH/NHX formatted data: failed to parse number from :" + "\"" + str + "\"" ); } } private static boolean isBranchLengthsLikeBootstrapValues( final Phylogeny p ) { final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = p.iteratorExternalForward(); final double d0 = it.next().getDistanceToParent(); if ( ( d0 < 10 ) || !it.hasNext() ) { return false; } while ( it.hasNext() ) { final double d = it.next().getDistanceToParent(); if ( ( d != d0 ) || ( d < 10 ) ) { return false; } } return true; } private static void moveBranchLengthsToBootstrapValues( final Phylogeny p ) { final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = p.iteratorPostorder(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); PhylogenyMethods.setBootstrapConfidence( n, n.getDistanceToParent() ); n.setDistanceToParent( PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ); } } public static void parseNHX( String s, final PhylogenyNode node_to_annotate, final PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction, final boolean replace_underscores ) throws NHXFormatException { if ( ( taxonomy_extraction != PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO ) && replace_underscores ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot extract taxonomies and replace under scores at the same time" ); } if ( ( s != null ) && ( s.length() > 0 ) ) { if ( replace_underscores ) { s = s.replaceAll( "_+", " " ); } boolean is_nhx = false; final int ob = s.indexOf( "[" ); if ( ob > -1 ) { String b = ""; is_nhx = true; final int cb = s.indexOf( "]" ); if ( cb < 0 ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "error in NHX formatted data: no closing \"]\" in \"" + s + "\"" ); } if ( s.indexOf( "&&NHX" ) == ( ob + 1 ) ) { b = s.substring( ob + 6, cb ); } else { // No &&NHX and digits only: is likely to be a support value. final String bracketed = s.substring( ob + 1, cb ); final Matcher numbers_only = NUMBERS_ONLY_PATTERN.matcher( bracketed ); if ( numbers_only.matches() ) { b = ":" + NHXtags.SUPPORT + bracketed; } else if ( s.indexOf( "prob=" ) > -1 ) { processMrBayes3Data( s, node_to_annotate ); } } s = s.substring( 0, ob ) + b; if ( ( s.indexOf( "[" ) > -1 ) || ( s.indexOf( "]" ) > -1 ) ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "error in NHX formatted data: more than one \"]\" or \"[\"" ); } } final StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer( s, ":" ); if ( t.countTokens() > 0 ) { if ( !s.startsWith( ":" ) ) { node_to_annotate.setName( t.nextToken() ); if ( !replace_underscores && ( !is_nhx && ( taxonomy_extraction != PhylogenyMethods.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO ) ) ) { final String tax = ParserUtils .extractTaxonomyCodeFromNodeName( node_to_annotate.getName(), LIMIT_SPECIES_NAMES_TO_FIVE_CHARS, taxonomy_extraction ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setTaxonomy( new Taxonomy() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().setTaxonomyCode( tax ); } } } while ( t.hasMoreTokens() ) { s = t.nextToken(); if ( s.startsWith( org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXtags.SPECIES_NAME ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setTaxonomy( new Taxonomy() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().setScientificName( s.substring( 2 ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXtags.ANNOTATION ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setSequence( new Sequence() ); } final Annotation annotation = new Annotation( "_:_" ); annotation.setDesc( s.substring( 3 ) ); node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getSequence().addAnnotation( annotation ); } else if ( s.startsWith( org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXtags.IS_DUPLICATION ) ) { if ( ( s.charAt( 2 ) == 'Y' ) || ( s.charAt( 2 ) == 'T' ) ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setEvent( Event.createSingleDuplicationEvent() ); } else if ( ( s.charAt( 2 ) == 'N' ) || ( s.charAt( 2 ) == 'F' ) ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setEvent( Event.createSingleSpeciationEvent() ); } else if ( s.charAt( 2 ) == '?' ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setEvent( Event.createSingleSpeciationOrDuplicationEvent() ); } else { throw new NHXFormatException( "error in NHX formatted data: :D=Y or :D=N or :D=?" ); } } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.SUPPORT ) ) { PhylogenyMethods.setConfidence( node_to_annotate, doubleValue( s.substring( 2 ) ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.TAXONOMY_ID ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setTaxonomy( new Taxonomy() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().setIdentifier( new Identifier( s.substring( 2 ) ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.PARENT_BRANCH_WIDTH ) ) { PhylogenyMethods.setBranchWidthValue( node_to_annotate, Integer.parseInt( s.substring( 2 ) ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.COLOR ) ) { final Color c = NHXParser.stringToColor( s.substring( 2 ) ); if ( c != null ) { PhylogenyMethods.setBranchColorValue( node_to_annotate, c ); } } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.CUSTOM_DATA_ON_NODE ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasProperties() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setProperties( new PropertiesMap() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getProperties().addProperty( Property.createFromNhxString( s ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.DOMAIN_STRUCTURE ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setSequence( new Sequence() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getSequence() .setDomainArchitecture( new DomainArchitecture( s.substring( 3 ) ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.NODE_IDENTIFIER ) ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setNodeIdentifier( new Identifier( s.substring( 3 ) ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.SEQUENCE_ACCESSION ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setSequence( new Sequence() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getSequence() .setAccession( new Accession( s.substring( 3 ), "?" ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.GENE_NAME ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setSequence( new Sequence() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getSequence().setName( s.substring( 3 ) ); } else if ( s.startsWith( NHXtags.GENE_NAME_SYNONYM ) ) { if ( !node_to_annotate.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { node_to_annotate.getNodeData().setSequence( new Sequence() ); } node_to_annotate.getNodeData().getSequence().setName( s.substring( 2 ) ); } else if ( s.indexOf( '=' ) < 0 ) { if ( node_to_annotate.getDistanceToParent() != PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "error in NHX formatted data: more than one distance to parent:" + "\"" + s + "\"" ); } node_to_annotate.setDistanceToParent( doubleValue( s ) ); } } // while ( t.hasMoreTokens() ) } } } private static void processMrBayes3Data( final String s, final PhylogenyNode node_to_annotate ) throws NHXFormatException { double sd = -1; final Matcher mb_prob_sd_matcher = MB_PROB_SD_PATTERN.matcher( s ); if ( mb_prob_sd_matcher.find() ) { try { sd = Double.parseDouble( mb_prob_sd_matcher.group( 1 ) ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "failed to parse probability standard deviation (Mr Bayes output) from \"" + s + "\"" ); } } final Matcher mb_prob_matcher = MB_PROB_PATTERN.matcher( s ); if ( mb_prob_matcher.find() ) { double prob = -1; try { prob = Double.parseDouble( mb_prob_matcher.group( 1 ) ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "failed to parse probability (Mr Bayes output) from \"" + s + "\"" ); } if ( prob >= 0.0 ) { if ( sd >= 0.0 ) { node_to_annotate.getBranchData() .addConfidence( new Confidence( prob, "posterior probability", sd ) ); } else { node_to_annotate.getBranchData().addConfidence( new Confidence( prob, "posterior probability" ) ); } } } final Matcher mb_bl_matcher = MB_BL_PATTERN.matcher( s ); if ( mb_bl_matcher.find() ) { double bl = -1; try { bl = Double.parseDouble( mb_bl_matcher.group( 1 ) ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new NHXFormatException( "failed to parse median branch length (Mr Bayes output) from \"" + s + "\"" ); } if ( bl >= 0.0 ) { node_to_annotate.setDistanceToParent( bl ); } } } /** * Parses String s in the format r.g.b (e.g. "12.34.234" ) into red, green, * and blue and returns the corresponding Color. */ private static Color stringToColor( final String s ) { final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s, "." ); if ( st.countTokens() != 3 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "illegal format for color: " + s ); } final int red = ForesterUtil.limitRangeForColor( Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken() ) ); final int green = ForesterUtil.limitRangeForColor( Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken() ) ); final int blu = ForesterUtil.limitRangeForColor( Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken() ) ); return new Color( red, green, blu ); } }