// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2014 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2014 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.msa_compactor; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.NeighborJoiningF; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.PairwiseDistanceCalculator; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.PairwiseDistanceCalculator.PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.distance.BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.tools.BootstrapResampler; import org.forester.msa.DeleteableMsa; import org.forester.msa.Mafft; import org.forester.msa.Msa; import org.forester.msa.Msa.MSA_FORMAT; import org.forester.msa.MsaInferrer; import org.forester.msa.MsaMethods; import org.forester.msa.ResampleableMsa; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.sequence.Sequence; import org.forester.tools.ConfidenceAssessor; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public class MsaCompactor { final private static NumberFormat NF_3 = new DecimalFormat( "#.###" ); final private static NumberFormat NF_4 = new DecimalFormat( "#.####" ); // private final String _maffts_opts = "--retree 1"; private final String _maffts_opts = "--auto"; private DeleteableMsa _msa; private File _out_file_base; private String _path_to_mafft; private final SortedSet _removed_seq_ids; static { NF_4.setRoundingMode( RoundingMode.HALF_UP ); NF_3.setRoundingMode( RoundingMode.HALF_UP ); } private MsaCompactor( final DeleteableMsa msa ) { _msa = msa; _removed_seq_ids = new TreeSet(); } final public Msa getMsa() { return _msa; } final public SortedSet getRemovedSeqIds() { return _removed_seq_ids; } final public void setOutFileBase( final File out_file_base ) { _out_file_base = out_file_base; } final public String writeMsa( final File outfile, final MSA_FORMAT format, final String suffix ) throws IOException { final Double gr = MsaMethods.calcGapRatio( _msa ); final String s = outfile + "_" + _msa.getNumberOfSequences() + "_" + _msa.getLength() + "_" + ForesterUtil.roundToInt( gr * 100 ); writeMsa( s + suffix, format ); return s; } final int calcNonGapResidues( final Sequence seq ) { int ng = 0; for( int i = 0; i < seq.getLength(); ++i ) { if ( !seq.isGapAt( i ) ) { ++ng; } } return ng; } Phylogeny pi( final String matrix ) { final Phylogeny master_phy = inferNJphylogeny( PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD.KIMURA_DISTANCE, _msa, true, matrix ); final int seed = 15; final int n = 100; final ResampleableMsa resampleable_msa = new ResampleableMsa( _msa ); final int[][] resampled_column_positions = BootstrapResampler.createResampledColumnPositions( _msa.getLength(), n, seed ); final Phylogeny[] eval_phys = new Phylogeny[ n ]; for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { resampleable_msa.resample( resampled_column_positions[ i ] ); eval_phys[ i ] = inferNJphylogeny( PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD.KIMURA_DISTANCE, resampleable_msa, false, null ); } ConfidenceAssessor.evaluate( "bootstrap", eval_phys, master_phy, true, 1 ); PhylogenyMethods.extractFastaInformation( master_phy ); return master_phy; } private final GapContribution[] calcGapContribtions( final boolean normalize_for_effective_seq_length ) { final double gappiness[] = calcGappiness(); final GapContribution stats[] = new GapContribution[ _msa.getNumberOfSequences() ]; for( int row = 0; row < _msa.getNumberOfSequences(); ++row ) { stats[ row ] = new GapContribution( _msa.getIdentifier( row ) ); for( int col = 0; col < _msa.getLength(); ++col ) { if ( !_msa.isGapAt( row, col ) ) { stats[ row ].addToValue( gappiness[ col ] ); } } if ( normalize_for_effective_seq_length ) { stats[ row ].divideValue( calcNonGapResidues( _msa.getSequence( row ) ) ); } else { stats[ row ].divideValue( _msa.getLength() ); } } return stats; } final private GapContribution[] calcGapContribtionsStats( final boolean norm ) { final GapContribution stats[] = calcGapContribtions( norm ); Arrays.sort( stats ); return stats; } private final double[] calcGappiness() { final int l = _msa.getLength(); final double gappiness[] = new double[ l ]; final int seqs = _msa.getNumberOfSequences(); for( int i = 0; i < l; ++i ) { gappiness[ i ] = ( double ) MsaMethods.calcGapSumPerColumn( _msa, i ) / seqs; } return gappiness; } final private List chart( final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final GapContribution stats[] = calcGapContribtionsStats( norm ); final List to_remove_ids = new ArrayList(); final List msa_props = new ArrayList(); for( final GapContribution gap_gontribution : stats ) { to_remove_ids.add( gap_gontribution.getId() ); } if ( verbose ) { printTableHeader(); } int i = 0; final int s = _msa.getNumberOfSequences(); final int x = ForesterUtil.roundToInt( s / 20.0 ); while ( _msa.getNumberOfSequences() > x ) { final String id = to_remove_ids.get( i ); //~_msa = MsaMethods.removeSequence( _msa, id ); _msa.deleteRow( id ); if ( ( s < 500 ) || ( ( step > 0 ) && ( ( ( i + 1 ) % step ) == 0 ) ) ) { removeGapColumns(); if ( realign && ( ( step > 0 ) && ( ( ( i + 1 ) % step ) == 0 ) ) ) { realignWithMafft(); msa_props.add( new MsaProperties( _msa ) ); if ( verbose ) { printMsaStats( id ); } if ( verbose ) { System.out.print( "(realigned)" ); } } else { msa_props.add( new MsaProperties( _msa ) ); if ( verbose ) { printMsaStats( id ); } } if ( verbose ) { System.out.println(); } } ++i; } return msa_props; } private Phylogeny inferNJphylogeny( final PWD_DISTANCE_METHOD pwd_distance_method, final Msa msa, final boolean write_matrix, final String matrix_name ) { BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix m = null; switch ( pwd_distance_method ) { case KIMURA_DISTANCE: m = PairwiseDistanceCalculator.calcKimuraDistances( msa ); break; case POISSON_DISTANCE: m = PairwiseDistanceCalculator.calcPoissonDistances( msa ); break; case FRACTIONAL_DISSIMILARITY: m = PairwiseDistanceCalculator.calcFractionalDissimilarities( msa ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid pwd method" ); } if ( write_matrix ) { try { m.write( ForesterUtil.createBufferedWriter( matrix_name ) ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } final NeighborJoiningF nj = NeighborJoiningF.createInstance( false, 5 ); final Phylogeny phy = nj.execute( m ); return phy; } private StringBuilder msaStatsAsSB() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( _msa.getNumberOfSequences() ); sb.append( "\t" ); sb.append( _msa.getLength() ); sb.append( "\t" ); sb.append( NF_4.format( MsaMethods.calcGapRatio( _msa ) ) ); sb.append( "\t" ); sb.append( NF_4.format( MsaMethods.calculateIdentityRatio( 0, _msa.getLength() - 1, _msa ).arithmeticMean() ) ); return sb; } private final void printMsaStats( final String id ) { System.out.print( ForesterUtil.pad( id, 20, ' ', false ) ); System.out.print( "\t" ); final StringBuilder sb = msaStatsAsSB(); System.out.print( sb ); System.out.print( "\t" ); } final private void printMsaStatsWriteOutfileAndRealign( final boolean realign, final boolean verbose, final String id ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if ( realign ) { realignWithMafft(); } if ( verbose ) { printMsaStats( id ); } final String s = writeOutfile(); if ( verbose ) { System.out.print( "-> " + s + ( realign ? "\t(realigned)" : "" ) ); } } final private void realignWithMafft() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // final MsaInferrer mafft = Mafft // .createInstance( "/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/MSA/MAFFT/mafft-7.130-without-extensions/scripts/mafft" ); final MsaInferrer mafft = Mafft.createInstance( _path_to_mafft ); final List opts = new ArrayList(); for( final String o : _maffts_opts.split( "\\s" ) ) { opts.add( o ); } _msa = DeleteableMsa.createInstance( mafft.infer( _msa.asSequenceList(), opts ) ); } final private void removeGapColumns() { _msa.deleteGapOnlyColumns(); } final private void removeViaGapAverage( final double mean_gapiness, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final GapContribution stats[] = calcGapContribtionsStats( norm ); final List to_remove_ids = new ArrayList(); for( final GapContribution gap_gontribution : stats ) { to_remove_ids.add( gap_gontribution.getId() ); } if ( verbose ) { printTableHeader(); } int i = 0; while ( MsaMethods.calcGapRatio( _msa ) > mean_gapiness ) { final String id = to_remove_ids.get( i ); //`_msa = MsaMethods.removeSequence( _msa, id ); _msa.deleteRow( id ); removeGapColumns(); if ( ( ( step > 0 ) && ( ( ( i + 1 ) % step ) == 0 ) ) || ( MsaMethods.calcGapRatio( _msa ) <= mean_gapiness ) ) { printMsaStatsWriteOutfileAndRealign( realign, verbose, id ); } else if ( verbose ) { printMsaStats( id ); } if ( verbose ) { System.out.println(); } ++i; } } final private void removeViaLength( final int length, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final GapContribution stats[] = calcGapContribtionsStats( norm ); final List to_remove_ids = new ArrayList(); for( final GapContribution gap_gontribution : stats ) { to_remove_ids.add( gap_gontribution.getId() ); } if ( verbose ) { printTableHeader(); } int i = 0; while ( _msa.getLength() > length ) { final String id = to_remove_ids.get( i ); //~_msa = MsaMethods.removeSequence( _msa, id ); _msa.deleteRow( id ); removeGapColumns(); if ( ( ( step > 0 ) && ( ( ( i + 1 ) % step ) == 0 ) ) || ( _msa.getLength() <= length ) ) { printMsaStatsWriteOutfileAndRealign( realign, verbose, id ); } else if ( verbose ) { printMsaStats( id ); } if ( verbose ) { System.out.println(); } ++i; } } final private void removeWorstOffenders( final int to_remove, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final GapContribution stats[] = calcGapContribtionsStats( norm ); final List to_remove_ids = new ArrayList(); for( int j = 0; j < to_remove; ++j ) { to_remove_ids.add( stats[ j ].getId() ); _removed_seq_ids.add( stats[ j ].getId() ); } if ( verbose ) { printTableHeader(); } for( int i = 0; i < to_remove_ids.size(); ++i ) { final String id = to_remove_ids.get( i ); //~ _msa = MsaMethods.removeSequence( _msa, id ); _msa.deleteRow( id ); removeGapColumns(); if ( ( ( step > 0 ) && ( ( ( i + 1 ) % step ) == 0 ) ) || ( i == ( to_remove_ids.size() - 1 ) ) ) { printMsaStatsWriteOutfileAndRealign( realign, verbose, id ); } else if ( verbose ) { printMsaStats( id ); } if ( verbose ) { System.out.println(); } } } private void setPathToMafft( final String path_to_mafft ) { _path_to_mafft = path_to_mafft; } final private void writeMsa( final String outfile, final MSA_FORMAT format ) throws IOException { final Writer w = ForesterUtil.createBufferedWriter( outfile ); _msa.write( w, format ); w.close(); } private String writeOutfile() throws IOException { final String s = writeMsa( _out_file_base, MSA_FORMAT.PHYLIP, ".aln" ); //writeMsa( _out_file_base, MSA_FORMAT.FASTA, ".fasta" ); return s; } public final static MsaCompactor chart( final DeleteableMsa msa, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final String path_to_mafft ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final int initial_number_of_seqs = msa.getNumberOfSequences(); final MsaCompactor mc = new MsaCompactor( msa ); if ( realign ) { mc.setPathToMafft( path_to_mafft ); } final List msa_props = mc.chart( step, realign, norm, true ); Chart.display( msa_props, initial_number_of_seqs ); return mc; } // Returns null if not path found. final public static String guessPathToMafft() { String path; if ( ForesterUtil.OS_NAME.toLowerCase().indexOf( "win" ) >= 0 ) { path = "C:\\Program Files\\mafft-win\\mafft.bat"; if ( MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path ) ) { return path; } } path = "/home/czmasek/SOFTWARE/MSA/MAFFT/mafft-7.130-without-extensions/scripts/mafft"; if ( MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path ) ) { return path; } path = "/usr/local/bin/mafft"; if ( MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path ) ) { return path; } path = "/usr/bin/mafft"; if ( MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path ) ) { return path; } path = "/bin/mafft"; if ( MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path ) ) { return path; } path = "mafft"; if ( MsaInferrer.isInstalled( path ) ) { return path; } return null; } public final static MsaCompactor reduceGapAverage( final DeleteableMsa msa, final double max_gap_average, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final String path_to_mafft, final File out ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final MsaCompactor mc = new MsaCompactor( msa ); if ( realign ) { mc.setPathToMafft( path_to_mafft ); } mc.setOutFileBase( out ); mc.removeViaGapAverage( max_gap_average, step, realign, norm, true ); return mc; } public final static MsaCompactor reduceLength( final DeleteableMsa msa, final int length, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final String path_to_mafft, final File out ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final MsaCompactor mc = new MsaCompactor( msa ); if ( realign ) { mc.setPathToMafft( path_to_mafft ); } mc.setOutFileBase( out ); mc.removeViaLength( length, step, realign, norm, true ); return mc; } public final static MsaCompactor removeWorstOffenders( final DeleteableMsa msa, final int worst_offenders_to_remove, final int step, final boolean realign, final boolean norm, final String path_to_mafft, final File out ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final MsaCompactor mc = new MsaCompactor( msa ); if ( realign ) { mc.setPathToMafft( path_to_mafft ); } mc.setOutFileBase( out ); mc.removeWorstOffenders( worst_offenders_to_remove, step, realign, norm, true ); return mc; } private final static void printTableHeader() { System.out.print( ForesterUtil.pad( "Id", 20, ' ', false ) ); System.out.print( "\t" ); System.out.print( "Seqs" ); System.out.print( "\t" ); System.out.print( "Length" ); System.out.print( "\t" ); System.out.print( "Gaps" ); System.out.print( "\t" ); System.out.print( "MSA qual" ); System.out.print( "\t" ); System.out.println(); } }