// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine // and Howard Hughes Medical Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.phylogeny; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Vector; import org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXParser; import org.forester.io.writers.PhylogenyWriter; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode.NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.BranchData; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Confidence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Identifier; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PhylogenyDataUtil; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Sequence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.SequenceRelation; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.SequenceRelation.SEQUENCE_RELATION_TYPE; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.PhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.ExternalForwardIterator; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.LevelOrderTreeIterator; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PostorderTreeIterator; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PreorderTreeIterator; import org.forester.util.FailedConditionCheckException; public class Phylogeny { public final static boolean ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PARENTS_DEFAULT = false; private PhylogenyNode _root; private boolean _rooted; private boolean _allow_multiple_parents; private String _name; private String _type; private String _description; private String _distance_unit; private Confidence _confidence; private Identifier _identifier; private boolean _rerootable; private HashMap _id_to_node_map; private List _external_nodes_set; private Collection _sequenceRelationQueries; private Collection _relevant_sequence_relation_types; /** * Default Phylogeny constructor. Constructs an empty Phylogeny. */ public Phylogeny() { init(); } /** * Adds this Phylogeny to the list of child nodes of PhylogenyNode parent * and sets the parent of this to parent. * * @param n * the PhylogenyNode to add */ public void addAsChild( final PhylogenyNode parent ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to add an empty tree." ); } if ( !isRooted() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to add an unrooted tree." ); } parent.addAsChild( getRoot() ); externalNodesHaveChanged(); } public void addAsSibling( final PhylogenyNode sibling ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to add an empty tree." ); } if ( !isRooted() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to add an unrooted tree." ); } final int sibling_index = sibling.getChildNodeIndex(); final PhylogenyNode new_node = new PhylogenyNode(); final PhylogenyNode sibling_parent = sibling.getParent(); new_node.setChild1( sibling ); new_node.setChild2( getRoot() ); new_node.setParent( sibling_parent ); sibling.setParent( new_node ); sibling_parent.setChildNode( sibling_index, new_node ); final double new_dist = sibling.getDistanceToParent() == PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ? PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT : sibling.getDistanceToParent() / 2; new_node.setDistanceToParent( new_dist ); sibling.setDistanceToParent( new_dist ); externalNodesHaveChanged(); } /** * This calculates the height of the subtree emanating at n for rooted, * tree-shaped phylogenies * * @param n * the root-node of a subtree * @return the height of the subtree emanating at n */ public double calculateSubtreeHeight( final PhylogenyNode n, final boolean take_collapse_into_account ) { if ( n.isExternal() || ( take_collapse_into_account && n.isCollapse() ) ) { return n.getDistanceToParent() > 0 ? n.getDistanceToParent() : 0; } else { double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for( int i = 0; i < n.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { final double l = calculateSubtreeHeight( n.getChildNode( i ), take_collapse_into_account ); if ( l > max ) { max = l; } } return max + ( n.getDistanceToParent() > 0 ? n.getDistanceToParent() : 0); } } public void clearHashIdToNodeMap() { setIdToNodeMap( null ); } /** * Returns a deep copy of this Phylogeny. *

* (The resulting Phylogeny has its references in the external nodes * corrected, if they are lacking/obsolete in this.) */ public Phylogeny copy() { return copy( _root ); } /** * Returns a deep copy of this Phylogeny. *

* (The resulting Phylogeny has its references in the external nodes * corrected, if they are lacking/obsolete in this.) */ public Phylogeny copy( final PhylogenyNode source ) { final Phylogeny tree = new Phylogeny(); if ( isEmpty() ) { tree.init(); return tree; } tree._rooted = _rooted; tree._name = new String( _name ); tree._description = new String( _description ); tree._type = new String( _type ); tree._rerootable = _rerootable; tree._distance_unit = new String( _distance_unit ); if ( _confidence != null ) { tree._confidence = ( Confidence ) _confidence.copy(); } if ( _identifier != null ) { tree._identifier = ( Identifier ) _identifier.copy(); } tree.setAllowMultipleParents( isAllowMultipleParents() ); tree._root = PhylogenyMethods.copySubTree( source ); return tree; } /** * Returns a shallow copy of this Phylogeny. *

* (The resulting Phylogeny has its references in the external nodes * corrected, if they are lacking/obsolete in this.) */ public Phylogeny copyShallow() { return copyShallow( _root ); } public Phylogeny copyShallow( final PhylogenyNode source ) { final Phylogeny tree = new Phylogeny(); if ( isEmpty() ) { tree.init(); return tree; } tree._rooted = _rooted; tree._name = _name; tree._description = _description; tree._type = _type; tree._rerootable = _rerootable; tree._distance_unit = _distance_unit; tree._confidence = _confidence; tree._identifier = _identifier; tree.setAllowMultipleParents( isAllowMultipleParents() ); tree._root = PhylogenyMethods.copySubTreeShallow( source ); return tree; } /** * Need to call clearHashIdToNodeMap() afterwards (not done automatically * to allow client multiple deletions in linear time). * Need to call 'recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants(boolean)' after this * if tree is to be displayed. * * @param remove_us the parent node of the subtree to be deleted */ public void deleteSubtree( final PhylogenyNode remove_us, final boolean collapse_resulting_node_with_one_desc ) { if ( isEmpty() || ( remove_us.isRoot() && ( getNumberOfExternalNodes() != 1 ) ) ) { return; } if ( remove_us.isRoot() && ( getNumberOfExternalNodes() == 1 ) ) { init(); } else if ( !collapse_resulting_node_with_one_desc ) { remove_us.getParent().removeChildNode( remove_us ); } else { final PhylogenyNode removed_node = remove_us; final PhylogenyNode p = remove_us.getParent(); if ( p.isRoot() ) { if ( p.getNumberOfDescendants() == 2 ) { if ( removed_node.isFirstChildNode() ) { setRoot( getRoot().getChildNode( 1 ) ); getRoot().setParent( null ); } else { setRoot( getRoot().getChildNode( 0 ) ); getRoot().setParent( null ); } } else { p.removeChildNode( removed_node.getChildNodeIndex() ); } } else { final PhylogenyNode pp = removed_node.getParent().getParent(); if ( p.getNumberOfDescendants() == 2 ) { final int pi = p.getChildNodeIndex(); if ( removed_node.isFirstChildNode() ) { p.getChildNode( 1 ).setDistanceToParent( PhylogenyMethods.addPhylogenyDistances( p .getDistanceToParent(), p.getChildNode( 1 ).getDistanceToParent() ) ); pp.setChildNode( pi, p.getChildNode( 1 ) ); } else { p.getChildNode( 0 ).setDistanceToParent( PhylogenyMethods.addPhylogenyDistances( p .getDistanceToParent(), p.getChildNode( 0 ).getDistanceToParent() ) ); pp.setChildNode( pi, p.getChildNode( 0 ) ); } } else { p.removeChildNode( removed_node.getChildNodeIndex() ); } } } remove_us.removeConnections(); externalNodesHaveChanged(); } public void externalNodesHaveChanged() { _external_nodes_set = null; } public String[] getAllExternalNodeNames() { int i = 0; if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final String[] names = new String[ getNumberOfExternalNodes() ]; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { names[ i++ ] = new String( iter.next().getName() ); } return names; } public Confidence getConfidence() { return _confidence; } public String getDescription() { return _description; } public String getDistanceUnit() { return _distance_unit; } public final static Phylogeny createInstanceFromNhxString( final String nhx ) throws IOException { final PhylogenyFactory factory = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); return factory.create( nhx, new NHXParser() )[ 0 ]; } /** * * Warning. The order of the returned nodes is random * -- and hence cannot be relied on. * * @return Unordered set of PhylogenyNode */ public List getExternalNodes() { if ( _external_nodes_set == null ) { _external_nodes_set = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = iteratorPostorder(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); if ( n.isExternal() ) { _external_nodes_set.add( n ); } } } return _external_nodes_set; } /** * Returns the first external PhylogenyNode. */ public PhylogenyNode getFirstExternalNode() { if ( isEmpty() ) { throw new FailedConditionCheckException( "attempt to obtain first external node of empty phylogeney" ); } PhylogenyNode node = getRoot(); while ( node.isInternal() ) { node = node.getFirstChildNode(); } return node; } /** * This calculates the height for rooted, tree-shaped phylogenies. The * height is the longest distance from the root to an external node. * * @return the height for rooted, tree-shaped phylogenies */ public double calculateHeight(final boolean take_collapse_into_account) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return 0.0; } return calculateSubtreeHeight( getRoot(), take_collapse_into_account ); } public Identifier getIdentifier() { return _identifier; } /** * Returns the name of this Phylogeny. */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * Finds the PhylogenyNode of this Phylogeny which has a matching ID number. * @return PhylogenyNode with matching ID, null if not found */ public PhylogenyNode getNode( final long id ) throws NoSuchElementException { if ( isEmpty() ) { throw new NoSuchElementException( "attempt to get node in an empty phylogeny" ); } if ( ( getIdToNodeMap() == null ) || getIdToNodeMap().isEmpty() ) { reHashIdToNodeMap(); } return getIdToNodeMap().get( id ); } /** * Returns a PhylogenyNode of this Phylogeny which has a matching name. * Throws an Exception if seqname is not present in this or not unique. * * @param name * name (String) of PhylogenyNode to find * @return PhylogenyNode with matchin name */ public PhylogenyNode getNode( final String name ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = getNodes( name ); if ( ( nodes == null ) || ( nodes.size() < 1 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node named \"" + name + "\" not found" ); } if ( nodes.size() > 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node named \"" + name + "\" not unique" ); } return nodes.get( 0 ); } /** * This is time-inefficient since it runs a iterator each time it is called. * */ public int getNodeCount() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return 0; } int c = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = iteratorPreorder(); it.hasNext(); it.next() ) { ++c; } return c; } /** * Returns a List with references to all Nodes of this Phylogeny which have * a matching name. * * @param name * name (String) of Nodes to find * @return Vector of references to Nodes of this Phylogeny with matching * names * @see #getNodesWithMatchingSpecies(String) */ public List getNodes( final String name ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getName().equals( name ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } return nodes; } public List getNodesViaSequenceName( final String seq_name ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName().equals( seq_name ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } return nodes; } public List getNodesViaSequenceSymbol( final String seq_name ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol().equals( seq_name ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } return nodes; } public List getNodesViaGeneName( final String seq_name ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && n.getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName().equals( seq_name ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } return nodes; } public List getNodesViaTaxonomyCode( final String taxonomy_code ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode().equals( taxonomy_code ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } return nodes; } /** * Returns a Vector with references to all Nodes of this Phylogeny which * have a matching species name. * * @param specname * species name (String) of Nodes to find * @return Vector of references to Nodes of this Phylogeny with matching * species names. * @see #getNodes(String) */ public List getNodesWithMatchingSpecies( final String specname ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( PhylogenyMethods.getSpecies( n ).equals( specname ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } return nodes; } public PhylogenyNode getNodeViaSequenceName( final String seq_name ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = getNodesViaSequenceName( seq_name ); if ( ( nodes == null ) || ( nodes.size() < 1 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node with sequence named [" + seq_name + "] not found" ); } if ( nodes.size() > 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node with sequence named [" + seq_name + "] not unique" ); } return nodes.get( 0 ); } public PhylogenyNode getNodeViaTaxonomyCode( final String taxonomy_code ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return null; } final List nodes = getNodesViaTaxonomyCode( taxonomy_code ); if ( ( nodes == null ) || ( nodes.size() < 1 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node with taxonomy code \"" + taxonomy_code + "\" not found" ); } if ( nodes.size() > 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node with taxonomy code \"" + taxonomy_code + "\" not unique" ); } return nodes.get( 0 ); } public int getNumberOfBranches() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return 0; } int c = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); iter.next() ) { ++c; } if ( !isRooted() ) { --c; } return c; } public int getNumberOfInternalNodes() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return 0; } int c = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if ( iter.next().isInternal() ) { ++c; } } if ( !isRooted() ) { --c; } return c; } /** * Returns the sum of external Nodes of this Phylogeny (int). */ public int getNumberOfExternalNodes() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return 0; } return getExternalNodes().size(); } /** * Returns all paralogs of the external PhylogenyNode n of this Phylogeny. * paralog are returned as List of node references. *

* PRECONDITION: This tree must be binary and rooted, and speciation - * duplication need to be assigned for each of its internal Nodes. *

* Returns null if this Phylogeny is empty or if n is internal. *

* (Last modified: 11/22/00) Olivier CHABROL : * olivier.chabrol@univ-provence.fr * * @param n * external PhylogenyNode whose orthologs are to be returned * @return Vector of references to all orthologous Nodes of PhylogenyNode n * of this Phylogeny, null if this Phylogeny is empty or if n is * internal */ public List getParalogousNodes( final PhylogenyNode n, final String[] taxonomyCodeRange ) { PhylogenyNode node = n; PhylogenyNode prev = null; final List v = new ArrayList(); final Map> map = new HashMap>(); getTaxonomyMap( getRoot(), map ); if ( !node.isExternal() || isEmpty() ) { return null; } final String searchNodeSpeciesId = PhylogenyMethods.getTaxonomyIdentifier( n ); if ( !node.isExternal() || isEmpty() ) { return null; } List taxIdList = null; final List taxonomyCodeRangeList = Arrays.asList( taxonomyCodeRange ); while ( !node.isRoot() ) { prev = node; node = node.getParent(); taxIdList = map.get( node ); if ( node.isDuplication() && isContains( taxIdList, taxonomyCodeRangeList ) ) { if ( node.getChildNode1() == prev ) { v.addAll( getNodeByTaxonomyID( searchNodeSpeciesId, node.getChildNode2() .getAllExternalDescendants() ) ); } else { v.addAll( getNodeByTaxonomyID( searchNodeSpeciesId, node.getChildNode1() .getAllExternalDescendants() ) ); } } } return v; } public Collection getRelevantSequenceRelationTypes() { if ( _relevant_sequence_relation_types == null ) { _relevant_sequence_relation_types = new Vector(); } return _relevant_sequence_relation_types; } /** * Returns the root PhylogenyNode of this Phylogeny. */ public PhylogenyNode getRoot() { return _root; } public Collection getSequenceRelationQueries() { return _sequenceRelationQueries; } public String getType() { return _type; } /** * Deletes this Phylogeny. */ public void init() { _root = null; _rooted = false; _name = ""; _description = ""; _type = ""; _distance_unit = ""; _id_to_node_map = null; _confidence = null; _identifier = null; _rerootable = true; setAllowMultipleParents( Phylogeny.ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PARENTS_DEFAULT ); } /** * Returns whether this is a completely binary tree (i.e. all internal nodes * are bifurcations). * */ public boolean isCompletelyBinary() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return false; } for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next(); if ( node.isInternal() && ( node.getNumberOfDescendants() != 2 ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks whether a Phylogeny object is deleted (or empty). * * @return true if the tree is deleted (or empty), false otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return ( getRoot() == null ); } public boolean isRerootable() { return _rerootable; } /** * Returns true is this Phylogeny is rooted. */ public boolean isRooted() { return _rooted; } // isRooted() public boolean isTree() { return true; } public PhylogenyNodeIterator iteratorExternalForward() { return new ExternalForwardIterator( this ); } public PhylogenyNodeIterator iteratorLevelOrder() { return new LevelOrderTreeIterator( this ); } public PhylogenyNodeIterator iteratorPostorder() { return new PostorderTreeIterator( this ); } public PhylogenyNodeIterator iteratorPreorder() { return new PreorderTreeIterator( this ); } /** * Resets the ID numbers of the nodes of this Phylogeny in level order, * starting with start_label (for the root).
* WARNING. After this method has been called, node IDs are no longer * unique. */ public void levelOrderReID() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } _id_to_node_map = null; long max = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = iteratorPreorder(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = it.next(); if ( node.isRoot() ) { node.setId( PhylogenyNode.getNodeCount() ); } else { node.setId( node.getParent().getId() + 1 ); if ( node.getId() > max ) { max = node.getId(); } } } PhylogenyNode.setNodeCount( max + 1 ); } /** * Prints descriptions of all external Nodes of this Phylogeny to * System.out. */ public void printExtNodes() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { System.out.println( iter.next() + "\n" ); } } /** * (Re)counts the number of children for each PhylogenyNode of this * Phylogeny. As an example, this method needs to be called after a * Phylogeny has been reRooted and it is to be displayed. * * @param consider_collapsed_nodes * set to true to take into account collapsed nodes (collapsed * nodes have 1 child). */ public void recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants( final boolean consider_collapsed_nodes ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPostorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next(); if ( node.isExternal() || ( consider_collapsed_nodes && node.isCollapse() ) ) { node.setSumExtNodes( 1 ); } else { int sum = 0; for( int i = 0; i < node.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { sum += node.getChildNode( i ).getNumberOfExternalNodes(); } node.setSumExtNodes( sum ); } } } /** * Places the root of this Phylogeny on the parent branch of the * PhylogenyNode with a corresponding ID. The new root is always placed on * the middle of the branch. If the resulting reRooted Phylogeny is to be * used any further, in most cases the following methods have to be called * on the resulting Phylogeny: *


  • recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants(boolean) *
  • recalculateAndReset() * * @param id * ID (int) of PhylogenyNode of this Phylogeny */ public void reRoot( final long id ) { reRoot( getNode( id ) ); } /** * Places the root of this Phylogeny on the parent branch PhylogenyNode n. * The new root is always placed on the middle of the branch. *

    * If the resulting reRooted Phylogeny is to be used any further, in most * cases the following three methods have to be called on the resulting * Phylogeny: *

    • recalculateNumberOfExternalDescendants(boolean)
    • recalculateAndReset() *

    * (Last modified: 10/01/01) * * @param n * PhylogenyNode of this Phylogeny\ */ public void reRoot( final PhylogenyNode n ) { reRoot( n, -1 ); } public void reRoot( final PhylogenyNode n, final double distance_n_to_parent ) { if ( isEmpty() || ( getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { return; } setRooted( true ); if ( n.isRoot() ) { return; } else if ( n.getParent().isRoot() ) { if ( ( n.getParent().getNumberOfDescendants() == 2 ) && ( distance_n_to_parent >= 0 ) ) { final double d = n.getParent().getChildNode1().getDistanceToParent() + n.getParent().getChildNode2().getDistanceToParent(); PhylogenyNode other; if ( n.getChildNodeIndex() == 0 ) { other = n.getParent().getChildNode2(); } else { other = n.getParent().getChildNode1(); } n.setDistanceToParent( distance_n_to_parent ); final double dm = d - distance_n_to_parent; if ( dm >= 0 ) { other.setDistanceToParent( dm ); } else { other.setDistanceToParent( 0 ); } } if ( n.getParent().getNumberOfDescendants() > 2 ) { final int index = n.getChildNodeIndex(); final double dn = n.getDistanceToParent(); final PhylogenyNode prev_root = getRoot(); prev_root.getDescendants().remove( index ); final PhylogenyNode new_root = new PhylogenyNode(); new_root.setChildNode( 0, n ); new_root.setChildNode( 1, prev_root ); if ( n.getBranchDataDirectly() != null ) { prev_root.setBranchData( ( BranchData ) n.getBranchDataDirectly().copy() ); } setRoot( new_root ); if ( distance_n_to_parent >= 0 ) { n.setDistanceToParent( distance_n_to_parent ); final double d = dn - distance_n_to_parent; if ( d >= 0 ) { prev_root.setDistanceToParent( d ); } else { prev_root.setDistanceToParent( 0 ); } } else { if ( dn >= 0 ) { final double d = dn / 2.0; n.setDistanceToParent( d ); prev_root.setDistanceToParent( d ); } } } } else { PhylogenyNode a = n; PhylogenyNode b = null; PhylogenyNode c = null; final PhylogenyNode new_root = new PhylogenyNode(); double distance1 = 0.0; double distance2 = 0.0; BranchData branch_data_1 = null; BranchData branch_data_2 = null; b = a.getParent(); c = b.getParent(); new_root.setChildNode( 0, a ); new_root.setChildNode( 1, b ); distance1 = c.getDistanceToParent(); if ( c.getBranchDataDirectly() != null ) { branch_data_1 = ( BranchData ) c.getBranchDataDirectly().copy(); } c.setDistanceToParent( b.getDistanceToParent() ); if ( b.getBranchDataDirectly() != null ) { c.setBranchData( ( BranchData ) b.getBranchDataDirectly().copy() ); } if ( a.getBranchDataDirectly() != null ) { b.setBranchData( ( BranchData ) a.getBranchDataDirectly().copy() ); } // New root is always placed in the middle of the branch: if ( a.getDistanceToParent() == PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) { b.setDistanceToParent( PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ); } else { if ( distance_n_to_parent >= 0.0 ) { final double diff = a.getDistanceToParent() - distance_n_to_parent; a.setDistanceToParent( distance_n_to_parent ); b.setDistanceToParent( diff >= 0.0 ? diff : 0.0 ); } else { final double d = a.getDistanceToParent() / 2.0; a.setDistanceToParent( d ); b.setDistanceToParent( d ); } } b.setChildNodeOnly( a.getChildNodeIndex( b ), c ); // moving to the old root, swapping references: while ( !c.isRoot() ) { a = b; b = c; c = c.getParent(); b.setChildNodeOnly( a.getChildNodeIndex( b ), c ); b.setParent( a ); distance2 = c.getDistanceToParent(); branch_data_2 = c.getBranchDataDirectly(); c.setDistanceToParent( distance1 ); c.setBranchData( branch_data_1 ); distance1 = distance2; branch_data_1 = branch_data_2; } // removing the old root: if ( c.getNumberOfDescendants() == 2 ) { final PhylogenyNode node = c.getChildNode( 1 - b.getChildNodeIndex( c ) ); node.setParent( b ); if ( ( c.getDistanceToParent() == PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) && ( node.getDistanceToParent() == PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) ) { node.setDistanceToParent( PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ); } else { node.setDistanceToParent( ( c.getDistanceToParent() >= 0.0 ? c.getDistanceToParent() : 0.0 ) + ( node.getDistanceToParent() >= 0.0 ? node.getDistanceToParent() : 0.0 ) ); } if ( c.getBranchDataDirectly() != null ) { node.setBranchData( ( BranchData ) c.getBranchDataDirectly().copy() ); } for( int i = 0; i < b.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { if ( b.getChildNode( i ) == c ) { b.setChildNodeOnly( i, node ); break; } } } else { c.setParent( b ); c.removeChildNode( b.getChildNodeIndex( c ) ); } setRoot( new_root ); } } /** * Sets all Nodes of this Phylogeny to not-collapsed. *

    * In most cases methods adjustNodeCount(false) and recalculateAndReset() * need to be called after this method has been called. */ public void setAllNodesToNotCollapse() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next(); node.setCollapse( false ); } } public void setConfidence( final Confidence confidence ) { _confidence = confidence; } public void setDescription( final String description ) { _description = description; } public void setDistanceUnit( final String _distance_unit ) { this._distance_unit = _distance_unit; } public void setIdentifier( final Identifier identifier ) { _identifier = identifier; } public void setIdToNodeMap( final HashMap idhash ) { _id_to_node_map = idhash; } /** * Sets the indicators of all Nodes of this Phylogeny to 0. */ public void setIndicatorsToZero() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { iter.next().setIndicator( ( byte ) 0 ); } } // setIndicatorsToZero() /** * Sets the name of this Phylogeny to s. */ public void setName( final String s ) { _name = s; } public void setRelevantSequenceRelationTypes( final Collection types ) { _relevant_sequence_relation_types = types; } public void setRerootable( final boolean rerootable ) { _rerootable = rerootable; } public void setRoot( final PhylogenyNode n ) { _root = n; } /** * Sets whether this Phylogeny is rooted or not. */ public void setRooted( final boolean b ) { _rooted = b; } public void setSequenceRelationQueries( final Collection sequencesByName ) { _sequenceRelationQueries = sequencesByName; } public void setType( final String type ) { _type = type; } public String toNewHampshire() { return toNewHampshire( NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE.NONE ); } public String toNewHampshire( final NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE nh_conversion_support_style ) { try { return new PhylogenyWriter().toNewHampshire( this, true, nh_conversion_support_style ).toString(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { throw new Error( "this should not have happend: " + e.getMessage() ); } } public String toNewHampshireX() { try { return new PhylogenyWriter().toNewHampshireX( this ).toString(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { throw new Error( "this should not have happend: " + e.getMessage() ); } } public String toNexus() { return toNexus( NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE.NONE ); } public String toNexus( final NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE svs ) { try { return new PhylogenyWriter().toNexus( this, svs ).toString(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { throw new Error( "this should not have happend: " + e.getMessage() ); } } public String toPhyloXML( final int phyloxml_level ) { try { return new PhylogenyWriter().toPhyloXML( this, phyloxml_level ).toString(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { throw new Error( "this should not have happend: " + e.getMessage() ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------- // Writing of Phylogeny to Strings // --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Converts this Phylogeny to a New Hampshire X (String) representation. * * @return New Hampshire X (String) representation of this * @see #toNewHampshireX() */ @Override public String toString() { return toNewHampshireX(); } /** * Removes the root PhylogenyNode this Phylogeny. */ public void unRoot() throws RuntimeException { if ( !isTree() ) { throw new FailedConditionCheckException( "Attempt to unroot a phylogeny which is not tree-like." ); } if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } setIndicatorsToZero(); if ( !isRooted() || ( getNumberOfExternalNodes() <= 1 ) ) { return; } setRooted( false ); return; } // unRoot() private HashMap getIdToNodeMap() { return _id_to_node_map; } /** * Return Node by TaxonomyId Olivier CHABROL : * olivier.chabrol@univ-provence.fr * * @param taxonomyID * search taxonomy identifier * @param nodes * sublist node to search * @return List node with the same taxonomy identifier */ private List getNodeByTaxonomyID( final String taxonomyID, final List nodes ) { final List retour = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNode node : nodes ) { if ( taxonomyID.equals( PhylogenyMethods.getTaxonomyIdentifier( node ) ) ) { retour.add( node ); } } return retour; } /** * List all species contains in all leaf under a node Olivier CHABROL : * olivier.chabrol@univ-provence.fr * * @param node * PhylogenyNode whose sub node species are returned * @return species contains in all leaf under the param node */ private List getSubNodeTaxonomy( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final List taxonomyList = new ArrayList(); final List childs = node.getAllExternalDescendants(); String speciesId = null; for( final PhylogenyNode phylogenyNode : childs ) { // taxId = new Long(phylogenyNode.getTaxonomyID()); speciesId = PhylogenyMethods.getTaxonomyIdentifier( phylogenyNode ); if ( !taxonomyList.contains( speciesId ) ) { taxonomyList.add( speciesId ); } } return taxonomyList; } /** * Create a map [], the list contains the * species contains in all leaf under phylogeny node Olivier CHABROL : * olivier.chabrol@univ-provence.fr * * @param node * the tree root node * @param map * map to fill */ private void getTaxonomyMap( final PhylogenyNode node, final Map> map ) { // node is leaf if ( node.isExternal() ) { return; } map.put( node, getSubNodeTaxonomy( node ) ); getTaxonomyMap( node.getChildNode1(), map ); getTaxonomyMap( node.getChildNode2(), map ); } private boolean isAllowMultipleParents() { return _allow_multiple_parents; } /** * Util method to check if all element of a list is contains in the * rangeList. Olivier CHABROL : olivier.chabrol@univ-provence.fr * * @param list * list to be check * @param rangeList * the range list to compare * @return true if all param list element are contains in param * rangeList, false otherwise. */ private boolean isContains( final List list, final List rangeList ) { if ( list.size() > rangeList.size() ) { return false; } String l = null; for( final Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { l = iterator.next(); if ( !rangeList.contains( l ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Hashes the ID number of each PhylogenyNode of this Phylogeny to its * corresponding PhylogenyNode, in order to make method getNode( id ) run in * constant time. Important: The user is responsible for calling this method * (again) after this Phylogeny has been changed/created/renumbered. */ private void reHashIdToNodeMap() { if ( isEmpty() ) { return; } setIdToNodeMap( new HashMap() ); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = iteratorPreorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next(); getIdToNodeMap().put( node.getId(), node ); } } private void setAllowMultipleParents( final boolean allow_multiple_parents ) { _allow_multiple_parents = allow_multiple_parents; } }