// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine // and Howard Hughes Medical Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.phylogeny; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXFormatException; import org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.phyloxml.PhyloXmlDataFormatException; import org.forester.io.parsers.phyloxml.PhyloXmlUtil; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.BranchData; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Confidence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.NodeData; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.PhylogenyDataUtil; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PreorderTreeIterator; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; /** * Warning. Implementation of method 'compareTo' only looks at * node name. Thus, use of this class in SortedSets might lead * to unexpected behavior. * */ public final class PhylogenyNode implements Comparable { private static long NODE_COUNT = 0; private BranchData _branch_data; private boolean _collapse; private ArrayList _descendants; private double _distance_parent = PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT; private long _id; private byte _indicator; private PhylogenyNode _link; private NodeData _node_data; private PhylogenyNode _parent; private int _sum_ext_nodes; private float _x; private float _x_secondary; private float _y; private float _y_secondary; /** * Default constructor for PhylogenyNode. */ public PhylogenyNode() { setId( PhylogenyNode.getNodeCount() ); PhylogenyNode.increaseNodeCount(); setSumExtNodes( 1 ); // For ext node, this number is 1 (not 0!!) } public PhylogenyNode( final String node_name ) { setId( PhylogenyNode.getNodeCount() ); PhylogenyNode.increaseNodeCount(); setSumExtNodes( 1 ); // For ext node, this number is 1 (not 0!!) if ( node_name != null ) { getNodeData().setNodeName( node_name ); } } private PhylogenyNode( final String nhx, final NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction, final boolean replace_underscores ) throws NHXFormatException, PhyloXmlDataFormatException { NHXParser.parseNHX( nhx, this, taxonomy_extraction, replace_underscores, false, false, false ); setId( PhylogenyNode.getNodeCount() ); PhylogenyNode.increaseNodeCount(); setSumExtNodes( 1 ); // For ext node, this number is 1 (not 0!!). } private PhylogenyNode( final String nhx, final NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction, final boolean replace_underscores, final boolean parse_extended_tags ) throws NHXFormatException, PhyloXmlDataFormatException { NHXParser.parseNHX( nhx, this, taxonomy_extraction, replace_underscores, false, false, parse_extended_tags ); setId( PhylogenyNode.getNodeCount() ); PhylogenyNode.increaseNodeCount(); setSumExtNodes( 1 ); // For ext node, this number is 1 (not 0!!). } /** * Adds PhylogenyNode n to the list of child nodes and sets the _parent of n * to this. * * @param n * the PhylogenyNode to add */ final public void addAsChild( final PhylogenyNode node ) { final PhylogenyNode n = node; addChildNode( n ); n.setParent( this ); } public final int calculateDepth() { PhylogenyNode n = this; int steps = 0; while ( n._parent != null ) { steps++; n = n._parent; } return steps; } public final double calculateDistanceToRoot() { PhylogenyNode n = this; double d = 0.0; while ( n._parent != null ) { if ( n._distance_parent > 0.0 ) { d += n._distance_parent; } n = n._parent; } return d; } @Override // this is poor, as it only compares on names! final public int compareTo( final PhylogenyNode o ) { final PhylogenyNode n = o; if ( ( getName() == null ) || ( n.getName() == null ) ) { return 0; } return getName().compareTo( n.getName() ); } /** * Returns a new PhylogenyNode which has its data copied from this * PhylogenyNode. Links to the other Nodes in the same Phylogeny are NOT * copied (e.g. _link to _parent). Field "_link" IS copied. * * @see #getLink() */ final public PhylogenyNode copyNodeData() { final PhylogenyNode node = new PhylogenyNode(); PhylogenyNode.decreaseNodeCount(); node._id = _id; node._sum_ext_nodes = _sum_ext_nodes; node._indicator = _indicator; node._x = _x; node._y = _y; node._distance_parent = _distance_parent; node._collapse = _collapse; node._link = _link; if ( _node_data != null ) { node._node_data = ( NodeData ) _node_data.copy(); } if ( _branch_data != null ) { node._branch_data = ( BranchData ) _branch_data.copy(); } return node; } /** * Returns a new PhylogenyNode which has the same data as this * PhylogenyNode. Links to the other Nodes in the same Phylogeny are NOT * copied (e.g. _link to _parent). Field "_link" IS copied. * * @see #getLink() */ final public PhylogenyNode copyNodeDataShallow() { final PhylogenyNode node = new PhylogenyNode(); PhylogenyNode.decreaseNodeCount(); node._id = _id; node._sum_ext_nodes = _sum_ext_nodes; node._indicator = _indicator; node._x = _x; node._y = _y; node._distance_parent = _distance_parent; node._collapse = _collapse; node._link = _link; node._node_data = _node_data; node._branch_data = _branch_data; return node; } @Override /** * Based on node name, sequence, and taxonomy. * * */ final public boolean equals( final Object o ) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } else if ( o == null ) { return false; } else if ( o.getClass() != this.getClass() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to check [" + this.getClass() + "] equality to " + o + " [" + o.getClass() + "]" ); } else { final PhylogenyNode other = ( PhylogenyNode ) o; if ( !getName().equals( other.getName() ) ) { return false; } final NodeData this_data = getNodeData(); final NodeData other_data = other.getNodeData(); if ( ( this_data.isHasSequence() && other_data.isHasSequence() ) && ( this_data.isHasTaxonomy() && other_data.isHasTaxonomy() ) ) { return ( this_data.getTaxonomy().isEqual( other_data.getTaxonomy() ) && this_data.getSequence() .isEqual( other_data.getSequence() ) ); } else if ( this_data.isHasTaxonomy() && other_data.isHasTaxonomy() ) { return ( this_data.getTaxonomy().isEqual( other_data.getTaxonomy() ) ); } else if ( this_data.isHasSequence() && other_data.isHasSequence() ) { return ( this_data.getSequence().isEqual( other_data.getSequence() ) ); } else if ( getName().length() > 0 ) { // Node name is not empty, and equal. return true; } else { return false; } } } final public List getAllDescendants() { return _descendants; } /** * Returns a List containing references to all external children of this * PhylogenyNode. * * @return List of references to external Nodes */ final public List getAllExternalDescendants() { final List nodes = new ArrayList(); if ( isExternal() ) { nodes.add( this ); return nodes; } PhylogenyNode node1 = this; while ( !node1.isExternal() ) { node1 = node1.getFirstChildNode(); } PhylogenyNode node2 = this; while ( !node2.isExternal() ) { node2 = node2.getLastChildNode(); } while ( node1 != node2 ) { nodes.add( node1 ); node1 = node1.getNextExternalNode(); } nodes.add( node2 ); return nodes; } /** * Returns a List containing references to all names of the external * children of this PhylogenyNode. * * @return List of references to names of external Nodes */ final public List getAllExternalDescendantsNames() { final List c = getAllExternalDescendants(); final List n = new ArrayList( c.size() ); for( final PhylogenyNode phylogenyNode : c ) { n.add( phylogenyNode.getName() ); } return n; } final public BranchData getBranchData() { if ( _branch_data == null ) { _branch_data = new BranchData(); } return _branch_data; } /** * This return child node n of this node. * * @param n * the index of the child to get * @return the child node with index n * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if n is out of bounds */ final public PhylogenyNode getChildNode( final int i ) { if ( isExternal() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "attempt to get the child node of an external node." ); } if ( ( i >= getNumberOfDescendants() ) || ( i < 0 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to get child node " + i + " of a node with " + getNumberOfDescendants() + " child nodes" ); } return getDescendants().get( i ); } /** * Convenience method. Returns the first child PhylogenyNode of this * PhylogenyNode. */ final public PhylogenyNode getChildNode1() { return getChildNode( 0 ); } /** * Convenience method. Returns the second child PhylogenyNode of this * PhylogenyNode. *

* [last modified May 18, 2005 by CMZ] */ final public PhylogenyNode getChildNode2() { return getChildNode( 1 ); } /** * This gets the child node index of this node. *

* * @return the child node index of this node * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * if this node is a root node */ final public int getChildNodeIndex() { return getChildNodeIndex( getParent() ); } /** * This gets the child node index of this node, given that parent is its * parent *

* [last modified Aug 14, 2006 by CMZ] * * @return the child node index of this node * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * if this node is a root node */ final public int getChildNodeIndex( final PhylogenyNode parent ) { if ( isRoot() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot get the child index for a root node." ); } for( int i = 0; i < parent.getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { if ( parent.getChildNode( i ) == this ) { return i; } } throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected exception: Could not determine the child index for node: " + this ); } final public List getDescendants() { if ( _descendants == null ) { _descendants = new ArrayList(); } return _descendants; } /** * Returns the length of the branch leading to the _parent of this * PhylogenyNode (double). */ final public double getDistanceToParent() { return _distance_parent; } /** * Convenience method. Returns the first child node of this node. *

* [last modified May 18, 2005 by CMZ] * * @return the first child node of this node */ public final PhylogenyNode getFirstChildNode() { return getChildNode( 0 ); } /** * Returns the ID (int) of this PhylogenyNode. */ final public long getId() { return _id; } /** * Returns the _indicator value of this PhylogenyNode. */ public final byte getIndicator() { return _indicator; } /** * Convenience method. Returns the last child node of this node. *

* [last modified May 18, 2005 by CMZ] * * @return the last child node of this node */ public final PhylogenyNode getLastChildNode() { return getChildNode( getNumberOfDescendants() - 1 ); } /** * Returns a refernce to the linked PhylogenyNode of this PhylogenyNode. * Currently, this method is only used for the speciation-_duplication * assignment algorithms. */ public final PhylogenyNode getLink() { return _link; } final public String getName() { return getNodeData().getNodeName(); } /** * Returns a refernce to the next external PhylogenyNode of this * PhylogenyNode. TODO should be in Phylogeny. Returns null if no next * external node is available. */ public final PhylogenyNode getNextExternalNode() { if ( isInternal() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "attempt to get next external node of an internal node" ); } else if ( isLastExternalNode() ) { return null; } int index = getChildNodeIndex(); PhylogenyNode previous_node = this; PhylogenyNode current_node = getParent(); while ( !current_node.isRoot() && ( ( current_node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 1 ) || previous_node.isLastChildNode() ) ) { index = current_node.getChildNodeIndex(); previous_node = current_node; current_node = current_node.getParent(); } current_node = current_node.getChildNode( index + 1 ); while ( current_node.isInternal() ) { current_node = current_node.getFirstChildNode(); } return current_node; } public final PhylogenyNode getNextExternalNodeWhileTakingIntoAccountCollapsedNodes() { //TODO work on me ~~ if ( isRoot() ) { return null; } if ( isInternal() && !isCollapse() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "attempt to get next external node of an uncollapsed internal node" ); } if ( getParent().isCollapse() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "attempt to get next external node of node with a collapsed parent" ); } // This checks if last node. PhylogenyNode n = this; boolean last = true; while ( !n.isRoot() ) { if ( !n.isLastChildNode() ) { last = false; break; } n = n.getParent(); } if ( last ) { return null; } int index = getChildNodeIndex(); PhylogenyNode previous_node = this; PhylogenyNode current_node = getParent(); while ( !current_node.isRoot() && ( current_node.isCollapse() || ( current_node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 1 ) || previous_node .isLastChildNode() ) ) { index = current_node.getChildNodeIndex(); previous_node = current_node; current_node = current_node.getParent(); } if ( index < ( current_node.getNumberOfDescendants() - 1 ) ) { current_node = current_node.getChildNode( index + 1 ); } while ( current_node.isInternal() && !current_node.isCollapse() ) { current_node = current_node.getFirstChildNode(); } return current_node; } public final NodeData getNodeData() { if ( _node_data == null ) { _node_data = new NodeData(); } return _node_data; } public final boolean isHasNodeData() { return ( !( _node_data == null || _node_data.isEmpty() ) ); } final public int getNumberOfDescendants() { if ( _descendants == null ) { return 0; } return _descendants.size(); } /** * Returns the total number of external Nodes originating from this * PhylogenyNode (int). */ final public int getNumberOfExternalNodes() { return _sum_ext_nodes; } final public int getNumberOfParents() { return 1; } /** * Returns a refernce to the parent PhylogenyNode of this PhylogenyNode. */ final public PhylogenyNode getParent() { return _parent; } /** * Returns a refernce to the next external PhylogenyNode of this * PhylogenyNode. TODO should be in Phylogeny. Returns null if no next * external node is available. */ final public PhylogenyNode getPreviousExternalNode() { if ( isInternal() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot get the previous external node for an internal node." ); } else if ( isRoot() /* TODO && tree is rooted */) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot get the previous external node for a root node." ); } else if ( isFirstExternalNode() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Attempt to get previous external node of the first external node." ); } int index = getChildNodeIndex(); PhylogenyNode previous_node = this; PhylogenyNode current_node = getParent(); while ( !current_node.isRoot() && ( ( current_node.getNumberOfDescendants() == 1 ) || previous_node.isFirstChildNode() ) ) { index = current_node.getChildNodeIndex(); previous_node = current_node; current_node = current_node.getParent(); } current_node = current_node.getChildNode( index - 1 ); while ( current_node.isInternal() ) { current_node = current_node.getLastChildNode(); } return current_node; } /** * Used for drawing of Trees. */ final public float getXcoord() { return _x; } final public float getXSecondary() { return _x_secondary; } /** * Used for drawing of Trees. */ final public float getYcoord() { return _y; } final public float getYSecondary() { return _y_secondary; } @Override final public int hashCode() { final NodeData data = getNodeData(); if ( ( getName().length() < 1 ) && !data.isHasSequence() && !data.isHasTaxonomy() ) { return super.hashCode(); } int result = getName().hashCode(); if ( data.isHasSequence() ) { result ^= data.getSequence().hashCode(); } if ( data.isHasTaxonomy() ) { result ^= data.getTaxonomy().hashCode(); } return result; } /** * Returns whether this PhylogenyNode should be drawn as collapsed. * Root can not be collapsed. */ final public boolean isCollapse() { return _collapse && _parent != null; } /** * Returns true if this PhylogenyNode represents a _duplication event, false * otherwise. */ final public boolean isDuplication() { return getNodeData().isHasEvent() && getNodeData().getEvent().isDuplication(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return ( ( _node_data == null ) || _node_data.isEmpty() ); } /** * Checks whether this PhylogenyNode is external (tip). * * @return true if this PhylogenyNode is external, false otherwise */ final public boolean isExternal() { if ( _descendants == null ) { return true; } return ( getNumberOfDescendants() < 1 ); } final public boolean isFirstChildNode() { if ( isRoot() /* and tree is rooted TODO */) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot determine whether the root is the first child node of its _parent." ); } return ( getChildNodeIndex() == 0 ); } final public boolean isFirstExternalNode() { if ( isInternal() ) { return false; } PhylogenyNode node = this; while ( !node.isRoot() ) { if ( !node.isFirstChildNode() ) { return false; } node = node.getParent(); } return true; } /** * Returns whether a _duplication or speciation event has been assigned for * this PhylogenyNode. */ final public boolean isHasAssignedEvent() { if ( !getNodeData().isHasEvent() ) { return false; } if ( ( getNodeData().getEvent() ).isUnassigned() ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Checks whether this PhylogenyNode is internal (tip). * * @return true if this PhylogenyNode is external, false otherwise */ final public boolean isInternal() { return ( !isExternal() ); } /** * Returns true if this node is the last child node of its _parent. *

* [last modified June 01, 2005 by CMZ] * * @return true if this node is the last child node of its _parent, false * otherwise */ final public boolean isLastChildNode() { if ( isRoot() /* and tree is rooted TODO */) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot determine whether the root is the last child node of its _parent." ); } return ( getChildNodeIndex() == ( getParent().getNumberOfDescendants() - 1 ) ); } final public boolean isLastExternalNode() { if ( isInternal() ) { return false; } PhylogenyNode node = this; while ( !node.isRoot() ) { if ( !node.isLastChildNode() ) { return false; } node = node.getParent(); } return true; } /** * Checks whether this PhylogenyNode is a root. * * @return true if this PhylogenyNode is the root, false otherwise */ final public boolean isRoot() { return _parent == null; } final public boolean isSpeciation() { return getNodeData().isHasEvent() && getNodeData().getEvent().isSpeciation(); } // --------------------------------------------------------- // Basic printing // --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Prints to the console the subtree originating from this PhylogenyNode in * preorder. */ public void preorderPrint() { System.out.println( this + "\n" ); if ( isInternal() ) { for( int i = 0; i < getNumberOfDescendants(); ++i ) { getChildNode( i ).preorderPrint(); } } } final public void removeChildNode( final int i ) { if ( isExternal() ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "cannot get the child node for a external node." ); } if ( ( i >= getNumberOfDescendants() ) || ( i < 0 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to get child node " + i + " of a node with " + getNumberOfDescendants() + " child nodes." ); } getDescendants().remove( i ); } final public void removeChildNode( final PhylogenyNode remove_me ) { removeChildNode( remove_me.getChildNodeIndex() ); } public void removeConnections() { _parent = null; _link = null; _descendants = null; } final public void setBranchData( final BranchData branch_data ) { _branch_data = branch_data; } /** * Sets the first child PhylogenyNode of this PhylogenyNode to n. */ final public void setChild1( final PhylogenyNode n ) { setChildNode( 0, n ); } /** * Sets the second child PhylogenyNode of this PhylogenyNode to n. */ final public void setChild2( final PhylogenyNode n ) { setChildNode( 1, n ); } /** * Inserts PhylogenyNode node at the specified position i into the list of * child nodes. This does not allow null slots in the list of child nodes: * If i is larger than the number of child nodes, node is just added to the * list, not placed at index i. * * @param i * the index of position where to add the child * @param node * the PhylogenyNode to add */ final public void setChildNode( final int i, final PhylogenyNode node ) { node.setParent( this ); if ( getNumberOfDescendants() <= i ) { addChildNode( node ); } else { getDescendants().set( i, node ); } } /** * Sets whether this PhylogenyNode should be drawn as collapsed. */ final public void setCollapse( final boolean b ) { _collapse = b; } /** * Sets the length of the branch leading to the _parent of this * PhylogenyNode to double d. */ final public void setDistanceToParent( final double d ) { _distance_parent = d; } /** * Sets the _indicator value of this PhylogenyNode to i. */ final public void setIndicator( final byte i ) { _indicator = i; } /** * Sets the linked PhylogenyNode of this PhylogenyNode to n. Currently, this * method is only used for the speciation-_duplication assignment * algorithms. */ final public void setLink( final PhylogenyNode n ) { _link = n; } /** * Sets the name of this node. */ final public void setName( final String node_name ) { getNodeData().setNodeName( node_name ); } /** * Sets the _parent PhylogenyNode of this PhylogenyNode to n. */ final public void setParent( final PhylogenyNode n ) { _parent = n; } /** * Sets the total number of external Nodes originating from this * PhylogenyNode to i (int). */ final public void setSumExtNodes( final int i ) { if ( i < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to set sum of external nodes to less than one" ); } _sum_ext_nodes = i; } /** * Used for drawing of Trees. */ final public void setXcoord( final float x ) { _x = x; } final public void setXSecondary( final float x_secondary ) { _x_secondary = x_secondary; } // ----------- /** * Used for drawing of Trees. */ final public void setYcoord( final float y ) { _y = y; } final public void setYSecondary( final float y_secondary ) { _y_secondary = y_secondary; } /** * Swaps the the two childern of a PhylogenyNode node of this Phylogeny. */ public final void swapChildren() throws RuntimeException { if ( isExternal() ) { throw new RuntimeException( "attempt to swap descendants of external node" ); } if ( getNumberOfDescendants() != 2 ) { throw new RuntimeException( "attempt to swap descendants of node with " + getNumberOfDescendants() + " descendants" ); } final PhylogenyNode a = getChildNode( 0 ); final PhylogenyNode b = getChildNode( 1 ); setChildNode( 0, b ); setChildNode( 1, a ); } // --------------------------------------------------------- // Writing of Nodes to Strings // --------------------------------------------------------- final public String toNewHampshire( final boolean write_distance_to_parent, final NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE svs ) { String data = ""; if ( ( svs == NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE.AS_INTERNAL_NODE_NAMES ) && !isExternal() ) { if ( getBranchData().isHasConfidences() && ( getBranchData().getConfidence( 0 ).getValue() != Confidence.CONFIDENCE_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ) { data = Confidence.FORMATTER.format( ForesterUtil .round( getBranchData().getConfidence( 0 ).getValue(), PhyloXmlUtil.ROUNDING_DIGITS_FOR_PHYLOXML_DOUBLE_OUTPUT ) ); } } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getName() ) ) { data = getName(); } else if ( getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { data = getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode(); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { data = getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName(); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ) ) { data = getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName(); } } else if ( getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) { data = getNodeData().getSequence().getName(); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ) ) { data = getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol(); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ) ) { data = getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName(); } } final StringBuilder sb = ForesterUtil.santitizeStringForNH( data ); if ( write_distance_to_parent && ( getDistanceToParent() != PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) ) { sb.append( ":" ); sb.append( getDistanceToParent() ); } if ( ( svs == NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE.IN_SQUARE_BRACKETS ) && !isExternal() && getBranchData().isHasConfidences() && ( getBranchData().getConfidence( 0 ).getValue() != Confidence.CONFIDENCE_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ) { sb.append( "[" ); sb.append( Confidence.FORMATTER.format( ForesterUtil .round( getBranchData().getConfidence( 0 ).getValue(), PhyloXmlUtil.ROUNDING_DIGITS_FOR_PHYLOXML_DOUBLE_OUTPUT ) ) ); sb.append( "]" ); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Converts this PhylogenyNode to a New Hampshire X (NHX) String * representation. */ final public String toNewHampshireX() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuffer s_nhx = new StringBuffer(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getName() ) ) { sb.append( ForesterUtil.santitizeStringForNH( getName() ) ); } if ( getDistanceToParent() != PhylogenyDataUtil.BRANCH_LENGTH_DEFAULT ) { sb.append( ":" ); sb.append( getDistanceToParent() ); } if ( getNodeDataDirectly() != null ) { s_nhx.append( getNodeDataDirectly().toNHX() ); } if ( getBranchDataDirectly() != null ) { s_nhx.append( getBranchDataDirectly().toNHX() ); } if ( s_nhx.length() > 0 ) { sb.append( "[&&NHX" ); sb.append( s_nhx ); sb.append( "]" ); } return sb.toString(); } @Override final public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getName() ) ) { sb.append( getName() ); sb.append( " " ); } if ( getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ); sb.append( " " ); } else if ( ( sb.length() <= 1 ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ); sb.append( " " ); } else if ( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getIdentifier() != null ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getIdentifier().toString() ); sb.append( " " ); } } if ( getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) { if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ); sb.append( " " ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ) ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ); sb.append( " " ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ) ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getSequence().getGeneName() ); sb.append( " " ); } if ( getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null ) { sb.append( getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().toString() ); sb.append( " " ); } } if ( sb.length() <= 1 ) { sb.append( "[" ); sb.append( getId() ); sb.append( "]" ); } return sb.toString().trim(); } /** * Sets the Id of this PhylogenyNode to i. In most cases, this number * should not be set to values lower than getNodeCount() -- which this method * does not allow. */ synchronized final protected void setId( final long i ) { if ( i < getNodeCount() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to set node id to a value less than total node count (thus violating the uniqueness of node ids)" ); } _id = i; } final BranchData getBranchDataDirectly() { return _branch_data; } final NodeData getNodeDataDirectly() { return _node_data; } final void setChildNodeOnly( final int i, final PhylogenyNode node ) { if ( getNumberOfDescendants() <= i ) { addChildNode( node ); } else { getDescendants().set( i, node ); } } /** * Sets the indicators of all the children of this PhylogenyNode to zero. */ final void setIndicatorsToZero() { for( final PreorderTreeIterator it = new PreorderTreeIterator( this ); it.hasNext(); ) { it.next().setIndicator( ( byte ) 0 ); } } /** * Adds PhylogenyNode n to the list of child nodes. But does NOT set the * _parent of n to this. * * @see addAsChild( PhylogenyNode n ) * @param n * the PhylogenyNode to add */ final private void addChildNode( final PhylogenyNode child ) { getDescendants().add( child ); } public static PhylogenyNode createInstanceFromNhxString( final String nhx ) throws NHXFormatException, PhyloXmlDataFormatException { return new PhylogenyNode( nhx, NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO, false ); } public static PhylogenyNode createInstanceFromNhxString( final String nhx, final NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction ) throws NHXFormatException, PhyloXmlDataFormatException { return new PhylogenyNode( nhx, taxonomy_extraction, false ); } public static PhylogenyNode createInstanceFromNhxString( final String nhx, final NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction, final boolean replace_underscores ) throws NHXFormatException, PhyloXmlDataFormatException { return new PhylogenyNode( nhx, taxonomy_extraction, replace_underscores ); } public static PhylogenyNode createInstanceFromNhxString( final String nhx, final NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION taxonomy_extraction, final boolean replace_underscores, final boolean parse_extended_tags ) throws NHXFormatException, PhyloXmlDataFormatException { return new PhylogenyNode( nhx, taxonomy_extraction, replace_underscores, parse_extended_tags ); } /** * Returns the total number of all Nodes created so far. * * @return total number of Nodes (long) */ synchronized final public static long getNodeCount() { return NODE_COUNT; } /** * Decreases the total number of all Nodes created so far by one. */ final static synchronized void decreaseNodeCount() { --NODE_COUNT; } /** * Sets the total number of all Nodes created so far to i. */ synchronized final static void setNodeCount( final long i ) { PhylogenyNode.NODE_COUNT = i; } /** * Increases the total number of all Nodes created so far by one. */ synchronized final private static void increaseNodeCount() { ++NODE_COUNT; } public enum NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE { AS_INTERNAL_NODE_NAMES, IN_SQUARE_BRACKETS, NONE; } }