// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine // and Howard Hughes Medical Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.rio; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.forester.datastructures.IntMatrix; import org.forester.io.parsers.PhylogenyParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.nexus.NexusPhylogeniesParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.nhx.NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION; import org.forester.io.parsers.util.ParserUtils; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.PhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.sdi.GSDI; import org.forester.sdi.GSDIR; import org.forester.sdi.SDIException; import org.forester.sdi.SDIR; import org.forester.sdi.SDIutil; import org.forester.sdi.SDIutil.ALGORITHM; import org.forester.sdi.SDIutil.TaxonomyComparisonBase; import org.forester.util.BasicDescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public final class RIO { public static final int DEFAULT_RANGE = -1; private Phylogeny[] _analyzed_gene_trees; private List _removed_gene_tree_nodes; private int _ext_nodes; private int _int_nodes; private TaxonomyComparisonBase _gsdir_tax_comp_base; private final StringBuilder _log; private final BasicDescriptiveStatistics _duplications_stats; private final boolean _produce_log; private final boolean _verbose; private final REROOTING _rerooting; private RIO( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, int first, int last, final boolean produce_log, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { if ( ( last == DEFAULT_RANGE ) && ( first >= 0 ) ) { last = gene_trees.length - 1; } else if ( ( first == DEFAULT_RANGE ) && ( last >= 0 ) ) { first = 0; } removeSingleDescendentsNodes( species_tree, verbose ); checkPreconditions( gene_trees, species_tree, rerooting, outgroup, first, last ); _produce_log = produce_log; _verbose = verbose; _rerooting = rerooting; _ext_nodes = -1; _int_nodes = -1; _log = new StringBuilder(); _gsdir_tax_comp_base = null; _analyzed_gene_trees = null; _removed_gene_tree_nodes = null; _duplications_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); inferOrthologs( gene_trees, species_tree, algorithm, outgroup, first, last ); } public final Phylogeny[] getAnalyzedGeneTrees() { return _analyzed_gene_trees; } public final BasicDescriptiveStatistics getDuplicationsStatistics() { return _duplications_stats; } /** * Returns the numbers of number of ext nodes in gene trees analyzed (after * stripping). * * @return number of ext nodes in gene trees analyzed (after stripping) */ public final int getExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() { return _ext_nodes; } /** * Returns the numbers of number of int nodes in gene trees analyzed (after * stripping). * * @return number of int nodes in gene trees analyzed (after stripping) */ public final int getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() { return _int_nodes; } public final TaxonomyComparisonBase getGSDIRtaxCompBase() { return _gsdir_tax_comp_base; } public final StringBuilder getLog() { return _log; } public final List getRemovedGeneTreeNodes() { return _removed_gene_tree_nodes; } private final void inferOrthologs( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final String outgroup, final int first, final int last ) throws SDIException, RIOException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { if ( algorithm == ALGORITHM.SDIR ) { // Removes from species_tree all species not found in gene_tree. PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( gene_trees[ 0 ], species_tree ); if ( species_tree.isEmpty() ) { throw new RIOException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" ); } } final Phylogeny[] my_gene_trees; if ( ( first >= 0 ) && ( last >= first ) && ( last < gene_trees.length ) ) { my_gene_trees = new Phylogeny[ ( 1 + last ) - first ]; int c = 0; for( int i = first; i <= last; ++i ) { my_gene_trees[ c++ ] = gene_trees[ i ]; } } else { my_gene_trees = gene_trees; } if ( log() ) { preLog( gene_trees, species_tree, algorithm, outgroup, first, last ); } if ( _verbose && ( my_gene_trees.length >= 4 ) ) { System.out.println(); } _analyzed_gene_trees = new Phylogeny[ my_gene_trees.length ]; int gene_tree_ext_nodes = 0; for( int i = 0; i < my_gene_trees.length; ++i ) { final Phylogeny gt = my_gene_trees[ i ]; if ( _verbose && ( my_gene_trees.length > 4 ) ) { ForesterUtil.updateProgress( ( ( double ) i ) / my_gene_trees.length ); } if ( i == 0 ) { gene_tree_ext_nodes = gt.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); } else if ( gene_tree_ext_nodes != gt.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) { throw new RIOException( "gene tree #" + ( i + 1 ) + " has a different number of external nodes (" + gt.getNumberOfExternalNodes() + ") than the preceding gene trees (" + gene_tree_ext_nodes + ")" ); } if ( algorithm == ALGORITHM.SDIR ) { // Removes from gene_tree all species not found in species_tree. PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( species_tree, gt ); if ( gt.isEmpty() ) { throw new RIOException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" ); } } _analyzed_gene_trees[ i ] = performOrthologInference( gt, species_tree, algorithm, outgroup, i ); } if ( log() ) { postLog( species_tree ); } if ( _verbose && ( my_gene_trees.length > 4 ) ) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } } private final boolean log() { return _produce_log; } private final void log( final String s ) { _log.append( s ); _log.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } private final void logRemovedGeneTreeNodes() { log( "Species stripped from gene trees:" ); final SortedSet rn = new TreeSet(); for( final PhylogenyNode n : getRemovedGeneTreeNodes() ) { final Taxonomy t = n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); switch ( getGSDIRtaxCompBase() ) { case CODE: { rn.add( t.getTaxonomyCode() ); break; } case ID: { rn.add( t.getIdentifier().toString() ); break; } case SCIENTIFIC_NAME: { rn.add( t.getScientificName() ); break; } } } for( final String s : rn ) { log( s ); } log( "" ); } private final Phylogeny performOrthologInference( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final String outgroup, final int i ) throws SDIException, RIOException { final Phylogeny assigned_tree; switch ( algorithm ) { case SDIR: { assigned_tree = performOrthologInferenceBySDI( gene_tree, species_tree ); break; } case GSDIR: { assigned_tree = performOrthologInferenceByGSDI( gene_tree, species_tree, outgroup, i ); break; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "illegal algorithm: " + algorithm ); } } if ( i == 0 ) { _ext_nodes = assigned_tree.getNumberOfExternalNodes(); _int_nodes = assigned_tree.getNumberOfInternalNodes(); } else if ( _ext_nodes != assigned_tree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ) { throw new RIOException( "after stripping gene tree #" + ( i + 1 ) + " has a different number of external nodes (" + assigned_tree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() + ") than the preceding gene trees (" + _ext_nodes + ")" ); } return assigned_tree; } private final Phylogeny performOrthologInferenceByGSDI( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree, final String outgroup, final int i ) throws SDIException, RIOException { final Phylogeny assigned_tree; if ( _rerooting == REROOTING.BY_ALGORITHM ) { final GSDIR gsdir = new GSDIR( gene_tree, species_tree, true, i == 0 ); final List assigned_trees = gsdir.getMinDuplicationsSumGeneTrees(); if ( i == 0 ) { _removed_gene_tree_nodes = gsdir.getStrippedExternalGeneTreeNodes(); for( final PhylogenyNode r : _removed_gene_tree_nodes ) { if ( !r.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { throw new RIOException( "node with no (appropriate) taxonomic information found in gene tree #1: " + r.toString() ); } } } final List shortests = GSDIR.getIndexesOfShortestTree( assigned_trees ); assigned_tree = assigned_trees.get( shortests.get( 0 ) ); if ( log() ) { writeStatsToLog( i, gsdir, shortests ); } if ( i == 0 ) { _gsdir_tax_comp_base = gsdir.getTaxCompBase(); } _duplications_stats.addValue( gsdir.getMinDuplicationsSum() ); } else { if ( _rerooting == REROOTING.MIDPOINT ) { PhylogenyMethods.midpointRoot( gene_tree ); } else if ( _rerooting == REROOTING.OUTGROUP ) { final PhylogenyNode n = gene_tree.getNode( outgroup ); gene_tree.reRoot( n ); } final GSDI gsdi = new GSDI( gene_tree, species_tree, true, true, true ); _removed_gene_tree_nodes = gsdi.getStrippedExternalGeneTreeNodes(); for( final PhylogenyNode r : _removed_gene_tree_nodes ) { if ( !r.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { throw new RIOException( "node with no (appropriate) taxonomic information found in gene tree #1: " + r.toString() ); } } assigned_tree = gene_tree; if ( i == 0 ) { _gsdir_tax_comp_base = gsdi.getTaxCompBase(); } _duplications_stats.addValue( gsdi.getDuplicationsSum() ); } return assigned_tree; } private final Phylogeny performOrthologInferenceBySDI( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree ) throws SDIException { final SDIR sdir = new SDIR(); return sdir.infer( gene_tree, species_tree, false, true, true, true, 1 )[ 0 ]; } private final void postLog( final Phylogeny species_tree ) { log( "" ); if ( getRemovedGeneTreeNodes().size() > 0 ) { logRemovedGeneTreeNodes(); } log( "Species tree external nodes (after stripping) : " + species_tree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ); log( "Species tree polytomies (after stripping) : " + PhylogenyMethods.countNumberOfPolytomies( species_tree ) ); log( "Taxonomy linking based on : " + getGSDIRtaxCompBase() ); final java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat( "0.#" ); log( "Gene trees analyzed : " + _duplications_stats.getN() ); log( "Mean number of duplications : " + df.format( _duplications_stats.arithmeticMean() ) + " (sd: " + df.format( _duplications_stats.sampleStandardDeviation() ) + ")" + " (" + df.format( ( 100.0 * _duplications_stats.arithmeticMean() ) / getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%)" ); if ( _duplications_stats.getN() > 3 ) { log( "Median number of duplications : " + df.format( _duplications_stats.median() ) + " (" + df.format( ( 100.0 * _duplications_stats.median() ) / getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%)" ); } log( "Minimum duplications : " + ( int ) _duplications_stats.getMin() + " (" + df.format( ( 100.0 * _duplications_stats.getMin() ) / getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%)" ); log( "Maximum duplications : " + ( int ) _duplications_stats.getMax() + " (" + df.format( ( 100.0 * _duplications_stats.getMax() ) / getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%)" ); log( "Gene tree internal nodes : " + getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ); log( "Gene tree external nodes : " + getExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ); } private final void preLog( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final String outgroup, final int first, final int last ) { log( "Number of gene trees (total) : " + gene_trees.length ); log( "Algorithm : " + algorithm ); log( "Species tree external nodes (prior to stripping): " + species_tree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ); log( "Species tree polytomies (prior to stripping) : " + PhylogenyMethods.countNumberOfPolytomies( species_tree ) ); String rs = ""; switch ( _rerooting ) { case BY_ALGORITHM: { rs = "minimizing duplications"; break; } case MIDPOINT: { rs = "midpoint"; break; } case OUTGROUP: { rs = "outgroup: " + outgroup; break; } case NONE: { rs = "none"; break; } } log( "Re-rooting : " + rs ); if ( ( first >= 0 ) || ( last >= 0 ) ) { log( "Gene trees analyzed range : " + first + "-" + last ); } if ( _rerooting == REROOTING.BY_ALGORITHM ) { writeLogSubHeader(); } } private final void writeLogSubHeader() { _log.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); _log.append( "Some information about duplication numbers in gene trees:" ); _log.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); _log.append( "#" ); _log.append( "\t" ); _log.append( "re-rootings with minimal number of duplications" ); _log.append( "/" ); _log.append( "total root placements" ); _log.append( "\t" ); _log.append( "duplications range" ); _log.append( "\t" ); _log.append( "mininal duplication re-rootings with shortest tree heigth" ); _log.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } private final void writeStatsToLog( final int i, final GSDIR gsdir, final List shortests ) { final BasicDescriptiveStatistics stats = gsdir.getDuplicationsSumStats(); _log.append( i ); _log.append( "\t" ); _log.append( gsdir.getMinDuplicationsSumGeneTrees().size() ); _log.append( "/" ); _log.append( stats.getN() ); _log.append( "\t" ); _log.append( ( int ) stats.getMin() ); _log.append( "-" ); _log.append( ( int ) stats.getMax() ); _log.append( "\t" ); _log.append( shortests.size() ); _log.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } public final static IntMatrix calculateOrthologTable( final Phylogeny[] analyzed_gene_trees, final boolean sort ) throws RIOException { final List labels = new ArrayList(); final Set labels_set = new HashSet(); String label; for( final PhylogenyNode n : analyzed_gene_trees[ 0 ].getExternalNodes() ) { if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) { label = n.getNodeData().getSequence().getName(); } else if ( n.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ) ) { label = n.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol(); } else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getName() ) ) { label = n.getName(); } else { throw new RIOException( "node " + n + " has no appropriate label" ); } if ( labels_set.contains( label ) ) { throw new RIOException( "label " + label + " is not unique" ); } labels_set.add( label ); labels.add( label ); } if ( sort ) { Collections.sort( labels ); } final IntMatrix m = new IntMatrix( labels ); int counter = 0; for( final Phylogeny gt : analyzed_gene_trees ) { counter++; PhylogenyMethods.preOrderReId( gt ); final HashMap map = PhylogenyMethods.createNameToExtNodeMap( gt ); for( int x = 0; x < m.size(); ++x ) { final String mx = m.getLabel( x ); final PhylogenyNode nx = map.get( mx ); if ( nx == null ) { throw new RIOException( "node \"" + mx + "\" not present in gene tree #" + counter ); } String my; PhylogenyNode ny; for( int y = 0; y < m.size(); ++y ) { my = m.getLabel( y ); ny = map.get( my ); if ( ny == null ) { throw new RIOException( "node \"" + my + "\" not present in gene tree #" + counter ); } if ( !PhylogenyMethods.calculateLCAonTreeWithIdsInPreOrder( nx, ny ).isDuplication() ) { m.inreaseByOne( x, y ); } } } } return m; } public final static RIO executeAnalysis( final File gene_trees_file, final File species_tree_file, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, final int first, final int last, final boolean produce_log, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { final Phylogeny[] gene_trees = parseGeneTrees( gene_trees_file ); if ( gene_trees.length < 1 ) { throw new RIOException( "\"" + gene_trees_file + "\" is devoid of appropriate gene trees" ); } final Phylogeny species_tree = SDIutil.parseSpeciesTree( gene_trees[ 0 ], species_tree_file, false, true, TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO ); return new RIO( gene_trees, species_tree, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, first, last, produce_log, verbose ); } public final static RIO executeAnalysis( final File gene_trees_file, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, final boolean produce_log, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { return new RIO( parseGeneTrees( gene_trees_file ), species_tree, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, DEFAULT_RANGE, DEFAULT_RANGE, produce_log, verbose ); } public final static RIO executeAnalysis( final File gene_trees_file, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, final int first, final int last, final boolean produce_log, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { return new RIO( parseGeneTrees( gene_trees_file ), species_tree, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, first, last, produce_log, verbose ); } public final static RIO executeAnalysis( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { return new RIO( gene_trees, species_tree, ALGORITHM.GSDIR, REROOTING.BY_ALGORITHM, null, DEFAULT_RANGE, DEFAULT_RANGE, false, false ); } public final static RIO executeAnalysis( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, final boolean produce_log, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { return new RIO( gene_trees, species_tree, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, DEFAULT_RANGE, DEFAULT_RANGE, produce_log, verbose ); } public final static RIO executeAnalysis( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, final int first, final int last, final boolean produce_log, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException, SDIException, RIOException { return new RIO( gene_trees, species_tree, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, first, last, produce_log, verbose ); } private final static void checkPreconditions( final Phylogeny[] gene_trees, final Phylogeny species_tree, final REROOTING rerooting, final String outgroup, final int first, final int last ) throws RIOException { if ( !species_tree.isRooted() ) { throw new RIOException( "species tree is not rooted" ); } if ( !( ( last == DEFAULT_RANGE ) && ( first == DEFAULT_RANGE ) ) && ( ( last < first ) || ( last >= gene_trees.length ) || ( last < 0 ) || ( first < 0 ) ) ) { throw new RIOException( "attempt to set range (0-based) of gene to analyze to: from " + first + " to " + last + " (out of " + gene_trees.length + ")" ); } if ( ( rerooting == REROOTING.OUTGROUP ) && ForesterUtil.isEmpty( outgroup ) ) { throw new RIOException( "outgroup not set for midpoint rooting" ); } if ( ( rerooting != REROOTING.OUTGROUP ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( outgroup ) ) { throw new RIOException( "outgroup only used for midpoint rooting" ); } if ( ( rerooting == REROOTING.MIDPOINT ) && ( PhylogenyMethods.calculateMaxDistanceToRoot( gene_trees[ 0 ] ) <= 0 ) ) { throw new RIOException( "attempt to use midpoint rooting on gene trees which seem to have no (positive) branch lengths (cladograms)" ); } if ( rerooting == REROOTING.OUTGROUP ) { try { gene_trees[ 0 ].getNode( outgroup ); } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException e ) { throw new RIOException( "cannot perform re-rooting by outgroup: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } } } private final static Phylogeny[] parseGeneTrees( final File gene_trees_file ) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { final PhylogenyFactory factory = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final PhylogenyParser p = ParserUtils.createParserDependingOnFileType( gene_trees_file, true ); if ( p instanceof NHXParser ) { final NHXParser nhx = ( NHXParser ) p; nhx.setReplaceUnderscores( false ); nhx.setIgnoreQuotes( true ); nhx.setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.YES ); } else if ( p instanceof NexusPhylogeniesParser ) { final NexusPhylogeniesParser nex = ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) p; nex.setReplaceUnderscores( false ); nex.setIgnoreQuotes( true ); nex.setTaxonomyExtraction( TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.YES ); } return factory.create( gene_trees_file, p ); } private final static void removeSingleDescendentsNodes( final Phylogeny species_tree, final boolean verbose ) { final int o = PhylogenyMethods.countNumberOfOneDescendantNodes( species_tree ); if ( o > 0 ) { if ( verbose ) { System.out.println( "warning: species tree has " + o + " internal nodes with only one descendent which are therefore going to be removed" ); } PhylogenyMethods.deleteInternalNodesWithOnlyOneDescendent( species_tree ); } } public enum REROOTING { NONE, BY_ALGORITHM, MIDPOINT, OUTGROUP; } }