package; import; import; import; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.forester.datastructures.IntMatrix; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import; import org.forester.sdi.SDIException; import org.forester.sdi.SDIutil.ALGORITHM; import org.forester.util.BasicDescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.BasicTable; import org.forester.util.BasicTableParser; import org.forester.util.EasyWriter; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; public final class RIOUtil { public static final void executeAnalysis( final File gene_trees_file, final File species_tree_file, final File orthology_outtable, final File orthology_groups_outfile, final File logfile, final String outgroup, final REROOTING rerooting, final int gt_first, final int gt_last, final File return_species_tree, final File return_min_dup_gene_tree, final File return_median_dup_gene_tree, final boolean transfer_taxonomy, final ALGORITHM algorithm, final boolean use_gene_trees_dir, final EasyWriter log, final double ortholog_group_cutoff ) { try { final RIO rio; boolean iterating = false; final PhylogenyParser p = ParserUtils.createParserDependingOnFileType( gene_trees_file, true ); if ( p instanceof PhyloXmlParser ) { rio = RIO.executeAnalysis( gene_trees_file, species_tree_file, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, gt_first, gt_last, logfile != null, true, transfer_taxonomy ); } else { iterating = true; if ( p instanceof NHXParser ) { final NHXParser nhx = ( NHXParser ) p; nhx.setReplaceUnderscores( false ); nhx.setIgnoreQuotes( true ); nhx.setTaxonomyExtraction( TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.AGGRESSIVE ); } else if ( p instanceof NexusPhylogeniesParser ) { final NexusPhylogeniesParser nex = ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) p; nex.setReplaceUnderscores( false ); nex.setIgnoreQuotes( true ); nex.setTaxonomyExtraction( TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.AGGRESSIVE ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "unknown parser type: " + p ); } final IteratingPhylogenyParser ip = ( IteratingPhylogenyParser ) p; ip.setSource( gene_trees_file ); rio = RIO.executeAnalysis( ip, species_tree_file, algorithm, rerooting, outgroup, gt_first, gt_last, logfile != null, !use_gene_trees_dir, transfer_taxonomy ); } if ( !use_gene_trees_dir ) { if ( algorithm == ALGORITHM.GSDIR ) { System.out.println( "Taxonomy linking based on :\t" + rio.getGSDIRtaxCompBase() ); } } /// //// final IntMatrix m; if ( iterating ) { m = rio.getOrthologTable(); } else { m = RIO.calculateOrthologTable( rio.getAnalyzedGeneTrees(), true ); } final BasicDescriptiveStatistics stats = rio.getDuplicationsStatistics(); writeTable( orthology_outtable, stats.getN(), m, !use_gene_trees_dir ); final int ortholog_groups = writeOrtologGroups( orthology_groups_outfile, ortholog_group_cutoff, stats.getN(), m, !use_gene_trees_dir, false ); final int ortholog_groups_005 = writeOrtologGroups( null, 0.05, stats.getN(), m, false, true ); final int ortholog_groups_025 = writeOrtologGroups( null, 0.25, stats.getN(), m, false, true ); final int ortholog_groups_05 = writeOrtologGroups( null, 0.5, stats.getN(), m, false, true ); final int ortholog_groups_075 = writeOrtologGroups( null, 0.75, stats.getN(), m, false, true ); final int ortholog_groups_095 = writeOrtologGroups( null, 0.95, stats.getN(), m, false, true ); if ( ( algorithm != ALGORITHM.SDIR ) && ( logfile != null ) ) { writeLogFile( logfile, rio, species_tree_file, gene_trees_file, orthology_outtable,,,, ForesterUtil.getForesterLibraryInformation(), !use_gene_trees_dir ); } if ( return_species_tree != null ) { writeTree( rio.getSpeciesTree(), return_species_tree, use_gene_trees_dir ? null : "Wrote (stripped) species tree to :\t" ); } if ( return_min_dup_gene_tree != null && rio.getMinDuplicationsGeneTree() != null ) { final int min = ( int ) rio.getDuplicationsStatistics().getMin(); writeTree( rio.getMinDuplicationsGeneTree(), new File( return_min_dup_gene_tree.toString() + min + ".xml" ), use_gene_trees_dir ? null : "Wrote one min duplication gene tree :\t" ); } if ( return_median_dup_gene_tree != null && rio.getDuplicationsToTreeMap() != null ) { final int med = ( int ) rio.getDuplicationsStatistics().median(); writeTree( rio.getDuplicationsToTreeMap().get( med ), new File( return_median_dup_gene_tree.toString() + med + ".xml" ), use_gene_trees_dir ? null : "Wrote one med duplication gene tree :\t" ); } final java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat( "0.##" ); final int min = ( int ) stats.getMin(); final int max = ( int ) stats.getMax(); final int median = ( int ) stats.median(); int min_count = 0; int max_count = 0; int median_count = 0; for( double d : stats.getData() ) { if ( ( ( int ) d ) == min ) { ++min_count; } if ( ( ( int ) d ) == max ) { ++max_count; } if ( ( ( int ) d ) == median ) { ++median_count; } } final double min_count_percentage = ( 100.0 * min_count ) / stats.getN(); final double max_count_percentage = ( 100.0 * max_count ) / stats.getN(); final double median_count_percentage = ( 100.0 * median_count ) / stats.getN(); if ( use_gene_trees_dir ) { String name = gene_trees_file.getName(); if ( name.indexOf( "." ) > 0 ) { name = name.substring( 0, name.lastIndexOf( "." ) ); } log.print( name ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( rio.getExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( ortholog_groups ) ); // log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( ortholog_groups_005 ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( ortholog_groups_025 ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( ortholog_groups_05 ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( ortholog_groups_075 ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( ortholog_groups_095 ) ); // log.print( "\t" ); if ( stats.getN() > 3 ) { log.print( df.format( median ) ); } else { log.print( "" ); } log.print( "\t" ); log.print( df.format( stats.arithmeticMean() ) ); log.print( "\t" ); if ( stats.getN() > 3 ) { log.print( df.format( stats.sampleStandardDeviation() ) ); } else { log.print( "" ); } log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( min ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( max ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( rio.getRemovedGeneTreeNodes().size() ) ); log.print( "\t" ); log.print( Integer.toString( stats.getN() ) ); log.println(); } else { System.out.println( "Gene tree internal nodes :\t" + rio.getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ); System.out.println( "Gene tree external nodes :\t" + rio.getExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ); System.out.println( "Mean number of duplications :\t" + df.format( stats.arithmeticMean() ) + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * stats.arithmeticMean() ) / rio.getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%\t(sd: " + df.format( stats.sampleStandardDeviation() ) + ")" ); if ( stats.getN() > 3 ) { System.out.println( "Median number of duplications :\t" + df.format( median ) + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * median ) / rio.getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%" ); } System.out.println( "Minimum duplications :\t" + min + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * min ) / rio.getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%" ); System.out.println( "Maximum duplications :\t" + ( int ) max + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * max ) / rio.getIntNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() ) + "%" ); System.out.println( "Gene trees with median duplications :\t" + median_count + "\t" + df.format( median_count_percentage ) + "%" ); System.out.println( "Gene trees with minimum duplications:\t" + min_count + "\t" + df.format( min_count_percentage ) + "%" ); System.out.println( "Gene trees with maximum duplications:\t" + max_count + "\t" + df.format( max_count_percentage ) + "%" ); if ( algorithm == ALGORITHM.GSDIR ) { System.out.println( "Removed ext gene tree nodes :\t" + rio.getRemovedGeneTreeNodes().size() ); } } } catch ( final RIOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } catch ( final SDIException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) { ForesterUtil.outOfMemoryError( e ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.unexpectedFatalError( e ); } catch ( final Error e ) { ForesterUtil.unexpectedFatalError( e ); } } private static final void writeTable( final File table_outfile, final int gene_trees_analyzed, final IntMatrix m, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException { final EasyWriter w = ForesterUtil.createEasyWriter( table_outfile ); final java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat( "0.####" ); df.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown( false ); df.setRoundingMode( RoundingMode.HALF_UP ); for( int i = 0; i < m.size(); ++i ) { w.print( "\t" ); w.print( m.getLabel( i ) ); } w.println(); for( int x = 0; x < m.size(); ++x ) { w.print( m.getLabel( x ) ); for( int y = 0; y < m.size(); ++y ) { w.print( "\t" ); if ( x == y ) { if ( m.get( x, y ) != gene_trees_analyzed ) { ForesterUtil.unexpectedFatalError( "diagonal value is off" ); } w.print( "-" ); } else { w.print( df.format( ( ( double ) m.get( x, y ) ) / gene_trees_analyzed ) ); } } w.println(); } w.close(); if ( verbose ) { System.out.println( "Wrote table to :\t" + table_outfile.getCanonicalPath() ); } } private static final int writeOrtologGroups( final File outfile, final double cutoff, final int gene_trees_analyzed, final IntMatrix m, final boolean verbose, final boolean calc_conly ) throws IOException { List> groups = new ArrayList>(); BasicDescriptiveStatistics stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); int below_075 = 0; int below_05 = 0; int below_025 = 0; for( int x = 1; x < m.size(); ++x ) { final String a = m.getLabel( x ); for( int y = 0; y < x; ++y ) { final String b = m.getLabel( y ); final double s = ( ( double ) m.get( x, y ) ) / gene_trees_analyzed; stats.addValue( s ); if ( s < 0.75 ) { below_075++; if ( s < 0.5 ) { below_05++; if ( s < 0.25 ) { below_025++; } } } if ( s >= cutoff ) { boolean found = false; for( final SortedSet group : groups ) { if ( group.contains( a ) ) { group.add( b ); found = true; } if ( group.contains( b ) ) { group.add( a ); found = true; } } if ( !found ) { final SortedSet new_group = new TreeSet(); new_group.add( a ); new_group.add( b ); groups.add( new_group ); } } } } //Deal with singlets: for( int x = 0; x < m.size(); ++x ) { final String a = m.getLabel( x ); boolean found = false; for( final SortedSet group : groups ) { if ( group.contains( a ) ) { found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { final SortedSet new_group = new TreeSet(); new_group.add( a ); groups.add( new_group ); } } if ( calc_conly ) { return groups.size(); } final java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat( "0.####" ); df.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown( false ); df.setRoundingMode( RoundingMode.HALF_UP ); final EasyWriter w = ForesterUtil.createEasyWriter( outfile ); int counter = 1; for( final SortedSet group : groups ) { w.print( Integer.toString( counter++ ) ); for( final String s : group ) { w.print( "\t" ); w.print( s ); } w.println(); } w.println(); w.println( "# Cutoff\t" + df.format( cutoff ) ); w.println(); w.println( "# Orthology support statistics:" ); if ( stats.getN() > 3 ) { w.println( "# Median\t" + df.format( stats.median() ) ); } w.println( "# Mean\t" + df.format( stats.arithmeticMean() ) ); if ( stats.getN() > 3 ) { w.println( "# SD\t" + df.format( stats.sampleStandardDeviation() ) ); } w.println( "# Min\t" + df.format( stats.getMin() ) ); w.println( "# Max\t" + df.format( stats.getMax() ) ); w.println( "# Total\t" + df.format( stats.getN() ) ); w.println( "# Below 0.75\t" + below_075 + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * below_075 / stats.getN() ) ) + "%" ); w.println( "# Below 0.5\t" + below_05 + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * below_05 / stats.getN() ) ) + "%" ); w.println( "# Below 0.25\t" + below_025 + "\t" + df.format( ( 100.0 * below_025 / stats.getN() ) ) + "%" ); w.close(); if ( verbose ) { System.out.println( "Number of ortholog groups :\t" + groups.size() ); System.out.println( "Wrote orthologs groups table to :\t" + outfile.getCanonicalPath() ); } return groups.size(); } private static void writeTree( final Phylogeny p, final File f, final String comment ) throws IOException { final PhylogenyWriter writer = new PhylogenyWriter(); writer.toPhyloXML( f, p, 0 ); if ( comment != null ) { System.out.println( comment + f.getCanonicalPath() ); } } private static void writeLogFile( final File logfile, final RIO rio, final File species_tree_file, final File gene_trees_file, final File outtable, final String prg_name, final String prg_v, final String prg_date, final String f, final boolean verbose ) throws IOException { final EasyWriter out = ForesterUtil.createEasyWriter( logfile ); out.println( "# " + prg_name ); out.println( "# version : " + prg_v ); out.println( "# date : " + prg_date ); out.println( "# based on: " + f ); out.println( "# ----------------------------------" ); out.println( "Gene trees :\t" + gene_trees_file.getCanonicalPath() ); out.println( "Species tree :\t" + species_tree_file.getCanonicalPath() ); out.println( "All vs all orthology table :\t" + outtable.getCanonicalPath() ); out.flush(); out.println( rio.getLog().toString() ); out.close(); if ( verbose ) { System.out.println( "Wrote log to :\t" + logfile.getCanonicalPath() ); } } private final static Map obtainMapping( final File dir, final String prefix, final String suffix ) throws IOException { if ( !dir.exists() ) { throw new IOException( "[" + dir + "] does not exist" ); } if ( !dir.isDirectory() ) { throw new IOException( "[" + dir + "] is not a directory" ); } final File mapping_files[] = dir.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept( final File dir, final String name ) { return ( name.endsWith( suffix ) ); } } ); String my_suffix = suffix; boolean done = false; do { int matches = 0; for( File file : mapping_files ) { if ( file.getName().equals( my_suffix ) ) { matches++; } } if ( matches == 1) { done = true; } else { my_suffix = my_suffix.substring( 0, my_suffix.length() - 1); } } while (!done ); if ( mapping_files.length == 0 ) { throw new IOException( "file with prefix \"" + prefix + "\" and suffix \"" + suffix + "\" not found in [" + dir + "] " ); } if ( mapping_files.length > 1 ) { throw new IOException( "file with prefix \"" + prefix + "\" and suffix \"" + suffix + "\" not unique in [" + dir + "] " ); } final BasicTable t = BasicTableParser.parse( mapping_files[ 0 ], '\t' ); return t.getColumnsAsMap( 0, 1 ); } }