// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/forester package org.forester.sdi; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Event; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; /* * Implements our algorithm for speciation - duplication inference (SDI).

* The initialization is accomplished by:

The recursion part is accomplished by this class' * method "geneTreePostOrderTraversal(PhylogenyNode)".

Requires JDK 1.5 or * greater. * * @see SDI#linkNodesOfG() * * @see Phylogeny#preorderReID(int) * * @see * PhylogenyMethods#taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes(Phylogeny,Phylogeny) * * @see #geneTreePostOrderTraversal(PhylogenyNode) * * @author Christian M. Zmasek */ public class GSDI extends SDI { private final boolean _most_parsimonious_duplication_model; private final boolean _strip_gene_tree; private final boolean _strip_species_tree; protected int _speciation_or_duplication_events_sum; protected int _speciations_sum; private final List _stripped_gene_tree_nodes; private final List _stripped_species_tree_nodes; private final Set _mapped_species_tree_nodes; private TaxonomyComparisonBase _tax_comp_base; private final SortedSet _scientific_names_mapped_to_reduced_specificity; public GSDI( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree, final boolean most_parsimonious_duplication_model, final boolean strip_gene_tree, final boolean strip_species_tree ) throws SDIException { super( gene_tree, species_tree ); _speciation_or_duplication_events_sum = 0; _speciations_sum = 0; _most_parsimonious_duplication_model = most_parsimonious_duplication_model; _duplications_sum = 0; _strip_gene_tree = strip_gene_tree; _strip_species_tree = strip_species_tree; _stripped_gene_tree_nodes = new ArrayList(); _stripped_species_tree_nodes = new ArrayList(); _mapped_species_tree_nodes = new HashSet(); _scientific_names_mapped_to_reduced_specificity = new TreeSet(); linkNodesOfG(); PhylogenyMethods.preOrderReId( getSpeciesTree() ); geneTreePostOrderTraversal(); } GSDI( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree, final boolean most_parsimonious_duplication_model ) throws SDIException { this( gene_tree, species_tree, most_parsimonious_duplication_model, false, false ); } public GSDI( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree, final boolean most_parsimonious_duplication_model, final boolean strip_gene_tree, final boolean strip_species_tree, final int x ) throws SDIException { super( gene_tree, species_tree ); _speciation_or_duplication_events_sum = 0; _speciations_sum = 0; _most_parsimonious_duplication_model = most_parsimonious_duplication_model; _duplications_sum = 0; _strip_gene_tree = strip_gene_tree; _strip_species_tree = strip_species_tree; _stripped_gene_tree_nodes = new ArrayList(); _stripped_species_tree_nodes = new ArrayList(); _mapped_species_tree_nodes = new HashSet(); _scientific_names_mapped_to_reduced_specificity = new TreeSet(); } // s is the node on the species tree g maps to. private final void determineEvent( final PhylogenyNode s, final PhylogenyNode g ) { boolean oyako = false; if ( ( g.getChildNode1().getLink() == s ) || ( g.getChildNode2().getLink() == s ) ) { oyako = true; } if ( g.getLink().getNumberOfDescendants() == 2 ) { if ( oyako ) { g.getNodeData().setEvent( createDuplicationEvent() ); } else { g.getNodeData().setEvent( createSpeciationEvent() ); } } else { if ( oyako ) { final Set set = new HashSet(); for( PhylogenyNode n : g.getChildNode1().getAllExternalDescendants() ) { n = n.getLink(); while ( n.getParent() != s ) { n = n.getParent(); if ( n.isRoot() ) { break; } } set.add( n ); } boolean multiple = false; for( PhylogenyNode n : g.getChildNode2().getAllExternalDescendants() ) { n = n.getLink(); while ( n.getParent() != s ) { n = n.getParent(); if ( n.isRoot() ) { break; } } if ( set.contains( n ) ) { multiple = true; break; } } if ( multiple ) { g.getNodeData().setEvent( createDuplicationEvent() ); } else { if ( _most_parsimonious_duplication_model ) { g.getNodeData().setEvent( createSpeciationEvent() ); } else { g.getNodeData().setEvent( createSingleSpeciationOrDuplicationEvent() ); } } } else { g.getNodeData().setEvent( createSpeciationEvent() ); } } } /** * Traverses the subtree of PhylogenyNode g in postorder, calculating the * mapping function M, and determines which nodes represent speciation * events and which ones duplication events. *

* Preconditions: Mapping M for external nodes must have been calculated and * the species tree must be labeled in preorder. *

* */ final void geneTreePostOrderTraversal() { for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = getGeneTree().iteratorPostorder(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode g = it.next(); if ( g.isInternal() ) { PhylogenyNode s1 = g.getChildNode1().getLink(); PhylogenyNode s2 = g.getChildNode2().getLink(); while ( s1 != s2 ) { if ( s1.getId() > s2.getId() ) { s1 = s1.getParent(); } else { s2 = s2.getParent(); } } g.setLink( s1 ); determineEvent( s1, g ); } } } private final Event createDuplicationEvent() { final Event event = Event.createSingleDuplicationEvent(); ++_duplications_sum; return event; } private final Event createSingleSpeciationOrDuplicationEvent() { final Event event = Event.createSingleSpeciationOrDuplicationEvent(); ++_speciation_or_duplication_events_sum; return event; } private final Event createSpeciationEvent() { final Event event = Event.createSingleSpeciationEvent(); ++_speciations_sum; return event; } public final int getSpeciationOrDuplicationEventsSum() { return _speciation_or_duplication_events_sum; } public final int getSpeciationsSum() { return _speciations_sum; } /** * This allows for linking of internal nodes of the species tree (as opposed * to just external nodes, as in the method it overrides. * @throws SDIException * */ @Override final void linkNodesOfG() throws SDIException { final Map species_to_node_map = new HashMap(); final List species_tree_ext_nodes = new ArrayList(); _tax_comp_base = determineTaxonomyComparisonBase( _gene_tree ); // Stringyfied taxonomy is the key, node is the value. for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = _species_tree.iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode s = iter.next(); species_tree_ext_nodes.add( s ); if ( s.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { final String tax_str = taxonomyToString( s, _tax_comp_base ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax_str ) ) { if ( species_to_node_map.containsKey( tax_str ) ) { throw new SDIException( "taxonomy \"" + s + "\" is not unique in species tree" ); } species_to_node_map.put( tax_str, s ); } } } // Retrieve the reference to the node with a matching stringyfied taxonomy. for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = _gene_tree.iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode g = iter.next(); if ( !g.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { if ( _strip_gene_tree ) { _stripped_gene_tree_nodes.add( g ); } else { throw new SDIException( "gene tree node \"" + g + "\" has no taxonomic data" ); } } else { final String tax_str = taxonomyToString( g, _tax_comp_base ); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax_str ) ) { if ( _strip_gene_tree ) { _stripped_gene_tree_nodes.add( g ); } else { throw new SDIException( "gene tree node \"" + g + "\" has no appropriate taxonomic data" ); } } else { PhylogenyNode s = species_to_node_map.get( tax_str ); if ( ( _tax_comp_base == TaxonomyComparisonBase.SCIENTIFIC_NAME ) && ( s == null ) && ( ForesterUtil.countChars( tax_str, ' ' ) > 1 ) ) { s = tryMapByRemovingOverlySpecificData( species_to_node_map, tax_str ); } if ( s == null ) { if ( _strip_gene_tree ) { _stripped_gene_tree_nodes.add( g ); } else { throw new SDIException( "taxonomy \"" + g.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() + "\" not present in species tree" ); } } else { g.setLink( s ); _mapped_species_tree_nodes.add( s ); } } } } // for loop if ( _strip_gene_tree ) { stripGeneTree(); if ( getGeneTree().isEmpty() || ( getGeneTree().getNumberOfExternalNodes() < 2 ) ) { throw new SDIException( "species could not be mapped between gene tree and species tree" ); } } if ( _strip_species_tree ) { stripSpeciesTree( species_tree_ext_nodes ); } } private final PhylogenyNode tryMapByRemovingOverlySpecificData( final Map species_to_node_map, final String tax_str ) { PhylogenyNode s = tryMapByRemovingOverlySpecificData( species_to_node_map, tax_str, " (" ); if ( s == null ) { if ( ForesterUtil.countChars( tax_str, ' ' ) == 2 ) { final String new_tax_str = tax_str.substring( 0, tax_str.lastIndexOf( ' ' ) ).trim(); s = species_to_node_map.get( new_tax_str ); if ( s != null ) { addScientificNamesMappedToReducedSpecificity( tax_str, new_tax_str ); } } } if ( s == null ) { for( final String t : new String[] { " subspecies ", " strain ", " variety ", " varietas ", " subvariety ", " form ", " subform ", " cultivar ", " section ", " subsection " } ) { s = tryMapByRemovingOverlySpecificData( species_to_node_map, tax_str, t ); if ( s != null ) { break; } } } return s; } private final PhylogenyNode tryMapByRemovingOverlySpecificData( final Map species_to_node_map, final String tax_str, final String term ) { final int i = tax_str.indexOf( term ); if ( i > 4 ) { final String new_tax_str = tax_str.substring( 0, i ).trim(); final PhylogenyNode s = species_to_node_map.get( new_tax_str ); if ( s != null ) { addScientificNamesMappedToReducedSpecificity( tax_str, new_tax_str ); } return s; } return null; } private final void addScientificNamesMappedToReducedSpecificity( final String s1, final String s2 ) { _scientific_names_mapped_to_reduced_specificity.add( s1 + " -> " + s2 ); } public final SortedSet getReMappedScientificNamesFromGeneTree() { return _scientific_names_mapped_to_reduced_specificity; } public TaxonomyComparisonBase getTaxCompBase() { return _tax_comp_base; } private void stripSpeciesTree( final List species_tree_ext_nodes ) { for( final PhylogenyNode s : species_tree_ext_nodes ) { if ( !_mapped_species_tree_nodes.contains( s ) ) { _species_tree.deleteSubtree( s, true ); _stripped_species_tree_nodes.add( s ); } } _species_tree.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _species_tree.externalNodesHaveChanged(); } public List getStrippedSpeciesTreeNodes() { return _stripped_species_tree_nodes; } private void stripGeneTree() { for( final PhylogenyNode g : _stripped_gene_tree_nodes ) { _gene_tree.deleteSubtree( g, true ); } _gene_tree.clearHashIdToNodeMap(); _gene_tree.externalNodesHaveChanged(); } public Set getMappedExternalSpeciesTreeNodes() { return _mapped_species_tree_nodes; } public static TaxonomyComparisonBase determineTaxonomyComparisonBase( final Phylogeny gene_tree ) { int with_id_count = 0; int with_code_count = 0; int with_sn_count = 0; int max = 0; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = gene_tree.iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode g = iter.next(); if ( g.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { final Taxonomy tax = g.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); if ( ( tax.getIdentifier() != null ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getIdentifier().getValue() ) ) { if ( ++with_id_count > max ) { max = with_id_count; } } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { if ( ++with_code_count > max ) { max = with_code_count; } } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( tax.getScientificName() ) ) { if ( ++with_sn_count > max ) { max = with_sn_count; } } } } if ( max == 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "gene tree has no taxonomic data" ); } else if ( max == 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "gene tree has only one node with taxonomic data" ); } else if ( max == with_id_count ) { return SDI.TaxonomyComparisonBase.ID; } else if ( max == with_sn_count ) { return SDI.TaxonomyComparisonBase.SCIENTIFIC_NAME; } else { return SDI.TaxonomyComparisonBase.CODE; } } public List getStrippedExternalGeneTreeNodes() { return _stripped_gene_tree_nodes; } @Override public final String toString() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append( "Most parsimonious duplication model: " + _most_parsimonious_duplication_model ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.getLineSeparator() ); sb.append( "Speciations sum : " + getSpeciationsSum() ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.getLineSeparator() ); sb.append( "Duplications sum : " + getDuplicationsSum() ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.getLineSeparator() ); if ( !_most_parsimonious_duplication_model ) { sb.append( "Speciation or duplications sum : " + getSpeciationOrDuplicationEventsSum() ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.getLineSeparator() ); } sb.append( "mapping cost L : " + computeMappingCostL() ); return sb.toString(); } }