// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Washington University School of Medicine // and Howard Hughes Medical Institute // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/forester package org.forester.sdi; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.distance.DistanceMatrix; import org.forester.io.parsers.SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser; import org.forester.io.parsers.phyloxml.PhyloXmlParser; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.PhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; /* * @author Christian M. Zmasek */ public final class RIO { private final static boolean ROOT_BY_MINIMIZING_MAPPING_COST = false; private final static boolean ROOT_BY_MINIMIZING_SUM_OF_DUPS = true; private final static boolean ROOT_BY_MINIMIZING_TREE_HEIGHT = true; private final static boolean TIME = false; private HashMap> _o_hash_maps; private HashMap> _so_hash_maps; private HashMap> _up_hash_maps; private HashMap> _sn_hash_maps; // HashMap of HashMaps private DistanceMatrix _m; private HashMap _l; private String[] _seq_names; private int _bootstraps; private int _ext_nodes_; private long _time; /** * Default constructor. */ public RIO() { reset(); } /** * Returns the numbers of trees analyzed. * * @return the numbers of trees analyzed */ public final int getBootstraps() { return _bootstraps; } // Helper method for inferredOrthologsToString. // inferredOrthologsToArrayList, // and inferredUltraParalogsToString. private final double getBootstrapValueFromHash( final HashMap h, final String name ) { if ( !h.containsKey( name ) ) { return 0.0; } final int i = h.get( name ); return ( i * 100.0 / getBootstraps() ); } /** * Returns the distance to a sequences/taxa after a distance list file has * been read in with readDistanceList(File). Throws an exception if name is * not found or if no list has been read in. * * @param name * a sequence name */ public final double getDistance( String name ) { double distance = 0.0; name = name.trim(); if ( _l == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Distance list has probably not been read in (successfully)." ); } if ( _l.get( name ) == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( name + " not found." ); } distance = ( _l.get( name ) ).doubleValue(); return distance; } public final double getDistance( final String name1, final String name2 ) { try { return _m.getValue( _m.getIndex( name1 ), _m.getIndex( name2 ) ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { return 1; } } /** * Returns the numbers of number of ext nodes in gene trees analyzed (after * stripping). * * @return number of ext nodes in gene trees analyzed (after stripping) */ public final int getExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees() { return _ext_nodes_; } /** * Returns a HashMap containing the inferred orthologs of the external gene * tree node with the sequence name seq_name. Sequence names are the keys * (String), numbers of observations are the values (Int). Orthologs are to * be inferred by method "inferOrthologs". Throws an exception if seq_name * is not found. * * @param seq_name * sequence name of a external node of the gene trees * @return HashMap containing the inferred orthologs * (name(String)->value(Int)) */ public final HashMap getInferredOrthologs( final String seq_name ) { if ( _o_hash_maps == null ) { return null; } return _o_hash_maps.get( seq_name ); } private final HashMap getInferredSubtreeNeighbors( final String seq_name ) { if ( _sn_hash_maps == null ) { return null; } return _sn_hash_maps.get( seq_name ); } /** * Returns a HashMap containing the inferred "super orthologs" of the * external gene tree node with the sequence name seq_name. Sequence names * are the keys (String), numbers of observations are the values (Int). * Super orthologs are to be inferred by method "inferOrthologs". Throws an * exception if seq_name is not found. * * @param seq_name * sequence name of a external node of the gene trees * @return HashMap containing the inferred super orthologs * (name(String)->value(Int)) */ public final HashMap getInferredSuperOrthologs( final String seq_name ) { if ( _so_hash_maps == null ) { return null; } return _so_hash_maps.get( seq_name ); } /** * Returns a HashMap containing the inferred "ultra paralogs" of the * external gene tree node with the sequence name seq_name. Sequence names * are the keys (String), numbers of observations are the values (Int). * "ultra paralogs" are to be inferred by method "inferOrthologs". Throws an * exception if seq_name is not found. * * @param seq_name * sequence name of a external node of the gene trees * @return HashMap containing the inferred ultra paralogs * (name(String)->value(Int)) */ public final HashMap getInferredUltraParalogs( final String seq_name ) { if ( _up_hash_maps == null ) { return null; } return _up_hash_maps.get( seq_name ); } /** * Returns the time (in ms) needed to run "inferOrthologs". Final variable * TIME needs to be set to true. * * @return time (in ms) needed to run method "inferOrthologs" */ public long getTime() { return _time; } /** * Infers the orthologs (as well the "super orthologs", the "subtree * neighbors", and the "ultra paralogs") for each external node of the gene * Trees in multiple tree File gene_trees_file (=output of PHYLIP NEIGHBOR, * for example). Tallies how many times each sequence is (super-) * orthologous towards the query. Tallies how many times each sequence is * ultra paralogous towards the query. Tallies how many times each sequence * is a subtree neighbor of the query. Gene duplications are inferred using * SDI. Modifies its argument species_tree. Is a little faster than * "inferOrthologs(File,Phylogeny)" since orthologs are only inferred for * query. *

* To obtain the results use the methods listed below. * * @param gene_trees_file * a File containing gene Trees in NH format, which is the result * of performing a bootstrap analysis in PHYLIP * @param species_tree * a species Phylogeny, which has species names in its species * fields * @param query * the sequence name of the squence whose orthologs are to be * inferred * @throws SdiException */ public void inferOrthologs( final File gene_trees_file, final Phylogeny species_tree, final String query ) throws IOException, SdiException { int bs = 0; if ( RIO.TIME ) { _time = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if ( !gene_trees_file.exists() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( gene_trees_file.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist." ); } else if ( !gene_trees_file.isFile() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( gene_trees_file.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a file." ); } // Read in first tree to get its sequence names // and strip species_tree. final PhylogenyFactory factory = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance(); final Phylogeny gene_tree = factory.create( gene_trees_file, new PhyloXmlParser() )[ 0 ]; // Removes from species_tree all species not found in gene_tree. PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( gene_tree, species_tree ); // Removes from gene_tree all species not found in species_tree. PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( species_tree, gene_tree ); _seq_names = getAllExternalSequenceNames( gene_tree ); if ( ( _seq_names == null ) || ( _seq_names.length < 1 ) ) { return; } _o_hash_maps = new HashMap>(); _so_hash_maps = new HashMap>(); _up_hash_maps = new HashMap>(); _sn_hash_maps = new HashMap>(); _o_hash_maps.put( query, new HashMap( _seq_names.length ) ); _so_hash_maps.put( query, new HashMap( _seq_names.length ) ); _up_hash_maps.put( query, new HashMap( _seq_names.length ) ); _sn_hash_maps.put( query, new HashMap( _seq_names.length ) ); // Go through all gene trees in the file. final Phylogeny[] gene_trees = factory.create( gene_trees_file, new PhyloXmlParser() ); for( final Phylogeny gt : gene_trees ) { bs++; // Removes from gene_tree all species not found in species_tree. PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( species_tree, gt ); inferOrthologsHelper( gt, species_tree, query ); // System.out.println( bs ); } setBootstraps( bs ); if ( RIO.TIME ) { _time = ( System.currentTimeMillis() - _time ); } } // Helper method which performs the actual ortholog inference for // the external node with seqname query. private void inferOrthologsHelper( final Phylogeny gene_tree, final Phylogeny species_tree, final String query ) throws SdiException { Phylogeny assigned_tree = null; List nodes = null; final SDIR sdiunrooted = new SDIR(); List orthologs = null; List super_orthologs = null; List ultra_paralogs = null; List subtree_neighbors = null; assigned_tree = sdiunrooted.infer( gene_tree, species_tree, RIO.ROOT_BY_MINIMIZING_MAPPING_COST, RIO.ROOT_BY_MINIMIZING_SUM_OF_DUPS, RIO.ROOT_BY_MINIMIZING_TREE_HEIGHT, true, 1 )[ 0 ]; setExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees( assigned_tree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ); nodes = assigned_tree.getNodesViaSequenceName( query ); if ( nodes.size() > 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "node named [" + query + "] not unique" ); } else if ( nodes.isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no node containing a sequence named [" + query + "] found" ); } final PhylogenyNode query_node = nodes.get( 0 ); final PhylogenyMethods methods = PhylogenyMethods.getInstance(); orthologs = methods.getOrthologousNodes( assigned_tree, query_node ); updateHash( _o_hash_maps, query, orthologs ); super_orthologs = PhylogenyMethods.getSuperOrthologousNodes( query_node ); updateHash( _so_hash_maps, query, super_orthologs ); subtree_neighbors = getSubtreeNeighbors( query_node, 2 ); updateHash( _sn_hash_maps, query, subtree_neighbors ); ultra_paralogs = PhylogenyMethods.getUltraParalogousNodes( query_node ); updateHash( _up_hash_maps, query, ultra_paralogs ); } /** * Returns an ArrayList containg the names of orthologs of the PhylogenyNode * with seq name seq_name. * * @param seq_name * sequence name of a external node of the gene trees * @param threshold_orthologs * the minimal number of observations for a a sequence to be * reported as orthologous as percentage (0.0-100.0%) * @return ArrayList containg the names of orthologs of the PhylogenyNode * with seq name seq_name */ public ArrayList inferredOrthologsToArrayList( final String seq_name, double threshold_orthologs ) { HashMap o_hashmap = null; String name = null; double o = 0.0; final ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); if ( _o_hash_maps == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Orthologs have not been calculated (successfully)." ); } if ( threshold_orthologs < 0.0 ) { threshold_orthologs = 0.0; } else if ( threshold_orthologs > 100.0 ) { threshold_orthologs = 100.0; } o_hashmap = getInferredOrthologs( seq_name ); if ( o_hashmap == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Orthologs for " + seq_name + " were not established." ); } if ( _seq_names.length > 0 ) { I: for( int i = 0; i < _seq_names.length; ++i ) { name = _seq_names[ i ]; if ( name.equals( seq_name ) ) { continue I; } o = getBootstrapValueFromHash( o_hashmap, name ); if ( o < threshold_orthologs ) { continue I; } arraylist.add( name ); } } return arraylist; } /** * Returns a String containg the names of orthologs of the PhylogenyNode * with seq name query_name. The String also contains how many times a * particular ortholog has been observed. *


    * The output order is (per line): Name, Ortholog, Subtree neighbor, Super * ortholog, Distance *

* The sort priority of this is determined by sort in the following manner: *

  • 0 : Ortholog *
  • 1 : Ortholog, Super ortholog *
  • 2 : Super ortholog, Ortholog *
  • 3 : Ortholog, Distance *
  • 4 : Distance, Ortholog *
  • 5 : Ortholog, Super ortholog, Distance *
  • 6 : Ortholog, Distance, Super ortholog *
  • 7 : Super ortholog, Ortholog, Distance *
  • 8 : Super ortholog, Distance, Ortholog *
  • 9 : Distance, Ortholog, Super ortholog *
  • 10 : Distance, Super ortholog, Ortholog *
  • 11 : Ortholog, Subtree neighbor, Distance *
  • 12 : Ortholog, Subtree neighbor, Super ortholog, Distance (default) *
  • 13 : Ortholog, Super ortholog, Subtree neighbor, Distance *
  • 14 : Subtree neighbor, Ortholog, Super ortholog, Distance *
  • 15 : Subtree neighbor, Distance, Ortholog, Super ortholog *
  • 16 : Ortholog, Distance, Subtree neighbor, Super ortholog *
  • 17 : Ortholog, Subtree neighbor, Distance, Super ortholog *

* Returns "-" if no putative orthologs have been found (given * threshold_orthologs). *

* Orthologs are to be inferred by method "inferOrthologs". *

* (Last modified: 05/08/01) * * @param query_name * sequence name of a external node of the gene trees * @param sort * order and sort priority * @param threshold_orthologs * the minimal number of observations for a a sequence to be * reported as orthologous, in percents (0.0-100.0%) * @param threshold_subtreeneighborings * the minimal number of observations for a a sequence to be * reported as orthologous, in percents (0.0-100.0%) * @return String containing the inferred orthologs, String containing "-" * if no orthologs have been found null in case of error * @see #inferOrthologs(File,Phylogeny,String) * @see #inferOrthologs(Phylogeny[],Phylogeny) * @see #inferOrthologs(File,Phylogeny) * @see #getOrder(int) */ public StringBuffer inferredOrthologsToString( final String query_name, int sort, double threshold_orthologs, double threshold_subtreeneighborings ) { HashMap o_hashmap = null; HashMap s_hashmap = null; HashMap n_hashmap = null; String name = ""; double o = 0.0, // Orthologs. s = 0.0, // Super orthologs. sn = 0.0, // Subtree neighbors. value1 = 0.0, value2 = 0.0, value3 = 0.0, value4 = 0.0, d = 0.0; final ArrayList nv = new ArrayList(); if ( ( _o_hash_maps == null ) || ( _so_hash_maps == null ) || ( _sn_hash_maps == null ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Orthologs have not been calculated (successfully)" ); } if ( ( sort < 0 ) || ( sort > 17 ) ) { sort = 12; } if ( ( sort > 2 ) && ( _m == null ) && ( _l == null ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Distance list or matrix have not been read in (successfully)" ); } if ( threshold_orthologs < 0.0 ) { threshold_orthologs = 0.0; } else if ( threshold_orthologs > 100.0 ) { threshold_orthologs = 100.0; } if ( threshold_subtreeneighborings < 0.0 ) { threshold_subtreeneighborings = 0.0; } else if ( threshold_subtreeneighborings > 100.0 ) { threshold_subtreeneighborings = 100.0; } o_hashmap = getInferredOrthologs( query_name ); s_hashmap = getInferredSuperOrthologs( query_name ); n_hashmap = getInferredSubtreeNeighbors( query_name ); if ( ( o_hashmap == null ) || ( s_hashmap == null ) || ( n_hashmap == null ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Orthologs for " + query_name + " were not established" ); } final StringBuffer orthologs = new StringBuffer(); if ( _seq_names.length > 0 ) { I: for( int i = 0; i < _seq_names.length; ++i ) { name = _seq_names[ i ]; if ( name.equals( query_name ) ) { continue I; } o = getBootstrapValueFromHash( o_hashmap, name ); if ( o < threshold_orthologs ) { continue I; } sn = getBootstrapValueFromHash( n_hashmap, name ); if ( sn < threshold_subtreeneighborings ) { continue I; } s = getBootstrapValueFromHash( s_hashmap, name ); if ( sort >= 3 ) { if ( _m != null ) { d = getDistance( query_name, name ); } else { d = getDistance( name ); } } switch ( sort ) { case 0: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, 5 ) ); break; case 1: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, s, 5 ) ); break; case 2: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, s, o, 5 ) ); break; case 3: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, d, 1 ) ); break; case 4: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, d, o, 0 ) ); break; case 5: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, s, d, 2 ) ); break; case 6: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, d, s, 1 ) ); break; case 7: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, s, o, d, 2 ) ); break; case 8: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, s, d, o, 1 ) ); break; case 9: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, d, o, s, 0 ) ); break; case 10: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, d, s, o, 0 ) ); break; case 11: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, sn, d, 2 ) ); break; case 12: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, sn, s, d, 3 ) ); break; case 13: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, s, sn, d, 3 ) ); break; case 14: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, sn, o, s, d, 3 ) ); break; case 15: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, sn, d, o, s, 1 ) ); break; case 16: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, d, sn, s, 1 ) ); break; case 17: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, sn, d, s, 2 ) ); break; default: nv.add( new Tuplet( name, o, 5 ) ); } } // End of I for loop. if ( ( nv != null ) && ( nv.size() > 0 ) ) { orthologs.append( "[seq name]\t\t[ortho]\t[st-n]\t[sup-o]\t[dist]" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final Tuplet[] nv_array = new Tuplet[ nv.size() ]; for( int j = 0; j < nv.size(); ++j ) { nv_array[ j ] = nv.get( j ); } Arrays.sort( nv_array ); for( int i = 0; i < nv_array.length; ++i ) { name = nv_array[ i ].getKey(); value1 = nv_array[ i ].getValue1(); value2 = nv_array[ i ].getValue2(); value3 = nv_array[ i ].getValue3(); value4 = nv_array[ i ].getValue4(); orthologs.append( addNameAndValues( name, value1, value2, value3, value4, sort ) ); } } } // No orthologs found. if ( ( orthologs == null ) || ( orthologs.length() < 1 ) ) { orthologs.append( "-" ); } return orthologs; } // inferredOrthologsToString( String, int, double ) // Helper method for inferredOrthologTableToFile. // Returns individual rows for the table as String. private String inferredOrthologsToTableHelper( final String name2, final String[] names, final int j, final boolean super_orthologs ) { HashMap hashmap = null; String name = null, orthologs = new String( "" ); int value = 0; if ( !super_orthologs ) { hashmap = getInferredOrthologs( name2 ); } else { hashmap = getInferredSuperOrthologs( name2 ); } if ( hashmap == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected failure in method inferredOrthologsToTableHelper" ); } for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i ) { name = names[ i ]; if ( !hashmap.containsKey( name ) ) { value = 0; } else { value = hashmap.get( name ); } if ( i == j ) { // Sanity check. if ( value != 0 ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed sanity check in method inferredOrthologsToTableHelper: value not 0." ); } orthologs += ( " " + "\t" ); } else { orthologs += ( value + "\t" ); } } return orthologs; } /** * Writes the orthologs for each external node of the gene trees to outfile * in the form of a table. Orthologs are to be inferred by method * "inferOrthologs". Overwrites without asking! (Last modified: 12/07/00) * * @param outfile * the File to write to */ public void inferredOrthologTableToFile( final File outfile ) throws IOException { if ( _o_hash_maps == null ) { return; } inferredOrthologTableToFile( outfile, false ); } // Helper for inferredOrthologTableToFile(File). // (Last modified: 11/28/00) private void inferredOrthologTableToFile( final File outfile, final boolean super_orthologs ) throws IOException { String name = "", line = ""; PrintWriter out = null; if ( _seq_names == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "inferredOrthologTableToFile: seq_names_ is null." ); } Arrays.sort( _seq_names ); out = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ), true ); if ( out == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "inferredOrthologTableToFile: failure to create PrintWriter." ); } line = "\t\t\t\t"; for( int i = 0; i < _seq_names.length; ++i ) { line += ( i + ")\t" ); } line += "\n"; out.println( line ); for( int i = 0; i < _seq_names.length; ++i ) { name = _seq_names[ i ]; if ( name.length() < 8 ) { line = i + ")\t" + name + "\t\t\t"; } else if ( name.length() < 16 ) { line = i + ")\t" + name + "\t\t"; } else { line = i + ")\t" + name + "\t"; } line += inferredOrthologsToTableHelper( name, _seq_names, i, super_orthologs ); out.println( line ); } out.close(); } /** * Writes the "super orthologs" for each external nodes of the gene trees to * outfile in the form of a table. Super orthologs are to be inferred by * method "inferOrthologs". Overwrites without asking! * * @param outfile * the File to write to */ public void inferredSuperOrthologTableToFile( final File outfile ) throws IOException { if ( _so_hash_maps == null ) { return; } inferredOrthologTableToFile( outfile, true ); } /** * Returns a String containg the names of orthologs of the PhylogenyNode * with seq name query_name. The String also contains how many times a * particular ortholog has been observed. Returns "-" if no putative * orthologs have been found (given threshold_orthologs). *

* Orthologs are to be inferred by method "inferOrthologs". * * @param query_name * sequence name of a external node of the gene trees * @param return_dists * @param threshold_ultra_paralogs * between 1 and 100 * @return String containing the inferred orthologs, String containing "-" * if no orthologs have been found null in case of error */ public String inferredUltraParalogsToString( final String query_name, final boolean return_dists, double threshold_ultra_paralogs ) { HashMap sp_hashmap = null; String name = "", ultra_paralogs = ""; int sort = 0; double sp = 0.0, value1 = 0.0, value2 = 0.0, d = 0.0; final List nv = new ArrayList(); if ( threshold_ultra_paralogs < 1.0 ) { threshold_ultra_paralogs = 1.0; } else if ( threshold_ultra_paralogs > 100.0 ) { threshold_ultra_paralogs = 100.0; } if ( _up_hash_maps == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ultra paralogs have not been calculated (successfully)." ); } if ( return_dists && ( _m == null ) && ( _l == null ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Distance list or matrix have not been read in (successfully)." ); } sp_hashmap = getInferredUltraParalogs( query_name ); if ( sp_hashmap == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ultra paralogs for " + query_name + " were not established" ); } if ( _seq_names.length > 0 ) { I: for( int i = 0; i < _seq_names.length; ++i ) { name = _seq_names[ i ]; if ( name.equals( query_name ) ) { continue I; } sp = getBootstrapValueFromHash( sp_hashmap, name ); if ( sp < threshold_ultra_paralogs ) { continue I; } if ( return_dists ) { if ( _m != null ) { d = getDistance( query_name, name ); } else { d = getDistance( name ); } nv.add( new Tuplet( name, sp, d, 1 ) ); } else { nv.add( new Tuplet( name, sp, 5 ) ); } } // End of I for loop. if ( ( nv != null ) && ( nv.size() > 0 ) ) { final Tuplet[] nv_array = new Tuplet[ nv.size() ]; for( int j = 0; j < nv.size(); ++j ) { nv_array[ j ] = nv.get( j ); } Arrays.sort( nv_array ); if ( return_dists ) { sort = 91; } else { sort = 90; } for( int i = 0; i < nv_array.length; ++i ) { name = nv_array[ i ].getKey(); value1 = nv_array[ i ].getValue1(); value2 = nv_array[ i ].getValue2(); ultra_paralogs += addNameAndValues( name, value1, value2, 0.0, 0.0, sort ); } } } // No ultra paralogs found. if ( ( ultra_paralogs == null ) || ( ultra_paralogs.length() < 1 ) ) { ultra_paralogs = "-"; } return ultra_paralogs; } public final void readDistanceMatrix( final File matrix_file ) throws IOException { DistanceMatrix[] matrices = null; final SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser parser = SymmetricalDistanceMatrixParser.createInstance(); matrices = parser.parse( matrix_file ); if ( ( matrices == null ) || ( matrices.length == 0 ) ) { throw new IOException( "failed to parse distance matrix from [" + matrix_file + "]" ); } if ( matrices.length > 1 ) { throw new IOException( "[" + matrix_file + "] contains more than once distance matrix" ); } _m = matrices[ 0 ]; } /** * Brings this into the same state as immediately after construction. */ private final void reset() { _o_hash_maps = null; _so_hash_maps = null; _up_hash_maps = null; _seq_names = null; _m = null; _l = null; _bootstraps = 1; _ext_nodes_ = 0; _time = 0; } /** * Sets the numbers of trees analyzed. * @param the * numbers of trees analyzed */ private void setBootstraps( int i ) { if ( i < 1 ) { i = 1; } _bootstraps = i; } /** * Sets number of ext nodes in gene trees analyzed (after stripping). * @param the * number of ext nodes in gene trees analyzed (after stripping) */ private void setExtNodesOfAnalyzedGeneTrees( int i ) { if ( i < 1 ) { i = 0; } _ext_nodes_ = i; } // Helper for doInferOrthologs( Phylogeny, Phylogeny, String ) // and doInferOrthologs( Phylogeny, Phylogeny ). private void updateHash( final HashMap> counter_map, final String query_seq_name, final List nodes ) { final HashMap hash_map = counter_map.get( query_seq_name ); if ( hash_map == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected failure in method updateHash." ); } for( int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); ++j ) { final String seq_name = ( nodes.get( j ) ).getNodeData().getSequence().getName(); if ( hash_map.containsKey( seq_name ) ) { hash_map.put( seq_name, hash_map.get( seq_name ) + 1 ); } else { hash_map.put( seq_name, 1 ); } } } // Helper method for inferredOrthologsToString // and inferredUltraParalogsToString. private final static String addNameAndValues( final String name, final double value1, final double value2, final double value3, final double value4, final int sort ) { final java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat( "0.#####" ); df.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown( false ); String line = ""; if ( name.length() < 8 ) { line += ( name + "\t\t\t" ); } else if ( name.length() < 16 ) { line += ( name + "\t\t" ); } else { line += ( name + "\t" ); } switch ( sort ) { case 0: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; line += "-\t"; line += "-\t"; break; case 1: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += "-\t"; break; case 2: line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; break; case 3: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value2, df ); break; case 4: line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += "-\t"; line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value1, df ); break; case 5: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); break; case 6: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); break; case 7: line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); break; case 8: line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); break; case 9: line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value1, df ); break; case 10: line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += addToLine( value1, df ); break; case 11: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += "-\t"; line += addToLine( value3, df ); break; case 12: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value4, df ); break; case 13: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += addToLine( value4, df ); break; case 14: line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value4, df ); break; case 15: line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value4, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); break; case 16: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); line += addToLine( value4, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); break; case 17: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); line += addToLine( value4, df ); line += addToLine( value3, df ); break; case 90: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += "-\t"; break; case 91: line += addToLine( value1, df ); line += addToLine( value2, df ); break; } line += ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR; return line; } // Helper for addNameAndValues. private final static String addToLine( final double value, final java.text.DecimalFormat df ) { String s = ""; if ( value != Tuplet.DEFAULT ) { s = df.format( value ) + "\t"; } else { s = "-\t"; } return s; } private static String[] getAllExternalSequenceNames( final Phylogeny phy ) { if ( phy.isEmpty() ) { return null; } int i = 0; final String[] names = new String[ phy.getNumberOfExternalNodes() ]; for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = phy.iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { names[ i++ ] = iter.next().getNodeData().getSequence().getName(); } return names; } /** * Returns the order in which ortholog (o), "super ortholog" (s) and * distance (d) are returned and sorted (priority of sort always goes from * left to right), given sort. For the meaning of sort * * @see #inferredOrthologsToString(String,int,double,double) * * @param sort * determines order and sort priority * @return String indicating the order */ public final static String getOrder( final int sort ) { String order = ""; switch ( sort ) { case 0: order = "orthologies"; break; case 1: order = "orthologies > super orthologies"; break; case 2: order = "super orthologies > orthologies"; break; case 3: order = "orthologies > distance to query"; break; case 4: order = "distance to query > orthologies"; break; case 5: order = "orthologies > super orthologies > distance to query"; break; case 6: order = "orthologies > distance to query > super orthologies"; break; case 7: order = "super orthologies > orthologies > distance to query"; break; case 8: order = "super orthologies > distance to query > orthologies"; break; case 9: order = "distance to query > orthologies > super orthologies"; break; case 10: order = "distance to query > super orthologies > orthologies"; break; case 11: order = "orthologies > subtree neighbors > distance to query"; break; case 12: order = "orthologies > subtree neighbors > super orthologies > distance to query"; break; case 13: order = "orthologies > super orthologies > subtree neighbors > distance to query"; break; case 14: order = "subtree neighbors > orthologies > super orthologies > distance to query"; break; case 15: order = "subtree neighbors > distance to query > orthologies > super orthologies"; break; case 16: order = "orthologies > distance to query > subtree neighbors > super orthologies"; break; case 17: order = "orthologies > subtree neighbors > distance to query > super orthologies"; break; default: order = "orthologies"; break; } return order; } public final static StringBuffer getOrderHelp() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append( " 0: orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 1: orthologies > super orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 2: super orthologies > orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 3: orthologies > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 4: distance to query > orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 5: orthologies > super orthologies > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 6: orthologies > distance to query > super orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 7: super orthologies > orthologies > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 8: super orthologies > distance to query > orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 9: distance to query > orthologies > super orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 10: distance to query > super orthologies > orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 11: orthologies > subtree neighbors > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 12: orthologies > subtree neighbors > super orthologies > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 13: orthologies > super orthologies > subtree neighbors > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 14: subtree neighbors > orthologies > super orthologies > distance to query" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 15: subtree neighbors > distance to query > orthologies > super orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 16: orthologies > distance to query > subtree neighbors > super orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); sb.append( " 17: orthologies > subtree neighbors > distance to query > super orthologies" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); return sb; } private final static List getSubtreeNeighbors( final PhylogenyNode query, final int level ) { PhylogenyNode node = query; if ( !node.isExternal() ) { return null; } if ( !node.isRoot() ) { node = node.getParent(); } if ( level == 2 ) { if ( !node.isRoot() ) { node = node.getParent(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "currently only supporting level 2 subtree neighbors " ); } final List sn = node.getAllExternalDescendants(); sn.remove( query ); return sn; } }