// $Id: // $ // // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.surfacing; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.forester.application.surfacing; import org.forester.go.GoId; import org.forester.go.GoTerm; import org.forester.protein.BinaryDomainCombination; import org.forester.protein.Protein; import org.forester.species.Species; import org.forester.util.BasicDescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; /* * Poorly designed static class which essential has one method: * calculateCopyNumberDifferences. */ public final class DomainCountsDifferenceUtil { private final static NumberFormat FORMATTER = new DecimalFormat( "0.0E0" ); private static final COPY_CALCULATION_MODE COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_TARGET_SPECIES = COPY_CALCULATION_MODE.MIN; private static final COPY_CALCULATION_MODE COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_BASE_SPECIES = COPY_CALCULATION_MODE.MIN; private static final COPY_CALCULATION_MODE COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_LOW_COPY_SPECIES = COPY_CALCULATION_MODE.MAX; private static final String PLUS_MINUS_PROTEINS_FILE_DOM_SUFFIX = ".prot"; //FIXME really needs to be tested! private static void addCounts( final SortedMap> copy_counts, final BinaryDomainCombination dc, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome, final Set bdc ) { if ( !copy_counts.containsKey( dc ) ) { copy_counts.put( dc, new ArrayList() ); } if ( bdc.contains( dc ) && ( ( ( BasicCombinableDomains ) genome.get( dc.getId0() ) ).getCombiningDomains().get( dc.getId1() ) != null ) ) { final int count = ( ( BasicCombinableDomains ) genome.get( dc.getId0() ) ).getCombiningDomains() .get( dc.getId1() ); copy_counts.get( dc ).add( count ); } else { copy_counts.get( dc ).add( 0 ); } } private static void addCounts( final SortedMap> copy_counts, final String domain, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome ) { if ( !copy_counts.containsKey( domain ) ) { copy_counts.put( domain, new ArrayList() ); } if ( genome.contains( domain ) ) { copy_counts.get( domain ).add( genome.get( domain ).getKeyDomainProteinsCount() ); } else { copy_counts.get( domain ).add( 0 ); } } private static StringBuilder addGoInformation( final String d, final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ( ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map == null ) || domain_id_to_go_ids_map.isEmpty() || !domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( d ) ) { return sb; } final List go_ids = domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( d ); for( int i = 0; i < go_ids.size(); ++i ) { final GoId go_id = go_ids.get( i ); if ( go_id_to_term_map.containsKey( go_id ) ) { appendGoTerm( sb, go_id_to_term_map.get( go_id ) ); sb.append( "
" ); } else { sb.append( "go id \"" + go_id + "\" not found [" + d + "]" ); } } return sb; } private static void appendGoTerm( final StringBuilder sb, final GoTerm go_term ) { final GoId go_id = go_term.getGoId(); sb.append( "" + go_id + "" ); sb.append( ":" ); sb.append( go_term.getName() ); sb.append( " [" ); sb.append( go_term.getGoNameSpace().toShortString() ); sb.append( "]" ); } public static void calculateCopyNumberDifferences( final List genomes, final SortedMap> protein_lists_per_species, final List high_copy_base_species, final List high_copy_target_species, final List low_copy_species, final int min_diff, final Double factor, final File plain_output_dom, final File html_output_dom, final File html_output_dc, final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final File all_domains_go_ids_out_dom, final File passing_domains_go_ids_out_dom, final File proteins_file_base ) throws IOException { if ( genomes.size() < 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to use empty list of genomes for domain difference calculation" ); } if ( ( high_copy_base_species.size() < 1 ) || ( low_copy_species.size() < 1 ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to use empty list of species for domain difference calculation" ); } if ( high_copy_base_species.contains( high_copy_target_species ) || low_copy_species.contains( high_copy_target_species ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "species [" + high_copy_target_species + "] appears in other list as well" ); } if ( min_diff < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to use negative addition [" + min_diff + "]" ); } if ( factor <= 0.0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to use factor equal or smaller than 0.0 [" + factor + "]" ); } SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( plain_output_dom ); SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( html_output_dom ); SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( html_output_dc ); SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( all_domains_go_ids_out_dom ); SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( passing_domains_go_ids_out_dom ); final Writer plain_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( plain_output_dom ) ); final Writer html_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( html_output_dom ) ); final Writer html_writer_dc = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( html_output_dc ) ); final Writer all_gos_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( all_domains_go_ids_out_dom ) ); final Writer passing_gos_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( passing_domains_go_ids_out_dom ) ); final SortedMap high_copy_base_values = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap high_copy_target_values = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap low_copy_values = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap> high_copy_base_copy_counts = new TreeMap>(); final SortedMap> high_copy_target_copy_counts = new TreeMap>(); final SortedMap> low_copy_copy_counts = new TreeMap>(); final SortedSet all_domains = new TreeSet(); final SortedMap high_copy_base_values_dc = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap high_copy_target_values_dc = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap low_copy_values_dc = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap> high_copy_base_copy_counts_dc = new TreeMap>(); final SortedMap> high_copy_target_copy_counts_dc = new TreeMap>(); final SortedMap> low_copy_copy_counts_dc = new TreeMap>(); final SortedSet all_dcs = new TreeSet(); final Map> bdcs_per_genome = new HashMap>(); final SortedSet go_ids_of_passing_domains = new TreeSet(); final SortedSet go_ids_all = new TreeSet(); for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome : genomes ) { final SortedSet domains = genome.getAllDomainIds(); final SortedSet dcs = genome.toBinaryDomainCombinations(); final String species = genome.getSpecies().getSpeciesId(); bdcs_per_genome.put( species, genome.toBinaryDomainCombinations() ); for( final String d : domains ) { all_domains.add( d ); if ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( d ) ) { go_ids_all.addAll( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( d ) ); } } for( final BinaryDomainCombination dc : dcs ) { all_dcs.add( dc ); } } for( final String domain : all_domains ) { for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome : genomes ) { final String species = genome.getSpecies().getSpeciesId(); if ( high_copy_base_species.contains( species ) ) { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.addCounts( high_copy_base_copy_counts, domain, genome ); } if ( high_copy_target_species.contains( species ) ) { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.addCounts( high_copy_target_copy_counts, domain, genome ); } if ( low_copy_species.contains( species ) ) { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.addCounts( low_copy_copy_counts, domain, genome ); } } } for( final BinaryDomainCombination dc : all_dcs ) { for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome : genomes ) { final String species = genome.getSpecies().getSpeciesId(); if ( high_copy_base_species.contains( species ) ) { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.addCounts( high_copy_base_copy_counts_dc, dc, genome, bdcs_per_genome.get( species ) ); } if ( high_copy_target_species.contains( species ) ) { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.addCounts( high_copy_target_copy_counts_dc, dc, genome, bdcs_per_genome.get( species ) ); } if ( low_copy_species.contains( species ) ) { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.addCounts( low_copy_copy_counts_dc, dc, genome, bdcs_per_genome.get( species ) ); } } } for( final String domain : all_domains ) { calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( high_copy_target_values, high_copy_target_copy_counts, domain, COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_TARGET_SPECIES ); calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( high_copy_base_values, high_copy_base_copy_counts, domain, COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_BASE_SPECIES ); calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( low_copy_values, low_copy_copy_counts, domain, COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_LOW_COPY_SPECIES ); } for( final BinaryDomainCombination dc : all_dcs ) { calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( high_copy_target_values_dc, high_copy_target_copy_counts_dc, dc, COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_TARGET_SPECIES ); calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( high_copy_base_values_dc, high_copy_base_copy_counts_dc, dc, COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_BASE_SPECIES ); calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( low_copy_values_dc, low_copy_copy_counts_dc, dc, COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_LOW_COPY_SPECIES ); } writeDomainValuesToFiles( genomes, high_copy_base_species, high_copy_target_species, low_copy_species, min_diff, factor, domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, plain_writer, html_writer, proteins_file_base, high_copy_base_values, high_copy_target_values, low_copy_values, all_domains, go_ids_of_passing_domains, protein_lists_per_species ); writeDomainCombinationValuesToFiles( genomes, high_copy_base_species, high_copy_target_species, low_copy_species, min_diff, factor, html_writer_dc, high_copy_base_values_dc, high_copy_target_values_dc, low_copy_values_dc, all_dcs, bdcs_per_genome ); writeGoIdsToFile( all_gos_writer, go_ids_all ); writeGoIdsToFile( passing_gos_writer, go_ids_of_passing_domains ); } private static void calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( final SortedMap copy_values, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final BinaryDomainCombination bdc, final COPY_CALCULATION_MODE copy_calc_mode ) { if ( copy_counts.containsKey( bdc ) ) { switch ( copy_calc_mode ) { case MAX: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMaxCount( copy_values, copy_counts, bdc ); break; case MIN: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMinCount( copy_values, copy_counts, bdc ); break; case MEAN: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMeanCount( copy_values, copy_counts, bdc ); break; case MEDIAN: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMedianCount( copy_values, copy_counts, bdc ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { copy_values.put( bdc, Double.valueOf( 0.0 ) ); } } private static void calculateDomainCountsBasedValue( final SortedMap copy_values, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final String domain, final COPY_CALCULATION_MODE copy_calc_mode ) { if ( copy_counts.containsKey( domain ) ) { switch ( copy_calc_mode ) { case MAX: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMaxCount( copy_values, copy_counts, domain ); break; case MIN: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMinCount( copy_values, copy_counts, domain ); break; case MEAN: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMeanCount( copy_values, copy_counts, domain ); break; case MEDIAN: DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateMedianCount( copy_values, copy_counts, domain ); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { copy_values.put( domain, Double.valueOf( 0.0 ) ); } } private static void calculateMaxCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final BinaryDomainCombination bdc ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( bdc ); int max = 0; for( final Integer count : counts ) { if ( count > max ) { max = count; } } results.put( bdc, ( double ) max ); } private static void calculateMaxCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final String domain ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( domain ); int max = 0; for( final Integer count : counts ) { if ( count > max ) { max = count; } } results.put( domain, ( double ) max ); } private static void calculateMeanCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final BinaryDomainCombination bdc ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( bdc ); int sum = 0; for( final Integer count : counts ) { sum += count; } results.put( bdc, ( ( double ) sum ) / ( ( double ) counts.size() ) ); } private static void calculateMeanCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final String domain ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( domain ); int sum = 0; for( final Integer count : counts ) { sum += count; } results.put( domain, ( ( double ) sum ) / ( ( double ) counts.size() ) ); } private static void calculateMedianCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final BinaryDomainCombination bdc ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( bdc ); final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); for( final Integer count : counts ) { stats.addValue( count ); } results.put( bdc, stats.median() ); } private static void calculateMedianCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final String domain ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( domain ); final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); for( final Integer count : counts ) { stats.addValue( count ); } results.put( domain, stats.median() ); } private static void calculateMinCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final BinaryDomainCombination bdc ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( bdc ); int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for( final Integer count : counts ) { if ( count < min ) { min = count; } } results.put( bdc, ( double ) min ); } private static void calculateMinCount( final SortedMap results, final SortedMap> copy_counts, final String domain ) { final List counts = copy_counts.get( domain ); int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for( final Integer count : counts ) { if ( count < min ) { min = count; } } results.put( domain, ( double ) min ); } private static String combinableDomaindToString( final CombinableDomains cd ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( cd.getKeyDomainProteinsCount() ); sb.append( "\t[" ); sb.append( FORMATTER.format( cd.getKeyDomainConfidenceDescriptiveStatistics().median() ) ); sb.append( "]" ); return sb.toString(); } private static String combinableDomaindToStringHtml( final CombinableDomains cd ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "[" ); sb.append( cd.getKeyDomainCount() ); sb.append( ", " ); sb.append( cd.getKeyDomainProteinsCount() ); sb.append( ", " ); sb.append( cd.getNumberOfCombinableDomains() ); sb.append( "][" ); sb.append( FORMATTER.format( cd.getKeyDomainConfidenceDescriptiveStatistics().median() ) ); sb.append( "]" ); sb.append( cd.getCombiningDomainIdsAsStringBuilder() ); return sb.toString(); } private static void writeCopyNumberValues( final SortedMap copy_means, final BinaryDomainCombination bdc, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome, final Map> bdcs_per_genome, final String species, final Writer html_writer, final String color ) throws IOException { html_writer.write( " " ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( color ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); } html_writer.write( "" + species + ": " ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( color ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); } html_writer.write( "" ); if ( bdcs_per_genome.get( species ).contains( bdc ) && ( copy_means.get( bdc ) > 0 ) ) { final int count = ( ( BasicCombinableDomains ) genome.get( bdc.getId0() ) ).getCombiningDomains() .get( bdc.getId1() ); html_writer.write( count + "" ); } else { html_writer.write( "0" ); } html_writer.write( "" ); } private static void writeCopyNumberValues( final SortedMap copy_means, final String domain, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome, final String species, final Writer plain_writer, final Writer html_writer, final String color ) throws IOException { plain_writer.write( " " + species + "\t" ); html_writer.write( " " ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( color ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); } html_writer.write( "" + species + ": " ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( color ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); } html_writer.write( "" ); if ( genome.contains( domain ) && ( copy_means.get( domain ) > 0 ) ) { plain_writer.write( DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.combinableDomaindToString( genome.get( domain ) ) ); html_writer.write( DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.combinableDomaindToStringHtml( genome.get( domain ) ) ); } else { plain_writer.write( "0" ); html_writer.write( "0" ); } html_writer.write( "" ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } private static void writeDomainCombinationValuesToFiles( final List genomes, final List high_copy_base_species, final List high_copy_target_species, final List low_copy_species, final int min_diff, final Double factor, final Writer html_writer, final SortedMap high_copy_base_values, final SortedMap high_copy_target_values, final SortedMap low_copy_values, final SortedSet all_bdcs, final Map> bdcs_per_genome ) throws IOException { int counter = 0; int total_absense_counter = 0; int not_total_absense_counter = 0; SurfacingUtil.addHtmlHead( html_writer, "Binary Domain Combination Copy Differences" ); html_writer.write( "" ); for( final BinaryDomainCombination bdc : all_bdcs ) { if ( ( high_copy_base_values.get( bdc ) > 0 ) && ( high_copy_target_values.get( bdc ) > 0 ) && ( high_copy_base_values.get( bdc ) >= low_copy_values.get( bdc ) ) ) { if ( high_copy_target_values.get( bdc ) >= ( min_diff + ( factor * low_copy_values.get( bdc ) ) ) ) { if ( low_copy_values.get( bdc ) <= 0.0 ) { ++total_absense_counter; } else { ++not_total_absense_counter; } ++counter; html_writer.write( "" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } } html_writer.write( "
" + bdc.getId0() + " = " + bdc.getId1() + "" ); html_writer.write( "" ); html_writer.write( "" ); for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome : genomes ) { final String species = genome.getSpecies().getSpeciesId(); if ( high_copy_target_species.contains( species ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); writeCopyNumberValues( high_copy_target_values, bdc, genome, bdcs_per_genome, species, html_writer, "#0000FF" ); html_writer.write( "" ); } else if ( low_copy_species.contains( species ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); writeCopyNumberValues( low_copy_values, bdc, genome, bdcs_per_genome, species, html_writer, "#A0A0A0" ); html_writer.write( "" ); } else if ( high_copy_base_species.contains( species ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); writeCopyNumberValues( high_copy_base_values, bdc, genome, bdcs_per_genome, species, html_writer, "#404040" ); html_writer.write( "" ); } } html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "Rule 1: high-copy-base > 0 && high-copy-target > 0 && high-copy-base >= low-copy" ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "Rule 2: high-copy-target >= minimal-difference + ( factor * low-copy )" ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "Calculation mode for high copy target : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_TARGET_SPECIES ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Calculation mode for high copy base : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_BASE_SPECIES ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Calculation mode for low copy : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_LOW_COPY_SPECIES ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Minimal difference : " + min_diff ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Factor : " + factor ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Lower copy binary domain combinations : " + counter ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Total absence : " + total_absense_counter ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Not total absence : " + not_total_absense_counter ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Total binary domain combinations : " + all_bdcs.size() ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.close(); } private static void writeDomainValuesToFiles( final List genomes, final List high_copy_base_species, final List high_copy_target_species, final List low_copy_species, final int min_diff, final Double factor, final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final Writer plain_writer, final Writer html_writer, final File proteins_file_base, final SortedMap high_copy_base_values, final SortedMap high_copy_target_values, final SortedMap low_copy_values, final SortedSet all_domains, final SortedSet go_ids_of_passing_domains, final SortedMap> protein_lists_per_species ) throws IOException { int counter = 0; int total_absense_counter = 0; int not_total_absense_counter = 0; SurfacingUtil.addHtmlHead( html_writer, "Domain Copy Differences" ); html_writer.write( "" ); for( final String domain_id : all_domains ) { if ( ( high_copy_base_values.get( domain_id ) > 0 ) && ( high_copy_target_values.get( domain_id ) > 0 ) && ( high_copy_base_values.get( domain_id ) >= low_copy_values.get( domain_id ) ) ) { if ( high_copy_target_values.get( domain_id ) >= ( min_diff + ( factor * low_copy_values .get( domain_id ) ) ) ) { if ( low_copy_values.get( domain_id ) <= 0.0 ) { ++total_absense_counter; } else { ++not_total_absense_counter; } ++counter; writeProteinsToFile( proteins_file_base, protein_lists_per_species, domain_id ); if ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( domain_id ) ) { go_ids_of_passing_domains.addAll( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( domain_id ) ); } plain_writer.write( domain_id ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } } html_writer.write( "
" + domain_id + "" ); html_writer.write( addGoInformation( domain_id, domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map ) .toString() ); html_writer.write( "" ); html_writer.write( "" ); for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome : genomes ) { final String species = genome.getSpecies().getSpeciesId(); if ( high_copy_target_species.contains( species ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); writeCopyNumberValues( high_copy_target_values, domain_id, genome, species, plain_writer, html_writer, "#0000FF" ); html_writer.write( "" ); } else if ( low_copy_species.contains( species ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); writeCopyNumberValues( low_copy_values, domain_id, genome, species, plain_writer, html_writer, "#A0A0A0" ); html_writer.write( "" ); } else if ( high_copy_base_species.contains( species ) ) { html_writer.write( "" ); writeCopyNumberValues( high_copy_base_values, domain_id, genome, species, plain_writer, html_writer, "#404040" ); html_writer.write( "" ); } } html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "Rule 1: high-copy-base > 0 && high-copy-target > 0 && high-copy-base >= low-copy" ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "Rule 2: high-copy-target >= minimal-difference + ( factor * low-copy )" ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "Calculation mode for high copy target : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_TARGET_SPECIES ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Calculation mode for high copy base : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_BASE_SPECIES ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Calculation mode for low copy : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_LOW_COPY_SPECIES ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Minimal difference : " + min_diff ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Factor : " + factor ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Lower copy domains : " + counter ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Total absence : " + total_absense_counter ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Not total absence : " + not_total_absense_counter ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( "Total domains : " + all_domains.size() ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "
" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.write( "" ); html_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); html_writer.close(); plain_writer.write( "# Rule 1: high-copy-base > 0 && high-copy-target > 0 && high-copy-base >= low-copy" ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Rule 2: high-copy-target >= minimal-difference + ( factor * low-copy )" ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Calculation mode for high copy target: " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_TARGET_SPECIES ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Calculation mode for high copy base : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_HIGH_COPY_BASE_SPECIES ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Calculation mode for low copy : " + COPY_CALC_MODE_FOR_LOW_COPY_SPECIES ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Minimal difference: " + min_diff ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Factor : " + factor ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Lower copy domains: " + counter ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Total absence : " + total_absense_counter ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Not total absence : " + not_total_absense_counter ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.write( "# Total domains : " + all_domains.size() ); plain_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); plain_writer.close(); } private static void writeGoIdsToFile( final Writer writer, final SortedSet gos ) throws IOException { for( final GoId go_id : gos ) { writer.write( go_id.toString() ); writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } writer.close(); } private static void writeProteinsToFile( final File proteins_file_base, final SortedMap> protein_lists_per_species, final String domain_id ) throws IOException { final File my_proteins_file = new File( proteins_file_base.getParentFile() + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + domain_id + PLUS_MINUS_PROTEINS_FILE_DOM_SUFFIX ); SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( my_proteins_file ); final Writer proteins_file_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( my_proteins_file ) ); SurfacingUtil.extractProteinNames( protein_lists_per_species, domain_id, proteins_file_writer, "\t", surfacing.LIMIT_SPEC_FOR_PROT_EX, -1 ); proteins_file_writer.close(); System.out.println( "Wrote proteins list to \"" + my_proteins_file + "\"" ); } public static enum COPY_CALCULATION_MODE { MEAN, MEDIAN, MAX, MIN } }