// $Id: // // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.surfacing; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.forester.application.surfacing; import org.forester.evoinference.distance.NeighborJoining; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.BasicCharacterStateMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix.BinaryStates; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix.Format; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.distance.BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix; import org.forester.evoinference.matrix.distance.DistanceMatrix; import org.forester.go.GoId; import org.forester.go.GoNameSpace; import org.forester.go.GoTerm; import org.forester.go.PfamToGoMapping; import org.forester.io.parsers.nexus.NexusConstants; import org.forester.io.parsers.phyloxml.PhyloXmlUtil; import org.forester.io.parsers.util.ParserUtils; import org.forester.io.writers.PhylogenyWriter; import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode; import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode.NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.BinaryCharacters; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Confidence; import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy; import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory; import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator; import org.forester.protein.BasicDomain; import org.forester.protein.BasicProtein; import org.forester.protein.BinaryDomainCombination; import org.forester.protein.Domain; import org.forester.protein.Protein; import org.forester.species.Species; import org.forester.surfacing.DomainSimilarityCalculator.Detailedness; import org.forester.surfacing.GenomeWideCombinableDomains.GenomeWideCombinableDomainsSortOrder; import org.forester.surfacing.PrintableDomainSimilarity.PRINT_OPTION; import org.forester.util.AsciiHistogram; import org.forester.util.BasicDescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.BasicTable; import org.forester.util.BasicTableParser; import org.forester.util.CommandLineArguments; import org.forester.util.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil; import org.forester.util.TaxonomyColors; public final class SurfacingUtil { final static class DomainComparator implements Comparator { final private boolean _ascending; public DomainComparator( final boolean ascending ) { _ascending = ascending; } @Override public final int compare( final Domain d0, final Domain d1 ) { if ( d0.getFrom() < d1.getFrom() ) { return _ascending ? -1 : 1; } else if ( d0.getFrom() > d1.getFrom() ) { return _ascending ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } } private final static NumberFormat FORMATTER_3 = new DecimalFormat( "0.000" ); private static final Comparator ASCENDING_CONFIDENCE_VALUE_ORDER = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare( final Domain d1, final Domain d2 ) { if ( d1.getPerSequenceEvalue() < d2 .getPerSequenceEvalue() ) { return -1; } else if ( d1 .getPerSequenceEvalue() > d2 .getPerSequenceEvalue() ) { return 1; } else { return d1.compareTo( d2 ); } } }; public final static Pattern PATTERN_SP_STYLE_TAXONOMY = Pattern.compile( "^[A-Z0-9]{3,5}$" ); private final static Map _TAXCODE_HEXCOLORSTRING_MAP = new HashMap(); public static void addAllBinaryDomainCombinationToSet( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome, final SortedSet binary_domain_combinations ) { final SortedMap all_cd = genome.getAllCombinableDomainsIds(); for( final String domain_id : all_cd.keySet() ) { binary_domain_combinations.addAll( all_cd.get( domain_id ).toBinaryDomainCombinations() ); } } public static void addAllDomainIdsToSet( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains genome, final SortedSet domain_ids ) { final SortedSet domains = genome.getAllDomainIds(); for( final String domain : domains ) { domain_ids.add( domain ); } } public static void writeHtmlHead( final Writer w, final String title ) throws IOException { w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( "" ); w.write( title ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } private final static void addToCountMap( final Map map, final String s ) { if ( map.containsKey( s ) ) { map.put( s, map.get( s ) + 1 ); } else { map.put( s, 1 ); } } public static DescriptiveStatistics calculateDescriptiveStatisticsForMeanValues( final Set similarities ) { final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); for( final DomainSimilarity similarity : similarities ) { stats.addValue( similarity.getMeanSimilarityScore() ); } return stats; } private static void calculateIndependentDomainCombinationGains( final Phylogeny local_phylogeny_l, final String outfilename_for_counts, final String outfilename_for_dc, final String outfilename_for_dc_for_go_mapping, final String outfilename_for_dc_for_go_mapping_unique, final String outfilename_for_rank_counts, final String outfilename_for_ancestor_species_counts, final String outfilename_for_protein_stats, final Map protein_length_stats_by_dc, final Map domain_number_stats_by_dc, final Map domain_length_stats_by_domain ) { try { // // if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) { // for( final Entry entry : protein_length_stats_by_dc.entrySet() ) { // System.out.print( entry.getKey().toString() ); // System.out.print( ": " ); // double[] a = entry.getValue().getDataAsDoubleArray(); // for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) { // System.out.print( a[ i ] + " " ); // } // System.out.println(); // } // } // if ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) { // for( final Entry entry : domain_number_stats_by_dc.entrySet() ) { // System.out.print( entry.getKey().toString() ); // System.out.print( ": " ); // double[] a = entry.getValue().getDataAsDoubleArray(); // for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) { // System.out.print( a[ i ] + " " ); // } // System.out.println(); // } // } // final BufferedWriter out_counts = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_counts ) ); final BufferedWriter out_dc = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_dc ) ); final BufferedWriter out_dc_for_go_mapping = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_dc_for_go_mapping ) ); final BufferedWriter out_dc_for_go_mapping_unique = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_dc_for_go_mapping_unique ) ); final SortedMap dc_gain_counts = new TreeMap(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = local_phylogeny_l.iteratorPostorder(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); final Set gained_dc = n.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters().getGainedCharacters(); for( final String dc : gained_dc ) { if ( dc_gain_counts.containsKey( dc ) ) { dc_gain_counts.put( dc, dc_gain_counts.get( dc ) + 1 ); } else { dc_gain_counts.put( dc, 1 ); } } } final SortedMap histogram = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap domain_lists = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap> domain_lists_go = new TreeMap>(); final SortedMap> domain_lists_go_unique = new TreeMap>(); final Set dcs = dc_gain_counts.keySet(); final SortedSet more_than_once = new TreeSet(); DescriptiveStatistics gained_once_lengths_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics gained_once_domain_count_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics gained_multiple_times_lengths_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); final DescriptiveStatistics gained_multiple_times_domain_count_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); long gained_multiple_times_domain_length_sum = 0; long gained_once_domain_length_sum = 0; long gained_multiple_times_domain_length_count = 0; long gained_once_domain_length_count = 0; for( final String dc : dcs ) { final int count = dc_gain_counts.get( dc ); if ( histogram.containsKey( count ) ) { histogram.put( count, histogram.get( count ) + 1 ); domain_lists.get( count ).append( ", " + dc ); domain_lists_go.get( count ).addAll( splitDomainCombination( dc ) ); domain_lists_go_unique.get( count ).addAll( splitDomainCombination( dc ) ); } else { histogram.put( count, 1 ); domain_lists.put( count, new StringBuilder( dc ) ); final PriorityQueue q = new PriorityQueue(); q.addAll( splitDomainCombination( dc ) ); domain_lists_go.put( count, q ); final SortedSet set = new TreeSet(); set.addAll( splitDomainCombination( dc ) ); domain_lists_go_unique.put( count, set ); } if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) { if ( !dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats.containsKey( count ) ) { dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats.put( count, new BasicDescriptiveStatistics() ); } dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats.get( count ).addValue( protein_length_stats_by_dc.get( dc ) .arithmeticMean() ); } if ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) { if ( !dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats.containsKey( count ) ) { dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats.put( count, new BasicDescriptiveStatistics() ); } dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats.get( count ).addValue( domain_number_stats_by_dc.get( dc ) .arithmeticMean() ); } if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) { if ( !dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.containsKey( count ) ) { dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.put( count, new BasicDescriptiveStatistics() ); } final String[] ds = dc.split( "=" ); dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.get( count ).addValue( domain_length_stats_by_domain .get( ds[ 0 ] ).arithmeticMean() ); dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.get( count ).addValue( domain_length_stats_by_domain .get( ds[ 1 ] ).arithmeticMean() ); } if ( count > 1 ) { more_than_once.add( dc ); if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) { final DescriptiveStatistics s = protein_length_stats_by_dc.get( dc ); for( final double element : s.getData() ) { gained_multiple_times_lengths_stats.addValue( element ); } } if ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) { final DescriptiveStatistics s = domain_number_stats_by_dc.get( dc ); for( final double element : s.getData() ) { gained_multiple_times_domain_count_stats.addValue( element ); } } if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) { final String[] ds = dc.split( "=" ); final DescriptiveStatistics s0 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 0 ] ); final DescriptiveStatistics s1 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 1 ] ); for( final double element : s0.getData() ) { gained_multiple_times_domain_length_sum += element; ++gained_multiple_times_domain_length_count; } for( final double element : s1.getData() ) { gained_multiple_times_domain_length_sum += element; ++gained_multiple_times_domain_length_count; } } } else { if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) { final DescriptiveStatistics s = protein_length_stats_by_dc.get( dc ); for( final double element : s.getData() ) { gained_once_lengths_stats.addValue( element ); } } if ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) { final DescriptiveStatistics s = domain_number_stats_by_dc.get( dc ); for( final double element : s.getData() ) { gained_once_domain_count_stats.addValue( element ); } } if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) { final String[] ds = dc.split( "=" ); final DescriptiveStatistics s0 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 0 ] ); final DescriptiveStatistics s1 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 1 ] ); for( final double element : s0.getData() ) { gained_once_domain_length_sum += element; ++gained_once_domain_length_count; } for( final double element : s1.getData() ) { gained_once_domain_length_sum += element; ++gained_once_domain_length_count; } } } } final Set histogram_keys = histogram.keySet(); for( final Integer histogram_key : histogram_keys ) { final int count = histogram.get( histogram_key ); final StringBuilder dc = domain_lists.get( histogram_key ); out_counts.write( histogram_key + "\t" + count + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out_dc.write( histogram_key + "\t" + dc + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out_dc_for_go_mapping.write( "#" + histogram_key + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final Object[] sorted = domain_lists_go.get( histogram_key ).toArray(); Arrays.sort( sorted ); for( final Object domain : sorted ) { out_dc_for_go_mapping.write( domain + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } out_dc_for_go_mapping_unique.write( "#" + histogram_key + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); for( final String domain : domain_lists_go_unique.get( histogram_key ) ) { out_dc_for_go_mapping_unique.write( domain + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } out_counts.close(); out_dc.close(); out_dc_for_go_mapping.close(); out_dc_for_go_mapping_unique.close(); final SortedMap lca_rank_counts = new TreeMap(); final SortedMap lca_ancestor_species_counts = new TreeMap(); for( final String dc : more_than_once ) { final List nodes = new ArrayList(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = local_phylogeny_l.iteratorExternalForward(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); if ( n.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters().getGainedCharacters().contains( dc ) ) { nodes.add( n ); } } for( int i = 0; i < ( nodes.size() - 1 ); ++i ) { for( int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); ++j ) { final PhylogenyNode lca = PhylogenyMethods.calculateLCA( nodes.get( i ), nodes.get( j ) ); String rank = "unknown"; if ( lca.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( lca.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getRank() ) ) { rank = lca.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getRank(); } addToCountMap( lca_rank_counts, rank ); String lca_species; if ( lca.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( lca.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { lca_species = lca.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName(); } else if ( lca.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( lca.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ) ) { lca_species = lca.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName(); } else { lca_species = lca.getName(); } addToCountMap( lca_ancestor_species_counts, lca_species ); } } } final BufferedWriter out_for_rank_counts = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_rank_counts ) ); final BufferedWriter out_for_ancestor_species_counts = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_ancestor_species_counts ) ); ForesterUtil.map2writer( out_for_rank_counts, lca_rank_counts, "\t", ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); ForesterUtil.map2writer( out_for_ancestor_species_counts, lca_ancestor_species_counts, "\t", ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out_for_rank_counts.close(); out_for_ancestor_species_counts.close(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( outfilename_for_protein_stats ) && ( ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) || ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) || ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) ) ) { final BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_protein_stats ) ); w.write( "Domain Lengths: " ); w.write( "\n" ); if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) { for( final Entry entry : dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats .entrySet() ) { w.write( entry.getKey().toString() ); w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() ); w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().median() ); w.write( "\n" ); } } w.flush(); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Protein Lengths: " ); w.write( "\n" ); if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) { for( final Entry entry : dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats .entrySet() ) { w.write( entry.getKey().toString() ); w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() ); w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().median() ); w.write( "\n" ); } } w.flush(); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Number of domains: " ); w.write( "\n" ); if ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) { for( final Entry entry : dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats .entrySet() ) { w.write( entry.getKey().toString() ); w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() ); w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().median() ); w.write( "\n" ); } } w.flush(); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Gained once, domain lengths:" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "N: " + gained_once_domain_length_count ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Avg: " + ( ( double ) gained_once_domain_length_sum / gained_once_domain_length_count ) ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Gained multiple times, domain lengths:" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "N: " + gained_multiple_times_domain_length_count ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Avg: " + ( ( double ) gained_multiple_times_domain_length_sum / gained_multiple_times_domain_length_count ) ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Gained once, protein lengths:" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( gained_once_lengths_stats.toString() ); gained_once_lengths_stats = null; w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Gained once, domain counts:" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( gained_once_domain_count_stats.toString() ); gained_once_domain_count_stats = null; w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Gained multiple times, protein lengths:" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( gained_multiple_times_lengths_stats.toString() ); gained_multiple_times_lengths_stats = null; w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( "Gained multiple times, domain counts:" ); w.write( "\n" ); w.write( gained_multiple_times_domain_count_stats.toString() ); w.flush(); w.close(); } } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.printWarningMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Failure to write: " + e ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote independent domain combination gains fitch counts to [" + outfilename_for_counts + "]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote independent domain combination gains fitch lists to [" + outfilename_for_dc + "]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote independent domain combination gains fitch lists to (for GO mapping) [" + outfilename_for_dc_for_go_mapping + "]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote independent domain combination gains fitch lists to (for GO mapping, unique) [" + outfilename_for_dc_for_go_mapping_unique + "]" ); } public static void checkForOutputFileWriteability( final File outfile ) { final String error = ForesterUtil.isWritableFile( outfile ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, error ); } } public static void checkWriteabilityForPairwiseComparisons( final PrintableDomainSimilarity.PRINT_OPTION domain_similarity_print_option, final String[][] input_file_properties, final String automated_pairwise_comparison_suffix, final File outdir ) { for( int i = 0; i < input_file_properties.length; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < i; ++j ) { final String species_i = input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ]; final String species_j = input_file_properties[ j ][ 1 ]; String pairwise_similarities_output_file_str = surfacing.PAIRWISE_DOMAIN_COMPARISONS_PREFIX + species_i + "_" + species_j + automated_pairwise_comparison_suffix; switch ( domain_similarity_print_option ) { case HTML: if ( !pairwise_similarities_output_file_str.endsWith( ".html" ) ) { pairwise_similarities_output_file_str += ".html"; } break; } final String error = ForesterUtil .isWritableFile( new File( outdir == null ? pairwise_similarities_output_file_str : outdir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + pairwise_similarities_output_file_str ) ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, error ); } } } } private static SortedSet collectAllDomainsChangedOnSubtree( final PhylogenyNode subtree_root, final boolean get_gains ) { final SortedSet domains = new TreeSet(); for( final PhylogenyNode descendant : PhylogenyMethods.getAllDescendants( subtree_root ) ) { final BinaryCharacters chars = descendant.getNodeData().getBinaryCharacters(); if ( get_gains ) { domains.addAll( chars.getGainedCharacters() ); } else { domains.addAll( chars.getLostCharacters() ); } } return domains; } public static void collectChangedDomainCombinationsFromBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( final CharacterStateMatrix matrix, final BinaryDomainCombination.DomainCombinationType dc_type, final List all_binary_domains_combination_gained, final boolean get_gains ) { final SortedSet sorted_ids = new TreeSet(); for( int i = 0; i < matrix.getNumberOfIdentifiers(); ++i ) { sorted_ids.add( matrix.getIdentifier( i ) ); } for( final String id : sorted_ids ) { for( int c = 0; c < matrix.getNumberOfCharacters(); ++c ) { if ( ( get_gains && ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN ) ) || ( !get_gains && ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS ) ) ) { if ( dc_type == BinaryDomainCombination.DomainCombinationType.DIRECTED_ADJACTANT ) { all_binary_domains_combination_gained.add( AdjactantDirectedBinaryDomainCombination .createInstance( matrix.getCharacter( c ) ) ); } else if ( dc_type == BinaryDomainCombination.DomainCombinationType.DIRECTED ) { all_binary_domains_combination_gained.add( DirectedBinaryDomainCombination .createInstance( matrix.getCharacter( c ) ) ); } else { all_binary_domains_combination_gained.add( BasicBinaryDomainCombination.createInstance( matrix .getCharacter( c ) ) ); } } } } } private static File createBaseDirForPerNodeDomainFiles( final String base_dir, final boolean domain_combinations, final CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates state, final String outfile ) { File per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = new File( new File( outfile ).getParent() + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + base_dir ); if ( !per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir.exists() ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir.mkdir(); } if ( domain_combinations ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + "DC" ); } else { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + "DOMAINS" ); } if ( !per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir.exists() ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir.mkdir(); } if ( state == GainLossStates.GAIN ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + "GAINS" ); } else if ( state == GainLossStates.LOSS ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + "LOSSES" ); } else { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + "PRESENT" ); } if ( !per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir.exists() ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir.mkdir(); } return per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir; } public static Map> createDomainIdToGoIdMap( final List pfam_to_go_mappings ) { final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map = new HashMap>( pfam_to_go_mappings.size() ); for( final PfamToGoMapping pfam_to_go : pfam_to_go_mappings ) { if ( !domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( pfam_to_go.getKey() ) ) { domain_id_to_go_ids_map.put( pfam_to_go.getKey(), new ArrayList() ); } domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( pfam_to_go.getKey() ).add( pfam_to_go.getValue() ); } return domain_id_to_go_ids_map; } public static Map> createDomainIdToSecondaryFeaturesMap( final File secondary_features_map_file ) throws IOException { final BasicTable primary_table = BasicTableParser.parse( secondary_features_map_file, '\t' ); final Map> map = new TreeMap>(); for( int r = 0; r < primary_table.getNumberOfRows(); ++r ) { final String domain_id = primary_table.getValue( 0, r ); if ( !map.containsKey( domain_id ) ) { map.put( domain_id, new HashSet() ); } map.get( domain_id ).add( primary_table.getValue( 1, r ) ); } return map; } public static Phylogeny createNjTreeBasedOnMatrixToFile( final File nj_tree_outfile, final DistanceMatrix distance ) { checkForOutputFileWriteability( nj_tree_outfile ); final NeighborJoining nj = NeighborJoining.createInstance(); final Phylogeny phylogeny = nj.execute( ( BasicSymmetricalDistanceMatrix ) distance ); phylogeny.setName( nj_tree_outfile.getName() ); writePhylogenyToFile( phylogeny, nj_tree_outfile.toString() ); return phylogeny; } public static StringBuilder createParametersAsString( final boolean ignore_dufs, final double e_value_max, final int max_allowed_overlap, final boolean no_engulfing_overlaps, final File cutoff_scores_file, final BinaryDomainCombination.DomainCombinationType dc_type ) { final StringBuilder parameters_sb = new StringBuilder(); parameters_sb.append( "E-value: " + e_value_max ); if ( cutoff_scores_file != null ) { parameters_sb.append( ", Cutoff-scores-file: " + cutoff_scores_file ); } else { parameters_sb.append( ", Cutoff-scores-file: not-set" ); } if ( max_allowed_overlap != surfacing.MAX_ALLOWED_OVERLAP_DEFAULT ) { parameters_sb.append( ", Max-overlap: " + max_allowed_overlap ); } else { parameters_sb.append( ", Max-overlap: not-set" ); } if ( no_engulfing_overlaps ) { parameters_sb.append( ", Engulfing-overlaps: not-allowed" ); } else { parameters_sb.append( ", Engulfing-overlaps: allowed" ); } if ( ignore_dufs ) { parameters_sb.append( ", Ignore-dufs: true" ); } else { parameters_sb.append( ", Ignore-dufs: false" ); } parameters_sb.append( ", DC type (if applicable): " + dc_type ); return parameters_sb; } private static SortedSet createSetOfAllBinaryDomainCombinationsPerGenome( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains gwcd ) { final SortedMap cds = gwcd.getAllCombinableDomainsIds(); final SortedSet binary_combinations = new TreeSet(); for( final String domain_id : cds.keySet() ) { final CombinableDomains cd = cds.get( domain_id ); binary_combinations.addAll( cd.toBinaryDomainCombinations() ); } return binary_combinations; } public static void createSplitWriters( final File out_dir, final String my_outfile, final Map split_writers ) throws IOException { split_writers.put( 'a', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_A.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'b', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_B.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'c', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_C.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'd', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_D.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'e', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_E.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'f', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_F.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'g', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_G.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'h', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_H.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'i', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_I.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'j', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_J.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'k', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_K.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'l', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_L.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'm', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_M.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'n', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_N.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'o', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_O.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'p', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_P.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'q', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_Q.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'r', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_R.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 's', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_S.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 't', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_T.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'u', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_U.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'v', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_V.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'w', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_W.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'x', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_X.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'y', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_Y.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( 'z', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_Z.html" ) ) ); split_writers.put( '0', new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + my_outfile + "_domains_0.html" ) ) ); } public static Map createTaxCodeToIdMap( final Phylogeny phy ) { final Map m = new HashMap(); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = phy.iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) { final Taxonomy t = n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy(); final String c = t.getTaxonomyCode(); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( c ) ) { if ( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() == null ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "no taxonomy id for node " + n ); } final String id = n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getIdentifier().getValue(); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( id ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "no taxonomy id for node " + n ); } if ( m.containsKey( c ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "taxonomy code " + c + " is not unique" ); } final int iid = Integer.valueOf( id ); if ( m.containsValue( iid ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "taxonomy id " + iid + " is not unique" ); } m.put( c, iid ); } } else { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "no taxonomy for node " + n ); } } return m; } public static void decoratePrintableDomainSimilarities( final SortedSet domain_similarities, final Detailedness detailedness ) { for( final DomainSimilarity domain_similarity : domain_similarities ) { if ( domain_similarity instanceof PrintableDomainSimilarity ) { final PrintableDomainSimilarity printable_domain_similarity = ( PrintableDomainSimilarity ) domain_similarity; printable_domain_similarity.setDetailedness( detailedness ); } } } public static void doit( final List proteins, final List query_domain_ids_nc_order, final Writer out, final String separator, final String limit_to_species, final Map> average_protein_lengths_by_dc ) throws IOException { for( final Protein protein : proteins ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( limit_to_species ) || protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId().equalsIgnoreCase( limit_to_species ) ) { if ( protein.contains( query_domain_ids_nc_order, true ) ) { out.write( protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId() ); out.write( separator ); out.write( protein.getProteinId().getId() ); out.write( separator ); out.write( "[" ); final Set visited_domain_ids = new HashSet(); boolean first = true; for( final Domain domain : protein.getProteinDomains() ) { if ( !visited_domain_ids.contains( domain.getDomainId() ) ) { visited_domain_ids.add( domain.getDomainId() ); if ( first ) { first = false; } else { out.write( " " ); } out.write( domain.getDomainId() ); out.write( " {" ); out.write( "" + domain.getTotalCount() ); out.write( "}" ); } } out.write( "]" ); out.write( separator ); if ( !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getDescription() ) || protein.getDescription() .equals( SurfacingConstants.NONE ) ) ) { out.write( protein.getDescription() ); } out.write( separator ); if ( !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getAccession() ) || protein.getAccession() .equals( SurfacingConstants.NONE ) ) ) { out.write( protein.getAccession() ); } out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } } out.flush(); } public static void domainsPerProteinsStatistics( final String genome, final List protein_list, final DescriptiveStatistics all_genomes_domains_per_potein_stats, final SortedMap all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo, final SortedSet domains_which_are_always_single, final SortedSet domains_which_are_sometimes_single_sometimes_not, final SortedSet domains_which_never_single, final Writer writer ) { final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics(); for( final Protein protein : protein_list ) { final int domains = protein.getNumberOfProteinDomains(); //System.out.println( domains ); stats.addValue( domains ); all_genomes_domains_per_potein_stats.addValue( domains ); if ( !all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo.containsKey( domains ) ) { all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo.put( domains, 1 ); } else { all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo.put( domains, 1 + all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo.get( domains ) ); } if ( domains == 1 ) { final String domain = protein.getProteinDomain( 0 ).getDomainId(); if ( !domains_which_are_sometimes_single_sometimes_not.contains( domain ) ) { if ( domains_which_never_single.contains( domain ) ) { domains_which_never_single.remove( domain ); domains_which_are_sometimes_single_sometimes_not.add( domain ); } else { domains_which_are_always_single.add( domain ); } } } else if ( domains > 1 ) { for( final Domain d : protein.getProteinDomains() ) { final String domain = d.getDomainId(); // System.out.println( domain ); if ( !domains_which_are_sometimes_single_sometimes_not.contains( domain ) ) { if ( domains_which_are_always_single.contains( domain ) ) { domains_which_are_always_single.remove( domain ); domains_which_are_sometimes_single_sometimes_not.add( domain ); } else { domains_which_never_single.add( domain ); } } } } } try { writer.write( genome ); writer.write( "\t" ); if ( stats.getN() >= 1 ) { writer.write( stats.arithmeticMean() + "" ); writer.write( "\t" ); if ( stats.getN() >= 2 ) { writer.write( stats.sampleStandardDeviation() + "" ); } else { writer.write( "" ); } writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( stats.median() + "" ); writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( stats.getN() + "" ); writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( stats.getMin() + "" ); writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( stats.getMax() + "" ); } else { writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( "0" ); writer.write( "\t" ); writer.write( "\t" ); } writer.write( "\n" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void executeDomainLengthAnalysis( final String[][] input_file_properties, final int number_of_genomes, final DomainLengthsTable domain_lengths_table, final File outfile ) throws IOException { final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( "#.00" ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( outfile ); final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ) ); out.write( "MEAN BASED STATISTICS PER SPECIES" ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( domain_lengths_table.createMeanBasedStatisticsPerSpeciesTable().toString() ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final List domain_lengths_list = domain_lengths_table.getDomainLengthsList(); out.write( "OUTLIER SPECIES PER DOMAIN (Z>=1.5)" ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); for( final DomainLengths domain_lengths : domain_lengths_list ) { final List species_list = domain_lengths.getMeanBasedOutlierSpecies( 1.5 ); if ( species_list.size() > 0 ) { out.write( domain_lengths.getDomainId() + "\t" ); for( final Species species : species_list ) { out.write( species + "\t" ); } out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "OUTLIER SPECIES (Z 1.0)" ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final DescriptiveStatistics stats_for_all_species = domain_lengths_table .calculateMeanBasedStatisticsForAllSpecies(); out.write( stats_for_all_species.asSummary() ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final AsciiHistogram histo = new AsciiHistogram( stats_for_all_species ); out.write( histo.toStringBuffer( 40, '=', 60, 4 ).toString() ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final double population_sd = stats_for_all_species.sampleStandardDeviation(); final double population_mean = stats_for_all_species.arithmeticMean(); for( final Species species : domain_lengths_table.getSpecies() ) { final double x = domain_lengths_table.calculateMeanBasedStatisticsForSpecies( species ).arithmeticMean(); final double z = ( x - population_mean ) / population_sd; out.write( species + "\t" + z ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); for( final Species species : domain_lengths_table.getSpecies() ) { final DescriptiveStatistics stats_for_species = domain_lengths_table .calculateMeanBasedStatisticsForSpecies( species ); final double x = stats_for_species.arithmeticMean(); final double z = ( x - population_mean ) / population_sd; if ( ( z <= -1.0 ) || ( z >= 1.0 ) ) { out.write( species + "\t" + df.format( z ) + "\t" + stats_for_species.asSummary() ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } out.close(); System.gc(); } /** * Warning: This side-effects 'all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered'! * * * @param output_file * @param all_bin_domain_combinations_changed * @param sum_of_all_domains_encountered * @param all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered * @param is_gains_analysis * @param protein_length_stats_by_dc * @throws IOException */ public static void executeFitchGainsAnalysis( final File output_file, final List all_bin_domain_combinations_changed, final int sum_of_all_domains_encountered, final SortedSet all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered, final boolean is_gains_analysis ) throws IOException { checkForOutputFileWriteability( output_file ); final Writer out = ForesterUtil.createBufferedWriter( output_file ); final SortedMap bdc_to_counts = ForesterUtil .listToSortedCountsMap( all_bin_domain_combinations_changed ); final SortedSet all_domains_in_combination_changed_more_than_once = new TreeSet(); final SortedSet all_domains_in_combination_changed_only_once = new TreeSet(); int above_one = 0; int one = 0; for( final Object bdc_object : bdc_to_counts.keySet() ) { final BinaryDomainCombination bdc = ( BinaryDomainCombination ) bdc_object; final int count = bdc_to_counts.get( bdc_object ); if ( count < 1 ) { ForesterUtil.unexpectedFatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "count < 1 " ); } out.write( bdc + "\t" + count + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); if ( count > 1 ) { all_domains_in_combination_changed_more_than_once.add( bdc.getId0() ); all_domains_in_combination_changed_more_than_once.add( bdc.getId1() ); above_one++; } else if ( count == 1 ) { all_domains_in_combination_changed_only_once.add( bdc.getId0() ); all_domains_in_combination_changed_only_once.add( bdc.getId1() ); one++; } } final int all = all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered.size(); int never_lost = -1; if ( !is_gains_analysis ) { all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered.removeAll( all_bin_domain_combinations_changed ); never_lost = all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered.size(); for( final BinaryDomainCombination bdc : all_bin_domain_combinations_encountered ) { out.write( bdc + "\t" + "0" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } if ( is_gains_analysis ) { out.write( "Sum of all distinct domain combinations appearing once : " + one + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domain combinations appearing more than once : " + above_one + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domains in combinations apppearing only once : " + all_domains_in_combination_changed_only_once.size() + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domains in combinations apppearing more than once: " + all_domains_in_combination_changed_more_than_once.size() + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } else { out.write( "Sum of all distinct domain combinations never lost : " + never_lost + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domain combinations lost once : " + one + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domain combinations lost more than once : " + above_one + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domains in combinations lost only once : " + all_domains_in_combination_changed_only_once.size() + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "Sum of all distinct domains in combinations lost more than once: " + all_domains_in_combination_changed_more_than_once.size() + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } out.write( "All binary combinations : " + all + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.write( "All domains : " + sum_of_all_domains_encountered ); out.close(); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote fitch domain combination dynamics counts analysis to \"" + output_file + "\"" ); } /** * * @param all_binary_domains_combination_lost_fitch * @param use_last_in_fitch_parsimony * @param consider_directedness_and_adjacency_for_bin_combinations * @param all_binary_domains_combination_gained if null ignored, otherwise this is to list all binary domain combinations * which were gained under unweighted (Fitch) parsimony. */ public static void executeParsimonyAnalysis( final long random_number_seed_for_fitch_parsimony, final boolean radomize_fitch_parsimony, final String outfile_name, final DomainParsimonyCalculator domain_parsimony, final Phylogeny phylogeny, final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final GoNameSpace go_namespace_limit, final String parameters_str, final Map>[] domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, final SortedSet positive_filter, final boolean output_binary_domain_combinations_for_graphs, final List all_binary_domains_combination_gained_fitch, final List all_binary_domains_combination_lost_fitch, final BinaryDomainCombination.DomainCombinationType dc_type, final Map protein_length_stats_by_dc, final Map domain_number_stats_by_dc, final Map domain_length_stats_by_domain, final Map tax_code_to_id_map, final boolean write_to_nexus, final boolean use_last_in_fitch_parsimony ) { final String sep = ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR + "###################" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR; final String date_time = ForesterUtil.getCurrentDateTime(); final SortedSet all_pfams_encountered = new TreeSet(); final SortedSet all_pfams_gained_as_domains = new TreeSet(); final SortedSet all_pfams_lost_as_domains = new TreeSet(); final SortedSet all_pfams_gained_as_dom_combinations = new TreeSet(); final SortedSet all_pfams_lost_as_dom_combinations = new TreeSet(); if ( write_to_nexus ) { writeToNexus( outfile_name, domain_parsimony, phylogeny ); } // DOLLO DOMAINS // ------------- Phylogeny local_phylogeny_l = phylogeny.copy(); if ( ( positive_filter != null ) && ( positive_filter.size() > 0 ) ) { domain_parsimony.executeDolloParsimonyOnDomainPresence( positive_filter ); } else { domain_parsimony.executeDolloParsimonyOnDomainPresence(); } SurfacingUtil.writeMatrixToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_GL_SUFFIX_DOLLO_DOMAINS, Format.FORESTER ); SurfacingUtil.writeMatrixToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossCountsMatrix(), outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_GL_COUNTS_SUFFIX_DOLLO_DOMAINS, Format.FORESTER ); SurfacingUtil.writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_GAINS_D, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); SurfacingUtil.writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_LOSSES_D, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); SurfacingUtil.writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), null, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_PRESENT_D, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); //HTML: writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, go_namespace_limit, false, domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_GAINS_HTML_D, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, "Dollo Parsimony | Gains | Domains", "+", domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, all_pfams_encountered, all_pfams_gained_as_domains, "_dollo_gains_d", tax_code_to_id_map ); writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, go_namespace_limit, false, domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_LOSSES_HTML_D, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, "Dollo Parsimony | Losses | Domains", "-", domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, all_pfams_encountered, all_pfams_lost_as_domains, "_dollo_losses_d", tax_code_to_id_map ); // writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, // go_id_to_term_map, // go_namespace_limit, // false, // domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), // null, // outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_PRESENT_HTML_D, // sep, // ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, // "Dollo Parsimony | Present | Domains", // "", // domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, // all_pfams_encountered, // null, // "_dollo_present_d", // tax_code_to_id_map ); preparePhylogeny( local_phylogeny_l, domain_parsimony, date_time, "Dollo parsimony on domain presence/absence", "dollo_on_domains_" + outfile_name, parameters_str ); SurfacingUtil.writePhylogenyToFile( local_phylogeny_l, outfile_name + surfacing.DOMAINS_PARSIMONY_TREE_OUTPUT_SUFFIX_DOLLO ); try { writeAllDomainsChangedOnAllSubtrees( local_phylogeny_l, true, outfile_name, "_dollo_all_gains_d" ); writeAllDomainsChangedOnAllSubtrees( local_phylogeny_l, false, outfile_name, "_dollo_all_losses_d" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } if ( domain_parsimony.calculateNumberOfBinaryDomainCombination() > 0 ) { // FITCH DOMAIN COMBINATIONS // ------------------------- local_phylogeny_l = phylogeny.copy(); String randomization = "no"; if ( radomize_fitch_parsimony ) { domain_parsimony.executeFitchParsimonyOnBinaryDomainCombintion( random_number_seed_for_fitch_parsimony ); randomization = "yes, seed = " + random_number_seed_for_fitch_parsimony; } else { domain_parsimony.executeFitchParsimonyOnBinaryDomainCombintion( use_last_in_fitch_parsimony ); } SurfacingUtil.writeMatrixToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_GL_SUFFIX_FITCH_BINARY_COMBINATIONS, Format.FORESTER ); SurfacingUtil.writeMatrixToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossCountsMatrix(), outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_GL_COUNTS_SUFFIX_FITCH_BINARY_COMBINATIONS, Format.FORESTER ); SurfacingUtil .writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_GAINS_BC, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); SurfacingUtil.writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_LOSSES_BC, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); SurfacingUtil.writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), null, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_PRESENT_BC, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); if ( all_binary_domains_combination_gained_fitch != null ) { collectChangedDomainCombinationsFromBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), dc_type, all_binary_domains_combination_gained_fitch, true ); } if ( all_binary_domains_combination_lost_fitch != null ) { collectChangedDomainCombinationsFromBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), dc_type, all_binary_domains_combination_lost_fitch, false ); } if ( output_binary_domain_combinations_for_graphs ) { SurfacingUtil .writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFileForBinaryCombinationsForGraphAnalysis( domain_parsimony .getGainLossMatrix(), null, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_PRESENT_BC_OUTPUTFILE_SUFFIX_FOR_GRAPH_ANALYSIS, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, BinaryDomainCombination.OutputFormat.DOT ); } // HTML: writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, go_namespace_limit, true, domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_GAINS_HTML_BC, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, "Fitch Parsimony | Gains | Domain Combinations", "+", null, all_pfams_encountered, all_pfams_gained_as_dom_combinations, "_fitch_gains_dc", tax_code_to_id_map ); writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, go_namespace_limit, true, domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_LOSSES_HTML_BC, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, "Fitch Parsimony | Losses | Domain Combinations", "-", null, all_pfams_encountered, all_pfams_lost_as_dom_combinations, "_fitch_losses_dc", tax_code_to_id_map ); // writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, // go_id_to_term_map, // go_namespace_limit, // true, // domain_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), // null, // outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_FITCH_PRESENT_HTML_BC, // sep, // ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, // "Fitch Parsimony | Present | Domain Combinations", // "", // null, // all_pfams_encountered, // null, // "_fitch_present_dc", // tax_code_to_id_map ); writeAllEncounteredPfamsToFile( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, outfile_name, all_pfams_encountered ); writePfamsToFile( outfile_name + surfacing.ALL_PFAMS_GAINED_AS_DOMAINS_SUFFIX, all_pfams_gained_as_domains ); writePfamsToFile( outfile_name + surfacing.ALL_PFAMS_LOST_AS_DOMAINS_SUFFIX, all_pfams_lost_as_domains ); writePfamsToFile( outfile_name + surfacing.ALL_PFAMS_GAINED_AS_DC_SUFFIX, all_pfams_gained_as_dom_combinations ); writePfamsToFile( outfile_name + surfacing.ALL_PFAMS_LOST_AS_DC_SUFFIX, all_pfams_lost_as_dom_combinations ); preparePhylogeny( local_phylogeny_l, domain_parsimony, date_time, "Fitch parsimony on binary domain combination presence/absence randomization: " + randomization, "fitch_on_binary_domain_combinations_" + outfile_name, parameters_str ); SurfacingUtil.writePhylogenyToFile( local_phylogeny_l, outfile_name + surfacing.BINARY_DOMAIN_COMBINATIONS_PARSIMONY_TREE_OUTPUT_SUFFIX_FITCH ); calculateIndependentDomainCombinationGains( local_phylogeny_l, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_COUNTS_OUTPUT_SUFFIX, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_DC_OUTPUT_SUFFIX, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_DC_FOR_GO_MAPPING_OUTPUT_SUFFIX, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_DC_FOR_GO_MAPPING_OUTPUT_UNIQUE_SUFFIX, outfile_name + "_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_ranks.txt", outfile_name + "_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_taxonomies.txt", outfile_name + "_indep_dc_gains_fitch_protein_statistics.txt", protein_length_stats_by_dc, domain_number_stats_by_dc, domain_length_stats_by_domain ); } } public static void executeParsimonyAnalysisForSecondaryFeatures( final String outfile_name, final DomainParsimonyCalculator secondary_features_parsimony, final Phylogeny phylogeny, final String parameters_str, final Map mapping_results_map, final boolean use_last_in_fitch_parsimony ) { final String sep = ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR + "###################" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR; final String date_time = ForesterUtil.getCurrentDateTime(); System.out.println(); writeToNexus( outfile_name + surfacing.NEXUS_SECONDARY_FEATURES, secondary_features_parsimony.createMatrixOfSecondaryFeaturePresenceOrAbsence( null ), phylogeny ); Phylogeny local_phylogeny_copy = phylogeny.copy(); secondary_features_parsimony.executeDolloParsimonyOnSecondaryFeatures( mapping_results_map ); SurfacingUtil.writeMatrixToFile( secondary_features_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_GL_SUFFIX_DOLLO_SECONDARY_FEATURES, Format.FORESTER ); SurfacingUtil.writeMatrixToFile( secondary_features_parsimony.getGainLossCountsMatrix(), outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_GL_COUNTS_SUFFIX_DOLLO_SECONDARY_FEATURES, Format.FORESTER ); SurfacingUtil .writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( secondary_features_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_GAINS_SECONDARY_FEATURES, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); SurfacingUtil .writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( secondary_features_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_LOSSES_SECONDARY_FEATURES, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); SurfacingUtil .writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( secondary_features_parsimony.getGainLossMatrix(), null, outfile_name + surfacing.PARSIMONY_OUTPUT_DOLLO_PRESENT_SECONDARY_FEATURES, sep, ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR, null ); preparePhylogeny( local_phylogeny_copy, secondary_features_parsimony, date_time, "Dollo parsimony on secondary feature presence/absence", "dollo_on_secondary_features_" + outfile_name, parameters_str ); SurfacingUtil.writePhylogenyToFile( local_phylogeny_copy, outfile_name + surfacing.SECONDARY_FEATURES_PARSIMONY_TREE_OUTPUT_SUFFIX_DOLLO ); // FITCH DOMAIN COMBINATIONS // ------------------------- local_phylogeny_copy = phylogeny.copy(); final String randomization = "no"; secondary_features_parsimony .executeFitchParsimonyOnBinaryDomainCombintionOnSecondaryFeatures( use_last_in_fitch_parsimony ); preparePhylogeny( local_phylogeny_copy, secondary_features_parsimony, date_time, "Fitch parsimony on secondary binary domain combination presence/absence randomization: " + randomization, "fitch_on_binary_domain_combinations_" + outfile_name, parameters_str ); SurfacingUtil.writePhylogenyToFile( local_phylogeny_copy, outfile_name + surfacing.BINARY_DOMAIN_COMBINATIONS_PARSIMONY_TREE_OUTPUT_SUFFIX_FITCH_MAPPED ); calculateIndependentDomainCombinationGains( local_phylogeny_copy, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_COUNTS_MAPPED_OUTPUT_SUFFIX, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_DC_MAPPED_OUTPUT_SUFFIX, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_DC_FOR_GO_MAPPING_MAPPED_OUTPUT_SUFFIX, outfile_name + surfacing.INDEPENDENT_DC_GAINS_FITCH_PARS_DC_FOR_GO_MAPPING_MAPPED_OUTPUT_UNIQUE_SUFFIX, outfile_name + "_MAPPED_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_ranks.txt", outfile_name + "_MAPPED_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_taxonomies.txt", null, null, null, null ); } public static void executePlusMinusAnalysis( final File output_file, final List plus_minus_analysis_high_copy_base, final List plus_minus_analysis_high_copy_target, final List plus_minus_analysis_low_copy, final List gwcd_list, final SortedMap> protein_lists_per_species, final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final List plus_minus_analysis_numbers ) { final Set all_spec = new HashSet(); for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains gwcd : gwcd_list ) { all_spec.add( gwcd.getSpecies().getSpeciesId() ); } final File html_out_dom = new File( output_file + surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_DOM_SUFFIX_HTML ); final File plain_out_dom = new File( output_file + surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_DOM_SUFFIX ); final File html_out_dc = new File( output_file + surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_DC_SUFFIX_HTML ); final File all_domains_go_ids_out_dom = new File( output_file + surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ALL_GO_IDS_DOM_SUFFIX ); final File passing_domains_go_ids_out_dom = new File( output_file + surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_PASSING_GO_IDS_DOM_SUFFIX ); final File proteins_file_base = new File( output_file + "" ); final int min_diff = ( ( Integer ) plus_minus_analysis_numbers.get( 0 ) ).intValue(); final double factor = ( ( Double ) plus_minus_analysis_numbers.get( 1 ) ).doubleValue(); try { DomainCountsDifferenceUtil.calculateCopyNumberDifferences( gwcd_list, protein_lists_per_species, plus_minus_analysis_high_copy_base, plus_minus_analysis_high_copy_target, plus_minus_analysis_low_copy, min_diff, factor, plain_out_dom, html_out_dom, html_out_dc, domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, all_domains_go_ids_out_dom, passing_domains_go_ids_out_dom, proteins_file_base ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote plus minus domain analysis results to \"" + html_out_dom + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote plus minus domain analysis results to \"" + plain_out_dom + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote plus minus domain analysis results to \"" + html_out_dc + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote plus minus domain analysis based passing GO ids to \"" + passing_domains_go_ids_out_dom + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote plus minus domain analysis based all GO ids to \"" + all_domains_go_ids_out_dom + "\"" ); } public static void extractProteinNames( final List proteins, final List query_domain_ids_nc_order, final Writer out, final String separator, final String limit_to_species ) throws IOException { for( final Protein protein : proteins ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( limit_to_species ) || protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId().equalsIgnoreCase( limit_to_species ) ) { if ( protein.contains( query_domain_ids_nc_order, true ) ) { out.write( protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId() ); out.write( separator ); out.write( protein.getProteinId().getId() ); out.write( separator ); out.write( "[" ); final Set visited_domain_ids = new HashSet(); boolean first = true; for( final Domain domain : protein.getProteinDomains() ) { if ( !visited_domain_ids.contains( domain.getDomainId() ) ) { visited_domain_ids.add( domain.getDomainId() ); if ( first ) { first = false; } else { out.write( " " ); } out.write( domain.getDomainId() ); out.write( " {" ); out.write( "" + domain.getTotalCount() ); out.write( "}" ); } } out.write( "]" ); out.write( separator ); if ( !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getDescription() ) || protein.getDescription() .equals( SurfacingConstants.NONE ) ) ) { out.write( protein.getDescription() ); } out.write( separator ); if ( !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getAccession() ) || protein.getAccession() .equals( SurfacingConstants.NONE ) ) ) { out.write( protein.getAccession() ); } out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } } out.flush(); } public static void extractProteinNames( final SortedMap> protein_lists_per_species, final String domain_id, final Writer out, final String separator, final String limit_to_species, final double domain_e_cutoff ) throws IOException { //System.out.println( "Per domain E-value: " + domain_e_cutoff ); for( final Species species : protein_lists_per_species.keySet() ) { //System.out.println( species + ":" ); for( final Protein protein : protein_lists_per_species.get( species ) ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( limit_to_species ) || protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId().equalsIgnoreCase( limit_to_species ) ) { final List domains = protein.getProteinDomains( domain_id ); if ( domains.size() > 0 ) { out.write( protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId() ); out.write( separator ); out.write( protein.getProteinId().getId() ); out.write( separator ); out.write( domain_id.toString() ); out.write( separator ); int prev_to = -1; for( final Domain domain : domains ) { if ( ( domain_e_cutoff < 0 ) || ( domain.getPerDomainEvalue() <= domain_e_cutoff ) ) { out.write( "/" ); out.write( domain.getFrom() + "-" + domain.getTo() ); if ( prev_to >= 0 ) { final int l = domain.getFrom() - prev_to; // System.out.println( l ); } prev_to = domain.getTo(); } } out.write( "/" ); out.write( separator ); final List domain_list = new ArrayList(); for( final Domain domain : protein.getProteinDomains() ) { if ( ( domain_e_cutoff < 0 ) || ( domain.getPerDomainEvalue() <= domain_e_cutoff ) ) { domain_list.add( domain ); } } final Domain domain_ary[] = new Domain[ domain_list.size() ]; for( int i = 0; i < domain_list.size(); ++i ) { domain_ary[ i ] = domain_list.get( i ); } Arrays.sort( domain_ary, new DomainComparator( true ) ); out.write( "{" ); boolean first = true; for( final Domain domain : domain_ary ) { if ( first ) { first = false; } else { out.write( "," ); } out.write( domain.getDomainId().toString() ); out.write( ":" + domain.getFrom() + "-" + domain.getTo() ); out.write( ":" + domain.getPerDomainEvalue() ); } out.write( "}" ); if ( !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getDescription() ) || protein.getDescription() .equals( SurfacingConstants.NONE ) ) ) { out.write( protein.getDescription() ); } out.write( separator ); if ( !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getAccession() ) || protein.getAccession() .equals( SurfacingConstants.NONE ) ) ) { out.write( protein.getAccession() ); } out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } } } out.flush(); } public static SortedSet getAllDomainIds( final List gwcd_list ) { final SortedSet all_domains_ids = new TreeSet(); for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains gwcd : gwcd_list ) { final Set all_domains = gwcd.getAllDomainIds(); // for( final Domain domain : all_domains ) { all_domains_ids.addAll( all_domains ); // } } return all_domains_ids; } public static SortedMap getDomainCounts( final List protein_domain_collections ) { final SortedMap map = new TreeMap(); for( final Protein protein_domain_collection : protein_domain_collections ) { for( final Object name : protein_domain_collection.getProteinDomains() ) { final BasicDomain protein_domain = ( BasicDomain ) name; final String id = protein_domain.getDomainId(); if ( map.containsKey( id ) ) { map.put( id, map.get( id ) + 1 ); } else { map.put( id, 1 ); } } } return map; } public static int getNumberOfNodesLackingName( final Phylogeny p, final StringBuilder names ) { final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = p.iteratorPostorder(); int c = 0; while ( it.hasNext() ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getName() ) && ( !n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() || ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() .getScientificName() ) ) && ( !n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() || ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() .getCommonName() ) ) ) { if ( n.getParent() != null ) { names.append( " " ); names.append( n.getParent().getName() ); } final List l = n.getAllExternalDescendants(); for( final Object object : l ) { System.out.println( l.toString() ); } ++c; } } return c; } public static void log( final String msg, final Writer w ) { try { w.write( msg ); w.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } } public static String obtainHexColorStringDependingOnTaxonomyGroup( final String tax_code, final Phylogeny phy ) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ( !_TAXCODE_HEXCOLORSTRING_MAP.containsKey( tax_code ) ) { if ( phy != null && !phy.isEmpty() ) { List nodes = phy.getNodesViaTaxonomyCode( tax_code ); Color c = null; if ( nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "code " + tax_code + " is not found" ); } if ( nodes.size() != 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "code " + tax_code + " is not unique" ); } PhylogenyNode n = nodes.get( 0 ); while ( n != null ) { if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { c = ForesterUtil.obtainColorDependingOnTaxonomyGroup( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy() .getScientificName(), tax_code ); } if ( c == null && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getName() ) ) { c = ForesterUtil.obtainColorDependingOnTaxonomyGroup( n.getName(), tax_code ); } if ( c != null ) { break; } n = n.getParent(); } if ( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no color found for taxonomy code \"" + tax_code + "\"" ); } final String hex = String.format( "#%02x%02x%02x", c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue() ); _TAXCODE_HEXCOLORSTRING_MAP.put( tax_code, hex ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unable to obtain color for code " + tax_code + " (tree is null or empty and code is not in map)" ); } } return _TAXCODE_HEXCOLORSTRING_MAP.get( tax_code ); } public static Phylogeny[] obtainAndPreProcessIntrees( final File[] intree_files, final int number_of_genomes, final String[][] input_file_properties ) { final Phylogeny[] intrees = new Phylogeny[ intree_files.length ]; int i = 0; for( final File intree_file : intree_files ) { Phylogeny intree = null; final String error = ForesterUtil.isReadableFile( intree_file ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "cannot read input tree file [" + intree_file + "]: " + error ); } try { final Phylogeny[] p_array = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance() .create( intree_file, ParserUtils.createParserDependingOnFileType( intree_file, true ) ); if ( p_array.length < 1 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "file [" + intree_file + "] does not contain any phylogeny in phyloXML format" ); } else if ( p_array.length > 1 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "file [" + intree_file + "] contains more than one phylogeny in phyloXML format" ); } intree = p_array[ 0 ]; } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "failed to read input tree from file [" + intree_file + "]: " + error ); } if ( ( intree == null ) || intree.isEmpty() ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "input tree [" + intree_file + "] is empty" ); } if ( !intree.isRooted() ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "input tree [" + intree_file + "] is not rooted" ); } if ( intree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() < number_of_genomes ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "number of external nodes [" + intree.getNumberOfExternalNodes() + "] of input tree [" + intree_file + "] is smaller than the number of genomes the be analyzed [" + number_of_genomes + "]" ); } final StringBuilder parent_names = new StringBuilder(); final int nodes_lacking_name = getNumberOfNodesLackingName( intree, parent_names ); if ( nodes_lacking_name > 0 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "input tree [" + intree_file + "] has " + nodes_lacking_name + " node(s) lacking a name [parent names:" + parent_names + "]" ); } preparePhylogenyForParsimonyAnalyses( intree, input_file_properties ); if ( !intree.isCompletelyBinary() ) { ForesterUtil.printWarningMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "input tree [" + intree_file + "] is not completely binary" ); } intrees[ i++ ] = intree; } return intrees; } public static Phylogeny obtainFirstIntree( final File intree_file ) { Phylogeny intree = null; final String error = ForesterUtil.isReadableFile( intree_file ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "cannot read input tree file [" + intree_file + "]: " + error ); } try { final Phylogeny[] phys = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance() .create( intree_file, ParserUtils.createParserDependingOnFileType( intree_file, true ) ); if ( phys.length < 1 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "file [" + intree_file + "] does not contain any phylogeny in phyloXML format" ); } else if ( phys.length > 1 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "file [" + intree_file + "] contains more than one phylogeny in phyloXML format" ); } intree = phys[ 0 ]; } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "failed to read input tree from file [" + intree_file + "]: " + error ); } if ( ( intree == null ) || intree.isEmpty() ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "input tree [" + intree_file + "] is empty" ); } if ( !intree.isRooted() ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "input tree [" + intree_file + "] is not rooted" ); } return intree; } public static void performDomainArchitectureAnalysis( final SortedMap> domain_architecutures, final SortedMap domain_architecuture_counts, final int min_count, final File da_counts_outfile, final File unique_da_outfile ) { checkForOutputFileWriteability( da_counts_outfile ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( unique_da_outfile ); try { final BufferedWriter da_counts_out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( da_counts_outfile ) ); final BufferedWriter unique_da_out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( unique_da_outfile ) ); final Iterator> it = domain_architecuture_counts.entrySet().iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry e = it.next(); final String da = e.getKey(); final int count = e.getValue(); if ( count >= min_count ) { da_counts_out.write( da ); da_counts_out.write( "\t" ); da_counts_out.write( String.valueOf( count ) ); da_counts_out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } if ( count == 1 ) { final Iterator>> it2 = domain_architecutures.entrySet().iterator(); while ( it2.hasNext() ) { final Map.Entry> e2 = it2.next(); final String genome = e2.getKey(); final Set das = e2.getValue(); if ( das.contains( da ) ) { unique_da_out.write( genome ); unique_da_out.write( "\t" ); unique_da_out.write( da ); unique_da_out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } } } unique_da_out.close(); da_counts_out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote distance matrices to \"" + da_counts_outfile + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote distance matrices to \"" + unique_da_outfile + "\"" ); // } public static void preparePhylogeny( final Phylogeny p, final DomainParsimonyCalculator domain_parsimony, final String date_time, final String method, final String name, final String parameters_str ) { domain_parsimony.decoratePhylogenyWithDomains( p ); final StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(); desc.append( "[Method: " + method + "] [Date: " + date_time + "] " ); desc.append( "[Cost: " + domain_parsimony.getCost() + "] " ); desc.append( "[Gains: " + domain_parsimony.getTotalGains() + "] " ); desc.append( "[Losses: " + domain_parsimony.getTotalLosses() + "] " ); desc.append( "[Unchanged: " + domain_parsimony.getTotalUnchanged() + "] " ); desc.append( "[Parameters: " + parameters_str + "]" ); p.setName( name ); p.setDescription( desc.toString() ); p.setConfidence( new Confidence( domain_parsimony.getCost(), "parsimony" ) ); p.setRerootable( false ); p.setRooted( true ); } public static void preparePhylogenyForParsimonyAnalyses( final Phylogeny intree, final String[][] input_file_properties ) { final String[] genomes = new String[ input_file_properties.length ]; for( int i = 0; i < input_file_properties.length; ++i ) { if ( intree.getNodes( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] ).size() > 1 ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "node named [" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + "] is not unique in input tree " + intree.getName() ); } genomes[ i ] = input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ]; } // final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = intree.iteratorPostorder(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { final PhylogenyNode n = it.next(); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getName() ) ) { if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ) ) { n.setName( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getTaxonomyCode() ); } else if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ) ) { n.setName( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getScientificName() ); } else if ( n.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ) ) { n.setName( n.getNodeData().getTaxonomy().getCommonName() ); } else { ForesterUtil .fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "node with no name, scientific name, common name, or taxonomy code present" ); } } } // final List igns = PhylogenyMethods.deleteExternalNodesPositiveSelection( genomes, intree ); if ( igns.size() > 0 ) { System.out.println( "Not using the following " + igns.size() + " nodes:" ); for( int i = 0; i < igns.size(); ++i ) { System.out.println( " " + i + ": " + igns.get( i ) ); } System.out.println( "--" ); } for( final String[] input_file_propertie : input_file_properties ) { try { intree.getNode( input_file_propertie[ 1 ] ); } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "node named [" + input_file_propertie[ 1 ] + "] not present/not unique in input tree" ); } } } public static void printOutPercentageOfMultidomainProteins( final SortedMap all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo, final Writer log_writer ) { int sum = 0; for( final Entry entry : all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo.entrySet() ) { sum += entry.getValue(); } final double percentage = ( 100.0 * ( sum - all_genomes_domains_per_potein_histo.get( 1 ) ) ) / sum; ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Percentage of multidomain proteins: " + percentage + "%" ); log( "Percentage of multidomain proteins: : " + percentage + "%", log_writer ); } private static void printSomeStats( final DescriptiveStatistics stats, final AsciiHistogram histo, final Writer w ) throws IOException { w.write( "
" ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
" );
        w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
        if ( histo != null ) {
            w.write( histo.toStringBuffer( 20, '|', 40, 5 ).toString() );
            w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
        w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); if ( stats.getN() > 1 ) { w.write( "" ); } else { w.write( "" ); } w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
N: " + stats.getN() + "
Min: " + stats.getMin() + "
Max: " + stats.getMax() + "
Mean: " + stats.arithmeticMean() + "
SD: " + stats.sampleStandardDeviation() + "
SD: n/a
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } public static void processFilter( final File filter_file, final SortedSet filter ) { SortedSet filter_str = null; try { filter_str = ForesterUtil.file2set( filter_file ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } if ( filter_str != null ) { for( final String string : filter_str ) { filter.add( string ); } } if ( surfacing.VERBOSE ) { System.out.println( "Filter:" ); for( final String domainId : filter ) { System.out.println( domainId ); } } } public static String[][] processInputGenomesFile( final File input_genomes ) { String[][] input_file_properties = null; try { input_file_properties = ForesterUtil.file22dArray( input_genomes ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "genomes files is to be in the following format \" \": " + e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } final Set specs = new HashSet(); final Set paths = new HashSet(); for( int i = 0; i < input_file_properties.length; ++i ) { if ( !PhyloXmlUtil.TAXOMONY_CODE_PATTERN.matcher( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] ).matches() ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "illegal format for species code: " + input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] ); } if ( specs.contains( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "species code " + input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + " is not unique" ); } specs.add( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] ); if ( paths.contains( input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "path " + input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] + " is not unique" ); } paths.add( input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] ); final String error = ForesterUtil.isReadableFile( new File( input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] ) ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( error ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, error ); } } return input_file_properties; } public static void processPlusMinusAnalysisOption( final CommandLineArguments cla, final List high_copy_base, final List high_copy_target, final List low_copy, final List numbers ) { if ( cla.isOptionSet( surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ANALYSIS_OPTION ) ) { if ( !cla.isOptionValueSet( surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ANALYSIS_OPTION ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "no value for 'plus-minus' file: -" + surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ANALYSIS_OPTION + "=" ); } final File plus_minus_file = new File( cla.getOptionValue( surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ANALYSIS_OPTION ) ); final String msg = ForesterUtil.isReadableFile( plus_minus_file ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( msg ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "can not read from \"" + plus_minus_file + "\": " + msg ); } processPlusMinusFile( plus_minus_file, high_copy_base, high_copy_target, low_copy, numbers ); } } // First numbers is minimal difference, second is factor. public static void processPlusMinusFile( final File plus_minus_file, final List high_copy_base, final List high_copy_target, final List low_copy, final List numbers ) { Set species_set = null; int min_diff = surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ANALYSIS_MIN_DIFF_DEFAULT; double factor = surfacing.PLUS_MINUS_ANALYSIS_FACTOR_DEFAULT; try { species_set = ForesterUtil.file2set( plus_minus_file ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } if ( species_set != null ) { for( final String species : species_set ) { final String species_trimmed = species.substring( 1 ); if ( species.startsWith( "+" ) ) { if ( low_copy.contains( species_trimmed ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "species/genome names can not appear with both '+' and '-' suffix, as appears the case for: \"" + species_trimmed + "\"" ); } high_copy_base.add( species_trimmed ); } else if ( species.startsWith( "*" ) ) { if ( low_copy.contains( species_trimmed ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "species/genome names can not appear with both '*' and '-' suffix, as appears the case for: \"" + species_trimmed + "\"" ); } high_copy_target.add( species_trimmed ); } else if ( species.startsWith( "-" ) ) { if ( high_copy_base.contains( species_trimmed ) || high_copy_target.contains( species_trimmed ) ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "species/genome names can not appear with both '+' or '*' and '-' suffix, as appears the case for: \"" + species_trimmed + "\"" ); } low_copy.add( species_trimmed ); } else if ( species.startsWith( "$D" ) ) { try { min_diff = Integer.parseInt( species.substring( 3 ) ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "could not parse integer value for minimal difference from: \"" + species.substring( 3 ) + "\"" ); } } else if ( species.startsWith( "$F" ) ) { try { factor = Double.parseDouble( species.substring( 3 ) ); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "could not parse double value for factor from: \"" + species.substring( 3 ) + "\"" ); } } else if ( species.startsWith( "#" ) ) { // Comment, ignore. } else { ForesterUtil .fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "species/genome names in 'plus minus' file must begin with '*' (high copy target genome), '+' (high copy base genomes), '-' (low copy genomes), '$D=' minimal Difference (default is 1), '$F=' factor (default is 1.0), double), or '#' (ignore) suffix, encountered: \"" + species + "\"" ); } numbers.add( new Integer( min_diff + "" ) ); numbers.add( new Double( factor + "" ) ); } } else { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "'plus minus' file [" + plus_minus_file + "] appears empty" ); } } /* * species | protein id | n-terminal domain | c-terminal domain | n-terminal domain per domain E-value | c-terminal domain per domain E-value * * */ static public StringBuffer proteinToDomainCombinations( final Protein protein, final String protein_id, final String separator ) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if ( protein.getSpecies() == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "species must not be null" ); } if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( protein.getSpecies().getSpeciesId() ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "species id must not be empty" ); } final List domains = protein.getProteinDomains(); if ( domains.size() > 1 ) { final Map counts = new HashMap(); for( final Domain domain : domains ) { final String id = domain.getDomainId(); if ( counts.containsKey( id ) ) { counts.put( id, counts.get( id ) + 1 ); } else { counts.put( id, 1 ); } } final Set dcs = new HashSet(); for( int i = 1; i < domains.size(); ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < i; ++j ) { Domain domain_n = domains.get( i ); Domain domain_c = domains.get( j ); if ( domain_n.getFrom() > domain_c.getFrom() ) { domain_n = domains.get( j ); domain_c = domains.get( i ); } final String dc = domain_n.getDomainId() + domain_c.getDomainId(); if ( !dcs.contains( dc ) ) { dcs.add( dc ); sb.append( protein.getSpecies() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( protein_id ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( domain_n.getDomainId() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( domain_c.getDomainId() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( domain_n.getPerDomainEvalue() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( domain_c.getPerDomainEvalue() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( counts.get( domain_n.getDomainId() ) ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( counts.get( domain_c.getDomainId() ) ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } } } else if ( domains.size() == 1 ) { sb.append( protein.getSpecies() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( protein_id ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( domains.get( 0 ).getDomainId() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( domains.get( 0 ).getPerDomainEvalue() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( 1 ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } else { sb.append( protein.getSpecies() ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( protein_id ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( separator ); sb.append( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } return sb; } public static List sortDomainsWithAscendingConfidenceValues( final Protein protein ) { final List domains = new ArrayList(); for( final Domain d : protein.getProteinDomains() ) { domains.add( d ); } Collections.sort( domains, SurfacingUtil.ASCENDING_CONFIDENCE_VALUE_ORDER ); return domains; } private static List splitDomainCombination( final String dc ) { final String[] s = dc.split( "=" ); if ( s.length != 2 ) { ForesterUtil.printErrorMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Stringyfied domain combination has illegal format: " + dc ); System.exit( -1 ); } final List l = new ArrayList( 2 ); l.add( s[ 0 ] ); l.add( s[ 1 ] ); return l; } public static int storeDomainArchitectures( final String genome, final SortedMap> domain_architecutures, final List protein_list, final Map distinct_domain_architecuture_counts ) { final Set da = new HashSet(); domain_architecutures.put( genome, da ); for( final Protein protein : protein_list ) { final String da_str = ( ( BasicProtein ) protein ).toDomainArchitectureString( "~", 3, "=" ); if ( !da.contains( da_str ) ) { if ( !distinct_domain_architecuture_counts.containsKey( da_str ) ) { distinct_domain_architecuture_counts.put( da_str, 1 ); } else { distinct_domain_architecuture_counts.put( da_str, distinct_domain_architecuture_counts.get( da_str ) + 1 ); } da.add( da_str ); } } return da.size(); } public static void writeAllDomainsChangedOnAllSubtrees( final Phylogeny p, final boolean get_gains, final String outdir, final String suffix_for_filename ) throws IOException { CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates state = CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN; if ( !get_gains ) { state = CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.LOSS; } final File base_dir = createBaseDirForPerNodeDomainFiles( surfacing.BASE_DIRECTORY_PER_SUBTREE_DOMAIN_GAIN_LOSS_FILES, false, state, outdir ); for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator it = p.iteratorPostorder(); it.hasNext(); ) { final PhylogenyNode node = it.next(); if ( !node.isExternal() ) { final SortedSet domains = collectAllDomainsChangedOnSubtree( node, get_gains ); if ( domains.size() > 0 ) { final Writer writer = ForesterUtil.createBufferedWriter( base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + node.getName() + suffix_for_filename ); for( final String domain : domains ) { writer.write( domain ); writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } writer.close(); } } } } private static void writeAllEncounteredPfamsToFile( final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final String outfile_name, final SortedSet all_pfams_encountered ) { final File all_pfams_encountered_file = new File( outfile_name + surfacing.ALL_PFAMS_ENCOUNTERED_SUFFIX ); final File all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_file = new File( outfile_name + surfacing.ALL_PFAMS_ENCOUNTERED_WITH_GO_ANNOTATION_SUFFIX ); final File encountered_pfams_summary_file = new File( outfile_name + surfacing.ENCOUNTERED_PFAMS_SUMMARY_SUFFIX ); int biological_process_counter = 0; int cellular_component_counter = 0; int molecular_function_counter = 0; int pfams_with_mappings_counter = 0; int pfams_without_mappings_counter = 0; int pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter = 0; int pfams_with_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter = 0; try { final Writer all_pfams_encountered_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( all_pfams_encountered_file ) ); final Writer all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_file ) ); final Writer summary_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( encountered_pfams_summary_file ) ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfam to GO mapping summary" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Actual summary is at the end of this file." ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Encountered Pfams without a GO mapping:" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); for( final String pfam : all_pfams_encountered ) { all_pfams_encountered_writer.write( pfam ); all_pfams_encountered_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final String domain_id = new String( pfam ); if ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( domain_id ) ) { ++pfams_with_mappings_counter; all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_writer.write( pfam ); all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); final List go_ids = domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( domain_id ); boolean maps_to_bp = false; boolean maps_to_cc = false; boolean maps_to_mf = false; for( final GoId go_id : go_ids ) { final GoTerm go_term = go_id_to_term_map.get( go_id ); if ( go_term.getGoNameSpace().isBiologicalProcess() ) { maps_to_bp = true; } else if ( go_term.getGoNameSpace().isCellularComponent() ) { maps_to_cc = true; } else if ( go_term.getGoNameSpace().isMolecularFunction() ) { maps_to_mf = true; } } if ( maps_to_bp ) { ++biological_process_counter; } if ( maps_to_cc ) { ++cellular_component_counter; } if ( maps_to_mf ) { ++molecular_function_counter; } if ( maps_to_bp || maps_to_mf ) { ++pfams_with_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter; } else { ++pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter; } } else { ++pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter; ++pfams_without_mappings_counter; summary_writer.write( pfam ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } all_pfams_encountered_writer.close(); all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_writer.close(); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote all [" + all_pfams_encountered.size() + "] encountered Pfams to: \"" + all_pfams_encountered_file + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote all [" + pfams_with_mappings_counter + "] encountered Pfams with GO mappings to: \"" + all_pfams_encountered_with_go_annotation_file + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote summary (including all [" + pfams_without_mappings_counter + "] encountered Pfams without GO mappings) to: \"" + encountered_pfams_summary_file + "\"" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Sum of Pfams encountered : " + all_pfams_encountered.size() ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams without a mapping : " + pfams_without_mappings_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_without_mappings_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams without mapping to proc. or func. : " + pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams with a mapping : " + pfams_with_mappings_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_with_mappings_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams with a mapping to proc. or func. : " + pfams_with_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_with_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams with mapping to biological process: " + biological_process_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * biological_process_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams with mapping to molecular function: " + molecular_function_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * molecular_function_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Pfams with mapping to cellular component: " + cellular_component_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * cellular_component_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Sum of Pfams encountered : " + all_pfams_encountered.size() ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams without a mapping : " + pfams_without_mappings_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_without_mappings_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams without mapping to proc. or func. : " + pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_without_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams with a mapping : " + pfams_with_mappings_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_with_mappings_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams with a mapping to proc. or func. : " + pfams_with_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * pfams_with_mappings_to_bp_or_mf_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams with mapping to biological process: " + biological_process_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * biological_process_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams with mapping to molecular function: " + molecular_function_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * molecular_function_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.write( "# Pfams with mapping to cellular component: " + cellular_component_counter + " [" + ( ( 100 * cellular_component_counter ) / all_pfams_encountered.size() ) + "%]" ); summary_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); summary_writer.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.printWarningMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Failure to write: " + e ); } } public static void writeBinaryDomainCombinationsFileForGraphAnalysis( final String[][] input_file_properties, final File output_dir, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains gwcd, final int i, final GenomeWideCombinableDomainsSortOrder dc_sort_order ) { File dc_outfile_dot = new File( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + surfacing.DOMAIN_COMBINITONS_OUTPUTFILE_SUFFIX_FOR_GRAPH_ANALYSIS ); if ( output_dir != null ) { dc_outfile_dot = new File( output_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + dc_outfile_dot ); } checkForOutputFileWriteability( dc_outfile_dot ); final SortedSet binary_combinations = createSetOfAllBinaryDomainCombinationsPerGenome( gwcd ); try { final BufferedWriter out_dot = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( dc_outfile_dot ) ); for( final BinaryDomainCombination bdc : binary_combinations ) { out_dot.write( bdc.toGraphDescribingLanguage( BinaryDomainCombination.OutputFormat.DOT, null, null ) .toString() ); out_dot.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } out_dot.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote binary domain combination for \"" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] + "\" (" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + ", " + input_file_properties[ i ][ 2 ] + ") to: \"" + dc_outfile_dot + "\"" ); } public static void writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFile( final CharacterStateMatrix matrix, final CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates state, final String filename, final String indentifier_characters_separator, final String character_separator, final Map descriptions ) { final File outfile = new File( filename ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( outfile ); final SortedSet sorted_ids = new TreeSet(); for( int i = 0; i < matrix.getNumberOfIdentifiers(); ++i ) { sorted_ids.add( matrix.getIdentifier( i ) ); } try { final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ) ); for( final String id : sorted_ids ) { out.write( indentifier_characters_separator ); out.write( "#" + id ); out.write( indentifier_characters_separator ); for( int c = 0; c < matrix.getNumberOfCharacters(); ++c ) { // Not nice: // using null to indicate either UNCHANGED_PRESENT or GAIN. if ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == state ) || ( ( state == null ) && ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN ) || ( matrix .getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) ) ) ) { out.write( matrix.getCharacter( c ) ); if ( ( descriptions != null ) && !descriptions.isEmpty() && descriptions.containsKey( matrix.getCharacter( c ) ) ) { out.write( "\t" ); out.write( descriptions.get( matrix.getCharacter( c ) ) ); } out.write( character_separator ); } } } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote characters list: \"" + filename + "\"" ); } public static void writeBinaryStatesMatrixAsListToFileForBinaryCombinationsForGraphAnalysis( final CharacterStateMatrix matrix, final CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates state, final String filename, final String indentifier_characters_separator, final String character_separator, final BinaryDomainCombination.OutputFormat bc_output_format ) { final File outfile = new File( filename ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( outfile ); final SortedSet sorted_ids = new TreeSet(); for( int i = 0; i < matrix.getNumberOfIdentifiers(); ++i ) { sorted_ids.add( matrix.getIdentifier( i ) ); } try { final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ) ); for( final String id : sorted_ids ) { out.write( indentifier_characters_separator ); out.write( "#" + id ); out.write( indentifier_characters_separator ); for( int c = 0; c < matrix.getNumberOfCharacters(); ++c ) { // Not nice: // using null to indicate either UNCHANGED_PRESENT or GAIN. if ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == state ) || ( ( state == null ) && ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN ) || ( matrix .getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) ) ) ) { BinaryDomainCombination bdc = null; try { bdc = BasicBinaryDomainCombination.createInstance( matrix.getCharacter( c ) ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } out.write( bdc.toGraphDescribingLanguage( bc_output_format, null, null ).toString() ); out.write( character_separator ); } } } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote characters list: \"" + filename + "\"" ); } public static void writeBinaryStatesMatrixToList( final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final GoNameSpace go_namespace_limit, final boolean domain_combinations, final CharacterStateMatrix matrix, final CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates state, final String filename, final String indentifier_characters_separator, final String character_separator, final String title_for_html, final String prefix_for_html, final Map>[] domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, final SortedSet all_pfams_encountered, final SortedSet pfams_gained_or_lost, final String suffix_for_per_node_events_file, final Map tax_code_to_id_map ) { if ( ( go_namespace_limit != null ) && ( ( go_id_to_term_map == null ) || ( go_id_to_term_map.size() < 1 ) ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to use GO namespace limit without a GO-id to term map" ); } else if ( ( ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map == null ) || ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.size() < 1 ) ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to output detailed HTML without a Pfam to GO map" ); } else if ( ( ( go_id_to_term_map == null ) || ( go_id_to_term_map.size() < 1 ) ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to output detailed HTML without a GO-id to term map" ); } final File outfile = new File( filename ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( outfile ); final SortedSet sorted_ids = new TreeSet(); for( int i = 0; i < matrix.getNumberOfIdentifiers(); ++i ) { sorted_ids.add( matrix.getIdentifier( i ) ); } try { final Writer out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ) ); final File per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = createBaseDirForPerNodeDomainFiles( surfacing.BASE_DIRECTORY_PER_NODE_DOMAIN_GAIN_LOSS_FILES, domain_combinations, state, filename ); Writer per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer = null; File per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile = null; int per_node_counter = 0; out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); writeHtmlHead( out, title_for_html ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "

" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( title_for_html ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "

" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); for( final String id : sorted_ids ) { final Matcher matcher = PATTERN_SP_STYLE_TAXONOMY.matcher( id ); if ( matcher.matches() ) { continue; } out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } out.write( "
" ); out.write( "" + id + "" ); out.write( "
" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); for( final String id : sorted_ids ) { final Matcher matcher = PATTERN_SP_STYLE_TAXONOMY.matcher( id ); if ( matcher.matches() ) { continue; } out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "

" ); out.write( "" + id + "" ); writeTaxonomyLinks( out, id, tax_code_to_id_map ); out.write( "

" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); per_node_counter = 0; if ( matrix.getNumberOfCharacters() > 0 ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + id + suffix_for_per_node_events_file ); SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile ); per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer = ForesterUtil .createBufferedWriter( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile ); } else { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile = null; per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer = null; } for( int c = 0; c < matrix.getNumberOfCharacters(); ++c ) { // Not nice: // using null to indicate either UNCHANGED_PRESENT or GAIN. if ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == state ) || ( ( state == null ) && ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) || ( matrix .getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN ) ) ) ) { final String character = matrix.getCharacter( c ); String domain_0 = ""; String domain_1 = ""; if ( character.indexOf( BinaryDomainCombination.SEPARATOR ) > 0 ) { final String[] s = character.split( BinaryDomainCombination.SEPARATOR ); if ( s.length != 2 ) { throw new AssertionError( "this should not have happened: unexpected format for domain combination: [" + character + "]" ); } domain_0 = s[ 0 ]; domain_1 = s[ 1 ]; } else { domain_0 = character; } writeDomainData( domain_id_to_go_ids_map, go_id_to_term_map, go_namespace_limit, out, domain_0, domain_1, prefix_for_html, character_separator, domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, null ); all_pfams_encountered.add( domain_0 ); if ( pfams_gained_or_lost != null ) { pfams_gained_or_lost.add( domain_0 ); } if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( domain_1 ) ) { all_pfams_encountered.add( domain_1 ); if ( pfams_gained_or_lost != null ) { pfams_gained_or_lost.add( domain_1 ); } } if ( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer != null ) { writeDomainsToIndividualFilePerTreeNode( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer, domain_0, domain_1 ); per_node_counter++; } } } if ( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer != null ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer.close(); if ( per_node_counter < 1 ) { per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile.delete(); } per_node_counter = 0; } out.write( "
" ); out.write( "Pfam domain(s)" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "GO term acc" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "GO term" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "GO namespace" ); out.write( "
" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "
" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } // for( final String id : sorted_ids ) { out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote characters detailed HTML list: \"" + filename + "\"" ); } public static void writeDomainCombinationsCountsFile( final String[][] input_file_properties, final File output_dir, final Writer per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains gwcd, final int i, final GenomeWideCombinableDomains.GenomeWideCombinableDomainsSortOrder dc_sort_order ) { File dc_outfile = new File( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + surfacing.DOMAIN_COMBINITON_COUNTS_OUTPUTFILE_SUFFIX ); if ( output_dir != null ) { dc_outfile = new File( output_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + dc_outfile ); } checkForOutputFileWriteability( dc_outfile ); try { final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( dc_outfile ) ); out.write( gwcd.toStringBuilder( dc_sort_order ).toString() ); out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } final DescriptiveStatistics stats = gwcd.getPerGenomeDomainPromiscuityStatistics(); try { per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + "\t" ); per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( FORMATTER_3.format( stats.arithmeticMean() ) + "\t" ); if ( stats.getN() < 2 ) { per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( "n/a" + "\t" ); } else { per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( FORMATTER_3.format( stats .sampleStandardDeviation() ) + "\t" ); } per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( FORMATTER_3.format( stats.median() ) + "\t" ); per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( ( int ) stats.getMin() + "\t" ); per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( ( int ) stats.getMax() + "\t" ); per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( stats.getN() + "\t" ); final SortedSet mpds = gwcd.getMostPromiscuosDomain(); for( final String mpd : mpds ) { per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( mpd + " " ); } per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } if ( input_file_properties[ i ].length == 3 ) { ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote domain combination counts for \"" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] + "\" (" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + ", " + input_file_properties[ i ][ 2 ] + ") to: \"" + dc_outfile + "\"" ); } else { ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote domain combination counts for \"" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 0 ] + "\" (" + input_file_properties[ i ][ 1 ] + ") to: \"" + dc_outfile + "\"" ); } } private static void writeDomainData( final Map> domain_id_to_go_ids_map, final Map go_id_to_term_map, final GoNameSpace go_namespace_limit, final Writer out, final String domain_0, final String domain_1, final String prefix_for_html, final String character_separator_for_non_html_output, final Map>[] domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps, final Set all_go_ids ) throws IOException { boolean any_go_annotation_present = false; boolean first_has_no_go = false; int domain_count = 2; // To distinguish between domains and binary domain combinations. if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( domain_1 ) ) { domain_count = 1; } // The following has a difficult to understand logic. for( int d = 0; d < domain_count; ++d ) { List go_ids = null; boolean go_annotation_present = false; if ( d == 0 ) { if ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( domain_0 ) ) { go_annotation_present = true; any_go_annotation_present = true; go_ids = domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( domain_0 ); } else { first_has_no_go = true; } } else { if ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.containsKey( domain_1 ) ) { go_annotation_present = true; any_go_annotation_present = true; go_ids = domain_id_to_go_ids_map.get( domain_1 ); } } if ( go_annotation_present ) { boolean first = ( ( d == 0 ) || ( ( d == 1 ) && first_has_no_go ) ); for( final GoId go_id : go_ids ) { out.write( "" ); if ( first ) { first = false; writeDomainIdsToHtml( out, domain_0, domain_1, prefix_for_html, domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps ); } else { out.write( "" ); } if ( !go_id_to_term_map.containsKey( go_id ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "GO-id [" + go_id + "] not found in GO-id to GO-term map" ); } final GoTerm go_term = go_id_to_term_map.get( go_id ); if ( ( go_namespace_limit == null ) || go_namespace_limit.equals( go_term.getGoNameSpace() ) ) { // final String top = GoUtils.getPenultimateGoTerm( go_term, go_id_to_term_map ).getName(); final String go_id_str = go_id.getId(); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" + go_id_str + "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( go_term.getName() ); if ( domain_count == 2 ) { out.write( " (" + d + ")" ); } out.write( "" ); // out.write( top ); // out.write( "" ); out.write( "[" ); out.write( go_term.getGoNameSpace().toShortString() ); out.write( "]" ); out.write( "" ); if ( all_go_ids != null ) { all_go_ids.add( go_id ); } } else { out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); } out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } } // for( int d = 0; d < domain_count; ++d ) if ( !any_go_annotation_present ) { out.write( "" ); writeDomainIdsToHtml( out, domain_0, domain_1, prefix_for_html, domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( "" ); out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } private static void writeDomainIdsToHtml( final Writer out, final String domain_0, final String domain_1, final String prefix_for_detailed_html, final Map>[] domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps ) throws IOException { out.write( "" ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( prefix_for_detailed_html ) ) { out.write( prefix_for_detailed_html ); out.write( " " ); } out.write( "" + domain_0 + "" ); out.write( "" ); } private final static void writeColorLabels( String l, Color c, Writer w ) throws IOException { w.write( "" ); w.write( l ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } public static void writeDomainSimilaritiesToFile( final StringBuilder html_desc, final StringBuilder html_title, final Writer simple_tab_writer, final Writer single_writer, Map split_writers, final SortedSet similarities, final boolean treat_as_binary, final List species_order, final PrintableDomainSimilarity.PRINT_OPTION print_option, final DomainSimilarity.DomainSimilarityScoring scoring, final boolean verbose, final Map tax_code_to_id_map, Phylogeny phy ) throws IOException { if ( ( single_writer != null ) && ( ( split_writers == null ) || split_writers.isEmpty() ) ) { split_writers = new HashMap(); split_writers.put( '_', single_writer ); } switch ( print_option ) { case SIMPLE_TAB_DELIMITED: break; case HTML: for( final Character key : split_writers.keySet() ) { final Writer w = split_writers.get( key ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); if ( key != '_' ) { writeHtmlHead( w, "DC analysis (" + html_title + ") " + key.toString().toUpperCase() ); } else { writeHtmlHead( w, "DC analysis (" + html_title + ")" ); } w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( html_desc.toString() ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } break; } // for( final DomainSimilarity similarity : similarities ) { if ( ( species_order != null ) && !species_order.isEmpty() ) { ( ( PrintableDomainSimilarity ) similarity ).setSpeciesOrder( species_order ); } if ( single_writer != null ) { single_writer.write( "" ); single_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } else { Writer local_writer = split_writers.get( ( similarity.getDomainId().charAt( 0 ) + "" ).toLowerCase() .charAt( 0 ) ); if ( local_writer == null ) { local_writer = split_writers.get( '0' ); } local_writer.write( "" ); local_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } for( final Writer w : split_writers.values() ) { w.write( "
" + similarity.getDomainId() + "
" + similarity.getDomainId() + "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); // w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); writeColorLabels( "Deuterostomia", TaxonomyColors.DEUTEROSTOMIA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Protostomia", TaxonomyColors.PROTOSTOMIA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Cnidaria", TaxonomyColors.CNIDARIA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Placozoa", TaxonomyColors.PLACOZOA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Ctenophora (comb jellies)", TaxonomyColors.CTENOPHORA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Porifera (sponges)", TaxonomyColors.PORIFERA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Choanoflagellida", TaxonomyColors.CHOANOFLAGELLIDA, w ); writeColorLabels( "Ichthyosporea & Filasterea", TaxonomyColors.ICHTHYOSPOREA_AND_FILASTEREA, w ); writeColorLabels( "Fungi", TaxonomyColors.FUNGI_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Nucleariidae and Fonticula group", TaxonomyColors.NUCLEARIIDAE_AND_FONTICULA_GROUP_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Amoebozoa", TaxonomyColors.AMOEBOZOA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Embryophyta (plants)", TaxonomyColors.EMBRYOPHYTA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Chlorophyta (green algae)", TaxonomyColors.CHLOROPHYTA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Rhodophyta (red algae)", TaxonomyColors.RHODOPHYTA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Glaucocystophyce (Glaucophyta)", TaxonomyColors.GLAUCOPHYTA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Hacrobia (Cryptophyta & Haptophyceae & Centroheliozoa)", TaxonomyColors.HACROBIA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Stramenopiles (Chromophyta, heterokonts)", TaxonomyColors.STRAMENOPILES_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Alveolata", TaxonomyColors.ALVEOLATA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Rhizaria", TaxonomyColors.RHIZARIA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Excavata", TaxonomyColors.EXCAVATA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Apusozoa", TaxonomyColors.APUSOZOA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Archaea", TaxonomyColors.ARCHAEA_COLOR, w ); writeColorLabels( "Bacteria", TaxonomyColors.BACTERIA_COLOR, w ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( "Species group colors:" ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); // w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } // for( final DomainSimilarity similarity : similarities ) { if ( ( species_order != null ) && !species_order.isEmpty() ) { ( ( PrintableDomainSimilarity ) similarity ).setSpeciesOrder( species_order ); } if ( simple_tab_writer != null ) { simple_tab_writer.write( similarity.toStringBuffer( PRINT_OPTION.SIMPLE_TAB_DELIMITED, tax_code_to_id_map, null ).toString() ); } if ( single_writer != null ) { single_writer.write( similarity.toStringBuffer( print_option, tax_code_to_id_map, phy ).toString() ); single_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } else { Writer local_writer = split_writers.get( ( similarity.getDomainId().charAt( 0 ) + "" ).toLowerCase() .charAt( 0 ) ); if ( local_writer == null ) { local_writer = split_writers.get( '0' ); } local_writer.write( similarity.toStringBuffer( print_option, tax_code_to_id_map, phy ).toString() ); local_writer.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } } switch ( print_option ) { case HTML: for( final Writer w : split_writers.values() ) { w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "
" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); w.write( "" ); w.write( SurfacingConstants.NL ); } break; default: break; } for( final Writer w : split_writers.values() ) { w.close(); } } private static void writeDomainsToIndividualFilePerTreeNode( final Writer individual_files_writer, final String domain_0, final String domain_1 ) throws IOException { individual_files_writer.write( domain_0 ); individual_files_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( domain_1 ) ) { individual_files_writer.write( domain_1 ); individual_files_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } } public static void writeMatrixToFile( final CharacterStateMatrix matrix, final String filename, final Format format ) { final File outfile = new File( filename ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( outfile ); try { final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ) ); matrix.toWriter( out, format ); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote matrix: \"" + filename + "\"" ); } public static void writeMatrixToFile( final File matrix_outfile, final List matrices ) { checkForOutputFileWriteability( matrix_outfile ); try { final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( matrix_outfile ) ); for( final DistanceMatrix distance_matrix : matrices ) { out.write( distance_matrix.toStringBuffer( DistanceMatrix.Format.PHYLIP ).toString() ); out.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); out.flush(); } out.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote distance matrices to \"" + matrix_outfile + "\"" ); } private static void writePfamsToFile( final String outfile_name, final SortedSet pfams ) { try { final Writer writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( new File( outfile_name ) ) ); for( final String pfam : pfams ) { writer.write( pfam ); writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); } writer.close(); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote " + pfams.size() + " pfams to [" + outfile_name + "]" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.printWarningMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Failure to write: " + e ); } } public static void writePhylogenyToFile( final Phylogeny phylogeny, final String filename ) { final PhylogenyWriter writer = new PhylogenyWriter(); try { writer.toPhyloXML( new File( filename ), phylogeny, 1 ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.printWarningMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "failed to write phylogeny to \"" + filename + "\": " + e ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote phylogeny to \"" + filename + "\"" ); } public static void writePresentToNexus( final File output_file, final File positive_filter_file, final SortedSet filter, final List gwcd_list ) { try { writeMatrixToFile( DomainParsimonyCalculator.createMatrixOfDomainPresenceOrAbsence( gwcd_list, positive_filter_file == null ? null : filter ), output_file + surfacing.DOMAINS_PRESENT_NEXUS, Format.NEXUS_BINARY ); writeMatrixToFile( DomainParsimonyCalculator.createMatrixOfBinaryDomainCombinationPresenceOrAbsence( gwcd_list ), output_file + surfacing.BDC_PRESENT_NEXUS, Format.NEXUS_BINARY ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } } public static void writeProteinListsForAllSpecies( final File output_dir, final SortedMap> protein_lists_per_species, final List gwcd_list, final double domain_e_cutoff ) { final SortedSet all_domains = new TreeSet(); for( final GenomeWideCombinableDomains gwcd : gwcd_list ) { all_domains.addAll( gwcd.getAllDomainIds() ); } for( final String domain : all_domains ) { final File out = new File( output_dir + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + domain + surfacing.SEQ_EXTRACT_SUFFIX ); checkForOutputFileWriteability( out ); try { final Writer proteins_file_writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( out ) ); extractProteinNames( protein_lists_per_species, domain, proteins_file_writer, "\t", surfacing.LIMIT_SPEC_FOR_PROT_EX, domain_e_cutoff ); proteins_file_writer.close(); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() ); } ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote proteins list to \"" + out + "\"" ); } } public static void writeTaxonomyLinks( final Writer writer, final String species, final Map tax_code_to_id_map ) throws IOException { if ( ( species.length() > 1 ) && ( species.indexOf( '_' ) < 1 ) ) { writer.write( " [" ); if ( ( tax_code_to_id_map != null ) && tax_code_to_id_map.containsKey( species ) ) { writer.write( "uniprot" ); } else { writer.write( "eol" ); writer.write( "|" ); writer.write( "scholar" ); writer.write( "|" ); writer.write( "google" ); } writer.write( "]" ); } } private static void writeToNexus( final String outfile_name, final CharacterStateMatrix matrix, final Phylogeny phylogeny ) { if ( !( matrix instanceof BasicCharacterStateMatrix ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "can only write matrices of type [" + BasicCharacterStateMatrix.class + "] to nexus" ); } final BasicCharacterStateMatrix my_matrix = ( org.forester.evoinference.matrix.character.BasicCharacterStateMatrix ) matrix; final List phylogenies = new ArrayList( 1 ); phylogenies.add( phylogeny ); try { final BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile_name ) ); w.write( NexusConstants.NEXUS ); w.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR ); my_matrix.writeNexusTaxaBlock( w ); my_matrix.writeNexusBinaryChractersBlock( w ); PhylogenyWriter.writeNexusTreesBlock( w, phylogenies, NH_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_VALUE_STYLE.NONE ); w.flush(); w.close(); ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote Nexus file: \"" + outfile_name + "\"" ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() ); } } private static void writeToNexus( final String outfile_name, final DomainParsimonyCalculator domain_parsimony, final Phylogeny phylogeny ) { writeToNexus( outfile_name + surfacing.NEXUS_EXTERNAL_DOMAINS, domain_parsimony.createMatrixOfDomainPresenceOrAbsence(), phylogeny ); writeToNexus( outfile_name + surfacing.NEXUS_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN_COMBINATIONS, domain_parsimony.createMatrixOfBinaryDomainCombinationPresenceOrAbsence(), phylogeny ); } private SurfacingUtil() { // Hidden constructor. } }