// $Id: // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications // for evolutionary biology research and applications. // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research // All rights reserved // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com // WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester package org.forester.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public final class CommandLineArguments { private final static String OPTIONS_PREFIX = "-"; private final static String EXTENDED_OPTIONS_PREFIX = "--"; private final static String OPTIONS_SEPARATOR = "="; private Map _options; private Map _extended_options; private List _names; private String _command_line_str; public CommandLineArguments( final String[] args ) throws IOException { init(); parseCommandLineArguments( args ); } private Map getAllOptions() { final Map o = new HashMap(); o.putAll( getOptionsList() ); o.putAll( getExtendedOptionsList() ); return o; } public String getCommandLineArgsAsString() { return _command_line_str; } private Map getExtendedOptionsList() { return _extended_options; } public File getFile( final int i ) { return new File( getNames()[ i ] ); } public String getName( final int i ) { return getNames()[ i ]; } public String[] getNames() { final String[] a = new String[ getNamesList().size() ]; return getNamesList().toArray( a ); } private List getNamesList() { return _names; } public int getNumberOfNames() { return getNames().length; } private Map getOptionsList() { return _options; } public String getOptionValue( final String option_name ) throws IllegalArgumentException { final Map o = getAllOptions(); if ( o.containsKey( option_name ) ) { final String value = o.get( option_name ); if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( value ) ) { return value; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "value for \"" + option_name + "\" is not set" ); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "option \"" + option_name + "\" is not set" ); } } /** * Removes quotes * */ public String getOptionValueAsCleanString( final String option_name ) throws IllegalArgumentException { return getOptionValue( option_name ).replaceAll( "\"", "" ).replaceAll( "\'", "" ); } public char getOptionValueAsChar( final String option_name ) throws IllegalArgumentException { return getOptionValue( option_name ).charAt( 0 ); } public double getOptionValueAsDouble( final String option_name ) throws IOException { double d = -Double.MAX_VALUE; try { d = new Double( getOptionValue( option_name ) ).doubleValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "value for option \"" + option_name + "\" is expected to be of type double" ); } return d; } public int getOptionValueAsInt( final String option_name ) throws IOException { int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE; try { i = new Integer( getOptionValue( option_name ) ).intValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "value for option \"" + option_name + "\" is expected to be of type integer" ); } return i; } public long getOptionValueAsLong( final String option_name ) throws IOException { long l = Long.MIN_VALUE; try { l = new Long( getOptionValue( option_name ) ).longValue(); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { throw new IOException( "value for option \"" + option_name + "\" is expected to be of type long" ); } return l; } private void init() { _options = new HashMap(); _extended_options = new HashMap(); _names = new ArrayList(); _command_line_str = ""; } public boolean isOptionHasAValue( final String option_name ) { final Map o = getAllOptions(); if ( o.containsKey( option_name ) ) { final String value = o.get( option_name ); return ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( value ) ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "option \"" + option_name + "\" is not set" ); } } public boolean isOptionSet( final String option_name ) { final Map o = getAllOptions(); return ( o.containsKey( option_name ) ); } public boolean isOptionValueSet( final String option_name ) throws IllegalArgumentException { final Map o = getAllOptions(); if ( o.containsKey( option_name ) ) { return !( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( o.get( option_name ) ) ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "option \"" + option_name + "\" is not set" ); } } private void parseCommandLineArguments( final String[] args ) throws IOException { for( int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i ) { final String arg = args[ i ].trim(); _command_line_str += arg; if ( i < ( args.length - 1 ) ) { _command_line_str += " "; } if ( arg.startsWith( CommandLineArguments.EXTENDED_OPTIONS_PREFIX ) ) { parseOption( arg.substring( CommandLineArguments.EXTENDED_OPTIONS_PREFIX.length() ), getExtendedOptionsList() ); } else if ( arg.startsWith( CommandLineArguments.OPTIONS_PREFIX ) ) { parseOption( arg.substring( CommandLineArguments.OPTIONS_PREFIX.length() ), getOptionsList() ); } else { getNamesList().add( arg ); } } } private void parseOption( final String option, final Map options_map ) throws IOException { final int sep_index = option.indexOf( CommandLineArguments.OPTIONS_SEPARATOR ); if ( sep_index < 1 ) { if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( option ) ) { throw new IOException( "attempt to set option with an empty name" ); } if ( getAllOptions().containsKey( option ) ) { throw new IOException( "attempt to set option \"" + option + "\" mutiple times" ); } options_map.put( option, null ); } else { final String key = option.substring( 0, sep_index ); final String value = option.substring( sep_index + 1 ); if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( key ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to set option with an empty name" ); } // if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( value ) ) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to set option with an empty value" ); // } if ( getAllOptions().containsKey( key ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to set option \"" + key + "\" mutiple times [" + option + "]" ); } options_map.put( key, value ); } } public List validateAllowedOptions( final List allowed_options ) { final Map options = getAllOptions(); final List dissallowed = new ArrayList(); for( final String o : options.keySet() ) { if ( !allowed_options.contains( o ) ) { dissallowed.add( o ); } } return dissallowed; } public String validateAllowedOptionsAsString( final List allowed_options ) { final List dissallowed = validateAllowedOptions( allowed_options ); String dissallowed_string = ""; for( final Iterator iter = dissallowed.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { dissallowed_string += "\"" + iter.next(); if ( iter.hasNext() ) { dissallowed_string += "\", "; } else { dissallowed_string += "\""; } } return dissallowed_string; } public List validateMandatoryOptions( final List mandatory_options ) { final Map options = getAllOptions(); final List missing = new ArrayList(); for( final String string : mandatory_options ) { final String ma = string; if ( !options.containsKey( ma ) ) { missing.add( ma ); } } return missing; } public String validateMandatoryOptionsAsString( final List mandatory_options ) { final List missing = validateMandatoryOptions( mandatory_options ); String missing_string = ""; for( final Iterator iter = missing.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { missing_string += "\"" + iter.next(); if ( iter.hasNext() ) { missing_string += "\", "; } else { missing_string += "\""; } } return missing_string; } }