#!/usr/bin/perl -W # # FORESTER -- software libraries and applications # for evolutionary biology research and applications. # # Copyright (C) 2017 Christian M. Zmasek # All rights reserved # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # Contact: cmzmasek at yahoo dot com # WWW: https://sites.google.com/site/cmzmasek/home/software/forester # # # # Requirements phylo_pl is part of the FORESTER libraries. # ------------ Many of its global variables are set via forester.pm. # # # Note. Use xt.pl (for Pfam alignments) or mt.pl (for other alignments) # to run phylo_pl.pl on whole directories of alignments files. # # # # # ========================= # # METHOD ORDER (IMPORTANT!) # 1. FastME # 2. phylip NJ # 3. phylip fitch FM # 4. phylip fitch ME # 5. BIONJ # 6. Weighbor # 7. Raxml # 8. phyml # 9. phylip proml # 10. phylip protpars # 11. all #========================== use strict; use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use forester; my $VERSION = "1.0.1"; my $LAST_MODIFIED = "2017/02/07"; my $RAXML_MODEL_BASE = "PROTGAMMA"; my $RAXML_ALGORITHM = "a"; my $TEMP_DIR_DEFAULT = "/tmp/phylo_pl_"; # Where all the infiles, outfiles, etc will be created. my $bootstraps = 100; # 0,1: do not bootstrap. Default: 100 my $matrix = 5; # 0 = JTT # 1 = PAM # 2 = BLOSUM 62 # 3 = mtREV24 # 5 = VT - default # 6 = WAG # 7 = auto in puzzle # 8 = DCMut in PHYML, VT in TREE-PUZZLE my $rate_heterogeneity = 0; # 0 = Uniform rate (default) # 1 = 8 Gamma distributed rates # 2 = Two rates (1 invariable + 1 variable) # 3 = Mixed (1 invariable + 8 Gamma rates) my $seed = 9; # Seed for random number generators. Default: 9 my $keep_multiple_trees = 0; # 0: delete multiple tree file # 1: do not delete multiple tree file my $exact_parameter_est = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $phyml_rel_substitution_rate_cat = 4; my $jumbles = 2; my $use_fastme = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_phylip_nj = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_phylip_fitch_fm = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_phylip_fitch_me = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_bionj = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_weighbor = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_raxml = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_phyml = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_proml = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_protpars = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $use_global_rearr = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $estimate_invar_sites = 0; # 0: no; 1: yes my $fastme_init_tree_opt = "NJ"; my %seqnames = (); # number => seqname my %numbers = (); # seqname => number my $options = ""; my $infile = ""; my $pwdfile = ""; my $outfile = ""; my $logfile = ""; my $multipwdfile = ""; my $distancefile = ""; my $log = ""; my $ii = 0; my $temp_dir = ""; my $current_dir = ""; my @out = (); my $number_of_seqs = 0; my $number_of_aa = 0; my $use_pwd_based_methods = 0; print( "\n"); print( "phylo_pl $VERSION ($LAST_MODIFIED)\n" ); print( "__________________________________\n"); print( "\n\n"); unless ( @ARGV == 2 || @ARGV == 3 || @ARGV == 4 || @ARGV == 5 ) { &printUsage(); exit ( -1 ); } # Analyzes the options: # --------------------- if ( $ARGV[ 0 ] =~ /^-.+/ ) { unless ( @ARGV > 2 ) { &printUsage(); exit ( -1 ); } $options = $ARGV[ 0 ]; if ( @ARGV != 3 && @ARGV != 4 ) { &printUsage(); exit ( -1 ); } $infile = $ARGV[ 1 ]; $outfile = $ARGV[ 2 ]; if ( @ARGV == 4 ) { $temp_dir = $ARGV[ 3 ]; } if ( $options =~ /B(\d+)/ ) { $bootstraps = $1; if ( $bootstraps <= 1 ) { $bootstraps = 0; } elsif ( $bootstraps <= 9 ) { $bootstraps = 0; print "\n\nphylo_pl: WARNING: Bootstrap number must be devisable by 10,\nno bootstrapping.\n\n"; } elsif ( $bootstraps % 10 != 0 ) { $bootstraps = $bootstraps - $bootstraps % 10; # to ensure $bootstraps % 10 == 0 print "\n\nphylo_pl: WARNING: Bootstrap number must be devisable by 10,\nset to $bootstraps.\n\n"; } } if ( $options =~ /n/ ) { $use_phylip_nj = 1; } if ( $options =~ /q@(\d)/ ) { $use_fastme = 1; my $opt = $1; if ( $opt == 1 ) { $fastme_init_tree_opt = "GME"; } elsif ( $opt == 2 ) { $fastme_init_tree_opt = "BME"; } elsif ( $opt == 3 ) { $fastme_init_tree_opt = "NJ"; } else { &printUsage(); exit ( -1 ); } } if ( $options =~ /f/ ) { $use_phylip_fitch_fm = 1; } if ( $options =~ /e/ ) { $use_phylip_fitch_me = 1; } if ( $options =~ /b/ ) { $use_bionj = 1; } if ( $options =~ /w/ ) { $use_weighbor = 1; } if ( $options =~ /x/ ) { $use_raxml = 1; } if ( $options =~ /y/ ) { $use_phyml = 1; } if ( $options =~ /o/ ) { $use_proml = 1; } if ( $options =~ /p/ ) { $use_protpars = 1; } if ( $options =~ /G/ ) { $use_global_rearr = 1; } if ( $options =~ /I/ ) { $estimate_invar_sites = 1; } if ( $options =~ /j(\d+)/ ) { $jumbles = $1; if ( $jumbles < 1 ) { $jumbles = 0; } } if ( $options =~ /r(\d+)/ ) { $phyml_rel_substitution_rate_cat = $1; if ( $phyml_rel_substitution_rate_cat < 1 ) { $phyml_rel_substitution_rate_cat = 1; } } if ( $options =~ /J/ ) { $matrix = 0; # JTT } if ( $options =~ /P/ ) { $matrix = 1; # PAM } if ( $options =~ /L/ ) { $matrix = 2; # Blosum 62 } if ( $options =~ /M/ ) { $matrix = 3; # mtREV24 } if ( $options =~ /W/ ) { $matrix = 6; # WAG } if ( $options =~ /A/ ) { $matrix = 7; # auto } if ( $options =~ /D/ ) { $matrix = 8; # DCMut in PHYML and RAXML, VT in PUZZLE } if ( $options =~ /S(\d+)/ ) { $seed = $1; } if ( $options =~ /X/ ) { $keep_multiple_trees = 1; } if ( $options =~ /E/ ) { $exact_parameter_est = 1; } if ( $options =~ /g/ ) { $rate_heterogeneity = 1; } if ( $options =~ /t/ ) { $rate_heterogeneity = 2; } if ( $options =~ /m/ ) { $rate_heterogeneity = 3; } } else { unless ( @ARGV == 2 || @ARGV == 3 ) { &printUsage(); exit ( -1 ); } $infile = $ARGV[ 0 ]; $outfile = $ARGV[ 1 ]; if ( @ARGV == 3 ) { $temp_dir = $ARGV[ 2 ]; } } if ( $use_fastme != 1 && $use_phylip_nj != 1 && $use_phylip_fitch_fm != 1 && $use_phylip_fitch_me != 1 && $use_bionj != 1 && $use_weighbor != 1 && $use_raxml != 1 && $use_phyml != 1 && $use_proml != 1 && $use_protpars != 1 ) { $use_fastme = 1; $use_phylip_nj = 1; $use_phylip_fitch_fm = 1; $use_phylip_fitch_me = 1; $use_bionj = 1; $use_raxml = 1; $use_weighbor = 1; $use_phyml = 1; $use_proml = 1; $use_protpars = 1; } if ( $use_fastme == 1 || $use_phylip_nj == 1 || $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 || $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 || $use_bionj == 1 || $use_weighbor == 1 ) { $use_pwd_based_methods = 1; } else { $use_pwd_based_methods = 0; } $current_dir = `pwd`; $current_dir =~ s/\s//; if ( $outfile !~ /^\// ) { # outfile is not absolute path. $outfile = $current_dir."/".$outfile; } # TREE-PUZZLE sets the option in this way: # If two rates or mixed, exact parameter estimates are used. if ( $rate_heterogeneity == 2 || $rate_heterogeneity == 3 ) { $exact_parameter_est = 1 } if ( $outfile =~ /\.xml$/i ) { $outfile =~ s/\.xml//i; } elsif ( $outfile =~ /\.aln$/i ) { $outfile =~ s/\.aln//i; } elsif ( $outfile =~ /\.fasta$/i ) { $outfile =~ s/\.fasta//i; } elsif ( $outfile =~ /\.fas$/i ) { $outfile =~ s/\.fas//i; } elsif ( $outfile =~ /\.seqs$/i ) { $outfile =~ s/\.seqs//i; } $logfile = $outfile.$LOG_FILE_SUFFIX; $multipwdfile = $outfile.$MULTIPLE_PWD_FILE_SUFFIX; $distancefile = $outfile.$SUFFIX_PWD_NOT_BOOTS; &dieIfFileExists( $logfile ); &dieIfFileExists( $multipwdfile ); &dieIfFileExists( $distancefile ); my $fastme_outtree = $outfile."_fme.xml"; my $phylip_nj_outtree = $outfile."_pnj.xml"; my $phylip_fm_outtree = $outfile."_pfm.xml"; my $phylip_me_outtree = $outfile."_pme.xml"; my $bionj_outtree = $outfile."_bionj.xml"; my $weighbor_outtree = $outfile."_weigh.xml"; my $raxml_outtree = $outfile."_raxml.xml"; my $phyml_outtree = $outfile."_phyml.xml"; my $proml_outtree = $outfile."_proml.xml"; my $protpars_outtree = $outfile."_ppp.xml"; my $all_outtree = $outfile."_comb.xml"; my $multitreefile_fastme = $outfile."_fme".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_phylip_nj = $outfile."_pnj".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_phylip_fm = $outfile."_pfm".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_phylip_me = $outfile."_pme".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_bionj = $outfile."_bionj".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_weighbor = $outfile."_weigh".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_raxml = $outfile."_raxml".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_phyml = $outfile."_phyml".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_proml = $outfile."_proml".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; my $multitreefile_protpars = $outfile."_ppp".$MULTIPLE_TREES_FILE_SUFFIX; if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $fastme_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_fastme ); } } if( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $phylip_nj_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_phylip_nj ); } } if( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $phylip_fm_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_phylip_fm ); } } if( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $phylip_me_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_phylip_me ); } } if( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $bionj_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_bionj ); } } if( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $weighbor_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_weighbor ); } } if( $use_raxml == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $raxml_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_raxml ); } } if( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $phyml_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_phyml ); } } if( $use_proml == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $proml_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_proml ); } } if( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $protpars_outtree ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $multitreefile_protpars ); } } if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &dieIfFileExists( $all_outtree ); } if ( $infile ne "" ) { unless ( ( -s $infile ) && ( -f $infile ) && ( -T $infile ) ) { die "\n\nphylo_pl: Input alignment file \"$infile\" does not exist, is empty, or is not a plain textfile.\n\n"; } } # Prints out the options: # ----------------------- $log = "\n$0 logfile:\n"; $log = $log."Version: $VERSION\n\n"; if ( $infile ne "" ) { $log = $log."Input : $infile\n"; } if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 && $bootstraps >= 2 ) { $log = $log."Multiple distance matrices : $multipwdfile\n"; } $log = $log."Bootstraps : $bootstraps\n"; if ( $use_pwd_based_methods == 1 ) { $log = $log."Prgrm to calculate pairwise dist. : TREE-PUZZLE (version: $PUZZLE_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : FastME (version: $FASTME_VERSION)\n"; $log = $log."Method for intial tree in FastME : $fastme_init_tree_opt\n"; $log = $log."Tree swapping (NNI) in FastME : balanced (default)\n"; } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : PHYLIP NEIGHBOR NJ (version: $PHYLIP_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : PHYLIP FITCH Fitch-Margoliash (version: $PHYLIP_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : PHYLIP FITCH Minimal Evolution (version: $PHYLIP_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : BIONJ (version: $BIONJ_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : Weighbor [no invariable sites, b=14] (version: $WEIGHBOR_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_raxml == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : RAxML [$RAXML_MODEL_BASE] (uses its own bootstraps, if bootstrapped: -f $RAXML_ALGORITHM) (version: $RAXML_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : PHYML (MLE for gamma distr param and proportion of inv sites) (version: $PHYML_VERSION)\n"; $log = $log."# of rel subst rate categories : $phyml_rel_substitution_rate_cat\n"; } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : PHYLIP PROML (uses PAM unless JTT selected) (version: $PHYLIP_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { $log = $log."Program to calculate tree : PHYLIP PROTPARS (with global rearrangements) (version: $PHYLIP_VERSION)\n"; } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 || $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 || $use_protpars == 1 || $use_proml ) { $log = $log."Number of jumbles (input order rand): $jumbles\n"; } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 || $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 || $use_proml ) { if ( $use_global_rearr == 1 ) { $log = $log."Global rearrangements : true\n"; } else { $log = $log."Global rearrangements : false\n"; } } if ( $bootstraps > 0 ) { $log = $log."Prgrm to calculate ML branch lenghts: TREE-PUZZLE (version: $PUZZLE_VERSION)\n"; } $log = $log."Model : "; if ( $matrix == 0 ) { $log = $log."JTT (Jones et al. 1992)\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 1 ) { $log = $log."PAM (Dayhoff et al. 1978)\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 2 ) { $log = $log."BLOSUM 62 (Henikoff-Henikoff 92)\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 3 ) { $log = $log."mtREV24 (Adachi-Hasegawa 1996)\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 5 ) { $log = $log."VT (Mueller-Vingron 2000)\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 6 ) { $log = $log."WAG (Whelan-Goldman 2000)\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 7 ) { $log = $log."auto in TREE-PUZZLE\n"; } elsif ( $matrix == 8 ) { $log = $log."DCMut (Kosial and Goldman, 2005) in PHYML and RAxML, VT in TREE-PUZZLE\n"; } else { &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Unknown model: matrix=$matrix" ); } if ( $use_raxml == 1 || $use_phyml == 1 ) { if ( $estimate_invar_sites == 1 ) { $log = $log."Estimate proportion of invariable sites in RAXML and/or PHYML: true\n"; } else { $log = $log."Estimate proportion of invariable sites in RAXML and/or PHYML: false (proportion \"0.0\" is used in PHYML)\n"; } } $log = $log."Model of rate heterogeneity (PUZZLE): "; if ( $rate_heterogeneity == 1 ) { $log = $log."8 Gamma distributed rates\n"; } elsif ( $rate_heterogeneity == 2 ) { $log = $log."Two rates (1 invariable + 1 variable)\n"; } elsif ( $rate_heterogeneity == 3 ) { $log = $log."Mixed (1 invariable + 8 Gamma rates)\n"; } else { $log = $log."Uniform rate\n"; } $log = $log."Seed for random number generators : $seed\n"; if ( $exact_parameter_est == 1 ) { $log = $log."Exact parameter estimates in TREE-PUZZLE\n"; } $log = $log."Start time/date : ".`date`; # That's where the mischief starts.... # ------------------------------------ $ii = 0; srand(); my $range = 1000000; my $random_number = int( rand( $range ) ); if ( $temp_dir eq "" ) { $temp_dir = $TEMP_DIR_DEFAULT; } $temp_dir = $temp_dir.$random_number.$ii; while ( -e $temp_dir ) { $ii++; $temp_dir = $temp_dir.$random_number.$ii; } mkdir( $temp_dir, 0700 ) || die "\n\n$0: Could not create <<$temp_dir>>: $!\n\n"; unless ( ( -e $temp_dir ) && ( -d $temp_dir ) ) { die "\n\n$0: <<$temp_dir>> does not exist, or is not a directory.\n\n"; } &cp( $infile, $temp_dir."/INFILE" ); unless ( chmod ( 0600, $temp_dir."/INFILE" ) ) { warn "\n\n$0: Could not chmod. $!\n\n"; } $infile = "INFILE"; chdir ( $temp_dir ) || die "\n\n$0: Could not chdir to <<$temp_dir>>: $!\n\n"; &cp( $infile, "infile" ); @out = &getNumberOfSeqsAndAas( $infile ); $number_of_seqs = $out[ 0 ]; $number_of_aa = $out[ 1 ]; my $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE = "seqboot_outfile"; if ( $bootstraps > 1 && ( $use_pwd_based_methods == 1 || $use_phyml == 1 || $use_proml == 1 || $use_protpars == 1 ) ) { &executeSeqboot( $seed, $bootstraps ); &mv( "outfile", $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE ); &rm( "infile" ); } &cp( $infile, "align" ); if ( $use_pwd_based_methods == 1 ) { # Calculating the pairwise distances (saved in file "infile"): "puzzle" if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &executePuzzleBootstrapped( $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE, $matrix, $number_of_seqs, $exact_parameter_est, $rate_heterogeneity ); $pwdfile = $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE.".dist"; } else { &executePuzzle( "infile", $matrix, $number_of_seqs, $exact_parameter_est, $rate_heterogeneity ); $pwdfile = "infile.dist"; } } &rm( "infile" ); # Methods based on alignment # -------------------------- my $OUTTREE_RAXML = "outtree_rax"; my $OUTTREE_PHYML = "outtree_phyml"; my $OUTTREE_PROML = "outtree_proml"; my $OUTTREE_PROTPARS = "outtree_protpars"; my $CONSENSUS_RAXML = "consensus_raxml"; my $CONSENSUS_PHYML = "consensus_phyml"; my $CONSENSUS_PROML = "consensus_proml"; my $CONSENSUS_PROTPARS = "consensus_protpars"; my $OUTTREES_ALL = "outtrees_all"; my $all_count = 0; if ( $use_raxml == 1 ) { my $model = "---"; if ( $matrix == 0 ) { $model = "JTT"; } elsif ( $matrix == 1 ) { $model = "DAYHOFF"; } elsif ( $matrix == 2 ) { $model = "BLOSUM62"; } elsif ( $matrix == 3 ) { $model = "MTREV"; } elsif ( $matrix == 5 ) { $model = "VT"; } elsif ( $matrix == 6 ) { $model = "WAG"; } elsif ( $matrix == 7 ) { $model = "VT"; } elsif ( $matrix == 8 ) { $model = "DCMUT"; } else { &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Unknown model: matrix=$matrix" ); } print( "\n========== RAxML begin =========\n\n" ); # Six arguments: # 1. DNA or Amino-Acids sequence filename (PHYLIP format) # 2. Model, eg. PROTGAMMAIVT # 3. Replicates (bootstrap) # 4. Seed for bootstrap # 5. Output suffix # 6. Algorithm (only for bootstrap, default otherwise) my $invar = ""; if ( $estimate_invar_sites == 1 ) { $invar = "I"; } # NOTE. RaxML does its own bootstrapping. &executeRaxml( "align", $RAXML_MODEL_BASE.$invar.$model."F", $bootstraps, $seed, "xxx", $RAXML_ALGORITHM ); print( "\n========== RAxML end =========\n\n" ); &rm( "RAxML_log.xxx" ); &rm( "RAxML_parsimonyTree.xxx" ); &mv( "RAxML_info.xxx", $outfile."_raxml_info" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &rm( "RAxML_bestTree.xxx" ); &mv( "RAxML_bipartitions.xxx", $CONSENSUS_RAXML ); &append( "RAxML_bootstrap.xxx", $OUTTREES_ALL ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 ) { &mv( "RAxML_bootstrap.xxx", $multitreefile_raxml ); } else { &rm( "RAxML_bootstrap.xxx" ); } $all_count++; } else { &mv( "RAxML_result.xxx", $OUTTREE_RAXML ); } } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { my $model = "---"; if ( $matrix == 0 ) { $model = "JTT"; } elsif ( $matrix == 1 ) { $model = "Dayhoff"; } elsif ( $matrix == 2 ) { $model = "Blosum62"; } elsif ( $matrix == 3 ) { $model = "MtREV"; } elsif ( $matrix == 5 ) { $model = "VT"; } elsif ( $matrix == 6 ) { $model = "WAG"; } elsif ( $matrix == 7 ) { $model = "VT"; } elsif ( $matrix == 8 ) { $model = "DCMut"; } else { &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Unknown model: matrix=$matrix" ); } my $input = ""; if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { $input = $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE; } else { $input = "align"; } print( "\n========== PHYML begin =========\n\n" ); # Six arguments: # 1. DNA or Amino-Acids sequence filename (PHYLIP format) # 2. number of data sets to analyse (ex:3) # 3. Model: JTT | MtREV | Dayhoff | WAG | VT | DCMut | Blosum62 (Amino-Acids) # 4. number of relative substitution rate categories (ex:4), positive integer # 5. starting tree filename (Newick format), your tree filename | BIONJ for a distance-based tree # 6. 1 to estimate proportion of invariable sites, otherwise, fixed proportion "0.0" is used # PHYML produces several results files : # _phyml_lk.txt : likelihood value(s) # _phyml_tree.txt : inferred tree(s) # _phyml_stat.txt : detailed execution stats &executePhyml( $input, $bootstraps, $model, $phyml_rel_substitution_rate_cat, "BIONJ", $estimate_invar_sites ); print( "\n========== PHYML end =========\n\n" ); &rm( $input."_phyml_lk.txt" ); &mv( $input."_phyml_tree.txt", $OUTTREE_PHYML ); if ( -e $outfile."_phyml_stat" ) { &rm( $outfile."_phyml_stat" ); } &mv( $input."_phyml_stat.txt", $outfile."_phyml_stat" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_PHYML, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { my $input = ""; if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { $input = $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE; } else { $input = "align"; } print( "\n========== PHYLIP PROML begin =========\n\n" ); # Five arguments: # 1. name of alignment file (in correct format!) # 2. number of bootstraps # 3. jumbles: 0: do not jumble; >=1 number of jumbles # 4. seed for random number generator # 5. 1 for PAM instead of JTT my $use_pam = 1; if ( $matrix == 0 ) { $use_pam = 0; } &executeProml( $input, $bootstraps, $jumbles, $seed, $use_pam, $use_global_rearr ); print( "\n========== PHYLIP PROML end =========\n\n" ); &mv( "outtree", $OUTTREE_PROML ); &rm( "outfile" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_PROML, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { my $input = ""; if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { $input = $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE; } else { $input = "align"; } print( "\n========== PHYLIP PROTPARS begin =========\n\n" ); &executeProtpars( $input, $bootstraps, $jumbles, $seed ); print( "\n========== PHYLIP PROTPARS end =========\n\n" ); &mv( "outtree", $OUTTREE_PROTPARS ); &rm( $outfile."_protpars_outfile" ); &mv( "outfile", $outfile."_protpars_outfile" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_PROTPARS, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } # Methods based on PWD # -------------------- my $OUTTREE_FASTME = "outtree_fastme"; my $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ = "outtree_phylip_nj"; my $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM = "outtree_phylip_fm"; my $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME = "outtree_phylip_me"; my $OUTTREE_BIONJ = "outtree_bionj"; my $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR = "outtree_weighbor"; my $CONSENSUS_FASTME = "consensus_fastme"; my $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_NJ = "consensus_phylip_nj"; my $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_FM = "consensus_phylip_fm"; my $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_ME = "consensus_phylip_me"; my $CONSENSUS_BIONJ = "consensus_bionj"; my $CONSENSUS_WEIGHBOR = "consensus_weighbor"; my $CONSENSUS_ALL = "consensus_all"; if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { print( "\n========== FASTME begin =========\n\n" ); &executeFastme( $pwdfile, $bootstraps, $fastme_init_tree_opt ); print( "\n========== FASTME end ===========\n\n" ); &rm( "output.d" ); &mv( "output.tre", $OUTTREE_FASTME ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_FASTME, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_phylip_nj ) { print( "\n========== PHYLIP NEIGHBOR begin =========\n\n" ); &executeNeighbor( $pwdfile, $bootstraps, $seed, 0 ); print( "\n========== PHYLIP NEIGHBOR end =========\n\n" ); &mv( "outtree", $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ ); &rm( "outfile" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm ) { print( "\n========== PHYLIP FITCH FM begin =========\n\n" ); &executeFitch( $pwdfile, $bootstraps, $seed, $jumbles, 0, "FM", $use_global_rearr ); print( "\n========== PHYLIP FITCH FM end =========\n\n" ); &mv( "outtree", $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM ); &rm( "outfile" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me ) { print( "\n========== PHYLIP FITCH ME begin =========\n\n" ); &executeFitch( $pwdfile, $bootstraps, $seed, $jumbles, 0, "ME", $use_global_rearr ); print( "\n========== PHYLIP FITCH ME end =========\n\n" ); &mv( "outtree", $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME ); &rm( "outfile" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_bionj ) { print( "\n========== BIONJ begin =========\n\n" ); &executeBionj( $pwdfile, $OUTTREE_BIONJ ); print( "\n========== BIONJ end =========\n\n" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_BIONJ, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $use_weighbor ) { print( "\n========== WEIGHBOR begin =========\n\n" ); &executeWeighbor( $number_of_aa, 14, $pwdfile, $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR ); print( "\n========== WEIGHBOR end =========\n\n" ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { &append( $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR, $OUTTREES_ALL ); $all_count++; } } if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { # Consense: if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_FASTME, $CONSENSUS_FASTME ); } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ, $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_NJ ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM, $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_FM ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME, $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_ME ); } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_BIONJ, $CONSENSUS_BIONJ ); } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR, $CONSENSUS_WEIGHBOR ); } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_PHYML, $CONSENSUS_PHYML ); } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_PROML, $CONSENSUS_PROML ); } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREE_PROTPARS, $CONSENSUS_PROTPARS ); } if ( $all_count > 1 ) { &consense( $OUTTREES_ALL, $CONSENSUS_ALL ); } else { &rm( $OUTTREES_ALL ); } my $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE = "intree"; #why so serious? &rm( $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); system( "touch", $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ) && die("\n\n$0: could not \"touch $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE\": $!\n\n"); if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_FASTME, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_NJ, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_FM, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_ME, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_BIONJ, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_WEIGHBOR, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_raxml == 1 ) { # Needed, because TREE-PUZZLE adds internal labels for all subsequent trees # when evaluating given trees (this seems a strange behaviour). removeSupportValues( $CONSENSUS_RAXML, $CONSENSUS_RAXML."_support_removed" ); &append( $CONSENSUS_RAXML."_support_removed", $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_RAXML."_support_removed" ); } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_PHYML, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_PROML, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_PROTPARS, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } if ( $all_count > 1 ) { &append( $CONSENSUS_ALL, $INTREE_FOR_PUZZLE ); } # Puzzle for ML branch lenghts: # The alignment is read from infile by default. # The tree is read from intree by default. &rm( "infile" ); &mv( "align", "infile" ); # align = original alignment in phylip interleaved. &executePuzzleToCalculateBranchLenghts( $matrix, $exact_parameter_est, $rate_heterogeneity ); my $OUTTREE_PUZZLE = "outtree_puzzle"; &rm( $outfile."_puzzle_outfile" ); &mv( "outfile", $outfile."_puzzle_outfile" ); &mv( "outtree", $OUTTREE_PUZZLE ); &rm( "outdist" ); &rm( "intree" ); # Transfer # -------- my $counter = 0; if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_FASTME, $fastme_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_FASTME ); } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_NJ, $phylip_nj_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_NJ ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_FM, $phylip_fm_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_FM ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_ME, $phylip_me_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_PHYLIP_ME ); } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_BIONJ, $bionj_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_BIONJ ); } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_WEIGHBOR, $weighbor_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_WEIGHBOR ); } if ( $use_raxml == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $CONSENSUS_RAXML, $raxml_outtree, 1, 1 ); $counter++; } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_PHYML, $phyml_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_PHYML ); } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_PROML, $proml_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_PROML ); } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_PROTPARS, $protpars_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_PROTPARS ); } if ( $all_count > 1 ) { &executeSupportTransfer( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE, $CONSENSUS_ALL, $all_outtree, $counter++ ); &rm( $CONSENSUS_ALL ); } # Clean up # -------- &rm( $OUTTREE_PUZZLE ); &rm( $SEQBOOT_OUTFILE ); if ( $keep_multiple_trees == 1 ) { if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_FASTME, $multitreefile_fastme ); } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ, $multitreefile_phylip_nj ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM, $multitreefile_phylip_fm ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME, $multitreefile_phylip_me ); } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_BIONJ, $multitreefile_bionj ); } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR, $multitreefile_weighbor ); } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_PHYML, $multitreefile_phyml ); } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_PROML, $multitreefile_proml ); } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &mv( $OUTTREE_PROTPARS, $multitreefile_protpars ); } &mv( $pwdfile, $multipwdfile ); } else { if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_FASTME ); } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME ); } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_BIONJ ); } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR ); } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_PHYML ); } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_PROML ); } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREE_PROTPARS ); } &rm( $pwdfile ); } if ( $all_count > 1 ) { &rm( $OUTTREES_ALL ); } } # if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) else { &rm( "infile.dist" ); &rm( "infile.puzzle" ); if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_FASTME, $fastme_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_NJ, $phylip_nj_outtree, 0, 1); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_FM, $phylip_fm_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_PHYLIP_ME, $phylip_me_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_BIONJ, $bionj_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_WEIGHBOR, $weighbor_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_raxml == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_RAXML, $raxml_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_PHYML, $phyml_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_PROML, $proml_outtree, 0, 1 ); } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { &to_phyloxml( $OUTTREE_PROTPARS, $protpars_outtree, 0, 1 ); } } # if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) &rm( $infile ); &rm( "infile" ); &rm( "align" ); &rm( "align.reduced" ); $log = $log."Finish time/date : ".`date`; if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { $log = $log."Puzzle output file : ".$outfile."_puzzle_outfile\n"; } $log = $log."Columns in alignment : $number_of_aa\n"; $log = $log."Number of sequences in alignment : $number_of_seqs\n"; if ( $all_count > 1 ) { $log = $log."Combined consensus : $all_outtree\n"; } if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { $log = $log."\n\n"; $log = $log."Simple support value statistics (trees are numbered the same as for TREE PUZZLE output)\n"; $log = $log."------------------------------- \n"; $log = $log."\n"; } open( OUT, ">$logfile" ) || die "\n$0: Cannot create file <<$logfile>>: $!\n"; print OUT $log; close( OUT ); if ( $bootstraps > 1 ) { # Simple support statistics # ------------------------- my $SS_OUT = $temp_dir."/ss_out"; my @phylos = (); my $ounter = 0; if ( $use_fastme == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $fastme_outtree; } if ( $use_phylip_nj == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $phylip_nj_outtree; } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_fm == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $phylip_fm_outtree; } if ( $use_phylip_fitch_me == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $phylip_me_outtree; } if ( $use_bionj == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $bionj_outtree; } if ( $use_weighbor == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $weighbor_outtree; } if ( $use_raxml == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $raxml_outtree; } if ( $use_phyml == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $phyml_outtree; } if ( $use_proml == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $proml_outtree; } if ( $use_protpars == 1 ) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $protpars_outtree; } if ( $all_count > 1) { $phylos[ $ounter++ ] = $all_outtree; } &executeSupportStatistics( $SS_OUT, @phylos ); &append( $SS_OUT, $logfile ); &rm( $SS_OUT ); # Append parts of puzzle output file # ---------------------------------- if ( $all_count > 1 ) { &parsePuzzleOutfile( $outfile."_puzzle_outfile", $logfile ); } } chdir( $current_dir ) || die "\n\n$0: Could not chdir to <<$current_dir>>: $!\n\n"; rmdir( $temp_dir ) || print "\n\n$0: Warning: Could not remove <<$temp_dir>>: $!\n\n"; print "\n\n\n$0 successfully comleted.\n\n"; exit( 0 ); # Methods: # -------- # Six arguments: # 1. DNA or Amino-Acids sequence filename (PHYLIP format) # 2. Model, eg. PROTGAMMAIVT # 3. Replicates (bootstrap) # 4. Seed for bootstrap # 5. Output suffix # 6. Algorithm (only for bootstrap, default otherwise) # NOTE. RaxML does its own bootstrapping. sub executeRaxml { my $msa = $_[ 0 ]; my $model = $_[ 1 ]; my $replicates = $_[ 2 ]; my $seed = $_[ 3 ]; my $outfile_suffix = $_[ 4 ]; my $algo = $_[ 5 ]; &testForTextFilePresence( $msa ); my $command = "$RAXML -m $model -s $msa -n $outfile_suffix"; if ( $replicates > 1 ) { $command = $command . " -x $seed -N $replicates"; if ( $algo ) { $command = $command . " -f $algo"; } } print( "\n$command\n"); system( $command ) && &dieWithUnexpectedError( $command ); } sub to_phyloxml { my $from = $_[ 0 ]; my $to = $_[ 1 ]; my $internal_names_are_boots = $_[ 2 ]; my $extract_taxonomy = $_[ 3 ]; &dieIfFileExists( $to ); &dieIfFileNotExists( $from ); my $command = "$NEWICK_TO_PHYLOXML -f=nn $from $to"; if ( $internal_names_are_boots == 1 ) { $command = $command . " -i"; } if ( $extract_taxonomy == 1 ) { $command = $command . " -xt"; } system( $command ) && die "$0: Could not execute \"$command \""; &rm( $from ); } sub mv { my $from = $_[ 0 ]; my $to = $_[ 1 ]; &dieIfFileExists( $to ); &dieIfFileNotExists( $from ); system( "mv", $from, $to ) && die "\n\n$0: could not move \"$from\" to \"$to\": $!\n\n"; } sub cp { my $from = $_[ 0 ]; my $to = $_[ 1 ]; &dieIfFileExists( $to ); &dieIfFileNotExists( $from ); system( "cp", $from, $to ) && die "\n\n$0: could not copy \"$from\" to \"$to\": $!\n\n"; } sub rm { my $f = $_[ 0 ]; unlink( $f ); } sub consense { my $multi_in = $_[ 0 ]; my $consense_out = $_[ 1 ]; &executeConsense( $multi_in ); &mv( "outtree", $consense_out ); &rm( "outfile" ); } # 1. file to be appended # 2. file to append to sub append { my $to_be_appended = $_[ 0 ]; my $append_to = $_[ 1 ]; &dieIfFileNotExists( $to_be_appended ); system( "cat $to_be_appended >> $append_to" ) && die "\n\n$0: could not execute \"cat $to_be_appended >> $append_to\": $!\n\n"; } sub dieIfFileExists { my $file = $_[ 0 ]; if ( -e $file ) { die "\n\n$0: \"$file\" already exists\n\n"; } } sub dieIfFileNotExists { my $file = $_[ 0 ]; unless ( ( -s $file ) && ( -f $file ) ) { die( "\n\n$0: \"$file\" does not exist or is empty" ); } } # Two arguments: # 1. seed for random number generator # 2. number of bootstraps # Reads in "infile" by default. sub executeSeqboot { my $s = $_[ 0 ]; my $bs = $_[ 1 ]; my $verb = ""; &testForTextFilePresence( $infile ); $verb = " 2"; system( "$SEQBOOT << ! r $bs$verb Y $s !" ) && die "$0: Could not execute \"$SEQBOOT\""; } # One/two/three argument(s): # Reads in tree from "intree" by default. (Presence of "intree" automatically # switches into "User defined trees" mode.) # 1. matrix option: 0 = JTT; 2 = BLOSUM 62; 3 = mtREV24; # 5 = VT; 6 = WAG; 7 = auto; PAM otherwise # 2. Parameter estimates: 1 for "Exact (slow)"; "Approximate (faster)" otherwise # 3. Model of rate heterogeneity: # 1 for "8 Gamma distributed rates" # 2 for "Two rates (1 invariable + 1 variable)" # 3 for "Mixed (1 invariable + 8 Gamma rates)" # otherwise: Uniform rate # Last modified: 09/08/03 (added 2nd and 3rd parameter) sub executePuzzleToCalculateBranchLenghts { my $matrix_option = $_[ 0 ]; my $parameter_estimates_option = $_[ 1 ]; my $rate_heterogeneity_option = $_[ 2 ]; my $i = 0; my $mat = ""; my $est = ""; my $rate = ""; unless ( ( -s "infile" ) && ( -f "infile" ) && ( -T "infile" ) ) { die "\n$0: executePuzzleToCalculateBranchLenghts: <> does not exist, is empty, or is not a plain textfile.\n"; } unless ( ( -s "intree" ) && ( -f "intree" ) && ( -T "intree" ) ) { die "\n$0: executePuzzleToCalculateBranchLenghts: <> does not exist, is empty, or is not a plain textfile.\n"; } $mat = setModelForPuzzle( $matrix_option ); if ( $parameter_estimates_option ) { $est = &setParameterEstimatesOptionForPuzzle( $parameter_estimates_option ); } if ( $rate_heterogeneity_option ) { $rate = &setRateHeterogeneityOptionForPuzzle( $rate_heterogeneity_option ); } system( "$PUZZLE << ! $mat$est$rate x y !" ) && die "$0: Could not execute \"$PUZZLE\" (mat=$mat est=$est rate=$rate)"; } # Two arguments: # 1. puzzle outfile # 2. file to append to sub parsePuzzleOutfile { my $puzzle_outfile = $_[ 0 ]; my $file_to_append_to = $_[ 1 ]; &testForTextFilePresence( $puzzle_outfile ); open( OUT, ">>$file_to_append_to" ) || &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Cannot open \"$file_to_append_to\"" ); open( IN, "$puzzle_outfile" ) || &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Cannot open file \"$puzzle_outfile\"" ); my $return_line; my $read = 0; print OUT "\nTREE PUZZLE output\n"; print OUT "------------------\n"; while ( $return_line = ) { if ( $return_line =~/COMPARISON OF USER TREES/ ) { $read = 1; } elsif( $return_line =~/TIME STAMP/ ) { $read = 0; } elsif( $read ) { print OUT $return_line; } } close( IN ); close( OUT ); } # Three/four arguments: # 1. Name of file containing tree with correct branch lengths # 2. Name of file containing tree with correct bootstraps # 3. Outputfilename # 4. Index of tree with correct branch lengths, in case more than one in file # Last modified: 2007.11.27 sub executeSupportTransfer { my $tree_with_bl = $_[ 0 ]; my $tree_with_bs = $_[ 1 ]; my $out = $_[ 2 ]; my $index = $_[ 3 ]; &testForTextFilePresence( $tree_with_bl ); &testForTextFilePresence( $tree_with_bs ); my $command = "$SUPPORT_TRANSFER $tree_with_bl $tree_with_bs $out $index"; system( $command ) && die "$0: Could not execute \"$command\""; } # Two or more arguments: # 1. outfile # 2. phylogeny 1 with support values # 3. phylogeny 2 with support values # 4. ... sub executeSupportStatistics { my $outfile = $_[ 0 ]; &dieIfFileExists( $outfile ); my $phylos = ""; for( my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@_); ++$i ) { &testForTextFilePresence( $_[ $i ] ); $phylos .= $_[ $i ]." "; } my $command = "$SUPPORT_STATISTICS -o=$outfile $phylos"; system( "$command" ) && die "$0: Could not execute \"$command\""; } sub getNumberOfSeqsAndAas { my $infile = $_[ 0 ]; my $seqs = 0; my $aa = 0; open( IN, "$infile" ) || die "\n$0: Cannot open file <<$infile>>: $!\n"; while( ) { if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $seqs = $1; $aa = $2; } } close( IN ); if ( $seqs == 0 || $aa == 0 ) { die( "\n$0: Could not get number of seqs and aa from: $infile" ); } return $seqs, $aa; } sub removeSupportValues { my $infile = $_[ 0 ]; my $outfile = $_[ 1 ]; &testForTextFilePresence( $infile ); open( OUT, ">$outfile" ) || &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Cannot create file \"$outfile\"" ); open( IN, "$infile" ) || &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Cannot open file \"$infile\"" ); while ( my $line = ) { $line =~ s/\)\d+\.?\d*:/\):/g; print OUT "$line"; } close( OUT ); close( IN ); } # Six arguments: # 1. name of alignment file (in correct format!) # 2. number of bootstraps # 3. jumbles: 0: do not jumble; >=1 number of jumbles # 4. seed for random number generator # 5. 1 for PAM instead of JTT # 6. 1 to use globale rearragements sub executeProml { my $align = $_[ 0 ]; my $bs = $_[ 1 ]; my $rand = $_[ 2 ]; my $s = $_[ 3 ]; my $use_pam = $_[ 4 ]; my $use_global_rearr = $_[ 5 ]; my $jumble = ""; my $multi = ""; my $pam = ""; &testForTextFilePresence( $align ); if ( $bs > 1 && $rand < 1 ) { $rand = 1; } if ( $rand >= 1 ) { $jumble = " J $s $rand"; } if ( $bs > 1 ) { $multi = " M D $bs"; } if ( $use_pam == 1 ) { $pam = " P P"; } my $global = ""; if ( $use_global_rearr == 1 ) { $global = " G"; } system( "$PROML 2>&1 << ! $align$jumble$multi$pam$global 3 Y !" ) && &dieWithUnexpectedError( "Could not execute \"$PROML $align$jumble$multi$pam$global\"" ); # 3: Do NOT print out tree return; } ## executeProml sub printUsage { print < [path/name for temporary directory to be created] Example: "% phylo_pl.pl -B100q\@1nbS9X IL5.aln IL5_tree" Options ------- Bx : Number of bootstraps. B0: do not bootstrap. Default is 100 bootstrapps. The number of bootstrapps should be divisible by 10. J : Use JTT matrix (Jones et al. 1992) in TREE-PUZZLE and/or PHYML, RAXML, default: VT (Mueller-Vingron 2000). L : Use BLOSUM 62 matrix (Henikoff-Henikoff 92) in TREE-PUZZLE and/or PHYML, RAXML, default: VT. M : Use mtREV24 matrix (Adachi-Hasegawa 1996) in TREE-PUZZLE and/or PHYML, default: VT. W : Use WAG matrix (Whelan-Goldman 2000) in TREE-PUZZLE and/or PHYML, RAXML, default: VT. P : Use PAM matrix (Dayhoff et al. 1978) in TREE-PUZZLE and/or PHYML, RAXML, default: VT. D : Use DCMut matrix (Kosial and Goldman, 2005) in PHYML, RAXML, VT in TREE-PUZZLE. A : Let TREE-PUZZLE choose which matrix to use, default: VT E : Exact parameter estimates in TREE-PUZZLE, default: Approximate. Model of rate heterogeneity in TREE-PUZZLE (default: Uniform rate): g : 8 Gamma distributed rates t : Two rates (1 invariable + 1 variable) m : Mixed (1 invariable + 8 Gamma rates) q\@x: Use FastME, x: 1: GME 2: BME 3: NJ n : Use PHYLIP Neighbor (NJ). f : Use PHYLIP Fitch. e : Use PHYLIP Minimal Evolution. b : Use BIONJ. w : Use Weighbor. x : Use RAxML. y : Use PHYML. o : Use PHYLIP proml. p : Use PHYLIP protpars. rx : Number of relative substitution rate categories in PHYML (default is 4). jx : Number of jumbles (input order randomization) for PHYLIP FM, ME, PROTPARS, and PROML (default is 2) (random seed set with Sx). I : Estimate proportion of invariable sites in RAXML and/or PHYML (otherwise, proportion "0.0" is used in PHYML) G : to turn on global rearrangements in PHYLIP FM, ME, and PROML Sx : Seed for random number generator(s). Must be 4n+1. Default is 9. X : To keep multiple tree file (=trees from bootstrap resampled alignments) and pairwise distance matrix file (in case of bootstrap analysis). END } ## printUsage