#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w # # = run_phylo_pipeline # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2010 Christian M. Zmasek # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) # # $Id Exp $ # # require 'fileutils' module Evoruby class RunPhyloPipeline LAUNCH_ANALYSIS = true HOME = "/home/czmasek/" FORESTER_RUBY = "#{HOME}SOFTWARE/FORESTER/DEV/forester/forester/ruby/evoruby/exe/" PFAM = "#{HOME}DATA/PFAM/PFAM270X/" HMMSCAN = "#{HOME}SOFTWARE/HMMER/hmmer-3.0/src/hmmscan" HSP = "#{FORESTER_RUBY}hsp.rb" D2F = "#{FORESTER_RUBY}d2f.rb" DSX = "#{FORESTER_RUBY}dsx.rb" TAP = "#{FORESTER_RUBY}tap.rb" PF = "#{FORESTER_RUBY}phylogeny_factory.rb" TEMPLATE_FILE = '00_phylogeny_factory.template' def run unless ARGV.length >= 2 && ARGV.length <= 4 error "arguments are: " + " [E-value for hmmscan, default is 10] [hmmscan option, default is --nobias, --max for no heuristics]" end length = ARGV[ 0 ].to_i e_value_exp = ARGV[ 1 ].to_i e_for_hmmscan = 10 hmmscan_option = "--nobias" if ARGV.length == 4 hmmscan_option = ARGV[ 3 ] end if ARGV.length == 3 || ARGV.length == 4 e_for_hmmscan = ARGV[ 2 ].to_i end if e_value_exp < 0 error "E-value exponent for domain extraction cannot be negative" end if length <= 1 error "length cannot be smaller than or equal to 1" end if e_for_hmmscan < 1 error "E-value for hmmscan cannot be smaller than 1" end input_files = Dir.entries(".").select { |f| !File.directory?( f ) && f.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" ) } input_files.sort! puts "Input files:" input_files.each do | input | puts input end puts counter = 1 input_files.each do | input | puts counter.to_s + "/" + input_files.size.to_s + " " + input + ": " counter += 1 hmm_name = "" id_norm = false orig_input = input if input.downcase.end_with?( "_ni.fasta" ) hmm_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 10 ] elsif input.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" ) hmm_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 7 ] unless File.exist? hmm_name id_norm = true puts puts "a. identifier normalization:" cmd = "#{TAP} #{input} #{hmm_name}_ni.fasta #{hmm_name}.nim" run_command( cmd ) input = hmm_name + "_ni.fasta" else input = hmm_name + "/" + hmm_name + "_ni.fasta" unless File.exist? input error "expected to already exist: " + input end puts "a. identifier normalization already done: " + input end else error "illegal name: " + input end unless File.exist? hmm_name Dir.mkdir( hmm_name ) end puts hmmscan_output = hmm_name + "/" + hmm_name + "_hmmscan_" + e_for_hmmscan.to_s unless File.exist? hmmscan_output puts "b. hmmscan:" cmd = "#{HMMSCAN} #{hmmscan_option} --domtblout #{hmmscan_output} -E #{e_for_hmmscan.to_s} #{PFAM}Pfam-A.hmm #{input}" run_command( cmd ) else puts "b. hmmscan output already exists: " + hmmscan_output end puts hsp_output = hmm_name + "/" + hmm_name + "_hmmscan_#{e_for_hmmscan.to_s}_domain_table" unless File.exist? hsp_output puts "c. hmmscan to simple domain table:" cmd = "#{HSP} #{hmmscan_output} #{hsp_output}" run_command( cmd ) else puts "c. hmmscan to simple domain table output already exists: " + hsp_output end puts d2f_output = "#{hmm_name}/#{hmm_name}_hmmscan_#{e_for_hmmscan.to_s}.dff" unless File.exist? d2f_output puts "d. domain table to forester format:" cmd = "#{D2F} -e=10 #{hsp_output} #{input} #{d2f_output}" run_command( cmd ) else puts "d. domain table to forester format output already exists: " + d2f_output end puts dsx_output_base = "#{hmm_name}__#{hmm_name}__ee#{e_value_exp.to_s}_#{length}" dsx_output = hmm_name +"/" + dsx_output_base unless File.exist? dsx_output + ".fasta" puts "e. dsx:" cmd = "#{DSX} -d -e=1e-#{e_value_exp.to_s} -l=#{length} #{hmm_name} #{hmmscan_output} #{input} #{dsx_output}" run_command( cmd ) else puts "e. dsx output already exists: " + dsx_output + ".fasta" end puts if id_norm FileUtils.mv "#{hmm_name}_ni.fasta", "#{hmm_name}/#{hmm_name}_ni.fasta" FileUtils.mv "#{hmm_name}.nim", "#{hmm_name}/#{hmm_name}.nim" FileUtils.cp orig_input, "#{hmm_name}/#{orig_input}" end msa_dir = hmm_name + "/msa_ee#{e_value_exp.to_s}_#{length}" msa_100_dir =hmm_name + "/msa100_ee#{e_value_exp.to_s}_#{length}" unless File.exist? msa_dir Dir.mkdir( msa_dir ) end unless File.exist? msa_100_dir Dir.mkdir( msa_100_dir ) end run_1 = false run_100 = false unless File.exist? "#{msa_dir}/#{dsx_output_base}" run_1 = true FileUtils.cp "#{dsx_output}.fasta", "#{msa_dir}/#{dsx_output_base}" end unless File.exist? "#{msa_100_dir}/#{dsx_output_base}" run_100 = true FileUtils.cp "#{dsx_output}.fasta", "#{msa_100_dir}/#{dsx_output_base}" end if File.exist?( TEMPLATE_FILE ) if run_1 FileUtils.cp TEMPLATE_FILE, msa_dir end if run_100 FileUtils.cp TEMPLATE_FILE, msa_100_dir end if LAUNCH_ANALYSIS && ( run_1 || run_100 ) puts "f. analysis:" if run_1 Dir.chdir msa_dir run_command "#{PF} -b=1 -s" Dir.chdir "../.." end if run_100 Dir.chdir msa_100_dir run_command "#{PF} -b=100 -s" Dir.chdir "../.." end puts end end end end def run_command cmd puts cmd `#{cmd}` end def get_base_name n if n.downcase.end_with?( "_ni.fasta" ) n[ 0 .. n.length - 10 ] elsif n.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" ) n[ 0 .. n.length - 7 ] else error "illegal name: " + n end end def error msg puts puts msg puts exit end end p = RunPhyloPipeline.new() p.run() end