# # = lib/evo/apps/msa_processor.rb - MsaProcessor class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) # # $Id: msa_processor.rb,v 1.33 2010/12/13 19:00:10 cmzmasek Exp $ # require 'date' require 'set' require 'lib/evo/util/constants' require 'lib/evo/util/util' require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments' require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory' require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io' require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer' require 'lib/evo/io/writer/nexus_writer' require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer' require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser' require 'lib/evo/io/parser/general_msa_parser' require 'lib/evo/io/writer/msa_writer' module Evoruby class MsaProcessor PRG_NAME = "msa_pro" PRG_DATE = "2010.03.19" PRG_DESC = "processing of multiple sequence alignments" PRG_VERSION = "1.05" COPYRIGHT = "2008-2010 Christian M Zmasek" CONTACT = "phylosoft@gmail.com" WWW = "www.phylosoft.org" NAME_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 10 WIDTH_DEFAULT_FASTA = 60 INPUT_TYPE_OPTION = "i" OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION = "o" MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION = "n" WIDTH_OPTION = "w" CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION = "c" REM_RED_OPTION = "rem_red" REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION = "rgc" REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS = "rgoc" REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION = "rr" REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION = "rg" REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION = "r" KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION = "k" KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION = "mk" REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION = "mr" TRIM_OPTION = "t" REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION = "rsgr" REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION = "rsl" SPLIT = "split" LOG_SUFFIX = "_msa_pro.log" HELP_OPTION_1 = "help" HELP_OPTION_2 = "h" def initialize() @input_format_set = false @output_format_set = false @fasta_input = false @phylip_input = true @name_length = NAME_LENGTH_DEFAULT @name_length_set = false @width = WIDTH_DEFAULT_FASTA # fasta only @pi_output = true @fasta_output = false @nexus_output = false @clean = false # phylip only @rgc = false @rgoc = false @rg = false # fasta only @rem_red = false @rgr = -1 @rsgr = -1 @rsl = -1 @remove_matching = nil @keep_matching = nil @seqs_name_file = nil @remove_seqs = false @keep_seqs = false @trim = false @split = -1 @first = -1 @last = -1 end def run() Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME, PRG_VERSION, PRG_DESC, PRG_DATE, COPYRIGHT, CONTACT, WWW, STDOUT ) if ( ARGV == nil || ARGV.length < 1 ) Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Illegal number of arguments" ) print_help exit( -1 ) end begin cla = CommandLineArguments.new( ARGV ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "Error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) || cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) ) print_help exit( 0 ) end if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 2 || ARGV.length < 2 ) Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Illegal number of arguments" ) print_help exit( -1 ) end allowed_opts = Array.new allowed_opts.push( INPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( WIDTH_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( TRIM_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( SPLIT ) allowed_opts.push( REM_RED_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts ) if ( disallowed.length > 0 ) Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed ) end input = cla.get_file_name( 0 ) output = cla.get_file_name( 1 ) analyze_command_line( cla ) begin Util.check_file_for_readability( input ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end begin Util.check_file_for_writability( output ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end if ( @rg ) set_pi_output( false ) set_fasta_output( true ) set_nexus_output( false ) end if ( !@input_format_set ) fasta_like = false begin fasta_like = Util.looks_like_fasta?( input ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end @fasta_input = fasta_like @phylip_input = !fasta_like if ( !@output_format_set ) @fasta_output = fasta_like @pi_output = !fasta_like @nexus_output = false end end ld = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER log = PRG_NAME + " " + PRG_VERSION + " [" + PRG_DATE + "]" + " LOG" + ld now = DateTime.now log << "Date/time: " + now.to_s + ld puts() puts( "Input alignment : " + input ) log << "Input alignment : " + input + ld puts( "Output alignment : " + output ) log << "Output alignment : " + output + ld if ( @phylip_input ) puts( "Input is : Phylip, or something like it" ) log << "Input is : Phylip, or something like it" + ld elsif ( @fasta_input ) puts( "Input is : Fasta" ) log << "Input is : Fasta" + ld end if( @rgr >= 0 ) puts( "Max col gap ratio: " + @rgr.to_s ) log << "Max col gap ratio: " + @rgr.to_s + ld elsif ( @rgc ) puts( "Remove gap colums" ) log << "Remove gap colums" + ld elsif( @rgoc ) puts( "Remove gap only colums" ) log << "Remove gap only colums" + ld end if ( @clean ) puts( "Clean up : true" ) log << "Clean up : true" + ld end if ( @pi_output ) puts( "Output is : Phylip interleaved" ) log << "Output is : Phylip interleaved" + ld elsif ( @fasta_output ) puts( "Output is : Fasta" ) log << "Output is : Fasta" + ld if ( @width ) puts( "Width : " + @width.to_s ) log << "Width : " + @width.to_s + ld end if ( @rg ) puts( "Remove all gap characters (alignment is destroyed)" ) log << "Remove all gap characters (alignment is destroyed)" + ld end elsif ( @nexus_output ) puts( "Output is : Nexus" ) log << "Output is : Nexus" + ld end if ( @name_length_set || !@fasta_output ) puts( "Max name length : " + @name_length.to_s ) log << "Max name length : " + @name_length.to_s + ld end if( @rsgr >= 0 ) puts( "Remove sequences for which the gap ratio > " + @rsgr.to_s ) log << "Remove sequences for which the gap ratio > " + @rsgr.to_s + ld end if( @rsl >= 0 ) puts( "Remove sequences with less than " + @rsl.to_s + " non-gap characters" ) log << "Remove sequences with less than " + @rsl.to_s + " non-gap characters" + ld end if ( @remove_seqs ) puts( "Remove sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file ) log << "Remove sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file + ld elsif ( @keep_seqs ) puts( "Keep only sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file ) log << "Keep only sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file + ld end if ( @trim ) puts( "Keep only columns from: "+ @first.to_s + " to " + @last.to_s ) log << "Keep only columns from: "+ @first.to_s + " to " + @last.to_s + ld end if ( @rem_red ) puts( "Remove redundant sequences: true" ) log << "Remove redundant sequences: true" + ld end if ( @split > 0 ) puts( "Split : " + @split.to_s ) log << "Split : " + @split.to_s + ld end puts() f = MsaFactory.new() msa = nil begin if ( @phylip_input ) msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, GeneralMsaParser.new() ) elsif ( @fasta_input ) msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, FastaParser.new() ) end rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end if ( msa.is_aligned() ) Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Length of original alignment : " + msa.get_length.to_s ) log << "Length of original alignment : " + msa.get_length.to_s + ld else Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "the input is not aligned" ) log << "The input is not aligned" + ld end all_names = Set.new() for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs() current_name = msa.get_sequence( i ).get_name if all_names.include?( current_name ) Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "sequence name [" + current_name + "] is not unique" ) else all_names.add( current_name ) end end begin if ( @remove_seqs || @keep_seqs ) names = Util.file2array( @seqs_name_file, true ) if ( names == nil || names.length() < 1 ) error_msg = "file \"" + @seqs_name_file.to_s + "\" appears empty" Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, error_msg ) end if ( @remove_seqs ) c = 0 for i in 0 ... names.length() to_delete = msa.find_by_name( names[ i ], true, false ) if ( to_delete.length() < 1 ) error_msg = "sequence name \"" + names[ i ] + "\" not found" Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, error_msg ) elsif ( to_delete.length() > 1 ) error_msg = "sequence name \"" + names[ i ] + "\" is not unique" Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, error_msg ) else msa.remove_sequence!( to_delete[ 0 ] ) c += 1 end end Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + c.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "Removed " + c.to_s + " sequences" + ld elsif ( @keep_seqs ) msa_new = Msa.new() r = 0 k = 0 for j in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs() if ( names.include?( msa.get_sequence( j ).get_name() ) ) msa_new.add_sequence( msa.get_sequence( j ) ) k += 1 else r += 1 end end msa = msa_new Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Kept " + k.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "Kept " + k.to_s + " sequences" + ld Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" + ld end end if ( @trim ) msa.trim!( @first, @last ) end if( @rgr >= 0 ) msa.remove_gap_columns_w_gap_ratio!( @rgr ) elsif ( @rgc ) msa.remove_gap_columns!() elsif( @rgoc ) msa.remove_gap_only_columns!() end if( @rsgr >= 0 ) n = msa.get_number_of_seqs() removed = msa.remove_sequences_by_gap_ratio!( @rsgr ) k = msa.get_number_of_seqs() r = n - k Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Kept " + k.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "Kept " + k.to_s + " sequences" + ld Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences:" + ld removed.each { | seq_name | log << " " + seq_name + ld } end if( @rsl >= 0 ) n = msa.get_number_of_seqs() removed = msa.remove_sequences_by_non_gap_length!( @rsl ) k = msa.get_number_of_seqs() r = n - k Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Kept " + k.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "Kept " + k.to_s + " sequences" + ld Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" ) log << "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences:" + ld removed.each { | seq_name | log << " " + seq_name + ld } end if ( @keep_matching ) n = msa.get_number_of_seqs to_be_removed = Set.new for ii in 0 ... n seq = msa.get_sequence( ii ) if !seq.get_name.downcase.index( @keep_matching.downcase ) to_be_removed.add( ii ) end end to_be_removed_ary = to_be_removed.to_a.sort.reverse to_be_removed_ary.each { | index | msa.remove_sequence!( index ) } # msa = sort( msa ) end if ( @remove_matching ) n = msa.get_number_of_seqs to_be_removed = Set.new for iii in 0 ... n seq = msa.get_sequence( iii ) if seq.get_name.downcase.index( @remove_matching.downcase ) to_be_removed.add( iii ) end end to_be_removed_ary = to_be_removed.to_a.sort.reverse to_be_removed_ary.each { | index | msa.remove_sequence!( index ) } msa = sort( msa ) end if ( @split > 0 ) begin msas = msa.split( @split, true ) io = MsaIO.new() w = MsaWriter if ( @pi_output ) w = PhylipSequentialWriter.new() w.clean( @clean ) w.set_max_name_length( @name_length ) elsif( @fasta_output ) w = FastaWriter.new() w.set_line_width( @width ) if ( @rg ) w.remove_gap_chars( true ) Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "removing gap character, the output is likely to become unaligned" ) log << "removing gap character, the output is likely to become unaligned" + ld end w.clean( @clean ) if ( @name_length_set ) w.set_max_name_length( @name_length ) end elsif( @nexus_output ) w = NexusWriter.new() w.clean( @clean ) w.set_max_name_length( @name_length ) end i = 0 for m in msas i = i + 1 io.write_to_file( m, output + "_" + i.to_s, w ) end Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote " + msas.length.to_s + " files" ) log << "wrote " + msas.length.to_s + " files" + ld rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end if ( @split <= 0 ) unless ( @rg ) if ( msa.is_aligned() ) Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "length of processed alignment: " + msa.get_length.to_s ) log << "length of processed alignment: " + msa.get_length.to_s + ld else Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "output is not aligned" ) log << "output is not aligned" + ld end end if @rem_red removed = msa.remove_redundant_sequences!( true, true ) if removed.size > 0 Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "going to ignore the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" ) log << "going to ignore the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" + ld removed.each { | seq_name | puts seq_name log << seq_name + ld } Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "will store " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non-redundant sequences" ) log << "will store " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non-redundant sequences" + ld end end io = MsaIO.new() w = MsaWriter if ( @pi_output ) w = PhylipSequentialWriter.new() w.clean( @clean ) w.set_max_name_length( @name_length ) elsif( @fasta_output ) w = FastaWriter.new() w.set_line_width( @width ) if ( @rg ) w.remove_gap_chars( true ) Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "removing gap characters, the output is likely to become unaligned" ) log << "removing gap character, the output is likely to become unaligned" + ld end w.clean( @clean ) if ( @name_length_set ) w.set_max_name_length( @name_length ) end elsif( @nexus_output ) w = NexusWriter.new() w.clean( @clean ) w.set_max_name_length( @name_length ) end begin io.write_to_file( msa, output, w ) rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end begin f = File.open( output + LOG_SUFFIX, 'a' ) f.print( log ) f.close rescue Exception => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s ) end end Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" ) puts end private def sort( msa ) names = Set.new for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs name = msa.get_sequence( i ).get_name names.add( name ) end sorted_ary = names.to_a.sort new_msa = Msa.new sorted_ary.each { | seq_name | seq = msa.get_sequence( msa.find_by_name( seq_name, true, false )[ 0 ] ) new_msa.add_sequence( seq ) } new_msa end def set_fasta_input( fi = true ) @fasta_input = fi @input_format_set = true end def set_phylip_input( pi = true ) @phylip_input = pi @input_format_set = true end def set_name_length( i ) @name_length = i @name_length_set = true end def set_width( i ) @width = i end def set_fasta_output( fo = true ) @fasta_output = fo @output_format_set = true end def set_pi_output( pso = true ) @pi_output = pso @output_format_set = true end def set_nexus_output( nexus = true ) @nexus_output = nexus @output_format_set = true end def set_clean( c = true ) @clean = c end def set_remove_gap_columns( rgc = true ) @rgc = rgc end def set_remove_gap_only_columns( rgoc = true ) @rgoc = rgoc end def set_remove_gaps( rg = true ) @rg = rg end def set_remove_gap_ratio( rgr ) @rgr = rgr end def set_remove_seqs_gap_ratio( rsgr ) @rsgr = rsgr end def set_remove_seqs_min_non_gap_length( rsl ) @rsl = rsl end def set_remove_seqs( file ) @seqs_name_file = file @remove_seqs = true @keep_seqs = false end def set_keep_seqs( file ) @seqs_name_file = file @keep_seqs = true @remove_seqs = false end def set_trim( first, last ) @trim = true @first = first @last = last end def set_remove_matching( remove ) @remove_matching = remove end def set_keep_matching( keep ) @keep_matching = keep end def set_rem_red( rr ) @rem_red = rr end def set_split( s ) if ( s > 0 ) @split = s @clean = false # phylip only @rgc = false @rgoc = false @rg = false # fasta only @rgr = -1 @rsgr = -1 @rsl = -1 @seqs_name_file = nil @remove_seqs = false @keep_seqs = false @trim = false @first = -1 @last = -1 end end def analyze_command_line( cla ) if ( cla.is_option_set?( INPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) ) begin type = cla.get_option_value( INPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) if ( type == "p" ) set_phylip_input( true ) set_fasta_input( false ) elsif ( type == "f" ) set_fasta_input( true ) set_phylip_input( false ) end rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) ) begin type = cla.get_option_value( OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) if ( type == "p" ) set_pi_output( true ) set_fasta_output( false ) set_nexus_output( false ) elsif ( type == "f" ) set_pi_output( false ) set_fasta_output( true ) set_nexus_output( false ) elsif ( type == "n" ) set_pi_output( false ) set_fasta_output( false ) set_nexus_output( true ) end rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION ) ) begin l = cla.get_option_value_as_int( MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION ) set_name_length( l ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( WIDTH_OPTION ) ) begin w = cla.get_option_value_as_int( WIDTH_OPTION ) set_width( w ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION ) ) set_clean( true ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION ) ) set_remove_gap_columns( true ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REM_RED_OPTION ) ) set_rem_red( true ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS ) ) set_remove_gap_only_columns( true ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION ) ) set_remove_gaps( true ) end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) ) begin f = cla.get_option_value_as_float( REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) set_remove_gap_ratio( f ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) ) begin s = cla.get_option_value( REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) set_remove_seqs( s ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) ) begin s = cla.get_option_value( KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) set_keep_seqs( s ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( TRIM_OPTION ) ) begin s = cla.get_option_value( TRIM_OPTION ) if ( s =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/ ) set_trim( $1.to_i(), $2.to_i() ) else puts( "illegal argument" ) print_help exit( -1 ) end rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) ) begin f = cla.get_option_value_as_float( REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) set_remove_seqs_gap_ratio( f ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION ) ) begin f = cla.get_option_value_as_int( REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION ) set_remove_seqs_min_non_gap_length( f ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( SPLIT ) ) begin s = cla.get_option_value_as_int( SPLIT ) set_split( s ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) ) begin s = cla.get_option_value( REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) set_remove_matching( s ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end if ( cla.is_option_set?( KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) ) begin s = cla.get_option_value( KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) set_keep_matching( s ) rescue ArgumentError => e Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT ) end end end def print_help() puts() puts( "Usage:" ) puts() puts( " " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] " ) puts() puts( " options: -" + INPUT_TYPE_OPTION + "=: f for fasta, p for phylip selex type" ) puts( " -" + OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION + "=: f for fasta, n for nexus, p for phylip sequential (default)" ) puts( " -" + MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION + "=: n=maximal name length (default for phylip 10, for fasta: unlimited )" ) puts( " -" + WIDTH_OPTION + "=: n=width (fasta output only, default is 60)" ) puts( " -" + CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION + ": clean up sequences" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION + ": remove gap columns" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS + ": remove gap-only columns" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION + "=: remove columns for which ( seqs with gap / number of sequences > n )" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION + ": remove all gap characters (destroys alignment, fasta output only)" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION + "=: remove all sequences listed in file" ) puts( " -" + KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION + "=: keep only sequences listed in file" ) puts( " -" + TRIM_OPTION + "=-: remove columns before first and after last" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION + "=: remove sequences for which the gap ratio > n (after column operations)" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION + "= remove sequences with less than n non-gap characters (after column operations)" ) puts( " -" + REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION + "= remove all sequences with names containing s" ) puts( " -" + KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION + "= keep only sequences with names containing s" ) puts( " -" + SPLIT + "= split a fasta file into n files of equal number of sequences (expect for " ) puts( " last one), cannot be used with other options" ) puts( " -" + REM_RED_OPTION + ": remove redundant sequences" ) puts() end end # class MsaProcessor end # module Evoruby