# # = lib/evo/msa/msa.rb - Msa class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) # # $Id: msa.rb,v 1.11 2009/01/03 00:42:08 cmzmasek Exp $ # require 'lib/evo/util/constants' require 'lib/evo/util/util' require 'lib/evo/sequence/sequence' module Evoruby class Msa def initialize() @sequences = Array.new @identical_seqs_detected = Array.new @name_to_seq_indices = Hash.new @namestart_to_seq_indices = Hash.new end def add_sequence( sequence ) @sequences.push( sequence ) end def add( name, molecular_sequence_str ) add_sequence( Sequence.new( name, molecular_sequence_str ) ) end def get_sequence( index ) if ( index < 0 || index > get_number_of_seqs() - 1 ) error_msg = "attempt to get sequence " << index.to_s << " in alignment of " << get_number_of_seqs().to_s << " sequences" raise ArgumentError, error_msg end return @sequences[ index ] end def remove_sequence!( index ) if ( index < 0 || index > get_number_of_seqs() - 1 ) error_msg = "attempt to remove sequence " << index.to_s << " in alignment of " << get_number_of_seqs().to_s << " sequences" raise ArgumentError, error_msg end @name_to_seq_indices.clear @namestart_to_seq_indices.clear @sequences.delete_at( index ) end def get_identical_seqs_detected @identical_seqs_detected end def is_aligned() if ( get_number_of_seqs < 1 ) return false else l = @sequences[ 0 ].get_length() for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() if ( get_sequence( i ).get_length() != l ) return false end end end return true end def find_by_name( name, case_sensitive, partial_match ) if case_sensitive && !partial_match && @name_to_seq_indices.has_key?( name ) return @name_to_seq_indices[ name ] end indices = Array.new() for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() current_name = get_sequence( i ).get_name() if !case_sensitive current_name = current_name.downcase name = name.downcase end if current_name == name || ( partial_match && current_name.include?( name ) ) indices.push( i ) end end if case_sensitive && !partial_match @name_to_seq_indices[ name ] = indices end indices end def find_by_name_pattern( name_re, avoid_similar_to = true ) indices = [] for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() if avoid_similar_to m = name_re.match( get_sequence( i ).get_name() ) if m && !m.pre_match.downcase.include?( "similar to " ) indices.push( i ) end else if name_re.match( get_sequence( i ).get_name() ) indices.push( i ) end end end indices end # throws ArgumentError def get_by_name_pattern( name_re , avoid_similar_to = true ) indices = find_by_name_pattern( name_re, avoid_similar_to ) if ( indices.length > 1 ) error_msg = "pattern " + name_re.to_s + " not unique" raise ArgumentError, error_msg elsif ( indices.length < 1 ) error_msg = "pattern " + name_re.to_s + " not found" raise ArgumentError, error_msg end get_sequence( indices[ 0 ] ) end def find_by_name_start( name, case_sensitive ) if case_sensitive && @namestart_to_seq_indices.has_key?( name ) return @namestart_to_seq_indices[ name ] end indices = [] for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() get_sequence( i ).get_name() =~ /^\s*(\S+)/ current_name = $1 if !case_sensitive current_name = current_name.downcase name = name.downcase end if current_name == name indices.push( i ) end end if case_sensitive @namestart_to_seq_indices[ name ] = indices end indices end def has?( name, case_sensitive = true, partial_match = false ) for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() current_name = get_sequence( i ).get_name() if !case_sensitive current_name = current_name.downcase name = name.downcase end if current_name == name || ( partial_match && current_name.include?( name ) ) return true end end false end # throws ArgumentError def get_by_name( name, case_sensitive = true, partial_match = false ) indices = find_by_name( name, case_sensitive, partial_match ) if ( indices.length > 1 ) error_msg = "\"" + name + "\" not unique" raise ArgumentError, error_msg elsif ( indices.length < 1 ) error_msg = "\"" + name + "\" not found" raise ArgumentError, error_msg end get_sequence( indices[ 0 ] ) end # throws ArgumentError def get_by_name_start( name, case_sensitive = true ) indices = find_by_name_start( name, case_sensitive ) if indices.length > 1 error_msg = "\"" + name + "\" not unique" raise ArgumentError, error_msg elsif indices.length < 1 error_msg = "\"" + name + "\" not found" raise ArgumentError, error_msg end get_sequence( indices[ 0 ] ) end def get_sub_alignment( seq_numbers ) msa = Msa.new() for i in 0 ... seq_numbers.length() msa.add_sequence( get_sequence( seq_numbers[ i ] ).copy() ) end return msa end def get_number_of_seqs() @sequences.length end def get_length if !is_aligned() error_msg = "attempt to get length of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end if get_number_of_seqs() < 1 -1 else @sequences[ 0 ].get_length() end end def to_str to_fasta end def to_fasta s = String.new for i in 0...get_number_of_seqs s += @sequences[ i ].to_fasta + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER end s end def print_overlap_diagram( min_overlap = 1, io = STDOUT, max_name_length = 10 ) if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to get overlap diagram of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() io.print( Util.normalize_seq_name( get_sequence( i ).get_name(), max_name_length ) ) for j in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() if i == j io.print( " " ) else if overlap?( i, j, min_overlap ) io.print( "+" ) else io.print( "-" ) end end end io.print( Evoruby::Constants::LINE_DELIMITER ) end end #returns array of Msa with an overlap of min_overlap def split_into_overlapping_msa( min_overlap = 1 ) if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to split into overlapping msas of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end msas = Array.new() bins = get_overlaps( min_overlap ) for i in 0 ... bins.length msas.push( get_sub_alignment( bins[ i ] ) ) end msas end def overlap?( index_1, index_2, min_overlap = 1 ) seq_1 = get_sequence( index_1 ) seq_2 = get_sequence( index_2 ) overlap_count = 0 for i in 0...seq_1.get_length() if !Util.is_aa_gap_character?( seq_1.get_character_code( i ) ) && !Util.is_aa_gap_character?( seq_2.get_character_code( i ) ) overlap_count += 1 if overlap_count >= min_overlap return true end end end return false end def calculate_overlap( index_1, index_2 ) seq_1 = get_sequence( index_1 ) seq_2 = get_sequence( index_2 ) overlap_count = 0 for i in 0...seq_1.get_length if !Util.is_aa_gap_character?( seq_1.get_character_code( i ) ) && !Util.is_aa_gap_character?( seq_2.get_character_code( i ) ) overlap_count += 1 end end overlap_count end def calculate_identities( index_1, index_2 ) seq_1 = get_sequence( index_1 ) seq_2 = get_sequence( index_2 ) identities_count = 0 for i in 0...seq_1.get_length if !Util.is_aa_gap_character?( seq_1.get_character_code( i ) ) && !Util.is_aa_gap_character?( seq_2.get_character_code( i ) ) && seq_1.get_character_code( i ) != 63 && ( seq_1.get_residue( i ).downcase() == seq_2.get_residue( i ).downcase() ) identities_count += 1 end end identities_count end def remove_gap_only_columns!() remove_columns!( get_gap_only_columns() ) end def remove_gap_columns!() remove_columns!( get_gap_columns() ) end # removes columns for which seqs with gap / number of sequences > gap_ratio def remove_gap_columns_w_gap_ratio!( gap_ratio ) remove_columns!( get_gap_columns_w_gap_ratio( gap_ratio ) ) end def remove_sequences_by_gap_ratio!( gap_ratio ) if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to remove sequences by gap ratio on unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end n = get_number_of_seqs removed = Array.new for s in 0 ... n if ( get_sequence( ( n - 1 ) - s ).get_gap_ratio() > gap_ratio ) if ( Evoruby::Constants::VERBOSE ) puts( "removed: " + get_sequence( ( n - 1 ) - s ).get_name ) end removed << get_sequence( ( n - 1 ) - s ).get_name remove_sequence!( ( n - 1 ) - s ) end end removed end def remove_redundant_sequences!( consider_taxonomy = false, verbose = false ) n = get_number_of_seqs removed = Array.new to_be_removed = Set.new @identical_seqs_detected = Array.new for i in 0 ... ( n - 1 ) for j in ( i + 1 ) ... n if !to_be_removed.include?( i ) && !to_be_removed.include?( j ) if !consider_taxonomy || ( ( get_sequence( i ).get_taxonomy == nil && get_sequence( j ).get_taxonomy == nil ) || ( get_sequence( i ).get_taxonomy == get_sequence( j ).get_taxonomy ) ) if Util.clean_seq_str( get_sequence( i ).get_sequence_as_string ) == Util.clean_seq_str( get_sequence( j ).get_sequence_as_string ) to_be_removed.add( j ) tax_i = "" tax_j = "" if get_sequence( i ).get_taxonomy != nil tax_i = get_sequence( i ).get_taxonomy.get_name end if get_sequence( j ).get_taxonomy != nil tax_j = get_sequence( j ).get_taxonomy.get_name end identical_pair = get_sequence( i ).get_name + " [#{tax_i}] == " + get_sequence( j ).get_name + " [#{tax_j}]" @identical_seqs_detected.push( identical_pair ) if verbose puts identical_pair end end end end end end to_be_removed_ary = to_be_removed.to_a.sort.reverse to_be_removed_ary.each { | index | removed.push( get_sequence( index ).get_name ) remove_sequence!( index ) } removed end def remove_sequences_by_non_gap_length!( min_non_gap_length ) n = get_number_of_seqs removed = Array.new for s in 0 ... n x = ( n - 1 ) - s seq = get_sequence( x ) if ( ( seq.get_length - seq.get_gap_length ) < min_non_gap_length ) if ( Evoruby::Constants::VERBOSE ) puts( "removed: " + seq.get_name ) end removed << seq.get_name remove_sequence!( x ) end end removed end def trim!( first, last ) cols = Array.new() for i in 0 ... get_length() if ( i < first || i > last ) cols.push( i ) end end remove_columns!( cols ) end def get_gap_only_columns() if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to get gap only columns of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end cols = Array.new() for c in 0 ... get_length nogap_char_found = false for s in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs unless Util.is_aa_gap_character?( get_sequence( s ).get_character_code( c ) ) nogap_char_found = true break end end unless nogap_char_found cols.push( c ) end end return cols end def calculate_gap_proportion() if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to get gap only columns of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end total_sum = 0.0 gap_sum = 0.0 for c in 0 ... get_length for s in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs total_sum = total_sum + 1 if Util.is_aa_gap_character?( get_sequence( s ).get_character_code( c ) ) gap_sum = gap_sum + 1 end end end return gap_sum / total_sum end def get_gap_columns() if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to get gap columns of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end cols = Array.new() for c in 0 ... get_length gap_char_found = false for s in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs if Util.is_aa_gap_character?( get_sequence( s ).get_character_code( c ) ) gap_char_found = true break end end if gap_char_found cols.push( c ) end end return cols end # gap_ratio = seqs with gap / number of sequences # returns column indices for which seqs with gap / number of sequences > gap_ratio def get_gap_columns_w_gap_ratio( gap_ratio ) if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to get gap columns with gap_ratio of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end if ( gap_ratio < 0 || gap_ratio > 1 ) error_msg = "gap ratio must be between 0 and 1 inclusive" raise ArgumentError, error_msg, caller end cols = Array.new() for c in 0 ... get_length gap_chars_found = 0 for s in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs if Util.is_aa_gap_character?( get_sequence( s ).get_character_code( c ) ) gap_chars_found += 1 end end if ( ( gap_chars_found.to_f / get_number_of_seqs ) > gap_ratio ) cols.push( c ) end end return cols end # Split an alignment into n alignemnts of equal size, except last one def split( n, verbose = false ) if ( n < 2 || n > get_number_of_seqs ) error_msg = "attempt to split into less than two or more than the number of sequences" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end msas = Array.new() r = get_number_of_seqs % n x = get_number_of_seqs / n for i in 0 ... n msa = Msa.new() s = 0 if ( ( r > 0 ) && ( i == ( n - 1 ) ) ) y = x + r if ( verbose ) puts( i.to_s + ": " + y.to_s ) end for j in 0 ... y msa.add_sequence( get_sequence( ( i * x ) + j ) ) end else if ( verbose ) puts( i.to_s + ": " + x.to_s ) end for j in 0 ... x msa.add_sequence( get_sequence( ( i * x ) + j ) ) end end msas.push( msa ) end msas end private def get_overlaps( min_overlap = 1 ) if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to get overlaps of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end bins = Array.new() for i in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() found_bin = false for j in 0 ... bins.length current_bin = bins[ j ] # does seq i overlap with all seqs in current_bin? all_overlap = true for z in 0 ... current_bin.length unless overlap?( i, current_bin[ z ], min_overlap ) all_overlap = false break end end if all_overlap current_bin.push( i ) found_bin = true end end unless found_bin new_bin = Array.new() new_bin.push( i ) bins.push( new_bin ) end end return bins end def remove_columns!( cols ) if ( !is_aligned() ) error_msg = "attempt to remove columns of unaligned msa" raise StandardError, error_msg, caller end cols.reverse!() for c in 0 ... cols.length() col = cols[ c ] for s in 0 ... get_number_of_seqs() get_sequence( s ).delete_residue!( col ) end end return self end end # class Msa end # module Evoruby